Snack from cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. Delicious cheese and eggs salad with garlic and mayonnaise on breakfast sandwiches

16.10.2020 Lean dishes

Salad with garlic and cheese - general principles of cooking

I want something sharp and piquant, and there is no time for the preparation of complex snacks? Then salad with garlic and cheese - what you need! Such a delicious aromatic snack is easy and fast, but guests and home will be delighted. For the preparation of food, you can use a variety of cheese varieties: Russian, Masdam, Svyanka, Suluguni, Brynza, Telziter, etc. - In general, everything that is found in the refrigerator. Salad with garlic and cheese is not necessarily cooking precisely from solid varieties, you can take melted or soft cheeses. You can also experiment and connect two or three different varieties of cheese.

As for the methods of cooking garlic and cheese snacks, there are no restrictions here. You can rub all the components of the salad on the grater or cut them with cubes, straw, etc. All ingredients are mixed with refueling or lay out in deep dishes. It also deliciously serve a salad with garlic and cheese in small tartlets. The dish most often serves to a festive feast in the form of a snack, you can also prepare a salad and dinner.

Salad with garlic and cheese can consist only of these two ingredients or include additional products: eggs, pickled champignons, salted cucumbers, canned green peas, sausage, etc. For refueling, most often take ordinary mayonnaise, you can also use vegetable oil or homemade sauces.

Salad with garlic and cheese - preparation of products and dishes

In order to prepare a salad with garlic and cheese, first of all you need to prepare dishes and other kitchen utensils. It will take a salad bowl or a blade where all the ingredients will be folded (if you need to boil any products), the press for garlic, grater and cutting board. You can feed snack in small cups or plates, in advance of purchased or cooked tartlets or hot toasts.

The dish is prepared very easily and does not require a complex pretreatment of products. Cheese rub on the grater or just cut. Cleaning cloves of garlic can be skipped through a special press or chop very finely. If the salad includes canned foods (for example, mushrooms or polka dots), they need to be folded into a colander and write extra liquid. In some recipes, fresh vegetables are present with garlic and cheese, which must be flushed, clean from the peel (if required) and cut, as indicated in the recipe.

Salad recipes with garlic and cheese:

Recipe 1: garlic and cheese salad

This spicy feed snack is preparing very quickly and easily from all available products. Salad can be cooked on an ambulance hand, when there is little time left and serve both separately and on thin salty crackers.

Required ingredients:

  • Solid cheese - 200 g;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Fresh parsley greens.

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and lay out in a bowl. I booze the eggs, give them to cool in cold water, after - melted finely. Clear and skip over the press. Parsley's greens wash, melted finely. Add to cheese eggs, garlic and greens, fix with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Salad with garlic and cheese is ready!

Recipe 2: Salad with garlic and cheese "carrot"

Tasty, nutritionally, satisfying and useful - all these words are suitable for describing salad with garlic and cheese with carrots. Preparing a snack literally in 5 minutes. Ideal for a feast or picnic in nature.

Required ingredients:

  • Cheese of solid varieties - 150 g;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • Black ground pepper - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

Grate cheese on a large grater. Carrots wash, clean and grate on a large grater. Skip the garlic through the garlic. Connect all the ingredients in a small bowl, step by pepper, refuel mayonnaise and should be mixed.

Recipe 3: Salad with garlic and cheese and pickled cucumbers

A very tasty and spicy snack that will enjoy all family members and guests!

Required ingredients:

  • Solid cheese - 200 g;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Sharp marinated cucumbers - 100 g;
  • Mayonnaise olive - to taste.

Cooking method:

The egg is welded screwed, cool and finely chop (you can grate). Grate cheese on a large grater. Skip the garlic through the press. Cucumbers cut into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients, refuel by mayonnaise. Snacking can be decorated with fresh parsley or dill or halves of olives.

Recipe 4: Salad with garlic and cheese and champignons

Another option of satisfying and tasty snacks. Salad is preparing very easily and does not take much time.

Required ingredients:

  • Cheese of solid varieties - 240 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Bank of chopped marinated champignons;
  • Small carrot;
  • 1 small bulb;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

Cheese cut into small cubes. From sliced \u200b\u200bchampignons to write extra liquid. Garlic very finely chop. Carrot wash, clean and grate on a large grater or grater for Korean carrots. Lukovitsa clean and melted finely. Carrots with onions fry on vegetable oil until golden color and the appearance of a pleasant aroma. In the salad bowl mix mushrooms, cheese, garlic and carrots with onions. Fill all mayonnaise and should be mixed.

Recipe 5: Salad with garlic and cheese "Dame"

The exquisite spicy taste of this salad will not leave anyone indifferent. The dish can be served to the festive table or diversify them the usual everyday menu.

Required ingredients:

  • Russian cheese (can be replaced by another) - 220 g;
  • 1 bank of canned pineapples (sliced);
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt, black ground pepper - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Chicken meat boil until readiness, give meat to cool, cut into small cubes. With canned pineapples merge juice. Grate cheese on a large grater. Garlic can be missed through a special press or just chop the knife finely. In a small salad bowl, lay boiled meat, pineapples, cheese and garlic. Add a pinch of salt, slightly departed with black ground pepper. Salad to refuel mayonnaise, as you should mix. You can feed snack in small glass vases or cups, decorated with a parsley sprig.

Salad with garlic and cheese - secrets and useful tips from the best cooks

Like any other dish, garlic and cheese salad has its secrets and subtleties in the cooking process. Fans of a more pronounced and acute taste are recommended to finely chop garlic, and not to skip it through the press. If you want to just give a garlic taste, it is better to skip garlic through the garlic.

An attractive side of salad with garlic and cheese is that the recipes indicate an approximate ratio and the number of ingredients. In fact, the composition of the snack depends on individual taste addictions. Someone loves more cheese, and the presence of garlic is understandable only by aroma. Other cookies, on the contrary, make an emphasis on the plant.

You can experiment and with the ways of feeding snacks. Interesting will be the option of stuffing boiled eggs with a garlic-cheese mixture. You can also be given a salad in the form of sauce-dipa, where you can make loaf, vegetables or chicken nuggets. In this case, mayonnaise needs to be taken much more. This rule over the amount of mayonnaise should also be observed if solid grade of cheeses are used in the salad. For melted cheeses, the amount of mayonnaise can be reduced.

The taste of snacks can be made much more gentle if it is for refueling to mix in equal parts of mayonnaise and sour cream. It is necessary to take into account the property of salad with garlic and cheese, as a slight thickening after insisting in the refrigerator. Therefore, if the guests left for another two, and the appetizer is already ready, then before the feed you need to add some more mayonnaise to give a softer consistency. Those who are watching the figure, another small advice: as the salad turns out to be quite calorie, it is recommended to take a light-calorie mayonnaise for refueling or mix it with natural unsweex yogurt.

Many dishes can be found on the table in different parts of our country. They are popular among various categories of the population, and most often differ simplicity of cooking. So they are also attributed to a variety of snacks that can be prepared from improvised products. And the perfect ingredient for them can be melted cheese, it can be combined with many other substances. Let's talk on www.Site about how to make fused cheese with garlic and mayonnaise, we give the recipe for such a dish.

The main recipe for cheese snacks

To prepare such a variant of the dish, you should prepare a pair of melted raw materials, two hundred mayonnaise grams and two large teeth. Also use one or two tablespoons of high-quality mayonnaise.

Cheese grind on the grain (for this it is better to simply fasten them). Garlic skip through the press. Connect these components and make them mayonnaise. Optionally, save. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two, covering the lid or shook in the food film.

Cooked snack can be decomposed on tomato slices, croutons or chips. Another such mass you can make a snowman or snowballs, which will be especially relevant in winter.

Snack from melted cheese, mayonnaise and garlic with eggs

To prepare this option dishes you need to prepare a hundred gram of melted cheese, one egg, four garlic teeth and one and two tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Refrigerate a little cheese and soda it on the grain, depending on its preferences, - in shallow or on a large one. In the same way, grind the boiled boiled egg. Skip the garlic through the press, you can also peel it in bed and how to crush the flat side of the knife. If you like more sharp snacks, you can use not four garlic teeth, and more.

Connect the prepared components, fill them with mayonnaise. Blank the tank with a food film snack and send to the fridge for a couple of hours.

Such a mass can also be served on croutons, etc. And you can also wrap it in thin slices of ham, so that small rolls come out.

Salad of melted cheese, garlic, mayonnaise and greenery

To prepare such a delicious salad you need to prepare a pack of melted cheese, a couple of garlic, a dining room of mayonnaise, as well as half a beam of the greenery of parsley, cilantro and dill.

Cheese Sattail on a mere grater, skip the garlic through the groove, connect these components among themselves, fill with chopped greens and mayonnaise.

Vitamin salad with melted cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

For the preparation of such a delicious dish, three melted cheese, four chicken eggs, a little more than three hundred prunes of prunes and three garlic teeth. In addition, it is necessary to use seven peeks of green onions, a jar of a salad mayonnaise and a having a glass of crushed walnuts.

Prepared fused cheese cheese with cubes that should have about the same size. Prunes (pre-closed in water for ten o'clock) It is worth cutting into a thin straw.

Green onions Slide, the kernels of walnuts skip through the meat grinder or slightly grind the blender. Garlic teeth rubbing and grinding with a wide side of the knife.

Chicken eggs boiled and cut into cubes. Connect all prepared ingredients, season them with salad mayonnaise. Mix well and send a quarter of an hour to the fridge.

Salad of melted cheese and tomato

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare four medium ripe tomatoes, a couple of fused cheese, a couple of eggs. In addition, use garlic, depending on your taste preferences, mayonnaise, some amount of dill. You also need a little salt and pepper.

Hold the melted cheese in the freezer, so it will be easier to rub. Grind cheese to a rather large grater, and eggs cut into small cubes. Garlic skip through the groove. Couple cheese with garlic and eggs, scoop and pepper. Come on mayonnaise and add a fine dill. Send the prepared components in the refrigerator for an hour, covering the tank of the food film.

Immediately before serving on the table, add tomatoes into snack, sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes.

Salad with melted cheese, mayonnaise, garlic and squid

For the preparation of such tasty and satisfying salad you need to prepare three hundred grams, two chicken eggs and two large garlic teeth. You also need one melted cheese, a certain amount of mayonnaise and greens.

Squids need to be dipped into salted boiling water. Weganize for two minutes after boiling on the fire of minimal power. Boiled squids need to grind straws.

Slightly submorted cheese soda on a large gradder. Boiled eggs with cubes, and chop the green. Skip the garlic through the press and mix with mayonnaise. Stir all the prepared products and send them for an hour to the fridge.

Salad with melted cheese, garlic, mayonnaise and carrots

To prepare such salad you need to prepare a pair of melted raw materials, one average carrot, a pair of garlic teeth, a couple of mayonnaise tablespoons and a certain amount of salt.

Fruited raws Sodium on a large gradder. In the same way, grind carrots. Garlic skip across the groove. Connect the cooked components, mix them with a neat for a fork and fill mayonnaise. Mix again and apply to the table.

This cheese snack can be served as independent salad, and on sandwiches, and as an addition to vegetables.

Basic ingredients:

100 g of solid cheese,
1 egg,
4 cloves of garlic,
1.5 - 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Depending on the rest of the components, completely different snacks are obtained. Delicious in cheese with garlic Add: fresh tomato or pineapple or shrimp or baked beet or carrot.

Recipe for cooking cheese snacks:

Prepare completely simple. Cheese is a little solarmed and terete on a grater, small, medium or large - which some kind of pieces like. If you are going to snack on bread, it is better in small, in a salad - on a large one. Separately about cheese: From what will take the cheese much depends on the sharpness and taste of lettuce, so do not greed, buy a delicious sharp and aromatic cheese, although the melted cheese for the absence of others can also be used, only it needs to be slightly saturated. Russian cheese does not stick to the grater. On the same grater, grate boiled boiled eggs.

Garlic we press through the press, and you can chop it finely and crush the reverse side of the knife, so even for some reason it is delicious. 4 teeth per 100 g of cheese - sufficiently conditionally, if you like fighter, put garlic more.

On mayonnaise, it is also better not to save, it should not interrupt the smell and taste of cheese. All thoroughly mix and let it stand under the food film a couple of hours.

Now about the decoration of this cheese snack. By itself, the salad looks quite trite. The easiest version of the decoration is to lay out the cheese mass on the slices of tomato, croutons or chips. If you have chosen the option with chips, it is better to take chips with a minimum amount of taste-aromatic additives.

And you can make a snowman from the salad or round snowballs, such design will have to be like a new year table. If we decided on snowmen, mayonnaise put at a minimum so that the figures hold the form.

Today I will tell you how to cook cheese and egg salad with garlic and mayonnaise. Well, in the morning I wanted it in the morning, which quickly, without hesitation, reached the store and acquired all the necessary ingredients. All my homemade it is also very loved, so it is unlikely that something will remain the next day. It is perfect for coffee.

I remember this simple salad since childhood, then it was done only for the holidays and put on a table as a snack. For some reason, rub the cheese on a small grater has always been the duty of Pope, probably because.

Such always, at any time, is very popular. It can be smeared on bread, and on fresh tomato or just to eat like a salad. However, I honestly warn, in this recipe quite a lot of garlic, so it's better to do it on weekends.


Fresh put in a saucepan, hill with cold water, put on the stove and will cook at least ten minutes from the moment of boiling. When they boil, the salt of boiling water and the cold water will be cooled so that they cooled faster and better cleaned.

If required, chicken eggs can be cooled several times in a row to achieve a quick result.

Garlic's cloves can be cleaned from husks and albeit cold water.

I recommend not to be lazy and make. It is much more tastier and more useful to shop. In addition, as if on the label, the manufacturer did not assure all the ingredients in the naturalness of all ingredients, they all sin with chemical additives. And so, you can be absolutely sure as the finished product.


There is nothing complicated in the preparation of salad on this recipe, even a beginner will cope. I will immediately say that all the ingredients can be grate and on a large grater, the taste of this will not change, and it will turn out faster. However, I still prefer to rub in a small one, then he becomes very gentle, just melts in his mouth. Any gourmet will be pleased with such breakfast.

In a deep bowl, we rub anything on a small grater. Clothes of garlic can be crushed into the garlic dust, and you can skip through the same small grater.

Cooked egg we clean from the shell and rub on a small grater in the same bowl. Salad to ask to taste, refuel homemade mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. We lay out everything that happened in a beautiful salad bowl. By the way, you can sprinkle on top on top. The best dill is suitable.

If you have enough patience and give a ready-made salad a little broken, at least 30-40 minutes, then it will become more tastier.

So, everything is ready. We easily and quickly coped with the task. Bon Appetit!


  • 150-200 g - cheese of solid varieties;
  • 5 pcs - egg chicken boiled;
  • 4-5 teeth - garlic;
  • 3-4 st l - mayonnaise;
  • Salt, greens - to taste.

For a long time, this wonderful snack is present at each festive festival - cheese with garlic and mayonnaise - simple recipes, several options. I'll tell you how I do, and what other options can be prepared. It is delicious, beautiful and all like it. I do not remember even that someone from the guests who came to the house or my households calmly treated such a snack, and did not eat her with her great pleasure. And still look how to make just delicious tomatoes - beautiful and tasty!

So - the basis: cheese (you can take solid, you can melted, good varieties), garlic and mayonnaise (medium fat, percentage 45). Consider several recipes.

Classic option

  • 2 raw melted (take the cheese, and not a cheese product);
  • 2 clove of garlic;
  • 45 g mayonnaise.

Rucked on a large gravity (so that the cheese is rubbed, I'm a false half an hour in the freezer). Garlic missed through the press, everyone was mixed with mayonnaise and laid out a slide on the salad bowl, decorated with greens. Everything is simple and trite. You can complicate the recipe.

Cheese with garlic and mayonnaise recipes with nuts

  1. 2 raw or 200 g cheese;
  2. 2 clove of garlic;
  3. 60 g mayonnaise;
  4. handful of nuts of any;
  5. coconut chips.

Now we make a more refined snack, it is also called "Cheese Raphael". In the finished mass, add a grid walnut or we break large pieces.

Roll from cheese balls, envelop them in coconut chips. The plate is beautifully decorated with lettuce leaves, sculptive beautiful balls, put nuts (if it did not put ground in advance) and lay out in creative mess on a plate. We decorate the greenery and shallow cherry tomato.

It is still tasty to fry sesame seeds (they smell so tasty, and the taste is no less attractive), and instead of coconut chips to cut in sesame. And you can take entire almond kernels, slightly fry and insert a whole nucleolus into the ball - the effect and surprise (pleasant!) Guests are provided!