Is it possible to sleep red. Salmon salted at home

09.10.2020 Soups

Today we will tell everything about such a delicious delicacy, like a red fish. Let's discuss how this fish is different from other breeds, and present you several recipes for her salting at home.

Of course, in everyday life, the name "Red" this fish has decreased due to the characteristic gentle color of his meat. In Russia, the word "red" was designated everything beautiful and expensive. So now call many species of fish, they all belong to the family of sturgeon, salmon. The gentle fillet of pink salmon, salmon, sturgeon, sorry, beluga, sterlidi, trout and others have exquisite taste, high nutritional, digestibility and nutritional value.

Red fish is easy to saline at home

Being an invalid Russian delicacy, this fish is mined mainly in the Far East, in the Barents and White Seas. In recent years, some of their species began to grow in specialized fish farms, including private ones. On the shelves of shops often began to appear red fish not only of our catch, but also brought from Norway, where it is also often divorced in nurseries.

Public services for the quality of food quality are closely followed by such farms, so the red fish grown in captivity is not inferior in its nutritional qualities and taste properties of wild. When buying fresh fish for home salinity purposes, there is no need to specially recognize its origin, since, let's say, the Norwegian Red Fish is imported into more than a hundred countries around the world, and its quality and security are confirmed by numerous certificates.

Separate fillet from bones

Of course, you can cut the fish with portion pieces and then cook. But we offer a different option:

  • separate the fillet from the bone;
  • noble meat we send to the salting;
  • from the head, ridge and fins, we cook a stunning broth for the oars.

Cooking the ear can be devoted to a separate article, and now we will tell you how to separate the fillet so that it does not have bones left, and the pieces looked beautiful and appetizing, as it pleases to look like a real delicacy.

Cutting fish

So, we start the cutting:

  • we swell the knife to the state of the razor;
  • cut off your head and the most tip of the tail;
  • we make a small incision along the spine, in close proximity from it, starting from that end of the carcass, where there used to be a head;
  • we step up the skin with thumbs and, holding hands, trying to prevent the bundle of fibers, slowly and gently tighten the skin (this item can be skipped, if you do not easily break the skin from the skin already at the finished product);
  • we continue to lead an incision along the ridge of the fish so that the blade of the knife is slightly concerned with Ryube, but did not cut them;
  • gently tighten the fillet from the ribs using the direction of movement along them.

Everything! As a result, we have 2 large pieces of a snap fillet from each carcass, spine with ribs, tail and head for other culinary needs.

How to solit red fish at home

The preparation of this product will not require special time costs and will not be too complicated. We will bring only a few snap recipes, and you choose which one you will probably like. You will need:

  • black pepper, fresh large grinding and peas;
  • a salt of large grinding;

For salting of red fish will need salt and spices to taste
  • sugar (add a bit to taste);
  • bay leaf;
  • fresh or dried greens (choose the smell and taste of which you love you and your family).

Recipe 1. Quick salting "To sandwiches"

File immediately cut into small equal pieces, add all the spices, salt and sugar individually, according to your taste. We lay out into clean glass or ceramic dishes, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid. We put for 24 hours in the refrigerator. You can eat, pleasant appetite!

Some gourmets believe that the exposure time can be reduced to several (two or three) hours if the dish is prepared from freshly dried fish and not need to be put in the refrigerator. But, as a rule, the product comes to us from the counters of markets and shops. Not always chilled, more often than former in freezing. In the event of a reasonable exposure time in the marinade is at least 20 hours.

The taste of red fish well shaves lemon

Recipe 2. Dry Slashing Large School

Fillet salmon, pink salmon, etc. It is necessary to graze a mixture of salt, pepper and greens with a thick layer. Cover a wet wet laurel sheet, wrap in a dense cotton fabric and put in a cool place on a dish or tray for 48 hours. Ready, you can enjoy the exquisite and nutritious snack.

Recipe 3. Cooking ketches, trout in brine

This is a "wet" recipe. Some believe that so fish deeper, better and evenly absorbs salt and spices. Any flat enameled or glass container is suitable as dishes.

We prepare the required amount of brine by adding all the ingredients to it to taste, mix for a long time, to their complete dissolution. Roma need exactly so much so that it completely covered the fish after it laying. Fill fish, slightly knead the meat with your fingers. We leave at room temperature for six hours, then put in the refrigerator for a day, after which we get - now it is completely ready to use. The red fish prepared in this way is very juicy.

Red fish in brine

Number of ingredients

All ingredients are put in taste. But we will give here about their quantity when salting, for those who decided to prepare the fish in a similar way for the first time.

  1. For 1 kilogram of fish fillet, it is necessary to take about 150-200 grams of salt, depending on the thickness of pieces.
  2. Sugar is sometimes put, sometimes no, but if you decide to use it, then approximately 50 grams will be required on the same kilogram of the product.
  3. Pepper peas can be poured in unlimited quantities.
  4. But fresh black black will be enough and one teaspoon.
  5. We use water economically, it needs to be smoothly so much so that the brine covered the meat completely, not leaving dry areas.

If you use the previously frozen fish, then before cooking it is necessary to fully defrost. Otherwise, the salting risks to become uneven, raw plots will come across.

Always use only a large grinding salt, especially for the dry method. It is difficult to reduce, because meat if it is not immersed in the brine, it will not be able to take it too much. A large salt absorbs moisture well and allows the product to prepare in its own juice.

Try to choose for cooking freshly detected live fish. If there is no possibility to take this, then cooled and cooled. The fish contains a lot of protein, oxidative processes in the carcass flow quickly, and hence it quickly flies and loses its biological value for the body.

When buying carefully examine the fish so as not to buy a stupid

A little about freshness of fish

Fresh fish has bright red gills. Her meat is elastic, when pressed with a finger on the skin, there is no characteristic dents. The skin is bright and beautifully painted, the eyes are bright and slightly convex. The meat of bright red or pink (depending on the breed).

When the fish begins to deteriorate, the gills acquire a grayish, brownish and greenish shades. The smell is enhanced and becomes unpleasant. Eyes are nervous, meat loses its elasticity and color. Scales coloring pale, becomes less clear, a sticky mucosa layer appears. It is easier to save fresh fish if it is groaning, without head and with remote gills. Since these parts are subject to the most rapid biological decay.

What to serve on the table

Low-salted trout, ketu, salmon, etc. can be served to smoky boiled potatoes or put on a sandwich. To mitigate taste, it is recommended to use in combination with butter and lemon juice.

Attention! Spoiled fish can not be attempted to "save" by exposing it to smoking or salting. Food poisoning after this low-quality product is the strongest, up to death. If the fish deteriorated, it will undoubtedly have to be thrown away.

For having a red fish, you can use any red fish: salmon, salmon, pink salmon, ketu. The only thing mandatory Condition - Fish should be fresh. We will not expose it to heat processing or use any marinades. In this case, I will solit the salmon.

If you are confident as a fish, then in this case you can immediately begin cooking. I haven't really trust the quality of products in our stores and in the markets, therefore to progress, I freeze fish.

Ingredients of the recipe "Soldering of Red Fish"

After this procedure, the fish need to defrost leisurely in the depths of the refrigerator to a complete defrost, so it will save its taste and other properties.

  • So, the fish is dropped or originally fresh. From the fish to remove all the bones and walken with a paper towel.

    Salt and sugar join and mix. Salt and sugar ratios 1: 1. It is preferable to use a large seaside salt, but it is usually less salted than stone or granulated, so it can be taken in a ratio with sugar 1: 2 (1 part of sugar and 2 parts of the salt).

  • Fish rubbed from all sides with a sugar-salt mixture. If you wish, you can add ground pepper or dill.

    If you want to spit fish very quickly, then it should be cut into slices with a thickness of 2-3 mm, decompose into one layer and sprinkle with salt and sugar each piece (the main thing is not to rearrange) to repeat the procedure on both sides. Then folded the fish into the appropriate container, cover with a lid or food film, and remove into the refrigerator for 2-5 hours, after this period, the fish will be ready.

  • Fish fit into the appropriate capacitance to the skin down and cover the food film. We put in the refrigerator (I placed the fish into the zero chamber) for 12-16 hours.

  • After 12 hours, we pull fish from the refrigerator, there will be a small amount of liquid in the container. If necessary, we clean the fish from the extra salt and sugar. Remove the skirt.

  • Before going with the Spirit and Sick-Press Red Fish at home for the first time, I decided to prepare thoroughly. I read the recipes with curiosity, "pickled saliva", looking at the appetizing photos on the network and culinary books ... I was very afraid to spoil the gentle and quite expensive product. But my fears seemed to be in vain. I successfully went to the market, chose a beautiful fat "sacrifice" of my culinary experiments. And the good seller immediately removed her ridges with a huge and dangerous sharp knife. I did everything according to the instructions of the experienced culinary culinary and in the morning I treated my husband with a delicious saline salmon. He praised me, and I, pink-ruddy from delight, favorably took compliments. Everything went almost perfect. Until that moment, I did not look into the kitchen for lunch and saw a lonely trotter with fish on the table. I, stretch, forgot to hide it in the refrigerator. After reading that the snack can gap, I still regret her to throw it away. After all, there were 800 grams there, no less. But also feeding loved ones. So the ruddy potato-fish cake appeared, the need to prepare which still remains for her husband a mystery. But this is another culinary story, I will tell her later. And now - Verified photo Recipes of appetizing red fish.

    How to just sleep red fish at home

    Let's start with the base method. Nothing extra! No fragrant seasoning! Salt, fish and pinching sugar. The taste is obtained amazing-natural, gentle, and the appetizer itself will be melting in the mouth. Ideal for salmon or trout.

    Required ingredients:

    How easy Sick-colored red fish (recipe with photos):

    This time I managed to surround the whole (though, a small) carcass of the rainbow trout. But usually I do not bend to sleep the ice cream steaks. And even the abdomen do not break. So use you can any edible part. Discharge the main ingredient at room temperature or in salted cold water. If you have an undetected fishing, like me, or a piece with a skin, remove the scaly. Then, if necessary, cut your head and tail. From fins, too, you can get rid of. Remove and throw off the inside, the abdomen will sweep. It is advisable to work with a sharp knife with a thin flexible blade. Well wash.

    Now make fillets. Carefully cut the ridge. The bones remaining in fish slices, remove tweezers or hands. Get together again. Water with paper towels. Do not remove the skin.

    Prepare the mixture for the ambassador. Elementally add salt to sugar (or vice versa) and mix. Why do you need sugar sand? He acts as a natural preservative. On the taste qualities of saline red fish, its addition is practically not reflected. But it will be stored longer. The same applies to Lemon Freasha. This is a preservative (the word is terrible), but completely harmless. In addition, it eliminates a specific smell. Juice can be added to the ready-made treat before serving or when sickling. Salt is better to take marine. The product will take it exactly as much as you need. Therefore, the reassets will not. But if it is not, the usual cooking salt of coarse grinding is suitable. It is necessary less, pay attention to it.

    Sattail the fillet (steaks) or sprinkle the abdomen of red fish salting mixture, as in the photo. Put in a glass or plastic container (bank, other capacity) close to each other with a skin outward. Cover the lid or tighten the film. Put in the cold place. A day later you will have a low-salted fish. Do you like brighter taste? Wait 36-48 hours. Look in the container once every 12 hours. Forms a lot of fluids? Drop it. Decided as a main object to take Ketu or a pipset? It may turn out dry. Therefore, I advise it to plant with vegetable (olive or deodorized sunflower) butter. Or pour them up with a ready-made dish for storage.

    You will get a fragrant, tender, appetizing and useful snack. There is no other. And with it you can do anything: cooking sandwiches, twist the rolls, cut salads ... or just cut, put on a plate with translucent lemon circles and enjoy unmatched treat.

    How piquantly salient steaks or red fish fillet

    Recipe for those culins and connoisseurs of good food that love "raisins". Of course, we are not talking about dried grapes, but about special accents, which give seasonings. Follow the step-by-step instructions to get spicy and original tasty!

    Set of products:

    Step-by-step recipe with photo:

    This time I solicted salmon steak. It is not as saturated-bright color, like trout, especially after freezing-defrost. But also appetizing. Especially this method, although not much different from the previous one, implies the use of seasoning. And they will make their fragrant adjustments in the taste bouquet of finished snacks. In general, we went. Leave the fish at room temperature for thawing. You can even completely completely defrost so that beautiful pieces are not deformed. Clean scales. But leave the skin. You can delete or leave the dice. I cut out the rest of the ridge, so I got two kuts fillets.

    The dry salting mixture includes sugar, salt and spices. What seasonings to use, decide for yourself. I just keep a list of fragrances that are combined with fish, and you select your favorite. To make the taste of saline on home red fish more interesting, you can add: large ground black pepper, bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, basil, fennel, lemon juice, coriander, citrus zest. Naturally, all of the above is not needed. And in general, it is not worth remarking with additives, otherwise spoil the dish.

    Dried with paper napkins Red fish in the mixture and put in the container in which you will plant it. Hermetically close the container. Put in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours (depending on the thickness of pieces and the desired degree of salinity).

    After 12 hours, check the fish. There is a lot of fluid - be sure to drain it. When the pickling process is over, rinse fish pieces in water and dry dry. You can store in the same container. Non-fat varieties (quiet, ket, pink salmon) can be pouring or lubricated with vegetable oil so that it is very gentle. I'm searched everything, the recipe fold, but I leave a photo saline at home red fish. And how to file it and decide with themselves.

    "Wet" way to salmon of red fish

    This option bribes simplicity and practicality. Even low-fat species will be juicy and gentle due to the brine with a fragrant laurel sheet and savory pepper. And adding the dish with a repressed onion and olive oil, you prepare a real flavor bomb. I warn you, do not swallow the language when you try it!

    What will take:

    Cooking method:

    If the product is ice cream (as in my case), defrost it. But not completely, for the convenience of cutting. Couch to look. Schedule the whole fishery on the fillet. Steak can be left as integer. Then rinse well a piece and blot with dense paper towels.

    Prepare brine. Mix salt and spices. Put on the middle fire and bring to a boil. Remove from the stove and completely cool. Then pour apple vinegar or lemon juice.

    Put into the sudine (from edible plastic, glass, ceramics or enameled metal). Carefully pour brine. Cover tight. Put in the cold place. To calmly sleep red fish at home, there will be enough day. For a stronger ambulance, it will take a little more - 36-48 hours. Finished fish snack cut into small pieces and put in a jar or trough. At a request between slices, alternate with thin rings of the reptile onion. Fill with vegetable oil (sunflower without odor or olive).

    Keep in a cold place 3-4 days. From juicy gentlefish, you can prepare sandwiches for breakfast or snack and other delicious dishes.

    • To speed up the readiness, you can put the oppression. To do this, lay out it in a bowl. Cover flat plate. Place the cargo, for example, a jar or a water bottle.
    • Little children to give a weakly saline fish is not desirable, it can lead to poisoning. For the children's snack menu, the snack will be suitable for a minimum in two days of the catering.
    • When choosing a cooled product for salting, make sure that it does not have spots and unpleasant smell of decomposition.
    • In order to succeed in piquant, you can add a bit of garlic and dried dill.
    • Refrain from the use of microwave and hot water when defrosting the main ingredient. This will definitely affect the taste qualities of the finished dish.
    • Serve as a filling for pancakes, tartlets or canapes, make sandwiches or serve on a plate as a beautiful and delicious fish cutting with fresh greens, lemon and vegetables.

    Have a nice and useful fish appetite!

    How to spray fish yourself? With a strong rise in price of an import trout in vacuum packages, this question is more than ever. Moreover, the domestic product has continuous advantages, and in foreign - minuses. See ourselves: Norwegian, and the fish from the Faroe Islands is too fat, grown in captivity. She is even beautiful (I remember the white stripes - it is fat), but it's not so helpful and tasty, like wild murmansk salmon or Far Eastern Nerque.

    In your fish, you know that we put on, and what watered and how they spilled salted salmon from the store - it is better to even know. It should be remembered that the salting can serve one of the ways to sell the fish of the second freshness.

    The only minus of home salted fish: You will have to divide it yourself. But it takes just 15-20 minutes.

    Council. It is better not to buy chilled fish. Most likely, this is the same frozen. The fact is that our fishermen usually freeze it right on the ship.

    What fish take

    For salting, almost any red fish fit. Kizhochu and Keta are perfectly perfect, but for extinguishing and frying dryness. Trout, salmon, naked - just beautiful fish. You can take the fishery more, salt only part, and the second to put on the steaks or to fry fillet, you can merge them in the sauce ... Yes, even the pink salmon is very tasty in salty form, and by the way, very cheap. Only here is the most modest of all salmon. Pinkish meat rather gray and worse keeping the shape when cutting.


    Tip: Very convenient to cut fish with scissors. They are somehow very easily cut. The knife can be taken medium length, it will help to consider meat with ribs.

    More Tip: Separate fish more convenient if it is not fully understood.

    Cut the tail and head if there is. Many fish are sold to gut, it is more convenient to cut it easier and easier.

    Clear the scales, and then wash the fish. It is not always necessary to clean it, but if the scales are a lot on the skin, you will not get rid of it from it.

    Candle the skin on the ridge by walking from one or both sides. To the fingers separate the ridge on one side, reach the spine and separate all the meat backs from the bones.

    Cut the abdominal fins with scissors.

    Turn the fish so that the separated part turned out to be at the bottom, and the bones are top. Helping yourself a knife, separate the rib from meat, then the tail part of the ridge.

    If films remain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe insides, remove them. But the main film goes along with the edges.

    Separate the dorsal fin, and also cut the fin from the bottom of the tail.

    And separate the ridge from the second half of the fish. It is also better to start on top, and then handy the ribs.

    And you have two halves of red fish fillets.

    If you wanted to put part on it on the steaks, then, of course, you had to cut them off first, and then to cut fish on the fillet.


    Mix 2 tbsp Sugar and 1 tbsp. Salts (per 1 kg of fillet). Sprinkle with a thick layer of meat. Fit fish so that the skin is outward. Put in the dishes with a lid. Cover the film. If the fish is thick - then you can put a small cargo. No more than half a kilogram. Usually I plant 2-3 kilogram fish and cargo not put.

    Fish itself gives juice and perfectly in it and is asked.

    What to add

    Great with fish harmonizes dill. They can sprinkle fish when singing or after.

    Something to a red fish several pinch of lemon zest, it must be added to the mixture for salting. If you want toleimon already when feeding, then garnish sliced \u200b\u200bfish with thin slices.

    In order for the fish to be sprayed and was more tender, you can lubricate it when salting with oil without smell.

    It happens, add pepper, spices, bay leaf, garlic to fish when salting. The taste turns out interesting, but it is very different from the one we are accustomed to.

    How much to salute

    Low-salted fish will turn out for only 8-10 hours. But this is not the safest option, since another life can be buried in fish. Therefore, it is better to salt a day or two. She will be salt, but it's safer.

    To stop the salting process, you need to merge juice, which gave fish. For reliability, cut it with pieces.

    How to cut

    It is convenient to cut, putting the skin of the skin down. I would not recommend to meat to the board, if we are talking about our fish. It is very soft, instantly fall apart.

    Cut the sharp knife, slightly forming the pieces of sewing. The remaining skin can be fished in the tray from the tangle.

    Important! Before cutting, check whether all the bones are removed when cutting.

    Salted red fish, gentle, fragrant, spicy, can be a wonderful snack, filling or an independent dish. Because of the economic crisis, the price of fish was very jumped, so many hostesses thought about how deliciously sawing red fish independently so that it would not be worse than Finnish or Norwegian. It is that there are no preservatives and dyes in your delicacy, and the amount of salt can be taken to taste - all the same most often shopping fish is too saved. And most importantly, the salting allows you to disguise the stupid fish than and use some manufacturers.

    How to quickly sleep red fish

    Many hostesses buy salted fish only for one reason - for some reason they are sure that it is too complicated and troublesome. In fact, sleep fish can be literally in 10-15 minutes if you bought a finished fillet. If you need to cut fish, you will have to spend a little more time, but it will save money - still a red fish is not the cheapest pleasure.

    So, let's talk about how to sprinkle the fillet of red fish and enjoy the delicious delicacy of your own cooking. Buy for salting salmon, trout, society, pink salmon, ketu or quiet. After removing the skin (or cutting) slightly blocked the fillet with the napkin, so that the pulp was dry. Next, lay out fish with portion pieces into deep containers, sprinkle with a large salt at the rate of 1 h. On Polkilogram of Fish and a small amount of sugar. You can add soy sauce, bay leaf, hammer coriander, fragrant pepper, greens and other spices. Next, put the fish under the oppression, cover the film, leave for a couple of hours at room temperature, then remove the extra salt and send to the refrigerator for a day. You can do without the oppression, but then the fish should be kept in the cold from one and a half to two days. If you do not want to wait, then make marinade from vegetable oil, salt, sugar, onions and spices and pour them pieces of fish in a jar - after 8 hours a weakly salting gentle fish, melting in the mouth, will be ready for use!

    An important point: if you want to stop the salting process, it is enough to drain the liquid that the fish gives, clean the fillet from the remaining salt and dry the napkin - only after that you can taste the resulting delicacy!

    Secrets and rules Soldering Red Fish at home

    • Gorbow and Keta with salts are a little dry, so olive oil should be added to the salts.
    • Do not use metal dishes for salting, otherwise the fish will have a flavor of iron.
    • Some hostess, sprinkling the fish with salt and spices, "shy" fish with a towel, so that the spicy fish is dry.
    • Do not be afraid to overdo it with salt - the fish will absorb her exactly as much as it is necessary.
    • When salting to the fish, you can add dill and garlic - they will give her fragrant and spicy taste.
    • Serve chopped red fish with lemon, greens, olives, fresh vegetables and white wine.

    Having learned correctly, you will refuse fish in factory packaging, even if imported production. From salty red fish you can cook salads, sushi, rolls, sandwiches, snacks, stuffed pancakes and many other yummy. Get used to sophistication and join the ranks of passionate fans of red homemade fish!