Mushroom noodles made from frozen mushrooms. Mushroom soup: the most delicious frozen mushroom soup recipes

13.09.2019 Egg dishes

Sometimes meat soups and borscht get bored and you really want something tender, new, but just as warming and satisfying. In this case, mushrooms come in handy, collected in the summer in the forest and waiting in the wings in the far corner of the freezer. And this soup has no equal, dear friends!

Therefore, if all of a sudden your imagination has run out, and somehow you didn't have to be a mushroom picker, run to the store rather. Fortunately, there are a lot of frosts now, fortunately, and it is available to everyone. Moreover, it is in this way that the largest amount of all vitamins and nutrients in the product is preserved. And the taste of such mushrooms is no worse than fresh ones, the main thing is to store them correctly.

Do you know how nutritious mushrooms really are? After all, this is a real storehouse of vegetable protein. And no fat at all! For ladies on a diet, for children and even for gourmets, this dish should always remain at the top, and in fact such a soup is prepared very easily. Of course, the most famous is perhaps the cream soup. Every self-respecting restaurant or even just a cafe must keep on the menu this exquisite, delicate creamy soup that has won the hearts of millions of people. Nevertheless, there are a lot of cooking options. With or without meat, with milk or cream, or you can add pasta! Huge room for experimentation. Well, let's get started?

Mushroom cream soup with champignons with cream step by step recipe with photo

The recipe for this soup is truly magical. Having prepared it once, you can be sure that guests will appreciate your culinary talents exceptionally high, at the restaurant level. Such soups are rarely served at home, so a myth about the complexity of preparation and expensive ingredients has developed behind them. But really, the only thing you really need is a good hand blender and confidence in your abilities. We wish you every success!

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • chicken bone soup set - 300 g
    optional, can be replaced with bouillon cube
  • broth water - 1.5 liters
  • mushrooms champignons, porcini or honey mushrooms - 300 g
  • potatoes - 3 medium
  • onions - 1 large or 2 medium onions
  • garlic 1-2 cloves
  • fresh greens
  • lavrushka - 1-2 leaves
  • cream 10% - 0.5 liters
  • salt, black pepper

How to cook?

Step 1. First of all, you need to cook the broth. As you know, the longer the broth is simmering, the tastier the soup. Therefore, he needs to be given at least an hour. This is just the best time to have time to cook the frying and prepare the potatoes.

So, you need to take a large saucepan, put a soup set in it and fill it with cold fresh water. Precisely cold, because this is the best way to make the broth as rich as possible. Add whole peas and lavrushka and black pepper to the water. There is no need to salt yet.

Bring broth to a boil, then reduce heat to low and let simmer for an hour to four hours.

Step 2. While our broth is cooking, let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. Potatoes, garlic and onions must be peeled and washed thoroughly. And the mushrooms need to be thawed under running warm water or, for example, put in a microwave oven for defrosting.

Step 3. Cut the onion into large half rings. The shape does not really matter, since in the end all the ingredients still break through with a blender. The garlic also needs to be cut into thin slices, the shape, again, does not matter. But we recommend cutting the potatoes as small as possible so that they cook as quickly as possible.

Step 4. Heat a large skillet over high heat, drizzle with vegetable oil or butter, and add onion. The fire can be lowered to medium, and while the dishes are cooling, stir actively with a spatula to prevent it from burning. Add garlic. It is better to fry for a longer time, at least 20 minutes, so that the onion becomes soft, caramelized and gains a rich taste and aroma.

Step 5. When the onion is fried and the broth is boiled, you can mix all the ingredients. Well, almost everything. First you need to strain the broth or catch all the bones with a slotted spoon, we no longer need them. If there is meat on the bones, you can carefully remove it and throw it back into the pan - it will not be superfluous in our soup. Add the onion, potatoes and mushrooms to the broth, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat.

Step 6. Well, our soup is almost ready! It remains to pour all this miracle with cream and beat well with a blender so that there are no lumps left, we need a homogeneous, creamy mass. Season with salt to taste, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top and serve as soon as possible!

Bon Appetit!

Mushroom noodle soup - a delicious step by step recipe

But this recipe is the complete opposite of the previous one - absolutely any mushrooms will do and we will eat them whole in the soup! This is a kind of classic soup for a family dinner, with noodles for satiety and sour cream for happiness.

Chicken or meat broth is often used, but since in the previous recipe we have already analyzed the method of preparing broth on chicken bone, this time we will analyze the preparation of a vegetable broth.

How is vegetable broth good for you? Well, first of all, it is much easier for the body. Ideal for dieting. In addition, now very many are actively switching to veganism and vegetarianism - the rejection of meat products or animal products in general. And they do it for a reason. Scientific studies have long proven the harm of animal fats (with the exception of fish fats) and the benefits of most vegetable oils.

Therefore, once again cooking a dish exclusively from vegetables will be an excellent solution and a great contribution to the health of the whole family.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • whole carrots - 1 large
  • garlic - a couple of cloves
  • 2 medium onions
  • your favorite mushrooms - 300-400 grams
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves
  • potatoes - 2 small
  • vermicelli - 5 tablespoons
  • a bunch of greens - and celery and parsley - all in the soup!
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook?

Step 1. First, clean all the vegetables and set the broth to cook, this will always be your first step in making soups. Another plus of the vegetable broth is the speed of cooking. To achieve the ideal taste, it needs to be boiled for an hour, but 30 minutes after boiling is quite enough. In comparison with 4 hours of cooking meat, this is a huge saving of precious time.

So, in a large saucepan you need to put 1 clove of garlic, 1 onion, cut into 2 or 4 parts, half a carrot, cut into 4 long slices and a bunch of greens. And it is precisely this preservation of the large size of vegetables that will make it possible to extract the best from them when cooking.

Pour the vegetables with 1.5 liters of cold clean water, put lavrushka and black peppercorns on top and close the lid tightly. The broth must be brought to a boil, and then cooked for half an hour to an hour over low heat. When the broth is ready, remove the vegetables from it.

Step 2. Prepare the soup roast. Of course, you can skip this step and just throw the chopped ingredients into the soup. But the taste in this case turns out to be much less saturated, and in vegetable soups this can be critical. It is important to cook healthy, but tasty is more important.

Finely grate the remaining half of the carrots, chop the onion into small cubes. Of course, if your household is not against the onion, it can be cut into larger pieces, but for some reason, many people, especially children, turn up their noses from it. Finely chop the remaining clove of garlic or grate it too.

Step 3. Heat a large, heavy-bottomed skillet and sprinkle liberally with vegetable oil. Indeed, do not feel sorry for him, otherwise the soup will turn out to be completely lean, because there is no fat at all in vegetables and mushrooms.

When the oil is hot, add the onion and garlic to the skillet and fry until golden brown and softened in texture. This will take about 10-15 minutes. Be careful, the pan must be hot enough, otherwise the onions will start to stew, and this is a completely different taste. Obviously not what we want. Then add the carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, for about 10-15 minutes, adding oil if necessary. The frying is ready!

Step 4. While the frying is being prepared, you can defrost the mushrooms. Usually, it makes no sense to fry them, since already steamed mushrooms are used in the frosts. However, if you freeze the mushrooms yourself and freeze them fresh, you can add them to the pan as well, but only if you are sure that they are completely defrosted, otherwise the stewing process will begin.

Step 5. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add them to the finished broth together with the frying. Do not forget to pre-strain the broth or fish it out with a slotted spoon. Cook over medium heat for about 20 more minutes.

Step 6. The matter is small, in the almost finished broth you need to add salt and spices to taste and put a few tablespoons of noodles in it. Depending on the thickness of your soup, you can add more or less than the recipe says. After that, the soup is cooked for another 3-4 minutes, then mixed, tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for about 15 minutes. The soup is ready!

Season with sour cream or mayonnaise and serve. Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup with milk and egg

Many people prepare cream soup with milk instead of cream. but we have already disassembled such a recipe, so I would like to consider something more interesting. And we found it! A wonderful recipe for a thick, rich mushroom soup in milk, with the addition of eggs. This is no longer just a hearty dish, but a complete lunch.

And we will use chanterelles here. Yes, yes, those same red-haired, fragrant pieces of happiness that grow in our forests and which are simply impossible to imagine without dairy products. Of course, you can use any others, but in our opinion, it is the chanterelles that fit this recipe perfectly.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • potatoes - 2 pieces, large
  • chicken egg
  • 1 large onion
  • small carrot
  • milk with a high percentage of fat, preferably 6%
  • chanterelles - 400 grams
  • herbs, salt and pepper
  • butter

How to cook?

Step 1. First you need to put the mushrooms to defrost, and then cook. To do this, we put them on the bottom of the pan, fill them with water so that the mushrooms are completely covered with water by at least 1-2 centimeters and put on medium heat. Full defrosting and cooking will take about half an hour.

Step 2. In the meantime, let's prepare the roast we already know. Likewise, peel all the vegetables, finely three carrots and finely chop the onion. We heat a frying pan with oil, fry vegetables, stirring occasionally.

Step 3. Meanwhile, chop the potatoes. In this soup, it is recommended to cut it into strips, as for French fries.

Step 4. Add vegetables to mushrooms and cook our soup until potatoes are ready - about 20 minutes. When everything is ready, fill it all with a liter of milk, salt, add spices to taste. While the soup is boiling, beat one egg into a small bowl or mug and beat it with a fork or whisk. When the soup comes to a boil, stir in the beaten egg and bring the soup to a boil again, stirring actively with a ladle.

Ready! Serve in bowls, garnish with herbs on top. Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup with woody mushrooms: shiitake and oyster mushrooms with chicken

Over the past few years, Japanese cuisine has gained great popularity in Russian cuisine. Therefore, now in almost any supermarket you can easily find the shiitake tree mushroom, which has a rich, piquant taste and a halo of mystery around it, because almost everyone sees it often, but very few people know how to cook it.

Today we will slightly open the veil of secrecy and find out how to cook a delicious soup for lunch with this overseas miracle mushroom. And rejoice, we will finally add chicken to this soup! Do not worry, this is not a nuclear-spicy dish at all and we will not fill it with soy sauce. On the contrary, the soup will turn out to be very tender, only with a slight oriental note and rich taste.

But more than that, and importantly, this mushroom is incredibly useful. It is not without reason that it is now the most demanded mushroom in the world and is actively used by the Japanese and Chinese in almost all dishes. But the East is a delicate matter, you know. They just won't do anything. So we advise you to follow their example and start adding this precious product to your diet.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • chicken fillet or thigh (bones will give a richer taste) - 200 grams
  • shiitake mushrooms - fresh 150 grams or dried 70-80 grams
  • salt, spices
  • chicken broth - 1 liter, can be replaced with vegetable
  • fresh cilantro, green onions
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

How to cook?

Step 1. If you use dried mushrooms, you need to soak them before using them, preferably for 4-6 hours, then drain the water.

Step 2. Wash the chicken thoroughly, if you are using thighs, you must remove the skin. Mushrooms and chicken should be cut into arbitrary slices, based on your own preferences.

Step 3. Crush the garlic with the wide side of a knife, finely chop and grind with salt, cilantro and soy sauce. This is our oriental dressing, you can add any spices to it if you want, soy sauce can be replaced with teriyaki, oyster or fish. But this is, of course, for amateurs.

Step 4. We need a heavy-bottomed saucepan. It needs to be put on fire, a piece of butter should be melted at its bottom and the pasta prepared in advance should be fried in oil. Then add mushrooms to the mixture and pour all this with broth. When the broth boils, add the chicken fillet, which can be pre-fried in butter if desired, for a richer flavor. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then season with greens and onions and serve. The soup turns out delicious and not at all greasy!

Bon Appetit!

Tip 1. Try to use only mushrooms that you picked yourself or bought from grandmothers in the market. Of course, it's always easier to buy in a supermarket, but the difference in taste is simply cosmic. Unfortunately, mushrooms are processed in the store for a very long time and they lose all taste, and even more so vitamins.

Advice 2. In no case do not salt the broth during cooking. This should be your # 1 rule when making soups. Salt interferes with the extraction of flavors and "dries" the ingredients. You need to add only a few minutes before cooking, when all the ingredients are already in the soup.

Tip 3. Soy sauce goes well with mushrooms, so if the soup seems rather bland to you, and even more so if you cook it in vegetable broth, add literally 1-2 tablespoons of sauce to the finished soup and you will not regret it! This sauce is so versatile that it is a lifesaver in the kitchen of any housewife.

Tip 4. Greens. To preserve the precious fiber and add a rich flavor and aroma to the greens, it is better to add them to the ready-made soup while it is still hot. This time is ideal for all the ingredients to be saturated with her taste and aroma without changing it.

Tip 5. For a richer taste, you can add large carrots to the broth during cooking. Plov taught us the value of large bars for the taste and color of a dish - use it!

Tip 6. When making soup with shiitake mushrooms, you can use fish broth for the soup. Of course, this is specific and not suitable for everyone, but lovers of Japanese cuisine will fully appreciate this experiment. Then, however, it is better to replace pieces of chicken fillet with pieces of fish or tofu.

Tip 7. Do not neglect the quality of water for the broth, because this is the base, the main ingredient of the soup. It is not necessary, of course, to use expensive bottled water, but the water must be filtered or boiled.

Tip 8. Try replacing the frozen mushrooms in the soup with pickled ones. Then, of course, you don't need to salt the soup at all. To do this, you just need to chop them coarsely, drain the brine and add to the soup. The taste will turn out to be very interesting, a kind of mushroom hodgepodge. Vegetarians will appreciate it!

Secret 1. If you cook grilled mushrooms for cream soup, your soup will acquire just a fabulous, slightly smoky taste. So, when going to barbecue, take mushrooms with you and the next day make soup from them - everyone will go crazy from salivation - it is so delicious.

Secret 2. For any of these soups, you can pre-fry the chicken or pork slices and place them on top of the soup bowl. This will add satiety to the dish and will not let the meat lose its taste by giving it to the broth. For ardent opponents of frying, we recommend baking in the oven - a minimum of fat, a maximum of taste and tenderness.

Secret 3. If you are preparing a soup with noodles for future use, it is better to boil the noodles separately and add to the soup when serving. Then it will not swell and retain a pleasant elasticity.

Secret 4. When preparing a fry, be sure to fry the onion first and take the time to do it. Such a famous French onion soup proves that even a soup cooked with onions alone can have such an incredible taste that it will be passed on from generation to generation as a cultural heritage. Therefore, the contribution of fried onions to the taste of the soup is simply not appreciated, do not neglect this step. A little garlic, butter, not too high a heat and timely stirring - these are your main helpers.

Secret 5. Experiment! Constantly. The kitchen is your kingdom, your path. On it you can bring to life the most daring experiments, because you are not just a mother, not just a wife. You are a creator who can and should prepare wonderful dishes that no one else can ever repeat. There is no need to turn cooking into a mechanical burden, turn it into a creative process, into a hobby, into a scientific experience.

And finally, one more recipe for a delicious mushroom soup

Be free in the kitchen and then you will get the most interesting and unusual dishes you can imagine. I wish you success!

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As for Russian cuisine, there are any soups in it, without exception - first courses in every sense of the word. And the immense forest expanses of Russia are the richest source of "forest bread", as mushrooms are often called.

From the first warm spring thunderstorms to the very frosts, mushroom pickers walk along forest paths in search of their collecting happiness - a craft known to mankind since ancient times. And the forest is not stingy, making it possible to stock up on boletus and mushrooms, boletus and honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms and chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, volushkas, champignons.

Mushrooms are salted and pickled, dried and fried, stewed and boiled. Modern capabilities allow you to make blanks by freezing. Mushrooms can be frozen boiled, raw or fried. Convenient mushroom soup cooks much faster.

Speaking about the technology of mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms, first of all, let's pay attention to the main component - mushrooms, and only then we will talk about the soup.

Mushrooms are not plant or animal food. In food, as in nature, they occupy a special niche. And not only because of the precautions in their use, which, perhaps, have already been said many times and enough.

Mushroom dishes in Orthodox fasting replace meat products. For example, minced mushroom with garlic and some spices tastes little different from minced meat made from meat. Mushrooms quickly saturate the body without creating problems for fighting excess calories. But at the same time, mushroom soup can also be a high-calorie dish, depending on the way it is prepared. And this - main product secret.

It is worth noting that mushrooms contain proteins and carbohydrates. They also contain sugar, fats, amino acids. Mushrooms are a source of vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron. Good news: in the chemical composition of mushrooms there is no cholesterol, which the human body produces in abundance without additional stimulation. Surprisingly, a large and a small mushroom contains vitamins, proteins and other elements in exactly the same amount, and the difference in size lies in the volume of water they contain. So it doesn't make sense to wander through the forest looking for a big mushroom. In addition, the largest specimens have a looser structure, which may affect the quality of their culinary processing, and wormy mushrooms are more often found among them.

Now about the main secret of mushrooms: to do this, let's go a little deeper into the question of the structure of the fungus molecules.

Depending on the method of mechanical culinary processing, all this rich chemical composition can either be completely absorbed by the body, or become ballast, complementing the volume of the rest of the ingredients in the dish. Valuable elements are contained precisely inside the molecules, covered with a strong outer shell. Therefore, if mushrooms are the main ingredient in a dish, then they need to be crushed, at least partially. But for dietary food, in order to induce a feeling of satiety in the stomach, a coarse cut is enough, or if the mushrooms are small in size, then you can not cut them at all.

The next question is combining mushrooms with other foods... The main difference between a mushroom dish is the smell of mushrooms. Therefore, if you want to preserve the unique aroma of the forest, then do not be zealous with spices. Set aside seasonings with a very spicy and persistent scent. Be very careful to add bay leaves, dill, parsley, garlic, and onions to the soup to emphasize the smell. Dairy products enhance and especially emphasize the mushroom aroma. Mushrooms are acid-free and can be seasoned with sour cream to add flavor. But remember that chopped mushrooms with sour cream is a high-calorie food. You can use tomato paste or dry white wine to add a sour taste.

Mushrooms are most harmoniously combined with potatoes, buckwheat, rice and beans. From meat, choose poultry, pork, liver for mushrooms.

For the preparation of mushroom dishes, it is possible to use different types of mushrooms.

The use of dry mushroom powder will be very useful, which will enhance the aroma of the dish.

If it is necessary to emphasize the presence of mushrooms in the soup, then you can grind some of them so that the dish gains a higher nutritional value, and put the other part whole (small mushrooms) or cut into slices, or in half lengthwise. It is necessary to take into account that mushrooms are significantly reduced in size during cooking, since they consist mainly of water, which evaporates during the cooking process. Therefore, the slicing of mushrooms should not be too small.

Now let's turn our attention to the methods of freezing mushrooms, which are important for the first course of frozen mushrooms.

Fried or boiled frozen mushrooms do not need additional processing, so they can be added to soups, dipped in boiling water, directly frozen. At the same time, they should not be cooked for a long time. The raw frozen mushrooms are boiled for at least 40 minutes in total, but the water is drained twice. After pretreatment, they are washed and used for frozen mushroom mushroom soup.

In cases where mushrooms are bought in a supermarket, it is unlikely that poisonous ones will be found among them, but you should still pay attention to the packaging: mushrooms cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, if the package is covered with ice, this means that the freezing regime has been violated, and such a product is not worth buying. For the same reason, mushrooms are frozen in small portions, each to be used as needed. If the thawed fresh mushrooms were not cooked right away, it is best to discard them.

Of all the known methods, the most commonly used for mushroom soups is hot soup preparation technology:

Based on a clear broth made from meat, vegetables and mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms and champignons are suitable for concentrated mushroom broth. After boiling, the broth is clarified by straining, pulling. Sometimes, to obtain a transparent broth, it is enough to pre-soak the main ingredient and timely remove the foam formed during the cooking process. In this case, the initial stage of cooking should take place over low heat. The broth can be frozen, which also makes it possible to quickly prepare a soup according to any recipe. To do this, chilled and strained mushroom broth is poured into small containers, on which sealed plastic bags are preliminarily put on. By the way, you can make any broth perfectly transparent using the freezing method. To cleanse it from various impurities, it is enough to put the frozen briquette in cheesecloth, rolled in several layers, and wait until the liquid melts and flows out through the filter. It is also convenient to use disposable towels for this purpose. After filtration, the frozen broth is used for soups as usual.

Refueling soup, using browned vegetables, tomato additive, with or without flour.

Thickened soup, in which, according to technology, flour, eggs or dairy products, or a mixture of the listed components are used for thickening.

Roasting technology for making mushroom soups is used quite often. This method is especially recommended if all the liquid has not been removed from the mushrooms during freezing. In the process of roasting mushrooms, this freezing defect is easily eliminated. And fried mushrooms acquire a more interesting taste, especially if they are cooked by frying in butter.

For making cream soup or cream much effort or special knowledge is not required - it is enough to use a blender or other technique that can turn any soup into a creamy mass.

In this case, you can cook each ingredient separately, combining them later in a blender, or cook the soup in any of the following ways, making sure that the ratio of thick and liquid mass is approximately the same: this will allow you to achieve the thickness required for mashed soups or creams ...

A liquid base for mushroom soup can be meat, mushroom or vegetable broth (including frozen), as well as milk or cream. Mushroom soups are also prepared in fish broths, but at the same time it is necessary to choose which flavor to give preference to - fish or mushroom.

The mushrooms in the soup can be used as the main ingredient or as a side ingredient.

Recipe 1. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, potato with cream - cream soup


Boiled potatoes - 450 g

Fried champignons, frozen 450 g

Cream, hot 1.25 l

Water 200 ml

Mushroom seasoning - 50-70 g

For serving - dill greens.


Ready, fried mushrooms are thawed by steaming in a saucepan, adding mushroom seasoning to enhance the aroma. Combine them with boiled potatoes and beat with a blender until smooth. Boil the cream and pour hot parts into the thick potato-mushroom mass, without stopping whipping. If necessary, salt and season the puree with spices. Serve hot in tureens, garnished with chopped dill herbs.

Recipe 2. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with tomato dressing

Ingredient List:

Potatoes - 300 g

Flour for sautéing - 25 g

Carrots - 150 g

Oyster mushroom, raw, 300 g

Tomato paste - 50 g

Mushroom powder to enhance flavor

Onion - 100 g

Meat broth (or mushroom) - 2 l

Refined oil

Herbs, spices and salt

Water - 2.0 l


Cook chopped frozen oyster mushrooms for ten minutes. Drain the water, wash the mushrooms under running water and pour over the prepared broth (optional). After the broth with mushrooms boils, you need to reduce the heat and add the prepared vegetables in turn.

While the mushrooms are boiling, peel the onions, potatoes and carrots. Pour the diced potatoes into the boiling mushroom broth. Pour chopped onion into a frying pan with hot oil and fry until transparent, then add grated carrots, sauté until soft and pour in about a glass of mushroom broth, combined with flour and tomato paste. Pour the sautéed sauce into a saucepan with broth, add bay leaves and salt. After about ten minutes, remove the pot of soup from the stove. Garnish with herbs when serving.

Recipe 3. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with zucchini

Products composition:

Milk 0.45 l

Zucchini, white - 250 g

Low-fat sour cream (15%) - 120 g

Refined oil (for sautéing)

Onions - 200 g

Boiled mushrooms, frozen - 0.5 kg

Water (or meat broth)

Carrot 150 g

Herbs, spices, mushroom paste


We put the pots in the oven at a temperature of 50 ° C for heating. We grate the carrots, defrost the mushrooms and cut them into not too thin slices, chop the onion with a knife. In heated oil, first pass the carrots and then the onions. Pour mushrooms into sautéed vegetables and simmer. Then we spread the grated zucchini and fill it with milk and salt. Put the contents in pots and pour hot broth or boiling water on top. Add sour cream to all pots and put them in the oven, preheated to 210 ° C, for about half an hour. Before serving, right in portioned pots, season with green parsley.

Recipe 4. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, lean, with white beans

Products composition:

Water - 2.7 L

White, small beans 400 g

450-500 g of fried mushrooms

Garlic - 1/2 medium head

Melted butter 50 g

Oil, olive 100 ml

Dried mushrooms (powder)

Chile 1 pc.

Bay leaf, spices

Fresh parsley

Cooking method:

Cook the soaked beans (it is advisable that they stand overnight).

Season with two bay leaves and salt. Kill half of the boiled beans and put them back in the pot. Crush chili and 2 medium garlic cloves and fry in hot oil. After they turn golden, they need to be taken out and discarded, and in this oil, fry the mushrooms and add them to the bean broth. Boil everything together for another 10 minutes, Add a couple more cloves of chopped garlic, parsley and black pepper.

Recipe 5. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with tomatoes

Products composition:

Broth, meat 2.0 l

Peeled potatoes - 200-300 g

Garlic 2 cloves

500 gr. champignons

2 pcs. red tomatoes (large)

200 g boiled chicken fillet

Refined oil (for frying)

Spices, salt


Pour a little oil into a saucepan so as to cover its bottom, throw in the onion, chopped garlic, frying them until transparent. Add chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper. Then add the peeled, chopped tomatoes and sauté for a few minutes. Then put the diced potatoes and chicken in the same dish, fill with broth, bring to the required taste and until the potatoes are ready.

Recipe 6. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, in a bun


5 pieces. rye buns

500 ml heavy cream

Hard cheese, such as Dutch 200 g

600 g frozen chanterelles (boiled)

600 g potatoes

Garlic to taste

Sesame (for dusting)

Salt, mushroom powder


Cut the potatoes into cubes and cook.

Mushrooms are fried with onions and added to potatoes. Drain the broth and beat the potatoes with mushrooms with a blender, then add the warmed cream. Cut off the top of the bread, which will then become the "lid", remove the crumb. Do not clean the bun thoroughly: the bottom should not be damaged. Put the rolls on a baking sheet and send to the oven, preheated to 180 C. It is necessary for the rolls to brown and dry.

Mushroom soup. 5 easy recipes for making frozen mushroom soup

Mix the garlic and vegetable oil and grease the middle of the roll and the "lid" with the mixture. Pour the soup into the buns, sprinkle with cheese on top, cover with sesame seeds sprinkled on top and serve.

Recipe 7. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, with cheese


Frozen mushrooms (raw) 0.5 kg

Potato 400 g

Processed cheese curds 4x50 g

Carrots 100 g

Pepper, salt

Oil (for sautéing)


Cook the diced potatoes. When the water boils, pour in the grated processed cheese and stir it very vigorously. In order for the cheese to melt well, you should choose good quality cheeses. We defrost the mushrooms, chop and set them to fry until the water evaporates completely. When the moisture has evaporated, season, if necessary, with pepper and salt. Separately, sauté chopped onions and grated carrots. Pour ready-made vegetables and mushrooms into a saucepan and let it simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Recipe 8. Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, with rice in chicken broth


Frozen honey mushrooms, fried 450 g

Broth 2.7 l

Potatoes 300 g (2-3 pcs.)

Parboiled rice 100 g

Greens, mushroom paste

Flour and butter for sautéing - 30-40 g each

Sour cream 50-75 g

Milk 250 ml

Bay leaf

Cooking procedure:

Throw the pre-soaked rice into the boiling chicken broth, along with the potatoes, cut into small cubes. When the rice and potatoes are boiling, place the mushrooms in a saucepan. Fry chopped onions in a pan, adding flour, and then sour cream and milk. Transfer the prepared dressing to a saucepan with soup and let it boil. Season the soup with spices and salt. Serve, decorate each serving with green parsley leaves.

Frozen Mushroom Soup - Tips & Tips

The assortment of mushroom soups can be made more varied with dried fruits. Prunes and dried apricots are perfect for mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms.

For edible mushrooms for soup, use thick-textured tubular mushrooms.

If you harvest mushrooms for the winter on your own, then remember that they must be collected away from the city, from the highway, as they absorb all pollution from the soil, air and water. When picking mushrooms, unknown species, or those in which you doubt, you must resolutely bypass the side, without even touching them with your hands. The best time to pick is early morning, when both the mushrooms and the ground are covered with dew.

You should buy mushrooms only in retail chains that have certificates. Never use the services of unfamiliar sellers in the market. Re-sort the mushrooms before cooking to make sure they are safe.

Only porcini mushrooms or champignons are suitable for mushroom broths.

Prepare a powder from dried porcini mushrooms and store it in a tightly sealed container. Then you don't have to buy a special mushroom seasoning containing salt and preservatives, and mushroom dishes will always turn out aromatic, as if frozen mushrooms have just been brought from the forest.

Soak the dried mushrooms in salted milk. They will swell and take on a fresh scent.

Try to always choose young mushrooms with an unopened cap. Under it are spore-bearing plates or a sponge, into which sand and insects get into when the cap is opened. This will save time when processing mushrooms.

Mushrooms are almost free of acid and sugar, so a small amount of these products will improve the taste of the mushroom dish.

Try to avoid excessive consumption of mushrooms: they are difficult to digest, even if cooked correctly and very tasty.

When I feel sad and somehow internally chilly, I cook soup. I choose some simpler recipe, so as not to stand for a long time at the stove - to quickly chop everything up and then sit waiting for the soup to cook, inhaling delicious aromas. Today I have a particularly fragrant soup made from frozen porcini mushrooms, a recipe with a photo from the category “you couldn't imagine it any easier”. A set of Spartan products - mushrooms, potatoes, onions, carrots, some spices and herbs. Such is the recipe for a good mood. Don't believe me? Try it. It is enough to eat a plate of such a soup of porcini mushrooms - and there will be a warm feeling as if you have been well taken care of.

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms step by step recipes with photos

The taste of the soup depends entirely on the quality of the mushrooms. I have them - gorgeous. A week ago, my mother brought me two bags of frozen porcini mushrooms. I put them in the freezer, but as soon as I opened it, the whole kitchen was immediately filled with the thick aroma of summer, August, early foggy morning. My parents prefer to go to the forest at five o'clock in the morning, according to the old post-war habit, when they went to the forest to pick mushrooms as to harvest, and whoever is the first to have time will get all the mushrooms. Strong, even boletus, without a single wormhole. They just managed to get out after the rain - and immediately put them in the basket. Mom froze them all that way, only she cleaned the legs a little from turf and moss. I just have to defrost them, rinse and cut them. Frozen mushrooms are boiled very quickly. 15 minutes - and the soup is ready.


  • Frozen porcini mushrooms - 250-300 grams,
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces (slightly larger than medium),
  • Onion - medium-sized half,
  • Carrots - half
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 1-2 tablespoons,
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - to taste (I put a half teaspoon),
  • Spices - to taste (I added a pinch of dried crushed garlic and some freshly ground pepper)

How to make frozen porcini mushroom soup

So, we have frozen mushrooms. They need to be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator in advance so that they are completely thawed. In no case should you put mushrooms in the water - they will give the water the lion's share of their wonderful aroma. And we need to keep it to the maximum.

The soup will take a little time to make. Let's start with the bow. It needs to be washed, peeled and cut into small enough pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom. We spread the onion and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally. Stay on the stove to avoid burning the onions. As soon as it becomes transparent, you will immediately need to put the carrots.

You can chop it thinly with a knife, grate it on a regular grater or use a device for Korean carrots - then the soup will turn out to be very aesthetically pleasing. Mix carrots with onions and fry for another five minutes.

Our mushrooms have already defrosted and become soft. I do not use the thawed water from under them, because it either needs to be filtered so that the sand does not creak on my teeth, or to drain. I am not in the mood to do magic in the kitchen, so I wash the mushrooms, clean off the remains of the turf and cut the mushrooms. If you want you to get such intelligible pieces, then cut the leg off about a centimeter from the cap and cut it into centimeter-wide pieces. And put the rest of the hat up. Cut in half, and then take a half and cut neat pieces across - you get quarters with a distinct mushroom shape. Of course, this can only be organized if the boletus is medium-sized.

We send the chopped mushrooms to a saucepan, mix with onions and carrots and fry for a couple of minutes.

Only potatoes remained. We clean it and cut it small. In general, I cut into strips, as for frying, and then also in half, because I do not like it when large potato chunks are floating in the soup. I like the potato slices to fit in a tablespoon.

I take only 1 liter for this amount of food, because I like soup that tastes rich and that there is more thick. Water can be taken cold or boiled in advance - then the soup will cook even faster.

We put the pan on the stove, salt, bring to a boil, tighten the heating to a third, close the lid and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the potatoes are boiled. Add spices at the end. Next, turn off the stove and let the soup brew for at least 20 minutes. Remember, the longer the soup is, the more flavorful it becomes.

That's all. You can serve this mushroom soup with chopped herbs. Can be with sour cream.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

Peel the onions, carrots, garlic, potatoes, celery and parsley with a knife. Then rinse the vegetables under running water from all kinds of dirt and pat dry with paper kitchen towels. Then place them one by one on a cutting board and chop. Cut the onions into half rings with an approximate thickness up to 0.5 millimeters... Cut the carrots, parsley and celery into strips with an approximate diameter 0.7 by 0.7 millimeters and long up to 3 centimeters... Cut the potatoes into large pieces of arbitrary shape and an approximate diameter up to 3 centimeters... Chop the garlic finely. Divide the vegetables into separate bowls like the green peas with the correct amount of spices. Throw the boiled pearl barley porridge into a colander and hold in it until all the liquid has drained. Then transfer it to a separate plate, helping yourself with a tablespoon. The ingredients are ready!

Step 2: defrost the mushrooms.

Frozen mushrooms are very delicate and must be handled very carefully. Place the required amount of frozen mushrooms in a deep bowl, pour some cold running water into it and let the mushrooms defrost.
This process will take you about 20 - 30 minutes, there is no other way. If you pour hot or warm water on the mushrooms, you risk getting porridge instead of mushrooms, which in the end is only suitable for making julienne or mushroom puree soup. After the mushrooms are completely thawed, drain all the water from them, put them in a colander and rinse them under a thin stream of cold running water. Then leave them in a colander until all the liquid is drained and transfer to a clean, deep bowl.

Step 3: fry the mushrooms and onions.

Turn the stove on to medium heat and place a frying pan with the required amount of vegetable oil on it. After the fat is heated, put the chopped onion into the pan and fry it for 5 - 7 minutes to transparency and light golden color.
After the onion reaches the consistency you need, add the mushrooms to it and simmer these 2 ingredients together for about 10-15 minutes until the moisture is completely evaporated.
During this time, onions with mushrooms will reach full readiness, and take on a light, light brown hue. Across 10-15 minutes set the pan off the stove.

Step 4: cook vegetables.

Turn the stove to a high temperature and place a large saucepan on it with the required amount of clean distilled water. After the water boils, screw the level of the stove to medium temperature, throw celery and parsley roots into it. Boil them for 10 minutes.
Then add the chopped carrots to the pan and cook the total mass more 10 minutes.
Then add the potatoes and cook the soup some more 10 minutes.

Step 5: add the rest of the ingredients.

After the vegetables have boiled together 10 minutes, add the fried mushrooms and onions to the pan.
Pour in the boiled pearl barley.
Then toss in the green peas.
Add laurel leaf, black peppercorns and allspice peas.
Season the soup with garlic.
And the last, but not a little important touch - dill greens. Throw it into the soup and stir the mixture with a ladle.

Step 6: cook frozen mushroom mushroom soup.

Boil the soup for 20 minutes, periodically stirring with a ladle and skimming with a slotted spoon. Per 2 - 3 minutes until fully cooked, season the soup to taste with salt, stir, turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the mushroom soup steep for 10-15 minutes... Then, using a ladle, pour it into deep plates, add sour cream of any fat content to taste and enjoy!

Step 7: Serve frozen mushroom soup.

Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms, served hot, laid in deep bowls and seasoned with sour cream or cream. This type of soup does not need any additions and is considered a lean or dietary meal. It is often prepared on fast days, at Christmas, and for athletes, and is served with croutons or crispbread. Delicate, aromatic soup, from which you will get a lot of pleasure! Bon Appetit!

- - If you want your soup to be more rich and fatty, you can cook it in any kind of broth, you can also add boiled meat, of any kind, or boil the broth with meat and then add and cook vegetables in it with the rest of the ingredients.

- - The set of spices and herbs in this recipe is not essential, you can put any spices that are suitable for soups, vegetable dishes, meat dishes. You can also use greens such as green onions, basil, saffron, parsley, and many more.

- - You can fry onions with mushrooms in any other vegetable and milk fats, for example, olive oil, corn oil, butter, butter margarine.

- - In this type of soup, you can use any frozen or fresh mushrooms, it can be chanterelles, champignons, russula, porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus and many other types.

- - The type of cereal in this dish is not fundamental, you can put any boiled or raw cereal you like, as well as pasta.

If you went to the forest in the fall and made your own stocks for the winter - great, if not, in the modern world everything can be purchased in the supermarket.

In general, there are many recipes for dishes that contain this wonderful product. For example, recently we discovered many new recipes for julienne with mushrooms and chicken, which we found on the wonderful blog "Secrets of Home Economics". We cooked one of them and we got a very tasty treat.

The process of preparing any dish with this ingredient is not very complicated, but you still need to know and follow the main points that should not be neglected. This is what we will do now first of all.

  • The main thing is, when choosing mushrooms in the store, pay attention to the expiration date and packaging, if it is in ice, then it is better to refuse such a purchase - the freezing regime was probably not followed. Take care of your health.

Know! Mushrooms should never be re-frozen!

  • If the frozen mushrooms were previously boiled or fried, then additional manipulations do not need to be done, just throw them into boiling water.
  • And if not, then boil the raw frozen mushrooms for about 40 minutes, while changing the water twice during cooking, then rinse it and only then put it in the soup.
  • The mushroom flavor will fully develop only after 3 minutes of strong boil at the end of cooking and infusion for 20 minutes.

Delicious Lean Mushroom Soup Recipe

Lean soup is very easy to prepare and delicious to learn. In addition, it is easily absorbed and has a positive effect on the human body, filling it with the necessary energy.

This is because mushrooms contain the amino acids we need, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and vitamins of groups D, E, C, B.


  • Frozen mushrooms 400 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Oil - olive - 4 tablespoons
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Green dill - 0.5 bunch
  • Water - 1.8 L

Cooking method:

1. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into medium pieces.

2. Peel the onion into small cubes.

3. Wash carrots, peel and cut into strips.

4. Put a pot of water on the stove, after boiling, put potatoes in it. At this time, pass the onions and carrots over medium heat in not a large number olive oil by adding a little water.

5. Remove the champignons and heat a little in a pan with butter for about three minutes.

6. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, put mushrooms and vegetables to it.

7. Salt and pepper to taste and add green dill. The soup is ready!

Bon Appetit!

Cooking mushroom soup from frozen champignons:

Most often in cooking we use champignons, because they are always in the store, all year round. They give the dish aroma and a peculiar pleasant taste.

This dish is served with crackers, sour cream and herbs. If desired, sour cream and garlic sauce is placed separately.


  • Meat broth (water) - 1.5 l
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 1 piece
  • Champignons - 150 g
  • Vermicelli - 5 g
  • Sunflower oil - 40 l
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Greens

Cooking method:

1. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. We put a saucepan with broth on the stove, after the liquid boils, pour out the potatoes and cook.

2. Peel the onion and carrot, cut into pieces and fry in a pan in sunflower oil.

3. Fry the frozen mushrooms a little in oil.

4. Put in a saucepan to the boiled potatoes, dump the onions and carrots, noodles there. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

5. Salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Turn it off, the soup is ready. Bon Appetit.

You can pour it into small plates and enjoy the wonderful taste of the ready-made soup!

Multicooker recipe

Mushroom soups are prepared in the broth that is obtained during cooking. They can contain a variety of ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, noodles, buckwheat, barley or rolled oats.

Soups with beans, pumpkin, prunes, eggplants, zucchini, Chinese cabbage and seaweed are also prepared. Delicious mushroom soups with shrimp or spinach.

I suggest watching a detailed video of a recipe for making mushroom soup. Happy viewing!

Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup with cream

Frozen mushroom soup has many health benefits. In terms of the amount of protein in mushrooms, they are not inferior to meat. In general, it has a beneficial effect on our body.

But as with all products, there are contraindications to the use of mushroom soups. Namely: children's age up to 3 years, the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, kidney and liver diseases.

Soup with cream turns out to be incredibly tasty. Try this recipe.


  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Cream - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Processed cheese - 90 g

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and put them in boiling water to cook.

2. Peel the carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion. Three carrots on a coarse grater.

3. In a frying pan in oil, fry the vegetables until golden brown with frozen, boiled mushrooms. Cut the cheese into large pieces.

4. Put the fried onions, carrots and mushrooms, as well as cheese in a saucepan with potatoes.

Stir, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Then pour the cream and stir again and let it boil. Turn off, put chopped greens.

6. Let the soup brew for 20 minutes. The fragrant creamy soup is ready!

Bon Appetit!

The most delicious recipe for making porcini mushrooms

In soups, mushrooms are used both as separate varieties and as a mixture. You should be aware that types of mushrooms reveal themselves in different ways. Porcini and mushrooms make the soup rich, nutritious and aromatic, from aspen mushrooms, mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, it is already less rich and satisfying, less bright taste from honey mushrooms and russula.

To make the dish more rich, you can use meat broth as a basis, instead of water. And in order for the soup to acquire a high nutritional value, part of the mushrooms can be finely chopped, the rest can be left intact, if they are small in size, or cut in half. Consider the fact that mushrooms shrink when cooked.

Mushroom soups go well with many spices such as black pepper, basil, cumin, garlic, rosemary, etc. Despite such a variety, you should be very careful with spices, otherwise they can spoil and clog the natural mushroom aroma and taste.

Did you know that the white mushroom is considered the most useful; it contains substances that prevent the formation and development of tumors. It has a high content of iodine, zinc, manganese and copper.


  • Chicken broth - 2.5 l
  • Mushrooms (boiled frozen) - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • Rice - 100 g
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs
  • Greens to taste

Cooking method:

1. Ready chicken broth, strained through cheesecloth until transparent, put on fire, cover with a lid.

2. Finely chop the onion head, three carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put vegetables.

Fry until golden brown over medium heat.

4. Pour washed rice into boiling broth and cook for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

Add to broth, cook for 10 minutes, stir occasionally.

5. Then add the frozen boiled mushrooms and cook until the potatoes are ready for about 15 minutes. I have frozen porcini mushrooms cut into large pieces.

6. Put the frying in the soup, salt, pepper, add bay leaves, chopped greens, mix, cook for 3 minutes and turn off.

Let the soup brew for a few minutes and pour into plates.

Bon Appetit!

Thank you for the attention! Hope you like the recipes! Bye everyone!

Mushroom Soup Recipes

frozen mushroom soup

25 minutes

70 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

In frozen forest mushrooms, the lion's share of all valuable substances that are in fresh ones remains. Done right, your kitchen will be filled with the magical scent of wild mushrooms. Soups are prepared simply and quickly - in less than half an hour, you will have a sumptuous lunch.

Delicious mushroom soup made from frozen forest mushrooms

This is a simple, but very satisfying, aromatic, quick soup made from frozen mushrooms. But any forest mushrooms that you like or have in stock will do for him. If desired, noodles can be replaced with rice or buckwheat.

Kitchen appliances: 2 bowls; cutting board and knife; 1-2 liter saucepan or bowl; colander; frying pan for frying mushrooms; deep plates for serving.


Selection of ingredients

  • Forest mushrooms are also called forest meat, due to their high protein and essential amino acid content. Frozen forest mushrooms retain 80-90% of all nutrients found in fresh mushrooms.
  • In comparison, dried mushrooms contain only 30% of the available nutrients. If you do not harvest mushrooms yourself for the winter, frozen mushrooms can be bought in packaged form in stores and supermarkets. When choosing mushrooms (if these are not small mushrooms, like honey mushrooms), give preference to chopped mushrooms. In them, useful substances are more accessible than in whole.
  • Chopping frozen mushrooms will be inconvenient, since they are not thawed before cooking, but simply washed with cold water. It is advisable to choose packaging not with a mixture, but with one type of mushroom. Manufacturers usually limit themselves to listing the names of mushrooms and do not indicate the mass fraction of each species in the composition. In addition, chanterelles may appear in such mixtures.
  • Most industrial plants freeze them fresh when they require additional heat treatment. Fresh frozen chanterelles are very bitter and inedible.

A step-by-step recipe for frozen mushroom mushroom soup

  1. Wash and peel all vegetables: potatoes, onions, and carrots. Cut the onion, cut half into cubes and set aside the other half.
  2. Cut the carrots into half rings. To do this, cut the root vegetable in the middle and chop as thin as possible. Transfer to a bowl of onions because you will need to fry the onions and carrots together.

  3. Cut the potatoes into thin cubes (3-4 mm thick), like the carrots. Transfer the potatoes to a bowl or saucepan for the soup. Fill it with water and put it on fire. You need a small amount of water, a little more than the potatoes themselves.

  4. You do not need to defrost the mushrooms. Pour them into a colander or other bowl with holes (a steaming bowl from a multicooker is suitable) and rinse the mushrooms well in cold water. This must be done quickly so that the mushrooms do not have time to melt.

  5. Put prepared onions and carrots in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Lightly salt the vegetables.

  6. When the onions are juiced and clear, add the mushrooms to the skillet. Determine the amount of mushrooms to your taste. If you like rich soups, add more.
  7. There should be about the same number of mushrooms as there are vegetables. Saute the vegetable mixture for 5-7 minutes.
  8. While you were frying mushrooms with vegetables, the potatoes should have boiled. Add the mushroom mass to the potatoes, a little salt and cook for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are completely cooked.
  9. Add the vermicelli. It turns out to be a thick soup. If you like it thinner, add some water or broth.
  10. While the soup is cooking, chop up fresh herbs to serve. The soup will be ready in a few minutes. Pour it into serving bowls, add some greens and have fun.

Learn how to cook and a wonderful, simple recipe.

Soup preparation video

This video shows a good, detailed recipe for mushroom soup.

Frozen Mushroom Mushroom Soup Recipes

The site contains only delicious recipes that can be prepared not only in a few minutes, but also from the most common products.

2015-05-30T16: 11: 43.000Z

Frozen porcini mushroom soup recipe

Delicious, mouth-watering fragrant soup with an extraordinary aroma of porcini mushrooms. It is prepared quickly and easily, and in terms of taste it is a real delicacy. Your kitchen will be filled with the amazing aroma of porcini mushrooms.

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 4.
  • Kitchen appliances: cutting board and knife; grater; a saucepan with a thick bottom for 2 liters; deep plates for serving.


Step by step recipe

Here we have simple, successful recipes for delicious

Cooking options

  • Any frozen forest mushrooms are perfect for making quick mushroom soup: aspen mushrooms, boletus boletus, honey agarics, porcini or boletus. Many people use assorted mushrooms.
  • Excellent mushroom soups are also prepared from frozen mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. It is better not to defrost frozen mushrooms so that they do not lose their taste and aroma. Before cooking, you just need to rinse them under cold water.
  • The soup can be cooked in meat or vegetable broth. Add noodles, barley, rice, buckwheat or beans to the mushroom soup. To make the soup taste more tender, add sour cream, cream or processed cream cheese.
  • You can pour water over the mushrooms and boil the broth, and then add the potatoes and vegetable fry. Another option: stew the mushrooms with vegetables, then add water, add potatoes, cereals and cook until the potatoes are ready. And so, and so delicious.
  • Often, mushroom soup is served with homemade croutons with garlic and herbs. After you cook the soup, let it sit for 15-30 minutes for the mushroom aroma to develop better.

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