How to make itmeretic cheese home. Cheese Imereti: Taste of Western Georgia

27.06.2020 Lean dishes

Brynza appeared in the Arab East about eight thousand years ago. Its opener is considered to consider the Arabian merchant channel. Immersating the goods on the caravan of camels, he went to the far path through the Arabian desert, taking with me to the hardest road of the cakes from the dough, clay jugs with fresh water and a burst of sheep stomach, which poured cream, fresh milk and added sour cream for fatty.

Once he found a dense cheese head in a burgundy with a characteristic sour-colored smell, which swam in a muddy serum. The cheese really liked the taste of the channel - this was the first acquaintance of a man with cheese.

Product from Imereti.

National Georgian cuisine is known far beyond the Caucasian Mountains. Georgian meat dishes, soups on meat broth without vegetables, solid milk cheeses, a variety of sauces of local herbs and natural products leave an indelible impression in memory. The tourist who visited Imereti will certainly celebrate historical sights, Caucasian hospitality, natural grape wines and real izyretic cheese or cheese.

In the "House of Cheese" in Tbilisi, you can see the dishes that were used for the production and storage of solid cheese more than eight thousand years ago. Historical finds associated with the production and storage of this milk product in other countries are half younger: they are not more than four thousand years.

Therefore, Georgia Culinary Self consider the homeland cheese. In total, about 14 varieties of such a product are produced in Georgia.

Brynza is prepared from fresh sheep or cow milk, according to the consistency, it is a bit more tight of ordinary cottage cheese and has a salty taste. Such a product from sheep milk has a characteristic smell and specific taste. Brynza is considered real if its nutritional value is significantly higher than cow. Cheese head is stored in brine containing salt and sugar. With its manufacture, a beene enzyme, pepsin, dry source for brine cheese, is used. Imeretic cheese - a tested food product. He can eat adults and children.

Energy value of Imeretin cheese and caloric content by 100 grams:

  • proteins - 18.5 g;
  • fats - 14 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.4 g;
  • calorie - 240 kcal.

Imeretin Brynza - What is it?

Chest from Imereti is a high-quality fermented dairy product, which, by smell and taste, is very similar to Suluguni. For its manufacture, a whole cow's milk is used, Zakvask, a rennet enzyme or renin of plant origin, water, salt, cumin, paprika, tomatoes, calcium chloride. Georgia produces 80% of the total number of cheese of Imeretin and Suluguni.

For the manufacture of Imeretin cheese, you need to take:

  • 1 liter of natural cow's milk;
  • 60 milliliters of the renewed enzyme;
  • 1 liter of pure water;
  • 20 grams of shallow salt;
  • 20 grams of sugar sand.

Popular Bryneza Cooking Recipe:

  • milk is heated to 38 ° C, pepsin are added evenly with a wooden spoon and kept in a water bath at a temperature of 38 ° C for half an hour;
  • sailing lumps formed at the bottom of the pans are cut by a sharp narrow knife on a 1x1 centimeter in size and carefully move them to the noise to the complete separation of the liquid from the sink mass. The smaller the size of the cube, the harder it turns out to be received;
  • after cutting a cheese lump on a pan, the saucepan is again heated so that the product is completely separated from the serum;
  • after separation of the cheese lump, it is shifted in a colander, sprinkle with salt and leave for the flow of the dairy serum;
  • the colander put on the pan, covers from above marley or natural white cloth and leave for 12 hours;
  • after the dairy serum stalks, the cheese headockock was wedged, shifted on ripening in the pan and poured the "Tsathi".

Caty Recipe:

  • For the preparation of "caths" in the liter of water dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same spoonful of sugar;
  • the saucepan is covered with a lid and put in a warm place for 3-4 days. In the process of ripening the head of the cheese solidifies, it acquires a light yellow color and a characteristic cheese smell. From gases formed during fermentation, holes are formed in the head of the finished product.

Homemade analogues

Preparing for 3 hours

Sometimes, when the guests are already going on the train and you need to cook "Caesar Salad with Omilli and Natural Cheese" for a few hours, "can help out the recipe for" five-hour cooking ".

Boil 1 liter of homemade milk, and when it boils, pour the teaspoon of apple vinegar, half a cup of fresh kefira, 50 grams of apple juice, add sliced \u200b\u200broutine sliced \u200b\u200bpieces.

Stirring with a shovel or noise, until it is formed and the liquid will not become a light green. Cancel the cheese mass on double gauze or linen fabric.

In a liter of cold water to dissolve two tablespoons of salts and tea food soda. Pour the raw mass with this solution, put on top of the press and leave for 2-3 hours. At the end of time, remove cheese from the water and put in pair milk. After exposure in it for 2-3 hours of cheese is ready. Store it better on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, immersed in milk or serum.

A liter of greasy milk pour into a saucepan, add three tablespoons of 20% sour cream, two tablespoons of lemon juice and heat up to 65-70 ° C. The resulting cheese clutch squeeze through double gauze and put under the oppression of 45-60 minutes.

After the serum is removed, the cheese cut into cubes and put into the solution: a teaspoon of salt and the same spoon of sugar per liter of water. Put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for storage.

Lazy homemade cheese with greens

This recipe for cooking solid cheese is available to everyone. It is very simple and does not require special skills or knowledge. The cheese on this recipe can "comprehend" even the one who is familiar with cooking only on the book or on the finished dishes at the dinner table.

To get a cheese for this recipe you need:

  • 2 liters of farm milk;
  • 1 cup of fresh kefir;
  • 2 glasses of fatty sour cream;
  • 8 one-day chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of fresh greenery - parsley, dill, celery, young garlic arrows, basil;
  • 40 grams of salt.

Cheese can be in a thick saucepan. Pour milk into it, add salt, put on fire and heated to boil. Chicken eggs are whipped by shimmer before the formation of a homogeneous mass, we pour kefir, suck fatty sour cream.

As soon as the milk begins to boil - add a prepared mass to it, well interfere with the noise, not allowing the formation of lumps. As soon as the product is divided into cheese flakes and serum, the saucepan is immediately removed from the fire.

Greens are finely cut and fall asleep in the cooled raw mass.

What can be replaced and what is the difference?

In most cases, cheese recipes can be replaced with cheaper cheese - feta. This Greek grade is preparing from sheep and goat milk. It matures in seawater, persisted in olive oil. According to the external signs of Feta very similar to fresh pressed cottage cheese. It can be smeared on bread instead of melted cheese. On a cut, it is smooth, without a hole characteristic for cheese, the taste and smell of spicy, contains a lot of lactic acid.

According to gourmets, Feta can be replaced by cheese in Salad Caesar and other culinary recipes, however, according to experts, in its chemical composition, manufacturing technologies and tasteings are completely different cheeses. The possibility of replacement depends on a particular dish and from human taste preferences.

About traditional Georgian cheese told in the next video.

Suluguni is a very popular and loved in many Eastern European countries Georgian loose fresh cheese. Due to its popularity, there are many "domesticated" and highly simplified recipes for its preparation using eggs and cottage cheese, according to which something is obtained, very remotely resembling real cheese from the region SAMEGROL. Do not everyone know that Suluguni is an exhaust cheese, according to the method of cooking similar to Italian Mozarella. Many are preparing it in 2 stages: first it is done (or even bought) Imeretic cheese, and then Suluguni himself is already made from it. This cheese can be done both from cow and from goat pasteurized milk. We will give a classic Suluguni cheese recipe that can be quite difficult for beginners, but the result is worth the effort \u003d)


4 liters

cow or goat milk

not ultrapasterized

1/8 tsp

dry thermophilic fruit

1/4 Ch.L.

liquid rennet enzyme (calf)

dissolve in 50ml Temperature water 30-35ºС.
or the rennet enzyme in another form, in the dosage, according to the instructions on the package

4 ml.

calcium chloride, 10% solution

dissolve in 50ml room water temperature

or guide the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

maximum application dose - 2 g of calcium dry chloride by 10 l of milk

Brine 18%

500 g.

middle Middle Salt

not iodized

2 liters

serum is dumb or water

1/2 Article.

calcium chloride 30%

1/2 h. L.

white vinegar

After cooking you will get: 1 cheese weighing 350 g


6 liters


enameled or stainless steel, for heating milk


for water bath , the size of the main pan placed in it

food thermometer
long knife

for cutting a bunch


wooden or plastic

[Optional] Set of mini-measured spoons
[optional] Set of measuring cups

for 400

form-basket for cheese or colander
dense rubber gloves

Sterilize all the equipment before the start of cooking cheese. You can rinse it and quivel

Schedule Cooking Suluguni Cheese (from start to finish)

  • 3.5 hours for the preparation of cheese grain (active phase)
  • 2-4 hours for pressing under serum layer and acidity extension (passive phase)
  • 30 minutes on melting and formation of a cheese head (active phase)
  • 1-2 hours on the molding of cheese (passive phase)
  • 4-24 hours per biased in brine (passive phase, night)

Step-by-step recipe for Suluguni cheese

  1. Heat the milk on a water bath up to 32-33 ° C, slowly stirring so that it gets warmerly. In the heating process, pour calcium chloride into milk and mix thoroughly. When the temperature is achieved, turn off the heating.
  2. Sprinkle Powder Sprinkle on the surface of milk, let it stand and absorb moisture for 5 minutes, then mix thoroughly, distributing starts throughout the volume of milk.
  3. Cover the saucepan with a lid, wrap and leave for 60 minutes to activate the culture and creating the desired level of acidity.
  4. Stir the milk, then slowly pour the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk by movement from above to down to distribute it to the entire volume of milk.
  5. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave 50-60 minutes to coagulate milk.
    [Optional] To accurately determine the required coagulation time and obtaining a clot of the desired consistency and calculate the coagulation time by the formulaK \u003d f * m (multiplier \u003d 3.5, F - flocculation time in minutes). After the calculation, cover with a saucepan with a lid and leave the clutch along the remaining number of minutes.
  6. Spend. If the bunch is not sufficiently dense, leave another 10-15 minutes.
  7. First cut the calie (clutch) vertically along and across. The cut interval is 1 cm. Until you cut horizontally!
  8. Give a clutch to stand alone 5 minutes and only cut it into cubes with a side of 1 cm. The less the size of the cube will be, the smaller humidity will be in the resulting cheese. After cutting, gently mix the clutch for 10-20 minutes.
  9. Slowly stirring the clutch, raise the temperature to 36-37 ° C for the next 10-15 minutes.
  10. When the temperature is achieved, continue to stir the clock for another 10 minutes, and then leave it at rest for 5 minutes so that the cheese grain is settled on the bottom of the pan.
  11. Drain the serum so that it is slightly covered with a layer of cheese grain (do not pour into the fusion serum, it will be needed for the preparation of brine).
  12. [Optional] At this stage, you can choose: to continue to do Suluguni or make fresh itmeretic cheese. To make itmeretic cheese, go to his recipe at the end of the page.
  13. Next, it is necessary to increase the acidity of the cheese mass so that it gets the ability to melt. Hands in sterile gloves or wide noise combine the cheese grain in a solid layer under the serum layer, then collect this layer into the bag of gauze, typing from above. Put the table from above, and it is a small load on it (you can put a two-liter jar with water). The pressing under the serum layer will allow the cheese mass to quickly increase the acidity to the desired level. The process will take from one and a half hours. Support serum temperature at 36-37 ° C. To do this, leave the saucepan in a water shirt and periodically pour hot water there. Blank or towel cover on top.
  14. While the cheese mass is pressed, prepare a saturated brine on whey: Heat serum to 80 ° C, dissolve salt in it, and then cool down to a temperature of 10 ° C in the refrigerator.
  15. After 1-1.5 hours. Pressing under the serum layer The active acidity should be pH 5.4-5.2. If you do not have a pH meter, start checking the cheese mass on the melting ability every 30 minutes as follows: take a cup with hot water (70-80 ° C), cut off a small piece of raw materials and put it in hot water at 1-2 Minutes, then try to pull. If it turns out to pull it into a thin thread, without breaking, it means that the cheese mass is ready for melting. In this case, the tested piece should not be separated by a turbid liquid (it means that the mass has not yet been launched). Be careful and do not stand the cheese mass (pH< 4.9), иначе она не расплавится, а распадется на кусочки.
  16. Pour serum into a separate saucepan and warm it up to a temperature of 70-80 ° C. If the serum is left, it can be replaced with water.
  17. Remove the crust of the cheese mass from under serum and cut it into oblong pieces with a side of 1-1.5 cm. And 4 cm long.
  18. Place the chopped cheese mass in the pan and pour 2-3 hot sera circles there. Try not to pour directly on the cheese mass. Start staring with a wooden spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous and fusion. If necessary, plot in the saucepan of hot serum or water.
  19. You put on the hands of dense pure rubber gloves and separate from the raw mass of a piece weighing 400-1000 g. (If you are preparing a suluguna of 4l milk, then take all the raw mass). Imagine that place the dough. Watch the edges of the crude mass inside, forming a round and smooth head of the cheese. Repeat this action several times to give cheese a layered texture of boiled chicken breast.
  20. The formed cheese head in a cylindrical shape for Suluguni (or a colander can be used), and then cool the cheese in the refrigerator (1-2 hours) so that it hardened. During this time, turn the cheese in the form every half hour.
  21. Next you need to escape cheese. Remove the container with serum brine from the refrigerator and put the cheese there. Embilions time - from 4 to 24 hours for 500 g. Cheese. Adjust the time of the emboniments, depending on your preferences. Less salted cheese has a better consistency and tastier, but more salty is much longer stored.
  22. Suluguni cheese is ready to eat immediately after the embonon. Remove the cheese from the brine and flow the extra moisture paper towel. Store in the refrigerator in a separate container (so that the cheese does not stop). Also, this cheese can be shipped: Smoked Suluguni is obtained very tasty.

Recipe of Imeretin Cheese:

  1. We start from step 12 of the previous recipe: we have a cheese grain under the serum layer. Prepare a perforated shape or colander: Ship it with a layer of gauze and put in the sink.
  2. Carefully break the cheese grain from the pan in shape. Put the shade with the cheese to the drain pan and leave the self-adhesion for half an hour.
  3. After half an hour, gently turn the cheese in the form and rewrite it into the dry clean gauze and leave to press for another 1 hour.
  4. While the cheese mass is pressed, prepare a 18% brine on whey: Heat serum to 80 ° C, dissolve salt in it, and then cool down to a temperature of 10 ° C in the refrigerator.
  5. In an hour, gently turn the cheese in the form and leave to press for another 1 hour.
  6. Next, the cheese must be salted: remove the cheese from the form, remove the gauze and send to the container with brine at 12 hours per 500g cheese. During this time, turn the cheese in the brine every 3 hours. Container with brine hold in the refrigerator.
  7. After the bodies, the cheese must be trimmed in the same brine for another 12 hours, then remove it from the brine, laughing the extra moisture with a paper towel and put in a plastic container - cheese is ready for consumption.

How to do

Imeretic cheese from whole milk and rennet enzyme is prepared at the enterprises. In households, the product is produced without any drugs that accelerate the coagulation of raw materials. That is, in fact, waiting for the fresh milk itself does not dwell.

If you plan to cook cheese yourself, then the last way you will not fit, because the ingredients will have to buy, and therefore, they must be pasteurization. This milk without enzymes will not come.

For cooking 300 grams of product, it will be necessary:

4 liters of milk;
A quarter of a teaspoon of pepsin.

The procedure is as follows:

Raw materials should be heated to +38 ° C;
Then the enzyme is added to it, mixed with 50 milliliters of warm water;
The pot is wrapped with a warm blanket and leave for an hour;
The formed clot right in the tanks are cut into pieces (2 cm cubes 2);
will wait 15 minutes to stand out serum;
The raw mass is shifted in a lattoon (colander, or a special form);

After 12 hours, when the stuff strokes, the head sprinkles with salt and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The cheese is then placed in a brine consisting of 2 liters of water, half a kilogram of salt and a spoon of vinegar.

It is impossible to say that the prepared recipe is the only one. In fact, in each village of Georgia there are its unique variations and additives. Often cheese are complemented by spices, spices and herbs.

What is the Imeretic cheese is better to eat

Fresh cheese is perfectly combined with fruits and vegetables. His delicate taste is well the red wine of the Kindzazrauli or Saperava type. It is suitable for sandwiches, but it is better to use not familiar bread, but fresh pita. For this, the cheese is crumble and mixed with crispy greens, and then wrapped in a cake.

The taste of the product is emphasized:

Garlic (and including young);
Sweet summer tomatoes.

It will take a worthy place and on a cheese plate, garnished with white grapes, honey, walnuts with roasted nuts. The options of use have a wound, but it is the use of cheese in traditional baking that glorified him in the world.

Imereti Khachapuri

Recipes of this cake today are known a lot, but Georgian authorities in 2010 patented only one of them. It is about him that we will tell you more.

In addition to cheese, the dough is important in Khachapuri. In the original it is made without yeast, applying a specific national milk product, called Maconi.

These ingredients will be required:

900 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade;
three eggs;
0.5 liters of Marty.

Important moment - flour should be mixed gradually. The lack of it will make the dough of liquid, and the excess is too discontinuable.

For the inhabitants of our country, the main difficulty is Martzoni. How can I replace it? Without special losses of taste and quality, low fat kefir use.

It is also necessary to remember that the original Georgian Khachapuri is brought to readiness in a pan, and not in the oven.

The softness and tenderness of the test must fit and fill. For her, only Imeretic cheese is taken. At the same time, too affordable is not suitable - it is overly dense. A good product is easy to be hand. No other tools like terk, meat grinders, etc. in Georgia do not apply.

Also in the filling does not put anything superfluous (except that the egg, if it goes with a liquid), so that the real khachapuri consists only of a roasted crust and crushed melted cheese.

To prepare a cake made by the above-described recipe dough, cut on 8 identical pieces. Everyone should roll in a round pellet. It is put on her stuffing, so that it does not take to the edge of 2 centimeters. The second circle is covered. On the perimeter of Khachapuri neatly replete.

Finished products remains to be fried on a dry, strongly hot pan on both sides, covered tightly with a lid. Ready pie is smeared with a piece of butter.


This is another interesting Georgian dish, where the main serves the Imeretic cheese. Represents it with routines stuffed with greens. No less tasty Gebzhalia is obtained if you use Suluguni.

The only thing that should be known is to be used to use Kelle, if there is still no day since its manufacture. In such a product, it does not get acidity, and therefore he will not be able to melt.

So, for Gebzhalya will need:

Milk - 1 liter;
Olive oil - a pair of tablespoons;
Middle bunch of fresh mint;
Imeretic cheese - 0.7 kg;
Salt - at its discretion.

At the very beginning, even before cooking rolls, you need to cook the place to lad out the molten cheese. The surface of the table, wiped and covered with a food film. The mass is frozen very quickly, therefore it will have to be lightning.

From the tools, prepare a wood shovel and noise.

Voaging a stuffing for a roll. For her:

Out of mint leaves with stalks;
silent them in a mortar or blender;
Mixed with butter.

The last ingredient in this recipe is not at all necessary - the greens are permissible just finely chopped with a knife.

Now the cheese turn has come. It should be chopped on 25 millimeters into cubes or so - so it is raised as soon as possible.

When the cheese softens, it is laid out on the prepared surface and roll up, giving a bunch form of a rectangle. The thickness of the layer can be made anything, but optimal - 1.5 cm.

Acquisition is allowed immediately after cooling. It is recommended to serve it with tkemali or other sour sweet sauce. Very tasty Gebzhalia with walnut crumb.

On 1 liter of brine:

  • 1 l of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Milk (pair or heated to 37.5-38 ° C) strain through a sterile gauze into clay or enamelled dishes, add pepsin into it, once-interfere with a wooden spoon clockwise, put the heat source near the heat source. Turn the dishes from time to time, so that the milk to dwell evenly.

25-30 minutes later, when the milk is squanding, collect the cheese mass into one com and separate from the serum.

Put the gentle raw mass in the form - it is convenient to use a cylindrical colander with a flat bottom, in which cheese will acquire the right look. Put the colander on the pallet - to flow fluid. Hands crumple the surface of the cheese and sprinkle it with a large salt.

After 2-3 days, the finished young cheese can be used to prepare Suluguni. If you need to bring it to ripening, prepare "Tsathi", that is, a special brine for storing cheese. Mix water, salt and sugar, pour into enameled or glassware, put the cheese and cover the lid. It is advisable to put in a warm place - so that cheese formed holes for 3-4 days.

Only on their own experience, you can learn all the intricacies of the cheese. According to popular belief, pepsin in milk should be stirred an exceptionally unsubsal in fan of figs! Serum after cheese do not pour in any way - put it on a slow heat for 2-3 hours, then strain through the fine colander: so it is done to be made (in Georgian - "long or many times boiled"

Imeretic cheese is one of the most popular Georgia in the Republic. The percentage of its production in the country in the total mass of other species is a significant digit. Of 10 kilograms of cheese, which are produced by Georgian small and large enterprises, 8 kg are Imeretic cheese. This is how it loves and is often used in the national cuisine.

In Georgian language, it is called "having a Quel" or "Chkinti Quel" ("QWWER" - in translation means "cheese"). It is the basis for Imereti Khachapuri (Khach - Cottage cheese, Puri is a Georgian bread). Imeretic cheese really looks like cottage cheese: gentle, little salty, very fresh.

On its basis, many Georgian dishes are preparing. For example, it is the basis for Suluguni. Imeretic cheese is withstanding 2-3 days so that it scores the necessary acidity. And then cut and lowered hot water so that it turns into a cheese "dough". It can be stretched and folded to form the thinnest layers formed - this is how Suluguni appears.

Features of Imereti cheese

Imeretic cheese has several distinctive features. They allow you to accurately determine that in front of us: the real has a kvel or fake. Of course, in Georgia know in this sense. And in other countries you need to have accurate data to not be mistaken:

  1. Color. It is allowed both pure-white color and a little yellowish. The color is entirely dependent on the quality and fat content of milk. Differences in color is not a sign of fake.
  2. Smell. Imeretic cheese has not sharp, but rather a soft cheese smell. It feels the aroma of fresh milk. In general, he refers to cheeses that like most, since it does not have extravagant flavors and odors.
  3. Consistency. You have kispers - enough tight cheese, but at the same time enough elastic. You can compare it with cheese and other brine cheeses.
  4. Structure. Depending on how much Imeretic cheese matches, there is more or less porous structure. The longer he ripes, the more holes in it.
  5. Classification. Refers to brine cheeses. This species is different from the rest of what is not crust. Imeretic, cheese and other ripen in brine. It can be used immediately after cooking. When it is stored in the brine, it continues to sharpen and use it at any time.
  6. In which dishes apply. First of all, as raw materials for Suluguni and for Khachapuri. Eating him and just like that, with pita, make sandwiches. That is, it is usual with a neutral taste of cheese. Someone loves fresh, he still smells like milk, someone is a weathered with a rescued smell and taste. Even in Georgian cuisine, a snack called "Gebzhalia" is very common.


These are cheese rolls with spice filling. Basically, mint is used as seasonings. Usually this dish is recommended to cook from Suluguni, but in fact it is perfectly coming out of the Imereti cheese. Rather, it is even necessary to recommend it to do from you in the Quel. Why?

First, Imeretic cheese is significantly cheaper, because it is the initial raw material for Suluguni. Secondly, it also melts well at high temperatures, because this is how Suluguni is prepared, pieces in hot water pieces of a weathered Imereti.

Only cheese will not suit, which was cooked less than a day ago. In order for it to start melting, it should typing the necessary acidity. This happens in 1-3 days, depending on the room temperature.

Components for making Gebzhalya:

  • imeretic cheese - 700-800 g;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • fresh mint - beam;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • salt.

Before melting cheese, you need to prepare all the necessary devices and the surface on which the cheese reservoir will be folded. Because then it will do late. Roll out the reservoir and roll the roll is very fast until the cheese mass has cooled. It is recommended to use a special silicone rug as a surface. It still takes a wooden spoon (blade) and noise.


  1. First you need to cook filling. For her, the leaves of mint cut into small pieces, and then triturated with a pestle with olive oil before the formation of Cashitz. If there are no oils or do not want to apply it, you can do without it. In this case, the leaves of mint need only finely cut.
  2. Imeretic cheese should be chopped into small pieces so that it melted faster. The size of the cubes should be approximately 3 * 3 cm.
  3. Many, when cooking, Gibzhaliya lower pieces of cheese directly into a saucepan with milk, and then look so that they connect. It is best to do this in a comfortable colander. All pieces are placed in a colander, which is then descended into the saucepan.
  4. In the pan you need to pour milk and put it on fire. Imeretic cheese goes there.
  5. As milk heated, cheese must be stirred more often.
  6. As soon as the cheese began to stretch, it is laid out on a special surface and begin to sprinkle, while maintaining a rectangular shape.
  7. It is necessary to put the leaves of mint on the surface, salt and roll the roll.
  8. The finished roll cooles, and then you can cut it and sue with sauce.

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