Equipment for the production of mustard. We offer to familiarize yourself with the annotation

The consumption of Ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise exceeds three kilograms per year per person, so the pasty sauces and seasonings will always be in demand.

Organization of food business

It is necessary to register LLC of the future mini-plant and decide on strategic partners dealing with the sale of products (wholesale warehouses, bases). Supermarkets are especially important, they prefer to deal with reliable manufacturers, for they provide maximum sales.

Study of regulatory acts and state standards GOST 9159-71, GOST R 53590-2009 and GOST R 52141-2003.

Selected room that meets sanitary and hygienic standards and is purchased technological line for the production of pasty products.

A business plan is formed (which must be included - the daily volume of the issue, all costs and net income). Profit profitability is a key factor and it must be more than 55% For payback per year.

To confirm the quality of any type of pasty products, certification is required with a corresponding packet of documents, according to which products will be manufactured. It may be GOST (Category "Extra" without artificial preservatives) or branded technical conditions (TU) for other categories.

Maisona manufacturing technology

The mayonnaise is not regulated by GOST. The main components are vegetable oil (more than 30%), eggs, sugar (xylitis), salt, milk. In the workshop you need to have three chas (for liquid eggs, oil and paste).

Eggs pasteurize, pour into a tank for cooling. Then adds soybean oil and diluted B. apple vinegar spice. The unit mixes the mixture at room temperature For six minutes before homogeneity and get a mayonnaise paste.

After selective laboratory control of the quality of mayonnaise in color, smell, viscosity and other parameters, produce it with a dispenser in the packaging container (disposable two-layer packages, plastic).

Ketchup cooking technology

Tomato paste is diluted with water, mixed in a boiler with sugar (sorbitol), salt, fruit puree, starch, stabilizers, dye. Before casting through banks, packages and plastic cups, check in the laboratory with a refractometer for mass content of dry substances tomatoes and by other parameters (fragrance, consistency). The casting in the hot condition (80 degrees) provides optimal quality.

Mustache production

Grinding seeds (17%) are added to the mixture of pepper, turmeric, salt, vinegar, water (up to 60%) and produce mixing about an hour before the grains are broken. The mass is poured into a pickling mill of an adjustable grinding, where the grains are rubbed to the cream at a temperature of 60 degrees. Seasoning parameters are checked and spilled by banks.
The grain mustard is different from the powder seasoning with sweetness, and in french Mantice Acid is replaced by grape juice.

To maintain the line of production of Ketchup, Mayonnaise and mustard of five people. To stimulate sales rates, it is recommended to make discounts to wholesalers and complement the products with advertising booklets, carry out precious sales shares.

Work directly with supermarkets brings maximum return, and product quality will work for itself. Sales of fat mayonnaise are much ahead of the low-calorie, because consumers are interested in quality, not the price. And if we consider that the market is not yet saturated by pasty (growth trend of more than 2%), then the production of ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise guarantees stable profits.

Mustard - annolete plant Cruccetic family growing in middle lane Countries, mainly in the Volga region. In mature seeds contain up to 47% mustard oilhaving a specific "mustard" taste.

Under the name "Mustard" grow several different species Plants. In Culture - Four: Sarept, White, Black and Abyssinian. And the most common one is Mustard Sarestskaya or Sizaya (Brassica Juncea). It is also called the "Russian mustard".

The Mustard of Sreptskaya has created many varieties that are designed to obtain high-free seeds (VNIIMK 11, Donskaya 5, dawn, increasing 2, Rushen, Yuzhanka 15, etc.). In the seeds of these varieties contain 34 - 47% of the beautiful tasty oilwhich is used not only for the preparation of salads frying vegetables, baking bread, production of sweets and canned food, but also in soap, textile and pharmaceutical industry. And from the grinding cake - mustard powder - make seasoning (dining mustard), mustard pieces.

And one more no less interesting information: mustard powder and whole seeds have a preservative action, so they are often added to vegetable canned food Not only as an acute spice, but also a natural preservative.

Cooking technology

For cooking mustard in hot water We add sugar and salt and bring to a boil. The resulting solution is cooling up to 60 degrees. Then we pour it into the mustard powder and thoroughly stir up to a homogeneous mass. The mass is placed 12-15 hours in a warm place for "maturation". After that, add flavored vinegar, vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.

In order for the mustache to be good qualityIt is necessary to give it to "mature" - to withstand a day. Finished mustard stored in a cool place.

The wealth of shades of taste of all kinds of mustard depends on the composition aromatized vinegar, quantities of sugar, salt and vegetable oil. The composition of flavored vinegar may include fragrant and pepper bitter pepper, bay leaf and cinnamon, carnation and nutmeg, cardamom and garlic. The preparation of flavored vinegar will not be much difficulty - in 80% vinegar adds spices to your taste and insist during the day. The estimated number of spices per liter of vinegar is 10-12 grams. Now you can fantasize to your liking, and you will have a mustard of its own invention. And for a start, try to cook classic mustard "Russian", original "English" and sauce with Mustra "Remublab" (from Yugoslav Kitchen):


Mustard powder - 280 g

Water - 550 ml

Sugar - 115 g

Salt - 25 g

Vegetable oil - 85 g

Vinegar 80% - 20 ml

Gorky pepper, bay leaf - 0.5 g.


Mustard powder - 200g.

Sugar - 100g.

Easy wine - 500g.

Strong grape vinegar - 50g.

Zedra lemon.

Sugar, washed with lemon sister, pour wine, pour the solution into powder, stirring.

Mass withstand two days. After that, add vinegar.

Sauce "Remublab"

Mayonnaise - 200g.

Lemon juice - 20g.

Marinated cucumbers - 100g.

Mustard powder - 5g.

Sugar - 5g.

Ikra - 10g.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Mayonnaise is stirred with mustard, lemon juice ( lemon Acid), salt, pepper, finely chopped marinated cucumbers, fish Ikra (You can caviar Malta). When feeding is slightly diluted with water.

The mustard is finished is a homogeneous brazing mass - yellow with a reddish brown tint.

By physico-chemical indicators Mustard meets the following standards:

Name of indicators norm

Mass fraction dryness,% 40

Mass fraction of fat,% at least 8.0

Mass fraction of sugar,% at least 10-16.0

Titratable acidity in recalculation on acetic acid, % 1,5 - 1,7

We bring to your attention another study russian market Oilseeds from AB-Center - Analytical Reference: " Sowing Squares and Gross Seeds of Mustard Seeds in Russia. Results of 2014. "

Important! This study was updated and supplemented. To get acquainted, follow the link - Overview of the Russian Mustache Seed Market, mustard powder and finished mustard

The study discusses indicators of the seeds and production of mustard seeds as a whole in Russia (period from 2011 to 2014) and by federal districts and regions. Analyzed the dynamics of the yield of mustard in Russia. Also provide data on exports of mustard seeds from Russia By destination countries the production of mustard powder and dining mustard.

Subscribers "AB-CENTER" can download full version Studies by clicking on the button Download Below in text.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the annotation

Sowing Mustard Square

Sowing Mustard Square In 2014, according to the final reports of Rosstat, amounted to 182.3 thousand hectares, which was 18.7% more than it was sown in 2013 and 55.0% exceeds the indicators of 2012. In the period from 1990-2014, the maximum rate of the sowing areas of the mustard was observed in 1995 - 247.0 thousand hectares, the minimum indicator was observed in 2008 - 57.5 thousand hectares.

Sowing Mustard Squares by Regions

Region S. the greatest size Sowing mustache In 2014, the Volgograd region, where 16.8% of all areas under the mustard are concentrated in the Russian Federation. Also large regions of the cultivation of mustard in Russia (fell in the top 10 regions) are the Saratov region (14.8%), Rostov region (14.2%), Ryazan region (10.2%), Belgorod region (6.8% ), Penza region (3.6%), Voronezh region (3.4%), Tambov region (3.4%), Orenburg region (2.6%) and Ulyanovsk region (2.5%).

Vintage mustard

Vintage mustard In 2014, according to the AB-Center estimates, amounted to 7.7 c / ha Related Square. For comparison, in 2013, this figure was 5.0 c / ha, in 2012 - 5.4 c / ha. Higher than in 2014, the yield of mustard in the Russian Federation over the past 25 years has been observed in 1990 - 8.6 c / ha, in 1993 - 7.8 c / ha in 2011 - 8.0 c / ha.

Production of Mustian Seeds

Mustard gross fees in 2014According to preliminary data of Rosstat, amounted to 99.3 thousand tons - a record indicator since 1991. It is 81.6% more than collected in 2013 and 2.4 times higher than the same indicators of 2012.

Production of mustard seeds by region

Ryazan region in 2014 was located 4th place in size of the sowing space, but, due to high yield, on the 1st place grunk Mustache Seed Collections. The region's share in the total gross fees - 19.7%.

The second place on the gross seed collection of the mustard in the Russian Federation is occupied by the Volgograd region (17.1%), the third - Saratov region (15.1%), the fourth - Rostov region (11.6%). Also in the TOP-10 regions of the manufacturers of Mustard seeds in 2014, Belgorod region, Kursk region, Voronezh region, Penza region, Tula, and Chuvash Republic, entered.

Exports of mustard seeds from Russia

In the conditions of increasing gross fees of mustard, export of Mustian Seeds From Russia in 2014, also increased significantly - by 75.9% in relation to 2013. For exports, 18.5% of the total collected mustard seeds are directed.

Keyword exports mustard from Russia - Germany, where in 2014 49.3% of total exports were delivered.

In addition to Germany, the major areas of exports of this type of oilseed in 2014 were Poland (33.3%) and Austria (9.2%).

Also in 2014, the mustard seeds from the Russian Federation were supplied to Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Greece, Lithuania, Belarus, Bangladesh, Romania, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Israel, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The largest regions-sender seeds mustard for export In 2014: Volgograd region, Ryazan region, Rostov region, Saratov region, Belgorod region and the Republic of Chuvashia.

Production of mustard powder

Production of mustard powder in Russia In 2014, in conditions of increasing gross fees of mustard seeds, also increased by 3.9%. In relation to 2012, it increased by 30.6%. The high harvest of the mustard seeds in 2014 will have an impact on production indicators and in 2015. In January 2015, the production of mustard powder in the Russian Federation has grown in relation to January 2014 by almost 40%.

Table production of mustard

Industrial table production of mustard In Russia in 2014, 8.1% exceeded the figures for 2013. In January 2015, 0.9 thousand tons of dining mustard were produced in the enterprises, which is somewhat lower than production volumes in January 2014, but exceeds the indicators of the same period in 2010-2013.

This study includes the following tables and graphs:

Sowing mustard in Russia in 1990-2014.

Gross fees of mustard in Russia in 1990-2014.

Correlation of indicators of sowing areas, yield and making mustard in Russia in 1990-2014.

The dynamics and structure of the sown areas of the mustard according to the Federal Districts of Russia in 2010-2014.

Sowing mustard on federal districts and regions of Russia in 2010-2014, thousand ha

Dynamics and structure of gross fees of mustard seeds according to Russian Federal Districts in 2010-2014.

Gross fees of mustard seeds on federal districts and regions of Russia in 2010-2014, thousand tons

The volume and structure of the export of mustard seeds from Russia by destination countries in 2014

The production of mustard powder in Russia in 2010-2014.

Production of the mustard of mustard in Russia in 2010-2014.

The invention relates to oil and fat industry. When processing the seeds of the mustard into the crushed seeds before pressing, 25-30 wt.% Of water. The mixture is heated to 35-45 o C and withstand 15-20 minutes. Then, dried again at 80-110 o C to the moisture content of 5-6 wt.%. This allows you to get oil with the aroma and taste of mustard, as well as through the presence of essential mustard oil, increase the shelf life from 6 to 12 months. 1 tab.

The invention relates to K. food Industry And it can be used in the production of aromatic food mustard oil containing a substance inherent in the dining room mustard. Known technological process The processing of the mustard seeds includes the following operations: cleaning seeds from mechanical impurities, air-conditioning by moisture and sizes, seed collapsing and shell separation (husks) from the kernel, nucleus grinding, pressing, oil filtering (guide on the technology of obtaining and processing vegetable oils and fats. L., VNIIZH, T.1, first book, 1975, p. 568-584; technological regulations of mustard-oil production). Currently, fragrant vegetable oils, which are used in the production of sauces, mayonnaise, and other seasonings are found. The purpose of the present invention is to obtain fragrant food mustard oil containing substances inherent in the dining room mustard, as well as an increase in its storage period from 6 to 12 months. The goal is achieved by the fact that 25-30 wt.% Waters are added before pressing the grinding seeds of the mustard, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 35-45 o C and are kept at a given temperature for 15-20 minutes, i.e. Conduct hydrolysis reaction natural substance Sinigrin, which is part of the mustard seeds, as a result of which the essential mustard oil is formed, which gives a specific aroma and taste of the dining mustard with fatty food mustard oil. In addition, the presence of essential mustard oil significantly slows down the oxidation processes occurring in oil during its storage, thereby increasing the shelf life of oil from 6 to 12 months. Example. 100 kg of mustard seeds are purified from mechanical impurities, air-conditioned them in size, collapsed, separated by the shell (husks) from the kernel, crushed the kernel and add 25-30 kg of water (25-30 wt.%), The mixture is heated to a temperature of 35-45 O C and withstand at a given temperature for 15-20 minutes. Then, the mass is heated again to a temperature of 80-110 o C, dried to the residual moisture content of 5-6 wt.% Of water and pressed known methods. The mustard oil obtained by the proposed method has a specific aroma and taste of the dining room mustard and the shelf life increases to 12 months. The table shows the quality indicators of the fragrant food mustard oil obtained by famous technology and the proposed way in the process of its storage. Table data show that the fragrant food mustard oil obtained by the proposed method has lower acid and patch numbersThan the oil obtained by the well-known technology, due to this increases the shelf life of oil from 6 months according to GOST 8807-94 to 12 or more. Thus, the proposed method allows to obtain fragrant food mustard oil and increase its storage.


The method of processing mustard seeds, which includes cleaning seeds from mechanical impurities, air conditioning in size, collapse, seeding of the shell (husks) from the nucleus, grinding, pressing, oil filtering, characterized in that 25-30 wt are added to the chopped seeds of mustard. % water, the mixture is heated to 35-45 o C and are kept at a given temperature for 15-20 minutes, then heated to 80-110 o C and dried to the residual moisture content of 5-6 wt.% Water.

Today, in mini-production conditions, widespread dissemination also has various sauces, ketchups, etc. LLC "NZPO" - MolPromline ™ develops and manufactures equipment and production lines for the manufacture of such sauces as soy sauce, mustard sauce, horce Sauce, Tkemali, Adzhika, etc.

Vacuum homogenizing installation in the production of mustard

For production small volumes Mustard, perfectly suitable serially produced by our plant, vacuum-homogenizing the installation of UG-Gurt. If you are going to produce more than two tons finished products On a day we are ready to make a mustard production line for you.

Purpose UG-Gurt

Installation Homogenizing type UG-Gurt is designed for emulsifying, mixing and heat treatment Liquid and pasty products.

Principle of operation Vacuum-homogenizing installation

The working capacity of the unit has a shirt for heating and cooling the product and thermal insulation casing. Inside the capacitance is a mixing device of a special type with perforated blades, a bump and floating scrapers that prevent the formation of a prigar during the heating of the product and providing good heat exchange between the coolant (coolant) and the processed product.

On the cover of the unit there is a stirrer drive, a hatch for loading dry components, a vacuum chamber for connecting the device to the vacuuming system, the nozzle for loading liquid components, as well as a product return fitting from the circulation channel. At the bottom under the container is located, combining the operation of the homogenizer and the rotor-pulsation apparatus, the dispersant with two funnels for input to the product during circulation, fat phases and bulk components.

    Products manufactured in addition to mustard

  • Dairy - soft cottage cheese, kefir, condensed milk, melted cheese, restoration of dry milk, cream.
  • Oil and fat - combined oils, margarines, mayonnaise, pasta.
  • Fruit and vegetable - jam, jam, ketchups, sauces, confiture, mashed potatoes, paste.
  • Confectionery - cream, filling, chocolate and nut pastes, chocolate glaze, honey.
  • Non-alcoholic - juices, nectars, drinks.
  • disinfectants. Kosmetical - cream, shampoos, balms, gels, ointments, toothpastes.
  • Pharmaceutical - ointment, emulsion, gels.
  • Chemical - detergents, adhesives, varnishes, politura,

Technical characteristics of mustard manufacturers

Installation Models for the manufacture of mustard





Geometric volume, l 200 450 700 1000
Working volume (depending on the viscosity of the product), l 160 360 560 800
Rening frequency, rpm Mixer 18
Rotora 3000
Drive power, kW Mixer 1,5 1,5 2,2 3
Rotora 7,5 11 15 30
Product heating temperature, ° С 110
Pressure in the working volume of the bowl, MPa -0,04…+0,1
Size of solid particles after homogenization, no more, μm 4
Parameters of a pair supplied to the shirt: Pressure, MPa 0,3
Temperature, ° С 140
Consumption, kg / hour 70 100 130 160

Mustard dining room

Mustard dining room (food) - ready-to-eat seasoning, made of mustard powder - a grind cake mustard.

Mustard is an annual plant of the family of cruciferous, the Sreptsky, White, Black and Abyssinian. The mature seeds contain up to 47% of mustard oil, which is used not only for the preparation of salads, fried vegetables, baking bread, the production of sweets and canned food, but also in soap, textile and pharmaceutical industry.

Today is produced a wide range of This sauce is the Mustard "Russian", "Russian"; "European"; "Piquant"; "English", the sauce with the mustard "Remouslab" (Slovak Kitchen) and others.

    For the preparation of mustard dining room (food) use the following types of raw materials:
  • mustard powder in Ghusta 1829;
  • sunflower oil according to GOST 1129 or other vegetable oils,
  • sugar sand on DSTU 2316 (GOST 21);
  • salt cooking food according to DSTU 3583 (GOST 13830);
  • food vinegar in DSTU 2450;

Technological process of the production of mustard

Water is loaded into the mixer, heat up to 60-70 ° C, prepared sugar and salt are introduced, after complete dissolution, the solution is brought to a boil, they give boil, and cooled to 60 ° C.

The mustard powder is sifted, loaded into a homogenizer, and a hot sugar-salt solution is gradually introduced. Mixing is produced before receiving a homogeneous mass.

The mixed mass is kept 12-15 hours in a warm place for "maturation". Then add flavored vinegar, vegetable oil and are thoroughly mixed. After that, ripening is continued during the day.

Preparation of flavored vinegar

The preparation of flavored vinegar to 80% acetic essence is added 0.1-0.2% of spices and insist during the day.

The wealth of shades of taste of all types of mustard depends on the composition of the flavored vinegar, the amount of sugar, salt and vegetable oil. The composition of the flavored vinegar may include pepper and pepper bitter, bay leaf and cinnamon, carnation and nutmeg, cardamom and garlic.

Ready mustard It is a homogeneous cargo mass - yellow with a reddish brown tint.

    In physical and chemical indicators, mustard must comply with the requirements:
  • Mass fraction of dry substances 32-43%.
  • Titrated acidity (in terms of acetic acid) - 1.5-1.7%
  • Mass fraction general Sahara – 5-16 %
  • Mass fraction crash salt – 1,5-3,0 %

Buy equipment for the production of mustard, horseradish, adzhika, tchemali can be consistently agreed by variants, dimensions and performance. The price of equipment for the production of mustard, horseradish, adzhiki, Tchemali is always negotiable due to the unpredictability of costs.