How to accurately determine the state of alcoholic intoxication? Degrees of alcohol: definition, marking, degree of intoxication.

19.09.2019 healthy eating

Alcoholism is a deadly pathology that develops as a result of regular and prolonged use of alcohol-containing products. Dependence on alcohol is formed in a person at the physical and mental level. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people die from ethyl alcohol poisoning and chronic alcoholism.

A person under the influence of alcohol becomes dangerous to others. This is especially true for drunk drivers. According to statistics, accidents with a fatal outcome are more often committed by people under the influence of alcohol. What are the degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm, it is important to know for every person - the owner of a car.

Alcohol affects each person differently.

To determine the concentration of alcohol in the human body, the unit of measurement is ppm. This is a Latin word and it means in translation “for a thousand”.

One ppm is equal to a thousandth of a specific number or is 1/10 of one percent.

To determine the presence of alcohol in the human body, a special device is used - a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication is determined in ppm in the exhaled air, which a person produces in a special tube-mouthpiece.

What are the stages of intoxication depending on ppm

It is almost impossible to deceive this device, so there is no doubt about the reliability of the result. But how to determine your own intoxication if there is no tester at hand?

Determining the level of intoxication

When drinking alcohol, a person exhibits certain symptoms. They vary depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. With a mild degree of intoxication, the symptoms are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • incoherent speech;
  • unnatural shine of the eyes.

Symptoms of intoxication are growing, and even with a severe degree of alcohol intoxication, a person can lose consciousness, even memory. A highly intoxicated person will also have no reflexes to external stimuli; in the worst case, alcohol intoxication can lead to coma and death.

The degree of intoxication in ppm table

Specialists have developed a special system for classifying various degrees of intoxication with reference to ppm. Each degree has its own symptoms and in its own way affects the well-being and behavioral reactions of a person. For convenience, all data can be displayed in one table:

Stage of intoxication ppm Symptoms
first or easy 0,5-1,5 mood improves, self-esteem increases;

lethargy disappears, tension decreases;

slightly reduced speech and motor functions

second or middle 1,5-2,5

the conversation of the drunk becomes monotonous, speech expressiveness is lost;

initial euphoria is replaced by irritability;

there is aggressiveness towards others;

the sense of self-preservation disappears;

decreased memory and coordination

third or strong 2,5-3 the ability to coordinate their movements completely disappears;

there is a loss of hearing and visual abilities;

severe drowsiness develops;

the person may lose consciousness;

sometimes there is involuntary defecation and urination

fourth or heavy 3-4

the ability to move will be lost;

speech functions disappear;

a person does not recognize people, terrain;

full or partial amnesia (memory loss) is noted;

possible alcoholic coma, leading to death

fifth or deadly over 5this stage is characterized by complete damage to the central nervous system and the work of all internal organs, this degree of poisoning almost always leads to death

But this state of intoxication in ppm, given in the table, is considered average. Alcohol acts on a person individually and selectively.

What does drunkenness depend on?

The level and extent of the impact of alcohol on the human body depends on a number of many factors. It is noticed that in women the degree of intoxication develops much faster, especially on certain days of the monthly cycle.

What is the permissible level of alcohol in a person's blood

The form of intoxication is influenced by a number of physiological reasons, as well as additional ones that do not depend on human physiology.


  • the person's age and gender;
  • initial state of health;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • emotional state at the time of drinking.

Other factors affecting the degree of intoxication:

  • type of alcoholic beverage;
  • availability and quality of snacks.

In addition to the average degrees of intoxication, there is also an atypical form of intoxication. It occurs in people after a head injury of varying severity. Also, indicators of the stages of intoxication may diverge in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.

alcohol withdrawal rate

The rate of elimination of alcohol also varies. If for women this figure averages 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour, then for men the process is faster - about 0.1-0.15 ppm every 60 minutes. This process is long and difficult, especially for the liver.

It has been proven that when drunk with an alcohol concentration of 2 ppm, the body will be cleansed of the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol and will fully return to normal only after 20-24 hours. This time also varies. For some, just a couple of hours is enough to sober up, while the other suffers from a long and severe hangover.

How much alcohol is excreted on average, depending on the type of alcohol

Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact level of alcohol content in the body without having a breathalyzer at hand. Especially considering that the speed of intoxication is also variable. For some, a couple of sips of beer is enough, while the other retains clarity of thought even after a bottle of vodka.

When can you drive

In the blood of even a completely sober person, with a thorough examination, you can find natural alcohol. It contains about 0.3 ppm. This level is considered natural and the only one at which you can drive a vehicle in our country.

But in some foreign countries, the authorities are more loyal to drivers who drink alcohol. In such countries, the maximum ppm threshold for them is increased. For example:

  • German and French policemen wish you a good journey even if you find 0.5 ppm in your blood - there it is considered the maximum allowable rate;
  • but in Ireland and England, you can safely roll out while driving a car, being in a mild degree of intoxication, the maximum permissible rates there are even higher and amount to 0.8 ppm.

What threatens the violator

In Russia, there are very strict laws regarding drunk driving. If any degree of intoxication was recorded by the traffic police, the violator faces the following fines:

  1. At the first fixation of a violation, a fine of 30,000 rubles. Also, the car owner's rights are withdrawn for up to 2 years.
  2. With the second detention of this driver, the amount of penalties will already be about 50,000 rubles. Plus, the violator is already facing a real term of imprisonment for 10-15 days. He will lose his rights for 3 years.

How many ppm is in each type of alcohol

Again, alcohol affects each person differently. Moreover, alcohol can affect the same person differently at different times of the day and with a different physical and mental state of a person. If we take the average indicators, then they can be reduced to the following figures:

  • beer (0.5l): 0.5 ppm;
  • vodka (300 g) or beer (2.5 l): 1.2 ppm;
  • vodka (1 liter): 5 ppm.

That is, we can say that a couple of bottles of vodka for the average person can be a lethal dose. But, even being in a mild stage of intoxication, drivers can create dangerous situations on the road.

Alcoholism is a phenomenon that is the most dangerous in social terms. The number of individuals suffering from alcohol addiction is increasing every year. Recently, doctors often diagnose alcoholism even in very young teenagers. Remember that becoming an alcoholic is very simple and easy, but giving up addiction is much harder.

Today, almost every person drinks alcohol at one time or another, but most people rarely seriously think about the dangers of these drinks. Before any use of alcohol, it is important to know what are the degrees of alcohol intoxication, their signs, stages of change in consciousness, the state of a person after drinking and the possibility of clinical cases after drinking. This will allow you to determine your measure and maintain health.

What is alcohol intoxication

This is the state that is created as a result of the psychoactive effect of alcoholic beverages. During the intake of alcohol, changes occur in the mental and physical activity of the individual, her behavior. This condition often leads to various behavioral disorders, health problems: loss of cognitive functions, diseases of internal organs.

There are various degrees of simple alcohol intoxication in terms of the amount of ethanol consumed and the effect produced on the body. It depends on the weight of the person, the state of his health, the amount of food eaten, the very strength of the drink. There are other factors - for example, in a state of severe fatigue, even a small amount of alcohol causes severe intoxication. Each stage is distinguished by characteristic signs of changes in speech, reaction, perception of the surrounding world.

How does intoxication happen?

The mechanism of the process of intoxication is extremely simple. In the normal state, erythrocytes are covered with a layer of lubricant, electrified during friction in the vessels. After drinking ethyl alcohol through the stomach, it enters the bloodstream, this layer is removed, and the cells stick together with each other. Irregular clots form from hundreds of red blood cells and begin to occlude the arterioles. Oxygen circulation is reduced, hypoxia occurs, blood is poorly supplied to the brain.

The process of oxygen starvation of the brain is perceived by the body as euphoria, a feeling of freedom. During this, parts of the brain become numb, and subsequently die off. In parallel, there is an effect on the internal organs. In the blood, the production of platelets, white and red cells is destroyed. Human vessels are filled with premature sclerotic changes. Alcohol seriously hits the pancreas, stomach.

The state of alcoholic intoxication

Moderate doses of alcohol reduce mental stress, can improve mood, create the illusion of freedom, euphoria. However, with an increase in the dose of ethanol, there is a loss of self-control. The condition is characterized by excitement, leads to increased aggression, a strong feeling of depression. In a state of intoxication, a person is prone to committing antisocial acts. There are several options for human behavior depending on the psychological state.

Atypical intoxication is characteristic of unbalanced, emotional individuals who have any problems. This happens with mental disorders, psychosis, neurological disorders. For example, stress can lead to dysphoric intoxication, during which a person feels hostility to everything around, anger, discontent. Such a state is like the reverse coin of euphoria after drinking alcohol. A person may develop a viciously intense affect, signs of depression, he becomes aggressive.

Pathological intoxication is the result of prolonged alcohol use. After a small amount of drinking, behavior completely changes, aggression appears, hallucinations, spontaneous delirium may begin. A person may simply not perceive the world around him, or the perception will be distorted. All these changes in consciousness are associated with mental problems that are catalyzed by alcohol-containing products.

The degree of intoxication in ppm - table

To date, there is an approved system for measuring the amount of ethanol in human blood. It is determined in the so-called ppm. This value shows the content of the substance in grams per 1 liter. That is, 0.2 ppm is 0.02% of alcohol in a liter of blood. Depending on the number of ppm, the state of the drinker changes, damage to the internal organs of varying degrees occurs. Intoxication in ppm is determined by special devices. More than 5 ppm is considered a critical dose for the body. Below is a table of the degree of intoxication in ppm:

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

After drinking alcohol, a lot of physical and psycho-emotional processes occur with a person. This is a change in behavior, internal state, attitude to surrounding and ongoing events. As ethanol is assimilated, the state of the individual changes - from mild euphoria and inner comfort to aggression and depressive states. The stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs have long been studied and classified. Specialists-narcologists are engaged in questions of treatment, removal of patients from intoxication.

Light degree

There are three stages of intoxication. The first of them - light intoxication - is the initial one. After drinking alcohol, a person experiences a feeling of euphoria, a feeling of comfort, relaxation. Almost everything around begins to bring pleasure, thinking accelerates. The emotional background becomes changeable - a trifling event can turn fun into an insult and vice versa.

The first signs of a mild degree of alcohol intoxication are the revival of facial expressions, looseness of gestures. At the same time, the drinker himself does not notice the changes. There is fun, looseness, lightness. The personality becomes more sociable and open to the outside world, disposed to contacts with society. Physical signs include increased heart rate, increased appetite, and sometimes sexual activity.

Average degree

The average degree is the result of the toxic and psychotropic effects of ethanol. This state is achieved at a content of 1.5-2.5 ppm. The user's speech changes, it becomes more difficult for him to choose words, coordination of movements worsens. An increased concentration of alcohol increases self-esteem, reduces a person's critical attitude towards himself, his behavior becomes impulsive and inadequate, mental excitement occurs.

For such a state, sharp mood swings are typical - in a few minutes, relaxation and friendliness can be replaced by aggression. It is common for an intoxicated person to raise his voice, repeat the same phrase several times, and stutter. Further, speech becomes fuzzy, gait becomes uncertain, ataxia appears. The drunk may become aggressive or gloomy. At the last stage, there is a complete loss of orientation.

Strong alcohol intoxication

Severe alcohol poisoning is the result of the toxic effects of ethanol. There is a strong inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system. The severity of alcohol poisoning is manifested at a content of 2.5 ppm and above. In this state, there is often a violation of breathing, a decrease in blood pressure. Sometimes urgent medical attention is required. The symptoms are easily identified.

Also, the abuse of "fuel" leads to a breakdown in temperature regulation in the body. Therefore, in the cold season, drinkers risk frostbite of the limbs. Abuse should be avoided by people with acute heart failure, vegetovascular dystonia, gastric ulcer and other obviously dangerous diseases.

A blood alcohol level of more than 5 ppm will lead to alcohol intoxication, can provoke irreversible changes in the brain, result in an alcoholic coma and death. Common signs of severe alcohol intoxication are loss of orientation in space, involuntary urination and feces. The next few days, during the exit from the state of intoxication, there is a decrease in working capacity, amnesia. Often this leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, death.


Every year the number of road traffic accidents involving drunk drivers is increasing. Accidents can be simple, without injury or injury, or they can lead to the death of the driver or, worse, completely innocent people. Often, alcohol is to blame for everything, which negatively affects the human nervous system: he is drawn to exploits, and he often has poor control over his actions.

There are laws that give the police the power to revoke a drunk driver's license, as well as impose heavy fines. In order to prevent terrible consequences and problems, you should not drive while intoxicated, even if there is at least a small amount of ethyl alcohol in your blood. Each driver, first of all, must know what ppm is, how to determine how much ppm is acceptable and which will lead to serious consequences.

What is ppm

Per mille is a unit of measurement of the percentage of a person, where 1‰ equals 1/10%. The maximum amount of alcohol in the blood reaches its peak 30-40 minutes after drinking a strong drink. But studies have shown that the liquid of any healthy person who has not taken alcoholic beverages contains from 0.008 to 0.4 ‰, this is due to the process of decomposition of sugars and starch-containing products, i.e. natural fermentation process.

The amount of alcohol drunk affects each person differently, it depends on individual characteristics:

Permissible ppm in the blood

According to the physiological processes of our body, it exists in the blood. If the figure exceeds the allowable dosage, legislative measures are applied to the violator.

So, permitted by law alcohol concentration is:

  • When examined through air analysis, i.e. breathalyzer, the amount should not exceed 0.16‰. The study shows that 1 liter of air contains 0.16 mg of alcohol;
  • According to a blood test, the percentage is calculated more accurately, and the permitted indicator should not be more than 0.35‰. This shows that 1 liter of blood contains 0.35 mg of ethyl.

If you know these data and comply with the norms, you will not face detention or fines, besides, breathalyzers are publicly available and are sold in all pharmacies, and before leaving home, you can independently check the concentration of ppm in the blood.

In the event that a driver is detained by a traffic police officer for allegedly exceeding the dosage per mille, the driver has the right to demand a blood test indicating accurate data.

Degrees of intoxication in ppm

According to the study, there are several degrees of intoxication:

The duration of the effect of alcohol on the body

The rate of alcohol removal from the human body is not a fast process and depends on many factors. Here are the main ones: health status, caloric content of food, human fatigue. How quickly alcohol is eliminated from the body depends on the liver and pancreas. Also, the withdrawal time depends on the strength of the drink drunk and the gender of the drinker:

In men, alcohol disappears faster:

On average, women excrete approximately 0.1‰ in 1 hour. Men have more - 0.1-0.15‰ per hour.

The absorption of alcohol occurs a few minutes after taking an alcohol-containing drink, and after 30-50 minutes the maximum concentration appears. To slow down the process of intoxication, you should eat fatty foods before and during drinking.

It is important to know that kvass and kefir also contain a small dose of alcohol, and the breathalyzer can show from 0.2 to 0.6 ppm.

How to determine the degree of intoxication yourself

You can determine the percentage of alcohol in your blood on your own using online calculators that calculate ppm from data on weight, gender, the amount of alcohol consumed and the type of alcohol. In addition, you can use a pharmacy breathalyzer or donate blood for analysis.

mg/ppm correspondence table

The health risks of alcohol

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, a cancer that eats people. Every year, a large number of people die from an overdose of alcohol, it becomes especially scary when you see schoolchildren with a bottle of beer or vodka. And the reason for such popularity is the affordable cost and the example of parents or friends.

In the fight against this disease, measures were introduced to limit the sale of alcoholic beverages at night. When the celebration comes to an end, the drinker wants to continue the fun and drink more, but often the drunk dose turns out to be superfluous and leads to very deplorable results.

When using ethyl inside, there is a big load on the liver, pancreas, nervous system, heart, intestines and kidneys suffer. Chronic alcoholics have cirrhosis of the liver, loss of teeth, hair, skin becomes dark unhealthy, speech goes astray and confused, often a person becomes aggressive and inadequate, especially during moments of a hangover. Dependency appears. When intoxicated, the heart works more slowly, the heart rhythm is disturbed, which is fraught with a host of other diseases.

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bibliographic description:
The degree of alcohol intoxication - 2012.

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The degree of alcohol intoxication - 2012.

— 2012.

In the work of a forensic medical expert, the question of the lethal concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is important. With the introduction of modern methods for determining the level of ethanol, sufficiently accurate and specific, a unified scheme for assessing the quantitative content of alcohol in the blood is needed in relation to its functional effect.

For practical expert work, in accordance with the proposals by V.I. Prozorovsky, I.S. Karandaev and A.F. Rubtsov (1967) criteria, the following indicative scheme can be recommended for determining the degree of alcohol intoxication:

Degrees of Intoxication (1967)

  • less than 0.3 ‰ - no influence of alcohol;
  • from 0.3 to 0.5 ‰ - insignificant influence of alcohol;
  • from 0.5 to 1.5 ‰ - slight intoxication;
  • from 1.5 to 2.5 ‰ - moderate intoxication;
  • from 2.5 to 3.0 ‰ - severe intoxication;
  • from 3.0 to 5.0 ‰ - severe alcohol poisoning, death may occur;
  • from 5.0 to 6.0 ‰ - fatal poisoning.

These figures apply to adults. In children, alcohol intoxication and ethanol poisoning occur at other levels of alcoholemia.

The above criteria are proposed for determining the degree of alcohol intoxication in living persons, but they can also be used in assessing the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood from a corpse. The assessment of such results should be carried out with the appropriate wording, for example: "... the concentration of ethyl alcohol found in the blood of the corpse of a citizen ... during his lifetime could correspond ... to the degree of alcohol intoxication."

Degrees of alcohol intoxication (2016)

The depth of intoxication, the speed of its development depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, their strength and individual characteristics of a person. There are 3 degrees of intoxication:
  • light - the concentration of alcohol in the blood up to 2‰, which corresponds to 0.5-1.5 ml of pure ethanol per 1 kg of human body weight;
  • medium - 2-3‰ of alcohol is detected in the blood, i.e. ethanol was taken 1.5-2.5 ml per 1 kg of body mass;
  • severe - occurs when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is 3-5‰ or more, which corresponds to 2.5-4.5 ml of alcohol per 1 kg of weight. With a severe degree of intoxication, a coma develops, which can be the direct cause of death along with asphyxia due to deep aspiration of vomit, acute heart failure.

Literature data and expert experience allow us to consider average lethal alcohol concentration 3.5-4.0‰, and a concentration of 5.0‰ and above is usually fatal.

However, quite often there are cases when death from ethyl alcohol poisoning occurs when its amount in the blood is less than 4.0-5.0‰ and in the absence of pronounced painful changes in the internal organs, which in themselves could cause death. In this regard, it should be noted that death from acute ethyl alcohol poisoning can occur at any stage of alcohol intoxication: during absorption, at the time of maximum blood alcohol content, but much more often during its excretion (elimination phase). In the latter case, a relatively long period of time (10-20 hours) passes from the intake of alcoholic beverages to the onset of death, therefore, by the time of death, the concentration of alcohol in the body may be lower than 4.0-5.0‰. This is more often observed in young people who are unaccustomed to alcohol. In females, fatal alcohol poisoning can occur at lower concentrations of ethyl alcohol in the blood than in men. In addition, a subtoxic dose for a healthy, habitual person can be fatal for an unaccustomed person. Lethal concentrations of alcohol in the blood for people accustomed to alcohol, as a rule, are 30-60% higher than for unusual or unaccustomed people. However, in chronic alcoholics, death can also occur from taking relatively small amounts of ethyl alcohol.

In people unaccustomed to alcohol, with a single intake of large quantities of alcoholic beverages or alcohol of high concentration, death often occurs in the resorption phase or at the beginning of the elimination phase.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood in ppm, the time for removing alcohol from the body, we recommend using the alcohol calculator written by us.


  1. Questions of the organization of examination of alcohol intoxication / Prozorovsky V.I., Karandaev I.S., Rubtsov A.F. // Forensic-medical examination. - 1967. - No. 1. - S. 3-8.
  2. Supplement to the methodical letter "On the detection and determination of ethyl alcohol and blood and urine by gas-liquid chromatography", M., 1971.
  3. Methodical letter "On the detection and determination of ethyl alcohol in cadaveric material and forensic evaluation of the results of forensic chemical analysis", M., 1961
  4. Methodical letter "On the determination of ethyl alcohol and blood and urine of corpses by the photometric method", M., 1964
  5. Methodical letter "On defects in the production of forensic chemical examinations", M., 1966
  6. To the question of the functional assessment of the results of forensic quantitative determination of alcohol in the blood of living persons and corpses / Prozorovsky V.I., Acherkan N.N., Levchenkov B.D. // Forensic-medical examination. - M., 1961. - No. 1. - S. 3-7.
  7. Formulation of a pathoanatomical diagnosis in alcoholic disease (alcohol-induced pathology). Clinical guidelines / Frank G. A. et al. / Russian Society of Pathologists. - M.: Practical medicine, 2016. - 20 p.

/ Plis S.S. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2018. - No. 17. — S. 185-187.

/ Pavlov A.L., Savin A.A., Bogomolov D.V., Pavlova A.Z., Larev Z.V. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2018. - No. 3. — S. 11-14.

/ Kovalev A.V., Morozov Yu.E., Samohodskaya O.V., Bereznikov A.V. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2017. - No. 6. - P. 4-8.

/ Petukhov A.E., Nadezhdin A.V., Bogstrand S.T., Bryun E.A., Ramenskaya G.V., Koshkina E.A., Melnik E.V., Smirnov A.V., Tetenova E.Yu. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2017. - No. 5. - S. 23-26.

/ Nedugov G.V., Sharafullin G.V. // Bulletin of forensic medicine. - Novosibirsk, 2018. - No. 3. - S. 39-43.

/ Klevno V.A., Maksimov A.V., Kononov R.V., Krupina N.A. // Forensic Medicine. - 2017. - No. 3. — P. 4-12.

/ Prozorovsky V.I., Karandaev I.S., Rubtsov A.F. // Forensic-medical examination. - 1967. - No. 1. — P. 3-8.

/ Obukhova L.M., Erlykina E.I., Andriyanova N.A. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2014. - No. 6. - S. 33-36.

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/ Bogomolov D.V., Denisova O.P., Zbrueva Yu.V., Dzhuvalyakov P.G. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2018. - No. 17. - S. 50-53.

/ Konev V.P., Goloshubina V.V., Moskovsky S.N., Bogza M.V., Sorokina V.V., Abubakirova D.E. // Bulletin of forensic medicine. - Novosibirsk, 2017. - No. 3. - S. 47-50.

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Not a single feast is complete without alcohol. Drinks containing ethanol vary in composition and strength. The last indicator is the content of undiluted ethyl alcohol in the total volume (mass).

Units of measurement may vary depending on the country of manufacture. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the composition. The life and health of the consumer depends on how many percent of alcohol is contained.

Calculation methods

In the Russian Federation, degrees (°) are used to designate the fortress, they are calculated based on the concentration of alcohol by mass. In this case, one degree is equal to 7.94 g of anhydrous ethanol.

In European countries, percentage marking is used. It is calculated by weight (%) or by volume (% vol.). The second option is considered inaccurate, since when using it, differences in the specific gravity of alcohol and other components of the composition (fusel oils, sugar, tannins, acids) are not taken into account.

Such disagreements cause difficulties for the consumer due to the inability to understand how strong the aperitif is.

The word "volume" was replaced by domestic manufacturers with "turns". As a result, it turns out that these designations are equivalent. At the same time, a drink characterized by 45 ° contains much more alcohol than one that contains 45% vol. or 45% vol. There is no universal formula.

Degrees and percentages began to be determined relatively recently, before that the proportion of pure alcohol in alcohol was detected by ignition. If the flame destroyed about 50% of the provided liquid, then the drink was considered to be of high quality.

Thanks to this manipulation, the unit of measurement “proof” appeared (translated from English as “proof”). Today it is not used, the alcohol content is determined using a hydrometer and an alcoholometer.

The main groups of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is classified according to the products underlying the preparation process.

Alcohol is produced from:

  • Wine materials. The maximum strength in this case does not exceed 12 degrees. The most famous wines are made in Chile, Moldova, Georgia and France. Port wine, Malaga, Madeira, sake (wine drink made from rice), sherry - they are distinguished by their natural composition and variety of taste characteristics.
  • Fermented wort. This group includes absinthe, vodka, brandy, rum, armagnac. They are characterized by a higher strength (from 35 to 80 degrees).
  • Vegetable raw materials. Liqueurs have an indicator not exceeding 20 degrees. Lawyer, Sheridans, Belize - drinks included in this list are considered feminine.

Beer is distinguished as a separate species (up to 15 degrees). His homeland is Germany. It is in this country that the festival called “Oktoberfest” is celebrated annually.

The following elements are often present in alcoholic beverages: lead, N-nitrosamines, arsenic, strontium, cadmium, cesium, mercury, methyl alcohol. SanPiN regulates the production of alcohol through clear guidelines regarding acceptable standards. The content of toxic substances in any case is dangerous to health.

The largest proportion of alcohol contains vodka, absinthe, cognac, liquor, tequila, whiskey and rum. Among alcoholic beverages with average values, wine, grog, mead, punch, mulled wine are distinguished. Aperitifs include beer, toddy (palm wine), cider, kvass and mash. They bring the least harm to the body.

The range of alcoholic products is quite wide. Demand is explained by availability and popularity among the population. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to addiction.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

Why can't you exceed the limit?

Ethanol negatively affects the entire body. It causes neurological, mental and autonomic disorders. In small doses, alcoholic beverages can improve mood and relieve psychological stress. Unfortunately, the benefits of alcohol are much less than the harm.

Depends on the amount of enzyme secreted by the liver; fullness of the stomach; person's weight; psychoemotional state.

There are three stages:

  • The characteristic feature of the first is euphoria. Discomfort disappears, concentration of attention and the ability to control oneself decrease. In the blood, 0.5 - 1.5 ppm of alcohol is determined. Amnesia is absent.
  • On the second, aggression towards others arises, the person becomes lethargic, he begins to fall asleep. The next day, it can be difficult to remember the details of yesterday's feast. The heart hurts, there is weakness, loss of appetite. Moderate intoxication is diagnosed when 1.5 - 2.5 ‰ of ethyl alcohol is detected.
  • Maximum severe consequences in the third stage. There are vestibular disorders, problems with speech. Perhaps the appearance of a convulsive syndrome, immobility, relaxation of muscle tissue. In the absence of timely measures, coma, respiratory or heart failure may develop. Alcohol intoxication is caused by alcohol intoxication. When conducting appropriate studies in the blood, more than 3 ‰ of alcohol is detected.

The withdrawal of ethanol from the body

Ethyl alcohol is removed for a certain period of time.

The duration of cleansing depends on several factors, among them:

  • The weight of a person.
  • The amount of alcohol taken.
  • The percentage of alcohol content.

Important nuances include toxic substances that are part of a strong drink; frequency of abuse; general health. This table provides approximate values. The reaction of each person to the effects of ethanol is individual.

Associated complications lower the threshold and increase the likelihood of alcohol intoxication.


Body weight, kg


Withdrawal period, h




To get more accurate figures, you can use a virtual calculator. It contains additional information. The ability to determine the degree of intoxication by degrees will help prevent complications.