Plants from which you can make hot drinks. Travel in style: hot drinks from around the world

08.03.2020 Soups
Ingredients: wine, a set of spices, orange peel, water, sugar

In addition to champagne, mulled wine made from red wine will be appropriate for the New Year's holiday - especially when it comes to celebrating in the country. We will be happy to share with you the recipe for this wonderful drink.
- 700 g of dry red wine;
- 15 g of spices for clay;
- orange peel;
- 100 g of water;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara.


Rhubarb Kissel

Ingredients: rhubarb, sugar, water, starch

Rhubarb can be used to make a delicious thirst-quenching jelly. It won't make a lot of ore to cook it.


- 350 grams of rhubarb;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp. potato starch.


How to brew divine coffee in a Turk

Ingredients: coffee, water

A real coffee lover will never drink instant coffee, which is why every house has either a coffee machine, in extreme cases, a Turk. Today I’ll tell you how to make a truly divine coffee in a Turk.


- 2 tsp whole bean coffee,
- 100 ml. water.


Tea with ginger and lemon for colds

Ingredients: ginger, lemon, water, honey

If you feel that you are starting to get sick, do not rush to take the pills: a very tasty and aromatic tea with ginger and lemon can help you. It's hard to overestimate its beneficial properties, so be sure to take note of this recipe.

- ginger - 150 gr;
- lemon juice - 1.5 tablespoons;
- water - 750 gr;
- honey - 1.5 tbsp.


Cappuccino coffee at home

Ingredients: coffee, water, sugar, milk, ground cinnamon, cocoa

Cappuccino is often ordered in cafes, but almost never prepared at home, although it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. the main thing is to want to make a delicious cappuccino, arm yourself with our recipe - and you can start!
- ground coffee - 2 tsp;
- water - 150 gr;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- milk - 150 gr;
- cinnamon - 0.25 tsp;
- cocoa powder - 0.25 tsp


Slimming tea with ginger and lemon

Ingredients: ginger, water, lemon, honey, cinnamon

There are many recipes for delicious drinks, but not all of them are healthy. And not all of them contribute to weight loss. But tea with ginger and lemon will just help you lose weight. And at the same time, his taste is excellent!

- ginger root - 1 tablespoon;
- water - 2 glasses;
- lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
- honey - 1 tsp;
- ground cinnamon - 1-2 pinches.



Ingredients: milk, coffee, water, sugar

Almost all girls love lattes. From today on, you no longer need to go to a cafe to taste delicious coffee. I described the recipe for homemade latte in detail for you.


- 150 ml. milk,
- one and a half tsp. natural coffee,
- 50 ml. water,
- sugar.


Indian milk with spices and honey - Masala tea

Ingredients: milk, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves

Indian spiced milk or, as it is also called, Masala tea is a very tasty and healthy drink. Be sure to cook it yourself using our recipe - you won't regret it!
- 200 ml of milk;
- 1 tsp honey;
- 1 pinch of cinnamon;
- 1 pinch of nutmeg;
- 2 cloves.


Slimming Ginger Tea

Ingredients: ginger, laurel, cinnamon, cumin, water, tea leaves

This tea is great for people looking to lose weight. I described the recipe for ginger tea in detail for you. Be sure to use it.


- 1 tsp ginger root,
- 2 bay leaves,
- half a tsp cinnamon,
- half a tsp cumin,
- half a liter of water,
- a pinch of tea leaves.


Mulled white wine

Ingredients: Tamyanka wine, viburnum berries, juicy orange, cloves, star anise, cardamom, vanilla stick, apple drying, fragrant honey, sugar, water

We suggest you brighten up your winter weekdays with a glass of a delicious drink - mulled wine. We will prepare mulled wine, contrary to tradition, from white wine, which will make the drink unusually delicate, refined and, thanks to spices and additives, spicy.

- 1 bottle of white wine,
- 1 sprig of viburnum,
- 2 orange rings,
- 2 carnation buds,
- 2 star anise stars,
- 2 pcs. cardamom,
- 1 stick of vanilla,
- 30 g dried apples,
- 1 tbsp. l. honey,
- 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
- 200 ml. water.


Spicy tea latte with honey

Ingredients: milk, black tea, water, honey, vanilla, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, fennel, nutmeg, white pepper

Have you ever ordered a tea latte at a cafe? Agree, the price does bite. But such a fragrant drink can be prepared without any problems at home. You just need to bribe some spices and spices. See the photo recipe for all the details.

Products for the recipe:
- water - 2 glasses,
- milk - 2 glasses,
- loose black tea - 2 tbsp. spoons,
- honey to taste,
- vanilla - 1 pod,
- a pinch of fennel seeds,
- 10 carnation buds,
- five star anise stars,
- a pinch of ground cinnamon,
- a pinch of ginger,
- a pinch of nutmeg,
- a pinch of white pepper.


Ginger tea with honey

Ingredients: ginger, honey, water, lemon

Warming, aromatic, healthy and delicious - this is all about ginger tea with honey and lemon. In the spring, we especially need such a drink to fill the body with vitamins. Be sure to make this tea, you will definitely like it!


- 2 tsp chopped ginger root,
- 1 tsp May flower honey,
- 300 ml of water,
- lemon - optional.


Berry fruit tea

Ingredients: water, hibiscus, mint, apple, raspberry, cranberry, lemon, honey

On cold winter evenings, you especially want warmth, comfort and bright taste sensations. We suggest you not to put off today's recipe and make a delicious warming berry-fruit tea with hibiscus for your family tonight.

- 1.2 liters. water,
- 7-8 hibiscus leaves,
- 2-3 mint leaves,
- 1 apple,
- 50 g of frozen raspberries,
- 50 g frozen cranberries,
- 3 lemon wedges,
- honey.


How to brew coffee in a Turk

Ingredients: coffee

Coffee is a drink so popular that there are thousands of recipes for its preparation. It is cooked both at home and in catering establishments. It should be noted that everyone who prepares this wonderful drink has their own secrets. From our recipe with a photo, you will learn how to brew real coffee in a Turk.


Mulled wine with tangerines

Ingredients: red wine, tangerine, orange juice, apple juice, sugar, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, ginger root, spices

Red wine - 300 ml,
We offer to prepare a drink based on red wine, fruits and spices. Cooking mulled wine at home is easy and fun!

- granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons,
- tangerines - 2 pcs.,
- cinnamon - 2 sticks,
- cardamom - 2 stars,
- orange or apple juice - 100 ml,
- ginger root - 10 g,
- spices to taste.


Healing tea with spices, honey and fruits

Ingredients: green or black tea, honey, cinnamon stick, apple, orange, allspice peas, cardamom, cloves, ground ginger

Tea according to this recipe turns out to be not only unusually tasty, spicy and aromatic, but also medicinal, which is very important when there are children in the house and they are often sick. If you are preparing a drink for an adult, feel free to add alcohol to the recipe, it will make the tea even more healing and spicy.

- 1/3 tsp green or black tea,
- 1 tsp honey,
- 1 stick of cinnamon,
- 2 apple wedges,
- 2 orange slices,
- 3 allspice peas,
- 2 seeds of cardamom,
- 1 carnation bud,
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger.

Drinks prepared and sold at public catering establishments can be divided into two groups: hot and cold.

Hot- tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sbiten, punches, drinks with wine, mulled wine, grog. The temperature for serving hot drinks must be at least 750C.

Cold - milk and fermented milk products, fruit and berry soft drinks, kvass, berries, non-alcoholic mixed drinks. The temperature for serving cold drinks should not be higher than 140C and not lower than 70C.

Hot drinks

Tea. Tea appeared in Russia in the 16th century and became a traditional Russian drink.

Tea came to Russia from Northern China, where it was called "cha-e". This Chinese name became the Russian word for tea. He came to Western Europe from South China, where he was called "ti".

Tea is a real pantry of biologically active substances. The most important of them is the alkaloid caffeine, which has a tonic effect, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and increases efficiency. Caffeine stimulates heart function, has a beneficial effect on kidney function and promotes normal digestion. There are other alkaloids in tea: theobromine, theophylline.

Among the extractive substances of tea, the bulk is accounted for by the so-called tannins, which determine the tart, astringent taste and wonderful golden color of tea. This group of substances includes tea tannins. They not only determine the taste and color of tea, but are also biologically active: they improve digestion, strengthen blood vessels, small capillaries and reduce the permeability of their walls. Together with caffeine, tannins provide a tonic effect during intense mental work. Some of the tea tannins (catechins) have vitamin P properties.

The properties of tea tannins must be considered when brewing tea. All tannins with iron oxide ions form black substances. Therefore, tea should not be brewed in an oxidizing iron pot or in water containing iron ("rusty").

The color of tea catechins becomes lighter in an acidic medium. These are kind of plant indicators. This property explains the fact that when lemon is added, the tea brightens. They are readily soluble in hot water and poorly soluble in cold water. Therefore, when the strong brew is cooled, the tannins precipitate and the brew becomes cloudy. If it is heated again, it becomes transparent again. If the tea leaves do not become cloudy when cooled, then they are weak.

It is very important that in tea all these biologically active substances are contained in a complex, therefore their effect on the body is much more favorable than synthetic preparations of the same substances, which can be purchased in pharmacies.

The volatile essential oils contained in the tea give rise to the wonderful aroma of the tea. Due to their volatility, they are easily lost if the infusion is boiled or heated for a long time. Essential oils are practically insoluble in cold water. Therefore, when the tea leaves are cooled, they form oil stains ("foam") on its surface.

Dry tea contains a whole complex of vitamins: C, P, PP, B1, B2, pantathenic acid (B3), etc.

Such vitamins as B1 (thiamine), C and others are not deposited in the body, and a cup of tea in the morning is one of the most important sources of them.

Tannins are capable of binding to proteins and depriving them of solubility. The effect of tannins on the proteins of the oral mucosa is responsible for the tart, astringent taste of tea. This also explains the loss or decrease in the astringency of tea when milk is added: tea tannins bind to milk proteins.

Store dry tea only packaged, because when opened, it rapidly increases moisture and loses its aroma.

Tea brewing rules. The process of making tea (brewing) should ensure the maximum transfer of its extractive substances into water and the complete preservation of aromatic substances.

The quality of a tea drink is greatly influenced by the way it is brewed. The hardness of the water is of a certain importance: the harder it is, the weaker the extractable substances that make up the tea are. Very hard water gives the tea a cloudy, unpleasant taste and odor.

Tea is brewed in ceramic teapots. They are heated, rinsed with boiling water, then dry tea is poured and boiled water is poured into 1/3 of the kettle's volume. Covering the teapot with a napkin, leave the tea to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Without infusion, only 10-15% of the soluble substances of the dry tea mass pass into the water, and when infused, up to 90%. After insisting, add boiling water to the norm. The amount of boiling water for brewing is determined by the recipe. It is convenient to dose tea with a special measure by volume. Large amounts of tea should not be brewed immediately. This impairs its taste. It is recommended to prepare infusions for no more than 20 servings. It is impossible to boil or store hot tea leaves for a long time, as this drastically reduces the quality of the tea. The storage time of the infusion should not exceed 30 minutes, its temperature is 55-650C. Take 50 ml of tea leaves in a glass (200 ml) and add boiling water.

Tea serving. Tea is served in glasses or cups, in pairs of teapots and one teapot. When served in cups or glasses, they are placed on a saucer (you can also serve tea in glasses with glass holders without a dish). Tea is served with lump sugar 2-3 pieces each, jam, jam or honey on rosettes or in vases, bowls. In the summertime, you can serve tea chilled to 8-100C, without sugar or with sugar and a slice of lemon or orange.

When serving hot or cold tea with lemon, the latter is cut into circles and served on a power outlet or in a vase or bowl. The amount of sugar can be increased at the request of the visitor. You can serve hot milk or cream in milk jugs, cookies, bagels, bagels, gingerbread cookies, pastries and cakes with tea.

Tea in pairs of teapots is in demand in teahouses, when serving visitors in hotel rooms. At the same time, boiling water is poured into a large kettle (with a capacity of 1 liter), and the tea leaves are poured into a small one (250 ml). Tea is served with one teapot in teahouses, teahouses. At the same time, both tea leaves and boiling water are poured into teapots with a capacity of 0.5-1 liters. It is customary to drink green tea without sugar from bowls; it is served with raisins, raisins, apricots, and oriental sweets.

Tea and sugar. Sugar added to tea, especially in small doses, improves, in the opinion of many, the taste of the tea infusion, and various sugars, included in small amounts in the tea leaf, participate in the formation of its aroma during the production of black tea, since during heat treatment they caramelize. On the other hand, too large doses of sugar impair the taste of the tea infusion and drown out the specific tea aroma. In addition, studies by German scientists have shown that sugar acts as an absorber of vitamin B1 when we put an excess of refined sugar in the infusion.

As for other sweets (sweets, chocolate, oriental), it must be borne in mind that they contain odorous substances, the aroma of which inevitably drowns out the natural delicate aroma of tea. It is best to drink unsweetened tea with a bit of sweets.

Tea and flour confectionery. Tea helps the digestive organs to assimilate, digest heavy flour and cereal products, increases their nutritional value. That is why by themselves, sometimes difficult to digest, flour products in combination with tea can even be the main food product for a long time, capable of maintaining the body's tone (for example, the nutrition of some patients). Thus, tea complements and ennobles flour products, but they do not "embellish" the tea.

When absorbing flour products with thin tea, i.e. with a large mass of boiled water, we double the negative effect of these products on our body, overload it with carbohydrates, create a load on the heart and the entire circulatory system with water, and then ... blame tea for the harmful effect. And he has absolutely nothing to do with it. If we certainly want to eat cake or cookies with tea, then we must drink it with very strong tea.

Tea and milk. The mixture of tea infusion with milk is a highly nutritious, easily digestible drink that has both stimulating and strengthening qualities. As you know, milk contains over 100 different nutrients necessary for humans. Vegetable fats and proteins in tea solution, mixing with animal fats and milk proteins, create a particularly nutritious, extremely useful for humans fat-protein complex, not to mention the fact that a rather impressive set of vitamins is added to it.

Milk also softens the effects of caffeine and other alkaloids, while tea tannin makes the stomach lining less susceptible to fermentation of whole milk. So tea helps milk, and milk helps tea.

Thus, tea and milk form an ideal healing and nutritious mixture, while the specific aromatic and taste qualities of tea are not lost at all. Of course, we are talking about tea, well and properly brewed. Taking into account the softening properties of milk, in these cases it is necessary to increase the dose of dry tea for brewing by 1 teaspoon, i.e. for 1 liter of liquid (tea with milk in a 3: 1 combination), you will need 4.5 teaspoons of dry tea instead of 3.5 tablespoons if it was about tea without milk.

All types of tea can be used with milk. Green tart teas mixed with black ones are especially good with milk. The specific aroma of tea takes on a different shade, as it spreads against the background of the aroma of milk. It is best to use in a mixture with tea not boiled, but raw pasteurized milk warmed up to 40-600C, or powdered milk powder, which has intact vitamins and does not have any foreign dish odors.

Milk tea is a good prophylactic agent. It is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys, heart, as a tonic for exhaustion of the nervous system. But even for a practically healthy person, strong, fragrant tea with milk is an excellent drink, especially in the morning or after an overstrain.

Tea and lemon. Tea and fruits. Drinking tea with fruits as an additional aroma and flavoring component, of course, does not cause any deterioration in the healing and nutritional properties of tea. On the contrary, these properties only complement and thereby strengthen. But the specific aroma properties of tea always change, and in some cases are completely lost. Therefore, the introduction of natural juices or fresh and dry fruits into tea is a matter of individual taste. Sometimes fruit is added to tea for medicinal purposes. In this case, tea can either serve as a "transporter" of a number of acids (citric, malic, ascorbic), which in their pure form can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, or plays the role of an enhancer of the properties of certain fruits.

Most often, tea is drunk with lemon and less often with other citrus fruits (for example, in Japan with orange, in Arab countries and in America with grapefruit). In combination with citrus fruits, the nutritional, healing properties of the tea drink are naturally enhanced: it better restores lost strength, quenches thirst. That is why they drink tea with citrus fruits mainly in hot countries - India, Iran, Turkey, Florida and California (USA).

The taste of lemon tea varies. It becomes "citrusy", peculiar, pleasant, but still becomes "not tea-like". The same thing happens when other fruits are added to tea: the tea aroma disappears. However, it is a misconception that tea with citrus fruits and other fruits and juices containing acids becomes “weak”. Tea only brightens, in other words, its pigmentation changes. But the strength of the tea does not change.

Of course, those who want to feel the true taste of this or that type of tea should not mix it with anything.

Coffee. The composition of coffee depends on the type and type of coffee beans. On average, coffee contains (in%): caffeine - 1-2; trigopelin - up to 1; esters of chlorogenic, caffeic, quinic acids - 5-8; citric and other acids - about 1; carbohydrates - 5-6; proteins - about 3; mineral salts (mainly potassium) - 4-5; as well as essential oils (caffeol), formed when roasting raw beans.

Coffee has a strong tonic effect: it stimulates the central nervous system (especially the cerebral cortex), stimulates the heart, and increases the secretion of the digestive glands. To achieve a tonic effect, you need 0.1-0.2 g of caffeine. The maximum dose for an adult is 0.3 g, which corresponds to 15-17 g of ground coffee (1-2 teaspoons).

For quick preparation of the drink, instant coffee is used, which dissolves in hot water in 10-30 seconds. The caffeine content in it reaches 4.5-5.1%, so it should be dosed very accurately when brewing. It contains significantly less aromatic and flavoring substances than fresh ground coffee.

If the coffee comes raw, then the beans are roasted with continuous stirring until they are dark brown in color. At the same time, their volume increases by 30-50%, and their mass decreases by 18%. When roasted, the color of the beans turns brown due to the caramelization of sugars and the melanoidin formation reaction, in addition, a coffee aroma appears as a result of the release of essential oils. Roasted coffee beans are ground. The degree of their grinding significantly affects the extraction of soluble substances and the deposition rate of powder particles, taste, aroma and strength of the drink.

Coffee powder with a particle size of less than 500 microns loses less aroma and flavor during storage. Therefore, when brewing such coffee, a drink with the best organoleptic characteristics is obtained.

It is especially important to finely grind the beans for preparing oriental coffee, which is served with grounds. Commercial coffee has a different particle size distribution. Therefore, for making coffee in an oriental way, fine fractions should be sieved through metal-woven sieves with cells of 0.4 mm or less, and the rest on the sieve should be used for brewing coffee in the usual way.

Grind roasted coffee in coffee grinders just before brewing. Ground coffee is sometimes mixed with chicory in the amounts indicated in the recipes.

Coffee is prepared in coffee pots, coffee makers and special Express machines, etc.

Pour coffee into a pot or coffee maker, pour boiling water over it, bring to a boil, then stop heating and let the drink brew for 5-8 minutes. Coffee brewed in coffee makers is filtered through a special sieve or cloth. Loss of moisture during cooking and straining is 5-10%.

At the enterprises of "luxury" and the highest class for the preparation of black coffee, they use semi-automatic coffee makers of the "Express" type or special coffee pots and Turks, as well as electric coffee makers.

Prepare coffee in small portions as it is sold. Prolonged boiling and repeated heating of coffee are not allowed. When boiling coffee for 5 minutes, the content of most of the volatile substances in it decreases several times. At the same time, the ratio of individual components of aromatic substances also changes, which significantly affects the smell of the drink.

When brewing, about 20% of its mass is extracted from coffee extractives.

Coffee is served in coffee pots, from which it is poured into small cups or glasses.

Sugar is served separately on the outlet for black coffee. You can also serve hot milk or cream in the milk jug.

In the mass production of coffee with sugar and milk, the latter are added to the pot while the coffee is being brewed.

Some features of the preparation and serving of coffee are given in table. fourteen.

For a 200 g serving of drink, the amount of coffee is 7-10 g.

In the summertime, coffee is served cold with sugar in glasses or glasses, and a scoop of ice cream or ice cream with whipped cream is placed on top.

Cocoa and chocolate. Chocolate came to Russia at about the same time as coffee. At first, it was consumed precisely as a drink, and not as a confectionery. Now it is rarely drunk as a hot drink, since cocoa has become widespread. The path of chocolate and cocoa to us is very long and difficult. The inhabitants of ancient Mexico prepared a tonic drink from the fruits of the chocolate tree - chocoatal. Europeans recognized it through the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century, and drinking it became a habit at European royal courts as early as the 17th century. it became one of the favorite drinks of the nobility.

Its invigorating effect is due to the content of theobromine alkaloids and caffeine. The name "theobromine" comes from the botanical name for the chocolate tree "cocoa theobroma". Theobroma - translated from Greek means "food of the gods." To obtain chocolate, the cocoa fruits (as the natives called the chocolate tree) are kept for up to 7 days, dried, fried, crushed, finely ground, squeezed out the cocoa butter, and the remaining cake is crushed from the resulting finest powder and a cocoa drink is prepared.

Table 14

Features of making and serving coffee

Features of preparation and serving

Black with lemon

Black with liqueur, cognac

With milk or cream

Warsaw style


Sugar is served separately.

Lemon and sugar are served separately.

Sugar, liquor and cognac are served separately.

Hot milk or hot cream is served separately.

Sugar, baked milk are added to strained black coffee; when you leave, put the foam.

Sugar is added to the coffee, brought to a boil, and poured. Whipped cream with powdered sugar is served separately.


Ground coffee with sugar is placed in special small saucepans (Turks), poured with cold water, brought to a boil and released without straining. Cold boiled water is served separately.

Cocoa powder contains alkaloids - theobromine and caffeine, which stimulate the nervous system and cardiac activity, fats (at least 20%), proteins (23%), tannins, ash and other substances.

Cocoa is prepared in milk, it is a high-calorie, nutritious drink. Mix cocoa powder with granulated sugar, add a little boiling water, grind well, stirring continuously, pour in hot milk and bring to a boil.

They are released in glasses with cup holders or cups and saucers.

Sometimes cocoa is prepared with egg yolk. To do this, egg yolks are ground with sugar and gradually diluted with cooked cocoa. In the summer, cocoa is prepared with ice cream: a ball of ice cream is placed in a glass or glass, poured with boiled and chilled cocoa and immediately served.

Chocolate is used in the form of powder or tablets, which are pre-crushed. Chocolate is prepared in the same way as cocoa and released hot or cold with whipped cream or ice cream (glaze).

Sbiten. It is difficult to say when and where sbiten appeared on the tables of our ancestors, but it can be argued that it was about 500 years ago. We find a description of its preparation in Domostroy (16th century) and other early written monuments. It is curious that teapots appeared in Russia long before the appearance of tea itself and served to serve sbitn.

Foreigners who visited Russia during the time of Peter I spoke enthusiastically about sbitn, calling it "Russian mulled wine". This comparison arose, obviously, because visiting Dutch and English captains and navigators got acquainted with this drink in establishments where it was prepared with wine. Street vendors brewed sbiten without wine. In winter, they carried it for sale behind their backs in huge copper vessels in the form of samovars (“saklahs”) covered with a warm cloth.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. sbiten received special distribution. It was sold on the streets, in taverns and teahouses, in bazaars and fairs. Everyone drank it. Songs were composed about sbitna, he appeared in fairy tales, sayings and proverbs.

In the last century, the streets of Russian cities were characterized by the figure of a beaten up. We meet his image in popular prints, old engravings, on the pages of novels and stories.

That's how they said non-alcoholic sbiten. Honey was dissolved in boiling water, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and other spices were added and boiled. Sometimes sbiten was cooked with molasses. Sbiten was also prepared with wine, it was added to the finished drink at the end of boiling or replaced with water.

To prepare sbitn in boiling water, dissolve honey (150 g per 1 liter of water) and sugar (150 g), boil, remove the foam. Then put spices (bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom), boil and filter. Can be added to sbiten, except for spices, hops, mint. Serve hot in cups.

Sbiten with sea buckthorn. Pour cloves, cinnamon, cardamom or ginger with hot water and boil for 10-12 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put a bay leaf. Filter the broth, add sugar, honey, squeezed sea buckthorn juice, combined with sea buckthorn broth, and bring to a boil.

To prepare the juice, the prepared sea buckthorn is rubbed and squeezed out. The pulp is poured with hot water, boiled and filtered.

Sbiten is released hot, 200 g per serving.

Non-alcoholic punch is a hot non-alcoholic drink made with hot tea and sometimes milk. They may include various syrups, juices, milk, spices, eggs, etc. If the punch contains spices, it should be infused for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Russian hot punch

Lemon juice (20 ml), vanilla syrup (20 ml), hot strong tea (110 ml), lemon slice, cinnamon, cloves to taste.

Hot raspberry punch

Lemon juice (20 ml), raspberry syrup (20 ml), vanilla syrup (10 ml), hot strong tea (100 ml).

Punch "To health"

Honey (20 g), hot milk (40 ml), hot strong tea (90 ml), anise.

The components are thoroughly mixed, allowed to brew for 5-10 minutes. Decorated with a slice of lemon and served in ceramic cups. Serving temperature 60-700C.

Drinks with wine

Mulled wine (hot flaming wine) is prepared both on the basis of tea and fruit or berry juices with the addition of dry red or dessert wine.

Mulled wine "The Night Before Christmas". Wine "Cahors" is poured into enameled dishes, brought to a boil, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, liqueur are added and infused for 10-15 minutes.

Tea with red wine. Spices (cinnamon, cloves) are boiled in water for 2-3 minutes, then tea is brewed in this broth and allowed to brew for 5-10 minutes, sugar is added, brought to a boil, filtered, hot red dry wine is poured in.

Fruit drink

Hot boiled water is added to fruit or berry juice, sugar is brought to a boil, hot "Cahors" is poured in.

Groggy. These are hot mixed drinks with the addition of cognac, strong liqueurs. Dilute grog with strong hot tea or boiled hot water. For flavor, add a slice of lemon.

Brandy grog consists of hot strong tea (100 cm3), cognac (50 cm3), a piece of sugar and a slice of lemon.

Petrovsky grog is distinguished by the presence in the composition of Petrovskaya liqueur (35 cm3) and cherry liqueur (15 cm3).

Honey grog contains honey (2 teaspoons), cognac (50 cm3), hot strong tea (100 cm3) and a slice of lemon.

Hot drinks with wine are served in ceramic cups, in heat-resistant glass glasses.

There is a huge variety of delicious drinks. Many of them are healthy and can be made very easily at home. "So simple!" collected for you the best proven recipes for hot soft drinks.

Their big advantage is that all the components that make up the composition can be bought at any supermarket at a low price. Cook and drink to your health! Also, do not forget to treat your family and friends.

Delicious citrus fruit tea


  • 7 g hibiscus tea
  • 1 slice of grapefruit, orange (you can also lemon)
  • 50 g honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with boiling water.
  2. Then put the container on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Cover and leave for 3 minutes.

This tea is best consumed in summer. It perfectly refreshes, and the acid contained in citrus fruits quenches thirst well.

Healthy cranberry tea


  • 60 g orange
  • 40 g lemon
  • 50 ml orange juice
  • 50 g cranberries (frozen can be used)
  • 50 ml of sugar syrup (50 g of sugar and 50 ml of water to warm up until the sugar dissolves)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (or a pinch of chopped)
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Cut the orange into small wedges and place in the kettle with the cranberries.
  2. Add orange juice, sugar syrup and cinnamon.
  3. Pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Cranberry tea is rich in vitamins PP, B, K. It will strengthen your immunity and give you a lot of strength!

Tea "Trans-Siberian Express"


  • 100 g frozen sea buckthorn
  • 200 ml orange juice
  • 40 ml lemon juice
  • 40 ml ginger juice
  • 40 ml honey


  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Preheat a little in the microwave. Tea is ready!

The Trans-Siberian Express is a train that crosses all of Europe and Asia on the longest railroad. Why is tea named after him?

This drink combines the aromas of Asian ginger and sea buckthorn, which is widespread in the European part of Russia. This tea helps fight fatigue, insomnia and fatigue.

Ginger tea for colds


  • 200 g orange
  • 60 g lime
  • 80 ml ginger juice (made from ginger root)
  • 400 ml boiling water
  • 100 ml honey
  • sprig of mint


  1. Mash orange and lime in a saucepan, add honey and ginger juice, pour boiling water over and stir well.
  2. Add the mint, cover and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

In addition to the fact that ginger heals colds, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, is easily absorbed by the body and boosts immunity.

Sweet tea "Berry mix"


  • 10 g of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries (you can replace fresh berries with frozen ones)
  • 40 g honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Mash the berries in a saucepan, pour boiling water over, add honey and mix well.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into a kettle, let it brew for 3 minutes.

This drink will give you a pleasant berry taste and a real summer scent.

Warming tea for winter


  • 60 g ginger root (or 30 ml ginger juice)
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 orange slice
  • 40 ml honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Grate the ginger.
  2. Place all ingredients in a prepared container and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into a kettle, cover and leave for 3 minutes.

This drink will warm you up very quickly in cold weather. It can even be poured into a thermos and taken with you on long walks.

Vanilla fruit tea


  • 100 g apple
  • 100 g pear
  • 60 g orange
  • 50 g lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick (or 2 pinches)
  • 50 ml vanilla syrup (can be substituted with vanilla sugar, to taste)
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Cut the fruit into small cubes and place in the teapot.
  2. Add vanilla syrup and cinnamon stick.
  3. Then pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Vanilla fruit tea is best consumed in the morning. It will energize you for the whole day.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine


  1. Pour cherry juice and currant syrup into a saucepan with fruit.
  2. Then add spices to taste, just don't overdo it.
  3. Heat it up, just don't bring it to a boil.
  4. Pour mulled wine into a beautiful jug, garnish with a cinnamon stick and a lemon wedge.

Fruit mulled wine will give you a moment of joy at any time of the day. Treat yourself!

Tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam


  • 120 g frozen sea buckthorn
  • 30 g quince jam
  • 20 ml pear syrup
  • 6 g Ceylon tea
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Make sea buckthorn puree.
  2. To do this, boil sea buckthorn with sugar and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add sea buckthorn puree and all other ingredients to a saucepan, bring to a boil, then strain and enjoy tea.

If you add sea buckthorn tea to your diet, you will reduce sensitivity to weather changes and protect your body from viruses.

Chamomile tea


  • 500 ml water
  • 50 g dried apples
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 25 ml elderberry syrup
  • 5 chamomile tea bags
  • prunes, cranberries, dried apples


  1. Put dried apples, cranberries, elderberry syrup on the fire and bring to a boil.

Sweet and sour drink with a bright citrus aroma. It replaces regular tea well.


  • 2 tablespoons of hibiscus tea;
  • 1-2 lemon wedges;
  • 1-2 orange slices;
  • 1-2 slices of grapefruit;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Peel the slices of lemon, orange and grapefruit from the peel and films. Place the hibiscus and fruit in a saucepan. Pre-boil water, pour fruit and tea with it.

If you want to add sugar, put it with fruits and tea, stir. Put on a small fire. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover with lid. Let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Pour into cups and serve. If adding, place it in a cup just before serving.

Note: do not boil the hibiscus petals for a very long time - they will turn gray. And it is better not to put honey in boiling tea, but to add it to a cooled drink. So it will retain its aroma and benefits.

Sour, very aromatic and healthy tea, which is ideal for desserts.


  • 2 tablespoons blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons of blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of strawberries;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Mash the berries in a cup or mortar. Transfer this mixture to a kettle. Add sugar. Pour boiling water over the grated berries, stir. Place the lid on the kettle. It is advisable to wrap it up with a towel or put a tea woman on it. This tea should be infused for at least 10 minutes. Add honey just before serving.

Note: you can use fresh, frozen or dried berries. If you are using dried berries, you need to take two teaspoons, not tablespoons of each fruit. You can also add dried leaves from berry bushes to this tea - it will be even tastier.

3. Sea buckthorn tea

A must-have item in the autumn-winter menu is aromatic sea buckthorn tea. He is credited with almost healing properties, but it seems to me that he is just very tasty.


  • 100 g sea buckthorn;
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

In a saucepan, mash the sea buckthorn with a fork, add the ginger, stir. Add sugar and stir again. Cover with water and put on fire. When the tea boils, remove from heat, put the spices in a saucepan and cover. Tea is infused for at least 7 minutes. Add honey before serving.

This drink is very similar to a broth. It will come in handy for pies, cheesecakes and any pastries.


  • 3 tablespoons dry apple peel or dried apples
  • ½ cinnamon sticks;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Put dry apple peel and cinnamon stick in a saucepan, cover with cold water, put on fire, cover. Without removing the lid, bring the tea to a boil, remove from the stove and let it brew for 15 minutes. Wrap the saucepan in a cloth or cover with a tea woman. You can add sugar and honey before serving.

Original hot drinks

This drink is served in many restaurants, coffee shops and pastry shops, but it is quite expensive. We pacify the inner curmudgeon and prepare milk and syrup on our own.


  • Cup ;
  • a few drops of any syrup (lavender, coffee, chocolate, caramel, fruit).

How to cook

Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat slowly. The drink should be hot, but the milk does not need to be boiled. When hot, remove from heat. If there is a shaker, pour the milk into it and add the syrup. Then whisk and gently pour into a glass to prevent the foam from falling.

The milk can be whipped with a mixer or poured into a jar and shaken vigorously. The foam should be dense and contain small bubbles.

Note: lavender and other syrups are available at the supermarket. If you don't feel like buying, you can cook it yourself. Combine a glass of water, a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, cook for a minute, then strain.

Many people love mulled wine, but not everyone can afford to enjoy its heady sips. We solve the problem and prepare hot and aromatic non-alcoholic mulled wine.


  • 1 liter cherry juice;
  • 3 tablespoons of berry syrup;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 3-4 orange slices;
  • 3-4 lemon wedges;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • 3 carnation buds;
  • star anise.

How to cook

Pour juice and syrup into a saucepan, put on low heat. The drink should not boil. While it is heating, add the spices. Add fruit wedges. It will be better if you clean them from the outer films so that only the pulp gets into the mulled wine. Warm up the spice drink. When it's hot and fragrant, remove from the stove. Add honey to mulled wine before serving.

Fictional hot drinks

Hot drinks go well with a pleasant evening with a book. It's even cooler if the drink seems to have come off the pages of your favorite fantasy or fairy tale.

There are a lot of recipes for butter beer. The authentic version necessarily includes ale and butter. To be honest: I imagined butter beer not at all intoxicating, but sweet, rich and a little heady. Since "Harry Potter" is a novel by a British writer, butter beer should be prepared in the tradition of English cuisine, but we will do otherwise.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 500 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 5 tablespoons of caramel sauce;
  • 75 g dark rum.

How to cook

Heat the milk in a saucepan, but do not boil it. Remove from heat, place ice cream in hot milk and stir. When the ice cream is melted, place the pot on very low heat and stir gently. When the mixture is slightly hot, pour into a blender, add the caramel sauce and rum. Whisk until a dense foam appears from small bubbles. Transfer to a thick-walled cup. You can decorate with caramel crumbs or chocolate.

Note: caramel sauce can be replaced with boiled one. If you don't have a blender, whisk everything together. It is advisable not to use low-fat milk or poor quality ice cream. A mixture of these foods is more likely to separate when heated.

Cersei was clearly not sipping tea from her glass.


  • 50 ml of wine;
  • 70 ml dark rum;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar or honey;

How to cook

Pour water and sugar into a saucepan. Put on a small fire, heat. When the sugar is dissolved, pour the rum and wine into a saucepan, stir. Add nutmeg, remove from heat, and pour into a large glass.

Chocolate hot drinks

An alternative to the boring pumpkin latte.


  • ½ liter of milk;
  • 200 g pumpkin puree;
  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife;
  • ground ginger on the tip of a knife;
  • nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

How to cook

In a heavy saucepan, combine milk, pumpkin puree, and spices. Put on low heat, but do not let it boil. When the mixture is hot, remove the pan from the heat. Break the white chocolate into pieces and add to the milk. Stir until the chocolate is dissolved.

Note: pumpkin puree is very simple to make: bake the slices in the oven and whisk in the mashed potatoes in a blender. The finished drink can be garnished with chocolate or caramel sauce. This hot drink can be flavored with a pinch of salt added to the cup.

Seems to be the most extravagant and complex drink on this list.


  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • cinnamon stick;
  • chilli;
  • 1 tablespoon of brandy;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Heat milk in a separate saucepan (not boiling), add sugar, cinnamon, chili. If you like very spicy dishes, break up the chili and chop it into a saucepan, not forgetting the seeds. Heat the spiced milk. Remove from the stove and pour through a sieve into a bowl of chocolate. Add cognac and sugar to taste. Stir, keep for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Serve in small cups.

Bon Appetit!

Christmas drinks are a great addition to the festive table

Hibiscus and berry winter tea

This fragrant tea drink made from summer berries and petals of the Sudanese rose will not only be a wonderful addition to New Year's desserts, but will also increase the body's resistance to colds due to the significant content of vitamins and microelements.

Ingredients: hibiscus tea - 2 tsp; water - half a liter; raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries (or other berries of your choice) - a handful each; mint - 2-3 leaves; sugar - 3 tbsp. l .; lemon - 2-3 circles; honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  • I pour hibiscus with boiled water, let it brew for 5 minutes.
  • Stir berries with sugar and mint, pour tea and stir.
  • Let it brew for 10 minutes, filter and pour into cups.
  • Before serving, I put a lemon circle and half a spoonful of honey in each mug.

The drink turns out to be very rich, pleasant and invigorating, and pronounced berry notes give memories of warm summer days.

Spicy eggnog

Eggnog is a favorite Christmas drink of Europeans and Americans, based on raw egg yolks and milk, very reminiscent of our mogul. The homeland of the dessert is Scotland. In the classic recipe, it is customary to add alcohol - rum, whiskey or brandy, but I decided to move away from this version and prepare a non-alcoholic version. It turned out very emotional and unusual, the relatives appreciated it. Now I do eggnog for every family holiday and, of course, for the New Year.

Ingredients: milk - 2 tbsp.; condensed milk - 1/4 cup; eggs - 4 pcs.; sugar - 1/2 cup; clove - a sliver; ground cinnamon - 1/4 tsp; whipped cream (35%) - 100 ml; vanillin and grated nutmeg to taste.

I cook like this:

  • I mix milk, spices and condensed milk in a small saucepan.
  • I put the resulting mixture on medium heat and, stirring constantly, heat it up for 5 minutes, without bringing it to a boil.
  • I rub the yolks, separated from the proteins, with sugar until a creamy fluffy mass using a whisk.
  • In small portions (1 tablespoon each) I pour warm milk into the yolks, continuing to stir regularly;
  • I pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, put it on a small fire and simmer until it thickens. The process usually takes 10 minutes.
  • I remove the eggnog from the heat, add the vanillin, let it cool and pour it into cups.
  • Before serving, I decorate the drink with whipped cream, sprinkle with chopped nutmeg.

This wonderful dessert, which is very easy and simple to prepare, will appeal to both adults and children.

Hot chocolate with honey and cinnamon

Hot chocolate is our family's favorite treat. The drink is easy and quick to prepare, warms the body and uplifts the mood, even in the most inclement weather.

Ingredients: milk - 0.5 liters; dark chocolate - 1 bar; honey - 4 tbsp. l .; sugar - 3 tbsp. l .; cinnamon - 1 stick; vanilla extract - 1 tsp; cream (for decoration) - optional.

I cook like this:

  • In a medium saucepan, combine milk, honey, sugar and cinnamon.
  • I put the container on low heat, bring it to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove.
  • I break the chocolate into pieces and throw it into the hot mass. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted. After that, I remove the cinnamon and once again bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

Before serving, I decorate the hot chocolate with cream and sprinkle with ground cinnamon on top, it turns out not only tasty and healthy, but unusually festive.

Warming apple cider

On a cold New Year's Eve, apple cider with spices and citrus will warm you with its amazing aroma and fill the house with the spirit of celebration and magic.

Ingredients: fresh apple juice - 2 l; orange, pear, lemon - one fruit each; cinnamon - 1 stick; clove - a sliver.; ginger - 2-3 slices.

Cooking method:

  • Pour apple juice into an enamel saucepan, bring to a boil.
  • I cut the washed fruits into slices and send them to boiling juice, stir. I also add spices and ginger there.
  • When the mixture boils again, reduce the heat and boil it for another 10 minutes. I let the drink brew for an hour.
  • I filter the warm cider through a sieve and pour it into glasses, decorating it with orange slices and slices of fresh apples on top.

This delicious and healthy drink, prepared according to an old English recipe, will really please your guests, especially children.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine based on grape juice

Mulled wine prepared on the basis of fruit juice without the addition of alcohol is an excellent warming and tonic drink. It is prepared quite simply.

Ingredients: grape juice (preferably homemade) - 600 ml.; water - 100 ml; lemon and orange zest - 2 tbsp each l .; half an apple; cloves - half a teaspoon; cinnamon - 1 stick; cardamom is a sliver.

I cook like this:

  • I combine the grape juice with water and heat it over low heat.
  • While the mixture is heating, I add the rest of the ingredients in turn: the zest, the apple slices and spices.
  • Stir gently until the mulled wine heats up to 70 degrees. Celsius. Then I turn off the heat and let the mass brew for a couple of minutes.

I pour the strained mulled wine into transparent containers. And to make the drink much more pleasant to enjoy, I decorate the glasses with lemon and orange slices.

Spicy chai latte

Gourmet spicy chai latte is appreciated by gourmets all over the world for its soft light taste. This exotic drink is made at home with minimal investment of money and time.

Ingredients: large-leaved black tea - 2 tablespoons; water - 3 glasses; milk - 0.5 l + 100 ml for milk foam; sugar - 2 tbsp. l .; cloves and dry ginger - 1/4 tsp each; cardamom - 2 pcs.; ground nutmeg - a sliver.

Cooking technology:

  • I pour boiling water over the tea leaves, let it brew for 10 minutes.
  • I pour the tea into an enamel container, add sugar, milk, spices. I mix all the ingredients thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved, bring the mixture to a boil and remove from the stove. After that, I close the container tightly and wrap it with a terry towel.
  • After 5 minutes, pour the chai latte into cups using a strainer.

Before serving, I pour milk foam into the mugs, which I beat down with the help of a coffee machine.

Cranberry punch

A bright mixture of fruits, cranberries and citruses will delight your household and surprise guests with its freshness and unsurpassed aroma.

Ingredients: cranberries - 100 ml; cranberry juice - 100 ml; orange and apple juice - half a liter each; juice from one lime; slices of orange and lime (for decoration).

I cook like this:

  • In a medium saucepan I combine all types of juice, heat the mass over low heat, and, without letting it boil, remove.
  • I let the fruit mixture brew for 15 minutes.

I put cranberries and citrus slices in transparent cups and fill them with hot juice. A few minutes - and delicious, vitamin punch is ready to be served on the festive table.

The old recipe for non-alcoholic sbitn

Sbiten is a traditional Russian winter drink based on honey. Even in the days of Russia, it was an obligatory addition to national baked goods - bagels, cookies, rolls, since now coffee and tea. Try condemning sbiten according to my signature recipe - pamper your family and friends with a delicious and very healthy drink.

Ingredients: water - half a liter; honey - 3 tbsp. l .; dried ginger - 1/3 tsp; half a lemon; mint - 1/2 tsp; cinnamon and cloves to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Gently grate the lemon to get the zest. Next, I cut the fruit in two and, using a manual citrus juicer, squeeze the juice out of it (you need one half).
  • I pour water into a saucepan and set it to boil.
  • I add spices, honey, lemon juice and zest, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved and pour it into a thermos.

I pour the present sbiten into clay mugs and serve it with desserts or baked goods.

Non-alcoholic warming drinks prepared according to my recipes will become real culinary masterpieces on the New Year's table, make a festive evening cozy and sincere.