Blue champagne cocktail. Catalunya blue champagne

29.03.2019 Lenten dishes

Today it is almost impossible to surprise with the taste and quality of the drink, but blue champagne arouses special attention and great interest. This type of alcohol has unusual taste, the original sky blue color with a slight pearlescent tint. Some people call this alcohol sparkling champagne.

Description of blue champagne

On the modern market, there are 2 types of real elite sparkling wines of a soft blue hue. Despite the fact that in nature blue is a rarity, this type of alcohol is a natural product.

To create it, they use blueberry extract and select grape varieties that grow in Northern California and Spain.

The California coast is cool and humid, and the soil is rich in nutrients... All these factors make it possible to grow the most delicious and high quality Chardonnay variety. It belongs to the genus Muscat, but its pulp becomes more intense blue color than other types of vines, and the taste carries a characteristic sourness and sweetness.

Blue champagne differs not only in its color, but also unique taste... The drink has a delicate fruity aroma with vanilla notes. Its taste is soft, with light berry shade.

The technology of making blue sparkling wine is kept secret by the producers. Although the basic rules for its creation were open to the consumer, other distilleries have not yet succeeded in repeating the unusual taste. Alcohol belongs to the premium class. At the international wine festival in China, this type of alcohol received the highest award and bother with the title of "Best Sparkling Wine".

Who makes sparkling wine with sparkles and how

Produce given view in Spain. The city of Sant Sadurni de Andoya is located near Barcelona. Here is a large factory that produces luxury. The distillery has its own vineyards, where only high-quality raw materials are grown.

Natural blue sparkling wine can be obtained only with a given production technology and a special recipe. The basis of its creation was the Sharma method.

The method is as follows:

  1. Initially, the grapes are carefully selected and washed. Then they go through a press to obtain a fruit mass.
  2. In stainless tanks cylindrical the mass is fermentable. The timing of the process is determined by the winemakers, who constantly monitor it. The manufacturer does not use sugar to speed up and enhance the fermentation process.
  3. The drink undergoes a special triple filtration. At one stage of refining, additives such as bilberry, pear and melon extracts are added to sparkling wine. In addition to these ingredients, alcohol contains a number of other substances that enrich, ennoble its taste and saturate the aroma.

There are some subtleties in this matter that winemakers prefer to keep secret.

The main country for the production of the original alcoholic beverage is not only Spain, but also the United States. In California, the rights to produce blue alcohol were patented in 2008.

The product is natural and in its composition is close to the Spanish type of sparkling wine. For its creation, also used Chardonnay grapes, which are grown near the Pacific Ocean.

Varieties and price of the drink

  • Don Luciano Blue Moscato (Spain);
  • Blanc de Blue Cuvee Mousseux (USA);
  • Aviva (Spain);
  • Blue Platino (Spain);
  • Cloudem blue (Spain);
  • Mavam (Spain).

The range of prices for alcohol is quite wide, it can vary from $ 6 to $ 200 per unit. Today, blue alcohol can be purchased in almost any country in the world. It is most popular in Asia.

How to use it correctly

In order for the drink to reveal its taste and give pleasure when consumed, it must be cooled to + 10 ... 12 ° С. Place in freezer the bottle is not worth it, it is enough just to keep the container in the cold for at least 2 hours.

Glasses are used special, with long legs. Wine glasses are not chilled before serving. It is enough that the drink itself has the desired temperature.

According to etiquette, ice is not added to champagne, but this is a matter of individual preferences.

Inhale the scent of the brute, as is done with strong drinks is considered bad form.

They drink alcohol in small sips, slowly. The drink can be held in the mouth for a short time to reveal the full bouquet of taste. Blue champagne has discriminating taste rose petals, fragrant pear, blueberries and melons.

As a snack with alcohol, it is recommended to serve different kinds dessert, fruit cuts, cheese platter or vegetable salads... The most popular dishes for this drink are all kinds of salads and seafood. They are served fried, boiled, pickled, stewed and steamed.

Due to the great popularity of sparkling champagne, the drink has become the leader in serving at weddings. During business negotiations and at social events. Not only light blue wine is in great demand, but also drinks of gold, silver and pink color.

This group of alcoholic drinks has become a wide field for experiments in creating various cocktails and original filing alcoholic beverages... Pyramids of glasses filled with multi-colored champagne look fascinating and colorful.

To enhance color effect many bartenders use special lighting on the counters. Shining glasses with a soft blue drink beckon with their appearance, creating the illusion that each glass contains a clear blue sea in all its coolness and tenderness.

Step 1: prepare the lime juice.

In order for our cocktail to turn out delicious with a slight sourness and barely noticeable bitterness, an important component there should be freshly squeezed lime juice. To do this, rinse citrus under running water. On cutting board using a knife, cut the ingredient into two halves.
Using a juicer, squeeze the juice from two halves. If you did not find such a device at hand, do not be discouraged! You can also get lime juice with your hands, holding the citrus in your fist.

Step 2: prepare the ice.

Put the ice in a blender and grind the component at 1-2 speeds so that we get small pieces of ice.

Step 3: prepare the Blue Champagne Cocktail.

Put crushed ice in a shaker and pour liquor into the container Blue curacao, vodka, freshly squeezed lime juice. We close the barware tightly with a lid and shake everything well until we get a homogeneous liquid with ice.
Then we pour the cocktail through a strainer directly into our glass. Attention: the glass must be chilled. And for this, the easiest and most convenient way is to put the dishes in the freezer of the refrigerator for several hours before making the cocktail. Then the drink will be chilled longer, and your guests will be surprised by the beautiful appearance glasses. Indeed, due to the low temperature in the freezer, the dishes will be covered with an ice crust. And last but not least, add chilled champagne to the glass. Attention: it is imperative that the champagne is chilled beforehand. And for this, a few hours before the preparation of the cocktail, we put the champagne in the freezer. Only then can you enjoy exquisite taste"Blue Champagne" and its mild aftertaste!

Step 4: Serve the Blue Champagne Cocktail.

Immediately after you have prepared your drink, you can serve it to the table by decorating the glass with a cocktail cherry. I am sure that you and your guests will not only like the taste and aroma of this drink, but you will also mentally relax from a hectic day and be able to have a good time with a cheerful company. Enjoy your meal!

- - If you don't have a lime on hand, you can replace it with half a medium lemon.

- - Instead of lime, you can add syrup with the taste of green lemon (lime) to the Blue Champagne cocktail. It also turns out very tasty with an unusual aroma.

- - Instead of a cocktail cherry, a slice of lemon or lime can serve as decoration. Also, before pouring the cocktail from the shaker into the glass, the rim of the glass can be dipped in water and then in sugar.

- - If you do not have a shaker at hand, do not be discouraged. It can be replaced with, for example, two cups. One should be larger in diameter, the other slightly smaller, so that the dishes can be tightly inserted into one another. Then your cocktail will not pour out either and will mix well.

- - The amount of champagne may be higher, depending on the size of your glass and on the taste.

- - If you do not have a blender at hand, but you need to grind ice, then simply transfer the ice cubes to plastic bag and use a kitchen chop hammer to grind the ingredient.

There is one valley not far from Barcelona, ​​just behind the Ordal Mountains, or rather, a town dedicated to sparkling wines, or, as they say in Russia, champagne. Sant Sadurni d "Andoia. In the morning, instead of a cup of coffee, they drink a cup of local champagne, and in the evenings at dinner or gatherings in a cafe they drink bottles. Sometimes they even pour a little bit even for children, from 5-6 years old, this is normal. claim that they are not at all drinking people(that is, not alcoholics), because champagne is like water here, but by strong alcohol they rarely succeed. In general, an ordinary town, which in wine country completely complete. If not for one "but" that made you look into these parts. Blue champagne. Half an hour by train from Barcelona, ​​not far away, so let's go.

The camera refused to serve faithfully, so all the images will be from a mobile phone, but as it is. This is not a reason to give up the trip. I must say right away that the idea is not mine, I picked it up and joined in a wonderful community " Barcelona. Details". And it seems like not to say that you cannot cope with all these organizational issues on your own, everything is simple and not tricky. Saturday morning, train, suburb. But you have to come up with these places! Know about them, live in Catalonia for many years, enlist hospitality and hospitality to the groups of the Catalan farmers themselves ... In general, a great community, if you are in Barcelona, ​​join the activities.

This building can be seen directly from the train platform. The strongest local champagne factory. it is larger than here in the photo, there are still cases and cases on the left, and huge pallets of boxes of champagne. Usually tourists stay here for excursions with tastings inside. We will go a little further from the station, across the bridge - into the town. In, so to speak, the private sector.

For a start, you just need to get better. Everything that is called champagne above should not be called that. The French province of the same name has long ago judicially taken this name for itself. In Europe, they don't joke with TM, so the sparkling wines of this region are called CAVAS. Or CAVA, if in the singular ... But what about our Abrai-Dyurso, Cornet and Soviet ?? It is, of course, Champagne, because copyright laws do not apply on the territory of the Russian Federation, or it is not scary to violate them.

The entire city, like the recently visited Laguardia in La Rioja, is cut underground by underground caverns in which wine and cava mature. Previously, they connected with each other and there was a real labyrinth. tell. that when the civil war began, half of the city (apparently the other half went to war) just climbed into these dungeons, where there were plenty of supplies of wine and food, and sat out. Now, in the era of private property, the underground system has been fragmented into private fragments. Until recently, people have gone deep into the bottom as many as they want: three, four, five levels. There was no need to pay taxes to increase the area at the expense of the dungeon. Now all sorts of commissions limit growth downward (it seems to the fifth).

Our goal is Cal Feru. Private winery, everything is as it should be, one and a half centuries, one family, from grandfather to father, from father to son. The current manager is the fourth in the family, the great-grandfather started everything. The name is Xavier (or Charlie), I have forgotten something. He is a professional sommelier, he is one of the shop assistants, he is also the author of blue cava.

On the streets of Sant Sadurni. Deserted, hot (early March). Everyone is already drinking cava in the basements)

Cal Feru starts with the store of course

Here she comes, cava azul

Charlie himself does not tell the details and secrets of manufacturing, this is his invention. But at the same time, he does not flaunt them in front of anyone. Among conservative sommeliers, the blue sparkling drink is considered something rather vulgar. At least there is no world fame and fame, it is ordered by two or three establishments in Barcelona, ​​including some famous bar on the Rambla, which prepares cocktails from it.

What's interesting: you can try to buy it without this Skyfall label, then the price will be 6 euros instead of 19. What is the strength of the brand, I don't know. If in the store of the House of Feru it is not at 6, then in the next door (neighboring store) it is still standing. neatly for 6 euros. No label. That's how I brought her home.

The color may seem different ... but firstly, I changed the camera (or rather the photo phone), and secondly, it stood in the refrigerator for a long time. they say that from this it is great to change not only the taste, but also the color. Well, yes, it is the same as in the picture above (verified)), but for 6 euros.

Well, in that store, a lot of interesting things are over ...

here is the outlet area (sales of whatever is left),

I liked this section ...

strong "On the balls" which we drank in small shots, right here in a three-liter jar

if you don’t want in bottles, they will pour it like that. So it will be cheaper by the way

the tasting room and part-time museum are over there ..

the fountain is open only on major holidays

great grandfather founder

liqueur spill replica

tasting table.

According to the laws of the genre, nothing should distract from the aroma of wine. Therefore, the white walls, ceiling, silence. Previously, they gave some classic cookies like crackers, but after a visitor once broke a tooth on a particularly stale specimen, they began to give out chocolate, also of local Sandurnian production. We are now tasting some delicious local port. I liked it so much that if I brought two bottles of blue cava, then this port is a whole canister, 3.5 euro a liter each.

in this hall on weekday evenings it is not the truists who gather, but the villagers themselves. For example, in the evening in front of us, there was a sushi tasting.

Then we moved to another room, already closer to the store, where we sat down to study cava. We started with pink. by the way, absolutely divine taste... For some five minutes I forgot about the blue purpose of this trip.

Until they began to compare ...

Using a camera phone is not easy. At the very least, my tasting neighbor clearly failed. I wonder what was the quality of my photographing her on her phone?))

Those who have long been fond of sparkling wines can easily follow the evolution of tasting glasses. First it is the shape of the chest of the French queen Marie Antoinette, then the flute. Tulip glasses are in fashion now. A column of bubbles tends to the very top from the sharpest bottom. Real, good champagne is distinguished by the fact that after being poured into glasses, this process can non-stop lasting 2-3 hours. True, very rarely, such champagne is left already poured, but untouched.

Specifically, it becomes blue after ripening in the cellars, when the stage of adding sugars comes. Add blue liquor. But which one, when exactly and in what proportions - Charlie does not tell of course. Still know-how. At these moments, he becomes like a counterintelligence officer. At the same time, he mentions that this liqueur can be bought in his store. Somewhere among a thousand other liqueurs (though not all of them are blue).

It's easy to assume that blue kava should only be drunk cold. Taste sensations completely different. And mixed with ice it also looks great.

Visualization of various types sparkling wines

These dolls deserve a separate story. Highly interesting story, about how Philoxera also moved to Europe in addition to the Colorado potato beetle. This is the same yellow bug on the right. He behaved like a Korodsky, began to destroy vineyards. First in France in the Champagne region. And I did not get through the Pyrenees, and the Cava region in Catalonia rose very well on this. But you cannot escape fate, since you have already flown over the Atlantic, it was a matter of time for the Pyrenees.

So the vineyards of Catalonia soon began to die. It was impossible to destroy the bug, neither by chemistry, nor by any natural methods. There are eight types of these beetles, and many of the most diverse stages. And most importantly, they sit somewhere in the ground and do not destroy the leaves at all, but the larvae settle somewhere in the root, where they are not visible. In general, everything is very difficult, and the sommelier is not a nerd, it takes a long time to explain. The roots died at some point, when it was too late to save something, and the bushes dried up.

And then the heads of all the large wine houses gathered, and for a long time thought about what to do. They were nicknamed "The Seven Greek Wise Men". And they solved the problem! A representative was sent to North America, home of the bug, in the California wine region. Californian grapes have long been accustomed to living with phyloxera, due to a thick layer of cork on their roots, deeper than which the hemiptera did not penetrate.

They brought the roots, and already on the roots themselves they planted their European grape varieties. They say that now everywhere in the world. In Ephropus, Asia, Africa - Californian roots, and local varieties grafted on top. Somewhere, have already decided. that the phyloxera was over, and they began to plant their roots. Here the world of grapes was split in two opinions. So is the ordinary world about vaccinations. To those who say that "Vaccinations are evil and harm to health, diseases are defeated", opponents chorus answer that "One small epidemic, and you will all die." Who is right, only time will judge.

In the meantime, the San Sandurni people simply and on a grand scale celebrate their Fieasta del San Sandurni on the first weekend of September, when the figures of the seven wise men and huge horrible phyloxera march through the town. However, it all ends with a shower of cava and, of course, a general drinking bout.

souvenir phyloxera

finally, in San Sandurni, it was suggested to visit another chocolate factory

their tasting is free here in this room:

differs from other factories in that many already import oils and prepare from it, and the Simon Coll factory has accepted supplies of cocoa beans from Ghana and Ecuador, and they do everything that is needed with these beans on the spot. All in the same endless San Sandurnian dungeons.

soccer ball-sized kinder surprise

This factory is full of elderly tourists, even more noisy and hungry for sweets children. And inside of me a lot of cava is already splashing ... In general, don't blame me, I can't tell you anything about chocolate, enough blue champagne this time.

Coming nearer new year holidays... Now is the time to think about suitable aperitifs for these joyful events. Someone is going to spend New Year in a warm atmosphere of home comfort, someone wants to "hang out" in the company of friends, while someone is lucky enough to plan the holidays with their loved one.

Definitely, any company welcomes a little sparkling wine, which, in principle, is almost one of the symbols of New Year's festivities in Russia. For such an event, of course, you want something unusual. Perhaps it's time to think about choosing a unique product in the alcoholic beverage market - blue champagne.

Bright aperitif

Nature rarely pampers us with a variety of exotic shades. Champagne blue is very rarely found in in kind, but now you can even find natural blue champagne on store shelves! In this article we will focus on two products with these characteristics.

Blue champagne Blanc de Blue Cuvee Mousseux, Brut

This sparkling drink has become a pioneer among this unusual wines, it belongs to the premium class of wine alcoholic beverages... It is made from the Chardonnay grape variety and blueberry extract. An elegant bottle of blue champagne hides a seductive aroma and a slightly "crispy" delicate taste an exquisite drink.

Without a doubt, this aperitif will attract the glances of all guests and will beautify a festive event. The attractive and captivating look of blue champagne also goes well with wedding ceremonies, as opposed to it, it emphasizes the significance of the event.

For the production of blue champagne "Blanc de Blue" grapes are used, which grows in Northern California. The region is famous for its cool Pacific breezes.

It is here that there are all the conditions for growing an amazing Chardonnay with pronounced varietal characteristics. Harvested early, before reaching maximum maturity. Such an emergency collection is explained by the fact that during this period the berries contain less sugar, which allows you to achieve a low percentage of alcohol in the drink.

Sharma's method

This method is used in the production of blue champagne "Blanc de Blue". It consists in the following: grapes are pressed, subjected to primary fermentation in special tanks made of stainless steel, after the fermentation process, the wine is filtered, to which blueberry extract is added, which gives the drink a soft, velvety color.

There are only enthusiastic reviews about blue champagne: everyone notes the excellent combination of classic semi-sweet wine with an unusual presentation, its lightness and richness. This magnificent brut has won the love of both the middle class and the upper classes. Light wine can turn your head with an explosive taste and add aesthetics to a festive interior.

In 2015, Blanc de Bleu Cuvee Mousseux, Brut was awarded the gold medal internationally in China.

Blue Moscato Don Luciano - the blue champagne of your dreams!

This sparkling drink has become one of the followers of the "blue wave" "Blanc de Blue". Blue champagne Don Luciano is a wine with an attractive blue shade with a small perlyage.

This product has established itself as one of the best thanks to fresh taste with a fruity note (lychee), lively acidity and harmonious aftertaste. As amateurs and tasters say, this sparkling wine has a rich, elegant aroma dominated by melon, watermelon and rose petals. It's anyone festive table and will serve as an excellent accompaniment to desserts or fruit tables.

Don Luciano Blue Moscato is considered one of the elegant sparkling wines, it attracts the eye from the very first second thanks to its unusual blue and beautiful packaging... For its production is used grape variety Moscatel that grows in the La Mancha region in the company's vineyards. Like Blanc de Blue, vinification is carried out using the Charm method.

The Garcia Carrion company itself appeared back in 1890. This fact proves the quality of products that have passed through "fire and ice" for several generations. The founder of the company is Jose Garcia Carion, after whom the company was named. This is the great-grandfather of the current owner of the company. It was he who created a huge vineyard for the production of wine with the aim of exporting it for sale to France. Over the years of his work, the winery has grown and gained recognition as one of the the best manufacturers The Carjon family, being the owners of the brand, initially exhibited their product for sale right on the estate, where the production of this wine originated. In the nineteenth century, wine production increased, and a family of entrepreneurs led by Jose Garcia took up the construction of another winery, which was supposed to facilitate the export of products.

It is noteworthy that the company ranked fifth among the most popular wine brands in the world. Today wines from "Garcia Carion" are on sale on five continents (in 130 countries!). Garcia Carrion wines thanks to the combination modern technologies and traditional wine-making methods are not only of excellent quality, but also quite affordable price... We can say that this is the budget version of Blanc de Blue.

Ready for the holiday!

Armed with Blanc de Bleu Cuvee Mousseux or Don Luciano Blue Moscato, you won't go wrong, because the festive atmosphere is already provided for you! You can go broke and take the first option (cost about 1,700 rubles) or its budget counterpart costing about 700 rubles, but the difference in the quality of the two products is not so dramatic - the price often consists of a big name. Fill your life with bright things this year and be happy!