Is it possible to bake bread in a multicooker. Bread in a multicooker "Redmond": simple recipes for making delicious pastries

Many women use a slow cooker instead of an oven to make delicious aromatic pastries - pies, cakes, pizza. Homemade bread turns out in it simply wonderful and in taste and composition cannot be compared with store-bought bread. In its manufacture, only natural ingredients are used, and preservatives and other unhealthy additives that manufacturers add to products are out of the question.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The multicooker will not let you down, unlike a regular oven, in which the bread may not rise, not bake, or burn. By observing the recipe and the sequence of cooking, these troubles can be avoided and, thus, not wasting time and food. It is advisable to knead the dough in the usual way so that it is light and airy, and then transfer it to a bowl. If the top of the bread is light, you just need to turn the loaf over with the help of a steamer bowl and continue baking. Bread recipes in a slow cooker are varied: rye, wheat, yeast-free, butter.

There is hardly anything that can compare in taste and aroma with freshly baked bread. Especially if it is not purchased, but "home" production. As a child, I often had to feast on bread baked by my country grandmother, and I know for sure that no store can compare with it.

For a long time I thought that I would never have to try that amazing bread again, but, fortunately, I was wrong.

Homemade bread without yeast can be cooked in a slow cooker, or in the oven. The first option is suitable if you do not have the opportunity to frequently check the baking process. True, when baked in the oven, bread usually comes out more fluffy and soft.

First stage: leaven

What do you think makes homemade bread so healthy and delicious? Leaven! This is the most important part of bread. It needs to be cooked for several days, and, carefully observing all the nuances - the sourdough easily deteriorates, especially at an early stage of preparation.

So, take peeled rye flour, about half a glass of warm boiled water (best of all, if it was also filtered) and a clean glass jar with a capacity of at least two liters. If you don't have a can at hand, you can also use a large plastic container (always with a lid).

Pour water into a jar and put 3-4 tablespoons of rye flour in it. Stir well until smooth. The mixture in its density should look like a store sour cream 20% fat.

Now we cover the jar with a thick cloth napkin (or towel) and put it in a warm, dark place. Most importantly, do not place it near a radiator or stove! It is too hot there and the beneficial lactic acid bacteria of the sourdough will die before they mature. Remember: the ambient temperature should not exceed +36 degrees!
On the second day, you need to get the jar and check the contents. Do not be alarmed if there is an unpleasant smell and bubbles - this has begun fermentation. It is necessary to add three tablespoons of rye flour and about a third of a glass of warm boiled water to the future sourdough. Stir everything until smooth, cover with a napkin and return the jar to a warm and dark place.

On the third day it will be clear whether the leaven is ripening correctly. Its surface should become noticeably lighter than the previous day. And the smell will no longer be so nasty. We feed the sourdough in the same way as on the second day and return it to its place.

On the fourth and fifth day, we act according to the same scenario: three tablespoons of flour, water, stirring. We continue to store the jar in a dark and warm place.

Every day the surface of the leaven should change: brighten, go in bubbles. Moreover, it will increase in volume. To make it clearer, mature leaven should resemble yeast dough in structure: light, spongy and light.

On the sixth day, the leaven is ready and you can proceed directly to making bread. To do this, put three tablespoons of the starter culture in a plastic bowl (at least one and a half liters). Add six tablespoons of rye flour and half a glass of water to it, stir again until the consistency of sour cream. Place this bowl in a warm, dark place for about five hours for the sourdough to come up.

To make homemade bread in a slow cooker more luxuriant, you can repeat this procedure: that is, you have already stood a bowl of sourdough for five hours, you take it out, put water in it again and 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, stir and put in a dark place for another five hours. But if there is no possibility, once is enough.

Stage two: making bread in a slow cooker

Now we knead the dough for homemade bread. Need to take:

5-7 tablespoons of ready-made sourdough,

5 cups wheat or rye flour (about 700 gr.),

2 teaspoons of salt

2 tablespoons of sugar

1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil (preferably flaxseed oil)

300 ml of warm, boiled water (about a glass and a quarter),

1 cup - healthy supplements.

Additives can be any: dried fruits, seeds, different types of flour, bran, etc. I usually put a few tablespoons of bran, a few tablespoons of sesame and sunflower seeds - so that a glass comes out by volume.

Knead the dough and make something like a "kolobok", cover with a towel and leave it to rise in the same bowl for a couple of hours.

After that, knead again and put the dough in a multicooker (“bread maker” mode). It takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to bake homemade bread in a slow cooker. Moreover, thirty minutes before the end of baking, it is imperative to turn the bread over! Otherwise, the bottom will be damp and damp.

You can also bake bread in the oven if you want. But then it needs to be properly warmed up: turn it on at 200 degrees and wait half an hour. And just before laying the bread, do not forget to put a deep frying pan with water on the bottom of the oven - bread loves moisture!

It takes exactly an hour to bake bread in the oven, and when it has been there for twenty minutes, you need to reduce the baking temperature to 180 degrees (so as not to burn).

Everything, homemade bread is ready!

What to do with the leftover leaven?

If you want to bake more bread in the coming days, then put it in the refrigerator. In this form, it can be stored for about ten to twelve days. When you need to use it, hold the starter on the table for 30-40 minutes so that it warms up to room temperature. Then put five spoons of rye flour in the leaven, half a glass of water and hold for five to six hours so that it comes up. Then you can put it in the bread dough.

You can simply freeze the leaven. Then, before using it, you will need to take it out of the freezer and keep it at room temperature until it defrosts.

You can make delicious, aromatic bread on your own at home. A multicooker is very suitable for this - a universal technical kitchen invention today. Bread in a slow cooker turns out to be soft, airy, if you add a little yeast. You can also make yeast-free and dietary breads for people who support proper nutrition.

Rye bread is prepared with dough. The longest time is waiting for the dough to rise.

Prepare for bread:

  • rye flour - 3 cups;
  • wheat flour (for dough) - table. l .;
  • yeast - 30 g;
  • filtered water - 100 gr;
  • kefir - 150 gr;
  • salt, sugar;
  • spices (cumin, sesame seeds, cinnamon).

Initially, prepare the dough: combine yeast with a spoonful of flour, sugar and dilute with water. If the yeast is fresh, the dough will rise in a quarter of an hour.

Next combine the dough with flour, kefir, salt and mix. Flour is added gradually, in small amounts. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, it's ready. It should be soft, but not too soft. It should not be tight either - after a while it will have to come up. Pour the spice into the dough, mix. Put it in a bowl, cover and leave for four hours to come up. Then take it out, wrinkling it with your hands a little. Form into a ball and place in an oiled multicooker bowl. Leave to rest for half an hour by closing the lid. Bake in the "Baking" or "Bread" mode for 50 minutes. Then turn over the loaf and bake for another quarter of an hour.

White bread in a slow cooker

The most popular bread is wheat bread. The white bun will be even more flavorful and tender if you cook the dough with milk.

  • warm milk / water - 500 ml;
  • dry yeast bag;
  • flour - 900 gr;
  • post oil;
  • sugar - 1 table. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

We dilute the yeast in a warm liquid along with salt and sugar. Leave for half an hour for the yeast to take effect.

After half an hour, combine with butter and flour, mix well and form a dough. We leave the homogeneous mass in a warm place under the film for an hour - to rise.

Grease the multicooker container with oil and put the dough into it. Close the lid, select the "Warm up" program for a quarter of an hour, then leave the dough for another 40 minutes. In the "Baking" mode, bake for an hour, then turn the loaf over and bake for another half hour. Using the basket for steam cooking, remove and leave to cool.

Diet recipe

  • water - 300 ml;
  • sourdough on rye flour - 400 ml;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • post oil - 3rd table. l .;
  • rye flour - 350 gr;
  • oat flour - 350 gr;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • malt - 1 tbsp l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

First, combine the malt, salt and sugar in a wide bowl and stir. Then add ground coriander, add oil and hot water. Stir well.

The next step is to sift the flour into a bowl with a liquid dough piece. Knead the dough with a spoon. It will turn out to be soft, elastic, uniform consistency.

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, then put a neat ball of dough in it and also lightly grease with oil.

At the end of the proving phase, bake in the "Bake" mode for an hour, then turn the loaf over and continue baking for another hour.

Cooking with kefir

Kefir contributes to the formation of fluffy baked goods, making the bread very airy and porous. A fermented milk product is often used to make lush baked goods. In combination with yeast, the dough is very soft, the bread suits well.

  • water - 180 ml;
  • kefir - 130 ml;
  • oil without aroma - 2 tablespoons. l .;
  • sugar - 1 table. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 460 gr;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp

We combine the liquid part of the components, mix well. Pour in flour and yeast, knead the dough and let rise for an hour or two. We send a ball of dough into a greased multicooker bowl and bake in the "Bread" mode for two hours. Then turn over and bake for another half hour.

Oat bread

Oat bread can be made using one of the above recipes using only oat flour. If one was not at home at the right time, you can cook it yourself. To do this, use a blender and grind the oatmeal to a very fine flour. Can be sieved before use to remove any large oatmeal residues.

Bread can be made without yeast - this makes it even healthier and more dietary.

On a note. When making bread for decoration, you can sprinkle sesame or caraway seeds on top of the dough.

Unleavened bread in a slow cooker

Yeast-free bread is considered healthier than yeast-free bread. Nutritionists believe that yeast negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to flatulence.
This recipe will definitely be appreciated by adherents of proper nutrition and owners of some digestive problems.

For yeast-free bread, you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • coarse flour - 500 gr;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • egg;
  • draining. oil - 30 gr;
  • soda and salt - tsp;
  • cumin / sesame;
  • oil for preparing the multicooker bowl.

Combine dry ingredients, grind with oil. Then pour in kefir, beat in an egg and knead well. You should have a smooth, soft dough. Form three cakes, sprinkle with spices.

Grease the multicooker bowl and dip the cake into it. Warm up the bowl a little. Then bake the bread for an hour in the "Baking" mode. Repeat with all the cakes.

The nuances of cooking in a multicooker: Redmond, Polaris, Philips

Baking muffins in multi-cookers from different manufacturers differs in the cooking program used. The bread is cooked in the "Bake", "Bread" or "Multi Cook" mode. In the latter case, it is important to choose the right temperature. For an even formation of a golden hue over the entire surface, the loaf of bread must be turned over and baked on both sides.

Homemade bread, which is made with love, will be much tastier than purchased bread without additives. Today we will tell you how to properly cook bread in a multicooker and prove that it is not difficult at all.


  • Rye flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Water - 0.1 l;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Dry yeast - 0.01kg;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the multicooker shape;
  • Milk - 0.32 l;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Dry yeast - 0.01 kg;
  • Wheat flour –3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Prepare a large container for kneading the dough.
  2. Sift all the flour (about 3.5 cups) through a sieve. Pour it into a dough container.
  3. Add sugar, yeast and salt to the flour.
  4. Pour all the milk into a saucepan. Put it on medium gas, let it heat up, but not boil. Pour milk into flour.
  5. Take a small bowl, pour 100 ml of water into it and heat it a little on gas. Add water to the dough.
  6. Take a spoon and start mixing the dough with it. Help yourself with your hands. As soon as the dough is kept in the heap, it can be laid out on the board. Do not forget to grind it with flour, otherwise the dough will stick to the surface.
  7. The dough will not crease well, to simplify this process - grease your hands with vegetable oil. Then the kneading will be much easier, and the dough will not take in excess flour.
  8. Rub the dough on a wooden board for about five minutes. As a result, it shouldn't stick to your hands.
  9. Now let the dough rest. To do this, prepare a large container and sprinkle a little oil on it.
  10. Place the dough in a bowl and place a plastic bag over it, or cover everything with cling film.
  11. Send the bowl of dough to a warm place for 45 minutes. During this time, it will double for you.
  12. Take out our dough and place it on your work surface. Rinse it a little with your hands.
  13. The form of the multicooker must be greased with sunflower oil.
  14. Turn on the "heating" mode on the multicooker for 2 minutes.
  15. Put the dough into the switched off, but warm multicooker. Close the lid of the appliance and leave the dough there for 40 minutes (during this time, the lid must not be opened).
  16. After the specified time, set the “baking” mode for 60 minutes. Specify a temperature of 150 degrees.
  17. After 40 minutes, you need to open the multicooker and turn our bread over. To do this, you can take a steaming container. Before turning the bread over, take a special spatula (it is not recommended to take other devices, otherwise you may scratch the bowl itself) and walk it along the sides of the bowl so that the bread comes off easily.
  18. After turning, the bread should be baked for another 20 minutes.
  19. Rye bread is ready. Gently remove it from the bowl and let it cool. It is believed that such bread should only be served cold, but you can use it in any form.

Unleavened bread in a slow cooker

It will take you several days to make this bread, but the result is worth it.


  • Rye flour - 1 kg;
  • Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp spoons;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Wheat flour - 0.1 kg;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Purified water.


  1. Prepare large dishes. Ideally, it should be ceramic or glass.
  2. Boil 100 ml of water. Pour it into a dough container.
  3. Add 0.1 kg of rye flour to the water. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass does not have lumps. These actions must be carried out with a wooden spatula or spoon. Iron appliances will not work.
  4. Take plastic wrap and tighten the bowl with it. Or just cover the dough with a paper towel.
  5. Place the bread dough in a warm place (for example, near a battery) for 1 day.
  6. After the indicated time, remove the dough. Bubbles should have formed on its surface, if they are not there, then you have chosen the wrong place to store the dough. This is not critical at this stage, just move the bowl to a warmer place.
  7. Boil 100 ml of water again and add it to the dough.
  8. Measure out 0.1 kg of rye flour, sift it and pour into the dough. Mix everything again with a wooden spatula, tighten the bowl with cling film and send it to any warm place (for example, near the stove) for 1 day.
  9. On day 3, you will need to repeat steps 7 and 8.
  10. On the fourth day, you need to boil about 0.5 liters of water. Add it to the dough and also add flour. It should be so much that the mass resembles thick sour cream.
  11. Send the bowl to a warm place for another 1 day.
  12. Separate ¾ of this dough and place it in a separate bowl, in which the bread will already be kneaded.
  13. In the remaining ¼ add 0.1 kg of rye flour and boiled water. The mass should resemble thick sour cream. Repeat with this ¼ the same steps as before and after a few days you can make more bread. If you no longer want to bake bread, then simply add this dough to other baked goods instead of yeast. A glass of this dough replaces 0.04 kg of yeast.
  14. Add a little honey, salt and oil to the dough (¾ dough). Mix everything. It is most convenient to do this with a whisk, then lumps will not form. Now add flour and continue stirring with a spoon. Only after the dough has acquired a dense structure can it be kneaded by hand. Previously, this cannot be done, since everything will stick to your hands, and it will be very difficult to wash the dough. But if the dough accidentally falls on the table or other furniture, immediately pour water over it to soak the dough.
  15. When it is no longer possible to knead the dough with a spoon, put it on a board (be sure to sprinkle it with flour, otherwise it will be difficult to peel the dough later) and crease it with your hands. Do this until it stops sticking to your fingers. Now you can add regular wheat flour to the dough.
  16. Grease the bowl of the appliance with oil and pour the dough into it. Cover everything with a paper towel to keep our dough from chapping. Leave the bowl in a warm place for 3 hours.
  17. After 3 hours, our bread in the bowl will take the correct shape and will be ready to bake. Take a silicone brush and brush the top of the bread with sunflower oil.
  18. Place the bowl in the appliance and turn on the baking mode for 30 minutes.
  19. After half an hour, turn off the multicooker and turn the bread over to the other side.
  20. Set the baking mode again for half an hour.
  21. The bread will be ready in half an hour. Place it on a basket (used for steaming), cover with a towel and let cool slightly.
  22. The cooled bread can be cut into small pieces and served with any dish.

If it gets stale, then cut it into cubes, bake it a little in the oven and toss it into soups or salads.

White bread in a slow cooker - a step by step recipe


  • Milk (or purified water) - 0.5 l;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Flour (wheat) - 0.8 kg;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Pour warm milk into a bowl and dissolve yeast in it.
  2. You need to add salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and sugar to milk. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Sift all the flour and add it to milk in small portions.
  4. Place the dough on a floured board and rinse well with your hands.
  5. Return the dough to the container, cover it with one paper towel and let the dough sit for about 40 minutes.
  6. Grease a multicooker with oil and put our dough inside.
  7. Turn on the "heating" mode for 10 minutes.
  8. Turn off the appliance, let the dough be inside for 20 minutes.
  9. Turn on the "heating" again, but this time only for 3 minutes.
  10. Let the dough sit for another 15 minutes.
  11. Only now can the lid be lifted. You will see that the bread has increased in size.
  12. Now set the bake setting for 90 minutes.
  13. After the specified time, the multicooker will beep and turn off.
  14. Take out the bread and turn it over to the other side.
  15. Set the baking mode on the multicooker for 30 minutes. In general, the bread is baked for 2 hours.
  16. Remove the finished product from the device and let it cool down a little. This bread can be stored for several days.

Oat bread


  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Oatmeal - 1 multi-glass;
  • Water - 2 multi-glasses;
  • Yeast - 7 grams;
  • Flour (wheat) - 3 multi-glasses.


  1. Prepare a large bowl (for kneading the dough). Pour some salt, a glass of cereal and 7 grams of yeast into it.
  2. Pour drinking water into a small saucepan and heat it slightly on gas.
  3. Fill all dry components with warm water. Now mix everything and let this mixture swell for 25 minutes.
  4. Sift all the flour and gradually add it to the cereal. Stir the dough constantly. Its consistency should be liquid, so you don't need to crush this dough with your hands.
  5. Take a bowl and put our dough in it.
  6. Close the lid of your appliance and set the “multi-cook” mode (it allows you to set your own time and temperature). Set the temperature to 35 degrees for 1 hour. At this temperature, the dough will infuse and gradually rise.
  7. Open the lid of the multicooker and sprinkle our product with cereals. This is for beauty purposes only, so you can skip this step.
  8. Set the baking mode on the appliance for 50 minutes.
  9. After 50 minutes, carefully turn the bread over. You can burn yourself at this point, so it is better to wait for the steam to escape.
  10. Bake the bread on the same setting for another 15 minutes.
  11. Turn off the appliance and put the product inside for 10 minutes.
  12. Now you can open the lid and take out the bread. When it cools down a little, you can eat.

Diet recipe

If you follow your figure, then this recipe is for you.


  • Water - 0.3 l;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Fresh herbs (dill and / or parsley) - 1 bunch;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Coriander - 2 pinches;
  • Malt - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • Rye flour - 0.35 kg;
  • Rye sourdough - 0.4 l;
  • Oat flour - 0.35 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Take a large container and pour a spoonful of malt into it.
  2. Add sugar to it. You can take any kind - white or brown.
  3. Throw in another pinch of salt.
  4. Measure out some coriander and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Stir the bowl with all the ingredients to mix a little.
  6. Rinse the greens thoroughly under running water and chop finely. Add it to a bowl.
  7. Measure out 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Pour 300 ml of water into a bowl and boil it. Add hot water to a bowl and stir everything.
  9. Sift the entire amount of rye flour through a sieve. Put it in a bowl and mix quickly.
  10. Do the same with oatmeal. If you don't have it, then do it yourself - from the cereal. A coffee grinder will help you with this. As a last resort, this type of flour can be replaced with wheat flour.
  11. Add sourdough to the dough. Stir the dough with a fork to make it more comfortable.
  12. The finished dough can then be washed by hand. It must be holistic and elastic.
  13. Coat the mold with oil. Place the bread in the bowl; you also need to smear it a little.
  14. Close the multicooker and set the temperature yourself to 40 degrees, the time is 6 hours. It takes a long time, but during this time the bread will be infused and ready for baking.
  15. Now select the "baking" mode for 1 hour. Then check the readiness of your bread with a toothpick, if it is not ready - send it to bake.
  16. Put the finished bread on a flat dish and cut immediately.

You can store it for about 5 days in the refrigerator.

Eat it with boiled breast or with other dietary meals.

Fast and delicious cooking method


  • Flour (wheat) - 0.25 kg;
  • Yeast (fresh) - 10 g;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the multicooker bowl;
  • Water - 0.3 l.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and dissolve the salt in it.
  2. Add yeast (you do not need to pre-soak them) and sifted flour. Stir the dough with a wooden spatula.
  3. Now put the kneaded dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker mold (bottom and sides) with sunflower oil and place the dough in it. Let it continue to infuse in it - about half an hour.
  5. Place the bowl back into the appliance and set the bake setting for 50 minutes.
  6. Turn the bread over and set on the same program for another 20 minutes.
  7. That's it, the bread is ready.

Although this product is prepared quite quickly, the taste of the bread is amazing. And the golden crust and airy center will certainly delight you.

Cooking with kefir


  • Yeast (fresh) - 0.05 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Kefir - 0.25 l;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp spoons;
  • Mustard (whole beans) - 1 tsp;
  • Wheat flour (premium) - 0.4 kg;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Dill - 3 branches;
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  1. Remove all food from the refrigerator beforehand so that it reaches room temperature.
  2. Pour kefir into a small bowl and heat a little - up to 25 degrees.
  3. Remove kefir from heat and add yeast to it.
  4. Add some salt and sugar to the bowl. Mix everything and set the dough aside for 15 minutes.
  5. Prepare a large, convenient dough bowl and break the egg into it.
  6. Chop the washed dill finely and pour over the egg. Also, add a spoonful of mustard and a spoonful of oil to the bowl.
  7. Pour our dough into a bowl to the egg. Mix everything. This will be most conveniently done with a whisk.
  8. Sift the flour through a sieve and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Knead everything thoroughly so that in the end your dough is soft and does not stick to your fingers.
  9. Cover the bowl with the dough and move it to a warm place for 40-50 minutes. Be careful! This dough is afraid of drafts, so do not open windows during this period.
  10. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil.
  11. Rinse the dough a little with your hands and send it to the greased form.
  12. Set the bake setting for 45 minutes.
  13. After completing this process, turn the bread over. Let it bake for another 15 minutes.
  14. Our lush and aromatic bread is ready.

In this recipe with fillings, you can experiment on your own. For example, you can add fresh basil or Provencal herbs.

We hope that the presented homemade baking methods will help you bake delicious bread, delighting your family.

Recently, many housewives have acquired such a wonderful device as a multicooker. What is a multicooker? How to cook bread in a multicooker? Is bread baked in a slow cooker? These and other questions are of interest to the owners of this wonderful appliance, who are starting their first acquaintance with baking.

This is a device with which we can cook almost anything. Almost, because, unfortunately, she will not make morning coffee, although this is not a fact. This device is primarily for people who value time and convenience. This device will appeal to even those who do not know how to cook, because thanks to this device, cooking is both easier and faster.

The choice of models is so huge that everyone, even the most sophisticated chef, can find the right model for himself. Prices are also very different, they depend on the functions of the device, the availability of induction heating, the ability to work under pressure, the materials used, and finally, the brand.

Can I bake bread in a slow cooker? This device is capable of many things - it can bake, cook, fry, steam dishes, replaces a microwave oven, an oven and even a bread maker. Of course, the multicooker will not replace all the functions of other devices, it will not be able to knead the dough and bake on the automatic program, but you can bake homemade bread in the multicooker using the oven functions. You can bake a round loaf, pies, cake, and even make yogurt in it. This is just one device and includes some or all of the others.

We bake bread in a slow cooker

To figure out how to bake bread in a slow cooker, you will, of course, have to work a little, kneading the dough by hand or in a food processor. Then it is worth examining the programs that are present in your multicooker model.

Proofing bread dough in a slow cooker

Some appliances have a "yoghurt" program that maintains the optimum temperature for activating the yeast and this program can be successfully used for proving the dough.

If your appliance does not have yogurt programs, then you should try using any other program. For example, you can use the preheat / heat program, but keep in mind that the saucepan of the multicooker gets very hot and this can kill the yeast. Therefore, you only need to briefly turn on this program for 1-3 minutes in order to slightly warm up the pan and do not forget to turn off this program in time.

The optimum temperature for yeast working and dough proofing is 33-35 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, the yeast is inhibited and may die. If you lower your hand to the bottom of the pan, you feel that your hand does not hold this temperature, then the bottom has warmed up above 70 degrees, this is too high a temperature. Therefore, it is worth testing your device, how long it takes to heat the saucepan to what temperature. Do this once and in the future you will know how many minutes you can turn on the heating to help the dough and not stop the yeast from working.

Of course, automatic programs are more convenient in this sense. After all, you can melt the dough in a bowl in a warm oven or near a radiator, just remember to cover it with a cloth to keep the top from getting windy.

Baking bread in a slow cooker - recipes

After the dough has doubled in volume, you can select baking modes without opening the lid, the duration of which depends on the power of the multicooker, the program itself, as well as on the volume and characteristics of the dough. How to bake bread in a multicooker? On average, baking can take 1 to 2 hours. If you want to get a loaf fried on both sides, then, 30 minutes before the end of baking, you can take it out and turn it over to the other side.

Bread in a slow cooker, recipes

There are many recipes for homemade multicooker bread. You can use any recipe found on the internet or in books, or that friends share with you and try baking it in your kitchen assistant. Over time, your experience and knowledge of the features of your appliance will help you to accurately select the dough and baking modes to make delicious bread in a multicooker. If you are a beginner, choose a simple recipe for bread in a slow cooker, without adding large quantities of rye flour, do not immediately start baking bread in a slow cooker without yeast, as such difficult experiments for a beginner can turn into failure. In no case should you despair after the first failures, because you learn from mistakes. First, pick up a simple slow cooker bread recipe like the following.

Multicooker White Bread Recipe


  • 600 g flour of the highest or first grade wheat,
  • regular sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • dry instant yeast - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • coarse salt - 2 teaspoons,
  • any vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons,
  • water at room temperature - 370 ml.

White wheat bread in a slow cooker - cooking method

  1. In a food processor container or bowl, combine the flour with salt, sugar and yeast. Continuing to stir, add all the water and oil. Knead the dough with your hands until it stops sticking to the sides of the bowl. You can sauté some onions, drain off excess oil thoroughly and get onion bread in a slow cooker. You can add some cheese, a spoonful of tomato paste, flaxseeds, or any of your other favorite additives if you like. By experimenting, you can surprise your loved ones with new delicious and aromatic pastries every day.
  2. Grease a saucepan of a multicooker with oil and place the dough in it, level the top with wet hands and close the lid.
  3. Select the program "Yogurt" in the menu, set the duration for 1 hour, if such a program is not in the menu of your multicooker, then turn on the "Heating" mode for 2 minutes and turn it off. Let the dough sit for 1 hour
  4. After the end of the proofing process, without opening the lid, press the baking program. Cooking time takes 1.5-2 hours, depending on the power of the multicooker and the program itself in each model. Click the Start button.
  5. Bake wheat bread in the slow cooker until the end of the program.
  6. Remove the finished bread from the pan and let cool on the wire rack. This simple multi-cooker bread is perfect for making canapes and sandwiches with cheese, sausage, and sweet spreads like jams and creams.

Using this recipe, you can bake quick bread in a Panasonic multicooker or any other kitchen assistant.

Oat bread in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 1 + 2 hours

  • 580 g wheat flour
  • oatmeal 100 g
  • flax or sunflower seeds 40g,
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil,
  • sugar 20 g,
  • 10 g salt
  • dry yeast 7 g,
  • water at room temperature 420 ml.

Multi-cooker bread recipe step by step:

  1. In a large container or bowl, combine flour, oatmeal, salt, lightly toasted sunflower seeds, and yeast. While stirring, add 20 ml of oil and water. Knead the dough with your hands or in a food processor until it stops sticking to the sides of the bowl.
  2. Grease a multicooker pan with the remaining oil and place in the dough. Close the cover.
  3. To rise the dough, use the yoghurt program at 1 hour. In the event that such a program is not provided in your multicooker, then turn on any low-power mode, for example, "Heating" for 2 minutes and then do not forget to turn it off. Let the dough sit for 1 hour.
  4. After the end of the proofing process, without opening the lid, press the baking program. The baking time may vary slightly in different models and on average takes 1.5-2 hours, depending on the power of the multicooker and the program itself in each model. Click the Start button.
  5. Bake until the end of the program.
  6. Cool the finished loaf on a wire rack.

Rye bread in a slow cooker with wheat and buckwheat flour


  • wheat flour 300g,
  • rye flour 50 g,
  • buckwheat flour 50 g,
  • water 280 ml,
  • honey 40g,
  • fermented malt 15 g,
  • pine nut 15g,
  • dry yeast 10 g,
  • caraway seeds (better to mix in a mortar) 5 g,
  • olive oil 50 ml,
  • salt.

Rye flour bread in a slow cooker - cooking method

  1. Steam the malt with a small amount of boiling water, from the total volume (for example, 50 ml from 280 ml).
  2. Sift all flours in a separate bowl, add salt, fermented malt, cumin and yeast. Mix everything.
  3. Continuing to stir, pour in slightly warmed water, add honey and oil. Knead the dough by hand or using a food processor with special hook until sticky, homogeneous.
  4. Grease a multicooker bowl with oil, lightly dust it with flour or oatmeal and place the dough in it, line the top with wet hands. Close the cover.
  5. Leave the dough to sit. You can cover the saucepan with a towel and place it near a radiator or in a bowl of warm water. It is much easier to ensure proper conditions for raising the dough if your appliance has a program for making yoghurt that creates just the right temperature, the duration of the rise is an hour and a half. Alternatively, you can turn on the Heat mode to warm up the saucepan slightly in 2-3 minutes. The choice of the mode for proving the dough in the multicooker depends on the model of your appliance.
  6. After the sound signal or the end of the proofing, select the "baking" mode, which is set for 1-1.5 hours.
  7. Remove the finished loaf from the pan and knock on the bottom, in the finished product you will hear a dull sound. If necessary, you can bake your loaf by turning it upside down to get a fried crust on both sides. This recipe for rye bread in a slow cooker will allow you to bake a delicious loaf, malt and caraway will give it a special aroma, and the addition of buckwheat flour will add a subtle delicate buckwheat flavor.

Redmond multicooker cornbread recipe

  • 270 g wheat flour
  • corn flour 110g,
  • sugar 10 g,
  • salt 5 g,
  • yeast 5 g,
  • 50 ml of milk
  • vegetable oil 30 ml,
  • water (warm) 160 ml.

How to make bread in a slow cooker - cooking method

  1. Put corn and wheat flour, sugar, salt, yeast in a separate container and mix. While stirring, pour milk, vegetable oil (40 ml) and water into the mixture. Knead the dough.
  2. Grease a multicooker bowl with oil (10 ml) and place in the dough. Close the cover.
  3. The rise of the dough is carried out on the "yogurt" mode for one hour. Click Start.
  4. At the end of the program, press "WARM UP / CANCEL".
  5. Then set to Bake, preparation time 2 hours. Press the START button.
  6. One hour before baking ends, open the lid and turn the bread over. Close the cover.
  7. Bake until the end of the program.
  8. The finished loaf should be left to cool on the wire rack.

Unleavened bread in a slow cooker

You will need sourdough to make these baked goods. ... The process of making a sourdough on rye flour will take you at least 3 days, ideally it should be grown for 6 days, then it will mature and make a good dough on it. If your patience is running out and you want to start baking earlier, then so that you do not fail, it is worth adding half a teaspoon of yeast, but when the leaven is ripe, then this is no longer required.

Multi-cooker yeast-free bread recipe

This cooking method is not for beginners. This is far from quick bread in a multicooker. Such a recipe would require a time limit. If you shorten the proofing time, the crumb will not get nice holes, but the aroma and taste will still be great.


  • - 4-5 large spoons,
  • 300 grams of rye flour,
  • 300 grams of wheat flour,
  • 500-600 ml of warm water,
  • 1 large tablespoon salt
  • 10 grams of sunflower seeds.

The sourdough must be removed from the refrigerator 2 hours before the dough is prepared. Then add flour and water to it to a temperature of 40 degrees, mix thoroughly. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and leave to stand at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. After this time, add all the ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly for 7-8 minutes on a lightly floured table. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, transfer it to a bowl, and you can lightly sprinkle a small amount of flour on the top. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rise.

After 45-60 minutes, stretch and fold the dough. We put it in an oiled multicooker bowl and leave it under a clean cloth at room temperature to rise for about 1.5 hours. Proving the dough follows the same principle as described in the previous recipes.

After the time has elapsed, set the "baking" mode for 1.5 hours. After this time, we check the readiness of the loaf, you can turn it upside down and bake it, so that your rye bread in a multicooker without yeast is beautifully browned on all sides.

At the end, knock on the bottom, if a dull sound is heard, then the loaf is ready. Leave it to cool on a wire rack. This multi-cooked sourdough bread tastes great with butter, vegetables, ham, cheese, and even on its own.

Using these recipes, you can bake bread in a multicooker Polaris, Panasonic, Philips, Moulinex, Scarlet and many other devices. They also bake bread in a multicooker pressure cooker.

  • Sometimes the instructions contain inaccurate recipes, where the proportions of flour and liquid are not exactly observed, as a result, the loaf may not quite work out.
  • Using healthy additives, a minimum of wheat flour, bran and sourdough, you can bake diet bread in a slow cooker with bran, which will be very useful. Just don't add too many additional ingredients to avoid negatively affecting the crumb structure.
  • Keep in mind that adding more sugar will result in a crisper crust.
  • Sometimes recipes may contain too much yeast - 40-50 g of fresh or 3 teaspoons of dry yeast, this amount is too large for the amount of flour from which you can bake a loaf in a slow cooker. When calculating the amount of yeast for ordinary bread (not rich), it is worth considering a simple rule that for 500 g of flour, on average, 10 g of fresh pressed yeast or 1.5 tsp of dry yeast is required. Of course, if your dough contains a lot of eggs or a lot of fat, as in the case of baking cakes and pasta, then the amount of yeast may be slightly increased.
  • If you bake bread on kefir in a slow cooker, you should take into account the thickness and fat content of kefir, it can vary greatly and affect the final result.
  • When baking black bread in a slow cooker, keep in mind that dough with a lot of rye flour does not work well, and you can get the lid falling through. The best solution for beginners would be to cook mixed rye wheat bread in a slow cooker with wheat and rye flour. Multicooker whole grain bread is also quite moody, and try replacing only a small amount of wheat flour with whole grain for a start.

Thus, making bread in a slow cooker is not that difficult. Of course, this device will not knead the dough, but it will allow it to ripen and bake a ruddy loaf. Cooking in it is quite comfortable, with the lid closed, a special environment is created inside the device, with the bark, the baked goods acquire a special structure and are more moist. Plus, automatic programs free us from worrying about it. As a result, simply and without fuss, we get a delicious and aromatic loaf. The only thing you can find fault with is the fact that a little water collects and drips on the lid during cooking, steam condenses, which can soften the crust, and often this happens at one point, which can spoil a little or, conversely, give an interesting external kind of loaf.

When baking delicious bread at home in a slow cooker, you will delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious and healthy homemade cakes.