What to eat with Delicious Sunday lunch for the whole family: tips, recipes with photos

12.03.2019 Soups

The best way to feel unity with the family, to be together, to communicate is to get together for family sunday lunch. Sunday, as a rule, almost all of the working population - a day off, just like schoolchildren. Of course, each of us lives according to his schedule and schedule, and people who live under the same roof cannot always come together on working days. But Sunday for the family Sunday meeting at the "delicious" table fits perfectly.

Sunday dinner preparation

We must understand that a delicious Sunday lunch requires some preparation. This is not just a snack a quick hand“On weekdays, this is a complete table with various dishes, ranging from hot to dessert.

It is important to think through all the details to the smallest moments. Decide on the menu for a family Sunday dinner, make beautiful tablecloths, candles, get your favorite dishes and glasses. It seems that cooking dinner for the whole family is very difficult. But some of the nuances and tips that we share today will help smooth out sharp corners, save time, effort and money. Let's get started.


As you can imagine, a big dinner will consist of several dishes. But it is not necessary to cook them right before serving. Having thought out the menu, you can choose dishes that are made in advance (“at night”) and which should certainly be ready before the arrival of the home.

For example, if you decide to make flavored steaks, it is best to cook them before serving. They are tastier when, as they say, "with the heat of the heat." However, stewed vegetables, serving as a side dish for meat, can be made in advance. Or, for example, hot - soup or soup. They can be cooked a day before a family dinner. As is known, such dishes are tastier and more fragrant when they insist (“reach”) and reach the top of their taste.


Preparing a Sunday lunch is not only the responsibility of the housewife. Do not try to do everything yourself, alone. Attract your household, organize a man, you can easily trust the meat or peeling potatoes. And the younger generation will take part in the preparation of culinary masterpieces with pleasure.

It turns out that you take off part of the load and at the same time spend extra time with your family and friends. Do not be afraid that the assistants will spoil the dish or do something wrong, as you intended on the recipe. The atmosphere of community and team is much better for a family than a lonely proud self-reliance.

Simplicity is the key to success

No need to try to do everything flawlessly. You should not choose some very complex culinary masterpieces, the preparation of which will take the maximum amount of your time. Better you cook one dish perfectly, than you will hurry and make mistakes in all the complicated dishes that you have chosen.

It is necessary to understand that Sunday dinner with the family is not a festive feast, and it is better to cook simple and beloved dishes, and not to surprise with refined, but unusual cuisine.

By the way, purchased desserts can participate in your Sunday family meeting. For example, the hot will be done by your hands, and cakes or pastries acquired in cooking will simply become an addition and decoration to your main masterpieces.

The main thing in a family dinner is not exquisite expensive dishes, but communication, the warmth of the home, pleasant conversations and comfort.

Hot dishes

Of course, no Sunday lunch is complete without a hot one. We offer you some easy-to-cook recipes that will help to surprise and please the home. On the hot, you can choose both soups, and meat or fish with a side dish. Think over what your household likes, what will definitely be swept from the plates in seconds. After all, it is very important for the hostess to like the dish, over which she poured half a day, and was eaten to the last spoonful.

  with garlic croutons

To prepare the cream soup will need:

  • Potato - half a kilogram.
  • Leek - one large stalk.
  • Spinach - 3-4 large bunches.
  • Low-fat cream - 500 milliliters.
  • White bread - eight to nine pieces without a crust.
  • Olive oil - a couple of tablespoons.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Salt pepper.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Then pour water into a saucepan, salt it a little and put leeks and potatoes there. It is necessary to cook vegetables until soft. While the vegetables are boiling, let's do spinach. He should cut off hard tips, and the base of the leaves cut arbitrarily into pieces. And add greens to boiled vegetables.

When the potatoes are ready, you can remove the pan from the heat. Allow the ingredients to cool slightly. Add some salt and black pepper to the soup and whisk everything in a blender. In the process of whipping with a slow stream add cream. Then put the pot on the fire for another couple of minutes, bring to a boil. The soup is ready.

Rusks are made from white bread. Cut them into pieces, dry in the oven. In a separate bowl, mix olive oil and chopped garlic. Roll each crouton in this mass and add to the cream soup.

  with vegetables

Fish is always a good and win-win dish. If you have not decided what to cook for Sunday dinner, then you will not find anything better.

  • Salmon steak (at the rate of one piece per person).
  • Frozen or fresh vegetables (green beans, green peas, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes).
  • Salt, fish spices, ground black pepper.

Steaks should be flavored with salt, pepper and spices and fried in vegetable or olive oil on both sides.

While the fish will be fried, you can do cooking vegetables. It is worth deciding what you want: boiled vegetables for a side dish or, kind of, fresh vegetable salad. We recommend making vegetables hot. To do this, we cut all of them into large pieces, fry in butter for a few minutes. So they will not lose their healthy qualities, they will remain crispy, but they will be hot, which is what we need.

Meat with vegetables in foil

If among your home there are no fish lovers, then it is worth cooking hot meat. We offer you to make a delicious meat steak with vegetables in the oven.

For cooking you will need:

  • Meat steak (portion calculated, as in the case of fish).
  • Three small potatoes.
  • A bunch of greens (dill or parsley).
  • Two medium carrots.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5-7 pieces.
  • Champignon.
  • Salt, pepper, spices for meat (to taste and optional).

Just say that while you are cooking, it is recommended to preheat the oven to 200 degrees in advance and prepare the foil of the required size. You can make a dish and in the form for baking, but we advise you not to be lazy and pack meat steak portions.

So, if the hot meal comes in the Sunday lunch menu, we try to get it from a reputable store. The meat must be fresh and of high quality, because the taste of the dish will directly depend on it.

Steak slightly beat, sprinkle with spices, salt. Cut mushrooms into halves, like cherry tomatoes. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. With carrots, you can do the same, but you can rub it on a coarse grater.

We put the prepared products on the foil layer in layers: potatoes, meat, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, greens. You can, if desired, add some grated cheese on top. Close the foil, wrap the bag and send it to the oven.

Vegetable salad

As we have said, try to choose simple and easy-to-cook dishes when you decide to organize a Sunday lunch. Recipes with photos can be found in the cookbook, or you can just experiment with the available products. Of course, no one has canceled the “Olivier”, beloved by all. But, you see, this salad, as a symbol of the New Year, is in no way suitable for a family Sunday meeting, despite the love for it of all members of your family.

To cook light and delicious salad  from vegetables, you will need:

  • 200 grams of champignons.
  • 10-12 pieces of cherry tomatoes.
  • Two pieces of big Bulgarian sweet pepper.
  • String beans.
  • Green pea.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Olive oil for salad dressing.

Mushrooms should be cut in half and sent to the pan to simmer. There also should be put and green beans. While mushrooms are stewing, you can cut the Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes. Then all the ingredients are mixed in a beautiful dish, seasoned with greens, olive oil. Salad ready.

For sweet

As for desserts, then the choice is yours. You can buy for a Sunday dinner for the whole family something unusual in the store, and you can cook it yourself if skills in the art of baking and free time allow.

If you decide to please households baking, then we recommend easy-to-prepare and extremely tasty home-made biscuits for tea.

To prepare you need:

  • Two eggs.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda.
  • Ground cinnamon.
  • Ground cloves.
  • Flour - 700 grams.

All the ingredients for the dough will need to be mixed, gradually introducing flour. The dough should not stick to the hands, be as soft and pliable as possible. We roll it into a large layer, from which we cut cookies with the help of molds. They are baked in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, in just seven minutes.

You can decorate the top with glaze made from one egg and powdered sugar, or just pour it with honey. Sunday lunch is ready!

Everyone knows two common truths:

1. The student is always hungry.

2. If the student is not hungry, then see point one.

On the eve of our initiation into students, we decided to find out that, besides granite of science, a student gnaws, and also to think about how to help a poor student to live on one scholarship.

What student eats

First category   saves time on cooking and actively eats “doshiraks and rolltones”, soup in packets, pasties, sausages with pasta and even “sawdust (fried) with ketchup - cheap and satisfying”. And if there is not even sawdust, then "the way out is to drink."

Second category , which included mainly representatives of the beautiful half of the students, trying to eat healthy food as much as possible. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and vegetables occupy a leading position, apparently because of the relatively low cost.

Student feet are fed

If you think that nothing good can be prepared from this, then you are deeply mistaken. This is what the “hunters” told us. To prepare the “Hunter's Dinner”, boil some rice, finely chopped potatoes and pre-cooked onions and carrots in boiling water. When everything is almost cooked, put grated melted cheese and salt.

Another variation on the subject is “Student Pilaf”: rice is cooked, onions are fried. If you are a very rich student, then carrots are fried too. Then all the ingredients are mixed.

And there is also something called “Student's Joy”: croutons are fried from rye black bread (on any fat), and then rubbed with garlic. Or onion fried in vegetable oil and eaten again with black bread.

Another creation of a hungry student is a sandwich, in which the name is only “ford” (German. “Butter” means butter, “ford” means bread): bread with cabbage, topped with mayonnaise.

5 ways to eat hearty, inexpensive and healthy

So, the result of the survey showed that the student either lives on fast food or eats cereals and vegetables. The latter, of course, not bad, but young growing brains, at least sometimes, and at least some protein is needed - sausages do not count!

Method 1

If you want meat, and the price is "pricked", then buy so-called by-products instead of meat: chicken navels and hearts. For the price they are two times cheaper, and from a kilogram you can make an excellent nutritious dish that you can eat all week. We take a kilogram of offal, wash. We take 5 onions, chop them, fry them in a frying pan and put them in a saucepan (ideally, a cast iron pot, but if it's not there, then don't be afraid). Then add the navels to the pan and simmer it all over low heat (about 3-4 hours). Add spices: salt, pepper. If desired, you can add curry, sour cream or tomato paste. Thus, dinner for the week is ready. This dish can be eaten both individually and with any side dish: rice, buckwheat, lentils, potatoes or vegetables.

Method 2

Another excellent meat substitute is mushrooms, known for their beneficial properties. Now, when the mushroom season is in full swing, you can go and, and then cook the most delicious mushroom cream soup. If laziness, then in the store you can buy oyster mushrooms: their price is much lower than, for example, mushrooms.

However, in this case, I recommend to buy some bouillon cube with mushroom flavor. You will also need a bag of cream, crackers and a bunch of any greens (the last two ingredients are optional). So, wash the mushrooms in water and clean. Then boil them for 15 minutes. Mushroom “broth” is poured into a separate dish, and the mushrooms are finely cut (ideally, it would be nice to break them with a blender, but for a student this is already a nobility). Then put them in the pan, add cream and mushroom "broth" depending on how thick you want to see your soup. Salt to taste, bring everything to a boil, but do not boil. We spill on plates, we throw there crackers and finely chopped greens. The first dish is ready.

Method 3

Another option to eat first is to buy a few chicken breasts, which are also cheaper than meat. You can boil them in a large saucepan to make a broth. Part of the breasts can be put on the meat for soup, and before the second we get a little later. If you leave the broth in the refrigerator, then during the week you can fill it with various cereals and thus diversify your life.

Method 4

Cooked breasts cut into small pieces and fry with any vegetables (well, onions, so onions!). Boil buckwheat or rice, add to chicken meat and mix everything - pilaf is ready!

Method 5

Chicken is also much cheaper than, say, beef. So, we buy half a kilo of minced meat, a couple of onions, a couple of tomatoes, or tomato paste and spaghetti (or any other paste). Prepare the pasta dressing: chop onion finely, mix it with minced meat, salt and pepper. We put stew pasta, according to the instructions on the package. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and fry the minced meat on high heat, stirring constantly. When the pasta is ready, pour out the water and mix it with the minced meat. student ready!

Nutrition for students is a stumbling block. Not very much their life is adapted for cooking delicious varied and healthy dishes. Yes, and they do not like it usually - to cook, but to wash the dishes.

And yet, in order not to earn a stomach ulcer and other illnesses while studying, you must: eat regularly, always eat hot at least twice a day, try to eat soup once a day, be careful about stale foods.

You can eat in the dining room (best in terms of price / quality ratio, if you eat soup and salad). But breakfast and dinner you are likely to be at home. Breakfast can be tea sandwiches, yogurt, cereals, etc. For dinner, be sure to cook and eat something hot.

Catering in the student dormitory

Most likely you will live in a room for four (or even for five people). Your whole life will be spent in the company of neighbors. When people live so closely, they often come together to organize food. Indeed - it seems that it is not so convenient to eat, say, when the neighbors see off each piece with hungry eyes. However, do not rush - sharing meals has its disadvantages, and they are quite serious. If the neighbors are aggressively offering options for combining nutrition, it will be rather difficult to refuse (it is easier to agree than to explain why you do not want this). But at least do not provoke such a union.

There are options for combining in pairs or something else. But this is just the above problem (I eat, while others look) does not solve.

If all those living in a room are united for food, then, as a rule, they are thrown off for some period of time with money, and duty is set “around the kitchen”. It should be borne in mind that:

  • To feed four people is not so easy. They eat a lot. Duty in the kitchen turns into hard work.
  • It is difficult to take into account the tastes of each when sharing food. This leads to insults (She always prepares what I can not eat!) And quarrels. Moreover, not everyone likes to cook and not everyone knows how to do it.
  • There may be differences in the means. Some of you may be overwhelmed by the normal cost of food for others. Moreover, some may relate to the purchase of products freely (it is more expensive to buy what is easier to cook), while others save common money (and cook tastelessly or little).
  • Your daily routine and habits may suggest a completely different time for eating. Especially if students live in a room with a different class schedule.
  • Someone likes to drink tea more often and have a snack, while someone in a hostel needs only dinner. Or you will have to take this into account in financing, or grievances may accumulate.
  • Kitchen duty will hamper your freedom. Perhaps some day you are not in the mood for cooking and, in general, you don’t want to see anyone. The duty also obliges you, nevertheless, to work out the feeding.
  • Perhaps some day you are invited to dinner with pretty neighbors. But you will be forced to refuse, because the toad is strangling you to leave your rightful share of the dinner to be devoured by the neighbors.
  • You will feel embarrassed if you suddenly want to eat something tasty. All this at the moment may be "not affordable" or simply "sorry for the money for nonsense." And there is one, when the joint food, is somehow inconvenient.
  • And most importantly - starting to eat together, it is rather difficult to refuse from such a regime afterwards. After all, failure is already an expression of some dissatisfaction with partners.

It will be easier if you eat separately, without restricting your freedom of maneuver - by agreeing, say, to have dinner together today (we buy bread and stew together, I clean the potatoes, you fry, and Natasha does the dishes) duty roster. Even if you eat together regularly, do not spread it to any piece that you put in your mouth. Let the dinner be joint (you are probably having lunch in the dining room), this does not mean that you have to socialize every apple or curd cheese for breakfast brought to the house.

If someone is preparing to eat while the neighbors do not eat, it is quite acceptable to defuse the situation with the phrase: "I'm going to eat here, I would like to hope that this will not embarrass you much." You can offer everyone to try: "Does anyone want to join my dinner a little?" If someone brazenly agrees, then just give him a little on the pretext that you didn’t count on him. The rest is better to give up or really "try", and in no way to embrace a person!

Of course, the exception is the moment when you want a holiday, and you meet your neighbors with the words: "Guys, I fry up all the potatoes here - run for someone, we walk!"

In general, try to treat this moment delicately. If you think about it, you will always understand if the person really wants to treat you to you or if he offers it only out of politeness. Do not try to embarrass someone. After all, you live with these people - it is better if you communicate with each other more pleasantly.

In no case do not scold the food that someone else eats with you ("These sausages from dogs - how can you eat them ?!" or "How can a person consume pasta even without sausage?"). Everyone has their own tastes - they must be respected. Moreover, everyone eats "according to his means" and according to his possibilities.

What is easiest to cook

If you regularly dine in the dining room, then you are lucky. But in this case, there are still breakfast and dinner. More often: eating regularly in the dining room is expensive, tasteless, uncomfortable, etc. And here comes the problem in full growth - what to cook?

In general, we must understand that in cooking there are no strict recipes, that there is a mistake twice there - and not a mistake at all, that the missing product can be successfully replaced with something similar, or even do without it (of course, if this product the dish is not basic - so, fried potatoes without potatoes will not work ...).

Variants of the simplest feeding (not requiring virtually no additional products) will be useful for the very first days:

Instant vermicelli soup

This is for completely helpless. The instruction on the pack.

Instant porridge "Bystrov"

It also does not require a long preparation and your efforts. Similarly, the instructions on the package.


Well-known sausages - on the way home I bought 5 pieces of sausages and bread, came home, cooked, ate. Sausages are cleaned of cellophane and thrown into boiling water (there should be little water so that it only covers all the sausages, because the more water, the more delicious sausages are boiled down). When you throw in sausages, the water will stop boiling for a while. After it boils again, they are literally boiled for a couple of minutes, because in fact, sausages are the finished product, they are cooked only to warm them up.


As a rule, they are tastier than sausages, because more like meat. In cooking, they are different in that they need to be cooked longer - about four minutes (after all, they are thicker than sausages).


They have a lot of useful substances, and you can eat them in a couple of pieces at least every day. Cooked, ate. Eggs are immersed in boiling salted water (it does not matter how much salt, for example, a teaspoon per liter of water) water (there may be plenty of water, then it will boil again faster after lowering the eggs, and the shell still interferes with something from the egg). After boiling boil 4 minutes. Then they take it out and put it in cold water for half a minute so that they can be better cleaned. Water is salted to ensure that eggs do not burst during cooking. But a surer way is to take an ordinary needle and pierce a tiny hole in the shell on the stupid end of each egg before putting them in boiling water, then they will not burst for sure.

Dumplings (from pack)

Going home, buy a pack of frozen dumplings (as close as possible to the house - they will not thaw on the road and stick together in one person). When you come, you are boiling water rapidly (somewhere a liter and a half per pound), salt (half a teaspoon) and pour boiling dumplings out of the pack in boiling water. You can add pepper, bay leaf and a half of a small peeled onion before spilling. If the dumplings are already stuck together - it is better to tear the lump into small pieces and throw them in boiling water (you get "lazy dumplings").


The following dish is most similar to the real food: on the way home you buy a chicken leg, rinse it under the tap at home, without defrosting, put it in a saucepan and pour water from the tap (let it cover it all). Put on the stove and wait for it to boil, then reduce the fire to a state of very low boiling broth (in fact, no matter what, but if it boils strongly, then the broth can spill out of the pan and besides, it will boil much make sure not to boil the whole, and then without a broth in the pan everything will burn). Leave to stew. You can not remove the foam. The chicken leg is ready in 30 minutes. The readiness is determined by stripping a piece of meat from the main leg with a fork. If it separates easily, then it is ready (after 50 minutes of boiling the chicken leg is ready for sure, nothing can be determined, but immediately there is).

Now pull the chicken paw out of the pan and eat it. Drink broth.

Broth, left in a cool place at night, is usually (if the water was not poured during the cooking and boiled out quite well) turns into a jelly, which can be used for breakfast with bread without warming it up.

Salt can be like broth when laying chicken (about half a teaspoon per liter of water), and immediately before use (to taste). When cooking, you can add bay leaf, pepper, a half of a small onion to the broth - but this is no longer necessary.


Buy a piece (so that got into the pan) meat. It is better that it has less fat and bones (usually take beef, you can cook and pork, but it is fatter).

Further, the meat is treated as a leg with the only difference being that it is cooked longer. So as not to think - cook for three hours. Here, be sure to make sure that the broth does not boil over. Since the process is long, it is better to buy a piece of meat to cook once, but it lasted for several (2-3) days. True, there should be a pan with meat and broth in the refrigerator or in another cool place.

In order not to forget that dinner is cooked in the kitchen, it is better to set the alarm (the bell reminds you that it is time to see how the pan feels there).

What to have for food

For greater freedom of maneuver in the preparation of food must always have in the room some inventory and products. You will need:

  • A saucepan with a lid, a frying pan (preferably with a lid), a kettle, a knife - for cooking. If you cook porridge, you need an aluminum pan to boil the milk.
  • Plates and spoons with forks for food, ladle, board for cutting bread and other products.
  • A pack of plastic bags - pack up the purchased products, which will be stored for some time.
  • Dishwashing liquid ("Fae") - dropping it on a sponge, you wash the dishes much easier, and your hands will not cover nasty fat from dirty plates, because it is immediately split by detergent. Sponge and hedgehog for washing dishes (wire hedgehog to wash burnt pots and pans).
  • Dishcloth and rag - bring something hot, wipe the plate, table, hands.

The food prepared for the future, and also some products bought with a reserve should stand in a refrigerator or in a cool place. If there is no refrigerator, you can almost always store food outside the window. At night it is cold from September to May. True, if the windows are southern and direct sunlight is shining all day long, then this is no longer a fridge! Then it's better to drag everything into the room for a day (and not to leave it in the sun too).

In cold weather (when the temperature in the street drops below zero degrees), food should also be stored carefully outside the window (it is better to place them between the glass panes or on the windowsill inside the room - although they can freeze there as well). The liquid will freeze and can break the dishes (bottle, jar) in which it was stored. Vegetables, fruits, dairy products, sausage and, in general, "finished products" also do not like frosts - they change the taste frozen and thawed, and vegetables and fruits can be consumed only by throwing unfrozen into boiling water (into soup, compote and t .d.) But sausages or wieners, for example, carry frost, but they will have to be cooked either longer or defrosted. Completely cooked boiled rice, for example, can also be easily frozen for several days, and then thawed, heated in a frying pan and eaten. Frozen eggs are inconvenient to cook, although nothing bad will happen to them when frozen. But one thing to keep in mind is that no product will suffer freeze-thawing several times, avoid it.

Without a refrigerator in the closet can be stored:

  • Sugar, tea, coffee, powdered milk, salt, pepper, bay leaf, sunflower oil, canned fish, canned meat, condensed milk, dry cereals and soups in bags and briquettes, cereals and pasta.
  • Bread. He is kept in a plastic bag. Bread can lie for 2-3 days, even longer, but over time the bread deteriorates. Of course, the bread will not deteriorate to the point that they can get poisoned - even if you eat a completely moldy piece, it is not dangerous. But the smell, taste, and bread are spoiled for consumption unsuitable. Black and white bread  (as well as sweet bread / loaves and a regular loaf) must be kept in different packages - together the bread will spoil much faster. You can not put fresh bread in one bag with the old one (if even a small piece of old bread grow moldy, it will spoil immediately, it will become tasteless and fresh). Do not put fresh bread in the bag of old bread - microscopic crumbs remain in the bag, which deteriorate over time, and this also spoils fresh bread.
  • To lie (only not in a plastic bag, but in a bucket, in a cloth bag, in a box, or even just in a handful on the newspaper so that it is ventilated) potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, other vegetables.
  • Eggs are raw - not for long, for three days.
  • Ketchup - five days, even a week.
  • Smoked (hard) sausage - a week, or even more. Sausage skin from long storage can be covered with white bloom (so that this does not happen, you can wipe it with sunflower oil) - this is not terrible, because it is removed before eating. If the inherent smell of sausage is preserved, then it can be eaten - when it starts to deteriorate, it can be determined by smell.

Lying for several days in bags, folded in a string bag and suspended outside the window can: butter and margarine, dairy products (sour cream, kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, etc.), eggs, sausages, sausage, smoked and salted fish. You can also hang with caution and broth directly in the pot or poured into a jar (or a pot of porridge).

It is better not to leave outside a cool place (at least more than at night): meat and dairy products, butter, cakes and cream cakes, ready-made cereals and soups, open fish and canned meat (in no case! They should be eaten immediately, it is better not to leave them in the refrigerator for more than a couple of hours).

More complex dishes

Scrambled eggs

Heat pan. Melt any fat (a little - just to smear the bottom). Warm up the pan for a couple of minutes. Smash the egg held over the frying pan in the left hand with a knife, which holds the right hand, and breaking the shell into two halves, carefully pour the egg into the pan. The following. Next ... Sprinkle with salt, pepper (a little). If the yolks were able to keep whole, get the eggs. If not, you can mix everything with a knife already in a frying pan (they don’t really want to eat them very much) so that they are better fried. Fry for three minutes, until the protein thickens.

It is possible, before beating eggs, to fry circles of any sausage in a frying pan, slices of bacon, sliced ​​sausages or sausages, sliced ​​onions, tomatoes - yes, almost anything. Fried eggs allow any additives, it only gets tastier.

Oatmeal for the budget

What is it, Berimor?
- Bunting, sir ...

The appeal of the recipe on the one hand is in its simplicity and in the fact that the products for its sale do not need a refrigerator. On the other hand - porridge will cost you much cheaper than the same "Bystrov".

You will need products: milk powder (1/4 cup), Hercules (cup), sugar (2 teaspoons), salt (1/8 teaspoon). The number of products and even proportions can be freely changed, based on needs, opportunities, and simply “to taste”.

Mix milk, salt and sugar with Hercules to facilitate dissolution without lumps, pour boiling water (1 part of the mixture into 4 parts of water - proportions can also be changed, depending on the desired thickness of the result), mix well. All this can be poured into the pot, in which the porridge will then be cooked. Insist at least 20 minutes, but the more, the easier the cooking process will go. Exotic lovers can add raisins or dried apricots there (or you can add this just before cooking, or even on a plate before eating porridge).

It is convenient to pour the mixture in the evening to cook porridge in the morning for breakfast. At night, the drenched mixture can be left simply on the table (it does not require placement in a cold place), but it must be covered from cockroaches if they are found in the house.

Swollen mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, it is necessary to cook until tender. Approximately the process will take 5-10 minutes. More precisely, readiness is determined by the fact that porridge begins to puff - the mixture thickens, and bubbles that form during boiling erupt through it with the sound of "Puff".

Serve and take with words from the epigraph.


It is better to buy potatoes more - for example, a bucket. They buy it on the market (mini markets near the store), it seldom happens in stores — only in vegetables and is, as a rule, worse. Let the potatoes be at home forever - fry, boil and eat with herring or lard, throw in the soup.

Potatoes boiled "in uniform"

Potatoes can be cooked "in uniform" (without peeling). To do this, several potatoes are washed, put in a saucepan and poured with cold water (so that the water covers the potatoes), put on the fire. When the water boils, the fire is better to reduce to a weak boil of water. Potatoes are cooked in about 20 minutes of boiling. If in doubt, is it ready, you can check: if the potato is easily pierced with a knife blade, then it is ready. It is not recommended, however, to poke them all, and then the potatoes can be boiled soft (to fall apart). Potatoes do not boil better if cooked in salted water (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water, approximately).

Boiled potatoes are removed from the pan, peeled and eaten: with milk, with butter, with salted or smoked bacon, with salted or smoked fish, with sausages, with vegetables - with anything!

Boiled potatoes can lie in the closet for about a day (and in the cold and longer), and then it can be cleaned, cut, poured into a frying pan with preheated fat, sprinkled with pepper, salt and fry, stirring (about 5 minutes to fry). Get a hot meal. You can then pour it directly into the pan with sour cream, ketchup, or their mixture, and, after closing the lid, hold over low heat for about 5 minutes, so that this mixture is boiled.

Boiled potatoes

Potatoes can be peeled before cooking (if not laziness). In this case, it can be cut into pieces (if it is large) 2-3 centimeters thick - and then it will be cooked much faster (about 10 minutes). You can advance (while you peel the potatoes) put water on the fire and put the potatoes already in boiling (or just hot) water.

You can throw whole peeled potatoes into the broth when you cook meat, chicken legs or soup. They can also be stored in broth for several days until you catch them from there, warm them up (in a toaster or in a frying pan with oil) and do not eat them.

Roast potatoes

It requires cooking except the potato itself: a frying pan, fat, a knife and the ability to peel potatoes. Preparation taking into account the cleaning of potatoes will take some time. However, the dish is traditionally loved by students, so it is well worth the effort!

Potatoes need to be peeled. It is better to do this over the sink, before cleaning, wash each potato under running water, then peel (throw the rind into the sink), clean the cleaned potato and put it in a saucepan. Then the peel from the shell is thrown out, the hands and shell are rinsed and start to cut the potatoes. A cleaned potato can stand for some time, but it must be immediately filled with cold water (without water, it will darken within half an hour or even earlier). Potato-drenched potatoes can stand for more than a day, but in this case, the water should be periodically (at least three times a day) replaced - drain the old one, holding the potatoes with a half-closed pan lid, and pour fresh cold water from the tap. They cut the potatoes into medium-sized, less than a centimeter thick pieces, the width should also not be very large.

After the potatoes are cut, put the pan on the fire, let it warm up for a minute on high heat. Then put the fat in the pan. Potatoes can be fried on: sunflower oil, not salted lard, margarine, canned meat stew, canned chicken fat, etc. Vegetable oil just poured into the pan and wait a minute until it warms up, spread the margarine and canned fat into slices and melt it, cut the bacon and fat from the legs into small pieces (the smaller, the better), pour it into the pan and heat for about three minutes while it is melted fat (then you can catch the remaining cracklings and eat them so that they do not burn during the frying process). Swing the pan and pan from side to side so that the fat or oil flows evenly. A layer of melted fat in a griddle should be about half a centimeter. After that, add potatoes. Be careful - there will be a terrible crash, hissing and splashing (the less water in the sliced ​​potatoes, the less it hiss and spits) - it is better to immediately cover with a lid so that everything can be settled there. Next three or four times it is necessary to repeat the following actions: wait for 5-7 minutes, open the lid and carefully mix the potatoes with a knife, fork or spoon. After the second stirring, reduce the fire. Before the last stirring, you can salt (somewhere half a spoon on the pan scatter evenly) and mix again. It should be ready soon ...

There are options: potatoes with fried onions, with the addition of garlic, with pieces of meat, etc. But this is for more experienced chefs.


Pasta is good because they do not need to be cleaned (unlike potatoes) and easier to buy. They lay pasta in boiling salted water (half a spoonful per liter of water), wait until it boils again, and reduce the gas to a weak boil. Water can be a lot. Make sure that at the time of boiling water, along with pasta, she did not run away from the pan. If the pasta is long, then it is better to break them before filling, so that they easily fit in the pan. Cooked pasta for 10-15 minutes. Catch one for the sample. If ready - drain the water.

Water can be drained using a strainer. If there is nothing similar in the household, it is better to choose pasta larger (feathers, horns) and drain water from under the loosely covered lid. With this discharge of water, steam rushes out from under the top edge of the lid vertically upwards - be careful not to burn yourself.

Drain the water, you must quickly put in the pasta fat (recommended butter) and mix - otherwise stick together.

Pasta can be eaten with butter, with ketchup, with sausages, with vegetables, with canned meat (the jar falls into the pan after draining the water and for some time it is all right in the pan warmed over the fire with vigorous stirring), etc.

Fried meat

It is believed that only exceptionally experienced chefs can roast meat, so students often deny themselves this pleasure. It is not so - to fry meat is very simple, and besides, quickly.

If the meat is bought in the form of semi-finished products (entrecote, chops, frying, etc.), then the process is generally greatly simplified. If you buy a piece of this raw meat, then it must first be properly cut. For frying, it is best to take lean pork or turkey (turkey can be considered meat and not poultry - it doesn’t taste much differently from meat) - they fry faster and fry better. We need to know a few rules:

  • Raw meat can lie in the refrigerator for no more than a day, it can be stored longer only in the freezer (at subzero temperature)
  • If the meat is bought in advance, and there are no freezers, then you can cut it into portions, and then lightly salt (then, when cooking, do not salt!), Pour a weak vinegar solution (a third of a teaspoon of vinegar essence per liter of water). In this form, it can lie in the room for two days (and it’s better still in the fridge or in a cool place — four days)
  • When raw meat is thawed out or simply stored, a puddle always flows from it, which, if precautionary measures are not taken, can spoil other products or something else. Keep it only in a deep dish or dish.
  • Roast already thawed meat. It is better to defrost it NOT under a stream of hot water (otherwise it will wash all the vitamins from it)
  • Cut the meat across the fibers - then it is easier to bite and chew it ready
  • It is easier to cut the unfrozen meat until the end - while it is still in shape, finish freezing the already chopped meat.
  • The meat is cut into not very thick (about a centimeter thick) flat slices of arbitrary shape and size. From large pieces the size of a palm (1-2 per serving) you get an escalope (or entrecote - from beef). You can make the pieces thicker - 2-3 centimeters thick, but before frying, spreading them on the table, tapping on the entire surface of them with an empty bottle will turn out a chop. From small cubes (thickness and width in centimeters, length - five centimeters) will come out frying. Any transitional options are possible.

It is necessary to heat the frying pan, pour in some sunflower oil (to only smear the bottom) and heat the oil for a couple of minutes (if the frying pan with oil is not heated enough, the meat will stick to it). Then the meat gently unfolds on the bottom of the pan, or simply pours into it in a heap, if the pieces are small. Top it is necessary to sprinkle the meat with salt (if not salted in advance) and pepper (sparingly, but evenly, better pour less - salted in a plate, it will not be salted again). However, it was possible to salt and pepper the pieces even before putting them into the frying pan. Roast meat on high heat for a very short time - about three minutes, then turn the pieces over to the other side and fry for another two minutes (the sides should look appetizing toasty, when piercing a piece of meat with a fork or knife, clear juice should be released, but not blood - then the meat is ready).

While the meat is fried, it would be good to clean and cut a couple of large onions into thin half rings (onions successfully complement the meat). When the meat is removed from the pan, onions are poured into it and fried in the fat left after the meat, stirring until golden brown.

If the meat is cut finely, then you will turn over each piece, so you can just stir it every 2 minutes, and fry for 8-10 minutes (longer than large-cut, because finely cut, as a rule, pile into the pan more - not into one layer). Chopped onions in this case, you can immediately fall asleep in the pan mixed with meat. Salt and pepper all together.

Fried meat with onions can, if desired, pour half a cup of sour cream directly into the pan, cover with a lid and hold on low heat for about five to eight minutes. Get a stew with sauce.

Chicken liver in sour cream

On the way home, buy a package of chicken liver (sold in stores, in the same place where the chicken legs, chickens, etc.) and a package of sour cream (100 grams are needed - from half a cup, the rest can be eaten for breakfast). Chicken liver is packed in such small foam troughs (about 15x25 cm in size), covered with plastic wrap on top. There is 400 grams per weight - this is enough for one person or two to eat with a side dish. If you have time - leave to defrost, no - cook right away.

Peel the bulb and cut it smaller. Heat the frying pan and pour sunflower oil into it - a little, just smear the bottom. Warm up for a couple of minutes. Shake out the liver of a pack of preheated oil (you can cut each piece - a liver with a heart - into 3 pieces). If the liver is not thawed, make the fire weak, close the lid and wait until it thaws and falls apart into separate livers. Then add the onions, add the fire, stirring, fry the liver with the onions for 5-10 minutes (fry on all sides). If you do not cut raw, you can cut it in a frying pan with a knife right now (or you can leave it in large pieces until the end). Salt (the third part of a teaspoon without top), sprinkle with pepper (if you want), put a bay leaf (if any), pour sour cream (half a cup), cover with a lid, reduce the heat. Stew for 10 minutes. Done.


Soup is a very good meal for a student. Soup can be cooked throughout the room, you can cook a large pot for a few days. In the soup you can cook a large piece of meat and whole potatoes and eat soup for lunch, and meat and potatoes for dinner. Soup will stand today or tomorrow without a refrigerator (if the room is not very hot), and in a cool place you can keep it for four days.

If you do not like soups from childhood, think about it, maybe it’s not about those soups (usually soups are eaten for the first before the second dish, therefore, it happens that they are cooked with liquid and practically without meat). And here it’s about completely different things (so that you can eat as a separate dish, without extras): boil the soup more thickly - let it be something between a stewed potato and a soup, put a bigger piece of meat in it - you will surely like this soup.

The basis of the soup - broth. Usually, for a broth, take a piece of beef with a bone (the more meat on a piece, the more meat in the soup!), More, but to fit into the pan. You can cook and pork, but the fat is better to cut - it is too much in the soup. Rinse the meat under the tap, put it in a saucepan, pour cold water over it, cover with a lid and put on the fire. Foam can not be removed - foam is dirt and coagulated squirrels, but you washed off the dirt when you rinsed the meat, and the proteins still did not interfere with anyone (if the soup is not so transparent, this is not a problem at all). As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire to the lowest boiling point and leave the broth to cook for about three hours. Make sure that the water does not boil off (if that - add).

If boiling broth for three hours of patience is not enough, then it is better to take not chicken meat, but chicken legs or a pair of chicken legs (they are cooked for half an hour) or a can of canned meat (pour in what counts as meat and boil for five minutes) or meatballs ( a pack of grams in 200 raw minced meat to break one a raw egg, a little salt, mix thoroughly with a fork, put in small pieces into boiling water, cook for five minutes).

At the end of cooking, the broth is salted - into a three-liter saucepan approximately a tablespoon without the top of salt. If the broth has boiled strongly, water should be added to the desired amount and boiled for five minutes (cooks believe that pouring water into the ready broth should be torn off hands, however - this is just pizhonstvo, since it practically does not affect the taste).

If the broth was boiled from meat, then it is strongly recommended to remove the meat from the broth, when it is cooked, to separate from the bones, to throw out all the bones, and to send everything that is considered edible back to the pan. This is not a very pleasant procedure, because the meat (don't burn yourself, you have to wait a little while it cools) are torn apart by your hands, and your hands are all covered with a layer of fat ... But, if you take these actions right away, it will save you from subsequent picking in your plate while eating there it is no longer accepted to dig!) in vain attempts to separate edible pieces plastered with pasta from the bones and cartilage.

  • Small vermicelli (if long pasta is taken, break them smaller, but it will be worse than noodles). Cook for 5 minutes on low heat with a low boil. Put two or three handfuls on a three-liter pan (well, by the way, it depends on how much space is left in the piece of meat!)
  • Rice (pre-pour into another pan or dish, pour tap water, rinse, rubbing it with your hands, then drain). Cook for 15 minutes on low heat with a low boil. Put a glass somewhere on a three-liter saucepan.
  • Potatoes (peel and cut not very finely - you can put whole potatoes in order to eat them separately from the soup). Cook 10-15 minutes (with whole potatoes for 20 minutes) on low heat with a weak boil. Put somewhere 4-6 medium potatoes on a three-liter pan (you can add a few more).
  • Vegetables (buy a packet of any frozen vegetable mix in advance, quickly, without defrosting, pour in the broth from the bag). Cook for 15 minutes on low heat with a low boil. Put a half-package (gram 200-400) on a three-liter saucepan.
  • If peas beans or lentils are planned, then this should have been solved earlier, since they are washed (like rice) and laid with meat. They cook it together with meat for three long hours (or you can soak the peas in cold water before cooking the broth for a couple of hours). Put somewhere a glass or two on a three-liter pot.

For chicken legs, noodles are more suitable - get chicken noodles. For peas or beans, it was good to add something smoked to the broth meat — pieces of smoked sausage, smoked ham skin (after boiling catch and throw out) or smoked meat bones. Vegetables (or frozen champignons) can be put into the soup along with rice (or with potatoes, or with noodles, or with peas) - they will not interfere. But rice with vermicelli together put is not accepted ...

While the broth is boiled in the broth (potatoes, rice, pasta, or something else), you need to peel and chop the onion (one large onion). Sunflower oil is poured into a heated pan (a couple of tablespoons), heated for a couple more minutes, put onion, fried, stirred, for about three minutes (fried). You can add another finely chopped carrot and fry it for another three minutes over low heat. You can add a chopped tomato or a sweet pepper or a mushroom or a pickled cucumber or something else or all together (fry for a couple more minutes on very low heat) - the dressing will give the soup a certain flavor. Then pour it all from the pan into a saucepan with soup.

As a soup dressing, you can use ready-made (issued from the house in the bank) salty dressing. To prepare such a dressing, tomatoes (you can also green), carrots, sweet peppers, onions, and greens are cut into loose proportions, sprinkled with salt, put into jars (can be stored in a cool place until spring). In this case, only onions are fried (and even then not necessarily), and the broth does not need to be salted (do not salt, because the salt dressing is over-salt !!!). Already after pouring into the soup of fried onion, the dressing is scooped out of the jar with a spoon and put directly into the soup (a spoon or two or three: the main thing is not to overdo it!).

Add a couple of bay leaves, perhaps pepper ... You can a lot of cut greens (dill, parsley, green onions), and you can put it right in the plate. Boil the soup over low heat for another five minutes. Is done.

Catering at a party

If it happens that you are increasingly having dinner in the same room, being invited there to visit, think about how everything happens? On whose money you eat, and whose work was invested in the preparation of dinner and cleaning dishes. These costs must somehow be offset.

If, for example, the same girl regularly feeds you dinner, and you, in turn, feed her lunch in the canteen for your money, then we can assume that the balance is maintained. However, pay attention - her neighbors can show dissatisfaction with your constant presence. This can be easily avoided if, by entering the room, you hint to them how beautiful they all look today, or from time to time you bring a chocolate bar to tea.

If they prepare and clean them all together (or in turns), buy products together, and you come to visit someone alone, this is an unstable situation. Most likely, this will end in a scandal - soon they will ask you from there. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the material and labor costs of all participants, either buying products from time to time (bring a couple of buckets of potatoes from the market, for example) or a "labor contribution" - regular washing dishes, say.

Similarly, if such a situation develops in your room, it is better not to launch it and bring it to the scandal. As soon as you feel that what is happening is annoying to you, try either to get out of joint meals yourself (without focusing on the cause), or, perhaps, after consulting with other participants, hint to your neighbor, who comes to guests, that it is difficult for you to feed everyone who does not participate in process. Do not be afraid to offend anyone - if you are angry with yourself, the situation will only get worse.

Olga Focht (Anykey)

Personal experience

That is, at a minimum, you can get along with such options, but if we talk about a little more comfort, then you need to lay the catering in the catering of a nonresident student.


I have a son - a Muscovite, I give him food and travel 9-10 thousand per month. But! He eats breakfast, eats dinner at home, eats at home on weekends too. With this money, he dines at the university twice a day (growing body :)). For the rest of the entertainment he earns himself (earns himself a tutor). So for all 10 thousand per month - completely back to back, you will have to earn extra money.

Daughter on 4 course in Moscow. I give 10 thousand per month, but it is back to back. Payment of the hostel is about 900 rubles. and a ticket from home to Moscow separately. Takes food from home, but very little, because hard to carry. It feeds in the student cafeteria and cooks in the hostel. Washes in the laundry. I used to drag everything home, but it's hard. Travel on a social pass. Pay for the Internet along with other girls room. Lives modestly, without clubs. Goes to the cinema, sometimes to a cafe. Buys a little cosmetics. While there was no Internet, the first few months, a lot of money was spent on communication.
If there is an opportunity to bring products from home - there will be help. More will be needed initial investment on the arrangement. For example, we bought a fridge with other girls, bought a microwave, electric kettle, bedside table, curtains, chandelier, printer. Nout bought specifically for study.

What to cook for a picnic: choose a menu with professionals. Section: A serious question (ready-made food for the whole family). Menu for the child: food for children - delicious and fun! "Cooking for me is a rest. Especially on a day off when the whole family is assembled.


Guests - never. I think this is something of a bad taste)))

It is the guests who rarely, I like to cook, I am quite good at it, and the ready meals of those suppliers whom I trust are expensive.
Although puff pastry  I also prefer to buy ready-made, we have a local bakery excellent yeast flaky dough does. For my own, I sometimes order or bring with me, when we go to a restaurant with a company, favorite dishes that are long, difficult or lazy to cook by myself. For example, in one place I consistently order rolls and sushi, in the other - confectionary and tartlets, and in the third - onion bread, julienne, napoleon and Irish cake. Children can still order some fast food 1-2 times a month.

I give apples, carrots, tangerines, yogurt without anything, hard cheese.

In my 5 years, such a diagnosis was made. The first week they gulped water with a floating carrot and potatoes, plus a slice chicken breast. I remember the donut-drying, crackers could. Nothing sweet, etc. She (and without that thin-ringing) for this week emaciated horror. After it turned out that this pancreatitis, even hunger is treated.
The aggravation will pass and you will slowly feed more normally - cereals, etc. I read some diet table number and cooked for it (I don’t remember, it should be in the internet).
And then enter the normal mode. Only I still fry something extremely rare. Has got used, and it is not useful. Oven, boiled - what we need. More about the disease and do not remember :)

Practical guidance for first-year students. What can you cook? How to cook a couple. Tefal Vitacuisine. Intuitive power: 9 stories. Do you like to cook? There is a huge amount of delicious and healthy dishes.


there are children, yes :). Cook and bake a lot of pretty. But I myself do not like to eat what I cook. :) It saves me.
  Well, you ask yourself honestly. Want to lose weight? If so, no temptations will stand in your way. I bake pies, but I don’t want them, not because I don’t like them, but because I love myself and want to lose weight.
  In the evenings I try not to eat. But sometimes you want to sit with your husband side by side, or with the whole family. Eat protein dinner. Or full-fledged, but in maaaaaaaaaa a little number of. Or just sit, look at them all and drink tea :))))

I also cook at least 3 times a day. But it never occurs to me to bake every day, and even several times and each time is different. Prepare something useful, not just pizza, cookies and pies. If you are really hungry, they will normally eat something cooked, and in my opinion this is just a consumer attitude towards you. And the husband, if he wants fresh pastries for every tea, can cook something himself. So the problem is in your head, in my opinion.

Today my daughter invited guests on puff pastry with cheese (she baked from a semi-finished product) - I did not eat, sat with everyone at the table, drank tea without sugar. To talk normally, there is not necessarily. Of course, I tried baking (I nibbled a slice from the pie) - to try it is not necessary to eat a few pieces.

Stew can also be cooked on weekends, and there are with different side dishes almost all week. Cabbage rolls by the end of the week will become And vaasche - it should be easier, meals on weekdays should not be particularly elegant, otherwise the holiday will not feel :) 05.10.2005 22:28:17, AleXXX.


chicken and pork roast faster than beef, so beef is a weekend supper. If you bake a piece of meat on a wax or cook your tongue, it may be enough for a couple of days. Chicken thighs roast for 10-15 minutes, fillets - 5 minutes (+10 minutes for a side dish). Another option is to fry meat (minced meat) and vegetables quickly, mix and bring to the norm in the oven - if there is enough time before dinner, and you don’t want to stand at the stove.

On the weekend, I write a list of dishes for the week and, accordingly, what to buy so that I don’t go to the store on weekdays.
My child 3 times a week, classes end at 21-00 and at 21-30 you have to sleep, respectively, on these days the dinner preparation time is 15 minutes.
I will write the menu approximately, and then all these files are at home.
Buy beef bone 2.5 kg and 1 kg of pork.
Cut beef, cook bones (not bare), scroll meat. A portion of the minced meat portions (300 grams) is expanded into packages and in the freezer.
From pork cut off the 3 best pieces for frying, scroll the rest.
From the broth, remove the bones, pick them from the meat and scroll.
Mince beef + pork to make cutlets and put in the freezer (I'm both fried and raw).
All this takes about 2 hours on Sunday.
1. Broth for 2 cooking soup
2. Pork for frying
3. Cooked minced meat
4. Beef steak.
five . Cutlets. on the third day after the birth of the youngest I received from the children "fi": "why did you not bake pizza, but only cheese pies!" ... :))))
  I just gave birth at the maternity hospital, but I didn’t sit there, but left after 16 hours (in vain I succumbed to their persuasion - and did not leave the birth)
  so - the option is quite real :)))
  And so - well, by God - they will live (only two!) Three or five days ... do not worry! there are more serious problems :)))
  and so - I, too, only camels to mind. And, more cheesecakes.

i froze in front of the hospital - home-made manty, hedgehogs with rice, meatballs, lazy cabbage rolls, bought meat, cut it in strips, like beef stroganoff, in the same bag grated carrots and sliced ​​onions. then just from the bag into the pan, add salt and spices and simmer. You can freeze pancakes stuffed with meat or cabbage. I wish easy childbirth!)))

A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and disease, daily routine and the development of everyday skills. Dinner, we try to cook for 2 days (meatballs, chicken, noodles, potatoes), while one day a week, the mother-in-law prepares dinner, but ...


I try to cook the soup on Sunday, usually enough for 4-5 days. Dinner we try to cook for 2 days (cutlets, chicken, noodles, potatoes), while one day a week a mother-in-law prepares dinner, but every evening I try to stir up some vegetable such as salad, stewed vegetables. Breakfast is done quickly: it is porridge, which is quickly cooked, if buckwheat, then I pre-cook it in the evening (with dinner), or muesli + cereal with milk sometimes. And on Friday evening we are all going to visit grandparents with two overnight stays, and everything is much simpler there. But I try to come home at 18.00.

I have a part-time job. In the first half of the day. I do not cook for the future ... except what semi-finished products, blanks.