Recipe for lush pancakes on the water. Pancakes on water with eggs: Cooking recipe

16.10.2020 Beverages

To prepare delicious pancakes, you will not need much time and ingredients. No need for special skills in cooking. All that will be needed to do is the dough, which should then fry or bake. In order to start it, milk, kefir or water can be used. The article will consider the dough for pancakes on water, secrets and features of its preparation.

How to make dough: small secrets

Pancakes on water are traditional in cooking. They are getting close to and can be used by those people who have lactose intolerance or strict vegetarians. In addition, such a dough can be used during the Great Post. Simplicity of dough recipes on water and the presence of other ingredients allow you to prepare a delicious dish for any table.

Knowing a few small tricks, spoil pancakes will be extremely difficult:

  1. In order for the dough to be lush and air, it will be necessary before cooking sinking flour into a separate container. You can sink using the usual sieve.
  2. Before whipping eggs, it is recommended to divide protein and yolk. You need to beat them while they are still cold. Thanks to this, the eggs will quickly be able to score the desired structure and will also quickly be mixed with the rest of the components. With separated eggs, the dough will be like a dough on kefir.
  3. Initially, it is necessary to mix liquid components, and further add bulk ingredients. The soda is added as an exception if it has a place.
  4. If there is no clean water at hand, but I don't want to use from under the tap, then you can replace it with mineral. On mineral water, the dough will be much more gentle, respectively and tastier pancakes.
  5. If the yeast is added according to the recipe, then the test should be given a double sediment, while it does not mix, and easily warm up with a spoon.
  6. When salt and sugar are used, they must be pre-melt in a small amount of water.
  7. It is recommended at the very end to add quite some vegetable oil into the dough.
  8. Too long whipping and mixing gives the dough into the rubber state.

Standard preparation recipe: how to start pancakes on the water

This method of preparation and recipe as a whole will be useful to many people, especially it is recommended to use nutritionists.

To start the dough, you need to use:

  • Half-liter of pure water (can be boiled);
  • A half cup of flour;
  • Pair of chicken eggs;
  • 20 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 15 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt.

If all the components are, you can start cooking:

  1. Eggs should be broken down and fall asleep sugar with salt. Carefully move.
  2. In the resulting mass, water should be added and also mix to a single mass.
  3. In small quantities, flour should be added, which is pre-sifted and with the help of an ache is whipped by everything until the moment of homogeneous composition.
  4. When everything is ready, you need to pour the oil and mix it with the dough.
  5. Now the dough is ready, it's time to take on his baking. To do this, heat the frying pan and lubricate with oil.
  6. When the oil and the surface are sufficiently hot, it is necessary to make a middle fire, and with the help of a half quickly pour the dough into the pan. It is recommended to keep the pan at an angle so that the dough spread over the entire surface.
  7. Although the dough grabbing the moment, you will need to wait a couple of minutes, and then turn it over with the other side and bake.
  8. Damn is ready. Such a procedure must be repeated with all the test. You can serve with anything.

If you finished pancakes to sleep, then the edges will soften, if this is not done, they will be pleasantly cristed in the mouth.

How to start a lean dough for pancakes on mineral water

In order to properly start the dough from mineral water, you need to use:

  • Half a liter mineral
  • Pair of eggs;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda;
  • Polkylogram of flour;
  • 15 grams of vinegar table;
  • Some sugar and salt, as well as a drop of vegetable oil.

  1. Initially, it is necessary to pour mineral water into a saucepan and heat up to 40 degrees.
  2. In any capacity you should break the egg and add a glass of mineral water, a couple with salt and sugar. After that, the ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Now you should armared by a whisk and adding flour, quickly mix everything.
  4. Together with the flour add the remaining glass of mineral water.
  5. In vinegar, dissolve soda and mix with the dough. Ready, it remains only to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and can be baked.

Dough for pancakes on water and buckwheat flour

In order to create the dough, you need to use:

  • Half-liter steep boiling water;
  • A glass of warm water;
  • A glass of buckwheat flour;
  • 5 part of a glass of wheat flour;
  • 3 grams of dry yeast;
  • 15 grams of sugar and 5 grams of salt.

To create yeast pancakes, you should start the dough on such instructions:

  1. The flour of two species is mixed and the steep boiling water flows. At the same time, it should be very quickly mixed so that a thick mass appeared in the end.
  2. In the hot condition, the lump of the dough should cool.
  3. Next, dry yeast to mix with warm water and add to the very test, along with it dissolve sugar and salt in water, and pour it all together.
  4. The dough must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. It should be noted that the dough will be thicker than the usual dough on the water.
  5. Mass need to be left so that it rises.

Such a dish on mineral water will be very lush and air. The main thing is to start bake only after complete fermentation. If we use the mass before, the dish will be tasteful and tough.

Recipe test for pancakes without eggs on water

To create you need:

  • Half-liter of water;
  • A glass of flour;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of vinegar and 2 grams of soda;
  • Oil in any form - 90 grams;
  • Chipping turmeric for color and taste.

Turning the dough is necessary:

  1. In the glass of water, salt and sugar can be dissolved, as well as squeak out the soda in vinegar and add to the water along with the oil. All should be mixed up to a homogeneous substance.
  2. The liquid is then needed to pour into the prepared container with flour and mix the components. In the process of stirring, the remaining glass with liquid should be poured.
  3. The dough should turn out like sour cream. In this state, it should be left for 30 minutes. It is recommended to close the tank with a towel or lid, it is important. If you do not adhere to such a rule, then the pancakes will eventually rush.
  4. On this, everything can be used for baking.

Plot Cake on Water: Simple Recipe

For cake, you will need:

  • Egg;
  • 330 grams of flour;
  • Half-liter of water;
  • A piece of butter;
  • 5 grams of yeast;
  • Salt and sugar.


  1. It is necessary to heat a little water and dissolve yeast in it.
  2. In the rest of the water to dissolve salt with sugar and pour yeast water.
  3. Next, the egg is driven and flour falls asleep, everything is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Now the finished mass should be left for 3 hours to get the dough. Periodically, it will be necessary to finalize it.
  5. After 3 hours you can bake pancakes. Thick they will be about 4 mm. The layers of the cake should be made to taste. You can miss every damn.

How to cook pancakes on water (video)

Recipe pancakes on water (video)

In conclusion, you can make a small result and note that the pancakes on the water are really quick and easy to prepare. Even newcomer can cope with simple recipes. In addition, such a dish is cheap.

And again I decided to write about the pancakes on the water. The fact is that there is a carnival and she will last a whole week from March 4 to March 10. She loves not only adults, but also children. After all, it is not for nothing for a holiday can be found with all sorts of differentty and delicacies. And the main Kushan, these days are pancakes. Do you know why bake them? I can say why. I guess myself, or rather, my grandmother always said it. They look like the sun and the more they will be punished, the faster the spring will come and warm days will come. And the sun gives us light, warmth and life. Here is the answer to our question.

On the same Delhi, if you say simple words, Maslenitsa is the only holiday where you can eat a lot and it will not be considered a sin. Since after its completion, the Great Selendile Post comes. The main fun is the folk walk, riding a sleigh and burning stuffed.

For the entire carnival week, there were baked many different pancakes and used many different recipes. I can only assume what they did them, they could or. It depends on what recipes, who like, that same and bake. I think every mistress has your own way of cooking. I just would like to add, a few more original recipes. I think you will like.

In order for them to be correctly preparing, there must be a compliant dishes.

1. For the test, the test is needed a deep cup (bowl).

2. It is more correct to make a blender, so that all lumps are immediately broken. Of course, if you do not have it, then the wedge, but in no case is not a spoon, you will not break all the lumps.

3. The skillet is better to take old times (Soviet), heavy. It is just suitable for frying pancakes and does not require much care. She has a thick bottom and she keeps the temperature well. If you have no such, you can use aluminum, again with a thick bottom, because the thin when heated is easily deformed and fails. There is also a pancake frying pan, she has a low side and a long handle, it is very well suited for baking pancakes.

Of course, the variants of pancakes are different. There are without eggs, it is mainly when the dough is made to the great post. I just say one thing, I add them to the dough that the dough is well removed from the frying pan and it is not collapsed, that is, for bonding. And the taste turns out another.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Water is 0.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Flour - 1 - 1.5 glasses.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

1. In the container where you can add sugar, salt and break the eggs. Mix everything until sugar is dissolved.

3. Gradually, fill the flour and make the damn, until all lumps are dissolved. There should be a liquid dough.

Flour must be comfortable, if you want to achieve the pancakes to be more gentle and tastier.

4. Made a frying pan oil and well heated. Pour the dough and distribute over the entire plane. We bake first on one side.

Lubricate them with oil or jam and serve to the table.

How to make thin pancakes on water with holes?

According to this recipe, you can cook if there is no milk in the house, no kefir. They turn out tender and tasty. The most important trump card pancakes on the water is that they can wrap any fillings from (liver, minced meat, cottage cheese, lever). Also from sweet (condensed milk or jam) and roasted from all sides to a light blush.


  • Flour - 250 gr.
  • Water is 0.5 liters.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 Tea l.
  • Soda -0.5 h. L.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemonic acid - pinch
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. In a deep bowl, we split the eggs and add sugar, salt, citric acid and soda. Mix all the ingredients used by a wedge or mixer.

2. Then we pour water, it should be warm or room temperature. Make the knee again.

3. Seasoned flour we send to our total mass and interfering with a mixer until all lumps disappear.

4. The same is done with oil. As a result, the dough should turn out like liquid sour cream.

5. Lubricate a frying pan with vegetable oil, with a brush and immediately heated it. Waiting until the dough is imagining for this recipe is not needed.

It is best to lubricate a frying pan, after each baked pancake. Then there will be a lot of holes.

6. We bake thin pancakes with holes from two sides and immediately lubricate the creamy oil.

Bon Appetit!

Lush pancakes on water with yeast without eggs

I think this recipe, I think most of all attributed to Last Blinis. But even without adding eggs, they do not rush and get very gentle. This is all thanks to dry yeast.


  • Flour - 2 glasses.
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 h. Spoons.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 h. Spoons.
  • Vegetable oil 2 art. spoons.

1. The flour is sifted to a bowl where you will start the dough.

2. I send sugar, salt, dry high-speed yeast. Pour water, it should be a warm 40 °.

By the way, we take the yeast dry. If you have them pressed, then 3 times more.

3. Add vegetable oil to our ingredients and mixer with a mixer.

4. Cover the dough and put in a warm place. We are waiting for it to increase 2 - 3 times.

5. Heat water (approximately 90 °) and stirring the dough, pour it until it becomes like a liquid sour cream.

6. We also put a rest for 15 minutes and begin to bake pancakes.

7. Heat the frying pan and lubricate the oil, pour through the entire plane with a liquid mass and bake from two sides to a light rumyant.

Thus, fry the remaining pancakes.

Recipe for delicious and thin pancakes on mineral water:

Another delicious option that struck with its simplicity. But as well as in some recipes, the dough must necessarily draw, after you started it. At least 20 - 25 minutes.


  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Mineral water - 1.5 glasses.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 0.5 h. L.
  • Vinegar - for quenching.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

1. In a bowl, we drive the egg, pour mineral water, we fall asleep salt, sugar and soda dressed by vinegar.

2. Take a mixer and stir well. Then pour oil and make it raging again. Cover the mixture and put a break for 15 minutes.

3. When the time breaks, heating the pan, lubricate it and bake pancakes on both sides.

According to this recipe in the pancakes, you can wrap any filling, as they turned out of us.

Simple and tasty recipes for pancakes:

Since the recipes for pancakes are already a lot, I would like to write the most delicious fillings that are popular.

Chicken filling:

  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 70 gr.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

1. Chicken breasts cut 2 × 2 cm. And with the help of a blender grinding. Lay out in a bowl.

2. We do the same with a bow. We ship to meat.

3. There are also send sour cream, salt, pepper. All ingredients stirred.

The first filling is ready. Watch it in pancakes. Ways how to do this, you can see in this article, and we will not be distracted in these recipes.

Bashes with eggs and green onions:

  • Butter cream - 30 grams.
  • Onions - 1 bundle.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.

1. Onions cut very finely and send to the plate.

2. Also grow eggs and add to the bow.

3. To the same ingredients pour melted oil, salt. All mix well. Watch in pancakes.

Filling from red fish (salmon) with cheese:

  • Creamy cheese with caviar - 1 small jar.
  • Salmon - 200 gr.
  • Green onions - 100 - 200 gr.

1. To begin with, we lubricate the damn cream cheese. Top to put a slightly sliced \u200b\u200bgreen bow and also on the top of a piece of fish.

2. Watch the bag, and from above tie with a unwitted bow.

To the bow did not rush, it can be lowered into hot water for a few seconds

Sweet filling with cottage cheese:

  • Cottage cheese - 3 - 4 tbsp. Spoons (full).
  • Vanillin - 1 bag.
  • Sugar - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. Mix the cottage cheese, vanillin and sugar.

In order for the whole mass to be homogeneous, mixing is recommended by a blender.

2. I smell our mixture to pancakes and wrapped the corner.

All this recipe is ready.

Delicious filling with berries:

  • Malina - 0.5 Art.
  • Currant -0.5 Art.
  • Sugar powder - 3 tbsp. l.

1. Mail, currants and powder mix in a plate.

2. Carefully, we put the beater without a liquid from the edge of damn and wrap in the tube.

Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on water are no less popular than dairy. Products needed to cook them, always have home from any mistress. Such pancakes are obtained by crispy, fried and easily removed from the frying pan. Many people, they like even more dairy. About how to cook pancakes on the water, and it will be discussed in this step-by-step recipe with a photo.

To start pancakes on the water, we need to prepare such a set of products:

- water - 0.5 liters;
- eggs - 1-2 pieces;
- flour - 1st or highest grade - 1-2 cups;
- Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. lies.;
- salt;
- Sunflower oil for dough (purified) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
- Sunflower oil (purified) for baking - 1.5-2 cups.

How to make dough for pancakes on water

1. In a bowl of Nallem a glass of a little heated water.

2. Two raw chicken eggs with a whitewash with sugar and salt, add to the water and mix well. You can make it a wedge or mixer.

3. To the resulting mixture add flour. We do this little by stirring and rubbing lumps. The dough should turn out the type of thick sour cream.

4. In the resulting dough, we pour the remaining water and stir well. As a result, the density of the test you should get a bitten milk.

Now, we need to bake pancakes. To do this, we take a thick frying pan, better cast-iron, pour a thin layer of lean oil on it and warm well.

When the oil warms up, there is a thin layer of dough on the pan and bake pancake. The dough is good to pour in the midst.

I turn damn dams so that it roasted on both sides with a long knife or a special spatula.

Finished thin and crispy pancakes lay out on a large plate.

You can serve such pancakes with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. On the water perfectly suitable for wrapping different. For filling, you can use meat, cottage cheese, or fruit.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Almost all mistresses associate preparation of pancakes with milk, and few risks them to make them on the water. But, using the correct formulation and observing technology, the water pancakes will turn out no less delicious than traditional milk. The caloric content of the dish is 135 kcal per 100 g, on rye flour - 55 kcal.

Classic Thin Pancakes on Water Water With Eggs

To taste, such pancakes differ slightly from the usual. They are not so soft, but crunchy, especially at the edges, and something resemble waffles. They are so tasty that you can eat without anything, but it is better to feed with honey, jam or condensed milk.

The dough for pancakes on the water is prepared by a regular manual wedge and it turns out very smooth, without lumps. The technology is so simple that you will apply it every time you cook pancakes.

Time for preparing: 1 hour 10 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Water: 300 ml
  • Vegetable oil:2 tbsp.
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Sugar: 2/3 of Art.
  • Flour: 1.5 tbsp.

Preparation instructions

Look at what appetizing they turned out. Cooking tea, honey, condensed milk or other goodies and enjoy!

Recipe without Yaitz

The easiest option to cope with even a beginner hostess can be powered. The perfect recipe for breakfast, when eggs and dairy products ended in the house.

It will take:

  • water - 410 ml;
  • flour - 320 g;
  • salt;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • soda - 1 g;
  • sugar - 25

How to cook:

  1. In the soda, pour salt and mix with flour. Add sugar. Stir.
  2. Constantly stirring pouring water, after oil. Beat a mixer. The mass will be a bit thick.
  3. Dough must insist a quarter of an hour.
  4. In the pan pour vegetable fat and warm up. Using a halter, pour dough and distribute over the surface.
  5. Bake on each side by a pair of minutes.

Openwork pancakes on water with holes

It often happens that the pancakes wanted, and there is no milk in the refrigerator. Then the ideal recipe will come to the rescue, which will help feed the seven beautiful, thin, fragrant ballcakes.

It will take:

  • boiling water - 550 ml;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • flour - 290 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  1. Mix the eggs with a whisk. Salt and add sugar. With the help of a mixer, beat a lot of 5 minutes. There should be many bubbles on the surface.
  2. Pour half boiling water and continue whipping.
  3. Mixer switch to a minimum and fall asleep flour. In the mass should not even be very small lumps.
  4. In the remaining boiling water, pour soda and pour into the dough. Beat
  5. Switch the device to the maximum, pour the oil and beat a couple of minutes. Stop on a quarter of an hour.
  6. For frying, the frying pan does not need, as fat is already contained in the test. It is necessary to warm it only well.
  7. There is not a lot of dough to scrape a half test (so that the pancakes are thin) and pour it into a frying pan. Actively tilting in different directions, distribute over the surface.
  8. Golden to golden color from two sides.
  9. Finished products lay on the dish with a stack, without forgetting to cover the lid. It will help keep warm and will not allow the botanics to dry.

Recipes pancakes on water with milk adding

Still in the old days they prepared a delicacy for the holidays.


  • milk - 240 ml;
  • sunflower oil;
  • creamy - 60 g;
  • water - 240 ml;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • flour - 140 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Salt and sweete the egg. Beat a mixer.
  2. Pour milk, then water. Gradually pouring flour, mixed with soda, beat the dough. Mass should be homogeneous without the presence of lumps.
  3. Roller a frying pan with oil. Alpurn the pollnik with a liquid mass and pour into the center of the frying pan. By inclined movement to distribute over the surface. Circuit on the middle mode.
  4. Wait 45 seconds and turn over. Cook still as much. Damn shock on the dish. Loss of cream oil.

With the addition of kefira

Pancake is obtained delicious, openwork, thin and soft.


  • kefir - 240 ml;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • boiling water - 240 ml;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • flour - 160 g;
  • salt.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. All components are in advance to get from the refrigerator and leave for an hour. During this time they will get the same temperature, and pancakes will be soft, thin and gentle.
  2. Stir the egg and sweeten the wedge. Pour kefir with soda. Beat a mixer.
  3. Add through the sieve flour. Beat on high speed.
  4. Pour oil. It must be odorless, otherwise the taste of products will be spoiled.
  5. Constantly whipping, pour into a sharp movement of boiling water.
  6. Silicone tassel to miss the bottom of a hot pan. Pour the portion of the dough and fry the pancake on both sides.

Mineral water punk pancakes

Pancakes are obtained fragrant, lush and elastic. This allows you to wrap in them any filling.


  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • mineral carbonated water - 240 ml;
  • sea salt - 1 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 20 g.

What to do:

  1. Shake for a fork separately yolk. Protein with a mixer beat to thick foam. Connect two masses and gently mix.
  2. Pour sugar. Stir. Pour mineral water. The mass is foaming.
  3. Do not ceasing to beat the flour, then pour the oil. Stop on a quarter of an hour.
  4. Heat pan. Lubricate it with vegetable fat using silicone brushes.
  5. Almights with a large spoon liquid mass. Pour into the frying pan and quickly tilting it in different directions to distribute the dough on the surface. If we prone, then the pancakes will turn out thick and less lush.
  6. These pancakes are not necessary. They should turn out to be blond. As soon as the surface grabbed, flip over and cooking is still half a minute.

Yeast pancakes on water

Thin pancakes will delight the whole family with their taste. For cooking, only simple and affordable ingredients are needed.

It will take:

  • flour - 420 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • boiling water - 40 ml;
  • filtered water - 750 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • yeast - 6 g dry;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 140 g

Instructions for steps:

  1. Stir the egg fork. Heat the water slightly (up to 35 °). Pour the yeast and mix until dissolved.
  2. Mass sweeten and salt. Stir up to dissolve crystals.
  3. Pour the mixed egg. It is better to use a rustic product, then baking will be saturated yellow.
  4. In a sieve, pour flour and sift immediately into the dough. Be whipped on the middle turns of the blender. The consistency will be pretty liquid. Add oil and mix.
  5. Remove in a warm place and leave for 2 hours. During this time, mix the mass twice, cauting it. This is a prerequisite that pancakes get tasty.
  6. By the time of preparation, the mass will grow several times. Pour boiling water. Mix.
  7. Lubricate the surface of a hot pan with a smob. Hemist to scrape yeast dough and pour into a frying pan distributing slopes over the surface.
  8. Fry on medium heat before the appearance of ruddy color.

Boiling water - custard pancakes

The perfect breakfast option is delicate, porous and soft pancakes that are well suited for sweet and not sweet fillings.

It will take:

  • flour - 260 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • boiling water - 310 ml;
  • salt - 4 g;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • milk - 450 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Warm milk. It should be warm, but not hot. Salt and sweeten eggs. Pour over a sieve flour. Pour milk and beat the mixer on small speeds.
  2. For cooking, a pancake frying pan is ideal, which you need to warm up in advance.
  3. Separately boil the water and immediately pour it into the dough, beat on maximum turns. Then interfer vegetable oil.
  4. With the help of the midst, it is difficult to burn a small portion and pour into a pan that stands at maximum fire. The bottom of the product will immediately grab, and a lot of holes are formed on the surface. If this did not happen, it means that you need to pour boiling water.
  5. When the bottom is shoved well, the pancake can be turned over to the other side and fry no more than 20 seconds.

How to bake rye pancakes on water

A small-calorie dish will delight all adherents of healthy nutrition and people following their figure.


  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • carbonated mineral water - 260 ml;
  • rye flour - 125 g of coarse grinding;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • creamy oil - 60 g;
  • salt - 1 g.

What to do:

  1. Warm water to 60 °. Egg mix with protein and beat well with a mixer.
  2. Fall asleep half of the specified flour and mix until uniformity.
  3. Pour the water, follow the oil and sprinkle with salt. Constantly whipping fall asleep the remaining flour. When lumps disappear, turn off the device, and leave the mass to be saturated with oxygen by a quarter of an hour.
  4. Heat the frying pan and wipe out with a silicone tassel dipped in olive oil.
  5. Head pour the dough portion and distribute a frying pan over the surface on the surface.
  6. As soon as the ruddy crust appears on the edges, turn and bake on the other side of 20 seconds.
  7. Shoot on the dish and loss with creamy oil.



  • soda gaised - 1 g;
  • oatmeal - 280 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • water - 670 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Sugar, mixed with salt, pour eggs and beat. Light foam should form on the surface.
  2. Pour milk and mix. In a sieve pour flour and sift into the dough. For air and add soda. Beat
  3. Finished mass will need 25 minutes to stand and enrich oxygen.
  4. For cooking it is better to use a cast-iron frying pan. It evenly distributes heat, thanks to which the pancakes are good.
  5. To the midnight to cry out the real dough and pour into a hot pan, wrapped with oil. Bake at maximum flame 30 seconds. Turn over. Fry to golden color.

Simple tricks that will help prepare perfect pancakes.

Today we will discuss more economical recipes of pancakes on water and eggs.

Despite their economy, such pancakes are much thinner than others. When baking, they are better behind the frying pan. And during the turning, it is the likelihood of bubbles. Oil consumption is significantly reduced and pancakes are greater. Yes, and in taste they are not inferior to the rest.

Agree, pancakes are a real find of Russian cuisine. They can be prepared for breakfast or afternooner, as the main dish. And for lunch and dinner, they fit perfectly in the form of a dessert. There are many options for their preparation. Today we will discuss more economical recipes of pancakes on water and eggs.

Classic Pancake Recipe on Water

This is the easiest way to prepare pancakes. Ingredients in it are a bit, but it does not spoil taste. It is perfect, if milk ended in the house, and there is no time to run to the store.

Required ingredients:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • sugar sand - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Preparation steps:

1. In the appropriate container, we put sugar, egg and salt. We sift the flour and add to the ingredients.

2. Everyone is whipped with a mixer. In small portions, gently pour water.

3. We continue to beat to a homogeneous smooth mixture.

4. After that, it is necessary to pour sunflower oil into a mixture.

5. The frying pan is weakly lubricate with sunflower oil. We put on the middle fire and warm well. Pour part of the dough into a frying pan and fry pancakes on both sides to a golden color.

Blinkles are ready! Serve on the table!

Thin sweet pancakes with eggs and yeast with holes

Such pancakes will come out a little thicker, but they are more elastic. Therefore, boldly use this method of cooking.

Required ingredients:

  • yeast (fast) - half of the bag (6 g);
  • warm water - 3 glasses;
  • flour - 3 cups (with a slide);
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons.

Preparation steps:

1. In two glasses of warm water to breed yeast.

2. Now introduce: sugar, salt and egg, sifted flour and sunflower oil.

3. Stir the ingredients to the dough is smooth. For this, the whisk is perfect.

4. Pour the remaining glass of water. And wash the dough until homogeneous.

5. Cover the cloth or a special towel. Let's draw a test of 1 hour, so that it rises. Skump slightly lubricate and warm up. Now proceed with the frying of yeast pancakes. First, fry one side to a rush.

6. Then we turn over and wait for the readiness of the second side.

7. So we do with subsequent pancakes.

Pancakes are best folded in a stack. The upper side of each - not to lure the creamy oil.

Bon Appetit!

Pancakes with eggs and flour on 1 liter of water

If very little time to prepare pancakes. You can use a special pancake flour. It is sold in stores. This flour includes all the necessary products.

Required ingredients:

  • pancant flour - 500 g;
  • water - 4-4.5 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 large spoons.

Preparation steps:

1. sifted flour and mix with water. Gently mix the dough so that there are no lumps.

2. After that, add the necessary portion of vegetable oil. Also mix all the ingredients.

3. Preheat the frying pan and rinse it with vegetable oil. This is only necessary when baking the first pancake itself.

4. Evenly pour the portion of the dough in a frying pan. So that the layer was about 3-4 mm.

We bake pancakes until readiness.

Delicious cooking recipe with sour cream

Most often, pancakes are prepared from what is in the refrigerator. But traditionally, the dough on pancakes was done on sour cream. They got much rated and tender than others.

If when kneading the test uses carbonated water, pancakes come out more appetizing.

Required ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 2.5 glasses;
  • flour - 2 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

Preparation steps:

1. Eggs roll with sugar. Add salt and bring to foamy state. Put sour cream. Beat

2. Pour water and should be mixed. Sift flour. Gradually pour 1/3 sour cream in flour. This will help avoid the formation of lumps in the test. Mix well. To do just twice. As a result, it turns out smooth dough. Plind vegetable oil.

3. Heat the pan. It is not necessary to lubricate it with oil. Either lubricate, but only for the very first pancake.

With such a recipe will be about twenty pancakes. But of course, everything will depend on the diameter of the pancake frying pan.

Cooking pancakes on water and milk

Such pancakes are perfect for stuffing with various fillings.

Required ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 3.5 glasses;
  • harated soda - half of the teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil is half a glass.

Preparation steps:

1. Eggs smear with sugar to a foamy state. This can be done by a mixer or a whisk. If they are not, a simple fork is suitable.

2. Pour boiled water (room temperature). All mix well. We introduce warm milk and mix all the ingredients again.

3. Do not ceasing to interfere with flour.

4. There should be a liquid dough without lumps.

5. Some soda.

For soda harvesting, lemon juice or vinegar is suitable.

6. And in conclusion, we pour sunflower oil.

7. Also mix. Let us inflate the test within 30 minutes.

8. Now heat the frying pan on medium heat. Lubricate oil. For this, a special silicone brush is suitable.

9. He fry each pancake about three minutes from the first side and two minutes from the second.

A small slice of butter, laid on a hot pancake, will make it more tasty and fragrant.

Simple recipe with boiling water

Pancakes on boiling water are called - custard. Their taste is not pronounced. Therefore, any fillings are perfect for such a baking.

Required ingredients:

  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • salt - pinch;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 1 cup.

Preparation steps:

1. Mixer mix salt, sugar sand and eggs.

2. Do not turn off the mixer, slowly pour boiling water.

Do not be afraid that under the action boiling water rolled. If you do not stop the operation of the mixer, then they will simply flas down.

4. Surride in advance sifted flour.

5. Mix to a homogeneous state. The type of dough should be a little liquid.

6. Lubricate the frying pan with sunflower oil and let it all warm up.

7. Bake pancakes on medium power.

Video-plot of preparation pancakes with the addition of soda

I suggest to see another very light recipe for delicious pancakes on the water, only in this recipe in the dough you need to add a droplet of soda. The panns go unusually tasty, as well as very well in them to wrap any filling. Try, you will love it ...

Although pancakes are considered a dish of traditional Russian cuisine. In a variety of countries, there are various ways to prepare. But it is not surprising. After all, such a dessert is very tasty, simple, economical and most importantly - satisfying.

And on this I have everything!

I wish you always have delicious pancakes and you pleased with your loved ones!

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