Pear compote for the winter. Delicious compote from aromatic and juicy pears for the winter

16.10.2019 Snacks

Pear is a gift from the Gods for the ancient Greeks, a symbol of immortality for the Chinese and a reason for us to prepare healthy and tasty pear compotes.

Who would have thought that this fruit with a strong yellow-green skin and dense flesh is the closest relative of the delicate rose? But it is so. The fact is that the pear, along with the rose, wild rose, peach, almond and other plants, belongs to the Rosaceae family. But this is not the only reason why many peoples consider the pear to be a female fruit. In addition to the beautiful sister of the rose, God also endowed her with a feminine figure, generous fertility and a bouquet of priceless vitamins and trace elements that ensure youth and attractiveness.

Moreover, the pear is a dietary product and a natural source of energy. It has more fructose than glucose, and nutrients have displaced excess calories. That is why nutritionists recommend a pear diet for weight loss, and sugar-free pear compote is prescribed as a cure for obesity. But, in spite of this, vigilant guardians of health and figures brought the pear into the category of "food heavyweights". And not without reason.

It is hard for the stomach to "work together" with her. It is not recommended to combine it with meat products, drink it with cold water, and even more so eat it on an empty stomach. It is not for nothing that eastern wisdom warns: "In the morning an apple is a rose to the heart, in the morning a pear is poison to the heart."

But these fruits only in their raw form complicate digestion. Therefore, winter is a great reason to make pears "harmless", and their compotes are medicinal. With proper heat treatment, they not only will not lose their nutritional properties, but will also facilitate the work of the entire digestive system.

9 recipes for pear compote

There are countless recipes for making pear compote. They are steamed, boiled, rolled up in cubes, slices, halves and whole. For a harmonious combination, berries and fruits saturated with color are added to them, and unsurpassed assorted compotes are made.

Recipe 1. Simple and quick pear compote

You will need for a 3-liter jar: five to six pears, three hundred grams of sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife, two and a half liters of water.

Wash large fruits of fresh, hard and ripe pears, you can remove the tails. Fold into a saucepan corresponding to the number of pears. Pour with water at room temperature and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes. Carefully transfer the finished pears to pre-sterilized jars, cover with lids. Pour sugar and citric acid into a pot of water where fruits were cooked. Pour over the pears with boiling sweet syrup and roll up. Turn the jars onto the lids, wrap them up and, after complete cooling, put them in the storage place of conservation.

Recipe 2. Pear compote without sterilization

You will need for a 3-liter jar: five to six pears, three hundred grams of sugar, four grams of citric acid, two and a half liters of water.

In an era of total lack of time, canning without sterilization is very helpful for many housewives. Such an accelerated method of harvesting pear compote will save time and will not harm the safety of the product in any way.

Place selected, washed and halved pitted pears in steamed jars. Boil the syrup, in which the sugar is thoroughly mixed with water. Pour pears to the very top, cover with lids and let it brew for 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure again, but you already need to put citric acid in the boiling syrup. Pour over the fruit so that the sweet liquid overflows slightly from the jar. Roll up the compote under the lid and remove it "under the fur coat." Keep wrapped and upside down for more than 12 hours.

Recipe 3. Pear and apple compote

It will be needed for a 3-liter jar: three to four pear fruits, two to three apples, two hundred fifty three hundred grams of granulated sugar, two and a half liters of water.

Due to the combination of two flavors - apple sourness and pear sweetness, the pear-apple compote will receive an unusually pleasant aroma and rich taste. Long-term preservation of this drink will be provided not by citric acid, but by natural apple. The recipe is provided for green varieties of pears and Ranetka apples.

Thoroughly wash the cans with soda and treat them with boiling water or steam in order to eliminate bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of the product. Wash apples and pears. Cut each fruit in half, core with seeds and cut into medium-sized slices. Arrange the fruits in jars and start preparing the filling. Mix sugar with drinking water and bring to a boil over a fire. Fill the jars with sweet syrup to the very top, leaving no space for air. Tighten the compote with lids. Turn the cans over their neck and wrap them in a thick blanket. In this position, the drink should stand for a day.

Recipe 4. Pear and grape compote

It will be needed for a 3-liter jar: three or four pear fruits, a twig or two quiche-mish grapes, three hundred grams of granulated sugar, two and a half liters of water.

The grapes will give the compote a very pleasant aroma. It is better to choose a variety without seeds.

Boil the filling from a mixture of sugar and water. While the syrup is preparing, sort the grapes and remove the damaged, spoiled berries. Beautiful and whole - also removed from the branches. Rinse them thoroughly in running water and put them in sterilized jars.
Wash the pears, cut in half and get rid of the tails and seed center. Put the fruits in a colander and put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes for blanching. Immediately dip the steamed fruits from the boiling bath in ice water for a few seconds. Place the pear pieces in a 3 liter jar with the grapes cut down. Pour with sweet syrup and send to sterilize in a deep bowl for 30 minutes. Immediately after the expiration of time, roll up the pear-grape compote with lids and wrap the jars warmer. Leave the drink to cool completely, about a day. Store in a closet or other suitable place for preservation.

Recipe 5. Dried pear compote

It will be needed for a 3-liter jar: five hundred grams of dried pears, two hundred to three hundred grams of granulated sugar, five grams of citric acid, two and a half liters of water.

Dried pears are mainly used for the uzvar. Often they are given the main role in such a drink. For richness and variety of taste, apples and dried prunes are also added to it. But you can make a blank for the winter from pears alone. Such a compote with little or no sugar content will become an irreplaceable ally in the war with extra pounds. Pear uzvar differs from fresh fruit drink in its concentration of taste.

Sort dry pears thoroughly and rinse in a colander under running water. Fold into an enamel saucepan. Pour boiling water over. Cover everything with sugar, stir and cook for 30-50 minutes, until the fruits acquire the required softness. At the end of cooking, put citric acid, pour the compote into sterilized jars. The finished drink can be sent for additional sterilization, but this is not necessary. Wrap and turn the jars with the uzvar upside down. After complete cooling, put in a cool pantry.

Recipe 6. Pear compote with vanilla

You will need for a 3-liter jar: four to five pears, two hundred to three hundred grams of granulated sugar, three grams of citric acid, a third of a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or a vanilla pod, two and a half liters of water.

Canned pears smell of slightly perceptible vanilla notes. To enhance this flavor, let's prepare pears with vanilla. For flavor, you can use vanilla sugar, vanilla, or vanilla pod to taste. It all depends on the addiction to this fruit of the vanilla orchid.

Prepare a syrup from a mixture of sugars. In boiling sweet syrup, put the slices of the peeled pits and pear peels. Bring to a boil, lower the temperature and cook for about 10 minutes. Transfer fragrant pears to pre-washed and sterilized jars. Strain the remaining syrup and boil again with citric acid. Pour the jars and sterilize the pears in a deep saucepan for 20-30 minutes. Roll up, wrap and let the pears with vanilla rest in a warm place for 12-14 hours.

Recipe 7. Pear compote with slices in honey syrup

You will need for a 3-liter jar: six fruits of a large pear, one glass of honey, a teaspoon of citric acid, two and a half liters of water.

Honey syrup is healthier and tastier than sugar syrup. A liter can of such a drink will provide the body with a daily intake of trace elements and nutrients. Besides, honey goes well with pear flavor.

Peel washed pears (varieties with a thin skin can not be peeled), cut into 2-4 pieces and remove the core. Blanch hard fruits in acidified water. This process will take 5-7 minutes. Readiness is checked with a needle - it should easily pierce the body of the pear. Put fruits in washed and sterile jars, pour boiling syrup (in order to preserve nutrients as much as possible, honey marinade should not be kept on the stove for a long time). Cover with lids and send for pasteurization within 30 minutes. Roll up the jars and close them with a thick blanket to keep the temperature as long as possible. Ready pears in honey syrup are sent and stored in a cool place before use.

Recipe 8. Pear compote with rum

It will be needed for a 3-liter jar: six to seven fruits of a large hard pear, two two-hundred-gram glasses of sugar, fifty milliliters of rum (in extreme cases, cognac), two and a half liters of water.

Rum pear is a delicious delicacy for adults. The alcohol content in the drink excludes this compote from the children's diet.

Wash the pears, remove the stalk and the granular part of the fruit. Cut into four wedges. Put the pears in boiled sugar syrup and cook for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour in alcohol and boil for another 3-5 minutes. Put the fruit in a sterilized jar and pour the rum marinade. Roll up a 3 liter jar and place it upside down under the blanket. Allow to cool completely, after which "drunk" pears can be transferred to the pantry.

Recipe 9. Pear and currant compote

You will need for a 3-liter jar: five or more pear fruits, three hundred grams of sugar, two hundred to three hundred grams of currant berries, two and a half liters of water.

A handful or two black currants will give a pale color of pear compote to a bright color and delicate aroma.

Put washed and dried fruits and berries in well sterilized jars. If desired, pears can be cut into wedges. Pour boiling water over with boiling water and leave alone under the covered lids for 10-15 minutes. Pour sugar into the water that has given its warmth to the pears, stir and boil again. After two minutes of boiling, pour the syrup "with a slide" into the jars. Close with metal lids and roll up immediately. Turn over and leave under a warm "fur coat" to cool to room temperature. Store in a basement or closet at an appropriate temperature.

Pear, like a true woman, is unpredictable and can behave capriciously. Therefore, when preparing compote, you should know some tricks.

1. Pears picked a little ahead of time, ripening outside the tree, become tastier and sweeter. But overripe fruits are not suitable for compote categorically. Fruits that are too ripe or soft varieties are more suitable for marmalade, jam or jam.

2. The ideality of pears for compote can be checked by lightly pressing the top of the fruit with your finger. A weak dent indicates that the fruit is ready for canning.

3. Of the Asian varieties, the pear drink has a more aromatic flavor.

4. The dense and tough peel of some types of pears does not completely saturate the drink with its characteristic taste, so it is better to peel such fruits.

5. The citric acid in the recipe of the drink will not only preserve the compote for a long time, but also give it a pleasant sourness, which will allow the fruit not to darken during storage.

6. The sweeter the pear, the less granulated sugar you need for the syrup. Therefore, when preparing the filling, you always need to take into account the type of fruit. Fruits in a properly prepared pear compote become transparent after a few days. Otherwise, the syrup becomes cloudy and a foam with gas bubbles appears. This drink is not suitable for consumption. There may be several reasons:

  • insufficient sterilization of cans or lids;
  • bad rubber gasket on the lid;
  • unwashed fruits;
  • faulty seaming key;
  • the glass container is defective.

Is not only a healing drink, but also a delicious delicacy. The honey aroma of a transparent, amber drink will bring together relatives and friends in the family circle, delight with its taste and strengthen immunity for the winter. And transparent pear slices glowing with the sun will be a decoration for homemade cakes, fruit salads or other desserts. Such culinary creations will be useful even for the smallest sweet tooth.

Interesting! Many peoples of the world believed that the pear is exclusively a female fruit. Because, its shape often resembles a woman's silhouette, and the pear is also fertile, contains many vitamins and trace elements that give youth, beauty and activity to every person.

It should be noted that the pear is still a dietary product. This fruit is a natural source of energy. It contains a lot of fructose, although there is also glucose. More nutrients in the fruit, not calories. So, today you can even find special pear diets on the net.

Important! Due to the peculiarities of its composition, it is not recommended to eat this product in combination with meat products, drink it with cold water or consume it on an empty stomach. There is even a saying in China: "Eating an apple in the morning is a rose heart, in the morning eating a pear is poison to the heart."

So, it's time to move from words to deeds and finally learn how to cook compote from pears for the winter: recipes for a 3 liter jar will be given in several versions at once in this material. It is important to properly process the pear before preserving, so that it retains all its nutrients, but at the same time gives its taste to a wonderful drink.

Pear compote for the winter: recipes for a 3 liter jar

Recipe number 1

It is impossible to single out the best recipe for pear compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar. But, this method of preparing a drink can definitely be attributed to fast, simple and tasty. Cooking.

What you need (for a three liter can):
1. Six fruits of pear;
2. 0.3 kg of sugar;
3. A pinch of citric acid;
4. Two and a half liters of water.

For compote, it is imperative to take ripe and hard pears, wash them and remove the tails. Place fruits in a large saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. When the process occurs, cover the compote with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum and cook for a quarter of an hour.

After the specified time, transfer the neatly boiled pears to the prepared jars. Cover the jars with lids. Add sugar and citric acid to a saucepan with water left over from pears. Then bring to a boil and pour the pears to the top with this syrup, roll up the jars.

Recipe number 2

As for the quantity and composition of the ingredients, it is exactly the same as in the first recipe. But here the pears will be processed in a different way, the fruits are used for fresh compote. The washed pears will need to be cut in half each, cored and placed in steamed jars.

Boil the sugar and syrup separately. Then pour fresh pears with boiling syrup, cover the jars for 5 minutes. After that, drain the syrup and repeat the procedure again, at the end of cooking add citric acid and pour it over the pears again. Now you can roll up the cans with lids and leave them upside down to cool, and then transfer them to winter storage. This is a great option for preparing pear compote for the winter: a recipe for a 3 liter jar without sterilization.

Recipe number 3

Now we propose to make an assorted compote with the addition of apples. For cooking, you need three dense, but ripe pears and the same number of apples. You will also need half a kilogram of sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

These two fruits combine perfectly with each other, so you can safely combine them in a compote. You will first need to rinse the jars well with boiling water in order to destroy all bacteria that could spoil the compote in the future. Rinse apples and pears, cut in half and core. Arrange the prepared fruits in jars, now prepare the filling.

To do this, throw sugar into the water and put on fire, bring to a boil. Pour the syrup over the jars to the very top and roll up immediately.

Recipe number 4

This is an option for making pear compote with grapes, also an excellent combination that is successfully used in home cooking. You need to take four pears, sprigs of grapes (it is better to choose seedless grape varieties), 300 grams of sugar and two and a half liters of water.

Traditionally, pouring for compote is made from water and sugar, it will need to be brought to a boil. At this point, sort out the grapes, rinse in running water and put in prepared jars. Cut the pears into two parts and remove the seeds and put them in jars. Pour the syrup over the vegetables. This compote needs to be additionally sterilized, so the jars should be put in a pot of water and boiled for half an hour over low heat. After this time, the compote can be rolled up.

Recipe number 5

If you have already managed to dry the pears, and there are no fresh fruits left on the compote, it's okay. You can safely use dried pears for preservation. In this case, you need half a kilogram of this dry product, a glass of sugar, a pinch of citric acid and two and a half liters of water.

First, rinse dry pears under running water. Then put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over. Cover the fruit with sugar and leave everything for an hour. During this time, the dried pears should soften again. Pour in water, cook and, when everything boils, add citric acid. It remains only to pour the compote into pre-prepared jars and roll up for the winter. Please note that additional sterilization is not required for this compote. How to cook .

Recipe number 6

Interesting in taste and aroma will make a compote with vanilla. For three liters of this drink, you need to take five pears, three hundred grams of sugar, a little citric acid and the same amount of vanilla sugar (can be replaced with a vanilla pod), two and a half liters of water.

If you sniff, you will notice subtle vanilla aromas in canned pears. So adding a vanilla bean will only enhance this pleasant aroma. The syrup is prepared using water, regular sugar and vanilla sugar.

When it boils, put the pear slices in the syrup, then bring everything to a boil and cook for another ten minutes. Then put the pears in jars for rolling, strain the syrup and bring to a boil with the addition of citric acid. Pour syrup over the pears, sterilize for 20 minutes, and then you can safely roll up for the winter.

This is how we prepare pear compote for the winter: recipes for a 3 liter jar (with photo) differ in composition slightly. From the addition of one or another ingredient, the taste of the drink definitely changes. But, you can safely be sure that the compote is prepared quickly, but it turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

The pear is an extremely tasty and healthy fruit and it is impossible to keep it fresh for a long time, therefore it is better to preserve it. Pear compote for the winter is a simple drink that you can make. It is important to know what are the positive and what negative qualities such a pleasant and popular fruit has.

What is important to know about the pear


  1. Due to its composition, pear will be an excellent aid in the fight against muscle pain after sports.
  2. The pear contains pectin, which has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system and helps it to function fully.
  3. If you make a broth based on pears, then it can be used for medicinal purposes, namely to combat increased body temperature.
  4. If a person is tormented by a cough, he can eat a boiled pear, which will ease the condition and allow him to forget about the cough for a while.
  5. In case of constipation, it will be useful to drink a pear compote or eat a pear that was cooked for this compote.
  6. The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function, removes toxins from the body and helps to normalize bile secretion.
  7. For those with diabetes mellitus, it will be useful to consume pears, as their composition allows you to lower blood glucose levels and also has antibacterial properties.
  8. With gastritis, pears are quite useful in the course of a chronic process, since their composition has an astringent effect and the ability to improve the work of metabolic processes in the body.
  9. Pears contain many different vitamins, microelements and fiber, so they perfectly help those who want to lose weight and, in addition to introducing nutrients into the body, quickly and easily satisfy hunger.

With such a variety of properties, pear compote turns out to be very useful for the winter!

  1. With diseases such as pancreatitis, pears are contraindicated - they can cause a strong exacerbation of the disease due to the abundance of fiber.
  2. If there is an exacerbation of any intestinal disease, then pears should not be consumed, since, due to their composition, they can provoke a strong deterioration in the condition.
  3. A pear can cause significant harm to the body if it is eaten with a heavy meal or if consumed with plenty of water.

It is better to give up pears on an empty stomach or after a hearty meal. Fresh pears are heavy food.

One of the most popular drinks in winter is compote. The variety of fruits and berries, the possibility of their combinations allow you to make drinks for different tastes. How to make pear compote for the winter? Simple recipes are listed below.

You do not need to take overripe pears for cooking compote. The pulp will quickly boil down and make the drink cloudy.

A drink that will refresh and saturate the body with vitamins in the cold season is a prepared pear compote for the winter. It will appeal to both adults and children.

There are various options for cooking pear compote for the winter. You can safely adopt one of the recipes for this wonderful drink!

Simple pear compote for the winter

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pear (medium size) - 1.5 kg;
  • water, boiling water 3 l;
  • sugar - no more than 3 glasses.

For compote, it is better to use dense, immature fruits without dents. The most delicious drink is made from fresh homemade pears.

The process of making a compote from homemade pears for the winter:

  1. Pour the fruit into a large container. Rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Chop each pear with a fork.
  3. Wash the jar with baking soda or laundry soap. Sterilize it in one of the ways. For example, holding over steam. It is also worth boiling the lid.
  4. Add fruit to the jar. Pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes.
  5. Transfer the water back to the pot. After adding sugar, simmer the syrup over medium heat until boiling.
  6. Pour hot syrup into the jar and roll up the jar.
  7. Cover it with a towel.

If the peel of pears is very dense and tough, then it is better to cut it off. Otherwise, the drink will not get the maximum taste.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

To save time and effort, you can make compote in a shortened version - without sterilization. Such drinks are not inferior to canned ones in taste and benefit, but they have a shorter shelf life.

In a 3 liter jar, prepare:

  • pear (not large) - 1.2 kg;
  • water - about 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • citric acid to your taste

The process of making pear compote without sterilization:

A delicious and fragrant pear compote is ready for the winter! Now you can enjoy the taste of a wonderful pear compote!

To give the compote a more intense shade, you can add plums, apples, cherries, rowan berries, black currants, raspberries, viburnum.

Pear compote with citric acid

The citric acid will help make the compote less cloying.

In the middle of the pear lies its wonderful scent. Boil the inside of the fruit separately, strain and add to the syrup. The drink will turn out to be very aromatic!

To prepare such a compote you will need:

  • hard pear fruits;
  • sugar - no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) (1 tsp);
  • a little vanilla or cinnamon;

The process of preparing pear compote for the winter with citric acid:

Do not keep pears in water for too long, they may lose their beneficial properties.

Wild pear compote for the winter

Wild pear varieties have medicinal properties. You can make a delicious drink from them.

Main Ingredients:

  • wild pears - no more than 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar (sand) - no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) - 1 tsp.

The process of making wild pear compote for the winter:

Compote made from aromatic pears, prepared for the winter, will quench your thirst well, energize and provide the necessary vitamins in the cold season!

Pear is a sweet fruit. Therefore, you should not be zealous with granulated sugar. We need it quite a bit. And if you want the taste to be as bright and rich as possible, then you need to put more than half of the pears in the jar.

Pear compote with honey

This is a simple recipe for pear compote for the winter, which does not require a lot of time.

Would need:

  • small pears;
  • for pouring: you need 800 g and 1 liter of water.


This recipe with a photo of a pear compote for the winter is simple to execute and even a hostess who first decided to make a drink from these fruits can make it.

Pear compote is not only a vitamin drink, it is also a delicious treat. The juicy aroma of an amber pear drink will delight you with its incomparable taste and strengthen the immune system in winter. And fruit from compote can easily become a decoration for cakes and desserts from different fruits.

Pears are very difficult to keep fresh until winter. This is explained quite simply - they have a lot of sugar, and acids are the very minimum. That is why the issue of harvesting these fruits for the winter is so acute. The easiest way to preserve them until winter is to make pear compote. If it is an exclusively pear drink, then its color will be quite faded. But you can always correct the situation and add other fruits or berries to the composition.

It is even difficult to imagine a simpler recipe for blanks for the winter. Cooking comes down to just a few steps. At the same time, the drink turns out to be surprisingly aromatic and tasty. There is no sugary sweetness in it, but there is a pleasant sourness. Due to this, they manage to get drunk easily, enjoy the unsurpassed taste.


  • 1.3 kg of pears;
  • 0.1 kg of sugar;
  • 2.8 liters of water;
  • 5 gr. citric acid.


  1. The pears should be washed and placed in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in water, boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. After that, transfer the fruits to jars, and add sugar and citric acid to the broth remaining from them.
  4. Boil the syrup and immediately pour into the jars.
  5. Roll them up quickly and turn them upside down.

Important! For compote, you need to choose extremely unripe, dense fruits, which do not have any damage.

Pear compote (video)

Cooking without sterilization

A drink made from pears with the addition of mint and vanillin turns out to be more aromatic than the classic compote. It has a special flavor that simply cannot be called ordinary. Due to the fact that there is no need for sterilization, the cooking process becomes extremely simple.

Be sure to prepare this drink (photo above). It turns out to be very aromatic and rich. Compote is prepared quickly, since it does not require sterilization and double pouring. This moment greatly facilitates the cooking process itself, and time is saved due to the same.

Ingredients for one 3 liter can:

  • 3-4 pears
  • 1 medium or large branch of grapes,
  • three liters of water (it is better to use filtered water, not from the tap),
  • a glass of granulated sugar (150 grams).

How to make compote:

Wash the jar well, preferably with baking soda to degrease it. Dry the jar, for this you can simply put it in the sun or send it to the microwave for a minute. Thus, a three-liter can will go through the sterilization process. Cut the pears into large pieces and place them on the bottom of the jar.

Wash the grapes, pick each berry from the branch. Wash and place on top of the pears.

Now add sugar.

Pour water into a saucepan, put on high heat and bring to a boil.

Pour boiling water very carefully so as not to burn yourself and pour directly into the jar. Close the jar immediately with the metal lid. Leave the pear and grape compote to infuse at room temperature for a day, and only then transfer it to a dark storage place.

Compote with pears, honey and orange

The amazing combination of products in the drink energizes the whole day and quenches thirst well.


  • honey - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • carnation - 3 buds;
  • pears - 10 pcs.;
  • large oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2 liters.


First, prepare the syrup, mix honey, cloves in a saucepan, pour lemon juice, water, add granulated sugar, mix everything, put on low heat, bring to a boil.

Before adding sugar, taste the syrup, if it is sweet enough for you, then do not add granulated sugar.

Sort the pears, leaving only dense and undamaged fruits, rinse, peel, cut into two parts, remove the core. Send to simmer in syrup for 10 minutes. Peel the oranges, divide into wedges, transfer to a saucepan with pears, cook for another 10 minutes. Rinse the lemon well under running water, and rub the skin with a hard sponge. Cut into half rings thinly and add to the fruit syrup.

Boil the resulting compote for about 10 minutes, pour into a sterilized jar and seal with a lid. Cool naturally, store.

And also try to make a compote from zucchini and cherry plum with pineapple flavor, it turns out very unusual.

Pear and apple compote without sterilization

For those who do not want to process 3 liter jars by sterilization, but really want to roll up a few liters of pear compote for the winter, I recommend using this particular recipe.


  • pears - 4 pcs.;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


Wash the jars with the addition of baking soda. Rinse the fruit, cut into slices, removing the core and tails. Transfer to jars.

To prevent the preservation from exploding, it is necessary to choose fruits with a dense skin.

Boil water, pour it into a container with chopped fruits, cover with a lid and after 20 minutes, pour the water back into the saucepan. Add granulated sugar to a saucepan and simmer the syrup over low heat for 5 minutes. Fill 3 liter jars of pear and apple with boiling syrup, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap in a warm garment until cool.

Pear compote and plums for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Have you ever made the most fragrant pear compote? If so, then I propose to improve it a little and add more plums. In addition, I recommend rolling up this kind of drink for the winter and already in the winter season, enjoy its amazing taste. There is no need to cook compote on the stove in order for the fruits and berries to remain completely intact. It is enough just to bring the water to a boil and pour the fruit into the jar and just roll up the lid tightly. As you can see, there is nothing fancy in the cooking process, so I recommend that you immediately go to the list of ingredients, and only then to the cooking process.

So, prepare the following ingredients:

  • pears,
  • plums,
  • sugar to taste
  • three liters of filtered water.

How to cook:

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can add a couple of lemon slices to the compote to give it an even more interesting taste. And sprigs of mint will make their own adjustments, making the drink even better. Also, some add thin slices of orange to the compote. I think it would be appropriate too.

So, first of all, wash your pears. Slice them or leave them whole, cutting off only the tails. Place in a three-liter jar.

Sort out plums, discard soft and spoiled ones. Wash good berries and put them in a jar without choosing seeds.

Now add sugar. I add 150 grams of sugar to such a can volume, and the compote comes out sweet in taste. You can safely reduce its amount if you like compotes not sweet, but sweet and sour. Pour the filtered water into a suitable saucepan, put it on fire, let it boil completely. Now pour boiling water into a jar of plums and pears.

Seal the jar tightly with the lid using a seaming wrench for this purpose.

Compote will not immediately become beautiful, usually it does not change color earlier than in a day. It is best to store the drink in the closet, away from direct sunlight.

Recipe for pear and mint compote for the winter

I really like the aroma of mint, so I decided to add it to the drink. Everyone was happy with the result.


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • vanillin and citric acid - on the edge of a knife;
  • water - 3 l;
  • mint - 2 sprigs.