Cheese with garlic eggs mayonnaise name dishes. Delicious cold snack for a festive table: cheese, garlic, egg, mayonnaise - Well, what can be easier (recipe with photos)

16.10.2020 Meat dishes

Hello, dear readers. Today with another delicious recipe. I prepared a snack. She comes from my childhood. Mom often prepared garlic salad. Especially for the holidays. We have no one New Year's table without this salad, patesta from the liver, nuts with condensed milk and other yummy. Now summer, but I saw at my friend an interesting feeding of this salad. Salad was served on tomato slices. Very tasty and beautiful.

Salad cheese with garlic and egg delicious. Madly lightweight cooking. Minimum funds, ingredients and forces. I relate to the category: just, fast, tasty. You can feed the salad in tartlets, on the slices of tomato or just in a beautiful plate.

You can also decorate your desire. In tartlets a very interesting supply of salad. Tartlets are sold at any store. I remember in childhood always lubricated the pieces of baguette by salad.

Such a salad can be prepared with melted cheese, and it is possible with solid. We prepared and so. I like more with solid cheese. For the preparation of salad, I took:

  • 200 grams of solid cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp. Slaps mayonnaise 67%
  • salt to taste

This is such a simple set of ingredients. It seems easier for me. If you make this salad with melted raw, then take two packs of good raw. It needs it, like solid cheese, rub on a shallow grater. So that it was more convenient to rub Send melted routines in the freezer so that it is a little froms.

If it seems to you that there is very little lettuce from this set of ingredients, then the number of ingredients you can enlarge twice. For us, this snack is quite enough.

The first thing we do. Boil chicken eggs, about 6 to 8 minutes. Eggs cool and clean.

Garlic we have a young and small slices. Therefore, I add to the salad of 4 teeth. Or rather, I added 2 cloves, tried the salad and added to taste again 2. You can also try the salad and adding garlic to taste.

My cheese is Russian. With solid cheese, this salad is delicious. If you used to prepare with melted cheese, then try with solid.

I do eggs on a shallow grater. Also on a shallow grater I rub solid cheese. Garlic in a salad squeezed through the press.

Follow the mayonnaise salad. Mayonnaise can, but you can buy in the store. Now you can already find mayonnaise with natural products and with a minimum shelf life. I buy mayonnaise 67%. With such mayonnaise, all salads are much tastling.

All mixed and salad with cheese, egg and garlic ready. I rolled the balls and decorated the tomato slices. Hands Do not forget to wash and wipe on a clean towel dry.

A tasty snack is obtained that to decorate any festive table and will undoubtedly like guests.

I recently penetrated with culinary photos. I really want to do everything perfect. We run looking for from which side of the sun, so that the photo will be beautiful.

Bought burlap. We sell decor and fabrics in the store. I recently went and bought half a meter. I already go and think how to attach it in the photo. I like.

Well, my culinary masterpiece is ready. I will be glad if you enjoy a salad with cheese with garlic and egg.

But I want to note that in a combination with fresh tomato, this salad just yummy. We immediately appreciated. You can cut the tomato in half, remove the middle and start half the tomatoes with garlic salad. It is also very beautiful.

This, it would seem like a simple salad, and how beautiful you can decorate tomatoes. You can add a little in tartlets, to decorate a tomature, greens, quail eggs from above. I just had an idea to boil quail eggs, but I prepared dinner just forgotten.

But it did not prevent our son to eat almost all the salad cheese with garlic and egg. At first he did not want, because the daughter refused to try, and he repeats everything behind her, but then, nevertheless decided to try, and when I tried it, I was talked.

If we talk about your favorite salads, then I have this herring under a fur coat. Recipe with step-by-step photos can be viewed "". Where I shared secrets of preparation of this salad. I also want to try to cook a herring under a fur coat only with a salty red fish.

I wish you a pleasant appetite, good mood, positive and pleasant emotions.

This snack is incredibly simple and its preparation takes a few minutes. In addition, it is preparing from the simplest products that can be found almost at each kitchen. If guests unexpectedly appeared to you, or you just want to please our home delicious treat, take a snack from cheese with garlic. The dish is, despite the seeming simplicity, very appetizing and nutritious, and can decorate the table both on ordinary days and in the days of festive celebrations.

Cheese with garlic and mayonnaise can be equipped immediately, but you can use this snack in sandwiches, putting on roasted, or dried bread and decorated with greenery sprigs. In addition, you can fill with tartlets with this dish, put it on the mugs of tomatoes or torture the halves of the eggs. To make a dish more satisfying, try to wrap this cheese snack into thin pieces of ham.

Cheese snack with garlic and mayonnaise can become an excellent addition to alcoholic beverages. It gives satiety and slows into intoxication, providing the body with the necessary energy and nutrients. Garlic makes her more piquant, dull the taste of alcohol.


Calorie snacks from cheese with garlic and mayonnaise contains 100 g of product about 400 kcal.


  • Cheese of solid varieties - 150 g
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp


Clear garlic from scales and skip through a press or use a small grater, and then lay out the resulting mass into the prepared dishes.

Tip: Do not place immediately all the amount of garlic specified in the recipe, its quantity depends on the size of the teeth and their sharpness.

Grate the cheese on a large grater and add to the container. It is better to take the cheeses of solid varieties, for example, Russian, Poshekhonsky, Kostroma. These cheeses are easier to rub, they do not scatter in the process. An interesting taste combination will turn out if ordinary cheese is mixed with high-quality sausage cheese.

Add to mayonnaise tank. Mayonnaise can be taken any, the main thing is that it is not too liquid. It is better to add it gradually, so that the cheese is not too dry.

Tip: Depending on the severity of cheese and taste preferences, after adding mayonnaise, you can slightly predict the resulting mass and add ground pepper.

Serve the cheese of a ready-made snack in portion salad bowls, decorated at the request of fresh greens, or prepare an appetizing snack with him in your choice. In any case, it is undoubtedly a win-win option for any feast.

Bon Appetit!


Cheese with garlic and mayonnaise is just a universal thing when it comes to organize a home feast. So many snacks can be prepared, which are at the base - cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. It is possible to smear just on bread, smear on the croutons, arrange sandwiches in the form of ladybugs, serve in tartlets, staring with a cheese mass of boiled eggs, make rolls from footwash ... options Many, and each of them is a new snack!


Gaud Cheese: 200 g

Garlic: 1 teeth

Mayonnaise: homemade

Egg: 1 pc.

Sunflower oil (refined): 160 ml.

Mustard: 0.5 h. L. (or to taste)

Salt: 0.5 ppm

Sugar: 0.5 ppm

Lemon juice: 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Cheese rub on a sharper cup. In the same cup, garlic squeeze - do not hurry to add more garlic if you do not want to cheese from him become sharp and just acquired a delicious garlic smell (this is how I do it, purely for a delicious smell. Since we are in the family. It's easy to eat with bread and do not want to smell on a kilometer with garlic;))

2. Getting to mayonnaise:

All ingredients must be room temperature.
In a bowl or a tall glass for a blender, break the egg, add mustard, salt and sugar. With the help of a submersible blender, beat the ingredients to homogeneity. Do not stop the work of the blender, to pour sunflower oil with a thin flower until the mayonnaise acquires the desired consistency.
The amount of oil is determined by the "eye" - the larger the oil, the coming to the mayonnaise.
When mayonnaise acquired the desired consistency and thickened enough, pour lemon juice (at the same time mayonnaise becomes more liquid) and beat up uniformity.

3. Ready mayonnaise mix with cheese and garlic and shift into a glass jar. Let him stand a little, so that he best took the smell of garlic.
As I mentioned, our seed loves this cheese with bread for breakfast or just so to tea. I can say I tried many options, but it is with a homemade mayonnaise that it turns out much more tastier. And with just one cluster of garlic (just cheese must be broken).

Good day to all!

It is just a universal thing when it comes to organize a home feast. So many snacks can be prepared, which are at the heart cheese with garlic and mayonnaise.

You can simply smear on bread, smear on the croutons, arrange sandwiches in the form of ladybugs, squeeze in tartlets, staring with a raw weapon of boiled eggs, make rolls from the pita ... Many options, and each of them is a new snack!

I share with you my recipe for this sharpness of the cheese mass. It turns out more gentle unlike the traditional set of components (cheese, garlic, mayonnaise), not such a calorie. Of course, a classic cheese-garlic-mayonse mixture is well sooo delicious, and sooo fat, just a calorie bomb! And in my version (no less tasty!) - So, bomber 😳.

Ingredients for cheese mass with garlic and mayonnaise:

- cheese melted 400 g - 4 standard raw,

- 1 fresh big cucumber,

- sour cream (or natural yogurt without taste additives) 2 tablespoons,

- mayonnaise 2 tablespoons,

- garlic 2 teeth.

Preparation of cheese masses with garlic and mayonnaise:

The melted cheese is chosen because its fatness is usually less than that of a solid cheese, and he also has a more gentle, soft taste.

We will rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Before you begin, I advise you to put raw materials into the freezer for half an hour, and then get one at one: one cheerful cheese, then got the next. Slightly frozen raws rub it easier, the main thing is not let them completely freeze.

The cucumber is better to take greenhouse so that there are no seeds and it was not too watery. Hard cucumber skirt is better to cut. We rub it, too, on a large grater directly in the same container in which crushed raws.

Garlic clean, squeeze through the press right in a bowl with our cheese-cucumber mass.

Now add refueling: two tablespoons sour cream, two mayonnaise tablespoons. I offer mayonnaise to connect with sour cream again to reduce fatness and calorie content. It will be even better if adding is not sour cream, but a natural yogurt without taste additives, but this time I did not have yogurt.

On each festive feast we always have this simple and tasty snack: cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. I often change it in composition - instead of solid cheese, I take the melted good quality of the cheese, add boiled booster eggs or crushed nuts, I just serve in a salad bowl or roll the balls, cut the coke or crushed nuts in the chips. I lay out on the sheets of salad, it turns out the type "Rafaello" is tasty and simple.

You can adopt this is a completely simple dish, look a step-by-step recipe with a photo below, everything is easy and fast. But, I will tell you, I have never left this snack after the guests, always swept the first. So, do not be afraid that there is garlic in it, she will accurately enjoy guests.

Tip: If you take a soft routine, fade it slightly in the freezer so that it can be grateful. If you take the cheese solid - better neutral flavors, and necessarily good, tasty, with a cheap cheese product do not get a delicious snack. In the case of Nevaznetsky cheese, add a creamy butter, egg, nuts to snack. So the taste will be saturated and bright.


  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens at will.

So, the basic option of cooking:

Prepare products.

Grate cheese. I actually prefer the average gravo, so he rubs away and tastier it turns out.

Green rinse, dry out, shallow.

Add mayonnaise.

Tip: Mayonnaise choose good, tasty, medium fat, so that it is not liquid, and not too thugged. We also see the number too, there will be little mayonnaise - it turns out a dry snack. Many - blossoms in a plate. Add a little bit, mix, also with garlic - do not overdo it. I always add 1-2 teeth, trying to taste, if not too acute - I also add.

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