What kind of fish is a delicious soup. Fresh Fish Fish Soup Recipe

09.10.2020 Desserts and cakes

Fish soup has long been occupied by an honorary niche in Russian cuisine. In the people, fish soup is customary to call the ear, but not all fish soup - ear. Rather, on the contrary, the ear is a type of fish soup, and the ear is mentioned in ancient recipes not only fish, but also chicken, pea and even Swanazhi. The preparation of the ear is associated with long-standing culinary traditions and has many secrets and tricks. So, for example, the ear is triple, spreading, sterrels, red; Some types of fish are not recommended to add to the ear at all. Fish soups are much easier to prepare, they do not have to conjure clock, turning the broth and adding the ingredients in a certain sequence. In order to quickly and deliciously prepare fish soup, you need to know only a few subtleties. And the first is that the onions and carrots for fish soup are not passable, and fed in the raw form: carrots rings, the whole onion and after cooking is removed from the pan.

The simplest fish soup is preparing from canned food. Vegetables that you taste are drunk in the water, the contents of the canon can be added at the end of the cooking. For fish soup from canned food canned in its own juice. Optionally, rice (at the beginning of cooking), sea cabbage or salted cucumbers are put on the soup of canned food.

Fresh soup or boiled as fast as soup out. The main thing is on the eve of shifting the fish from the freezer in the refrigerator for the correct defrost. Fish soup can be prepared almost from any fish - red fish, white, sea or river. However, there are types of fish, which when cooking is losing the form and taste and bothering is contraindicated. What kind of fish do not cook soup? This kind of fish can be attributed to the drum, a borenushka, canopy, putass, herring, mackerel, and almost all varieties of small fish, which in the soup is simply welded. But the rest of the fish remains at your disposal. You can cook fish soup from or white fish, you can mix them in one pot and the soup will only win. Fish soup is good as well as the fact that any parts of the fish are suitable for its preparation: the head, tail, fins, the abdomen - all that remained from the main course, you can put on the broth base for fish soup. Any fish is cooking very quickly, so with all the preparations - cutting fish and cleaning and cutting vegetables, all the event will take you hardly more than an hour. For fish soup you will need: 3 liters of water, 0.5-1 kg of any fish, carrots, onions, black pepper peas and bay leaf. You can prepare fish soup also with refueling: tomato, creamy, etc. Fish soup recipes can be found on the net, and buy better fish with delivery in Moscow - in the Store of the Liderfud.

Fish soup. Fish soup is always easy, satisfying, tasty and helpful. It is important to understand that the soup of fish and ear are completely different dishes, as the ear has its own features of cooking, and cook it, unlike soup, it is not from every fish. Moreover, the soup of fish can be boiled even from canned fish! The only thing - it is important to remember that soups from bream, roach, vobly or sazana can sometimes have a light bitter taste, so it will be more like that of the dishes.

Fish soup can be cooked with the addition of a wide variety of ingredients - macaroni, various croup (predominantly rice), legumes, vegetables, seafood and all sorts of spices. Someone loves to prepare traditional fish soup, and someone seeks to periodically pamper themselves and their loved ones with a magnificent soup-puree. In this case, all options are good!

Delicious soups are obtained from red fish - trout, salmon, salmon or humpbacks. The most dietary soup is obtained from the pink salmon, the soups of salmon are often boiled out of fish heads, and salmon will be especially good in Finnish fish soup with cream. No less tasty soups can be welded from cod or mackerel. By the way, Heck, cod and many other varieties of lean sea fish will become an excellent basis for the preparation of fish soups with cheese, fast or barley (especially good tomato soups with a barley).

Fish for cooking soups must be fresh - it is possible to determine its freshness in the zhabra: if they are red, it means fresh fish and it can be safely started. And if the gills turned out to be dark or have any other unusual shade, it means that the fish have already spoiled. Fresh fish must necessarily rinse well and rolling, as well as cut off heads and tailings with fins - by the way, you can always cook a wonderful fish broth from the latter.

You can boil fish for soup entirely, and you can free it from the ridges and bones and cut into pieces. One-piece fish is extremely important not to digest (especially if it is river), because the digestive fish often disintegrates into parts, and all bones contained in it fall directly into the soup. Therefore, as soon as the first signs are obvious that the fish is digested, it must be immediately removed from the pan.

For the preparation of soups from canned food soups, both fish in tomato and fish in oil are equally well. Most often, the hosts stop their choice on canned food, humpbacks or sairs. And such soups can also boast of excellent taste!

Fragrant and delicious fish soup can be cooked with the most in various ways: inexpensively and quickly from canned or exquisite from salmon fillet, with the addition of various vegetables and croups, spices, spices and greenery. Choose the best fish first dishes for yourself and your family, take advantage of the traditional ways to cook delicious soups on the formists of the peoples of the whole world.

How to cook fish soup

Cooking broths can be made of many fish varieties. Before cooking, the main component is thoroughly washed, the gills and insides are removed. Small varieties are prepared entirely, and large cuts are cut. To improve taste, the chefs use several fish varieties at once, for example, a combination of namilima and ciga make broth sweet and gentle.

Which fish is better to cook soup

The secret, how to make fish soup delicious, is correctly selected main ingredient. The first dishes are highly welded, welded from white varieties: cambals, cods, pike perch. Popular for recipes and salmon or salmon, trout. You can achieve an excellent taste when cooking any freshwater or marine species, except bream, roach, Sazan and Vobl, they make bitter broth.

Ingredients for fish soup

If the ear is prepared from a limited set of products, then fish can be supplemented with several types of vegetables, croup, spices. Recipes are found, which contains flour and wine. Potatoes and rice - components that are better combined with fish broth. From spices often used laurel, ginger root, rosemary sprigs, peas pepper.

Canned Fish Soup

  • Time: 30 min.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 53 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

If you do not know how to make lunch quickly and tasty, take the recipe for the first dish from canned fish, such as canned pink salmon or sardines. No more than half an hour will need a plate with an outfit first dish on the table. The newcomer will be easy to understand how to weld soup from canned fish if you take instructions with photos. Prepare it with canned saury.

  • sayra in oil - 1 b.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onion, carrots - 1 pcs.;
  • smoked fat - 30 g;
  • paprika, salt - to taste;
  • pepper peas, laurel sheets - 2-3 pcs.
  1. Clean potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes and circles.
  2. Put potato cubes and carrot mugs in a saucepan with boiling water.
  3. Drain the oil from the saury, lay out the fish in the pan. Add spices.
  4. Salo, crushed into small pieces, slightly fry in a pan.
  5. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions Send to Salu, Pry, lay out in a saucepan.
  6. Soup made of canned fish serve with sour cream.

Fresh fish

  • Time: 50 min.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 55 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Kitchen: Finnish.
  • Difficulty: average.

The traditional recipe for fish soup from Lochicatetto Lochicatet props implies the use of red fish. Suitable fresh ket, salmon, pink salmon. Such a dish is a wonderful warming and hearty food, which is a portion of which even in the coldest weather will not give frozen. Cooking fresh fish soup needed by following instructions, use the recipe with the photo to get an unforgettable treat.

  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • red fish - 600 g;
  • lemon - ½ pcs.;
  • cream - 200 g;
  • creamy oil - 30 g;
  • bay leaf, horseradish, greens - to taste.
  1. Space crushed onions and grated carrots in a saucepan with butter.
  2. Pour chopped potatoes, pour boiling water.
  3. Cook vegetables on slow heat until ready.
  4. Pinkish or trout clean from the seeds, cut into pieces, pour lemon juice.
  5. Put pieces in vegetable broth when potatoes will be ready.
  6. Pour 200 g of fat cream, add spices and cook 10 minutes.
  7. When submitting Finnish soup to sprinkle with its greenery of dill.

From frozen fish

  • Time: 50 min.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 45 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

If a classic brideller with a breakfast from Russian cuisine is pretty, try to try his unusual option - fish. Soup with fish can be boiled from frozen products, better - sea varieties. It is suitable for sea bass, mackerel, you can take abdomen, backs or salmon fillets. Fish Navars are assisted better than mushroom filling soups and meat broths.

  • fish - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • perlovka (boiled to half-preparation) - 250 g;
  • potato tubers - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salted cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste (you can take a tomato puree) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices - to taste;
  • lean oil - for roasting.
  1. Frightened fish pour water and put on fire, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper.
  2. Clear and chop vegetables.
  3. Fish pull out, in the finished broth put potatoes and fish slices without bones.
  4. Fry onions, carrots, add cucumbers, pour tomato sauce.
  5. Share a passer with a barley in the soup when potatoes welded, add greens and spices.

From sea fish

  • Time: 30 min;
  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

The first dishes are not always boiled out of pieces of fillet, sometimes they are prepared with fish minced fish from sea varieties of fish. The main difficulty is to make the tender meatballs do not boil. The chefs have their own secrets, in the rendered recipe, the trick is to use breadcrumbs that "gluits" chopped fillet in the rice soup.

  • minced french fish - 300 g;
  • rice - 1/3 of Art.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 tooth.;
  • parsley, green onions - 1 bundle;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sukhari breading - 1 handful;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.
  1. Rice to boil until half-ready.
  2. Onions, garlic and greenery shallow. Mix the listed components with minced meat and egg.
  3. Swelling, pepper the base for meatballs, form the balls, cut them in breadcrumbs.
  4. Cut potatoes, onions and carrots.
  5. In boiling water, put potatoes, onions, carrots, meatballs.
  6. After the readiness of the fish meatballs, fall asleep soup with greenery parsley.

From white fish

  • Time: 40 min.
  • Number of portions: 10 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 37 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Kitchen: Mediterranean.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

Fish chowder with a large number of vegetables according to the classic Mediterranean recipe, it turns out delicious even in culinary, only knowing the az art. You do not need a recipe with a photo - everything is extremely simple. The dish is used in dietary nutrition due to low calories. Finished soup is folded around the plates, they add sour cream, fresh greens.

  • water - 3 l;
  • white fish - 1 kg;
  • fresh tomatoes, onions - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley - 1 beam;
  • garlic - 6 tooth.;
  • paprika - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 50 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste.
  1. Put 1 bulbs, laurel sheets in a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Fillet rinse, cut into large slices, fold them into the water, add a disturbed greens and 3 crushed cloves of garlic.
  3. The remaining onions cut down, fry in a frying pan. After 5 min. Add chopped garlic.
  4. Tomatoes without leather Grind, add to the roaster, keep another 5 minutes on the burner.
  5. Put in the saucepan, boil on low heat for 20 minutes, sprinkle with fresh parsley.

From red fish

  • Time: 50 min.;
  • Number of portions: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 49 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Kitchen: Finnish.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

Classic Finnish puree soup is prepared from red fish varieties. If your family recipes, your family has already tried, try to surprise them with an unusual first dish. The soup on fish broth is exquisite, so it is quite suitable for a festive lunch. Sea trout or pink salmon is the best choice that gives a pleasant consistency and excellent taste.

  • salmon - 0.5 kg;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pcs.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • leek - 20 cm;
  • creamy oil - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste.
  1. Separate fillet from bones. From the bones, weld the broth with a bulb, cut the fillet to pieces.
  2. Sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, leek boil in broth, add fillet, spices.
  3. Cream and a spoonful of butter added 5 minutes before readiness.
  4. Been blend to homogeneity.

Head Fish Soup

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of portions: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 48 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: For lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

For fish soup from the head, not every fish is suitable. Little spray is an inappropriate component for the welded dish. Here more is more appropriate than fish, for example, pike or salmon. If you are preparing a frozen broth, let it be hung at room temperature, and then immerse for 30 minutes into the water, so you get rid of the remaining blood.

  • salmon head - 1 pc.;
  • carrots, onions - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • greens - a beam;
  • water - 2 l;
  • spices, salt - to taste.
  1. Remove the gills and eyes, put your head, a whole bulb and carrots in boiling water.
  2. Do the remaining vegetables.
  3. Boiled head and vegetables pull out of the pan. Remove edible parts, return them to broth along with sliced \u200b\u200braw vegetables, add spices.
  4. Boil until readiness, sprinkle with greens.



How to cook fish soup recipe with photos. Exclusive information.

Potatoes cut into straw or small cubes.

Canned fish disassembled into small pieces.

In boiling water put sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes.

If there are real Russian national dishes in nature, the ear is definitely enters by their number. This fragrant and brewish fish soup in Russia was prepared from ancient times. To this day, he remains one of our favorite fish dishes. Many people recipes are very much, and in each - its "highlight". We are going to introduce you to one of these unusual dishes today, offering an interesting home recipe and photos from crucia with a very original refueling, to prepare which is to be on the stove.

If a frozen or salty fish has to be used to prepare soup, it must be prepared. In the first case, the product should be defrosting. For this, the fish is placed either in a saucepan with water room temperature, or leave to be cleaned in air. No other methods of defrosting do not go to, as they can disrupt the structure of the fiber meat, and in addition, they significantly reduce the food value of the fish. As for salted fish, it must be predetermined. For this, the salted product is poured with cold water at the rate of two liters of liquid per kilogram of meat. First, they are soaked out the fish for an hour, then wipe off. After that, they are soaked for about 6-10 hours, 3-4 times changing water. The time of procedure depends on the degree of salinity of the fish.

Salmon creamy soup perfectly warms up with its delicate creamy taste and gives energy through salmon use. Such an option soup will like even the most tary of fish haters, because this dish does not have a sharp task. You can use any fish, such as salmon, trout, etc. during the preparation of this soup, etc. Have a recipe for this creamy soup - a dream of any mistress, because it can be unusually feeding with it to the whole family.

How to make and delicious cooking fish soup. Breaking news.

Fish soups are prepared from fresh, chilled, frozen and even salted fish. In addition, one of the heads or other food waste, such as leather, bones, fins, such as leather, bones, fins, such as skin, bones, fins can go on the preparation of such first courses.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that in addition to the use of secrets and tricks in the preparation of a fish soup, it is necessary to prepare with a soul. Only in this case, your first dish will be really tasty and get a decent estimate of households as the best!

The next stage is giving away fish. For this procedure, an incision on the abdomen from the head to the tail is made. Fish reveal by I. carefully remove From her inside. It is very important not to crush the gallbladder, but otherwise the meat will be impatient. If the above nuisance still happened, all recipes recommend fishing immediately and to the place where bile got bile, label a large amount of salt. Then these pieces of fish will need to be cut.

The fish is the most valuable source of protein, which, to all, is absorbed by several times faster compared to the animal protein.

In this section of the site you will find a lot of fish soup preparation recipes. Choose your favorite, reserve the necessary ingredients and go cook. Recommendations of the selected recipe and its step-by-step photos will help you with the cooking process.

Soups from fish present In many national kitchens, people learned them to cook them since ancient times. Many European peoples, fish soup are considered one of the main dishes.

Step-by-step recipe for classic fish soup. Urgent information.

After cleaning and giving off, fresh fish should be rinsed in running water. However, this process should not be delayed, but otherwise the fish will lose his organoleptic Qualities and many useful substances.

In general, homemade soups based on canned fish can be called fast preparation soups. This is a real chopstick, when you need to cook tasty and at the same time a satisfying dish.

We are accustomed to consider fish soup, or ear, a dish, though tasty, but ordinary. It is designed to dispel this considerable opinion. Our today's recipe for the preparation of French fish soup, because, in addition to fish, it includes shrimps, mussels and even squid baby. From non-traditional ingredients for us, the fennel fruits and natural saffron should also be mentioned, making the taste of dishes especially bright and interesting. If you want to hit your close non-standard ear, french fish soup on our step-by-step recipe with the photo - what you need.

Breaky fish soup recipes with a detailed description. Recent details.

The correct cutting of the selected fish is another secret of making delicious home soup. Scaly fish cleaned from scales. Use for this or an ordinary knife or a special grater. If the scales are particularly tough and poorly cleaned, the fish must be pre-wrapped in boiling water. To do this, the carcass should be immersed in very hot water at the time of fifteen to thirty seconds. Some fish remove too thick skin. It is also necessary to remove fins.

Cooking fish for soup is entirely as well as cutting into portion pieces. In addition, you can simply use food waste after cutting fish - head (without gills), skin, bones, fins, tail. Of these, broth will be no less welded and tasty, and besides no less useful. The number of such food waste on a three-four liter pan should be at least one kilogram.

After giving off the fish cut the gills. If you leave them, then the welded fish broth will eventually be very impatient. Head can be cut off or left.

Add fish canned soup only at the moment when all its components are welded. Otherwise, risk digest fish, turning it into an unsightly porridge.

After 10 minutes, add fish canned food, bay leaf and pea pepper and cook another 10-15 minutes to potatoes.

Frying onions and carrots on the vegetable oil and add to the soup 5 minutes before readiness.

Salt and pepper soup to taste.

Turn off the fire and put the finely chopped parsley or dill greens.

Let the soup breed 5-10 minutes under the closed lid.

In each plate, when serving, add chopped green onions.

Enjoy your meal!

Here, perhaps, all the main secrets in the preparation of fish soups from fresh, ice cream, salted fish, as well as fish waste (heads and other parts). All other subtleties of creating one or another first dish, you will find in step-by-step recipes with photos, which are present in this section of the site.

Video recipe How to cook fish soup. Summary today.



The correct diet for a healthy adult should include at least three fish dishes per week. But constantly there is for dinner hot from the fish hardly wants, so without fish soups in the menu can not do. Experienced cookrs know how to cook fish soup For any case of life: as a dietary dish, for a children's table, for guests or as a rare delicacy, when little time or little money.

Fish soups in preparation are much simpler than the first glance may seem.

There is a general method, how to cook fish soup. The basis of a good soup is a broth saturated with useful trace elements, taste and smell. That is why in the cooking soups from canned food are not valued, because from canned it is impossible to get a good broth. But the perfect soup base from cleaning and fish waste.

If your task is to cook simple, but delicious and satisfying fish soup, use the simplest universal recipe fish soup. This recipe is a scheme for cooking soup with any set of ingredients (you can safely combine vegetables and spices, getting a completely new and unique dish every time).

To begin with, prepare the fish: letting and clean from scales, payout. Fish You can leave the whole, if it is very small individuals, or cut into pieces. The recipe for the soup from fish should take into account the type of fish itself. Common perch, crucian, bream cut into pieces with a thickness of 10 centimeters, but when preparing sturgeon fish, it is necessary to pay special attention to the removal of bone growths.

Some soups are served with fish meat, for example fish soup with rice. However, some recipes provide for the use of only broth.

Simple Fish Soup Schemes

Any way how to cook fish soupis based on the right ratio of fish and water: a kilogram of the main product is poured about 2.5 liters of fluid. Water pour into a saucepan, add more salt let her boil, then add vegetables to the future broth.

If you don't know yet how to cook fish soup On a specific recipe, choose standard combined products. One bulb is finely reached, one potato arm on cubes, and grinding carrots in straw. Let all this boils and boils 15 minutes, then add chopped fish (this is the simplest recipe for fish soup) and leave on fire for another fifteen minutes.

Add seasoning and greens to taste. After a couple of minutes you can add an additional ingredient: salt cucumbers, rice, special pasta for soup, tomato paste. Let soup leave a couple more minutes, and fish soup with rice, potatoes, pasta or any other ingredients are ready.

Often it is necessary to find such fish Soup Recipewhich would not require much cash costs, no time, and it would be dietary and satisfying.

Rally soup with fish is rare, because the fish contains very few calories, fats and carbohydrates, so you can't eat such a dish. Many countries found ways to make fish soup beautiful and very nutritious. One of the most popular recipes - fish soup with rice.

How to cook a hearty fish soup

  • one and a half liters of fluid
  • at least 100 grams of rice (or even much more, depending on how thick the soup should come out)
  • carrot
  • potatoes
  • onion
  • some fresh greens
  • seasoning and bay leaf

Fish thoroughly clean and divide into pieces, put in cold salted water and send it on the stove. While the water is heating, clean the bulb and carrots, you can cut the carrots into pieces, and leave the bulb.

This fish Soup Recipe Designed for white fish varieties that easy to buy. All together Warves are fifteen minutes, after which add purified and sliced \u200b\u200bto large pieces of potatoes. Let everything boil and boil 15 minutes, do not forget to remove the foam.

During this time, slip rice and then add to the soup. Do not forget to try soup to salinity, because rice and fish take a lot of salt and soup may turn out to be fresh. All Warm is ready to prepare rice, then add a laurel and greens and turn off in two to three minutes.

Simple recipe, how to cook fish soup In the dietary version, the trout soup with vegetables. Its broth has a bright color, and vegetables allow you to make soup as much delicious without extra calories. Any soup made of red fish low-fat breeds is already considered dietary.

Light Soup Recipe with Trout

For this recipe take:

  • not too big trout
  • three potatoes bigger
  • one piece of carrots and onions
  • half lemon
  • jolly Bank
  • a pair of fresh tomato
  • greens and garlic
  • spices to taste

This recipe fish soup Very economical: separated by the fillet of the fish and postponed it for another dish, and put your head, fin, spine, tail and all other trimming.

All this is laid in cold salt water together with the laurer when the foam stops (it needs to be constantly removed), reflect the fire and under the lid Course is another 10 minutes. In the saucepan, leave only broth, everything else is removed.

Sodium carrots on a large grater, bow shorts by half rings and send everything into the broth. You can fry half vegetables if you do not hold a strict diet. Potatoes shortcut straw, so it will prepare faster, and the tomatoes apply large cubes so that they do not boil. Put them in broth.

When potatoes are half welded, put the semiring of lemon and halves olives. Wide soup to the preparedness of vegetables and at the very end, turning off the fire, add chopped garlic and greens. Soup can be decorated with fresh lemon slices, which will give a dish with a pleasant sourness.

Fish soup can be boiled From anything, the fish is combined with most products. Soups based on red fish breeds with the addition of oily cream or milk, and various seafood are combined with fish.

When you want to pamper your home, prepare the traditional Finnish soup or the royal soup of trout and caviar. These dishes are not only very unusual and beautiful, but also very useful.

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Delicious recipes

Second dishes


Fish soup, you can cook from fresh fish or canned. Freshly to taste soup resembles a ear. The canned soup is preparing much faster, and at the same time to taste no worse oars.

Fisteers of fish dishes can be submitted to the table as an extra dish to the soup - sushi. You can buy sushi in any Japanese restaurant. But if you order sushi and rolls through the site Sushicity.su, then for you delivery in Krasnogorsk is free. So.

We will need: 4 potatoes, 3 tablespoons of rice, 2 canned jars "Sardines in oil", bay leaf, parsley, salt and pepper to taste, 2 bulbs, 2 carrots.

Cooking. Onions cleanse from husks, cut into cubes and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil to a golden color. Carrots are rinsed, clean, rub on the grater and fry in a pan with an oil. Rice are rinsed in water. Potatoes purify, rinse and cut into cubes.

In the saucepan, we pour the required amount of water and put on the stove. When water boils, salt to taste, put potatoes, rice and cook constantly stirring 15 minutes. Open banks with canned fish. Sardines and a half fluid shift on a plate and grinding fork. In a potato saucepan with potatoes, fried carrot with onions, bay leaf, pepper and cook five minutes. Add crushed greenery and remove from the stove. Everything! Canned soup ready.

Preparing fresh fish soup, very simple. We will need: 5 potatoes, 800 g of fish, onions, carrots, 2 Bulgarian peppers, a tablespoon of butter, a bunch of parsley, pepper and salt to taste, bay leaf.

Cooking. First we prepare broth for soup. Rinse fish and cut into pieces. Cleaning from the bones. Heads free from the gills. Put fish heads, tails and cook in a saucepan with water and cook for an hour. Fix broth to a new saucepan.

Onions we clean, cut into cubes and fry in a pan with oil. Potatoes clean the skin, rinse and cut into cubes. Carrots are rinsed, clean and cut into cubes. Pepper purify from seeds, and chop finely. Pan with broth put on the stove and bring to a boil. Solim to taste and put potatoes, carrots and fish. Cook 15 minutes. Soup add pepper, onions, bay leaf and cook another 10 minutes. The finished soup is applying to the table in small plates, pre-decorating a gridden parsley. Bon Appetit.


How to cook fish soup

How to cook fish soup? It is not so difficult, as it seems to be inexplicable hostesses, deciding this problem to prepare fish soup from the cans (from canned fish). Of course, it simplifies the process and reduces cooking time, and sometimes you need to use it. But do not neglect the delicious and useful broth from fresh fish.

The order of bookmarking ingredients in fish soup It can be described in a recipe, and may be omitted. You can, of course, find the cooking time in the special tables of all components of soup, but who wants to do it. Therefore, we lower the basic order of bookmarking products during cooking soup from fresh fish. Try to come up with your own version of the fish soup.

Fish soup, main stages of preparation:

For 1 kg of fish you will need 2.5 liters of water, 1 bulbs, 1 carrot medium, bay leaf, pepper and salt. Fish broths and soups can be prepared from any fish. Packing fish (for example, pike perch, bream, perch) must be cleaned from scales, cut the abdomen and remove the insides, cut off the head. Rinse fish and cut into portions.

1. Pour water, salt well, give the water to boil, add crushed onions; Potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, bars or cubes; Carrots - straw.

2. 15 minutes after boiling, add fish, sliced \u200b\u200bon the same slices (no more than 10 × 4 cm), cook 10-12 minutes. At the end of the cooking, add a bay leaf, pepper, greens (parsley, etaragon, dill).

3. Optionally, you can add one of the following ingredients:

a) salted cucumbers, cucumber brine or lemon and slaughter another 1-3 minutes;

b) half a cup of tomato juice or 2-3 spoons of tomato paste, hold on slow fire, do not bring to a boil;

c) rice (for 3 liters 2-3 tbsp), add along with vegetables;

d) some celery.

Fish pieces can be removed and used on the second. When cooking soups from such rocks of fish as sturgeon, Sevryuga or Beluga, you need to carefully consider bone outgrowths - "bugs" (sides and backfish). To do this, a piece of fish should be lowered into hot water for 2-3 minutes, remove and immediately remove bone plates with a knife, the skin should remain smooth. Rinse fish, pour cold water, add root, salt and cook with weak boiling 20-30 minutes. Fish can be used as second, broth - for cooking soup.

Bulcon-based fish soup from whole fish:

Main fish, for example, sea crucian, sea bass, sea cock, Umbrina After removing the insides, you can boil entirely.

1. Purified fish omitted in cold water, bring to a boil, thoroughly removing the scale. When the fish boils, salt, add spices and cook 30-40 minutes on weak fire. At the end of the cooking, take out fish, and strain the broth.

2. Bouffering is based on the soup (see above). At the end of the cooking of vegetables, you can add pieces of boiled fish.

Fish meatballs are often added to fish soups (fish minced eggs + egg and spices), dumplings (flour + water + salt - dough consistency like on dumplings), eggs, welded by craft, sour cream, etc. You will also be interested to know how to cook soups on The basis of broth from fish waste.

Fish soups - No less popular category of first dishes than soups meat. Delicious and fragrant, they have long been an integral part of home cooking. Moreover, cooking soups based on fresh fish is characteristic not only for Slavic peoples. Practically boils, perhaps, in almost all countries. However, it is absolutely no wonder. Fish-product is nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, this product has a mass of extractive (soluble) beneficial substances, which when cooking is moving into broth. Thus, fish soups turn out to be as useful as the fish itself.

The fish is the most valuable source of protein, which, to all, is absorbed by several times faster compared to the animal protein.

Fish soups are prepared from fresh, chilled, frozen and even salted fish. In addition, one of the heads or other food waste, such as leather, bones, fins, such as leather, bones, fins, such as skin, bones, fins can go on the preparation of such first courses.

The best soups are obtained from fresh and chilled fish. It remains more juicy, has a more pronounced taste and aroma. However, the delicious fish soup will be only possible if the main ingredient is really fresh for its preparation. Fish should choose, focusing on visual signs:

  • the color is uniform and natural;
  • mucus on the surface of the carcass a little, it is transparent and does not smell;
  • meat consistency dense;
  • the gills are painted in bright red color;
  • the eyes are convex and transparent.

In addition, fresh fish should not have an unnatural sharp smell.

Numerous fish soup recipes offer to use almost any fish. It is believed that the most welded first dishes are obtained from "Fish trivia", moreover, it does not matter whether it is nasty or river. It is not necessary to choose that fish, which, when cooking heavily crumbs, as well as the one that has a natural specific taste and smell. Of course, to weld soup from such a fish will succeed, but to regulate its aromatic and taste qualities will have to add a large number of spices and spices or even brine.

The correct cutting of the selected fish is another secret of making delicious home soup. Scaly fish cleaned from scales. Use for this or an ordinary knife or a special grater. If the scales are particularly tough and poorly cleaned, the fish must be pre-wrapped in boiling water. To do this, the carcass should be immersed in very hot water at the time of fifteen to thirty seconds. Some fish remove too thick skin. It is also necessary to remove fins.

The next stage is giving away fish. For this procedure, an incision on the abdomen from the head to the tail is made. Fish is revealed and carefully removed from it inside. It is very important not to crush the gallbladder, but otherwise the meat will be impatient. If the above nuisance still happened, all recipes recommend fishing immediately and to the place where bile got bile, label a large amount of salt. Then these pieces of fish will need to be cut.

After giving off the fish cut the gills. If you leave them, then the welded fish broth will eventually be very impatient. Head can be cut off or left.

After cleaning and giving off, fresh fish should be rinsed in running water. However, this process should not be delayed, but otherwise the fish will lose its organoleptic qualities and many useful substances.

Cooking fish for soup is entirely as well as cutting into portion pieces. In addition, you can simply use food waste after cutting fish - head (without gills), skin, bones, fins, tail. Of these, broth will be no less welded and tasty, and besides no less useful. The number of such food waste on a three-four liter pan should be at least one kilogram.

If a frozen or salty fish has to be used to prepare soup, it must be prepared. In the first case, the product should be defrosting. For this, the fish is placed either in a saucepan with water room temperature, or leave to be cleaned in air. No other methods of defrosting do not go to, as they can disrupt the structure of the fiber meat, and in addition, they significantly reduce the food value of the fish. As for salted fish, it must be predetermined. For this, the salted product is poured with cold water at the rate of two liters of liquid per kilogram of meat. First, they are soaked out the fish for an hour, then wipe off. After that, they are soaked for about 6-10 hours, 3-4 times changing water. The time of procedure depends on the degree of salinity of the fish.

In order for the fishing soup to be transparent, as well as fragrant and really tasty cooking it is recommended without a lid. The drilling should not be too active, and therefore the cooking process should pass on low heat.

Here, perhaps, all the main secrets in the preparation of fish soups from fresh, ice cream, salted fish, as well as fish waste (heads and other parts). All other subtleties of creating one or another first dish, you will find in step-by-step recipes with photos, which are present in this section of the site.

How to cook a delicious first canned dish?

Prepare delicious canned food soup is much simpler than fresh, frozen or salty fish, because, in fact, the product above is ready. It is only necessary to choose that fish, which is canned in its own juice or with the addition of vegetable oil. Fish in tomato sauce for this type of dishes is not suitable.

Add fish canned soup only at the moment when all its components are welded. Otherwise, risk digest fish, turning it into an unsightly porridge.

In general, homemade soups based on canned fish can be called fast preparation soups. This is a real chopstick, when you need to cook tasty and at the same time a satisfying dish.

All other recommendations regarding the preparation of simple canned food soups can be found in recipes with step-by-step photos in this section of the site.

Summing up ...

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that in addition to the use of secrets and tricks in the preparation of a fish soup, it is necessary to prepare with a soul. Only in this case, your first dish will be really tasty and get a decent estimate of households as the best!

In this section of the site you will find a lot of fish soup preparation recipes. Choose your favorite, reserve the necessary ingredients and go cook. Recommendations of the selected recipe and its step-by-step photos will help you with the cooking process.

Fish soup is a tasty and satisfying first dish that is preparing easily and quickly. For such a dish, you can use even canned food. An option with canned fish is so simple that a student in a hostel will cope with him.

Product composition: Sairi Bank in oil, 2 potatoes, carrots, 2 l of purified water, bulb, small salt, pair of laurel leaves.

Canned food soup is an easily digestible and low-fat dish.

  1. Potato cubes are flooded with boiling water and go to cook.
  2. The remaining vegetables are crushed and roasted to light rosy.
  3. When potatoes leave 8-9 minutes, it is possible to shift it to it.
  4. After another 15-17 minutes, fish canned food. Previously need to get rid of the bones and renovate fork. The soup is poured and oil from the can - it will make the dish especially fragrant.
  5. It remains to add salt and laurel leaves.

After 5-6 minutes of boiling on the quiet fire, canned fish soup will be completely ready.

Round ear of the head and tail trout

Product makeup: Trul head and tail, 1-2 potatoes, bulbs, large salt, carrot, half of a bunch of green onions, a mixture of spices for soup.

  1. The fish head is thoroughly washed, the gills are cut off from it. If you leave them, the ready-made ration can be missed. The same is prepared by the tail. Fish carcass parts are poured with water. They immediately laid the whole bulb, salt and spices are added.
  2. Cooking fish 15-17 minutes. Next, her pieces are extracted from the water, meat is removed from them. The remaining parts are thrown together with the bow.
  3. The broth is added chopped with small pieces carrots and potatoes.
  4. Cooking soup from the head and tail of trout to softening vegetables.

Before serving, the serving is sprinkled with a crushed bow.

Delicate fish cream soup

The composition of the products: kilo fresh salmon fillet, salt, 6 glasses of water, kilo potatoes, 2 carrots, leek 2 pcs., 2 tbsp. Fat cream, 3 tbsp. Spoons of butter, fragrant herbs.

Such a soup is called still a finnish ear.
  1. All vegetables wash and finely cut. Leek - rings, potatoes - bars, carrots - thin circles.
  2. Fish fillet is washed and cut into medium cubes.
  3. In a crazy on a melted butter, a bow before transparency and goldenness is fried. Then the rest of the vegetables are added to it, the water is immediately poured, salt, seasonings are poured.
  4. The mass is prepared until the softness of vegetables.
  5. Then add salmon pieces, and the cooking continues for another 10-12 minutes.
  6. It remains to pour oily cream and cook for another 3-4 minutes. To taste you can overlook.

Ready fishing soup with cream is decorated with crushed dill.

From red fish

Product composition: 5 potatoes, 370 g Keta, 2 bulbs, carrots, large egg, small piece of butter, bay leaf, salt.

  1. The fish is cleaned from scales, poured with water and go to boil the whole piece. It is immediately added potato, sliced \u200b\u200bby medium cubes.
  2. Vegetables are arbitrarily crushed and steam on cream oil. You can add any spices to taste. When the ingredients are roasted, they are poured 3-4 st. Spoons of fish broth and stew 6-7 minutes.
  3. Finished fish (after 20-25 minutes) is extracted from the pan, it is separated into small pieces and returns to the broth. Bones are disposed of.
  4. In a newly boiled broth, roasted vegetables are shifted, salt, leaflets of laurels.
  5. After 3-4 minutes of cooking in the soup, a raw egg is driven and is vigorously stirred by a spoon before the appearance of white-yellow threads.

The finished dish is removed from the fire, covered with a lid and leaves for half an hour.

In a slow cooker

Product composition: Shelves of any fish, 1 pcs. Luke and carrots, 3-4 potatoes, 2 large spoons of white rice, salt, bunch of dill, 3-4 peas of fragrant pepper.

The soup will always delight your home and diversify your diet.
  1. Fish gets rid of bones, leather and all extra, cuts large pieces and go to boil in salty boiling water (1.5-2 liters) in a "smart pan" in the program designed for extinguishing.
  2. After 5-6 minutes, all peeled and crushed vegetables are added to the container, as well as cereals.
  3. A couple of minutes before the signal of the device dish, it is hungry, crushed greenery and pepper poured into it.

A ready-made treat is fed to the table with a home sour cream.

From cod.

Product composition: 420 g cod, 2 pcs. Carrots, a large onion, sheltered potatoes, 2 large spoons of sifted flour, 60 g of butter, cook salt, any suitable spices.

  1. Fish is thoroughly clean, cleaned from the internships, fins, scales. Next, it is once again rinsed with water, cuts large pieces, 2 liters of water poured and go to cook.
  2. From the pan is removed by finished fish, cuts by pieces. The broth is fixed and the crushing fillet is returned to it.
  3. Spices are added to the container, salt.
  4. After re-boiling, you can fall asleep bars of potatoes, carrot cubes.
  5. At this time, the onions are smoker and roasted on a mixture of creamy and lean oil. When pieces of vegetable are spoiled, they fall asleep with flour and are preparing for a couple more minutes with frequent stirring.
  6. After adding roasted to the soup, it is boiled another 7-8 minutes.

The finished dish when feeding sprinkles fresh greens.

Rich Fish Soup

Product composition: 620 g of fish, 5-6 small potatoes, 60 g of milf, 2 medium bulbs, large carrots, pepper, small salt.

Fragrant and delicious fish soup.
  1. The fish is filled with cold water and cooked on slow fire a little less than half an hour. If heads are used, the gills are necessarily cut off.
  2. Ground vegetables (except potatoes) are roasted until goldenness on any fat.
  3. Potatoes cutting straw, the cereals move and washed, after which it is soaked in ice water for a few minutes.
  4. When the fish is ready, the prepared ingredients from the third step are laid out in the pan. The dish is cut for another 17-20 minutes.
  5. Pepper, salt, salt poured into the pan.

Cooking soup lasts another 5-6 minutes. It is advisable at this time not to stir.

Ear on the bountar of the older

Product composition: 320 g of perch, 620 g of Sudak, Large carrot, onion bluette, bunch of diverse fresh greens, cook salt, spices to taste.

  1. First, a small fish for Navara is cooked at the fire on the fire. It can not be cleaned - just rinse and compound. When the fish is routine enough, it is extracted from the broth. You can eat it with a garnish.
  2. Broth fits and returns to the bowler. It is sent to the cleaned and focused Sudak. It is boiled 40-45 minutes.
  3. Fish is recovered from the broth again. Slices fillets are removed from it, and it is placed back.
  4. Circles of purified carrots are laid out into the liquid, the whole bulb, crushed greens, is satisted with salt and spices.
  5. If the broth is strongly flushed, some boiled water is added.
  6. Ear is still half an hour with minimal boiling.

The soup must be under the lid of 15-17 minutes, after which you can shoot a sample from it.

Salmon Fish Soup - Step

Composition of products: 330 g of salmon, 1/3 Stem-row, middle carrots, Cherry handy, 2-3 potatoes, salt, salt, mixture of colored ground peppers.

This is a very exquisite and tasty dish.
  1. Salmon without scales is filled with cold water and is brought to a boil. Foam is removed from the surface of the liquid. Fish is boiled slightly less than half an hour. Broth solorates.
    1. River fish will crack and boil until prepared at 1.5 liters of salted boiling water. It is enough 30-35 minutes of cooking. The resulting broth is filtered, it also leaves only crushed fish fillets.
    2. In a saucepan with the base for soup, the cubes of the bow, cereals, bars of potatoes and chopped carrots are sent to any convenient way.
    3. The dish is cooked until the softening of vegetables and the readiness of the cereals, it is cooled, squeezed with pepper.