Wrap a chicken. Cooking secrets: stuffed chicken in the oven

It is no secret that the chicken meat is considered a dietary product, which, with a minimum of calories, contains a maximum of useful vitamins. It is allowed to eat on various kinds of diets and with most types of allergies. In addition, the proposed stuffed chicken is distinguished by stunning taste. Another advantage of white meat is its price: the chicken is much cheaper than not only red meat, but also turkey, but to taste the difference with the last small one.

Stuffed chicken has long been considered a delicacy. She was always served for a holiday, putting in the head of the table. Golden, ruddy, juicy, fragrant, surrounded by greens and vegetables, she always attracted attention. It is difficult to imagine a festive table of Slavic peoples without this dish - remember any film about the king. And the more appreciated the mastery of the hostess, the more interesting, the filling of the bird was more diverse and unusual. Just put on a carcass lolk apples and lemons were already trite, but gently cut the peel, to put it with meat and other products, as if you were a whole chicken - already art.

Another reason for the popularity of this dish is its saturation. And if one chicken is unlikely enough to feed the whole family (and everyone knows how big the families used to be), then the stuffed bird and he also will not leave anyone with a garnish.

This is a very festive and unusual dish. Soft raisins and rice in combination with solid nuts give a filling of extraordinary piquancy. And the sour-sweet taste of dried grapes makes the traditional taste of white meat even more interesting. In addition, the chicken is baked in the sleeve, which makes it even more gentle, and rice, raisins and nuts impregnated with allocated juice, truly delicious.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1-1.2 kg;
  • round-view rice - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • purified cedar nuts - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • seasoning for chicken (any at your request) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • acute pepper to taste;
  • olive oil 1 tbsp. l. plus oil for frying;
  • salt to taste;
  • package for baking.

Preparation steps.

1. Rinse the chicken carcass under the jet of cold water and dry the towel. Finely barely peeled onions with garlic. Fry the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables on the hot oil hot oil.

2. Add the washed rinse and half the tablespoon seasoning and mix well. Fill boiling water and stew to full rice readiness.

3. In the chicken, remove the neck if it is. In a separate dish, mix the remaining seasonings with olive oil. Carefully dear the resulting chicken abdomen from the inside.

4. Ready Rice Divide into 2 parts: for the side dish and for stuffing (quite literally 4 tablespoons).

5. On another pan, you need to slightly fry cedar nuts in the hot oil hot oil. When they are just starting to be twisted, add raisins and literally 5-10 seconds fry it all, constantly stirring.

6. Mix raisins and nuts with rice. The resulting minced fill the skin in the neck area and squeeze or barn to the toothpicks so that nothing has fallen.

7. The remaining minced is to be placed in the abdomen of chicken and in the same way to sew it.

8. Seasoned seasoning with olive oil, wash the carcass from all sides.

9. Place the chicken in the package for baking, carefully tie and pour in several places with a toothpick or a knife for air circulation.

10. Bake an oven for about an hour at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

Juicy stuffed chicken with rice and raisins are ready. You can serve a dish of hot, laying out the remaining part of the side dish and decorate the greenery.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • shampignon mushrooms - 150 gr.;
  • salt - 0.5 h. l;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 0.5 h.;
  • thyme - 0.25 h.;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • greens to taste.

For sauce you will need:

  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • estimation - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • thyme - 0.5 h. l;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste.

Preparation steps.

1. Clean the onions and cut into small cubes. Washed mushrooms cut into pieces, grain grind.

2. Coline the oil in the pan and roast the onions and mushrooms until half-ready.

3. Clear the mixture into a deep bowl and add sour cream, salt, greens, paprika, pepper and thyme. Mix well and leave it under the lid.

4. Rinse the chicken carcass under cold water and dry with a paper towel.

5. In a separate dish, mix all the ingredients for the sauce.

6. At the bottom of the dishes, where you bake a chicken, pour some oil and put a carcass there. Farm the finished mixture.

7. So that nothing fell during cooking, secure pockets with toothpicks or squeeze. So that the wings of the bird are not burned, they can be wrapped in foil.

8. Deliver chicken sauce and send it to the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for about an hour.

Serve hot dish with fresh vegetables and greens. Stuffed chicken with champignons turns out very juicy and at the same time satisfying, do not forget everyone to put a little filling on a plate, it will become an excellent garnish. Decorate the dish with fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves. Bon Appetit!

Stuffed chicken on this recipe is pretty acute and very satisfying. Ingredients are all simple, access at any grocery store. The finished dish looks very festively due to different colors of the filling, special, if you decorate greens and bright vegetables.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1-1.5 kg;
  • white beans canned - 200 gr.;
  • sausage "Cherizo" (can be replaced with any thin smoked sausage with fat) - 150 gr.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper black to taste;
  • paprika to taste;
  • olive herbs to taste;
  • chile's pepper to taste.

Preparation steps.

1. First cut the sausage in small pieces.

2. Clean the onions and garlic. The onions range on a quarter of the rings, and garlic with a knife and grind together with chili pepper.

3. In the preheated olive oil, fry the sausage before evaporates the fat. Add the bow and roast, stirring, to the golden crust of the bow. Next you need to add olive herbs, garlic and chili pepper and mix well.

4. Literally after a pair of tool, add beans, reduce the fire and put 3-5 minutes.

5. Rinse the chicken under cold water and blot with a paper towel. Frank chicken with fried vegetables with sausage very tight, leaving a little space for half lemon.

6. Place there in the abdomen of birds to half a lemon and barrier to the toothpicks or squeeze the threads so that the filling when cooking is not poured.

7. In a separate dish, mix the paprika and black pepper with olive oil. The resulting mixture is a pretty chicken.

8. Put the chicken in the utensils for baking and pour on the bottom of the form of a little water. Cover from above the foil matwork outside, make several holes with a toothpick or needle.

9. Send a chicken for 30-60 minutes into the fridge to marinate. Heat the oven to 180-190 degrees and bang the chicken for about an hour.

10. Remove foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes to form a beautiful ruddy crust.

11. In a separate dishes, squeeze the lemon juice from the chicken (you can add the flesh), pour the juice there, allocated with chicken baked, add some pepper and mix well.

Stuffed chicken is ready for the table. Cut the bird on the belly and paint the resulting sauce and the bird itself, and filling. The fragrance will stand simply awesome, guests will be more difficult to cope with curiosity and hunger, so do not pull the time, and immediately serve a dish on the festive table.

When cooking chicken with apples and lemons, we need the simplest ingredients, which, moreover, are inexpensive, while the result is awesome. The sweetness of apples and lemon acid amazingly mixed and impregnate the poultry meat, making it spicy, and the cooking process allows you to stay juicy and tender chicken.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 3-4 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

For the marinade you will need:

  • mayonnaise (can be replaced with sour cream) - 150 gr.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with riding;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • kurkuma - 0.25 tbsp. l.;
  • ground chili pepper to taste;
  • black pepper to taste.

Preparation steps.

1. Wash the chicken under cold water and dry with a paper towel. In a separate dish, mix mayonnaise, turmeric, coriander and pepper. Sull the garlic here and mix everything again.

2. The resulting marinade is the chicken from all sides, including inside.

3. Wash apples and lemons, dry and cut out small slices, mix each other. Farurate the fruit chicken and scrape the seam with toothpicks or threads. In the pockets in the place of the neck can also be placed slices of fruit.

4. Leave chicken prepared for baking for several hours in the refrigerator. Preheat oven to 280 degrees. Place the carcass in the dishes for baking. You can add any vegetables to the church to taste. For example, zucchini, eggplants or potatoes. Pre-cut them in marinade from chicken.

Bake the chicken for about an hour. Serve hot. Before putting a dish on the table, remove toothpicks or threads that were used to bond abdomen and neck area.

For feed, put a chicken on a large dish, spread around the baked vegetables and stuffing, paint the juice formed when baking. You can decorate greens. Stunning juicy stuffed chicken with apples will be remembered for a long time.

It is a very simple and satisfying dish where meat and side dishes are prepared at the same time. Buckwheat itself, mixed with fried vegetables, very appetizing. Here she is also soaked in chicken juice, which makes her taste saturated. And thanks to the bouquet of seasoning and the process of baking, the stuffed chicken is very soft, juicy and fragrant.

You will need:

  • chicken - 2 kg;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 0.75 glasses;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) for roasting vegetables.

For marinada:

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Preparation steps:

1. Be sure to repair a chicken under the flowing water and blot with a paper towel. Mix all seasonings for marinade with honey and soda the chicken mixture.

2. Send a bird to marinate into the fridge at night. The next day continue to cook. Clean the onions and carrots. Cut onions in small pieces, and the carrot soda on a large grater.

3. Meanwhile, put the buckwheat. Do not forget to salute. On the hot oil, fry the onions and carrots until the golden crust of the bow. In a separate dish, mix buckwheat and roasted vegetables.

4. The resulting mixture is fascinated by the abdomen and the neck of the chicken neck, sharpen to the toothpicks or squeeze the threads so that buckwheat with vegetables does not fall out when cooking.

5. Wrap the chicken in 2 foil layers with a shiny side inside. The better you will pacify the bird, the more juice will be preserved, and, it means that the meat will be juicy and soft.

Bake the chicken at a temperature of 180-200 degrees about 1.5 hours. After deploying a carcass and bake another half hour to form a rosy crust.

The dish is served hot. The side dish is not required, but fresh vegetables and greens will not be superfluous. Such a hearty chicken is suitable for both a holiday and a satisfying family dinner on a day off.

Like any dish, where the meat and side dish is simultaneously prepared, such a chicken is amazing. Thanks to the spices and mushrooms, the bird acquires an extraordinary fragrance, and the filling, soaking with meat juice, becomes truly tasty. In this case, the cooking process will not require something supernatural from you - everything is very simple and accessible. And of course, this option of cooking stuffed chicken is a real gift to potato lovers.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 400 gr.;
  • shampignon mushrooms - 250 gr.;
  • onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil (suitable sunflower or olive) for frying;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper to taste;
  • seasonings to taste.

Preparation steps.

1. Rinse the chicken with cold water and wipe off with a paper towel. Remove the main bumps from the carcass, leaving the legs and wings intact.

3. Clean potatoes and onions, rinse mushrooms. Potatoes with mushrooms cut into small cubes, the bow is finely tap.

4. Fry on hot oil potatoes on fire above average before the formation of a crust. Place the potatoes into separate dishes.

5. In the same frying pan, fry the bow to a golden brush, and then add mushrooms to it, salt, add the pepper to taste and prepare about 5 minutes. Mix potatoes with mushrooms and onions.

6. Put the chicken in the form for baking and puff the resulting stuffing. Crerate with toothpicks or threads to slide on the trouser and in the neck area.

7. In a separate dish, mix the sour cream, mayonnaise and crushed garlic. Essay with chicken sauce from all sides.

8. Send the chicken to go about 15 hours into the oven heated to 180 degrees. During this time, you need to turn it over 1 time and minimize the mixture of sour cream with mayonnaise and garlic.

Dish feed hot, decorating greens. Bon Appetit!

Festive chicken stuffed with plums and apples - video recipe

As you can see, all recipes are pretty simple, and the set of products can be bought in the nearest supermarket. And if you and your loved ones love the chicken, but you have ended the ideas, how delicious and beautifully serve, prepare stuffed bird according to one of these recipes - admiring exclamations are guaranteed. A little bit of your effort, and the original delicious dish you have on the table.

Stuffed chicken, which was correctly prepared, can please their beautiful taste. The bowl of all stuffed chicken is fully prepared in the oven. Chicken meat itself is dietary and can be eaten, with different types of dietary table. Not a little important aspect of chicken is its price, which is much lower than other types of meat. Chicken for cooking in the oven can be stuffed with various fillings.

Such stuffed chicken cooked in the oven can be put on the chapter of the festive table, as the main dish. When it lies on a dish surrounded, greens, lemon and vegetables, then surely will attract the attention of guests, and the hostess will receive approval and praise. Such a chicken source is fragrant and attracting with its juice, will not leave any of the guests indifferent. Hungry certainly, no one will leave when he humbles the stuffed chicken cooked in the oven.

Bird stuffed with various fillings to bake in the oven. Various fillings will give a variety of flavor sensations and stack of flavor. You can make fillings, so that the booming is slightly isolate or with sourness, but you can bake immediately with the side dish.

You can stuff:

Mushrooms, garlic, rice, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchild, beans, onions, apples, lemon, cheese, prune, carrots.

  • Beans and sausages;
  • Ham and cheese;
  • Potatoes and mushrooms;
  • Apples and lemon;
  • Etc.

The chicken can be stuffed with both bones and without bones or with partially removal. In fact, two ways of stuffing are used, removing the bones partially or without removing at all. With full bone removal, the cooking process increases many times and labor costs also increase.

The most important thing in the preparation of chicken to stuffing and baking is the complete removal of the internals of the remaining birds. It is also necessary to rinse a bird well.

Here we will cook a chicken together with the side dish at the same time. Naturally, if you put the chicken with a garnish and cook at the same time, then the taste will be simply delightful, since all the ingredients are soaked in the taste of each other. Juices of products are mixed and the dish will be fragrant and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Everything is preparing enough simple and any supernatural forces we will not need. Products for this dish are also simple enough and sold at any store or market.

Ingredients: Number:
Carcass chicken (chosen) - 1.5 kilograms;
Potatoes - 0.4 kilograms;
Champignon - 0.25 kilogram;
Onion - 1 piece;
Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
Garlic - 3 slices;
Sunflower oil - for roasting;
Pepper Ground and Salt Cook - taste;
Seasoning for chicken - optional.

🍴Process cooking:

1. Carry a well rinsed in cold water. Especially well wash everything from the carcass itself. Also, the chicken can be cut along the spine and remove the main bones except legs and wings, but not necessarily.

2. Carcass after washed, dry a little paper towels. Then it should be grateful to salt, pepper seasonings inside and outside.

3. Potatoes with bow cleaning from the peel and rinse. Mushrooms are simply rinsed in cold water, preferably in running water. After everything was washed, cut everything in small cubes.

4. Initially, we need to fry the potatoes to a golden crust on a hot frying pan and shifted into a separate bowl. Then onion and when the golden flaker appears, add mushrooms to the same skillet. Some Solim and Pepper, after which we cook at least 5 minutes on average fire. After that, mix everything with potatoes.

5. We take a form for baking and put a chicken into it, then stuffing the resulting stuffing. We break on the trouser we need to sew or grind up toothpicks, and also sew the incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck.

6. Whatever the chicken is ruddy and with a rich taste, we need to cook sauce. For sauce, we mix sour cream, mayonnaise, and crushed or grated garlic. The resulting sauce is failing the whole chicken.

7. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put in it to carry a chicken for 1.5 hours. In the process of baking at least once we turn the chicken and lubricate the sauce twice.

The chicken stuffed with potatoes and mushrooms is ready, we invite everyone to the table.

Bon Appetit!

Chicken stuffed with buckwheat

Traditionally, the buckwheat is taken to serve meat, and in particular the chicken. But today we will prepare the chicken itself, but the garnish will already be inside. Of course, vegetables will be in buckwheat, which will give her juices and more rich taste.

The meat will be juicy, as the juice of birds and vegetables stirring will remain inside. Thanks to some additives, the flavor and taste of the dish will be simply amazing.

For this recipe, a chicken is needed to pickle in the sauce for 12 hours or at night.

Cooking will be needed:

Just cooking:

1. The first thing is well rinsed with a carcass under cold water. Especially well wash everything from the carcass itself. After the carcass is well washed away, we need to dry it a little paper towels. We mix in a separate bowl: honey, salt, pepper and seasoning, mix well and rub the whole chicken with the resulting sauce.

2. After the chicken is soaked with marinade, we need to leave it to pickle for 12 hours or at night, if you decide to cook it in the morning. When our chicken is wrapped, you can continue to cook. Onions cut into small cubes, and the carrots are riveted on a large grater.

3. While we will deal with vegetables, you can put the buckwheat. Write buckwheat, what would she get crumbly. Onions and carrots pass on a hot frying pan in sunflower oil. Then the boiled buckwheat croup mixed with a fried onion and carrots, in a bowl.

4. The filling that turned out to be stuffed with chicken and sewing cuts in the abdomen area and neck.

5. Stuffed chicken buckwheat turn the foil in two layers. Be sure to the glossy side to the chicken if the foil is one-sided.

With such a wrapping, more juice is preserved, and the chicken turns out more tender.

6. Heat the oven to 190 degrees and put a baking sheet with a bird for 1.5 hours. Through the allotted time, we need to remove the foil and bake another half hour, so that the golden and fault crust would be turned out.

It is best to serve a dish hot, and as a supplement to make a salad of fresh vegetables. Perfectly suitable for the holiday or simple days off.

Bon Appetit!

Video, chicken with apple and drain filling, in the oven

Another excellent combination is the filling of apples and drains. The meat will be slightly sweet with beautiful fruit flavors. I advise you to try this recipe, you and your guests will definitely be satisfied.

The chicken stuffed with this recipe will be sharp and very satisfying. Especially good, such a dish perceive men who work hard work. For dinner, the power is perfectly restored and gives satiety.

If such a dish is in dinner or day off on the table, then the male makers only praise and make a compliment. Prepare it in a weekend in the morning and the male part of the home will grab, like kittens, all day.

Cooking is needed:

Ingredients: Number:
1.3-1.5 kilograms;
Canned beans - 200 grams;
Sausages are sharp (garlic, hunting) - 150 grams;
Onions yellow onions - 1 piece;
Lemon - half;
Garlic - 2 slices;
Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
Ground pepper black - taste;
Pippick hammer - taste;
Grass Olive dried - taste;
Chilli" - to taste (do not take a lot).

🍴Process cooking:

  1. Carcass are well rinsed both outside and inside.
  2. Solkaski cut into small cubes.
  3. Onions with garlic cleanse. Onions cut half rings, and then divide in half to get the quarter of the rings. Garlic Davim and Melk cut with chili pepper.
  4. Sausages fry on the heated oil until moisture evaporates and add onions. Fry with a bow until the golden color of the bow. Then add garlic with chili pepper and olive herbs. All mix well and fry 2 minutes.
  5. We reduce the fire and add beans, after which everything is garbage for 5 minutes.
  6. Half lemon cut into several parts.
  7. Bird stuffed with the resulting stuffing and also add lemon pieces during stuffing. We are sewing cuts in the trouser and in the area of \u200b\u200bShey. You can use toothpicks, but I, for example, I prefer a thread.
  8. We take a small pile and mix paprika with pepper with black ground in it, and add sunflower oil. We whip everything well.
  9. The resulting sauce is quite rubbed all the chicken.
  10. We take a baking tray or shape for baking stuffed bird and pour some water to the bottom. We put in the shape of a carcass and run down the foil, glossy side in inside.
  11. We remove the chicken in this form in the fridge for 40 minutes to marinate. Before you get the chicken from the refrigerator heating the oven to 190 degrees.
  12. We pull out a chicken from the refrigerator, we make several punctures in the foil and we ship it in the oven for 1 hour.
  13. Through the allotted time, we remove the foil and bake for another 15 minutes before the formation of a ruddy crust.

Before serving, such a chicken can be poured by a sauce that is prepare from: lemon juice, tea spoon. as well as juice, which is highlighted from chicken in the cooking process.

Bon Appetit!

To prepare such a stuffed chicken, we will need the simplest ingredients that can be easily delivered. In this dish, the sweet taste of apples and the acidity of lemon is amazingly mixed, thereby giving me a spicy taste.

The chicken is juicy and extremely delicious with gentle meat.

Cooking is needed:

Ingredients: Number:
1.5 kilograms;
Sweet Apples - 4 pieces;
Lemon - 1 piece;
Mayonnaise - 150 grams;
Garlic - 3 slices;
Salt - 1 spoon dining room (with a slide);
Coriander ground - half of the dining room;
Turmeric - half of the dining room;
Chili pepper - p tassel;
Black Ground Pepper - taste;

🍴Process cooking

  1. As always, the first thing we need to wash the chicken in cold water well.
  2. In a small bowl mix mayonnaise, coriander ground, turmeric and pepper, and also squeeze garlic here.
  3. After the stirring, we got a savory marinade, which we favor the whole chicken, including inside.
  4. Apples and lemon need to rinse and cut into small slices. A little dried fruit on paper towels.
  5. An apple with lemon is mixed and puffed with chicken, after which we sew the cuts.
  6. We put the chicken in the fridge for 2 hours to marinate, after turning the food film.
  7. Stuffed chicken lay out into the form for baking and put in the oven heated to 280 degrees. I bake the bird within an hour, after which it is hot and served on the table.

Such a chicken with fruit is simply perfectly combined with potato mashed potatoes. Also a chicken in front of the feed can be decorated with greens.

Bon Appetit!

Life skipped another test in the form of unplanned Sabantua? It would be nice to have a chicken carcass under hand. In extreme cases, frozen. It is possible to roast it, and put on a salad, and groan a pretty roll of gentle meat. But the most spectacular option is the stuffed chicken in the oven. A recipe with a photo will show you how just it is preparing this dish and what appetizing it turns out in the end. We guarantee, you will not be painfully painful for aimlessly spent products and time, because the chicken is obtained unmatched. And the side dish - above all praise.

For marinade and filling, I chose the simplest and financially available ingredients. Do not run, in the end, before the arrival of guests behind black truffles and grape bone oil into the nearest grocery stall?! But you, of course, you can make your edits into the formulation and list of ingredients. The chicken perfectly gets around with most famous spices, dried fruits, croup and vegetables. Therefore, moderate improvisation is even welcome!


Main products and marinates:

How stuffed chicken is prepared, baked in the oven (step-by-step recipe with photos):

I recommend starting from the filling, but as long as it will cool, you will have time to prepare a chicken carcass to stuffing. Rice rinse several times. Fill with clean water in the ratio of 1 to 1. boil under the lid on medium heat until the liquid is booming (7-12 minutes). As a result, the cereals will be half cooked. If you bring it to complete readiness, it will digest when baked, and the stupid will come out tasteless. And a little damp grains just reach the condition, and do not glue each other.

Mushrooms are suitable any - fresh or frozen, forest or "indulged". Previously need to fry. I had frozen myself. Before the frost, they were cooked, so I quickly disappeared, washed, threw back on the colander. When the glasses of water laid out on a dry frying pan. It was waited when the liquid evaporates. Added a couple of flashes of uls and brought mushrooms on medium heat to ruddy crust.

Fresh forest mushrooms require pre-cooking. And champignons / oysters can put on the pan immediately after cutting.

Roasted mushroom slices put in a bowl. Try so that the maximum amount of fat remains in the frying pan, respectively, in the "minced meat" will be minimal to the minimum of additional calories.

By the way, see other ideas of delicious fillers at the bottom of the culinary instruction.

Onions disturb the small cube. Fry to transparency and light golden shade. Purchase to mushrooms.

When water drops from a saucepan with rice, turn off the fire under it. Leave the croup under the closed lid for 5 minutes. It will get crumbly, but a little solid.

Fold in a deep bowl of rice, mushrooms, onions. Garlic soda on a finely grater / skip through the press. Retail the salt and ground pepper, dried olive herbs. Mix well. The filler is ready.

The preparation of the chicken will take literally a few minutes, because it baked entirely. Wash the chicken carcass thoroughly, remove the remnants of the feathers. Fat deposits, especially in the inside, it is better to cut. Rice perfectly absorbs all fluids, and the filling can come out fat. Dry wipe the chicken surface with paper napkins.

Prepare marinade. Mix mustard with vegetable oliveness without smell. Personate paprika, pepper, coriander. Pour lemon juice (apple vinegar). Are you planning to immediately put stuffed chicken in the oven, without prior marinion? Add and fine salt. Are you going to give a bird "relax" before the subsequent cooking? Solit is recommended in the very least, before shipping in the oven. Stir the marinade until it becomes homogeneous and thick, like an emulsion. Lubricate the chicken inside and outside the resulting mixture. Marinate 2-3 hours in a cold place. Either immediately proceed to stuffing.

Fill the cavity inside the carcass finished mixture. Hole sew with a solid culinary thread / cross the skin with toothpicks in several places so that rice is not falling in the process of baking. The tips of the legs and wings close the aluminum foil so that they do not burn. You can also make longitudinal cuts at the bottom of the breast. And in the resulting "pockets" "hide" wings. The legs are connected to each other so that the stuffed chicken takes the more compact form. Place the bird in the heat-resistant form. Put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Prepare 60-90 minutes. Periodically remove the chicken and water it topped with a fatty fat. Then the skin will be baked to a rosy crispy crust.

If the carcass is large (weighing from 2 kg), it is desirable to put it in front of it in a special heat-resistant package (sleeve) or durable foil. And in half an hour before the expected readiness, remove the film so that the top of the birds shook.

Readiness check with toothpicks. Punch the chicken in the thick place (in the thigh / breast area). From the hole poured transparent juice? Ready! Before serving, remove the foil from the wings and the legs, cut the thread / pull the toothpicks. The fragrant mass, which was unfarshed chicken, serve as a side dish.


Stuffed chicken in the oven

Winter holidays - a great reason to prepare something unusual and surprise guests and relatives with a new original dish. For example, it is not easy to bake a chicken in the oven, but to put it with rice, pickens, raisins, apples and generously twisted with spices to the eastern manner. You may not be doubtful - the success of the appetizing ruddy jurisk is provided, and you have to distribute the recipe and tell you the whole evening and talk in detail how to cook so that it turned out the same yummy! For snacks, be sure to prepare such champignons stuffed with chicken and cheese.

The recipe uses a lot of spices, all of them are available and sold in any supermarket or on the market. You can take spices on the recipe or make your bouquet, cook the chicken is not very acute or vice versa - add sharpness, if there are "Fires" among your guests. According to the recipe, the chicken will not be very acute, and the filling of sour-sweet, slightly burning due to the ground chili pepper. If there are no dates, you can replace them with other dried fruits - dried up, prune, but then increase the amount of sugar to balance the taste of the filling. I am sure you enjoy my stuffed chicken in the oven whole, see the recipe with the photo below.

- rice long - 1 cup;

- Sweet-sweet apples - 2 small;

- Date - 10-12 pcs.;

- Salt - 2 ppm (taste);

- Seasoning curry for chicken - 1 tsp;

- Paprika, chili pepper ground - 1 tsp;

- Cinnamon hammer - 0.5 ch. L.;

- Carnation - 6-8 pieces;

- nutmeg - to taste;

- black peas peppers - 0.5 ch. L.;

- Pepper white peas - a third of Ch.l.;

- Coriander (seeds) - 1 tsp;

- lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp.;

- Vegetable oil - lubricate the shape.


Chicken stuffed in the oven whole recipe

Bake the chicken in the oven - one pleasure, because in preparation such a dish is quite simple, and it turns out very tasty and solid. In this article we will tell about how to bake the chicken in the oven.

Most often, such a chicken is prepared for the holidays, because This is simple, and comfortable, and quickly, and it turns out festively, so the option for a New Year's table or a feast on the occasion of another holiday is just beautiful!

For cooking, it is better to use cooled, rather than frozen carcasses, this eliminates the risk that the dish will turn out to be tasteless. Of course, a whole chicken should be stored, cut off the ass, clean it from all unnecessary, but today in stores, as a rule, sold already prepared and stripped carcasses.

The most important thing is that it defines the taste of chicken cooked in the oven is a good marinade. How juicy and tasty will your chicken will be depends on marinating, and if this is not done correctly or not to do at all, then the dish can work out dry and not delicious. Marine the chicken is better from a few hours to day in the refrigerator.

If the marinade covers the chicken not completely, periodically turn it out.

Prepare a chicken and withstanding in the marinade, you need to decide: how will you bake it? Options: Sleeve (package for baked), in foil, in shape or on the contrary. All methods have their own characteristics. In the sleeve or foil, the chicken turns out very juicy, preparing it in the form, you need to take the shape of cast iron or ceramics so that it heats up gradually, cooking on the contrary, it should be borne in mind that then it will have to wash it. As a rule, each more or less experienced cook has its favorite method of baking the chicken entirely, well, if you don't have it yet, then try any of the recipes offered on and you can decide.

Baking a chicken in the oven, it is, of course, it is possible to fit, but in the preparation of stuffed chicken there are already their nuances.

Chicken Baking Recipe whole in the oven

It will take: 1 carcass chicken 1.5kg, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. Olive oil, 2 tsp. Salts, paprika hammer, 1 tsp. Dried Basilica, 0.5 ppm Black pepper ground.

How to bake a chicken in the oven. Rinse and dry the chicken with paper towels. Prepare marinade: Skip the garlic through the press and mix with the basil, paprika, salt and pepper, pour olive oil and mix. 2 tsp Marinada use for rubbing chicken from the inside. In the form for baking, lubricated with vegetable oil, down the baby lay out the chicken, lubricate the marinade and flip up the baby, and grab the marinade too. Give an hour to wake an hour, then put the oven in heated to 180 degrees and bake 60-90 minutes until ready and golden crust.

The chicken on this recipe is very gentle, the meat itself lags behind the bones. But you can use any other marinade to your taste.

As already noted, marinada options can be very much, including there are very interesting recipes in which witty tricks are used to give the chicken the original taste (in the next recipe it is a citrus taste).

Chicken cooking recipe whole in the oven with lemon

It will take: 1 chicken carcass weighing 1.5kg, 1 lemon, lemon zest, thyme, black pepper, salt.

How to bake a chicken with lemon in the oven. In Lemon, a thin knife to make 8 deep cuts - the juice from it will go out, but the lemon should remain as much. Rinse and dry the chicken, mix the grate on the shallow grater of the lemon zest with thyme, pepper and salt and graze it from the inside and outside. In the abdomen put a candy lemon, sew it or leave open - at will. Bake a chicken with a lemon in the oven preheated to 200rads, watering the distinguished villas, until readiness.

If you do not use a lemon zest for rubber rubber, then citrus fragrance will be less strong.

Chicken Baking Recipe whole in sleeve or package for baking

It will take: 1 small carcass chicken, 3st. sour cream / mayonnaise, vegetable oil, black pepper, spices to taste, salt.

How to cook the chicken whole in the package for baking. Grate the chicken with spices, pepper and salt from within and outside, then deceive with sour cream or mayonnaise. Place a chicken in the bag / sleeve, make a few punctures in it from above. In order to leave the excess air and the package did not burst. Layout the chicken in the sleeve on the tray, bake the oven 40-60min in a heated up to 200 mods until ready, for 10-15 minutes until the end of the baked package breaks from above so that the chicken is blocked.

Chicken baking recipe whole in foil

It will take: a chicken weighing 1.5-2kg, 2-5 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp. sour cream / mayonnaise, 0.5-1h.l. Papriks Molota and Curry Powder, Black Ground Pepper, Salt.

How to bake a chicken whole in the foil in the oven. Half the garlic to skip through the press, mix with ground black pepper and salt, inside rubbed the chicken. The remaining garlic is thinly chopped, polish the chicken (make cuts with a sharp knife and insert pieces of garlic in them). Or the remaining garlic can be mixed with sour cream and graze a chicken by adding curry and paprika, pepper and salt into the sauce. Wrap a foil chicken so that all the seams look up, lay out on a dry baking sheet. Bake the chicken in the oven preheated to 200rads until readiness. 20-30 minutes before the end of the baking, deploy a foil, shive the chicken.

Increasingly, cooks are trying to cook the usual dishes in such a device as a multicooker. Bake the chicken whole can be in it.

Chicken baking recipe whole in a slow cooker

It will take: 1 carcass of chicken average, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 0.5 cl. Salt and spices to taste.

How to bake a chicken whole in a slow cooker. Rinse and dry the chicken, graze a mixture of salt, seasoning and missed through the press of garlic, also adding a little oil into the marinade. To coole the bowl of the MV bow, lay out the chicken, cook in the "Baking" mode until ready, turning over half time.

If the chicken can be chicken before cooking in a multicooker, it will turn out even more and more.


Delicious recipes

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Chicken with a crispy crust baked in the oven, stuffed with bow and garlic

Stuffed chicken with a crispy crust - an ideal dish for a festive table. Today I will tell you how to bake a chicken whole so that a crispy crust is formed from above, and meat remained very juicy. My recipe will be more visual, because, accompanied by step-by-step photos taken.

I will bake 2 small broiler chicken carcasters, each weight of 1 kilogram. But, the whole large chicken can be prepared in the same way.

How to bake stuffed chicken in the oven

My chickens inside and outside, we plunge the places where the feathers remained.

While the chicken flows the extra liquid, they will take spices. In a plate, we mix 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of Curry seasonings, 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika.

In spices, add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Surfed chicken carcasses with oil makeup.

For a filling with a cube 1 major bulb.

Distribim the flat side of the knife and grinding 3 large cloves of garlic.

In a plate with spices residues mix onions and garlic.

Machine chickens of a moon-garlic filling.

Legs of chicken now need to be copped with each other. I do this ordinary wire. You can bind with a thread or special silicone flagella.

We put the chicken in the oven for 1.5 hours, while setting the temperature of 200ºС. Oven in all the bake in different ways, therefore, an hour can begin to control the cooking process, opening the door.

Stuffed Chicken - General Description

With the first acquaintance, the stuffed chicken can plunge into a gastronomic shock even the most experienced gourmet. Whatever recipe you use, it will be fairy and cruelly beautiful, so that you can not even imagine what a miracle can be created with your own hands.

The halo of the complexity and almost impossibility of its preparation by a simple human action will dispel immediately, as soon as you decide, finally cook it. Recipes cooking filling for stuffing are so much that a person who first took a culinary knife and an experienced chef for the first time in his hands.

And the benefits of chicken meat and do not argue - it is long and a well-known fact, it successfully replaces the pork, lamb and, partly, beef. With a small content of calories, it contains a sufficient amount of protein and amino acids, iron, potassium, phosphorus, glutamic acid, essential oils. Name nitrogen-containing substances give a chicken such a pleasant chicken smell, which is impossible to confuse with anything.

Stuffed chicken - Preparation of dishes

For cutting the chicken, first of all, well-fulfilled knives are needed, so try to take care of it before the procedure. Cutting board Today we need a big to cut a whole carcass. Just in case, you will prepare a large pan or crayon, a saucepan for cooking components of the filling, noise and yet - a thread with a needle for sewing and holding the content.

Stuffed Chicken - Product Preparation

Without a doubt, the most delicious meat of young chickens, no other meat compares with it in tenderness and saturation of minerals and vitamins. It is especially perfectly combined with vegetables, so much can be found as a recipe for stuffed churrices with vegetables, they facilitate digestion and digestion of meat and even normalize acidity.

Let's try to prepare a chicken for a recipe without bones, for this we need to put it on the board and correctly cut down the ridge. First on the left side of the breast, then with the right, separate meat from the skin. Skin is ponded neat with a knife, and with some small effort separated from chicken fillet. The legs and wings can not be touched, split the meat in the joint area. Try, how to turn the chicken inside out and decompose it on the table.

Recipe 1: Stuffed Chicken without Bones

It is said that for the preparation of a chicken without bones, strong nerves are required, like a real Jewish team. Russian enthusiasts immediately responded in their own way and redested this recipe so that it could be used for a whole chicken or if necessary for individual parts having a skirt.


Chicken, 1-2 pieces of white stale bread, milk (300 g), manka (2-3 cent. L.), 4 eggs, seasonings (nutmeg, dill, salt, black pepper).

Cooking method:

Remove the pieces of the skin and cut off the wings. Meat, removed from the bones required to skip through the meat grinder and add the ingredients. Bread pre-key in milk, whites are whipped separately and pour into mince. In the oval shape for the cupcake, pre-eliminated by the film for the baking of meat, lay out the skirt, then mince, and end with a skirt again. The entire design is tightly covering the film and put in the oven. (220 s). Do not forget to put in the oven with water, the time of baking is 90 minutes. The same recipe is quite applied to chicken trees.
The chicken can be stored in the refrigerator, for several days it will only come up, while its taste will be intensified, so you will only lick your fingers and roll up the eye from pleasure.

Recipe 2: Festive Stuffed Chicken

This chicken will become a real decoration of the festive table, your family, and guests will be simply very pleased. To begin with, it is necessary to wash it, dry the towel and sprinkle with salt.


Medium chicken, rice (200 grams), butter creamy (100 grams), chicken lobs, eggs (2 pcs), sour-sweet apples (2 pieces), champignon can, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

I boil in a small amount of water the wrath of chicken with seasoning and skip through the meat grinder. Separately cook to the semi-readiness of rice, add creamy oil to it. Cut apples and champignons with cubes mix with rice and minced meat out of bits, add seasonings and a little broth (you can dough from cooking). Our mince is ready! Start a chicken, we sew a hole and put into a deep bastard or crazy. Stuffed beauty will have to spend an hour and a half in the oven, and all this time we must pay attention to her - turn over, watering periodically juice, lubricate at the end of the fat and at the end cover from above, so that it is well delighted. To the table will give it, decorating greens. Our chickey will become a real nail of the program, it would be just a crime without a red wine gland.

Recipe 3: Stuffed Chicken with Cognac

Lovers of acute sensations can prepare this chicken on the grille, if desired, you can change the method of cooking and bake it in the sleeve.


Chicken - 1.5 kg, pork mince 600 gr, cream 70 ml, kuraga 100 gr, brandy 4 tbsp, salt pepper, nutmeg, 3 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Cooking method:

Kuraga is soaked in water, and in the meantime, separating the meat of the chicken from the bones.
For minced meat, we will mix chicken and pork meat, add eggs, cream and brandy, nutmeg and pepper. Put the chicken stuffing so that it becomes like a fat turkey. A spoonful of cognac mixed with sour cream, add spices - it turned out a wonderful sauce. We lay out the chicken on the grid, freeze the sauce and - we send it into the oven.

Hein Stuffed - Useful Tips for Experienced Cooking

- On the garnish to the chicken you can cook baked potatoes. For this, purified tubers are failed to the same sauce and sprinkle sesame. Bake in the oven.

- If there is not enough chicken skin for stuffing, you can use thin pieces of sludge or bacon - it will also be beautiful and tasty.

Stuffed chicken in the oven - tasty, juicy, appetizing dish for the whole family, which you can decorate a festive table or pamper households on weekends. The advantages of the chicken are indisputable: gentle meat, ruddy and crispy crust, thin fragrance of spices and garlic, as well as minimum calories, because excess fat in the baking comes out. So that the chicken has become your corporate dish, you need to follow some of the Cooking Rules.

Stuffed chicken in the oven

Photo shutterstock

Choosing a carcass of a bird

It is best to buy a steam or chilled chicken, unlike frozen meat of such a bird, more tender and nutritious, has a saturated taste and aroma. The optimal version is a young brother chicken, weighing no more than 1.6 kg, with a well-developed breast, without protruding bones. Carefully treat cheap product - sometimes it is so saturated with different drugs that the taste of the chicken is practically no longer.

It is important to pay attention to the freshness of meat. Chicken should be pale pink, with a yellowish tint, fat and meat of smooth tone, without spots and irregularities. Bright yellow fat, a grayish skin chuck, an unpleasant smell, the smell of spices or vinegar should be alert, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Baking method

Bake the chicken in the oven in a special dish, on the grill or on the grid. The best cookware for baking is a ceramic or pig-iron form, thanks to the uniform heating, the chicken will not foul and buckle evenly. Glass or metal utensils are also suitable, but requires constant control over the process of baking. If you bake the chicken often, you can purchase a special deep shape with a high cone in the central part.

You can bake a chicken simply on the contrary, in which case it should be constantly watered with released juices, otherwise the meat will be gentle, and in the upper part dry. So that the crust turns out evenly crispy and ruddy, it is worth trying to make a chicken on the lattice in the oven or on the roaster, below must be a baking tray to flow the juice.

Preparation of chicken

Carcass the chicken need to rinse well and dry up, busting with a paper towel. So that the meat has become more gentle, it is possible to soak it in a saline solution (70 g of salts per liter of water), leaving in the refrigerator for 1-5 hours. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the carcass again and cut.

If the chicken was not pre-closed, it should be fine with salt, ground pepper, an accounted as greens and other spices. You can make small cuts in the skin and fill them with pieces of garlic, onions, carrots - they absorb excess fat and make taste more rich. To get a ruddy crust, a chicken can be lubricated by a thin layer of sour cream, melted honey. It is not necessary to use mayonnaise - the chicken will be ruddy, but a more fat, an unpleasant smell of vinegar will appear.

Stuffing chicken

The filling can be very different, the chicken is well combined with many fruits, croups, vegetables, meat offs, mushrooms. Since the chicken itself is a rather fatty bird, it is better if the filling will be dry: she will keep the juices of the baked meat.

The most popular combinations in the stuffing: - Mushrooms with potatoes; - rice with apples and raisins; - stuffed pancakes; - cheese and nuts; - mushrooms with cabbage; - Zucchini with cheese and tomatoes.

Starting should be prepared in advance - to boil the barbell or vegetables, fry the onions, carrots, mushrooms, cut fruit, such as apples, lemons, oranges. Mix stuffing and fill the inner cavity of the chicken. Some cooks also fill the subcutaneous space by making several cuts in the skin.

When removing the skin with chicken, do not do without sharp knives with a short blade

There is also another way of stuffing chicken, requiring more thorough preparation. To do this, it is necessary to gently remove the skin from the chicken carcass, leaving the wings and legs, starting from the leg. It is important not to damage the integrity of the skin, it is better to cut in meat. As a result, you will have a peculiar bag of leather with a thin layer of meat, which can be stuffed with any stuffing, and all holes to sew thread.

Temperature mode

To check the readiness with the help of a thermometer, it is necessary to insert it in the middle of the thigh, the temperature should be at least 85 degrees