Canned salad with pepper and rice. Salads with rice for winter the most delicious recipes

16.10.2020 Grill Menu
  • 1 kg of bows
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper
  • 0.5 kg of carrots
  • 0.5 l vegetable oil
  • 2 glasses of boiled rice
  • salt and ground pepper to taste

Many hostesses continue to make billets for the winter in large quantities, despite the fact that shopping shelves, literally, are rolled under the weight of numerous canned vegetables presented in a wide range. It must be said that they do absolutely correctly, because such reserves allow them to save a family budget. In addition, they, most often, canning environmentally friendly vegetables grown on the dacha or household plot. The last, irrefutable argument in favor of domestic canned, may be the statement that they are much tastier bought in the food store.

Many hostesses close vegetables with rice for winter. Subsequently, these canned food can be used as an independent dish or side dish for any meat. In the second case, vegetables with rice before serving on the table, heated.

Recipe for vegetables with rice for the winter

Making blanks for the winter, you need to be thoroughly soaking, all used vegetables. Therefore, at the preparatory stage of cooking salad for the winter, peppers wash, seeds and fruit and washed and washed inside. Carrots are so thorough and cleaned with skin. Onions clean and rinse under the crane.

Cooked vegetables crushed. Carrots rubbed on a coarse grater and placed in a thick-walled pan with boiling vegetable oil. It is extinguished on a slight heat for 15 minutes, then adding sweet pepper rings to it. After that, the thermal processing of vegetables is continued for 15 minutes, with a frequent stirring. It is time to go to rice, which washed, put in cold water and boil up to half-preparation. Onions, the last of the remaining vegetables, is cut by semirings and put in a saucepan with carrots and pepper. The contents of the dishes are mixed and everything is extinguished for 15 minutes.

After this time, rice is poured into the pan, spices and salt are added, they are still mixed again, and they are prepared until the rice is fully prepared. At the same time, we should not forget to interfere with the salad, otherwise it can burn.

Prepared in the above method, vegetables with rice for the winter are folded along hot sterile banks, covered with sterile covers and sterilize 15 minutes in boiling water. After that they are silent.

We will need these products:

  • 1 kg. a tomato
  • 1 kg. Sweet pepper
  • 1 kg. on Luka
  • 1 kg. carrots
  • 2 tablespoon salts
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 250 grams of vegetable oil
  • 2 glasses of rice

Canned rice salad

And now from these products, we need to prepare a canned salad with rice. We start cooking salad, it is written in the recipe that you need to cut tomatoes, but we twisted on the meat grinder, because when tomatoes are preparing the flesh separated from the skins, then the skin sticks to the teeth, so we twisted tomatoes on the meat grinder, cut the sweet pepper and onions, Carrot three on a large grater, although you can also twist on a meat grinder, rinse the rice, we mix all this, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and put on fire.

All this is prepared on a slow heat of 40-50 minutes. 10 minutes before complete readiness, add vinegar when the salad is fully prepared, expand into sterilized banks and roll up. It turns out 4 liters of salad with rice, which we will eat in the winter in the winter.

And the video "canned salad with rice for the winter" look below.

Pleasant Appetite !!!

Italian cuisine is a powerful composite layer of food and cooking, characteristic of regions located on the Apennine Peninsula. The principles and traditions of Italian cuisine have long become part of global culinary art.

Little rice, as gentlely called Italians dishes from local rice varieties - Arborio, Carnaroli, Roma, Viaon Nano, etc. The peculiarity of the preparation of risotto - high starch rice should be fried on olive or cream oil, and then boiled with gradual addition of broth correction or water. And at the end, almost with complete readiness of rice, meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. are added to risotto. For taste and pomp risotto add parmesan or pecorino.

I really liked the recipe for the preparation of risotto with sardines. Moreover, in what type of sardines - fresh or canned with butter, it does not matter much. Sardine - the total name of several types of fishing fish Farmer's Family: Sardin Pilchard, Sardinops and Sardinell. Huge flocks of Sardin, sometimes several billion individuals, are going to jambs and migrate after cold currents. And they float the dolphins, whales, sharks, flying birds. The phenomenon, they say, is not explained so far.

Now, unfortunately, Sardines are not sold in rectangular tin jars, where 10-12 fish weighing no more than a quarter of a pound, shackled with olive oil. The lion's share of the "real" Sardin is a risen young herring, hums, anchovies or spas. Nothing in common, except like a way to cook, such cannedes with those sardines in oil do not have. Repeatedly saw in the menu of restaurants with fish canned food prepared by type risotto. The dish really liked

Prepare a homemade dish - rice with fish canned. This is not risotto with sardines in oil, in the literal sense, but the dish is very tasty. In addition to Sardin, any fish is suitable, prepared as sardines. I will even say that Sayra in oil is best suited.

Rice with fish canned food. Simply!

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice Arborio 200 gr
  • Sardines in oil 1 bank
  • Onions 1 piece
  • Garlic 1-2 teeth
  • Basil 4-5 branches
  • Parmesan 50 gr
  • Salt, Pepper Black, Dry Herbs, Olive Oil taste
  1. Sardin jar open and merge liquid into a cup. Sardin pieces divided into large pieces, trying to remove the spine.
  2. Clear garlic and slightly crush the knife block - flatten.

    Ingredients: Rice Arborio, Sardines in Oil, Vegetables

  3. In the skillet, heat 3 tbsp. l. Olive oil and give it to rolling. Fry garlic on oil, then remove it out of oil and throw it away. The task of garlic is to flavor oil.
  4. Leek clean and cut into thin rings. Fry onions on oil until golden color. Try not to remember, it will be enough if the bow becomes ruddy.
  5. Flip roasted onions rice, mix and continue to fry a few minutes. Rice grains should start becoming pearl-transparent along the edges. Salt Rice, add 1-2 pinching of dry fragrant herbs (suitable so-called. Mediterranean herbs mixture).
  6. Pour into rice liquid, merged from a jar with sardines and half a glass of vegetable broth or ordinary hot water. Continue cooking rice until all fluid is on rice.
  7. Stay in sardine.
  8. Do not stirring, add about 0.5 liters of hot broth or water.
  9. Cooking rice with canned fish until the rice is full, until it looks like a cream. Add chopped basil and mix.

    In finished rice with fish canned food add finely sliced \u200b\u200bbasil

  10. Let stand under the lid on a small fire for a few minutes.
  11. Sprinkle rice with fish canned grated parmesan and mix.

Rice with vegetables is one of the most satisfying and at the same time useful garnings, which is well suited for fish, and to meat. In the summer, when fresh vegetables are available, the dish is quite inexpensive, but in the winter it ceases to be economical, unless not to prepare the salad with rice and vegetables for the winter. A variety of recipes allows you to choose a dish for every taste, and it is not difficult to prepare them - this task on the shoulder even inexperienced hostess.

Features of cooking

Despite the fact that the preparation of salad with rice and vegetables for the winter does not represent, there are several subtleties to consider:

  • The quality of products that are used to make a dish plays a big role, even if we are talking about their preservation. For a vegetable salad, you need to choose carefully, because if at least one fallen tomato fall into the workpiece, the entire billet will be spoiled.
  • Figure before using for the preparation of salad, it is recommended to soak at least half an hour, better - for an hour or even two. So he will prepare faster. It is advised to boil it before: it is better that he cooked in vegetable juice, soaking with the taste and aroma of vegetables.
  • You can store a rice salad and vegetables at room temperature, but it is possible to close it only in sterilized cans, closing the sterilized covers, metal.

You can make a salad for several recipes to choose by the next season the one that most of all will have to taste you and your loved ones.

Classic rice salad recipe with vegetables

  • tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • rice - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.3 l;
  • apple vinegar (6%) - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Rice rinse, pour with cold water, leave to be soaked for an hour.
  • Wash vegetables.
  • Tomatoes cut the frozen and thickening next to them. Each vegetable cut for 4-8 poles, check through the meat grinder. You can grind them with a blender or kitchen combine.
  • From the peppers, remove the seeds, remove the partitions. Cut pepper in small squares.
  • Remove the husks from Luke, the bulbs finely cut the knife. You can use vegetable cutter.
  • Clean carrots, wash, soda on a large grater.
  • In a cauldron or a thick pan, pour vegetable oil. Put pepper, onions and carrots in it, fry them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Pour a tomato puree into the cauldron, cover the lid and extinguish 20 minutes.
  • Put in the vegetables rice, stir. Cook a quarter of an hour.
  • Add salt, sugar, vinegar, welcome for another 10 minutes and lay out over sterilized banks.
  • Slide banks, turn, let it cool without covering.

The salad prepared on this recipe costs the whole winter, without sprinkling, even if the room temperature rises to 24 degrees. When you want to pamper yourself with rice with vegetables, it is enough to open the can and warm its contents. The side dish is universal, besides, it can be used as an independent dish, which will appeal to vegetarians and will help it in the post.

Rice salad with zucchi and pepper

  • rice - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.2 liters;
  • table vinegar - 50 ml;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • laurel leaves - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Rice rinse and boil until half-ready, not saturating water.
  • Remove the skin with zucchinis with zucchinis. If they are young, immediately cut into small cubes with a size of 1-1.5 cm. If a zucchini is more than 20 cm long, then cut it along in half, and, armed with a tea or tablespoon (depending on the size of the zucchini), remove the seeds only after that Cut the flesh.
  • Wash pepper, cut each in half, remove the seeds, removing them with the "tail". Cut the narrow unnecessary straw. Beautiful will look like a salad if the pepper for it to use different colors.
  • Wash tomatoes, remove the fruits. From the opposite side, make a sharp knife with a cross-shaped incision. Boil the water to lower the tomatoes into it, blanch them for 2-3 minutes. Call a special spoon with water flow holes, lower in cold water to cooled. Remove the skin. Cut each tomato into 4 parts, cut the seal in the place where the fruit was.
  • Pour on the bottom of the cauldron, goosemans or a thick pan oil, put all the vegetables there and extinguish everything together half an hour.
  • Put the rice to vegetables, pour salt, add the leaves of the Laurel, continue to extinguish for another 15 minutes.
  • Pour vinegar, put another 5 minutes, start laying on clean banks, which before this it was necessary to sterilize.
  • Slide the lids, put banks with me up, cover the woolen blanket, leave for a day or even more - banks must cool completely.
  • Remove the blanket, banks flip down the bottom and put it on storage.

This salad turns out quite juicy, it will have to taste to everyone who likes the zucchini, especially since in the winter they cost quite expensive.

Salad with rice and cabbage

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • rice - 0.25 kg;
  • pepper sweet - 0.5 kg;
  • podpick sharp pepper - 50 g;
  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage Belococcal Winter grade - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.25 liters;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • apple vinegar - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Washard rice, soak it for an hour or boil until half-ready.
  • Wash the tomatoes, scratch them with boiling water so that the skin is cracked and began to easily remove, clean.
  • Tomato pulp grind in a blender or any other way convenient for you. In the absence of kitchen appliances, they can even wipe through a sieve - the way this is more troublesome, but no less effective.
  • Wash sweet and sharp pepper. Remove seeds. Each pepper cut the 4-6 parts along and cut straw. It concerns it as sweet and acute peppers. The latter is needed very thin, but a straw made of sweet peppers should be 2-3 mm wide.
  • Clean the husks from the husks. Each permits on 4 parts and cut thin strips (quarters of the rings).
  • Purified Washing Carrot Stit on the grater for Korean salads. If there is no such grater, you can cut the carrot thin straw manually.
  • Slim sink cabbage. It should be about the same size as the leek straw.
  • In a large gooseman, pour oil and tomato mass, put on fire, extinguish 10 minutes after boiling.
  • Put the rest of the vegetables in the gooseman, extinguish their half an hour.
  • Add salt, sugar, rice, continue to cook a snack for 15 minutes.
  • Pour vinegar, mix, put out another 5 minutes and lay out on prepared banks.

After salad cools, you can put it in the pantry or another place where the blanks are stored for the winter. Special storage conditions such a salad is required. The taste of salad is a little unusual, but at the same time very pleasant. If you like cabbage, then you will probably like it.

Rice Salad with Eggplant

  • eggplants - 1 kg;
  • rice - 0.2 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • carrot - 0.3 kg;
  • onion - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.18 l;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 80 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Rice is supervised in cool water for an hour.
  • Eggplants Cut in half, salute, using half of the salt specified in the recipe, leave for 2 hours, after shaking the salt, rinse the vegetables in running water, dry and without cleaning, cut into small cubes.
  • Bulgarian pepper cut along the 2 parts to make it easier to clean it from seeds. Remove seeds. The pepper itself cut the squares or straw depending on which form in the salad you seem to appetizer.
  • In the same way, cut the onions, first freeing it from the husk.
  • Sodit carrots. It is better to use a grater for Korean salads, but you can and the usual one.
  • Tomatoes Clean the skins. It will be easier to make it, if you pre-give them boiling water or omit for a couple of minutes to boiling water. After tomatoes are cleaned, they must be cut into small cups.
  • On the bottom of the cauldron, pour the oil, put onions, carrots, fry a bit (5-10 minutes).
  • Put eggplants and fry them too for 10 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes, pepper and stew vegetables under a lid for 20 minutes.
  • Put rice, spray, continue to cook the dish, mixing it periodically, for 20 minutes.
  • Pour vinegar, stir and cook for a couple more minutes. Spread on sterilized banks. Close them with sterilized metal covers.

Rice salad with eggplants - a tasty and satisfying snack. If you wish, you can add a little garlic in it - approximately 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Vegetable salad with rice and beans

  • rice - 0.2 kg;
  • beans - 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • pepper sweet - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • burning pepper - 20 g;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Beans and rice beat, soak in advance in cool water: beans - for 5-6 hours, rice - per hour.
  • Wash, clean vegetables. From tomatoes you need to remove the skin, from peppers - remove seeds.
  • Grind a tomato flesh.
  • Stodita thin carrots. Ideally, you should use a grater for Korean salads.
  • Pepper (and bitter and sweet) Cut straw.
  • Leek cut half rings.
  • Garlic spread the garlic symbol.
  • Rice and beans boil separately from each other until half of preparation.
  • In boiling oil, fry vegetables, with the exception of tomatoes, for 10 minutes.
  • Add tomato flesh and vinegar. Carry vegetables for another 10 minutes.
  • Put the beans to vegetables, tapping for another 15 minutes, add rice and cook everything together for another 10 minutes.
  • Sung wash, add sugar and garlic. After hanging out for another 5 minutes, decompose on sterilized banks.
  • Close the banks with metal covers. When cooled, remove storage in a cool place.

Salad prepared on this recipe is particularly satiated and useful, because it contains enough vegetable protein.

Salads from rice and vegetables are one of the most practical billets for the winter. They can replace snack, side dish, be used as an independent dish with a high nutritional value.

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

Rinse vegetables, it is better to use the brush. Clean the carrots from the skins and soda on the middle grater. Bulbs Clean the husks and cut half rings or feathers. Cores of sweet peppers. Clean the seeds, remove the tails, slip vegetables again, and then cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, but medium size, straw or cubes, for example. Remove the seal from the tomato, and then cut the vegetables with large cubes.

Step 2: Cook Fig.

Rice rinse several times cool water. Then perepay the cereal in the saucepan and pour with clean cold water. Put on the fire, boil, reduce power and boil rice until half-ready. Then leak into the colander and drain excess water.

Step 3: Cooking a salad with rice.

Prepare a saucepan, pour all the vegetables into it and put on the middle fire.

Wait until the contents of the pan boils, and then continue to cook for even 20 minutes. Do not forget to often mix vegetables so that they are not burned.

To stewed vegetables, pour the rice cooked before half-booth, pour the oil, mix, bring to a boil again and continue to cook for more 20 minutes.
After the specified time, add vinegar, sugar and salt to salad. Once again, as you should mix and extinguish on slow heat for more 5 minutes.

Step 4: Canning a salad with rice.

Hot salad with rice you need to decompose into sterilized clean banks immediately after cooking until it is still very hot. Immediately close the lids tightly or roll. Wait until the canned salad with rice will cool, and then store it in a dark cool place. After opening, the cans with a salad can only be stored in the refrigerator and no longer two days.

Step 5: Apply canned salad with rice.

Canned salad with rice - a full and very nutritious dish. It can be served as a side dish, and without everything. Optionally, you can eat it in a cold form, but you can warm up in a frying pan, adding, for example, sliced \u200b\u200bsausages. As a refueling, sour cream is well suited, but without it, the salad with rice is very tasty.
Bon Appetit!

Canned salad with rice must be laid in small banks to eat the workpiece immediately after opening.

Sometimes a zucchini can be added to the canned salad with rice in addition to the specified ingredients, as well as bitter pepper or garlic for acute.

You can also use another rice, for example, brown, but note that it needs to be boiled longer and better add it to a salad in the finished form, otherwise it suffers to chew.