If the broth turned out to be muddy. How to make broth transparent if he cloudy

09.10.2020 Meat dishes

In cooking there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and fuses, where clean, literally transparent broth.

What to do if the broth in the cooking process became muddy? Is it possible to return to him a golden, amber color, so that he looked appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some need to be applied during cooking, others - when the soup cools.

How to make broth transparent

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So how to make a broth transparent?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at that very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to more. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the decoction cools, make a crude chicken squirrel. To do this, you will need to carefully smash the egg into two parts, to transfer the yolk into another dishes, and put the protein into a small bowl.
  3. With the help of a fork, scrape the protein, as if you want to cook an omelet. Beat so that foam formed.
  4. Now we pour the protein into the muddy, slightly cooled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Further, we again put the saucepan on fire and wait until the decoction boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consuma boils, remove it from the fire and leave again for five minutes, no more. Cool - again on the stove. And so we do two or three times.
  7. When the last time the broth will cool down, caperate large pieces of squirrel from the pan. Skimovka or a large spoon will help this.
  8. After the actions have done, overflow all the contents into a clean pot, you can strain through a small sieve. It is desirable to fasten it with gauze folded in four to five times.

How to make transparent chicken broth

How to make chicken broth transparent? In order to achieve excellent results in the preparation of the bravery from the church, it will take to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and after drilling it on a small fire. It turns out, the first broth will have to be simply pouring out. He will help to collect sucrovitsa from the bird and another unnecessary garbage. After a carcass, rinse thoroughly.

At that time, while the broth stands on the fire, try not to interfere, but the foam formed on the surface, remove regularly.

In a ready-made product for beauty, you need to add a grated carrot, a small noodles, and they will help make a conxoma more rich, tasty and fragrant.

Chicken Gold Broth Recipe

How to make chicken broth transparent and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken fillet, it is necessary to rinse it well, pecking pre-and wash it again.

In the skillet, fry finely cut onions and carrots to form a rosy crust. She will help to give the soup a wonderful shade.

And in order for the broth to become even lighter, strain it through gauze, folded at least twice.

Such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that tenderness and unique flavoring qualities will give a brave.

We make broth transparent, especially if he became muddy

Share a couple of secrets that you need to take adhering to those who think about how to make a broth transparent if he climbed?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gave his juice gradually, and not immediately. With chicken, be sure to remove the skin, otherwise the soup will be too fat. Never pour meat too cold water, but it should not throw it in boiling water. The surface of the water will cover the film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a muddy brave, it is necessary to use dense fabric through which the soup must be injected.
  • Immediately shoot the resulting foam, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook the food only on slow fire, do not let the brave of boiling.
  • Refuse frozen meat.
  • In a muddy decoction, you can throw a raw bully or cut potatoes into several pieces.
  • Pork and beef need cooking from one hour to two, but the chicken is boiled to an hour.
  • Muddy broth make transparent will help, as has already been said, simple protein.
  • Fix the broth through the shallow siete, then the consuma will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent clarification

So how to make broth transparent and golden? There are several tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare the broth delay from the protein, the egg shell.
  3. The deception should be cold and introduced into the decoction of parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is advisable to put the shell in gauze, it is also desirable to put the crude mince.
  5. The time for which the delay is clarified broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing extra refill for soup (carrots, onions, greens), it will help to hide his turbidity and opacity.

Broth for delicious chill

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will need only a transparent meat decoction.

The keet is a dish, according to traditions still in ancient Russia. This is a magnificent snack for hot drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and useful product. The dish present gelatin, which is formed by natural components and helps strengthen the bones and make elastic tendons.

If when cooking decoction became dark, you should not worry, it can still be lit. To do this, recall the broth to another pan, in order to save it from the precipitate formed, after the strain and again bring to a boil.

In the bowl you can beat the bow with ice and enter in the mall in the conso, and then let it cool. If necessary, drain the precipitate.

How to make chicken broth gold

How to make broth transparent and golden? In order to give the instrument to the instrument of amber, you will have to try, but it is not so difficult at all as it may seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry the carrots and onions on olive oil, it does not hurt and turmeric, it will help to make a decoction of golden.

By the way, a big carrot can be thrown into the whole soup, it will give a nice, orange color.

Remember that the consumer houses are always lighter, welding, tastier and more transparent, and the color will be gently yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make a broth transparent. And finally: do not forget to decorate his finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

Even the most experienced hostesses sometimes face the situation when the dish for some reason does not work as much as it should have come out. Today we will deal with the frequent question found on the culinary forums - "Why chicken broth muddy?" And we find out what you can do in a similar case. Do not hurry to pour out a smooth or whitewashed decoction, because it, it turns out, can even be saved - and this helpful tips will help you.

Why purge or white chicken broth: step-by-step analysis

Just like this, of course, the muddy broth from the chicken should not. All of the fault is usually not compliance with certain rules for its preparation. But what exactly, we will understand now.

Choose the right parts of chicken for chicken Navar

First, pay attention to the poultry parts that you use for broth. Very often, the cause of broth blundering is becoming a cooking from an undivided chicken carcass.

The skin, bones, as well as insides (for example, the liver) or their remains can give Navaru characteristic white or grayish color. So that this does not happen, carefully inspect the bird that you are going to cook.

They give turbidity and fatty parts of the chicken, so when cooking broths from them, it is better to merge the first water after boiling, and make a broth secondary.

When cooking chicken broth, follow fire

Secondly, the turbid chicken broth can work out when you boil it on a big fire. It is noticeable in each recipe it is indicated that there should be a large fire only until the water boiling, and after that it is necessary to subscribe, and preferably to the minimum.

It is better to slaughter the bird longer, but get a transparent Navar than to reduce the cooking time, sacrifting the appearance of the broth.

We do not use the pans cover when cooking

The third reason why chicken broth turned out to be white or muddy, there may be a lid. Yes, it turns out that transparency can only be achieved if you do not cover the saucepan with a lid. When it is covered, the same ugly gray foam, which we usually remove after boiling, does not rise upstairs, but settles to the bottom that it gives a broth an ugly muddy color.

Incorrect selection of the moment for sweeping salt

Another important nuance is what time we salt a broth. If we add vegetables when cooking, then salt Nava need to bookmarked in a saucepan, and not after - then the salt will disappear in the broth and will not allow vegetables to affect its color.

Chicken broth is white or muddy because of carrots

And also pay attention to the carrot - it is she who can make a muddy chicken broth. This does not mean that it is not necessary to add this vegetable at all - it's just not worth it to rub it on the grater or shallowly cut, as many make mistaken.

It is better to put carrots peeled carrots, or cutting it along in half.

Broth with cooking chicken does not climb if pouring cold water

If you want your broth to stay transparent and beautiful, in no case do not pour meat with warm or hot water - it must be cold.

Remove the foam from meat

Well, do not forget about ordinary rules: to shoot a gray foam, appearing during cooking, as well as to push the broth after its readiness, so that all "plates" successfully removed from our future soup. If you do not do this - do not be surprised that the broth turned out to be white or muddy.

How to independently clarify a muddy chicken broth

If you have broken some of the above rules, and the bulr came out aesthetically ugly, do not rush to pour it away. Try to return the transparency with a simple absorbent - ordinary egg squirrel.

Before lightening the broth, do not forget to strain it through fine sieve or several layers of gauze. And then we do the following.

  1. The egg whites are whipped with a wedge or a fork to the state of the foam and a thin jet we pour it into a slightly cooled broth from the chicken, constantly stirring it until it is distributed evenly throughout the saucepan.
  2. Then we put the broth with an absorbent on a small fire and let him boil.
  3. We boil five minutes, turn off the fire, we give broth to stand up a quarter of an hour, after which the protein rolled down at the bottom, pull out the boulevard, or reload the broth again. If there was no beautiful golden color, we repeat the procedure again.

For lightening two liters of turbid chicken broth, there will be only one protein. If you prepared Navara more - take the corresponding amount of proteins.

You can add a little crushed egg shell to the broth - it also has the property to absorb all the "turbidity". The main thing - do not forget to strain the Navar!

Now that you know why chicken broth is muddy, you can prevent the appearance of ugly color in the process of cooking. And if this for some reason it did not work, then use the proven tool of its clarification!

How to make broth transparent if he cloudy? After all, any soup looks appetizing if it is welded on a beautiful transparent broth. But the muddy incpensity broth does not add dish at all. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prepare the broth correctly. But there is a way to help rectify the situation. You can return transparency with a chicken egg protein.

How to make a broth transparent if it climbs, a recipe with step-by-step photos


1. Broth that needs to return transparency, remove from the fire after boiling and leave it for five minutes so that it cooled it a bit.

2. While the broth is cooled, you need to prepare the protein. To do this, carefully divide the egg into two halves and drain the protein from the egg to a small deep plate, the yolk is removed, it will not need.

3. Using the plug, actively whip the protein, as for a omelet, for a few minutes so that it turns into a foam.

4. Now whipped protein pour into a bit chilled broth and stir it a bit.

5. Next, place a saucepan with a broth on the stove and bring it to a boil. At the same time continue to stir.

6. As soon as the broth starts boiling, remove it from the stove and leave five minutes. Then again bring it to a boil and remove from the stove. In total, this operation must be repeated two times.

7. After removing the broth from the stove last time, let it cool down a little and remove large pieces of protein mass from its surface with a spoon or noise.

8. Take another pure saucepan and put a small sieve on it. The sieve is made of clean gauze folded 4-5 times.

9. Now straighten the broth through the sieve with gauze.

Raw egg protein in this case acts as a binder component. Finding into hot broth, it begins to turn around and combine all unwanted particles that remain in the broth after cooking meat. When polling the protein with these particles remains in Marla, and the broth is cleaned and acquires beautiful transparency. Next you can use it for cooking soup or other dishes. Remember such a simple secret of how to make a broth transparent if he climbed, and your soups will always look attractive and appetizing.

How to make broth transparent if he climbed at home, simple, fast and tasty!

Rainy, gray autumn days have a cup of tea and a good book in a cozy home setting. Especially if the spicy flavors of hot, satisfying soup or home broth come out of the kitchen. About last today will be speech. Welcome to a diverse world of broths.

Chicken bouillon. Probably the most common from all kinds. Cook it is better from the chicken "with experience", the so-called soup chicken. Chicken breasts or ham from the supermarket for this are not very suitable, the broth from them is watery. Excellent broth is obtained from the frames and paws of the bird, you can add the guts, eliminating the liver, the final product will be impatient from it. If you want to get a saturated chicken broth, it is better to give up the addition of vegetables, but with them the taste of the broth will be more complex. In Chinese cuisine, it is popular with double or triple broth, it is brewed in 2-3 receptions, the broth from the first reception is used instead of water for the second cooking with fresh ingredients, etc. The result is extremely saturated, strong broth. For oriental notes in the broth, add pieces of ginger, garlic and lemon grass during cooking (lemongrass or lemon sorgone). For the golden color of the broth, they can sometimes add a washed bulb with a husk. Chicken broth boiling, like all the broths, with minimal boiling 2-4 hours.

Beef or veal broth It has many variations. French cuisine shares two categories: White and Brown Bouillons (Fond Blanc, Fond Brun). For the first, it is characterized by the use of bones and pulp with vegetables, for the second, pre-caramelization of meat and brain bones is required: they are roasted in the oven to the ruddy state. This procedure gives broth dark caramel color and very rich taste. Brown broth can be done exclusively from bones with a small amount of meat and without adding vegetables. Such broth is minimally solid, boil up to a strong concentration and use as a basis for many sauces (Demi-Glace). Classic recipes for cooking this broth indicate up to 8 hours of cooking.

Meat broths Cooking from other types of meat and poultry: lamb, pork, turkey, game, etc. It is also possible to combine different types of meat, for example veal and chicken.

When cooking from the broth, it is important to remove the "foam" - coagulated proteins, if the transparent broth is important. For perfectly transparent broth, consomme, You need to brighten it under the end of the cooking using the so-called delay. You can do this by adding to the already ready, the liquid broth is a mixture of minced meat, crushed bow, celery, carrots and tomatoes whipped with several egg whites. When this mass is frozen and pop up - the consum is ready, it remains only to be carefully pouring a laugh, without disturbing the clarifying mince, otherwise all the work will be on smart. It is also possible to stretch the consuming through several layers of gauze, having previously removing the protein clutch.

Vegetable broths Prepare standard from Luka-Side, Carrots, Celery (root or tuber) and other vegetables with a bouquet of Garni (a bunch of spices, mostly parsley, thyme and bay leaf). Also good to add stems of spicy herbs. Do not recommend using cabbage in broths because of a specific smell and beets due to color. Cooking vegetable broth pretty quickly, 30-40 minutes. For vegetable broth, the use of less "beautiful" parts of vegetables is fully allowed, for example, the dark green part of the onion, sickle or trimming of carrots, of course, provided that they are well washed and are not amazed by rot. It is in these, otherwise unsuitable, pieces of vegetables and there are many vitamins and nutrients. Japanese kombu Dasi, Algae-based broth belongs to more exotic types of vegetable broths.

Fish broth Prepare from finely chopped vegetables (leeks, carrots, celery, onions) and shallow fish or fish frames, from one fish pulp the broth will be too watery. In the broth, it is better not to add fish with a pronounced taste: herring, sardines, mackerel. Cooking the broth follows no more than 30-50 minutes. You can also add rash shrimp, lobster, crabs and crabs.

Chur-Bouillon (Court-Bouillon)- flavored liquid for sewing, slow cooking at low temperatures, for example fish or meat. The easiest option: water, white wine, Bouquet Garni, finely chopped carrots, onions and celery, lemon juice and black pepper. This broth is never used in the final dish, it serves solely for cooking.

Almost all the broths can be prepared in the GOB: the cooled broth is easy to freeze portion. You can save the place in the freezer, it is possible to boil the broth, so there will be a concentrate that can be diluted with water already when used.

And in conclusion, a wonderful example of a consee: a recipe for a complex clarified broth and a side dish from Sarah NUF_NUF

To prepare the broth, we need:

Beef dice - 1.5-2 kg. (If you want to get a transparent broth, then do not use the spinal bone during cooking. Either soak them before cooking in salty water for a couple of hours. The solution will pull out the remnants and bunches of blood that make broth muddy.)
Frame (spine, paws and dice chicken or duck) - 1 kg.
Celery root, parsley and pastebook.
Smoked beef - 200 gr. (exclusively for making a fragrance)
For drawing:
2 eggs (only proteins)
Finely chopped (not minced, namely chopped pieces) chicken, beef or veal - 200-250 gr.

Beef bones thoroughly wash, dry, put a baking sheet on a cried parchment and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 grams about 15-20 minutes. They must be sunbathing and acquired a brownish - golden color. The bulb with the husk is worth putting if you like the smell of the boiled bow. If you do not like this smell, then the bulb is better to clean, divide in half in the diameter and bake on a dry pan to black specks. Sugar contained in Luke, caramelizes, the borders of the onion will leave and the smell will be softer and not so aggressive. It is also worth a carrot.

Pour bones with 3 liters of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, but not boil, carefully remove the foam, add prepared vegetables, put minimal fire and cook about 3 hours. Broth should not boil. Then it will turn out perfectly transparent.

In the meantime, we will prepare bird frames. In principle, you can put chicken breasts, but it is not recommended to cook for a long time. From long cooking, they become dry. And if you cook them for a short time, they will not have time to add broth taste. Therefore, we will take the frames, carefully we wash the cold water and bring to a boil. Then the water in which the frames were cooked, it would no longer need it. Add frames into meat broth and cook another 1.5 hours. In total, the broth should be boiled about 5 hours.

An hour before readiness to add smoked smoke. It can be smoked ribs, pieces of smoked bird or, like me - smoked beef. In principle, it is possible to refrain from this step.

Then the broth must be strain and put cool. I leave broth overnight in the refrigerator. Fat that is on the surface easier to remove when it freezes.

Now the most interesting, self-catering begins.
For deception, you need to take finely chopped pieces of bird or meat.
They must be soaked in a firmly salted solution of cold water by 1.5-2 hours.
Then squeeze and mix with a slightly whipped egg whites.
The resulting mass must be added to the cold (!) Broth and cook at the very minimum fire for about an hour. As soon as the mass pops up, then this is the sign that our sufferings are approaching the end.
Then you need to take a careful way to remove the fastened pieces of pieces and thoroughly strain the broth through the triple layer of gauze. Salt to taste.
It turns out a very rich golden broth.

Garnish for 4 servings
2 Duck breasts (only fillet) - approximately 375-400 gr.
Apple - green, disavocaving - 1 pc.
Leek some - only a white part (for the lack of heavily was replaced on a white part of the green onion)
Green peas (frozen) - 1 cup.
Carrot - 1 pc. (3-4 figurine chopped plates for a portion)
Butter (for roasting vegetables) - 2 tbsp.
Vegetable oil (for roasting duck breast) - 1.5 tbsp.

1. Duck breast thoroughly wash, dry with a paper towel. Make cuts on the skin in the form of a grid. Salt and pepper.
2. Fry breasts on a split frying pan with the addition of a small amount of oil to a golden crust.
3. Cut the apple and bow straw. Carrot fork on the plates.
4. Pour separately on a small amount of creamy oil prepared vegetables and an apple for 2-3 minutes.

In the heated plate, put vegetables, in the center of the duck breast sliced \u200b\u200bwith plates. Broth served in a jug. The broth is added to the plate already at the table.

Good broth - everything head! A handsome transparent decoction with golden leafs of fat and a stunning aroma is a full-fledged first dish. If the broth is muddy, with foam, gray and ugly, then it will not be soup out of it, but the real balance. No need to admit it. There is a lot of ways to illuminate homemade broths, paint into pleasant colors, turn a modest soup in a stunning dish for home dinner.

How to make broths transparent - general principles

It is impossible to use pieces of meat or poultry for transparent broths with slices of sucrovic or dried blood. If the slices of fat or sala are hanging, they also need to be removed. Next, the main product must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, squeeze. Bones and large pieces of pork, beef preferably soak half an hour in cold water. So that the broth does not become muddy, you need to remove the foam. This is done not only when boiling, but also in the process of cooking.

Basic principles:

1. It is impossible to give broth to actively boil and burst, so it will never succeed in transparent.

2. No need to salt broth during cooking, this is done at the very end or at least half an hour.

3. After the filping, the broth needs to return to the pure pot, be sure to rinse the ass.

4. Carrots, onions, parsley root give broths not only taste, but also a pleasant color. You need to add them entirely.

Broth lightening is the removal of turbidity, that is, small particles. By ordinary filtering it is impossible. In cooking, the delay is used, most often based on egg protein. Just below there is a detailed recipe. The essence of the method in the absorption, "delay" from the liquid of suspended particles. Next, they are removed along with the protein. Other products, such as vegetables, minced meat, crushed bones can be added to the egg.

How to clarify the broth with an egg

One of the easiest and most known ways, how can broth broth - it is a delay. A recipe based on egg proteins is suitable for any chicken and meat decoctions, it is in cooking technological books.


3-4 liters of finished broth;


1. Thoroughly rinse the egg shell with soap, rinse with cold water. We divide eggs, yolks removed. They can be used for other dishes, they will not use us.

2. Beat proteins in good dense foam. Shells from eggs to crumble hands.

3. Cooked broth cool down to about 70-75 degrees, add proteins, stir.

4. We send a saucepan with broth on the stove, turn on the strongest fire, quickly bring to a boil. Turn off, leave for ten minutes.

5. We repeat the boiling of broth with eggs twice two more times, but each time we turn off and give a brave a little stand.

6. Now we take gauze, put into the colander, turning the broth. Either use for this sieve with small cells.

7. Now the decoction must be brought to a boil again, we use for your needs.

How to make a broth transparent (starch delay)

Another simple way how to make meat broth transparent. For deceit, except for egg squirrel, you will also need a little minced. It is important for it to use meat without fat.


1 carrot;

1 bulb;

500-800 g beef;

2.5-3 liters of water;

250 g mincedi;


1. Pour the washed beef with bones or only bones with cold water, send it on the stove.

2. When boiling, you need to carefully remove the foam. We prepare broth under the lid with a barely noticeable boiling approximately hour.

3. Remove the top husks from the bulb or simply rinse well from the ground, we throw in a pan. Immediately we throw the purified, but not cut carrot. We cook broth another hour. When boiling vegetables, the foam must also be removed.

4. We twist the non-residential piece of meat. Egg protein whipped in a foam. Connect with minced meat, stirring.

5. Add mince to a saucepan with boiling broth. We stir up so that large lumps are not collected. Slowly bring to boiling.

6. Cooking on small fighter the broth is about half an hour.

7. Welcome cotton fabric or gauze, rolled in several layers. Fix the decoction.

Transparent chicken broth for noodle and soups

Recipe for simple transparent chicken broth. It can be simply served with greens and crackers, or use for cooking homemade noodles, light soups. It is better to use homemade chicken, any parts are suitable, except breast.


Chicken 1-1,5 kg;

1 carrot;

1 bulb;

1 parsley root;

4-5 peas peppers, salt.


1. We wash the chicken carcass with cold water, remove from the surface of damage or feathers.

2. Put in a saucepan, pour the bird with water.

3. We put on the maximum fire, quickly bring to a boil. Big spoon collect all the foams from the surface. We reduce the fire, welcome fifteen minutes, we do not give actively brown.

4. Add parsley roots, bulb. Carrot, all entirely, nothing is needed. We add fire, bring to a boil again, we remove the foam reuse and remove the fire.

5. We cover the saucepan, prepare the broth for about an hour. If the chicken is home or farmer, then approximately 1.5 hours.

6. For 15 minutes before the end of the cooking, remove vegetables from the broth, add a laurel, pepper, salt.

How to clarify broth lemon juice

This method is useful if the broth after cooking turned out to be gray or brownish. Soup from such a basis will not be very pretty.


2 liters of broth;

Shell 1 bulbs;

1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice.


1. For golden color, we throw into a muddy and dark broth a little onion husk, weganing a couple of minutes.

2. Focusing through the fabric or siete, we return to the saucepan.

3. We put on the stove again, add lemon juice, stir. You can add a little dry acid.

How to make a broth transparent (for cold, filled)

One of the most complex issues is how to clarify the broth for judging, fuel, chores. The decoction is preparing for a long time, very saturated, it simply does not work transparent and golden, dishes are not very cute, but it's easy to fix it!


2.5 liter of broth;

2 yolks;




1. First, the broth needs to cool well, cool for several hours. A layer of fat is formed on the surface. We take a spoon, remove. It can be used for different dishes, prepare roasting for soups. Do not throw away, clean it in the refrigerator.

2. Now heat the broth on the stove.

3. We cut with small cubes on a bulb, rub the carrot, let's put everything in a bowl.

4. We beat proteins, mix with vegetables.

5. We lay out your delay in the boiling broth, stir and immediately turn off the slab, but do not stop mixing, do it about the fifth minutes

6. Turn on the stove and bring the broth again to a boil, turn off, cover.

7. After fifteen minutes, it is necessary to strain.

8. We estimate transparency. If there are particles or light trees, then you can add a whipped protein again, now without vegetables, warm up and strain. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Transparent chicken broth with seeds

For the preparation of such a delay and obtaining transparent chicken broth, crushed bones will be needed. By the way, they can be prepared in advance, dry and store in a jar on the kitchen shelf.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

25 g of bones.


1. Cook the fragrant chicken broth from any parts of the carcass or the whole bird. Take out the meat before lightening.

2. Be whipped with a fork or a wedge of a protein in a good foam.

3. Add crushed bones to the protein, stirred. If the broth is greater, then we increase the number of products twice.

4. Layout protein with bones into broth, quickly stirring, turn on the stove.

5. He welcome on a small heat for about ten minutes. No need to give broth boiled, just tom and heating. Stir.

6. Turn off the slab, let it stand a little to leave the heat.

7. Fix the broth from the ingredients of the delay through the cotton fabric.

How to clarify broth carrots and protein

Another outflow option. It is suitable for any fish and meat broths. Carrot not only helps to remove muddy particles, but also gives the brave a beautiful color.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

Big carrot;

Two squirrels.


1. Carrot with a promotion brush, can not be cleaned. We take a small grater, crushing. You can use a combine.

2. Scram egg squirrels into the steep foam. We connect with carrots, gently mix.

3. Add carrot delay to hot broth, bring to a boil. Quickly stir, turn off. Cover the saucepan, we leave for ten minutes.

4. Repeated to boil, stir to collect all suspended particles, turn off.

5. Invertive even about 10-15 minutes, then the finished broth is filtering through a wet no darous tissue.

Transparent chicken broth - Useful tips and tricks

Was there a welded broth? Boldly freeze it! It is better to pour through silicone molds. Always in the freezer will be a fragrant supplement for sauces, any first and second dishes.

If the broth is prepared with rice, the cerebral need to boil separately almost to readiness, only then add to the total mass. With him, the broth transparent will never work.

Onions with husks and carrots give a chandelier. Beautiful golden shade. Especially appetizing with them, chicken broths and soups look.

The color of the broth turned out ugly and gray? You can add carrots and onions to it, as mentioned above, but quickly fix the view will help the turmeric, seasoning curry, they beautifully color the first dishes, give a golden shade and quite a pleasant taste.

Foam dropped to the bottom, and did not have time to remove it? It is necessary to pour a glass of cold water in a saucepan, bring the fluid to a boil.