Vitamin salad for children. Vegetable salads for children

24.02.2019 Salads

Vegetable salads are introduced into the menu of children who have undergone supplements, from about 1 year old and older. They are well cause appetite, promote digestion, fill the body with various vitamins, macro-and microelements, acids, and fats.

General rules for cooking vegetable salads for children:

1. You need to cook them only from natural, high-quality products that do not contain chemicals.

2. Before use, it is better to soak well-washed raw vegetables for 10–15 minutes in cold water so that harmful substances accumulate in the skin. And after that it is desirable to pour them with boiling water.

3. It is better to make salads from a mixed, but small set of vegetables, so that 2-3 kinds of fruits are included in it.

4. Salads are mainly prepared from boiled or steamed, as well as raw vegetables.

5. You can add other useful products to salads: cottage cheese, eggs, fruits, cheeses, boiled meat, poultry or fish, etc.

6. Grinding vegetables for salads depends on the child's age criterion: from the 1st year - a shredder on a fine grater, from 1.5 years old - a shredder on a large grater, from 2 years old - a small slicing.

7. It is necessary to cut and season salads 7–10 minutes before consumption, so that they do not lose their beneficial properties and pleasant taste.

8. Serving salads is better before dinner or dinner for better assimilation of protein foods.

10. As a dressing for salads, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, low-fat cream or refined vegetable oils, for example, olive, sunflower or corn oil, are suitable.

11. In order for the food to be enjoyed by the baby, and he ate it with pleasure, you should give it an attractive appearance, that is, put it in the form of some geometric figure, in the shape of a man, an insect, an animal or a plant. And you can decorate this miracle with nuts and greens crushed into a crumb. Such a child will definitely appreciate the salad and be sure to eat.

The recipes are useful and very delicious salads  for children, quite a lot, but there are a few of those that almost all kids like.

Beet salad


Boiled beets - 30 g;

Prunes soaked in boiling water (without bone) - 10 g;

Sugar - 1.5 g;

Boiled chicken yolk - 1 pc .;

Crushed walnut  - 2 g .;

Sour cream - 10 g.


Boil the boiled beets on a fine grater. Soaked dried prunes chop with a knife into small pieces. Combine these ingredients. Add a fork of chicken yolk, crushed nuts, sour cream, granulated sugar, and mix everything until smooth - the salad is ready.

Salad "Golden Autumn"


White cabbage - 30 g;

Pumpkin - 10 g .;

Apple - 10 g .;

Carrots - 10 g .;

Sour cream - 15 g .;

Sugar - 1 g .;

Salt is a pinch.


Pulp soaked vegetables and fruit chop on a fine or medium grater, combine with yolk, mashed with a table fork in mashed potatoes, sour cream, sugar, salt, mix everything until smooth - the salad is ready.

Spring Salad


Radish - 10 g .;

Young cabbage - 10 g .;

Fresh cucumber - 10 g .;

Chives - 1–2 feathers;

Rhubarb - 10 g .;

Boiled chicken yolk - 1 pc .;

Sour cream - 15 g .;

Salt is a pinch.


Soaked vegetables, rinse again, get rid of roots, dry and chop. Radish, cabbage, cucumber and rhubarb chop on a fine or coarse grater, finely chop the onion, mash the yolk with a fork. Combine these products in a bowl, season with sour cream, salt and mix until smooth - the salad is ready.

Cucumber salad with eggs


Cucumber - 1 pc .;

Chicken egg (boiled boiled) - 1 pc .;

Dill - 2 branches;

Sour cream - 3 tbsp. L .;

Salt - to taste.


Soak the cucumber in water, dry off the dense green skin and cut into small cubes, crumble the dill, and finely chop the eggs. Combine these products in a bowl, season with sour cream, salt, mix - the salad is ready!

Do not be afraid to experiment, combine vegetables so that it is tasty and healthy. It is the fresh gifts of nature - berries and fruits - that will enhance the immunity of your child, thereby reducing the possibility of getting viral infections.
  Cook with love and be healthy!

Young children grow up, and their body requires special food, which would provide the necessary trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, berries, meat and foods rich in healthy carbohydrates should always be present in baby food. It would seem that the list is so large, which means that kids can do anything? But no, only healthy and nutritious meals should be present in the baby’s diet.

In addition to hot meals and sweets, so loved by children, few of the children will be able to refuse salads. And in them, as a rule, a variety of products are combined, and they usually refuel with fat, unhealthy mayonnaise. So how to be? We offer you several recipes where the most best salads for children, and refueling them replaced by more useful.

Salad with cucumber and egg

Even the most fastidious crumbs never refuse to crackle with fresh green cucumber, but it is more difficult to feed an egg to bullies. However, the benefits of protein for a growing organism are indisputable, therefore, parents have to go for various tricks. Such salvage wand will be children's salads with your favorite and not so much ingredients.

For the salad, we need:

  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 small;
  • Dill greens - 50 grams;
  • Chives - a pair of feathers;
  • Sour cream - 2-3 spoons;
  • Salt.


  1. Boil eggs, cool, peel the eggshell, cut with a knife into medium pieces;
  2. Wash cucumbers and cut into small cubes. If the baby is very picky about food, you can pre-remove the skin;
  3. Greens all well washed, dried in a towel. Then chop the onion into small circles, and chop the dill even smaller;
  4. Putting the salad in a plate: combine all the ingredients and add sour cream. Salt and mix.

We have a wonderful bright golden green salad, the use of which the kids are unlikely to want to give up. The number of ingredients is designed for 3-4 children's portions.

Sweet beet salad

Beetroot is given a special role in the nutrition of children, because it is a source of various vitamins, contributes to the improvement of vision, digestion, and increased immunity. Children's salads from this vegetable will help to quickly cope with constipation, which is a frequent problem in preschool children. And you can treat her to preschool children from the age of three.

For useful and tasty salad  (per serving) we need:

  • Beets - 100 grams;
  • Prunes - 50 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Yolk - 1 pc .;
  • Walnut - a few peeled halves;
  • Sour cream - a pair of spoons.


  1. Beetroot well wash and cook until soft. It is best to take small-sized vegetables, they will cook faster and be softer. After giving cool, remove the skin, cut off the top and bottom. Rub on a coarse grater;
  2. Prune well washed, then pour boiling water for 15 minutes. When zaparitsya, pour the liquid and cut the dried fruit into small slices;
  3. Finely chop the egg yolk with a knife;
  4. Walnut grind a rolling pin or hammer;
  5. We combine all the ingredients, add sour cream and some sugar. Stir and treat a small gourmet.

Festive Salad "Smeshariki"

Small children are always waiting for the holidays more adults and dream of a miracle. But most Christmas treats are not intended for their stomachs. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take care in advance of drawing up a menu for kids and think over tasty and healthy dishes. Children's salads will be appropriate during the holidays, especially if you arrange them as it should be. The dish in question is allowed from the age of 5 due to the content of the mushrooms, however, if desired, they can be abolished or replaced with another ingredient.

For the salad "Smeshariki" we need:

  • Potatoes - 200 grams;
  • Pork tongue - 150 grams;
  • Fresh champignons - 100 grams;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Natural yogurt - a few spoons;
  • Salt - to your taste.

To decorate:

  • Egg protein - 1 pc .;
  • Black olives - 2 pcs .;
  • Doctor sausage - 2-3 circles;
  • Carrots or Tomato - 1 slice.


  1. Potatoes for my salad, boil along with the skin. Cool and rub into grated shavings;
  2. Boil the pork tongue, let cool and also cut;
  3. Mushrooms thaw, wash and simmer in natural yogurt (can be replaced with sour cream);
  4. Wash carrots, boil and grate;
  5. Boil eggs, cool, remove the shell. Then separate the yolks and proteins, which are then chopped separately;
  6. For the sauce: mix natural yoghurt with salt.
  7. We collect the salad. We spread potatoes in the form of a circle, we coat with yogurt;
  8. Lay the sliced ​​tongue in the second layer and pour the sauce well;
  9. Then a line of champignons, which we do not forget to pour with impregnation;
  10. The fourth layer is our egg yolks and grated carrots doused with natural yogurt;
  11. And finally, sprinkle all with grated protein;
  12. Getting to the decoration: Cut out of the egg white two ovals and put them in the place of the intended location of the eyes. We cut one olive tree into thin stripes - these will be cilia, two cups are cut off from the other — future pupils of the eyes. We place them in the right place;
  13. Cut a semicircle from the carrot or tomato. We put them where they should;
  14. Cut out four identical rectangles from the sausage, at the ends of which we make notches - the claws. Two are located at the bottom - it will be the legs, and the remaining sides are the smesharika handles;
  15. Now it remains to cut the ears and noses, and what they will be - decide for yourself. Make semicircular wavy ears and a small round nose - Barash himself has come to visit you, if the triangular ears and the wide penny are Nyusha.

Sweet fruit salad

All children are famous dessert lovers. However, in sweets and cakes, the composition is not at all useful, so children's fruit salads will be an excellent alternative. There are no strict rules for their preparation, all available fruits in the house, nuts are served in the dishes. And as a dressing, you can use sour cream, sweet yogurt and even ice cream. The classic recipe of this dish looks like this:


  • Apples - 2 pcs .;
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs .;
  • Tangerines or oranges - 2-3 pcs .;
  • Bananas - 1-2 pcs .;
  • Pear sweet - 1 large;
  • Strawberries - 200 grams;
  • Fruit or ice cream yogurt - 1 cup.


  1. Rinse all fruits well. Peel citrus, kiwi and bananas, separate the grass from strawberries;
  2. Cut slices of bananas and kiwi, apples and pears into cubes, strawberries into 2-4 slices, and citrus fruits into small slices (if you use very small tangerines, you can put slices whole);
  3. Mix the ingredients and fill with yogurt. If we use ice cream as a sauce, then we strip it into small slices straight from the briquette to the salad. In the process of mixing the ice cream is podta and evenly distributed between the fruit. Additionally, you should not sweeten the dish, all the ingredients are sweet enough.

Salad "Christmas snowballs"

Almost all kids love chicken, and many of them will not give up spicy food, such as garlic. And it has an antibacterial effect and protects the body from viruses. So why not combine the useful and the favorite in the same plate? Beautiful and original salad like not only kids, but also their parents. And older children will enjoy playing “cooks” and help mom with the preparation of this unusual dish.

We will need:

  • Large chicken breast  - 1 PC.;
  • Canned sweet corn - 1 can;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 medium;
  • Sour cream or natural yogurt - 1 jar;
  • Salt and spices for the sauce - to your taste;
  • Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. L .;
  • Dill greens - 50 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 slices;
  • Sunflower oil - a pair of spoons.


  1. Chicken cut into slices, slightly salt. Heat the pan and fry the bird pieces in vegetable oil;
  2. And at this time we will prepare balls - snowballs. Hard cheese rubbed on a small grater, combine with cottage cheese;
  3. Dill greens washed, dried and chopped, add to the cheese and cottage cheese mixture;
  4. We clean the garlic, we press through the press, pour it there too;
  5. Add 1-2 tablespoons of natural yogurt or sour cream, salt it to your taste, mix and send the whole mass in the fridge;
  6. While we were preparing the basis for the "snowballs" the chicken managed to get ready, we spread it on paper napkins. To drain excess fat;
  7. Drain the liquid from the corn;
  8. My cucumbers, rubbed on a medium grater, cut into cubes or straws - as you wish;
  9. Combine chicken and vegetables in a salad bowl, pour over dressing and mix. Spread on portions of the bowl or bowls;
  10. During this time, the cheese and cottage cheese mixture has cooled, we take it out and form small balls - snowballs. We decorate them with salads.

Whichever of these salads you choose for holidays or weekdays, you can be sure of the correctness, usefulness and safety of the selected menu for your baby.

Carrots grated with grated juices

Peel carrots, grate, add sugar and cranberry juice. Fill up vegetable oil. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, cranberry juice - 3 ml.

Carrots rubbed with sour cream

Add carrots to washed, peeled and grated carrots. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g


Boil the carrots and potatoes, separate the beets, peel, cut into small pieces, add the washed, peeled and finely chopped fresh cucumbers, green onions. All vegetables mix, salt, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped, hard-boiled egg. You can add peeled and finely chopped apple to the vinaigrette. Beets - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 30 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green onions - 20 g, eggs - 1/4, vegetable oil - 5 g


Carrots, fresh cucumbers, apples, pears, oranges, peeled, cut into slices, mix, add green peas, chopped parsley. Season with sugar and sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, pears - 20 g, oranges (tangerines) - 20 g, green peas - 10 g, parsley - 2 g, sugar - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g .


Wash carrots, peel, grate, add grated, pre-peeled apple, pour in sugar, mix. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, sour cream - 10 g.

Beetroot with beetroot beetroot

Boiled and peeled beets with minced and washed prunes mince. Fill with sour cream. Beets - 15 g, prunes - 15 g, sour cream - 5 g


Thoroughly washed radishes cut into thin slices, add diced fresh cucumber, chopped leaf of green lettuce and a few chopped feathers of green onions. Fill with sour cream. Radish - 30 g, cucumber - 30 g, leaf lettuce - 10 g, green onion - 5 g, sour cream - 15 g


Washed and peeled carrots, fresh cabbage and apples chop or grate on a coarse grater. All mix, add green peas and sweet Bulgarian pepper. Salad dressing with vegetable oil and sugar. Carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green peas - 20 g, sweet pepper - 10 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 6 g


Leafy green lettuce to sort, wash, pour boiled water. When the water is drained, chop the salad, add the peeled and sliced ​​radishes and fresh cucumber. Season with sour cream mixed with finely chopped yolk of a hard-boiled egg, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and egg white on top. Salad - 30 g, radish - 20 g, cucumbers - 40 g, eggs - 1/2 pieces, sour cream - 10 g, dill - 2 g


To the green canned peas add boiled carrots and potatoes, cut into small cubes, finely chopped raw apple. Fill with sour cream. Green peas - 40 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 20 g, apples - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g


Wash the green onions, drain the water, finely chop and mix: finely chopped, hard-boiled egg, fill with sour cream. Green onions - 30 g, eggs - 1/2, sour cream -10 g


Cleaned white cabbage  rinse, finely chop, add a little lemon juice or diluted citric acid, mix and let stand for 2-3 hours, then season with sugar and vegetable oil. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with chopped dill. Cabbage - 100 g, sugar - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 g, dill - 2 g.


Wash cabbage, finely chop, mix with carrots grated on a large grater, grind. Add sugar, lemon or cranberry juice. Cabbage - 60 g, carrots - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, juice - 3 ml.


Wash the cabbage, finely chop, add sugar, slightly overheat, combine with pre-watered and washed prunes without chops and grated peeled carrots grated on a coarse grater. All re-eshat. Season with lemon juice or diluted citric acid Cabbage - 80 g, prunes - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, sugar - 3 g, monny juice - 3 ml.


White cabbage finely chop, mash with salt or lemon juice (diluted with citric acid) before extracting the juice, add chopped peeled apple, sprinkle with sugar, mix. Add sour cream or vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g


Finely chop the washed cabbage, hard-boiled eggs, finely chop, combine with the cabbage, add the finely chopped parsley, and mix. Fill with sour cream. Cabbage - 100 g, eggs - 1 pc., Parsley - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g.

Cabbage Salad with Sugar Beet *

Washed cabbage thinly chop, add peeled boiled beetroot grated on a coarse grater. Salad to fill with sugar, lemon juice, vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, beet - 40 g, sugar - 2 g, juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Cut boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots into small cubes, add canned green peas, chopped green onions, chopped fresh cucumber, chopped egg, hard-boiled, mix. Fill with sour cream. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - - 15 g, green peas - - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, sour cream - 10 g, egg - 1 pc.


Boil the potatoes in the peel, peel, cut into small cubes, add chopped fresh cucumber, a little chopped green onion, chopped egg, hard-boiled, mix. Season with vegetable oil or sour cream. Potatoes - 100 g, cucumbers - 20 g, onions - 10 g, egg - 1/4 pcs, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g


Peeled potatoes, peeled, cut into slices. From a tomato, previously dipped for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, remove the skin, remove the seeds and also cut it into slices. Potatoes and tomatoes a little salt and mix, season with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped, hard-boiled egg and chopped dill. Potatoes - 60 grams, tomatoes - 30 grams, sour cream - 10 grams, egg - 1/4 pcs, dill - 2 grams


Wash carrots, peel, grate, add green peas, berry or fruit juice. Season with vegetable oil. Carrots - 80 g, green peas, - 25 g, juice - 10 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g


Peeled and washed carrots grate on a fine grater, add garlic, pounded with salt, season with sour cream. Carrots - 50 g, garlic - 1 tooth, sour cream - 10 g


Washed cucumbers and tomatoes cut into small slices, add chopped green onions, lightly salt. Add sour cream or vegetable oil. Cucumbers - - 50 g, tomatoes - 50 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g

Fresh Cucumber Salad *

Wash fresh cucumber with a thin skin (coarsely cleaned after washing), cut into thin slices, put on a plate, lightly salt it. Before serving, season with sour cream mixed with mashed yolk of hard-boiled eggs, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Cucumbers - - 100 g, sour cream - 10 g, yolks - 1/2 pcs., Dill - 2 g.


Wash fresh tomatoes, cut into thin slices, cutting the stem. Peel green, or onions, finely chop, combine with tomatoes, a little salt. Season with vegetable oil or sour cream. Tomatoes - 100 g, onions - 10 g, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g.


Washed peeled tomatoes cut into slices, add peeled, sliced ​​apples, mix. Fill with sour cream. Tomatoes - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Washed peeled tomatoes and hard boiled eggs cut into slices, lay alternately on a plate, pour with lemon juice and vegetable oil, lightly salt. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Tomatoes - 80 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., Lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.

Beetroot SALAD **

Wash beets, boil or bake in the oven, peel, cut into small slices or straws, lightly salt. Season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beetroot - 100 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5g.


Peeled boiled beets and apple chop into straws or grate on a coarse grater, season with sugar, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beets - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g


Boil beets, peel, cut into small cubes. Pour the nuts for 10-15 minutes with hot water, then chop, dry the kernels in the oven for 6-7 minutes, chop and add to the beets. Stir, season with sour cream mixed with cranberry juice, garnish with parsley. Beets - 50 g, nuts - 10 g, sour cream - 5 g, cranberry juice - 5 g


Wash beets, boil, peel, grate, add canned green peas, chopped fresh cucumber. Season with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, green peas - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, vegetable oil - 5 g

Beetroot Beetroot Salad *

Peel the boiled beets, grate on a fine grater, add the finely chopped sour apple and washed raisins, mix. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Beets - 60 g, apples - 20 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2g.


Washed beetroot boil, peel, grate on a coarse grater, mix with plums, from which the bones are previously removed. Season with cranberry or cranberry juice, sour cream, and sugar. Beets - 60 g, plums - 45 g, juice - 5 ml, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g


Peeled boiled or baked beets, grate on a coarse grater, add an apple, grated together with the peel, chopped cucumber, chopped green onions and parsley, mix. Season with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, apples - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, onions - 5 g, parsley - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g


Peeled and washed carrots grate a large grater, chop an apple and fresh cucumber into straws, chop the tomato into slices, wash the green salad and chop. Mix all the vegetables, fill with sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, apples - 20 g, cucumbers - 25 g, tomatoes - 25 g, green salad - 10 g, sour cream - 10 g

Pumpkin SALAD **

Peel pumpkin and seeds, wash, grate on a fine grater, add sour apple and sugar, grated on a large grater, dress with lemon or any other sour juice. Pumpkin - 100 g, apples - 80 g, sugar - 10 g, juice - 5 ml.


Grate the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater and simmer in a small amount of water with sugar and citric acid until the pumpkin becomes transparent. Then pour it with a mixture of vegetable oil, citric acid solution and honey and put in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Pumpkin - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, honey - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel the pumpkin, wash it and grate it on a coarse grater, add the tomato and finely chopped green onions, sliced ​​into thin slices. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Pumpkin - 60 g, tomatoes - 40 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.

Pumpkin And Beetroot Salads *

Grate the peeled pumpkin and beets on a coarse grater, add the raisins washed and scalded with boiling water, mix and sour with the sour cream. Pumpkin - 70 g, beets - 30 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g

Salad from sorrel with carrots and apples **

Wash the washed sorrel and chop, add grated carrots and apples grated on a coarse grater, chopped green onion, chopped garlic clove, season with sour cream. Sorrel - 20 g, carrots - 30 g, apples - 30 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream -10 g.


Washed and peeled apples grate on a coarse grater, add finely chopped, presoaked and washed prunes, from which the bones are removed, fill with honey or sugar. Apples - 70 g, prunes - 30 g, honey -10 g or sugar - 8 g


To boiled peeled shrimps add boiled and diced carrots, potatoes, washed and cut into small pieces fresh cucumber, green peas, sliced ​​peeled apple, mix. Fill with vegetable oil. Shrimps - 50 g, carrots - 15 g, potatoes - 15 g, green peas - 10 g, cucumbers - 15 g, apples - 15 g, vegetable oil - 5 g


To defrost the “Ocean” pasta, put it in the pan, pour a little hot water and pour it in for 10 minutes. Boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots cut into cubes, add diced fresh cucumber and hard-boiled egg, green peas, combine with chilled steamed pasta "Ocean", over-stir, lightly salt. Fill with vegetable oil. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, green peas -10 g, eggs - 1/4, pasta "Ocean" - 15 g, vegetable oil - 10 g.


Dice boiled and peeled potatoes, egg, add fresh cucumbers, apples, green peas, sliced ​​into slices, mix everything. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with parsley. Potatoes - 40 g, eggs - 1/4, cucumbers - 30 g, apples - 30 g, green peas - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2 g


Washed and peeled apples and pears cut into slices, add chopped melon, watermelon, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries. Mix fruits, fill with sour cream, honey or fruit syrup. Apples - 30 g, pears - 30 g, other fruits - 20 g each, sour cream or honey - 30 g.

  * - for children over two years old

Vladislav Gennadievich LIFLANDSKY - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

  Viktor Veniaminovich Zakrevsky - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

E. V. Khmelkova FSBEI HE "Vyatka State Humanitarian University"
  Annotation. The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of social and communicative development of children in the process of interaction of children with their parents in modern studies on pedagogy and psychology.
  Keywords: social and communicative development, preschool age, socialization, family education, communication.
  The most important tasks of education in the concept of modernization of Russian education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society. The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, and this means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility to nurture such qualities among the younger generation. In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of a child in interaction with the world around it - becomes particularly relevant at this present stage.

Psychological workshop of correctional and developmental activities with children 6–7 years old when preparing children for school

Modern children live in an era full of contradictions, full of information, constant changes, transience of events. Live communication with adults or other children is gradually being replaced for them by watching television, movies, and computer games. The behavior of the child often repeats what he sees on the screen. Children become impulsive, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, to understand their own feelings and feelings of others. At the same time, the problem of children's readiness for school does not lose its acuteness, and it becomes especially relevant in connection with the transition of the school to work according to new educational standards. The results of subsequent schooling largely depend on its solution. The lowering of the age of commencement of studies in the Russian school to six years has led to the fact that many children who entered the school turned out to be psychologically unprepared for it, which was manifested in the problems associated with the education of six-year-olds. At the same time, not all seven-year-old children are ready for school. The problem of increasing the level of readiness for school arises especially acutely in connection with the introduction of new standards in elementary school and therefore we offer a developed program of correctional and educational activities to increase the level of visual-figurative thinking and the emotional and motivational components of school readiness among preschoolers.

Child's readiness for schooling and the problem of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a child's psychological readiness for schooling

1.1. Theoretical aspects of the problem of children's psychological readiness for school

The problem of psychological readiness for school has recently become very popular among researchers of various specialties. Psychologists, educators, physiologists study and justify the criteria for readiness for school, argue about the age at which it is most advisable to begin to teach children at school. The interest in this problem is explained by the fact that figuratively the psychological readiness for schooling can be compared with the foundation of a building: a good strong foundation is a guarantee of the reliability and quality of future construction.
The foundations for studying the problem of psychological readiness for school were laid in the works of L. I. Bozhovich, L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elkonin. N. I. Gutkina, E. E. Kravtsova, T. A. Nezhnova, K. N. Polivanova, G. A. Tsukerman and others, as well as foreign scientists, whose experience was in demand in our country G. Depaul, SC Donough, Ch. Hook, A. Ms. Sameroff et al.

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Hazardous components

When it comes to shampoos, gels and body creams, foams and facial lotions, we are ready to spend the last money, convincing ourselves and others in the importance and significance of such purchases. For us, this is a kind of ritual that must be performed at least once a month - and this, by the way, is a scientifically proven fact.
  Today it is hard to imagine how women would maintain beauty without all of this arsenal, which barely fits on the dresser. After all, we believe in the power of such products almost unconditionally, despite the fact that many means still do not justify the hopes we place on them. Recently, experts who are engaged in a thorough study of ultra-modern beauty products are concerned that in their composition there are more and more often elements that bring harm not only to our appearance, but also to health, instead of the benefits promised by the manufacturer. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such dangers, you need to clearly know the products with which composition should be avoided, so as not to face unpleasant consequences.