How much kefir is obtained from 1 liter of milk. Is there an exact formula? Cottage cheese made from natural cow's milk

Everyone remembers the commercial for the house in the village. I wanted to get to such a fabulous village at least for a short while. Thick sour cream, fragrant cottage cheese, whole milk, healthy kefir. Fermented milk products firmly settled in our diet. Today we will do a mathematical calculation and find out how much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of milk.

Curd is a granular mass with health benefits

Curd with different concentration fat can be bought at any supermarket. And if you're lucky, you can even find homemade products on the market. Without cottage cheese, as without water, neither here nor there, because it is in fermented milk products that we draw the right amount calcium and vitamin D. And baked goods with such a filler are always delicious and appetizing.

If you decide to open a small dairy shop in your home, then you initially need to draw up a business plan. Calculation of costs, losses and profits in the form fermented milk products is simply necessary.

How much cottage cheese is obtained from 3 liters of milk? It all depends on the original fat content dairy product... Generally speaking, out of three liters cow's milk you can make about 800-900 g of pure, delicate cottage cheese.

But cottage cheese is made not only from milk. Most often, at home, we use kefir for these purposes. How much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of kefir? IN living conditions one liter of kefir can be converted into 300-400 g of cottage cheese. Here, again, everything depends on the fat content of kefir and the technology for making cottage cheese.

But with sour cream, the situation is different. It is almost impossible to make it without a special separation unit. Only experienced farmers know the secret of making sour cream. If you are interested for general development, how much sour cream is obtained from 1 liter of milk, we will share this information with you.

The separator immediately processes about 9-10 liters of milk. It is from this volume of liquid that only 1 liter of thick fat sour cream... Consider for yourself: from 1 liter of milk you can make no more than 100 g of sour cream.

In the conditions of city life, it is better to buy sour cream in a store. Not even better, but simpler. But you can think about the preparation of cottage cheese.

Milk showers with curd sediment

A small disclaimer: only whole or pasteurized milk is suitable for making cottage cheese. Attempts to convert powdered milk into cottage cheese will fail. If you're not in a rush, make yourself comfortable and study the recipe carefully. Experienced chefs advise to cook cottage cheese in the evening. Then in the morning you can already serve healthy and tasty cottage cheese for breakfast. The main thing is that it will not contain preservatives or other ingredients of dubious production.


  • 2 liters of milk.


  • To get started, let's walk to the nearest store and buy two cartons of milk. If you have homemade milk, even better.

  • Pour the milk into a heatproof saucepan and heat slightly.
  • The best thermometer is your hand.
  • Our goal is to ferment the milk, and for this we add a couple of slices of black bread to the pan.

  • Cover the milk with a lid and leave it alone for 1-2 days. It ferments faster when room temperature.
  • After the above time has passed, you will see such a mass in the pan.

  • We can safely remove the bread slices, we do not need them.
  • Let's build quickly water bath and send a pan of milk there.

  • As soon as the water in the container boils, turn off the heat.
  • For another 20 minutes, the milk mixture will sit in a water bath.
  • During this time, the whey rises upward, and the curd settles to the bottom of the pan.

  • Strain all this mixture through a colander or cheesecloth.

  • These are the two products we got: whey and cottage cheese. The main thing is fast and useful!

We conduct an experiment on kefir

Curd made from kefir can be given to the smallest children. It is very helpful and has amazing creamy taste and delicate creamy texture. From 500 ml of kefir, about 70 g of pure cottage cheese is obtained. Gourmets can add chopped herbs and spices to the curd. Remember that such a product can be stored for no more than 2-3 days.


  • 500 ml of kefir with a fat concentration of 2.5%.


  • Try to choose quality kefir.
  • Do not be lazy and carefully study its composition. Natural product contains only ferment and whole milk.
  • As soon as we have made our choice, we will hurry home and start our culinary experiment.
  • Take heat-resistant cookware, preferably enamel or glass.
  • Remember: aluminum containers will oxidize. And then the unpleasant taste of the curd is guaranteed.

  • Let's start heating the mixture, just don't move away from the stove for a minute.
  • We will see how gradually the thick mass will settle, and the liquid will rise upward. This is a whey, it is quite edible.

  • As soon as the mass has boiled down to the maximum, let it cool down.
  • We will build a separator installation.
  • Take a deep plate and put cheesecloth on top, folded four times.

  • Strain the cooled mass through cheesecloth.
  • Try to get a deep bowl so that the whey doesn't overflow.
  • Now let's squeeze it out again curd mass.
  • You can eat such cottage cheese right away, but it's better not to rush and leave it hanging for several hours.
  • During this time, it will dry out and become even tastier.

  • Now you can start tasting and feed the whole family with homemade cottage cheese.

Curd is healthy. It's not even worth talking about it. People who do not like to eat such a fermented milk product have never tried homemade curd. You will be surprised how wonderful and aromatic it can be. Try it - it's quite simple. Just a packet of kefir or milk for a few minutes converted into curd mass. After such a tasting, you are unlikely to want to taste the store products again. Enjoy your meal!

Buy finished product in the store it is much simpler, but after all, its quality and taste is getting worse and worse every year.

In this case, the most correct thing is to learn how to make a product yourself, how to cook it and how much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of milk - we will talk in detail in the article. The preparation of a fermented milk product loved by many has a lot of peculiarities, it is important to take into account everything: fat content, type of milk and fermentation conditions.

We will not torment you with long conversations, but immediately move on to the main thing, so that today you can start the process of making homemade cottage cheese you need.

What kind of milk is better to make cottage cheese

Before answering the question of how much cottage cheese will be obtained from 1 liter, 2 liters, 3 liters or 10 liters of milk - you need to understand what factors affect the weight of the fermented milk product and what type of milk it should be made from.

Cottage cheese made from natural cow's milk

Of course, if the product is homemade and is provided by a healthy cow that eats well, then there is every chance of getting a delicious fat cottage cheese at home. But not a single buyer will be able to check the reliability of these factors, and it is very unsafe to take the seller's word for it.

Many housewives who keep a cow at home stir the resulting milk with water, and also add all kinds of substances to it that increase its total mass, i.e. you get a dairy product not in pure form, but diluted.

Firstly, such milk can curdle for a very long time (or even not curd at all without special ferments), and, secondly, little cottage cheese will turn out from it, since all the excess liquid (whey) will go away and very little curd mass will remain ...

Conclusion: you can take homemade cow's milk to get cottage cheese only when the product and the seller have already been checked by you, or if you keep the cow yourself.

Then the cottage cheese will turn out to be of high quality, and the milk itself for its preparation will turn sour quite quickly (in a day if it is summer or within 2 days if it is winter outside).

Pasteurized milk cottage cheese

It is difficult to buy high-quality homemade milk in a city environment, so many people replace it with pasteurized milk. The essence of obtaining such a product is to heat it once to 60 ° C. Milk is warmed up within 60 minutes. If the degree during heating reaches 70-80 ° C, then it should warm up for no more than 30 minutes.

During pasteurization, milk spores remain alive, but vegetative forms of microorganisms die. Such milk does not lose its nutritional and taste, so you can get from it good cottage cheese.

By the way, it is from this type of milk that the cottage cheese turns out to be the most delicious and in terms of quantity it comes out more than from cow.

UHT milk curd

The principle of obtaining this type of milk is that the product is heated to 135-150 ° C, literally for 2-3 seconds, and then immediately cooled to 4-5 ° C. Thanks to ultra-pasteurization, bacterial spores die in milk, and its microflora "dies", but useful natural properties are preserved almost in full.

As a result, such milk sours longer than others, and the acidification process is not as pronounced as in ordinary milk.

It is believed that UHT milk will not turn sour without a special starter culture, so it is more difficult to get cottage cheese from it. All this is only half true, since you can still get homemade cottage cheese from UHT milk without sourdough. But such a curd mass will be more similar to the one that is sold in the store.

Skim milk cottage cheese

This type of dairy product is produced using a separator separating the fat from the rest of the milk. For skim milk to become sour, it is not necessary to add a special ferment, everything can happen naturally. But one drawback is from skim milk little cottage cheese.

How to find out how much cottage cheese will be made from milk

If you are just trying to cook cottage cheese from milk at home yourself, then, for sure, you have already thought more than once about how much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of milk on average? One liter is the minimum figure with which beginners should start their first attempts at cooking homemade curd... If suddenly something does not work out, it will not be so offensive.

If, with the basics of making cottage cheese at home, you are already "you", then the portion of milk, and, accordingly, the cottage cheese can be safely increased. In order not to confuse you with numbers, trying to answer the question of how much cottage cheese will be obtained from 3 liters, 4 liters, 6 liters, 10 liters of milk - let's say right away that this indicator (final product yield) is influenced by certain factors. We will consider them in more detail below.

There is an opinion that milk makes 10 percent of cottage cheese on average. However, this is nothing more than a convention. Each portion of milk produces its own individual amount of fermented milk product. So, one housewife will be able to make only 700 g of cottage cheese from 3 liters of milk, another - 900 g, and a third will produce a whole kilogram.

Such indicators are not accidental, they directly depend on the fat content of milk: the fatter it is, the more cottage cheese you get, and vice versa. The fact is that milk fat does not go into the whey, but almost completely remains in the curd mass, which is why the curd ultimately increases in weight.

In order not to eat too fatty product, choose milk with 1-1.5% fat content, or even less. But since it will be almost impossible to find out the fat content on homemade milk, which you buy from housewives on the market, it will be almost impossible to give preference in choosing better pasteurized milk. This indicator will be indicated on the package.

As a tip, we can suggest you to prepare cottage cheese from 1 liter of milk. Since the consumption rate of cottage cheese mass for an adult is no more than 100 g per day, and the average amount of cottage cheese from 1 liter of milk is 200-300 g, then such a portion will be enough for two or three people.

Fermented milk product is very perishable, and it is not advisable to store it for more than 72 hours, it can be dangerous to health.

As for making homemade cottage cheese from milk for infant, then it has its own characteristics and contraindications. About which milk is better to make cottage cheese for a baby and when to introduce a fermented milk product into complementary foods - read the detailed article on the website.

Before preparing cottage cheese, take into account our advice and correctly calculate how much cottage cheese you will get from 1, 3, 10 liters of milk - this is important, because you need to enjoy a delicate product right away, without putting it on the back burner. Do not forget about which milk is best for making cottage cheese. If you apply all the knowledge gained in practice correctly, then nothing but success awaits you.

Happy cooking!

If you want to try real cottage cheese, use this recipe. Homemade cottage cheese difficult even to compare with the store. The curd is very tender, consisting of large flakes.

COMPOSITION 3 liters of real country milk

You must be absolutely sure of the quality and purity of milk, because milk cannot be boiled - good cottage cheese cannot stand high temperatures.
If the curd is fine-grained, then you have been sold skim milk.
Another important detail. After a day, the cream should settle at least 1/4 of the height of the jar (marked in the photo). If there is less cream, then either the cow has recently calved, or the cow is bad, or skim milk has been slipped to you again.

Put milk in a warm place. For the fastest ripening, you need to put a small piece of brown bread. Every other day (in summer time) or 3 ~ 4 days (in winter time) the milk will turn into sour milk. During souring, milk should not be stirred. Readiness is determined by the formation of bubbles that rise upward and form vertical "passages".

Carefully remove the standing cream, otherwise a lot of cream will be decanted along with the serum through cheesecloth.
Pour the sour milk into a saucepan of a suitable size. Good curdled milk MUST NOT pour. The jar has to be shaken to make it fall out. From the flowing curdled milk, the cottage cheese will turn out to be of a different structure and less tasty.
Put the pan on the smallest heat. After 10 minutes (time is very important) the temperature should be checked. This is done in two ways.
First way.
Stir the contents of the pot gently. At the same time, the spoon should move only from the bottom up, lifting the lower layers up, but in no case in a circular motion. Dip your finger into the mass. It should be lukewarm.
In the second method, you need to touch the side of the pan closer to the bottom and to the top. The bottom of the pan should not be hot, but not warm either, but some medium heat, while the top of the pan should be slightly warm.
If the mass has not yet acquired such warmth, leave it on the fire for another 5 minutes and check the temperature again.
It is very important not to overheat the yogurt, because then the curd will become tough, fine-grained and unpleasant in taste.
Turn off the heat and leave the curd mass to cool, preferably overnight. After cooling, the mass will exfoliate into a dense layer of cottage cheese on top and whey on the bottom.
Cover a large bowl with gauze and pour the contents of the pan into it.

Tie the gauze and hang up, placing a container for the draining whey under it.

When the whey stops even dripping, the curd is ready.

You can not heat the curdled milk, but immediately after ripening, fold it onto gauze folded in 2 ~ 3 layers. But in this case, the curdled milk must be "monolithic", otherwise it can all seep through the gauze.
The taste of the cottage cheese prepared in this way is very delicate, but it is not recommended to bake anything from it, since a lot of whey remains in it and the products blur when baking.

From three liters of milk, 600 ~ 800g of cottage cheese is obtained (depending on humidity).

To the question How much cottage cheese will turn out from a liter of 3% fat milk if you try to cook it at home? given by the author Roped the best answer is it is better to buy and not bother, especially since now milk is such that it does not curdle, but it will bitter

Answer from Olga Skoll[guru]
At most 120-150 grams.

Answer from Andrey Kurochkin[guru]
if milk is made from powder, it turns out crap, not cottage cheese.

Answer from I-beam[guru]
Not more than 150 grams. And wash your head with serum

Answer from contribute[newbie]
very little, no need to suffer

Answer from Etraman[guru]
hell yes manenko!

Answer from Evetlana Popova[guru]
150 grams no more. But the resulting cottage cheese will be better than the store one.
Leave the milk for 12 hours at room temperature. It should turn sour a little. Then I put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, without interfering, turn it off and cover with a lid. Let it stand in a saucepan for 6 hours. Then put it in a colander. The serum is very useful, it turns out very pleasant.
Enjoy your meal!

Answer from Igoryok[active]
You will not get enough cottage cheese, it is better to take kefir, it turns out more from it. Personal experience.

Answer from Maria Gorbunova[guru]
It will turn out very little, really. But practice it, it will work out - make it out of more. In winter, leaving milk to sour without sourdough is a dangerous event, it can just turn rancid, then you just have to pour it out. The milk should be heated to about the temperature of a steam room, add sourdough - sour cream, yogurt, you can just put a crust of black bread. You need to ferment in the dish in which you are going to cook it. You should get a dense curd, but do not overdo it so that it is not sour. It is better not to put the pan on open fire, if a gas stoveand onto the flame divider. It is necessary to heat slowly, do not interfere, but only move it away from the edges with a slotted spoon. Guarding occurs at temp. about 40-42 degrees, otherwise you can digest and get hard curd... I will not say the cooking time, it depends on many factors, but it is better to let the cottage cheese be softer. When the cottage cheese is ready, we leave it until it cools completely in a cool place, then put cheesecloth in a colander, if it is very rare, then not in one layer, let the whey drain.

Answer from Mediocre Perekatnaya[guru]
about 100 grams. if the milk is decent, then the cottage cheese turns out to be very good.

Answer from Maya Kosenkova[guru]
Cottage cheese is obtained not from fat, but from protein
The yield of cottage cheese when cooking at home is about 20% of the milk volume
That is, you get about 200 g of cottage cheese

Answer from Irina gordiets[expert]
It turns out quickly and efficiently excellent cottage cheese: half a liter of milk will boil, pour in half a liter of kefir, stir with a spoon for 30 seconds and turn it off. The freshest, non-acidic and very delicate curd ready - this can be given to the smallest children as complementary foods. From 1 liter of homemade (milk and kefir), 150 grams of cottage cheese is obtained.

Answer from Natalia Gladkikh[guru]
from homemade milk you get 300 or 400 gr of cottage cheese

Answer from Jotefania Dance[active]
I took three liters of ultra-sterilized milk, fermented it overnight, warmed it in the morning without letting it boil for 20-25 minutes on the stove, then threw it into a colander with gauze and got 430 grams of delicious soft cottage cheese.

Answer from De-eng[newbie]
Just made - from about 800 ml. sour milk got 100 grams delicious cottage cheese, plus about 700 ml of whey (which is great for bread dough or pancakes). Store milk, ordinary. Much more should come out of home, I think.
If you do not take into account the time, with the cost of a liter pack of milk at 35 rubles. and "shop" cottage cheese at 45-50 rubles. for a 200 g pack, it turns out "your" cottage cheese is a little more expensive. However, if we take into account the side yield of whey, in which about 5% of the protein remains, then the opposite is true - your own is much cheaper.

Everyone remembers the commercial for the house in the village. I wanted to get to such a fabulous village at least for a short while. Thick sour cream, aromatic cottage cheese, whole milk, healthy kefir. Fermented milk products are firmly established in our diet. Today we will do a mathematical calculation and find out how much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of milk.

Cottage cheese - granular mass with health benefits

You can buy cottage cheese with different concentrations of fat in any supermarket. And if you're lucky, you can even find homemade products on the market. Without cottage cheese, as without water, neither here nor there, because it is in fermented milk products that we draw the required amount of calcium and vitamin D. And baked goods with such a filler always turn out to be extremely tasty and appetizing.

If you decide to open a small dairy plant in your home, then you initially need to draw up some kind of business plan. Calculation of costs, losses and profits in the form of fermented milk products is essential.

How much cottage cheese is obtained from 3 liters of milk? It all depends on the original fat content of the dairy product. Generally speaking, from three liters of cow's milk you can make about 800-900 g of pure, delicate cottage cheese.

But cottage cheese is made not only from milk. Most often, at home, we use kefir for these purposes. How much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of kefir? In domestic conditions, one liter of kefir can be converted into 300-400 g of cottage cheese. Here, again, everything depends on the fat content of kefir and the technology for making cottage cheese.

But with sour cream, the situation is different. It is almost impossible to make it without a special separation unit. Only experienced farmers know the secret of making sour cream. If you are interested for general development, how much sour cream is obtained from 1 liter of milk, we will share this information with you.

The separator immediately processes about 9-10 liters of milk. It is from this volume of liquid that only 1 liter of thick fatty sour cream is obtained. Think for yourself: from 1 liter of milk you can make no more than 100 g of sour cream.