The usual theme of the stuffing stuffing cutlets. How to cook delicious turkey cutlets

16.10.2020 Restaurant Notes.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking Cutlery from turkey in a pan: a classic, fast recipe with onions and potatoes, in breading from superstars, with mustard and spices, with a semolia

2018-04-27 Irina Naumova and Alena Clausechikova





In 100 grams of finished dishes

14 gr.

12 gr.


1 gr.

184 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe Cutlet from turkey in a frying pan

Turkey cutlets are a delicious meat dish that you can serve with any garnish, be something: porridge, pasta, boiled or baked vegetables. The turkey meat is considered a dietary product, so the cutlets from it can be offered to both adults and children, because in such a dish there are practically no fat.

Despite such a fact, they remain juicy, tasty and helpful. On request, you can add garlic, ground paprika, a mixture of olive or Italian herbs, crushed greens - every time you will have a dish with an updated taste. After creating minced me, leave it for 30 minutes so that it absorbs the whole bouquet of spices flavors.


  • 400 g of turkey fillets;
  • 0.5 pcs. reptile onion;
  • 50 g of breadcrumbs;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method

Purchase turkey fillets or other part of the bird, cut the flesh. Delete all films from the pulp, the veins, if present. Clear bulb, rinse, cut in half and use 1 half. Cut the turkey meat and onion with pieces, skip through a meat grinder into a deep container. Optionally, at this stage, you can skip a pair of purified, washed cloves of garlic.

Drink a small chicken egg to the cooked mince, salt, pepper and wash it carefully. You can pour other spices or seasonings to taste. Especially bright aroma dish gives chicken seasoning.

Pour breadcrumbs on a plate or a bouncy, form a small cutlets with wet palms from the minced meat, rounded it in the palms and cut into breadcrumbs. For the absence of sugar to use conventional corn or wheat flour.

Heat the vegetable oil in a pan practically to boil, put the billets in it and reduce the heating to the medium. Fry on one side about 2-3 minutes. If you lay out the blanks in breading into an immentable oil, then the breading fully absorbs it in itself and sucks.

After that, flip over the other side and fry another 3-4 minutes. Remember that on the reverse side of the cutlets you need to fry a little longer so that they will pass and inside.

Share roasted rosyballs from turkey on plates, dish or a bouncy, squeeze to the table with sauces or garnish, decreeing fresh greens.

Option 2: Quick Recipe Cutlet from turkey in a frying pan

For preparation, take ready-made mince from turkey, add it potatoes and onions. A simple minced membrane recipe for the kitlet, on the preparation of which you will not spend a lot of time.


  • five hundred gr minced turkey;
  • owka head;
  • two potato tuber;
  • a pair of pinch of a mixture of peppers;
  • three quarters of h l salt;
  • floors of water.

How to quickly prepare turkey cutlets in a pan

Cleaning onions from the husk. Then it is either very finely cut by a knife or rub on the grater.

We send to the mince and mix.

Potatoes clean from the peel and rub on a shallow grater directly into the mince with the bow. Sprinkle with a large salt, ground pepper and mix.

At your discretion you can add some seasonings for chicken.

Pour into the minced half of the glass of water - it will give juques to the cutlets. Now stir the spoon, and then get stuffing with your hands. Collect it, slightly raise and beat up the container.

This is done so that the mince is elastic, because we do not add eggs.

We take a tablespoon of mince with a slide. We form the cutlets and fold them on the working surface.

Preheat a frying pan with oil. Place a few boiler - do not compact much, you will be inconvenient to turn them.

We cover with a lid and prepare on medium heat for three minutes on each side to ruddy crust.

Then pour some water and pass them out for ten minutes to complete readiness.

Option 3: Turkey Cutlets in a pan in breading from crackers

An interesting recipe for turkey cutlets. It is understood as a large amount of ingredients, ready-made portions will be with a saturated taste, soft and juicy.


  • six hundred gr minced turkey;
  • one hundred ml kefir / cream / milk to choose from;
  • 1/2 beam of greens;
  • seventy gr. Solid cheese;
  • four pieces of white bread;
  • owka head;
  • two tooth of garlic;
  • chain l a large salt;
  • 1/2 chain l mixtures of peppers;
  • pinching paprika;
  • ten st l Panirovochen sugar.

Step-by-step recipe

Take white bread or loaf. Best of all, if it is yesterday or marriage bambon. Cut the crust, the balls are cut with squares and fold into a small container.

Fill slightly heated kefir or milk, or cream at your discretion. Stir and leave for half an hour for swelling.

After the specified time, we mix what happened to the consistency of large and wet kroshev.

We clean the bulb, chop finely and shift to the softening crumb. We pierce the blender to homogeneity.

Put minced turkey in a large bowl. If you decide to cook minced yourself, choose medium fat turkey. You twist the meat twice, the first time with big holes, the second time is small.

I spread the porridge from the bow and bread, chopped greens and missed through the press garlic. Do not forget about cheese, rub it on a small grater.

Spring spices and stir up to homogeneous mass. We again do not add chicken eggs into mince. It is known that egg whites are tightened by weight, make it tight, harder. And we want to cook gentle and soft cakes. Therefore, we wash the mince for a long time and remove it into the fridge for half an hour.

In a deep plate, bind breadcrumbs.

We take your hands the first portion of the minced meat, sculpt the cutlet and catch it in breadcrumbs. We use all mince, and the cutlets fold on the working surface.

Fry on preheated oil. First, we prepare about three or four minutes from the bottom side, then we turn over and tomorrow another three minutes on the other.

So, the rosy crust has already appeared - we pour a little water into the frying pan, we close the lid and bring until readiness on weak heat.

You will be surprised what kind of juicy and lush cakes you have turned out.

Option 4: Turkey cutlets in a frying pan with mustard and spices

I will change the composition slightly and makes the cutlets slightly sharp and piquant. Add some mustard and spices to mince. Spice the Baton in milk, make a juicy mince without adding eggs.


  • five hundred gr minced turkey;
  • owka head;
  • three garlic tooth;
  • two Country L Mustard;
  • chopping curry, turmeric;
  • a pair of pinch of black pepper;
  • a pair of pinch of olive herbs;
  • floor Floor Large Salt;
  • 120 GR of Baton;
  • hundred ml of milk;
  • four st l grab oil.

How to cook

First, we will deal with a bar. You can also use white bread. Cut a crust, my balls lie in a knife or navigitate my hands into a bowl.

Fill with warm milk and leave to twist and swell.

Farm from turkey placing in another large capacity. We add seasonings, put the mustard. By the way, if you do not like the table mustard, replace it with Dijon.

All mix well.

Clean garlic and davim through the press right to the mince.

Press the ball from milk and send to a large bowl. Stir again to homogeneity, and then take the stuffing with your hands.

Put in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

We warm up a frying pan with vegetable oil without smell. Hands take a portion of minced meat, sculpt the cutlets and send them to a frying pan.

First we are waiting for the lower side beautifully, then we turn over and make the fire smaller. Cover the lid and cook for about five minutes on the other.

Note: If you add a little cream to vegetable oil, the taste of the cutlet will be more gentle.

Cutlets feed with a garnish and with a vegetable salad.

Option 5: Turkey Cutlets in a frying pan with a semit

This time we will continue to do without chicken eggs. We will add a little semolina cereal for minced lungs. For juiciness - sour cream. We will effort the taste of chopped greens and mustard.


  • five hundred cm turkey fillet;
  • four st l Manki;
  • two st l sour cream;
  • two Country L Mustard;
  • three st l chopped greenery;
  • spices to taste.

Step-by-step recipe

Sight turkey fillet, skip through the meat grinder first with large holes, then with small.

Machine we make immediately in a large container.

We embarrass to the minor cum, put the mustard, sway salt and pepper. Grind the pure greens with a knife and pour into mince. Dill, parsley, kinza or basil is suitable.

If the minced is slightly dry, add still sour cream or can be pouring a pair of cream or milk spoons. You can still melt a little creamy olive, add it to the mince for the kitlet.

When we get the desired consistency, proceed to the next step.

Pour two spoons of refined sunflower oil into a frying pan. Let it warm up. During this time, I quickly scratch the cutlets and fold them on the working surface.

We put the cutlets and bring to the ruddy crust one side on a weak heat, then we turn over, cover with a lid and Tomis ten more minutes.

You can pour some water into a frying pan and disappear cakes, so they will turn out more gentle.

We apply to the table with your beloved side dish.

Option 6: Original turkey cutlets in a pan

The most important thing is to make the right mince to make the cutlets with juicy and lush. We will start our selection with a classic recipe, will continue with other proven delicious recipes.


  • five hundred cm turkey fillet;
  • hundred gr drop oil;
  • fifty ml cream;
  • one selected egg;
  • two choping salts;
  • chipping black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe Cutlet from turkey in a frying pan

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the water bath. Give it cool.

Turkey fillet Solve, twist through the meat grinder. We add melted olive to it, drive a chicken egg and mix.

Save, pepper and stir again.

Preheat a frying pan with a small amount of oil. Form the cutlets and put the first batch in the pan.

Cover immediately with a lid and tomit to ruddy color from the bottom. Then carefully turn over the other side and cook without a lid.

The finished cutlets fold into the plate, add more oils to the frying pan and fry the second batch.

Serve with a garnish and fresh sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables.

Nutritionists constantly lead a debate about what product of chicken or turkey meat is more dietary.

But the fact that the turkey must necessarily be periodically included in his diet.

It is very nutritious and has an excellent effect on the overall tone of the body.

Juicy and delicious, cutlets made of turkey meat.


Turkey meat - product exclusively dietary.

It never causes allergies, so it's great even for baby food.

In particular, the meat of this bird stimulates brain activity.

There is also a turkey meat is useful for normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of turkey meat:

  • It has the properties of the antioxidant, which makes it good prevention of cancer;
  • Promotes strong sleep;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Strengthens bone tissue, teeth and nails, hair;
  • Affects the increase in male potency.


Before starting the preparation of this dish, it is necessary to properly prepare mince.

You can make it yourself, buying turkey meat and twisting it with a bow in a meat grinder or blender.

The finished mince is necessarily mixed with the egg.

Many hostesses to enhance taste are added to the minced meal in a small grater of vegetables: potatoes, carrots.

Also, it is necessary to add a handful of crushed crackers to the product so that the cutlets do not fall apart during frying.

If you do not want to mix mince with vegetables, then you can add white bread crumpled in milk in milk (as for the preparation of ordinary boiler).

You can add cheese to meat (pre-rub it on a large grater).


Since in this meat there is practically no fat, it is pretty dry.

Therefore, the best way to prepare the dishes described is the cooking card.

Then the cutlets get softer and juicy.

If there is no steamer or multicooker at hand, you can use a conventional saucepan.

To cook on it, you need to install the grid for steam on top.

When cooking in a brass or in a frying pan, it is necessary to ensure that the products do not lose their juice during the frying.

To do this, in the process of cooking in such ways it is necessary to use a lot of vegetable oil.

Recipes Catletok

Traditional option

We bring to your attention a video recipe for the preparation of delicious, juicy and diet meat cutlery turkey. Happy viewing!


  • Turkey breast;
  • Egg chicken;
  • Bulb;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • White bread slice;
  • Spoon sour cream;
  • Black pepper, curry, salt;
  • Bread crackers.

Cooking method:

  1. The meat must be cut into pieces and scroll with dry bread through the meat grinder;
  2. To mince add egg, spices, sour cream (to make minced juicy), as well as finely chopped onions;
  3. Mix all your hands and disconnect well that the product is saturated with oxygen. The better to disconnect the mince, the more juicy, gentle and air will get the cutlets;
  4. Shape cutlets from mince. They need to be made before cooking beyond all sides in breadcrumbs. In order for the finished dish, there was a beautiful color to apply the product in curry;
  5. To obtain a maximum benefit from dish, it is recommended to cook on a pair in a double boiler or a multicooker (cooking time is 20 minutes). You can also bake the cutlets in the oven (somewhere 40 minutes) or fry from two sides to a golden crust in a pan.

Chopped cutlets (when there is no meat grinder at hand)

Preparation steps:

  1. Fillet is required to finely cut into a knife, and then mix with a finely chopped onion;
  2. To the minced meat add egg and flour, spices;
  3. Form cutlets, which in thickness should not be more than two centimeters;
  4. In a separate bowl, you should beat the egg in which to dip each meat, and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs;
  5. Fry in a frying pan with a sufficiently large number of vegetable oil. It is necessary that the finished products do not lose their juice.
  • Fry is recommended on medium heat, and then cover the lid and fry for a couple more minutes so that the meat reached readiness;
  • Serve cutlets only in warm form. They are excellent to taste with greens, especially dill. If the dish is diet, it can be safely served with vegetables.
  • Cooking stuffing turkey meal - a pleasure.

    Regardless of the selected method of thermal processing, the finished dish is carried out gentle and juicy.

    It is necessary to include this nutrient meat into its permanent menu.

    Turkey meat is very useful for children and adults. This low-calorie product contains a large amount of protein, a variety of vitamins and trace elements. The taste qualities of dietary meat are not too attractive, but it is possible to improve them with the help of greenery, vegetables and spices. turkey? Delicious recipes and useful tips you can learn from our article.

    Juicy cutlets with garnish

    This recipe will be useful for those who want to learn to cook for a long time delicious lunch. How to make fast delicious dishes read below.

    • Two kilograms skip through the meat grinder together with butter (200 grams).
    • Add 300 ml cream to the mince, one egg, salt and spices to taste. After that, mix the ingredients until uniformity. To saturate the resulting mass of oxygen, take it off with your hands about the table.
    • Take the cutlets, cut them in flour and fry on creamy oil.
    • To prepare a side dish, prepare puree from boiled potatoes and a piece of butter. Do not forget to add salt and leaves arugula to it (in summer, replace it with sorrel or spinach).

    The finished dish can be served on a table with any sauce and a salad of fresh vegetables.

    Master Cutlets Turkey (Delicious) in the oven

    This is a very simple recipe, and anyone can cope with him.

    • Scroll through the meat grinder 600 grams of breast, onions and garlic.
    • 300 grams of white bread or bault cut into small pieces and soak in milk.
    • Connect the products prepared in the appropriate dishes and add one raw egg to them.
    • Stir the ingredients with your hands, add salt and ground pepper. If there is a desire, you can put any chopped greens.
    • From the minced meal to the oval cutlets and put them on the baking sheet. We will not use oil - from minced meat in the cooking process there is a sufficient amount of fat.

    When the cutlets are twisted on the one hand, they will need to flip. Finish the finished dish with fresh vegetables, greens and a garnish of buckwheat cereals. We are confident that your relatives will appreciate the attached efforts.

    Juicy tasty staple turkey

    • 500 grams of fillet grind with meat grinder.
    • Add a few raw potatoes to the mince, pre-grated on fine or medium grater.
    • Onions crush arbitrarily and put it to the rest of the products.
    • Pour into the minced meat of a glass of water temperature, add salt and pepper to taste. Mix carefully and take away the resulting mass - the lightness and airiness of the future boiler will depend on it.
    • Gift the right shape with wet hands, lay out the blanks on the cutting board, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
    • When the right time goes, faint the cutlets.

    A delicious dish can be supplemented with a garnish of stewed vegetables.

    Cutlets with champignon sauce

    It is a delicious and beautiful dish will be perfectly looked at the festive table. Prepare delicious chickens of turkey turkey is not too difficult. The main thing, carefully read the recipe proposed here:

    • Two pieces of bread soak in milk.
    • Several cloves of garlic shredt the press.
    • Cinema and parsley greens are finely barely barely.
    • In the deep bowl, connect the prepared products with 600 grams of stuffing, chicken egg, salt and pepper. Stir the ingredients.
    • Take the cutlets with wet hands and fry in a frying pan until readiness.
    • Cook sauce. To do this, make 500 grams of fresh champignons, and then fry them on the mixture of vegetable and butter.
    • When the juice is highlighted from mushrooms, pour the glass of white wine into the pan and cook until the fluid is evaporated with half.
    • Half cream glass (10%) Mix with a spoon of white flour and pour into the pan. Touch the mushrooms on slow heat until the sauce becomes quite thick.
    • Cutlets put into the form for baking, put in the preheated oven and pour the sauce.

    The festive dish will be ready in five minutes. We are confident that your guests will appreciate the turkey minced meat. Tasty folds feed to the table with any garnish.

    Turkey Cutlets with Cheese

    The composition of this dish is somewhat unusual. But due to several "secret" components, it turns out juicy and tasty. How to cook delicious dishes is very simple:

    • In a bowl of a blender, take 200 grams of cheese, 200 grams of warm cream oil, several garlic cloves and fresh greens.
    • Put the resulting mass on the food film, turn the sausage and remove into the refrigerator.
    • 700 grams of turkey and 200 grams of smoked bacon are finely babble, add green onions, a pair of egg yolks and the bread broken in milk. Mix the ingredients, well discard the obtained mince and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
    • Filling from cheese Cut the pieces, whiskers whisk, cutlet minced ride in big balls.
    • Stretching the turkey on the palm of your hand, put a cheese into the center, form the cutleter, plunge it into the protein and cut break in breadcrumbs. Just do the same with the rest of the products.
    • Fry the cutlets, put them in the form for baking and cover the foil.

    Prepare a dish for a quarter of an hour, and then immediately apply to the table with any side dish.

    Cutlers "Aromatic"

    This time we prepare the turkey minced. Delicious and fragrant supplements will give a ready-made dish special piquancy.

    • Clean the red bulb, put it on, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water for a few minutes. Drain water.
    • 400 grams of fillet cut into small cubes with a knife and mix with onions.
    • Add salt, pepper, chicken egg, dried basil and a little balsamic vinegar.
    • Mix products.

    Fry cutlets on medium heat until ready. Bon Appetit!

    Turkey fillet, selected for the turkey breast, cleaned from the film. Then cut into pieces of medium sized, such that will be freely in the hole of the meat grinder.

    With pieces of a baton, cut crusts so that they do not spoil the color of the ready-made kitlet. Then the remaining pulp to pour with milk, let it be soaked and softened.

    In the resulting mince, add the baton and grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste in milk and salt to taste.

    If the question arises "why is there a cheese?", Immediately and explain. Since the turkey fillet is quite lean (dry) meat, then (of course) for a juiciness of cheese and add; It melts with frying, which gives some piquancy.

    All thoroughly mix. Of course, now you can form cutlets and start frying, but ... I like more homogeneous structure of the kitlet - so I skip this mince through the meat grinder again.

    Now you can form cutlets. We begin with wet hands, so as not to stick the minced meat, sculpt the bonds of oval shape (or what you are familiar).
    Call them in ground breadcrumbs.

    By the way, in ground crackers, you can add some taste-color notch - paprika, for example. Crust in such cutlets will work with a beautiful reddish color. And you can add the dried greens (dill, parsley ...) - here and the color is relevant. In general, you can always experiment in the kitchen, so that it was boring ...

    Fry the turkey cutlets are needed on a well-heated frying pan, with a small fire, from two sides to a ruddy beautiful color. I think the minutes of 3-4 will be quite enough.

    In order for the minced meat with the roasting meat from the turkey, it can be added to it, such products such as white bread or grated potatoes or carrots can be added to it. When using such ingredients, ready-made cutlets are obtained juicy and gentle.

    Classic turkey cutlets "Juicy"


    • 500 g of turkey fillets;
    • 1 onion head of the bay;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • ½ ST boiled water;
    • salt pepper.

    Clear potatoes and onions, and turkey twisted on a minced meat grinder. From the bulbs, remove the husks, cut it into 4 parts and also skip through the meat grinder.

    Potatoes will lose on a shallow grater and put it in mince. Sprinkle the meat mass with pepper, salting it and mix everything neatly. To cutlets are juicy and lush, carefully knock off the minced meat.

    Leave meat mass reach half an hour at room temperature. Pretty heat in a frying pan lean oil. Fry the cutlets on both sides on medium heat before receiving a golden crust. Remove the fire, cover the frying pan with a lid, put out the cutlets a couple of minutes and serve to the table.

    Dietary Delicious Turkey Cutlets: Step-by-Step Recipe

    Dietary Cutlets from turkey


    • 500 g of turkey breast;
    • 1 pcs eggs and onions;
    • 200 g rice;
    • 1 bunch of greenery (onions, basil, mint, parsley);
    • ¼ station of soy sauce;
    • spice.

    Turkey fillet is crushed in a meat grinder. Onions for these boiler so that they are juicy, it is better to finely cut separately and add ready-made mince. Rice rinse, boil in salted water and also add to mince.

    Cut about the cooked greenery side. Add to mince with rice greens, salt and pepper. Cut Cutlets.

    For the preparation of sauce in a frying pan, heat some vegetable oil. While the oil is warmed up, rub the carrot on the grater. Put it in the pan and pour the same soy sauce.

    After a couple of minutes, put the cutlets in the pan and fry them from both sides until readiness.

    Cooking a kitlet using sesame

    Cutlets with sesame


    • 500 g of turkey meat;
    • 1 egg and bulb;
    • 3 slice of dry white bread;
    • 50 g of sesame;
    • salt pepper.

    Turkey meat scroll through a meat grinder with onions. From white bread cut crust, cut every slice into 2 parts and twist the pieces in a small amount of warm water. Mix bread into mince.

    Salt and pepper meat. Pour in the bowl of sesame. Shape cutlets and thoroughly cut them into sesame.

    Heat the oil in a skillet. Fry the cutlets until the usual way.

    Simple recipe for steam cutlets


    • 500 g of turkey fillets;
    • 100 g of the green parsley;
    • big onion head;
    • ½ C / l salt.

    Rinse turkey fillet, clean from films, lived and cartilage. Cut meat with pieces and put in a bowl.

    Wash parsley, melted finely and put in a plate. The bulb can be cleaned and divided into 4 parts.

    Share pieces of turkey meat into the bowl of the blender. Choise meat into mince at high speed. Remove the meat mass from the blender. Put on the bowl of the bow and chop for the state of the shavings.

    Mix mince with parsley and onions and salt it. Wetting hands with water, form from meat mass oval medium cutlets.

    Each blinded cutlet is immediately putting in a double boiler bowl. Place the cutlets at some distance from each other.

    Include a double boiler by installing a timer for 10 minutes. Close the device with a lid. In 10 minutes. turn the cutlets and put a timer for another 10 minutes.

    Turn off the device and open the lid. Leave cutlets in a double boiler until they are cool down.

    Juicy Cutlets from turkey with cream

    Turkey cutlets with cream


    • 1 kg of turkey fillet;
    • 5 st / l of wheat flour;
    • 50 g of butter;
    • 200 ml of cream;
    • salt, pepper, lean oil.

    Fillet turkey prepare, cut into pieces and skip over the meat grinder twice using a shallow grid. Salt the mass and pepper.

    Creamy oil to melt on a frying pan to a liquid state and pour out a thin jet into the mince. Mix all preachties. Cover the bowl with a stuffing of the food film and leave the mass reach for 20 minutes.

    Pour flour into a bowl. Pick up a spoon a fairly large amount of minced meat and dangle in flour. Give each cutlet round shape, like bokings.

    In the pan pour a small amount of vegetable oil and put a piece of creamy. Ultimately, oil in a frying pan should be approximately 1 cm. To fry the cutlets on medium heat before shutting on both sides.

    Cutlets chopped from turkey stepgy

    Cutlets chopped from turkey


    • 500 g of turkey meat;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 200 ml of milk;
    • 100 g of black bread;
    • on the bunch of dill or parsley;
    • 2 eggs;
    • a little flour;
    • pepper, salt;
    • spices, oil.

    Turkey meat finely chop. Onions and garlic clean and scroll into a blender before receiving small pieces.

    Bread break into pieces, put in a bowl and pour with milk. Leave pieces to be soaked for a few minutes. Put in a bowl of turkey pieces, garlic, onions, spices.

    Separate egg yolks from proteins. Add yolks to mince. Finely cut the parsley and also put it in a bowl.

    Salt the meat mass and carefully discourage it. Shape cutlets and fry them on vegetable oil for 10 minutes. from each side. Finished cutlets lay out on a plate, give them 5 minutes. and file to the table.

    Turkey Cutlets in Multicooker

    Ingredients for the kitlet:

    • 600 g of turkey minced
    • 50 g of milk;
    • 1 piece of white bread;
    • 1 pcs eggs, potatoes, carrots and onions;
    • salt pepper;
    • flour, vegetable oil.

    Pour milk into a bowl and put bread there. Split slice slightly squeeze. Clear potatoes and carrots and grind on medium grater.

    Onions cleanse from the peel and chopping finely. Put all the ingredients in the frostbed mince, smash the egg, salt and pepper there. Mix all preachties.

    Shape cutlets from meat mass and cut them into breadcrumbs or in flour. Multicooker pour a little lean oil. Put the cutlets there. Put the "Baking" mode and turn on the timer for 10 minutes.

    After this time turn over the cutlets on the other side. Turn on the timer again for 10-15 minutes.

    Children's juicy turkey cutlets

    Kids Turkey Cutlets


    • 400 g of turkey fillets;
    • 1 bulb;
    • 3 quail eggs;
    • 100 g of solid cheese;
    • 100 ml of milk;
    • 30 g of white bread;
    • salt.

    Typing turkey fillet, cut into pieces and crushed in a blender. Onions finely chopping, soak bread in milk.

    Folded mince to a deep bowl, put there the same cleared bread and onions, drive eggs, salt, pepper. Mix everything well.

    Grate the cheese on a shallow grater. Pour it into mince and mix everything again. Lubricate your hands with lean oil and shape small cutlets from meat mass.

    The shape of the steamer to rinse with oil. Put the cutlets there and prepare them for a couple for about 40 minutes. Submit baby cakes to the table with hot.

    Cutlets from turkey in the oven


    • 500 g of meat turkey;
    • 2 st / l sour cream;
    • 1 head of garlic and bow;
    • salt pepper.

    Wash fillet and cut into very small pieces. Similarly, choking onions. Garlic suppress or grate on the grater.

    Put onions and garlic in mince. Leave the meat mass to appease in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

    Loss of a small amount of vegetable oil. Shape cutlets with moistened with the water and place them on the contrary close to each other. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and bake the cutlets in it for 40-45 minutes.

    Turkey stuffing cutlets with cheese

    Turkey Cutlets with Cheese


    • 500 g of turkey fillets;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • 60 g of solid cheese;
    • 2 dill branches;
    • 1 st / l flour;
    • salt, spices.

    Turkey fillet cut into thin plates. Each plate is divided into small cubes.

    Cheese to lose on a large grater, greens of finely chop, garlic suppress, cook egg and cut. Pour all in a chopped minced meat. Add to the meat mass of spices and salt.

    Shape cutlets from mince and fry them from two sides to shut down for about 10 minutes. Finished cutlets decorate Cherry cut tomatoes and immediately file to the table.

    Turkey Cutlets with vegetable filling

    Turkey Cutlets with vegetable filling


    • 1 kg of turkey legs;
    • 230 g of white bread;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 pcs and red Bulgarian peppers;
    • salt, spices;
    • sunflower and olive oil.

    From bread to cut a crust, break it into pieces and put in the bowl of the blender. Put the same garlic clove and pour a bit of olive oil. Grind all to the state of crumbs.

    The crumb is distributed over the surface of the opposition and dry in the oven. All vegetables clean, wash and smash in a blender in a puree. The resulting mixture is leaving a little on sunflower oil and cool.

    Meat take off the bones and twist to the mince. Put in the meat mass dried crumb, salt and seasonings. Petrushka finely nourish and also add to the mince. Drink egg to meat and mix well.

    Make from minced mecking. Put in the center of each cake a little vegetable puree. Range pellets in the cutlets so that the mass of vegetables is completely inside the minced meat.

    Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Put the cutlets on the oil-laced baking tray and bake them for 30-40 minutes.

    Option Cutlet with Zucchini

    Cutlets with Zucchini


    • 500 g of turkey;
    • 1 turn onion head;
    • 1 egg;
    • 140 g zucchini;
    • 3 st / l Manka;
    • 1 st / l starch:
    • pepper, salt, spices, vegetable oil.

    Zucchini and onions cleanse from the peel, cut the turkey fillet with pieces. Place all the ingredients in the bowl of the blender and twist into the mince.

    Add to minced guns, spices, starch. Break the egg there and all pretty to wash. If the minced meter turned out to be liquid, add 1 st / l flour to it.

    Hands to wet the water and shape the cakes from the minced meat, throwing them out of one palm to another. Fail the cutlets on well-preheated vegetable oil to shut down. So that the cutlets are well delighted, turn them off preferably several times.

    If you wish, after frying, cutlets can be additionally extended in a small amount of water 10-15 minutes. A good solution will also place the cutlets in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 5-10 minutes.