How to dry mushrooms: in the sun, in the oven, microwave and electric dryer. Porcini mushrooms: how to dry them in different ways

18.04.2019 Buffet table

kerescan - Oct 15th, 2015

Drying mushrooms is the most common way to winter storage... Mushrooms with dense tubular flesh are suitable for drying. The most famous such mushrooms are boletus, boletus, moss, boletus, boletus, boletus, kids and others like that.

Morel mushrooms, which do not have a pronounced cap and look like small pebbles, can also be dried. All mushrooms are 80-90% water, therefore, when they dry, they lose the same percentage of weight. As a result, from one kilogram fresh mushrooms only 80-100 grams of dried product is obtained. Drying mushrooms not only reduces their volume and weight, but also enhances the flavor of the workpiece. This is especially true for white mushrooms and boletus. All mushrooms can be dried in several ways - further we will consider them.

Before drying, clean any mushrooms from twigs, leaves and other debris. If there are damages on the legs or caps, then cut them out. Do not wash the mushrooms before drying, so that they do not gain excess moisture. Clean, sort them to size and place them on sheets or string on long wooden or metal knitting needles. Place mushrooms of only one size on each sheet or knitting needle to ensure that they dry evenly. Try to keep the mushrooms prepared for drying out of touch. For high-quality drying, it must begin with a slight withering of the product. To do this, place the sheets with mushrooms or skewers with them in a slightly heated oven. The oven used for these purposes can be either electric or gas stove... Its temperature should be within 45 degrees. Keep the door of your oven or Russian stove ajar so that the mushroom moisture evaporates quickly from the stove. When the surface of the mushrooms becomes dry and when you press on the cap, your finger will not stick to it, increase the temperature. For drying, it is needed from 75 to 80 degrees. The drying time for mushrooms, for each type and size, can be completely different. Be sure to monitor the process and if some mushrooms dry faster than others, remove them from the oven. Flip the specimens that are still damp to the other side and dry.

See also the video: Drying mushrooms over the stove - a quick and proven way.

We dry porcini mushrooms in an electric dryer Sukhovey.

How to dry mushrooms on a string or tray in the sun.

If the summer is hot, then the mushrooms can be dried for outdoors... Prepare them for drying in exactly the same way as for the above method. Only cut them additionally into thin plates, lay them on wooden pallets or string them on thick threads. Place the trays with mushrooms or their mating in a sunny, but protected from rain and dust place. Keep the mushrooms in a draft that will blow out excess moisture. Drying mushrooms in the sun can take longer than drying them in the oven. But in order to speed up the process, you can only dry the mushrooms in the open air, and transfer them to a preheated oven for final drying.

How to air dry conditionally edible mushrooms.

Morel mushrooms have a very fleshy consistency and must be exposed to air for six months to dry well. String the whole morels on long harsh threads, and put on the same long canvas bags or old nylon stockings on top of the bundles. Hang the peculiar morel sausages in a warm and well-ventilated barn. In half a year conditionally edible mushrooms, namely, morels are considered to become dry and safe for health. Together with moisture, harmful toxins will also leave the mushrooms.

Store dried mushrooms in any way in paper bags... If during drying the mushrooms are a little dry and become very fragile, make flour out of them and store it in a jar with a ground-in lid.

Drying is a common and convenient way of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. Unlike conservation, in which up to 70% useful properties mushrooms, it retains most of the vitamins and minerals. Despite the apparent simplicity, drying mushrooms has its own secrets. We will tell you about them.

What mushrooms can be dried

During drying, mushrooms with lamellar caps (milk mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, etc.) acquire a bitter taste. therefore experienced mushroom pickers it is recommended to dry only tubular mushrooms (boletus, boletus, aspen, etc.).


Mushrooms to be dried must not be washed. Their tubular structure absorbs moisture easily. As a result, the procedure will take much longer.

All work with mushrooms is carried out with a plastic or ceramic knife, since when in contact with metal, their surface is instantly oxidized.

  1. Gently clean off the remnants of soil, needles and leaves from the surface of the mushroom. Be careful not to damage the skin of the cap.
  2. Sort the processed mushrooms by size. This will allow the whole batch to dry evenly.
  3. Cut each mushroom in half. In boletus, boletus, butter and flywheels, carefully separate the leg from the cap. Cut the boletus along with the leg. This is done in order to get rid of the worms, if they are inside.

Drying in the open air

The easiest and most convenient way.

  1. Prepare a needle with a large eye and a strong thread or line.
  2. String the mushrooms so that they do not come into contact with each other.
  3. Hang the collected garlands in a sunny place.
  4. Cover them with gauze or nylon netting to keep insects out of the workpieces.
  5. Dry the mushrooms for 7-10 days. Then remove them from the bottom, put them in glass jars and close tightly.

Drying over stove

Suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to hang garlands on the street.

Try to hang your supplies as high as possible. With the stove turned on 24 hours a day, the mushrooms will dry in 2-3 days. However, this method has one significant drawback: it is not recommended to cook anything during drying, otherwise the mushrooms will be saturated with the smell of food. Removing and removing the garlands while you are cooking can take about a week to dry.

Drying in the oven

At home, it is most convenient to dry mushrooms on a wire rack in the oven. It is not recommended to use a baking sheet for these purposes.

  1. Arrange the mushrooms in one layer and send to the oven preheated to +45 ° C. Leave the door slightly ajar so that excess moisture can evaporate freely.
  2. After 1–1.5 hours, turn the dried mushrooms over and increase the temperature to +70… +80 ° С.
  3. Dry the workpieces for another 4-5 hours. Remember to turn them over periodically. Remember that the caps dry out much earlier than the feet. Therefore, you need to remove them from the oven 1–1.5 hours earlier.

Microwave drying

If necessary, the mushroom drying procedure can be accelerated using the microwave oven.

  1. Place the prepared mushrooms in one layer on the bottom of the plate.
  2. Set the temperature to +100 ° C.
  3. Dry for 20 minutes.
  4. Open the oven door for 7-10 minutes and drain off excess moisture.
  5. Repeat the drying procedure one more time.

Thanks to this method, one batch of mushrooms can be dried in one hour.

Remember: properly dried mushrooms do not crumble or break, they are elastic and bend easily. In a cool, dry, dark place, the workpieces can be stored for several years without loss of taste and quality.

Good day to all!

Autumn has come and besides summer cottages, many rush to the forest for mushrooms. Fresh mushroom roast is a wonderful thing. However, prepare them for the winter, so that you can enjoy them later in the snow. delicious delicacy, it's not bad too.

Mushrooms are a perishable product. And if you have collected quite a lot of them, then the question may arise, where to put them? You can't overcook everything ...

This is where drying comes in. When the weather is warm, sunny, dry the most. Strung on a string, hung up and let them dry.

And what to do when the sun is not enough? Then we use household kitchen appliances... With their help, you can dry mushrooms quickly enough, regardless of the weather.

For drying, you need only fresh, strong mushrooms without stains and wormholes.

Unlike fruits, mushrooms are not washed before drying. They absorb moisture very well. They only need to be cleaned by removing all the dirt and foliage with a knife or soft cloth.

The roots are cut off completely. In terms of size, mushrooms no more than 10 cm are best suited for drying. If they are larger, then they can be frozen by cutting and heating them in a frying pan without oil. This will allow excess moisture to evaporate.

An electric oven is very suitable for drying mushrooms. And if it has a time timer and a temperature regulator, then the process will go quickly.

Cut the mushrooms cleaned from dirt and foliage into slices. Hats and legs are cut separately. If they are small, then you can cut them lengthwise.

Arrange the mushrooms ready for drying on a baking sheet or wire rack in one row, so they will dry much better.

We start by preheating the oven to 50 degrees, after which we put trays with mushrooms in it. At this temperature, the mushrooms stand for 1.5 hours. During this time, they will slightly wither.

Then we raise the temperature to 80 degrees and keep it that way for 2 hours.

After that, we lower the temperature again to 55 degrees and dry for another 4 hours.

In total, the mushrooms are dried in the oven for up to 8 hours. If they are very wet, drying may take up to 24 hours.

During drying, the baking sheets in the oven must be interchanged, and the fruits themselves must be mixed.

By the end of drying, mushrooms usually lose up to 90% of their weight. For example, with 10 kg of fresh, you can get about a kilogram of dried.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the microwave

Drying mushrooms in the microwave is somewhat faster than in the oven. However, since there is less space in it, you will have to dry it in portions.

Mushrooms are prepared similarly, peeled and cut into slices or slices.

They are laid out on special dishes designed for microwaves. Further, the microwave is set to a power of 100 watts.

Time to set 20 minutes.

After that, we take out the mushrooms and drain the liquid.

Then for 10 minutes the mushrooms stand with the door open and the drying procedure is repeated. Dry again for 20 minutes. The number of drying steps depends on the thickness of the cut fruit.

It is better not to put high power in the microwave, otherwise the mushrooms may bake!))

When the drying is over finished product best stored in linen bags.

Video how to dry mushrooms in the oven

Although it takes longer to dry mushrooms in the oven, a lot of them are included in it. And you can place it not only on grates and baking sheets, but even hang it on strings.

Watch the video below on how to oven dry mushrooms.

Dry porcini mushrooms in a fruit and vegetable dryer

An electric dryer is most convenient for drying mushrooms. The result is much better than with other methods.

After cleaning the mushrooms, we cut them into plates. In principle, you can cut into any slices, the main thing is that they are not thick.

Then, the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms are laid out on trays and inserted into the dryer.

We turn on the dryer and no longer monitor it. This is her whole charm. If you have to sit at the oven and monitor the temperature, here the dryer works independently.

At the end of drying, we put the finished product in fabric or paper bags and store in a dry place.

Some people advise storing mushrooms in tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers.

Drying mushrooms, as you can see, does not take much work, even when drying in the oven. Even if you spend a lot of time, then you can enjoy them when they cannot be found fresh.

Boletus - as porcini mushrooms are popularly called - are considered the most delicious. And their appearance is quite presentable: a plump leg, a fleshy hat. Porcini mushrooms are also loved because they do not change color, remaining light even in a dried state.

But you need to be able to dry the porcini mushroom correctly.

Preparing porcini mushrooms for drying

Mushrooms that are harvested for drying can (and preferably) begin to be processed while still in the forest. After all, such mushrooms cannot be washed. Since they instantly absorb water, like a sponge, and they simply cannot be dried later. This is especially true for tubular mushrooms.

Therefore, having cut off the mushroom, they immediately examine it for damage and worms. Then the lower part of the leg is cut off and cleaned of dirt and sand. It is not recommended to pick very large mushrooms, which may contain a lot of toxic substances. And since mushrooms are not washed, these same toxins will remain in them.

Sticking needles and moss are removed from the cap.

The whole mushroom is carefully wiped off with a slightly damp towel.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the sun

Mushroom pickers, who are in the forest without a break for several days when harvesting mushrooms, begin drying right on the spot.

For this, it is advisable to have special stands. Each of the mushroom pickers comes up with their own design, but the main thing is that the stands have holes for knitting needles or ramrods, which can be positioned both horizontally and vertically.

It is better to use a cleaning rod made of stainless steel or wooden, because the mushroom can darken from contact with iron.

If the mushrooms are large, then they are dried, separating the legs from the caps. They are strung on ramrods, pierced in the middle, and distributed in such a way that the mushrooms do not come into contact with each other.

Stands with strung porcini mushrooms are exposed to the sun from the windward side. So that the mushrooms do not turn out to be infested flies, they must be covered with gauze or a cloth that allows both sunlight and air to pass through well.

In this way, the mushrooms are dried for two to three days. But then they will definitely need to be dried in the oven or oven.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven

Some houses, especially in villages, still have stoves. And therefore, mushrooms can be dried in them.

Before drying, the mushrooms are cut. Medium-sized mushrooms are cut lengthwise into two halves, so that each half consists of a stem and a cap.

If the boletus is large, they are divided into a leg and a cap. The legs are cut across into circles, and the hats are cut into slices.

You can also dry porcini mushrooms as mushroom noodles... Boletus is cut into thin slices along the entire mushroom. This method is good because the mushrooms dry faster and are better stored.

Small porcini mushrooms are dried whole.

To do this, cover the baking sheet with straw. This must be done so that the mushrooms on a bare baking sheet do not burn and turn black. Mushrooms are placed on the straw: whole boletuses are laid out with their caps down, and chopped mushrooms - in one layer.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven after cooking, when the oven is well warmed up, but there is no longer a strong heat.

The temperature at the beginning of drying should not be higher than 50 °. When the mushrooms begin to bend easily, the temperature is raised to 70 °. When mushrooms (by outward signs) will be practically dried, the temperature is again lowered to 50 ° and the mushrooms are dried.

During drying, do not close the damper completely, because fresh air must enter the oven. Otherwise, the mushrooms will rot and will not dry out.

Qualitatively dried mushrooms should be free of ash, coal, and not burnt.

They should not release moisture when pressed. Such mushrooms bend slightly, but do not break or crumble.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven

Baking trays are covered with parchment. Mushrooms are spread on them in one layer. Whole mushrooms are placed with their caps facing down.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven and dried at a temperature of 50-55 ° for several hours. It is best to dry not in one go, but in two steps. That is, when the mushrooms are already a little dry, you need to take them out, let them cool, and then put them back in the oven, increasing the temperature to 70 °. At the end of the drying process, the temperature must again be lowered slightly.

If there are no openings in the walls of the oven for air circulation, then its door is kept ajar.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in an oven

The drying cabinet is installed above the stove. It has no bottom, but holes are made at the top.

The mushrooms are placed in special metal sieves, which are placed one above the other in the dryer. Since the mushrooms in the sieves dry unevenly, the sieves are periodically changed in places, that is, the lower sieve is placed on top, and the upper sieve is placed down.

Despite this inconvenience, mushrooms dry out much faster in a drying cabinet.

Dry mushrooms very well in an electric dryer. It takes up little space and is easy to use. Mushrooms are cut into slices, laid out on drier trays and dried for several hours at a temperature of 60 °. Drying time - from two to six hours - depends on the thickness of the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the microwave

Prepared porcini mushrooms are laid out on a special plate and placed in the microwave. In this case, the power of the furnace should be within the range of 100-200 watts. Turn on the oven for 18 minutes. Then they take out the plate, let the mushrooms cool and air out for fresh airand then put it back in the microwave. This procedure is repeated until the mushrooms are completely dry.

If the mushrooms are not sufficiently dried, they must be dried in the sun, in the oven or stove.

Dry mushrooms are stored in cloth or gauze bags. Or they string dried mushrooms on a fishing line and store them hanging in a dry, well-ventilated area, away from other foods, especially those with a pungent odor.

During storage of dry mushrooms, their condition is monitored. If the mushrooms become wet to the touch, then they need to be laid out again on baking sheets and dried in any convenient way.

How to make mushroom powder from dried porcini mushrooms

Dried boletus can be used to prepare mushroom powder.

To do this, the mushrooms are broken into small pieces and then ground in a coffee grinder. After that, the powder is sieved through a sieve. Remaining large pieces grind again.

Store mushroom powder well sealed glass jars in a dry room.

IN ideal conditions dry porcini mushrooms can be stored for several years.

Mushrooms are delicious and useful product, and you can extend their use by preparing them for the winter. One of the popular harvesting methods is drying. Drying is recommended only for tubular mushrooms, since the lamellar ones retain their inherent bitterness. King tubular mushrooms is considered a white mushroom or boletus. He is good not only at fresh, but also great for drying: this is one of the few representatives of this tribe that will not darken and will remain light when dry. Porcini mushrooms for the winter can not only be dried, they can be pickled, salted and even frozen - they are good in any form.

Preparing porcini mushrooms for drying

There are several ways to dry porcini mushrooms, but first you need to prepare them. For this, the forest "catch" is sorted out, discarding old and damaged specimens. The remaining strong boletus are cleaned of forest debris, clean the leg from the ground with a knife or rag. It is not categorically recommended to wash mushrooms intended for drying in water: they absorb a lot of water, which makes drying much longer and more difficult. Peeled porcini mushrooms are cut into 1-1.5 cm thick plates. This is done to speed up the process, but you can dry medium-sized specimens as a whole, although it will take much more time.

Traditional methods of drying porcini mushrooms

Our ancestors made special constructions on which mushrooms were strung, then they were placed on a brace or in another warm, dry place. If the weather is dry and clear, you can dry the mushrooms in the sun or in partial shade. The main thing is that the place is well ventilated. If the mushrooms were dried in the air, they were sure to be covered from dust and insects with a rag or gauze. Mushroom dryers consisted of several wooden rods (from three to several dozen), which were fixed on a support in a horizontal or vertical position. The simplest dryer for mushrooms: a board from which the pins stick out (nails are possible, but wooden sticks are better). Another way to strengthen mushrooms for drying is by stringing them on a stern thread. They take a thick large needle, thread into it and use them to string the prepared mushrooms.

Using modern technology for drying porcini mushrooms

Today, drying mushrooms for the winter has become easier: there are many household appliances that make this activity not so long and difficult. Let's start with the fact that there are special electric dryers, drying porcini mushrooms using them is a simple exercise. If you have such a device, put the prepared mushrooms on the grates, turn on the network and after a while (depending on the power of the unit and the selected temperature regime) collect dried mushrooms. For those who do not have an electric dryer, an oven can be used. Cover the baking sheet with paper, put thin wooden sticks on it that do not emit resin. Put prepared mushrooms on sticks in one layer. Preheat the oven to fifty degrees, put a baking sheet with mushrooms there, leave the door open. After three hours, turn off the oven, cool the mushrooms. You also dry it with the door open, but set the temperature to about 70 ° C (just do not burn the mushrooms). You can microwave dry mushrooms, but this is a lengthy process. Lay out the prepared mushrooms on a plate or wire rack, turn on the microwave at minimum power for 15-20 minutes, then open the door and air for 10 minutes. Repeat until the mushrooms are completely dry.

What well-dried porcini mushrooms look like

With all the variety of methods, the main thing is to catch the moment when the mushroom is dry enough, but has not yet lost its intense smell and has not become brittle. A well-dried mushroom bends easily, does not crumble and has a strong aroma. You can store dried porcini mushrooms in glass jars, closed with lids... Some housewives prefer linen bags, but then you need to make sure that the mushrooms are not damp and pests do not start in them.