How to make sour cream from rustic cream. How to make sour cream at home

09.10.2020 Bakery products

Products in our stores still continue quietly adding in price. And, that before you could afford it is easy to buy, today is not so available. Dairy products, like everyone else, too, are not lagging behind in this "race price", although they have never been particularly cheap. But it is milk products for many are the main. Today it will be about sour cream, or rather how home sour cream can be made. It is clear that it will not work out of the water. It also should also be milk, or another product, but again made of milk. We will do our home sour cream from cream.

We make home sour cream from cream. Simple recipe

So, if you cook sour cream from cream, then in the end you can also save about 30 - 40 percent of the cost of this delicious dairy product. To do this, you will need to purchase cream. It is quite enough will the half-liter pack, but the fatness of the cream should be from 10 percent. Battle can be higher, but 10% is the smallest level.

Next in the cream will need to add two tablespoons already ordinary sour cream. All this simple composition you are mixed by an ordinary spoon and, after that, leave it alone on one day, you can one and a half days. You do not need to put our future sour cream in the refrigerator, let it stand at you just in the room, with a natural temperature that in this case it is just necessary. But after the fermented bacteria will make their "work" and this composition will already turn into a real sour cream, then you can also remove it into the refrigerator.

To your liking, and on the consistency of sour cream, made from cream, does not give up at all, the one that you purchase in stores. Here you also get to save, because buy cream will be much cheaper than sour cream.

Another important point that should be remembered when you decide to make yourself a regular portion of home sour cream. In the next packaging of cream, during the second preparation, it will already be necessary to put your product as a starter, and not shop sour cream.

But in this little video, you will tell you another option of cooking home sour cream. Here you already make it out of milk. We look.

The sour cream is an oiled product produced from normalized pasteurized cream using pure crops of lactic acid streptococcal.

The essence of the process of preparation is sour cream in the following: in the process of driving the cream under the action of the milk acid microflora, the milk sugar is fermented with the formation of lactic acid and aromatic substances.

As a result of the accumulation in the cream of lactic acid, the acid coagulation of casein occurs and the serum proteins denatured during the pasteurization of serum proteins with the formation of a clock.

Homemade sour cream from milk is delicious, thick and most importantly, you will be exactly sure that this dairy product does not contain any harmful impurities that use unscrupulous manufacturers of sour cream and.

A recipe for cooking home sour cream from milk is quite simple, you will definitely cope.

To cook homemade sour cream, take home cream, fatness of at least 25, heat on slow heat up to 60-65ºС and keep them at this temperature at least half an hour.

Give cream to cool, stirring constantly, up to 20-23ºС. Add to the milk from the joke. A homely sour cream is best suited as a starter, but if you are using a shop for the first time, then nothing terrible.

In order to determine high-quality sour cream, use multiple tips:

  • sour cream should not contain anything except cream and lactic acid bacteria;
  • choose sour cream in a glass package, in the plastic storage conditions are much worse;
  • the shelf life should not exceed seven days, since otherwise there are certainly there any additives;
  • the selected sour cream should be dissolved in hot water completely, if there are lumps, cottage cheese or other additives were used in the manufacture;
  • check the presence of starch by adding iodine to dissolved sour cream, which paints starch in blue color.

If the purchased sour cream meets all these requirements, you can use it in the manufacture of home. If not - it is better to look better product better.

Explosive volume is determined as follows: the amount of sour cream should relate to cream as 1 tbsp. Spoon to 500 ml. It is about five percent of the amount of sour cream prepared.

Put the sour cream in the refrigerator. In the first 3 hours, it should be intermitted periodically (at least once per hour). Further sufficiently one or twice for 28 hours, mix well. After the specified time is rattling is ready to use.

Store home sour cream follows in a tightly closed glass jar. In this case, it remains fresh to seven days. In an open bank - only three days. Do not put sour cream on the refrigerator door - there is an inappropriate temperature mode.

Equality products are useful for the human body, they are given even to small children. Sour cream can be placed in borsch, in a salad, to the casserole, to eat with cottage cheese or just like that. But in stores, products are not very good quality. Make sour cream yourself at home, there is nothing complicated.

We make sour cream at home from solid milk

In this recipe we will use one ingredient - homemade milk. Buy milk on the market in rural residents. It is distinguished by natural fatty, and many rural residents sell it immediately, as a cow is called. Pour 3 l of milk into a clean bottle of plastic or glass jar. Blank with a white tissue napkin and tie the lid with a rubber band or rope. We send to a warm place for 2 days. If the apartment is cold - it will take about 5 days to the script. Do not interfere with milk and do not shake the bottle. See serum products at the bottom of the bank - Product Sziece.

  • securely secure the colander over a big bowl or pan;
  • put on top of the colander of 3-4 layers of gauze;
  • pouring the skis milk through a colander with gauze in a bowl. Wait until the liquid has a liquid. It takes more than one hour;
  • collect the whole lot of the colander, which remained after the glasses are all the serum.

Put the mass to another dishes and beat the blender. Add milk to obtain the desired consistency of sour cream. Put the product to the jar, cover the lid and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

We make sour cream from cream at home


  • 1 l of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Ready sour cream. You can buy a fatty sour cream in the store;
  • 1 tbsp. l. 35% cream.

You can make cream from solid milk. Put support with milk in the refrigerator for 18-20 hours. They will rise in the bank up. Carefully remove them with a spoon in a plate. Now you have two options for cooking sour cream:

  • put the filmed cream to the jar and put in the refrigerator. Frozen cream will become sour cream;
  • add sour cream from the store to cream and mix thoroughly. Milk is not used here. Place the ass in heat for 6-7 hours. While a little whisk the product with a mixer at low speed and send to the refrigerator. The depleted product depends on the time of staying in the cold.

We make sour cream at home from milk purchased in the store

Buy fresh milk in the store. Look at the label, the product storage period should be small. Prepare:

  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons sour cream from the store;
  • 300 g of butter creamy.

Cut the oil in small pieces and put in a saucepan. Leave to stand in the room to soften. Pour milk to oil, install on the stove and melt it in milk. Still all the time. Further your actions are as follows:

  • pour the resulting mixture into a blender and turn on the device for 3 minutes to full power;
  • in warm whipped cream, put sour cream from the store, mix;
  • pour the mixture into a jar and find a warm place for it. You can bite the warm blanket. The more time the product will be warm, those kisles will work out.

Leave the sour cream to reach at 10 o'clock. Then shift to another dishes and put in the refrigerator overnight. The fat content of the finished product adjust the proportions of the ingredients in the recipe.

Preparing sour cream at home - other ways

There are other methods of cooking sour cream:

  • leaven. Add to 400 g of oxo cream or two tablespoons of kefir. It is suitable for prokobivash. They will quickly skill in a warm place. The resulting sour cream is removed in the refrigerator and use if necessary;
  • lemon acid. This method does not require a product drying. To cream add some citric acid and dissolved gelatin. Put the product at night in the refrigerator. You will get sour cream with a pleasant sour taste and good density;
  • separator distillation. If you have a separator - run homemade milk on it until cream is obtained. After distillation, cool the cream and get fatty sour cream.

Try to use the above recipes in practice. You will have homely delicious sour creed made from high-quality products. Observe the technology of its preparation, and you will greatly handle this simple kitchen work.

Sour cream is not only a delicious, but also a very useful product. And if the shop seems to you with tasteless or not enough useful, then try experimenting at home.

How to make sour cream yourself?

How to cook delicious and useful homemade sour cream? You can do this in several different ways, and each will be considered in detail.

Fashion first

The easiest way to make sour cream from milk. And it will be the only ingredient whose volume will be three liters.

Description of the cooking process:

  1. First you need to warm the milk in a saucepan so that it is warm, but not hot. Next, write it into some container, for example, in a glass jar or plastic bottle. Correct the coarse napkin or cloth several times with a paper napkin or cloth. Send milk to a warm place for a rush. This process can last about three days, but if at home is cold, it can leave and five days. Moreover, mix the product when it does not need to be folded!
  2. Next, prepare any container, its top tighten either a rather dense fabric, or a fresh gauze layer, well fix it. Move into such a homemade colander dwelled milk and leave it for 1.5-2 hours so that the serum is separated and turned out to be in the tank.
  3. The mass remaining on the fabric or gauze should be shifted into a deep bowl and beat with a blender so that self-made sour cream become homogeneous and tender. If it seems too thick, you can add some milk to it.

Tip: The fatty milk used, the more fat and tasty will be sour cream. The perfect option is a natural homemade. If you acquire the store, then the deadlines for its storage should be minimal, it will talk about the absence of preservatives.

Method of the second

To prepare a rather fatty sour cream from ordinary shop milk, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 320 ml of milk (fatty about 3.5%);
  • three tablespoons are sour cream (it is best to use a fat homemade, but fit and shop);
  • a pack of butter (from the percentage of fat in it will depend on the ultimate fat content of sour cream).


  1. Oil must be taken from the refrigerator and cut into small pieces so that it becomes soft.
  2. Then put the oil into the milk and heated the mixture so that the pieces began to melt. Turn off the fire, do not wait for their complete dissolution, it will happen later.
  3. Then the composition is reclining to any deep enough container and begin to beat the blender, and it is better at the highest speed. After about three or four minutes, you must have cream, at this point the process can be stopped.
  4. In the homemade cream, enter the sour cream, get used again, then cover, then cover, wrap the blanket and send to the warm place at least 6 hours, and better for the night. Readiness is desirable to periodically check, since the disturbed sour cream can become acidic.
  5. The finished product can be whipped again to give it homogeneity. Next, send it to the refrigerator and eat.

Method Third

To get a thick, tasty and gentle sour cream, the cream is best used as the source product.

Here is what you need for cooking:

  • 500 ml of cream (the greater they will, the better);
  • two or three tablespoons are finished sour cream.

Process description:

  1. First you just need to mix the prepared ingredients.
  2. Next, the mixture is shifted into the container, close it and remove for three days in a warm place. To speed up the routing process, you can wrap in a terry towel or warm blanket. Creamy can either warm up, or just get it in advance from the refrigerator so that they are not too cold.
  3. Now the composition you need to beat well using a blender, and then send to the refrigerator.
  4. A few hours later, self-made sour cream is fully ready for use.

Fourth way

Quite quickly, you can get sour cream from milk and kefir.


  • one liter of milk (it is better to use the fattest);
  • four tablespoons of kefira or sources.


  1. First, milk need to boil. Then cool it about 39-40 degrees. With this temperature, the product will be warm, but not hot.
  2. Now the milk needs to be pouring into a jar. Add kefir to it, close the capacitance tightly, actively shake it to mix the ingredients, and then wrap in a thick blanket and send to the warm place for seven or eight hours.
  3. Prepare any of a sufficiently volumetric container, tighten the gauze alone or tight fabric to it several times, secure with a rubber or rope, and then tilter the dwelled milk there.
  4. Next, the container should be sent to eight or nine hours in the refrigerator so that the serum is gradually separated. And so that the separation was more efficient, you can periodically mix the mass with a spoon.
  5. Now the mixture is actively hit by a blender and put in the fridge for the night for insteading and final thickening. If you wish, you can add a small amount of milk to get a more delicate consistency.

Fifth method

You can prepare at home sour cream from milk and yogurt. This will require:

  • a liter of milk;
  • three tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Process description:

  1. Milk break into a liter jar. You can pre-warm it a bit.
  2. Next, add yogurt, mix everything and leave the tank in a warm place all night.
  3. Blend the mixture, let it stand in the refrigerator.

Method of Six

Try to make a delicious sour cream in a slow cooker. For this you need:

  • a liter of milk;
  • 100 or 150 grams of finished sour cream (better home);
  • 2/3 of a glass of natural yogurt, kefira or prostruck.


  1. First, pour the milk into the multicooker bowl and, using any mode, heat it up to about 39-40 degrees.
  2. Next, enter all other ingredients, mix well to completely dissolve sour cream and yogurt.
  3. Turn on the "Heated" mode, and place the timer for fifteen or twenty minutes.
  4. When the device turns off automatically, cover it with the lid and leave for eight or nine hours or at night.
  5. Next, the product put in the bank and remove into the refrigerator. By evening, he will be ready for use and thickens enough.

Several useful tips:

  • To get low-calorie dietary sour cream, leave the milk in the refrigerator per day. On its surface you will see cream that you need to carefully remove the spoon. But note that in this case the final product will not work so thick and gentle, which should be.
  • The longer the sour cream before use will be in the refrigerator, the more tasty and thick it will become.
  • If you increase the duration of the rolling process, the sour cream can be too acidic.

Be sure to try to cook with your own hands delicious sour cream. It is much easier than you think!

Starting with infancy, a person meets milk and all its derivatives. First, it is maternal milk. Closer to the year, the child is beginning to roaming, and a little later, it tries to eat fermented dairy products. And becoming completely adults, a person becomes almost omnivorous. And the milk thoroughly enters his diet. Kefir, Ryazhenka, Varets and, of course, sour cream. It happens that I want to cook the product yourself. For example, recipes are known how to make sour cream from milk at home, they use many mistresses.

It should be noted that lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the natural sour cream, have a beneficial effect on the intestine, in the population of its microflora.

In the home sour cream there are such vitamins as E, C, A, RR, vitamins of group B and minerals of the fluorine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, iodine. And fat and organic acids - beta-carotene, protein, carbohydrates and natural sugar - a storehouse for the body.

This product is well absorbed. Along with yoghurt, kefir, ryazhenka, it is recommended for people with sick stomach and poor digestion. Cooked at home, sour cream improves metabolism in the body. From her undoubted benefit for brain. Increases the productivity of nervous cells. It is also believed that sour cream has a positive effect on the potency of men.

Still sour cream is used in home cosmetology. The masks based on it make the skin more elastic, increase the tone. With the help of them, the skin is less susceptible to environmental impacts. In home medicine, sour cream also has a place. She fights solar burns well. Sour cream well feeds and moisturizes the skin. And for those who have a protracted depression, sour cream is just a find. Several spoons with honey, berries and fruits - and from fatigue will not remain a trace.

Do you know that in sour cream cholesterol is less than in creamy oil? It's true. If the doctor eliminated the creamy oil from the nutrition, then you can safely replace it with sour cream. It includes in strict diets that the doctor appointed. After all, sour cream returns appetite after illness, helps in the fight against constipation and in the overall rehabilitation of the intestine.

All this is worth trying to make sour cream from cream, milk or other ingredients that will be in the house.

Inclusion in children's diet

Children are recommended primarily, because this is the main supplier of calcium to the younger organism. And as is known, the calcium consists of bones, cartilage, kid's teeth. Until one and a half years, this product is better not to give.

If the kid is allergic to lactose, it is better to give sour cream to 30% fat content. Well, if it is as part of soups, desserts. Then the benefits will be huge. Many mothers during the peak of viral diseases feed their kids with a salad of a grated carrot and sour cream. And it is correct, because the patient's condition of the child is facilitated, and the risk to infected again decreases at times.

How to make sour cream at home so that the baby get a maximum benefit from use?

Homemade sour cream recipes

Many people believe that to cook sour cream on their own - the process is complex and painstaking. But it is not. There are many different ways to cook.

A classic recipe for sour cream at home from milk is simple enough. To do this, we need 3 liters of cow's milk. Best for this is suitable milk purchased in the village. But if there is no such, then take in the store.

  1. Milk need to pour into the pan and warm up, but do not bring to a boil. Then it should be pouring into a jar, wrapped with a towel and put in a warm place.
  2. To ensure that the milk proceeds, goes on average for two days. But if behind the window is winter, then sometimes it comes to five days. During score, milk is not recommended to mix or do something else.
  3. The skyshest product should be shed through colander. See that Marley is at least three layers. Give excess fluid drain.
  4. What remains on Marle must be inserted into a cup and a betenter or blend. You can add milk to the desired consistency.
  5. The resulting mass put in the bank and put in the refrigerator for an hour. And you can proceed to food.

As you can see, cook sour cream is not so difficult.

Sour cream from cream

One of the advantages of home sour milk is the ability to prepare one product from others. The main thing is the presence of bacteria necessary for fermentation. For example, you can use cream. 0.5 liters of cream (their fatty should be more than 10%). You need 2 tablespoons ready sour cream.

How is it made sour cream in this way?

Remember that the home product will quickly deteriorate, and try to use it in a short time.

other methods

In addition to these two, there are some more ways to make sour cream from milk and not only.

Let's start from the same milk. Production technology is simpler simple. To do this, we need the following products: 320 g of fatty milk 3.2%, 300 g of butter of 8% fat and two and a half spoons are sour cream.

  1. Oil must be cut into small pieces. Let stand it to soften.
  2. Mix the oil with milk, put on the stove and warm up. Stir.
  3. Once the oil is melting, pour into a blender and beat at full capacity. It will take 3 minutes. It turns out cream.
  4. You need to pour everything from the blender into a deep container, add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Then close to cover the lid and wrap something warm.
  5. Leave warm for 6 o'clock at least. From time to time you should look under the lid to see, neither the product was prepared.
  6. Remove sour cream in the fridge. After cooling, it is ready to use.

There is a wonderful recipe, how to cook homemade sour cream based on yogurt. This requires a liter of milk and two tablespoons of the finished drinking yogurt.

  1. In deep container, you need to pour milk and put it in a cold place for 20 hours. A layer of cream should be formed on the surface.
  2. The resulting layer is gently removed. Then you need to add yogurt, stir good and put the container to heat for 7 hours.
  3. Slowly beat the mixture and put in the refrigerator. It is better if the sour cream can be longer at low temperature. Then the taste will be better and consistency.

Whatever the way you do not use, your sour cream will be the best. After all, you made it with your own hands. Bon Appetit!

Sour cream from milk at home: video