Breathalyzer readings are values ​​permissible while driving. Alcohol Per Mille: Current Information

A person who dares to drive a few hours after drinking hard liquor is a danger to himself, other road users and pedestrians. It is for this reason that traffic police officers have the right to force any driver suspected of drinking alcohol while driving or just before driving a car to take a content test. ethyl alcohol in exhaled air or blood. If it turns out that the permissible level of alcohol while driving has been exceeded, you can count on a fairly long-term deprivation of the driver's license.

Not only alcohol

Until September 1, 2013, according to the law (Art. 12.8 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), drivers could be punished even for the content of 0.01 ppm alcohol in the exhaled air. Today, according to the new law (amendment to Art. 12.8 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), this figure is 0.16 ppm, and this is already the optimal solution.

The fact is that a certain dose of alcohol in the blood and air accumulates in the human body during metabolic processes, as well as within a few hours due to the use of certain products and means:

  • fermented milk products;
  • kvass;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • overripe citrus and other fruits;
  • jam or jam with an exceeded shelf life;
  • alcoholic herbal tinctures;
  • some drugs.

If any of the above is in the driver's stomach, after some period the permissible blood alcohol level will be exceeded - insignificantly, but the breathalyzer will show it. It was in order to reduce the number of unfair decisions of the traffic police, leading to unjustified punishments, that the amendment was adopted, canceling the so-called "zero per thousand". And that is why today it is possible to enjoy kvass or kefir without fear of exceeding the ethanol content in the blood.

Allowable amount

The unit per mille is the person's definition of how much alcohol is in the driver's blood sample. You can get behind the wheel, as indicated above, with a volume of not more than 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and not more than 0.35 ppm in blood. This indicator means: the maximum allowed dose was drunk, after which it is already assumed that the breathalyzer will fairly record the violation. Knowing the specific allowed amount per mille, each person can roughly calculate how much alcohol he can drink in order to get behind the wheel without the danger of being fined and deprived of his license, as well as after what time the drunk intoxicated drink will disappear from the body.

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What kind of alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a desire to "get drunk" the next day after taking alcoholic beverages?

What system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol sufficient?

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There are many things that need to be taken into account when calculating:

  • drunk dose;
  • the regularity of alcohol intake;
  • age, weight and gender of the driver;
  • the presence or absence of concomitant diseases;
  • normal course of metabolism.

For example, from the body of a middle-aged man weighing no more than 75 kg, a bottle of beer of standard volume will be excreted in 1 hour up to 0.21 ppm, and completely within 3 hours. If for a man weighing at least 100 kg after 100 grams of vodka it is possible to recover within 3 hours, his "drinking companion" weighing 60 kg will sit down to drive vehicle it will be possible only in 5-6 hours, otherwise he risks running into a fine and even deprivation of rights after a pleasant pastime. In general, if you need to drive in the morning, in the evening (no later than 21:00) you can afford no more than a mug of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of vodka. After such volumes, the next day the breathalyzer will not record that the permitted dose has been exceeded.

To get behind the wheel in the morning without the danger of getting caught by the traffic police and "earn" deprivation of rights, in the evening men can drink no more than 25 ml of vodka, 240 ml of wine, and 50 ml of red dessert wine. For women, the allowed rate is vodka - 20-21 ml, beer - 200 ml, wine - 40 ml. Only after such doses the breathalyzer will not be a threat. In this case, it is important not only how much a person drank a few hours before driving, but also how he rested during the night (approximately from 21:00 to 07:00). Symptoms such as headache, attention disorder, dizziness, nausea and weakness serve as a warning, and in the case of a “catch” of a drunk person by traffic police officers, they are proof of one simple fact: alcohol driving is necessarily followed by problems.


For staying after alcohol abuse while driving a car, the driver is prosecuted under Art. 12.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. If the breathalyzer detects more than 0.37 in the blood, and more than 0.16 ppm in the exhaled air, the offender can receive a fine of up to 30,000 rubles and deprivation of a driver's license for up to 2 years - provided that the incident occurred for the first time.

"Repeat offender" who decided to re-drive in drunk, you can safely count on a fine of up to 50,000 rubles and deprivation of driving license for 3 years. Additionally, the driver, who was caught by the breathalyzer at the crime scene with a large dose (from 0.16 to 0.21 ppm) of ethanol in the blood, has every chance of getting a prison sentence of 15 days.

A driver caught with alcohol while driving and refusing to determine by a medical examination how much ethyl alcohol is in his body faces a fine (30,000 rubles) and deprivation of rights (for 2 years).

Data on some regulations

Quantity permissible alcohol driving is 0.37 ppm in blood or 0.16 in exhaled air. How many and what kind of drinks will be drunk to achieve the maximum result, individually in each case. For example, the so-called non-alcoholic beer raises the alcohol level to 0.21 ppm, and to decrease the indicator you do not have to wait several hours - the breathalyzer will demonstrate a normal level of ethanol in the blood and air literally in 15-21 minutes.

It is important to remember that modern devices for measuring how much alcohol a person drank before driving a vehicle is very accurate. It is almost impossible to deceive them, they catch serious alcohol that did not have time to disappear a few hours before the check, and low alcohol drinks taken just now. The modern breathalyzer is accurate and unforgiving; a fine and deprivation of the rights of unreasonable drivers caught with a hangover or for taking alcohol while driving is based on its "authoritative opinion".

The amendment canceling the zero ppm law was great news for people who do not shrink from drinking, but are forced to restrict themselves due to the need to drive a car. New law does not prohibit driving a person who has drunk kvass or non-alcoholic beer, as well as more serious alcohol, provided that a certain period has passed since its adoption. And what the law does not prohibit, it permits - driving with an ethyl alcohol content in the body of up to 0.16 ppm (0.21 - if you do not get the traffic police).

A driver's blood alcohol content can be determined in two ways. This is the detection of its presence in the blood and in the air exhaled by a person. The content in the blood of drivers is checked in the clinic using an analysis from a vein. The presence of alcohol in the exhaled air of people driving is measured on the spot with a breathalyzer. The amount of alcohol is expressed in units such as ppm. The ratio between milligram per liter and ppm is 0.45. For drivers, there are certain norms for the content of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air, for exceeding which they face a fine.

What is the acceptable level of alcohol in the blood

A person who is intoxicated is prohibited from driving a vehicle. The amount of alcohol in the blood, for exceeding which there is an administrative fine under the new law, is 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ppm.

If we consider it as the amount of alcohol, then the permissible alcohol rate is 33 g pure alcohol for 80 kg of the average weight of a person. For men and women, the permitted value will be different. The table shows an approximate calculation of ppm in human blood after drinking drinks of a particular strength and the reaction of the breathalyzer:

How much alcohol was drunk in ml Strength of the drink How many hours have passed since consumption Concentration in blood Conclusion on the state of intoxication
Man 200 12 2 0,187 The fact of drinking alcohol has been established, clear signs intoxication not identified
Female 200 12 2 0,312 You can get behind the wheel after 1 hour
Man 200 25 2 0,763 Driving allowed after 3 hours
Female 200 25 2 1,025 Driving is allowed after 5 hours
Man 100 40 3 0,541 It is recommended to get behind the wheel not earlier than after 2 hours
Female 100 40 3 0,751 You can drive a car after 3 hours

To find out exactly how much alcohol-containing products you can drink, it is recommended to examine the label on the bottle. By comparing the ratio of its own weight, volume and strength, it will be possible to determine after what time it is allowed to drive a vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that in men, alcohol is processed faster in the blood than in women. The processing of alcohol by the body also directly depends on the metabolic rate of a person, individual characteristics.

How long alcohol lasts in the blood and what it depends on - exact calculation according to the table

What is the punishment for exceeding the norm of drunk alcohol?

Driving while intoxicated is subject to different kinds penalties under the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia (Article 12.8). When a drunk driver is detained by traffic police officers, the vehicle is taken and placed in a special paid parking lot. For violation of the law, the following penalties are envisaged:

  • If a person, being in a state of intoxication while driving a car, did not commit a criminal offense, then a fine of 30 thousand rubles is imposed on him and his driver's license is withdrawn for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.
  • Transferring vehicle control to a person whose blood alcohol concentration has exceeded the minimum allowed amount is punished in the same way as in the first case.
  • If a person's breathalyzer shows an exceeded content of alcohol vapors in the exhaled air and the driver does not have a driver's license or was previously deprived of the right to drive, then the punishment includes arrest for up to 15 days or a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

You cannot, while driving, use any narcotic, psychotropic and other substances that cause narcotic or alcoholic intoxication. In the case of the established fact of drug intoxication by the driver or finding out that the consumed dose of alcoholic beverages is higher than the permissible one, administrative responsibility is imposed on him.

How many ppm in various drinks

Modern breathalyzers show the presence of alcohol in the blood of motorists with minimal error. Therefore, before deciding to drink alcohol, the driver must know how much ppm is in different drinks and roughly calculate acceptable level for yourself. The table below shows the ppm content of commonly consumed alcoholic products:

The allowed alcohol share is calculated taking into account the person's weight, the time elapsed after taking the drink, gender. If the driver feels sober, this does not mean that there are no residual effects in his blood after drinking.

The maximum allowable ppm while driving a car in 2019 is 0.16 ppm in exhaled air, or about 0.3 ppm in the driver's blood.

For 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed amendments to the Administrative Code, according to which confirmation of the state alcoholic intoxication will be the result of a blood test with a content of 0.3 ppm and higher. This method will be used if the motorist is too drunk or for some other reason cannot use the breathalyzer.

Per mille driving rate in 2019

In year yellow dog the rate of ppm in exhaled air while driving a car will not change and is 0.16 ppm. Until 2019, the measurement was carried out exclusively with the help of a breathalyzer, and any indicator exceeding the permitted one leads to a fine and deprivation of rights. No limitation on the blood alcohol threshold of a motorist has been legally established.

Now this point will be corrected, and when analyzing the driver's blood, it will be enough to find 0.3 ppm there, for administrative responsibility to take effect. It should be understood that 0.3 ppm is quite a bit, and you won't be able to take a special drink before traveling by car.

Depending on the weight, for an adult healthy person for a result of 0.3 ppm, the following amount of alcohol is required:

As you can see from the table, a shot of vodka or a glass of beer is already enough to make it dangerous to drive. In addition, the breathalyzer may show increased levels of alcohol in the exhaled air after consuming the following products:

  • Nonalcoholic beer.
  • Fruit juices and fruit drinks.
  • Candy with cognac and liqueur confectionery with alcohol.
  • Kefir, yoghurts, tan and other fermented milk products.
  • A number of medicines, tinctures and alcohol-based medicines.
  • Overripe bananas.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Mouth fresheners.

Unlike alcoholic beverages, alcohol from food is quickly processed and excreted from the body. After 15-40 minutes, this amount of alcohol can no longer be detected either with a breathalyzer or a blood test. But one bottle of beer can take up to 4-6 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, gender, weight and other indicators.

Drunk driving punishment

In 2018, the punishment for drunk driving remains the same as last year. At the same time, new changes in legislation, toughening of traffic rules and administrative liability for drunkenness while driving are possible during the year.

At the beginning of 2018, the following liability is provided for the extra ppm while driving:

  1. At the first fact of violation, the punishment is a fine of 30,000 rubles, as well as deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one and a half to two years.
  2. In case of a repeated violation, the amount of the fine increases to 50,000 rubles, and the rights will be deprived for three years.
  3. In the event that a person who has already been fined and disenfranchised is again drunk while driving, he will be arrested for 10-15 days. All this time, the person will be in a prison cell.
  4. The transfer of control of a vehicle to a person who is intoxicated (it does not matter: a person is deprived of rights, has them or did not receive them at all), threatens the owner of the car with liability similar to driving while drunk on his own: 30,000 fine and deprivation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years. The same responsibility will have to be borne by the one who was driving at that time.

There are prerequisites for tougher punishment - many State Duma deputies and ordinary citizens support the initiative. There is a possibility that drunk driving will move from the category of administrative offenses to the category of criminal offenses.

Alcohol elimination table

To roughly represent the time of elimination from the body of various alcoholic beverages and calculate the period after which you can get behind the wheel, you should use the calculation table:

For more accurate calculation take advantage of the human body.
It should be understood that the information in the table is not final. The body of each person is individual, so you should always leave as much time as possible before getting behind the wheel.

In the context of current economic realities, the amount of alcohol consumed monthly in the Russian Federation is increasing in an algebraic progression. Russians, who, due to objective economic reasons, are unable to make ends meet, are increasingly kissing the bottle, trying to find answers at the bottom of the glass to their most topical issues... It's no secret that motorists act in a similar way, who, after heavy libations, are often pulled behind the wheel. About what level of alcohol is acceptable in the current year, and there will be a speech in this article.

Acceptable Alcohol Per Mille in 2016.

The main legislative innovation of the current year is that, in contrast to 2010–2013. Today, in the Russian Federation, some alcohol is allowed in the driver's blood. The need to abolish zero ppm was dictated, first of all, by the fact that, due to the consumption of certain food products that obviously did not contain alcoholic degrees, used by the traffic police, special equipment records the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the driver's blood. Among other things, we are talking about:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe bananas;
  • chocolates;
  • oranges;
  • mouth fresheners;
  • kvass;
  • medicines;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk, etc.

Each of the foods on the list contains a small amount of alcohol. For example, before the abolition of the zero ppm rule, a glass of cold kvass drunk by a driver on a hot, sultry day could threaten him not only with a fine, but also with the deprivation of a driver's license for being drunk while driving.

According to the latest amendments to the current Code of Administrative Offenses and Traffic Regulations, at the moment the permissible alcohol level in the driver's blood is 0.35 ppm, and in the air he exhales - 0.16. It is important to understand that drinking two glasses of kvass increases the level of alcohol in the body up to 0.19 ppm, however, by a very a short time... Therefore, in order to avoid excesses, drivers are not recommended to abuse this bread drink, and if the temptation still could not be avoided, then you should not get behind the wheel immediately after quenching your thirst.

How is the level of alcohol in the body measured?

To measure the level of alcohol in the driver's body, it is customary to use a special value - ppm. So, 0.1 ppm indicates that one liter of a motorist's blood contains 0.045 mg of alcohol. It is important to understand that alcoholic vapors are eroded from human body quite a long time, which should always be remembered when participating in a feast on the eve of a car trip. The intensity of such weathering is directly related to the type of alcoholic drink drunk by the motorist, as well as the age and weight of the latter. For example, if 100 grams of vodka disappears from a 100-kilogram driver in about three and a half hours, then his 60-kilogram brother will have to wait at least 5 hours and 48 minutes before the alcohol is completely disappeared from the body.

What is the risk of alcohol abuse while driving?

A driver caught drinking alcohol for the first time while driving will face a fine in the amount of 30 thousand Russian rubles and deprivation of a driver's license for up to 2 years. A repeated offense, according to the current Administrative Code, is punishable by a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for three years. At the same time, being caught by the traffic police while driving in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the already fined driver can be imprisoned for up to 15 days.

Refusal to carry out a medical examination is fraught with the imposition of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand Russian rubles, as well as deprivation of a driver's license for up to 2 years.

Some car enthusiasts argue that "you can't drink professionalism", but in practice the situation is quite different. This is evidenced by the bleak statistics of road accidents - in Russia, many fatal accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers. A responsible motorist will never allow himself to drive while intoxicated, since he will not be able to adequately assess the situation and react quickly. Let's discuss what ppm is and what value of this indicator is acceptable when driving a car.

What is ppm alcohol?

When taking measurements, it is sometimes easier and more convenient to operate with fractions of a whole value. The simplest and most intuitive options are half, third, fourth, etc. But what do you do when you need to calculate the smallest particles? Then ppm comes into play. In the driving environment, everyone is hearing this beautiful word used to determine the concentration of ethanol in the human body. A ppm is a unit of measure representing one thousandth (or one tenth of a percent). The ppm sign ‰ is similar to the percent sign%, but the term in question is even smaller. That is, 1 percent = 10 ppm, and 1 ppm = 0.1 percent. It is logical that percentages are not used in determining the blood alcohol content of a person, since, for example, 1 percent of ethyl alcohol in the blood is too large for a person to be alive.

Scientists have shown that the level of alcohol in human blood rises to the maximum in about 30 minutes after drinking alcoholic beverages. If you know the value of ppm, you can quite simply get (calculate) the following information:

  • How much ethanol is in the blood after a certain period of time.
  • How much alcohol was consumed.
  • How long will it take for the alcohol to be eliminated from the body.

Of course, in the calculations, an important role is played by the individual characteristics of a person (gender, age, weight), as well as the volume of alcohol consumed and the percentage of fluid in the body of the driver under study.

How many ppm is allowed?

Until 2013, Russian legislation did not allow the ppm value to exceed zero. That is, absolutely nothing alcoholic in any quantities could be consumed. Even because of the banal Corvalol, the driver could be deprived of his license. Candies with liqueur, sedative tinctures and many other products could affect the readings of the breathalyzer, giving the traffic police a far from zero ppm result. This situation was widely discussed and condemned by society, since huge number motorists fell into the category of pedestrians, being "guilty without fault." The authorities became imbued with the problem, and an acceptable level of alcohol in the blood was introduced. What is the value of the permitted ppm now?

Important: From 1 September 2013, the alcohol content in exhaled air must not exceed 0.16 milligrams per liter of air. This figure corresponds to 0.356 ppm per liter of blood.

Drunkenness in ppm - table

It has long been known that alcoholism is a disease, psychological and physical addiction. It is very dangerous when people with such a disease get behind the wheel, violating traffic rules, since they have neither responsibility nor the ability to sensibly perceive the traffic situation. The degree of intoxication in ppm is determined in practice by measuring the alcohol content in the blood. Scientists distinguish several stages, presented in the table:

The main stages can be described as follows:

  • Mild intoxication - characterized by mental and emotional comfort. A person becomes cheerful and spontaneous, talkative and active, and the movements are usually impulsive, and coordination is slightly impaired. People usually speak louder and more confidently, think inconsistently and superficially. Traffic police inspectors most often determine drivers by eye in a mild stage of intoxication - by the manner of communication, discoloration of the skin, etc.
  • The average degree of intoxication is determined by gross behavioral changes in a person. There is expressionless facial expressions, monotonous slurred speech with constant repetitions, coordination decreases, and the reaction slows down. Gaiety is replaced by irritability, and sometimes aggression - people easily get involved in a fight or an argument. The most unpleasant thing is that the driver cannot assess himself critically, it seems to him that he is not drunk at all and he is "knee-deep".
  • Strong intoxication - usually people at this stage lose coordination and consciousness, do not perceive someone else's speech. What is happening does not remain in the memory, that is, in the morning a very drunk driver caught by the traffic police will have nothing to remember, unless there is no driver's license in his pocket.
  • A severe degree of intoxication - accompanied by impaired consciousness, the work of the respiratory organs, the heart rate slows down. A person is in an absolutely inadequate state, not perceiving either what is happening or the people around him. Coma or death is possible due to significant malfunctions in the body.

Time of elimination of alcohol from the body

In the well-known film "The Diamond Arm" it is said that "even teetotalers and ulcers drink at someone else's expense." Probably, any person had moments when it seemed that he was not going to drink alcohol, but it happened. In everyone's life there are holidays, birthdays and corporate parties. Often, under the pressure of tipsy guests and friends who want to share the joy with you, it is almost impossible to ignore a glass of wine or something else. Therefore, motorists are faced with a reasonable and exciting question - how long after drinking alcohol can you legally drive? An unequivocal answer can only be given by a breathalyzer or a blood test. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that these devices also have an error. As a matter of fact, it is for this reason that the permissible rate of alcohol driving in ppm was introduced. But drivers who do not have a breathalyzer in their personal use can approximately calculate the time for removing ethanol from the body. How to do it? You should pay attention to some points. The time during which the usual sobriety will return to a person is influenced by:

  • The amount of alcohol consumed. Everyone understands that the more you drink, the longer you are intoxicated.
  • The strength of the drink, that is, the number of degrees. It is logical that forty-degree vodka will be excreted from the body much longer than six-degree beer with an equal amount of drunk.

But not only these aspects depend on how soon a person becomes sober as a glass. Personal features such as:

  • human weight - body weight affects the concentration of alcohol in the blood, therefore, the more kilograms the driver's scales show, the sooner ethanol will be excreted from the body;
  • gender - men usually sober up faster than women;
  • age category - over the years, metabolic processes in the body proceed more slowly, therefore, intoxication will last longer;
  • existing health problems - the presence of diseases also slows down the rate of return to the ranks of sober citizens;
  • frequency of alcohol consumption - in people who often abuse alcohol, in most cases, the functioning of many organs is disrupted, which leads to a slowdown in the process of alcohol withdrawal.

It is difficult to take into account all the factors, since each person is individual, however, as a result of the experiment, a table was developed that informs about the approximate time for removing alcohol from the body. Calculations were made for men (for women it is recommended to increase the presented figures by about 20%).

How is the amount of alcohol in the body measured?

Traffic police officers determine the sobriety of motorists using a breathalyzer - a device that measures the concentration of alcohol in the air that a person exhales. The standard unit of measurement is milligram per liter of air. The resulting value can be converted to ppm. The breathalyzer, like all measuring devices, has an error, which was exactly taken into account when the law on the permissible ethanol rate was developed. Drivers call checking with such a device "breathing into a tube." The traffic police inspector, if there is any suspicion about the sobriety of the motorist, has the right to offer to be tested. Typically, this is due to the following driver characteristics:

  • obscure speech;
  • pronounced changes in behavior;
  • violation of basic motor skills;
  • increased expressiveness;
  • other characteristics indicating the inadequacy of the person.

The car owner has the right to refuse to check and not breathe into the tube. Then he is obliged to undergo a medical examination in a specialized institution. In case of refusal, the driver risks receiving a monetary fine and losing his license.

To calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the formula of the Swedish scientist Eric Widmark is taken: C = A / (m * r), where

  • C is the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood in ppm;
  • A - the volume of alcohol consumed in grams;
  • m is the weight of a person in kilograms;
  • r - Widmark distribution coefficient (for men - 0.7; for women - 0.6).

In order for the calculated ethanol concentration to be close to reality, it is necessary to subtract 10-30% from the mass of alcohol consumed (A). This is due to the fact that some of the alcohol does not enter the peripheral blood, it simply does not reach it.

An example of calculating ppm of alcohol:

  • A man weighing 75 kg drank 400 ml of vodka (40 degrees).
  • The Widmark coefficient is 0.7, since the subject is male.
  • Vodka contains ethanol, its net value will be 400 * 0.4 = 160 ml. Let's translate into grams, knowing that the density of undiluted ethanol is 789 kg per cubic meter: 160 * 0.79 = 126.4 g.
  • Let us subtract 10% from the mass of drunk: 126.4 * 0.9 = 113.76 gr.
  • The blood alcohol level of a 75 kg man after drinking 400 ml of vodka: 113.76 / (75 * 0.7) = 2.17 ppm.

Also now there is great amount online calculators that allow you to calculate the time after which you can safely sit behind the wheel after drinking. As a rule, most of them perform calculations based on the Widmark formula. Usually you need to enter the following data: gender, body weight, age, strength and volume of alcohol consumed, stomach fullness, etc.

Let's consider an example: a man with a weight of 80 kg and a height of 180 cm drank 100 ml of vodka (40%) and 500 ml of beer (6%). Suppose he drank with a snack, that is, on a full stomach. The concentration of alcohol in the blood will be 0.69 ‰, that is, the person is in the stage of light intoxication, which is almost twice the permissible per mille. He will absolutely sober up in 6 hours and 6 minutes.

Important: if, for example, you constantly need a car for work, then the best option there will be a purchase of a personal breathalyzer, since all the calculations presented above are approximate.

Punishment for exceeding the permissible level of alcohol

Driving while intoxicated is one of the most serious traffic violations, therefore, responsibility for such an action will not please anyone. In accordance with part 1 of article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for the first violation, the driver is waiting for:

  • Confiscation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years.
  • A fine of 30,000 rubles.

Those motorists who have not learned anything from bitter experience and they got drunk while driving a car for the second time will have to say goodbye to their rights for up to three years and incur criminal liability under Article 264 of the Criminal Code (one of the following):

  • Monetary penalty in the amount of 200,000-300,000 rubles.
  • A fine in the amount of the violator's earnings for one to two years.
  • Mandatory work (up to 480 hours).
  • Forced labor (up to two years).
  • Deprivation of liberty (up to two years).

Important: a repeated violation is one that happened within one year after the driver was returned to the driver's license for drunkenness.

Medicines and foods that increase blood alcohol levels

Of course, everyone understands that alcoholic medicinal tinctures (for example, calendula, valerian, hawthorn, etc.) contain alcohol in small quantities. But some absolutely familiar foodstuffs also contain ethanol, so even non-drinkers, when checking with a breathalyzer, can see that there is a certain amount of ppm in their blood. As a rule, it is not large, however, you can also eat such an amount of "innocent" products that the allowed norm per thousand will be exceeded. These include:

  • Nonalcoholic beer;
  • Butter bakery products;
  • Kvass;
  • Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • Citrus fruit;
  • Chocolates, such as those with rum or liqueur fillings
  • Warm drinks containing natural juice;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Bananas that are too ripe;
  • Sandwiches made from black, for example, Borodino bread with sausage.

Usually, in the summer, the drivers are fed with kvass. Drinking a lot of kvass is very easy. Of course, some value per thousand is allowed, namely 0.356 in blood. However, if you drink one liter of kvass, the permissible norm will most likely be exceeded.

What to do and how to behave when communicating with a traffic police inspector?

The driver, whom the traffic police suspect of drunkenness, should first of all calm down and pull himself together. Of course, it is quite difficult to talk with government officials without feeling anxiety, but stress in this case only interferes with building a constructive conversation. In the process of dialogue, it is worth behaving respectfully and correctly, try to operate with facts and traffic rules, remember your rights. To keep your driver's license, it is important to pay attention to some points:

  • Record the situation on a camera or record on a voice recorder.
  • Show the inspector that you are aware of how the drunkenness test is done. First, there is a removal from the vehicle, and then a test of sobriety. If you don’t know the main points, it’s better to study them beforehand.
  • Read and fill out the documents carefully, do not mindlessly sign.
  • When signing the protocol, do not forget to note that you do not consider yourself guilty of the alleged offense.
  • Before you are asked to "breathe into the tube", make sure that the breathalyzer has a certificate, and that the calibration period has not yet expired.
  • Agree to a medical examination if the test results are unfavorable for you. Sometimes the blood test gives different results, and the motorist retains the rights.

Important: there are times when traffic police officers do not want to take motorists for a medical examination, saying that the institution is not working or something else. Refusal must be written when filling out the protocol. You can use the wording: "I demand to send me for examination to a medical organization."

Drinking alcohol while driving, the driver can not only lose his license, having acquired a fine of 30,000 rubles, but also becomes a potential murderer. Those who violated the law again face criminal liability. Momentary joys in the form strong drinks are not worth the lives of others, especially since it is also easy to part with your own. If you are drunk (and who does not happen to?), Then do not get behind the wheel, call a taxi or take a walk.