Bovine testes. Bovine eggs - recipes

17.04.2019 Snacks

The fact that there are dishes from bovine eggs, I did not even know until 2002, when on vacation in Koktebel my companion ordered this delicacy in local restaurant... It is true that it was they, I did not know, tk. I entrusted the choice of dishes for our last evening in Crimea to a man. I did not attach any importance to the slight half-smile and raised eyebrow of the waitress who was taking the order, when she asked a little surprised: "and the lady?" And she did the right thing: the dish turned out to be amazingly great! So much so that I wanted to personally thank the chef and, if I'm lucky, get a recipe.

Fortunately, the cook turned out to be a pleasant person to talk to, and told where to get and how to cook bovine eggs, the recipe for exactly the dish that we ordered and a few others.
Since that time, at least once a year, when I manage to get hold of this delicacy, I will definitely cook the most varied dishes from bovine eggs. Today I will show you my favorite recipe for making bovine eggs - with sour cream and onions.

So, the ingredients for 1 serving:

  • bovine eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • onion - 1 piece
  • parsley (leaves) - 10 g
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • juice from half a lemon
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method

Step 1

The very recipe for making bovine eggs is very simple and easy. Some difficulty for beginners is only their cutting, because in shops and in the market they are sold in a form unsuitable for immediate use. Today I will describe and show you in great detail how to prepare bovine eggs for further processing. First, we cut off the upper part of the film covering the testis in the place where the egg is attached to ... the bull.


Then, with a sharp knife, cut the film lengthwise and carefully separate it from the meat. This should be done carefully and slowly, because the inside of the egg has a very delicate consistency. If you overdo it, it can just turn into a mess.


As a result, we get such cute bovine eggs, the preparation of which will go on quite simply.


We cut each lengthwise into 4 parts.


We rinse thoroughly in cold water, but we do it very carefully. All manipulations with eggs are generally recommended to be done gently: with those that you think, and with bovine, and with chicken, and with any others. We drain the first water, fill in the slices clean water and leave to soak for another 10-15 minutes. We wash it again, put it on a drushlag, let the water drain.


In the meantime, we squeeze the juice from half a lemon, fill it with slices of eggs, add salt. Add pepper and other spices if desired.


After 10 minutes, pour quite a bit of oil into a preheated frying pan - about 1 tablespoon, and lay out the bovine eggs.


Cooking them is akin to cooking mushrooms - at first a lot of liquid is released, which should be completely evaporated during the frying process, and the pieces themselves during this time greatly decrease in size. When they become pale golden in color, take out, add a couple more spoons to the pan vegetable oil, fry the onion cut into half rings or slices in it until yellow color... Add sour cream and parsley.


Stir, let it boil and put the fried eggs in the sauce. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes over medium heat. The dish is ready! I hope you can indulge yourself and your man with this exquisite and very expensive (in restaurants) delicacy, who will not be in the way of additional testosterone! After all, now you know the main thing: how to cook bovine eggs, and if you don't like sour cream, for example, you can find another recipe.

Richard Spencer. Daily Telegraph.

You are unlikely to salivate at the menu of the hottest establishment in Beijing that attracts an ever-increasing army of gourmets, but rather it will make you cry.

Chinese cooking is famous for seeing everything with your own eyes, from skinned dogs in food markets to bun-baked scorpions sold on the street. However, this does not make things any easier when describing the Guo-li-zhuang restaurant.

Housed in an elegant, newly renovated building near West Lake in Beijing, this is the first dedicated Chinese phallic restaurant.

Here businessmen and government officials can taste the genitals of yaks, donkeys, bulls and even seals. In fact, nothing else is left for them: all dishes include penises, with the exception of those made from the testes of animals.

"This is my third time here," said one of the customers, Liu Qiang. "Of course, there are other restaurants serving individual animal penises. But this is the first time they are on offer."

The owner of Guo-li-zhuang, which opened in November, is proud to combine his own surname Guo (Guo), the surname of his wife Li (Li) and the nickname of his son Zhuang (Zhuang) in the name of the restaurant.

The order is taken by a specially trained waitress and nutritionist who explains the menu items and touts the food for medical purposes.

In China, it is believed that you are what you eat. Zhu Yan, a female nutritionist who served a reporter for The Daily Telegraph, said that clients are mostly men who are eager to enlarge their penis or increase potency. But women can benefit from these meals too, although she told our female photojournalist: "I wouldn't recommend testicles. Testosterone can affect fertility. But many ladies say penises work well on skin."

Some dishes seem unremarkable - for example, a simple goat penis, chopped into pieces, doused in flour, fried and served on skewers with soy sauce.

However, Guo-li-zhuang has signature dishes with beautiful names: Jade Crown Head (horse penises from the western Muslim province of Xin Jiang) £ 20 a serving, or Dragon in the Flame of Desire (a yak penis, steamed whole, then fried and doused with sauce) £ 35 per serving.

The first we tried the penis of the Russian Shepherd Dog. It was cut into strips and had a pretty strong odor.

The bovine penis of the six was the most recognizable, despite being cut into pieces. In structure, it resembled cartilage.

The penises of the Mongolian deer and goat were remarkably similar: slightly sinewy, they looked and tasted like digested squid tentacles. The horse penis from Xinjiang was not at all like a donkey's penis: both were served cut into slices and resembled bacon, but the horse penis was light and fat, while the donkey's penis had a darker color and a different taste. The eggs tasted a little loose and tasted better with the plentiful sesame seeds, soy and chilli sauce on the table.

One of special dishes- Canadian Seal Penis - costs a whopping 220 pounds and requires pre-order.

The waitress, Ms. Liu, admitted that Guo-li-zhuang is an unusual place to work, especially considering she has to constantly talk about the fabulous potency of the animals she eats and discuss essentially what she brings on the platter. “At first I was very embarrassed,” she says. “Sometimes clients took advantage of their guest position and asked me obscene questions.”

Regarding the alleged health benefits, Mr. Liu, the most frequent customer, is not sure about this, but he hopes there is a benefit. "I cannot say that I have already noticed any changes. But this is a long process."

Bovine eggs are a healthy by-product that few people dare to try. The psychological factor plays an important role. V Eastern countries testes are popular. Considered a delicacy, served to noble persons. Nutritionists say that the benefits and harms of bovine eggs in vain did not interest the inhabitants of the CIS. Learn more about the properties of the product.

Is it okay to eat bull eggs

Eggs are often not perceived as complete. healthy dish... The offal is a delicacy in Eastern countries, it is often put on top of pilaf, they know about the benefits. Not everyone knows about the properties of testes. Doctors and nutritionists say that they are not only allowed, but should be consumed. It is a source of protein, many essential useful elements.

Not everyone likes the taste, but if you cook it correctly, the desire to eat again, to taste the dish may appear. Particular attention should be paid to the choice, preparation for processing eggs. Otherwise, the product may show harmful properties.

Before use, it is important to consider the presence of intolerance to the product. At the same time, eggs, due to their benefits, are used for prevention, complex treatment diseases.

Chemical composition and calorie content of bovine eggs

  • useful substance - choline;
  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • zinc, manganese, copper, iron;
  • chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, nickel.

100 g of the product contains 230 calories, as well as 13 g of protein, 20 g of fat, only 0.1 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of bovine eggs

O useful properties bovine eggs are said by nutritionists, they are advised to use protein product to maintain health in moderation. The benefits of testes for the human body:

  1. Energy source. Protein is well absorbed by the body.
  2. The product benefits the body during the recovery period, the postoperative period. Doctors recommend including it in the diet.
  3. They have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system.
  4. Good for the health of the nervous system.
  5. It is recommended to use them to restore, maintain the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. They tend to maintain the elasticity of the skin.
  7. The composition contains almost all the necessary minerals for the normal functioning of all body systems.
  8. The product is indicated for diets, contains a large number of protein, contains a small amount of calories.

For women

Women can benefit from bovine eggs. Particular attention should be paid to those who want to reset excess weight... A small part of animal proteins is well absorbed by the body. Bovine testes are easy to digest. Calorie content allows you to enter into the diet without fear of returning the lost kilograms.

Healthy offal used by cosmetics manufacturers. This is due to the fact that it has the ability to smooth out fine wrinkles. Benefits for smoothing the skin during prophylaxis.

Important! The skin takes on fresh look, when eating bovine eggs inside.

For men

The benefits of bovine eggs for men is a controversial topic. Testes have a positive effect on the male reproductive function... The property is manifested due to the content of hormones. However, the substances are found in raw testes. After heat treatment, all hormones, most of the beneficial elements are destroyed.

Attention! Use raw eggs eating a bull is harmful. Organs are often contaminated. In this case, you will not be able to benefit from them.

Cooking bovine eggs

Cook different ways... Delicacy can be an independent dish, ingredient, the benefit does not diminish from this. Not everyone likes it, so there are cooking secrets. The cleaning process is important. Some chefs prepare bovine eggs in such a way that it is impossible to accurately determine the composition of the dish. Someone prefers to leave an unusual flavor of the delicacy in the dish.

To receive delicious dish testes:

  • boiled;
  • fried;
  • steamed;
  • added to soups, pilaf, side dishes.

How to peel bovine eggs

Before starting cooking, a healthy offal is prepared:

  1. It is important to peel the skin. The film is slippery, it will spoil the taste ready meal, will give a bitterness, there is no benefit in it.
  2. Dry before cutting. This helps to remove the film faster, easier.
  3. An incision is made along the length of the testis. The depth should be 0.5 cm. The film is not very thin, so it does not tear easily, but it should be removed slowly. This is done to avoid damaging the egg itself.
  4. If there is time, the product is simply left in cold water overnight. The film will be removed if the bull was young.
  5. Sometimes from offal comes bad smell... There is an opportunity to get rid of it. To remove the smell, leave cold water for a day, then in the usual way remove the film.
  6. Soak again in water with lemon, ice.

How to fry bovine eggs deliciously

Fry delicious bovine testes easily. This requires a minimum of effort.

Thanks to modern technologies there is an opportunity to see in more detail how to cook bovine eggs in the video.


  • 2 eggs;
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • tomato (1 pc.);
  • carrots (1pc., small);
  • mushrooms to taste;
  • cream (0.5 l);
  • garlic to taste;
  • paprika;
  • pepper (mixture);
  • dried herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cognac or dry wine (1 tbsp. l);
  • greens to taste.


  1. Eggs are washed, the film is removed in a convenient way. Then washed again under running water.
  2. Carrots, onions are peeled, chopped in a convenient way (usually in half rings).
  3. Tomatoes are cut into quarters.
  4. The onions are fried.
  5. The testes are crushed in medium pieces.
  6. Carrots are fried.
  7. Mushrooms are added.
  8. The contents of the pan are covered with spices and herbs.
  9. Pour tomatoes.
  10. Pour cream into ready-made vegetables.
  11. Pouring alcohol.
  12. When everything boils, they throw in the greens and once bring to a boil.

How and how much to cook bull eggs

It doesn't take a lot of time to boil bovine eggs. The average cooking time is 7 minutes. In this case, the majority remains desired properties... In order for the dish to be tender, fragrant, you need to additionally stew, fry the product with vegetables, spices, herbs. Then the dish will be of more use.

Eggs are peeled before cooking. Then they are thrown into water, boiled for about 7 minutes.

Attention! So that the testes are tender, soft, acquire new ones positive properties, they are pre-soaked in milk.

What to do after boiling:

  1. After finishing boiling bovine eggs, you need to rinse cold water, remove the formed film.
  2. Cut the product if not done before cooking.
  3. Before laying out vegetables in a pan, wipe off, remove excess water.
  4. Prepare vegetables. The most suitable options that reveal the taste of bovine eggs are onions, carrots, zucchini, Provencal herbs.
  5. Vegetables are chopped, fried.
  6. Boiled testes are added.
  7. It is recommended to pour the dish with mayonnaise (cream or tomato), and then stew it once.

Harm of bovine eggs and contraindications

Contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance. But to avoid negative consequences it is recommended to carefully process the product before use.

It is not enough to cook the testes tasty. You need to choose the right one, store it. Then the by-products will be tasty, healthy, and not harmful.

When buying, it is important:

  • pay attention to the color of the product, it should be bright pink;
  • on fresh eggs bright streaks are visible;
  • they are elastic, odorless at all;
  • the stale product has a gray, green tint, smell, soft (it contains only harmful properties, therefore it is undesirable to make such a purchase).

It is impossible to store a healthy offal for a long time. It is suitable for food only 12 hours without a refrigerator. This is explained big amount moisture, microorganisms. Eggs are kept in the refrigerator for only 8 hours, then transferred to the freezer for three days. Testes are wrapped in polyethylene, foil.

For three days they are stored at a temperature not higher than 0, 6 degrees - up to 36 hours, 8 o C - a day.

You need to defrost it gradually, at a temperature not higher than 16 degrees.

To increase shelf life, not to lose value:

  • eggs are rubbed with lemon juice;
  • moistened with salt, milk;
  • treated with antibiotics, ultraviolet light, salicylic acid.

Properties change.


The benefits and harms of bovine eggs are not so interesting for meat lovers. Useful offal is rarely used in the diet. Doctors say the properties are underestimated. Useful micronutrients are able to quickly restore the body after illness and surgery. Bovine testes are good for diet food, are used in cosmetology.

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Firstly, it is believed that having tasted the testes of a bull, a person also receives the vitality of this powerful animal. The second reason is simpler: competently prepared testicles are incredibly tasty and are liked by everyone who loves the liver, kidneys, and lungs. The dishes made from them are surprisingly tender and juicy. By the way, this diet food: its calorie content is only 235 kcal per 100 g. There are the most a variety of recipes dishes with bovine eggs, so that everyone will find a dish to their liking.

Bovine eggs are most commonly found in recipes with these five foods:

One of the main advantages of the product is that its active cooking time is short. Testes do not require long-term heat treatment... In half an hour you can cook from them great dish, which is not a shame to put even on festive table... Bovine eggs can be boiled, but it is tastier to bake, stew or fry them. This ingredient goes well with vegetables, potatoes, cereals and herbs. Eggs make delicious kebabs that can surprise and please even the most discerning gourmet... Just keep in mind that the testes are very fried during the cooking process. You should take two pieces per serving.

Fried beef testes with pasta for the second

We offer to your judgment original dish which is a delicacy in many countries. In the common people, beef testes are bovine eggs, but in restaurants you will not find such a name.

Cooking time: 40 minutes, 4 servings

Roasted Beef Testes Recipe:

  • Bovine testes - 900 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Bulb onions (large) - 1 pc
  • Garlic (cloves) - 3 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • Black pepper (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)

How to cook bovine eggs

  1. The main thing in this dish: fresh food(choose elastic color pink with blue veins of medium size testes). Beef testes cannot be found in supermarkets; they are sold only in meat trading stalls. Feel free to check the freshness of the product, as the taste of the finished dish depends on it.
  2. The cleaning phase takes the most time and requires dexterity and perseverance. Making a cut along the length of the sharp knives, gently grasping the edge, use the knife to begin to separate the thick enough skin. The main thing is not to rush so that the minced meat does not turn out. We wash the cleaned testes under a stream of running water.
  3. Along the finished cut, divide the testis into 2 halves and slowly cut each into slices (like an orange). We wash the prepared parts thoroughly so that there is no white liquid.
  4. Meanwhile, we put water on the stove and add as it boils Bay leaf, salt and garlic. Put the washed pieces of bovine testes into boiling water. As the foam appears, remove it with a spoon. Cook for about 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings and fry a little in butter. We wash boiled bovine testes under hot water so that the taste does not spoil. Put in a pan (you can add a little butter), add the already fried onions and peppers. After extinguishing for a couple of minutes, add sour cream and leave to simmer over low heat, covered with a lid, for about 10 minutes.

The dish is ready! It can be served with vegetables or pasta.