Alcohol poison. Research work "Is ethanol a poison?"

23.04.2019 Egg dishes

And he continues to live, he loses his mind, because with the inactivity of the brain, the source of thought dries up.

In ancient times, as you know, drunkenness was fought not only by legislative means. The Roman poets also contributed greatly to this. For example, Propertius, who lived in the 1st century BC. e., is expressed very strictly: “Oh, cursed be the one who first squeezed out of the grape brush and who in clean water poured seductive nectar!”

There is, perhaps, no such organ in the human body that alcohol would not have a destructive effect on. In alcoholics, the activity of the brain, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys is seriously disrupted, metabolism is upset.

Why is Bacchus portrayed as obese and effeminate? It turns out that the god of wine paid for this with infirmity.

Since it is easily soluble in water, it is immediately absorbed by the digestive tract and is carried along with the blood throughout the body. The penetration of alcohol into the blood can slow down if there is food in the stomach. But even under exactly the same conditions, in some people alcohol quickly penetrates the circulatory organs, while in others it is slow. This difference is to some extent due to heredity.

When alcohol is distributed throughout the tissues of the body, the body begins to eliminate it in various ways. . The same thing happens in the kidneys. Only 10 percent of alcohol is excreted by the respiratory organs, as well as in the urine.

In the human body, alcohol is oxidized by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (other enzymes, such as catalase, are also involved in this process) and converted into acetaldehyde. This process takes place mainly in the liver. And the effect of acetaldehyde on the body is extremely unfavorable and is usually accompanied by vomiting, dizziness.

Deeper, helped by the research of scientists from the Institute of Higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. With the help of an electron microscope, they managed to see the affected nerve cells of the brain, to find out the mechanism of diseases of the central nervous system caused by alcohol poisoning.

As you know, after taking alcohol, a person not only loses the ability to think logically, but even after sobering up, he cannot even remember what happened to him yesterday. Such an effect has long been known to scientists, only its causes remained unclear. Conducted studies at the molecular level explained this phenomenon.

Using an electron microscope, you can see that the capillaries of the brain are surrounded by intermediate cells - astrocytes, which are, as it were, a link between capillaries and nerve cells. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, dehydration begins in the capillaries. The outflow of fluid into astrocytes causes their edema, which causes increased intracranial pressure. Hence the headaches the day after drinking alcohol.

Since capillaries supply tissues with oxygen, their dehydration, which occurs during alcohol poisoning, causes hypoxia - oxygen starvation. As a result, a person has blanching of the skin, chills occur. The hop passes, and the alcoholic begins to be thirsty - a consequence of the hangover syndrome associated with dehydration of the blood. With chronic alcohol use, a pigment characteristic of senile age accumulates in the nerve cells of the body.

When it comes to the effect of alcohol on the internal organs, they first of all remember its toxic effect on the liver. Statistics, in particular, show that in people who abuse alcohol, cirrhosis of the liver occurs 7 times more often than in non-drinkers.

It is not for nothing that the liver is called the main chemical laboratory of our body. During the day, she passes about 720 liters of blood. Moreover, this process is far from mechanical: 300 billion liver cells - hepatocytes - tirelessly process chemical and biological "raw materials", transforming one substance into another. Here, in the liver cells, many toxic substances that are formed in the body or enter it from the outside are neutralized. Here the main chemical transformations of the constituent elements of food take place; all substances that are absorbed into the blood from the stomach and intestines are processed by liver enzymes.

Alcohol is no exception: the entire cycle of its chemical transformations is carried out with the participation of cellular liver enzymes. But the breakdown products of alcohol, formed during its oxidation, disrupt the finely balanced metabolic processes occurring in hepatocytes: in particular, fat metabolism is grossly distorted.

Through research, it was possible to establish that even a single dose can lead to serious changes in the function of liver cells. True, in a healthy body, due to its high compensatory capabilities, these disorders are quickly eliminated. But the more frequent and massive alcohol attacks, the greater the number of hepatocytes involved in the pathological process. There comes the first phase of alcoholic liver damage - obesity.

In people who are addicted to alcohol, all structural components - cell organelles - are deformed, the cytoplasm is almost completely filled with fat, the nucleus is shifted to the periphery. The cell increases in size, but its useful, working area decreases. "Obese" hepatocytes are not able to perform their functions. If in the initial stages of liver damage is observed increased activity alcohol dehydrogenase, the main enzyme that decomposes alcohol, then its activity subsequently decreases, which is explained by cell depletion. In the liver, not only metabolic processes worsen, but its barrier function also suffers. Doctors are aware of cases when fatty degeneration of liver cells caused sudden death.

However, pure fatty liver is very rare. As a rule, it is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the liver tissue - a favorable background is created for the development of alcoholic hepatitis. There are dull, painful, aching pains in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, aversion to food. At an early stage, when the inflammatory process has not gone too far, it is possible to achieve partial, and sometimes complete normalization of the structure and function of the organ (this applies equally to obesity). At the same time, the time factor plays an important role: the less “experience” of alcohol abuse, the more hope for a cure.

The main thing in the tactics of combating alcoholic hepatitis is the elimination of the root cause of the disease, which means a categorical rejection of alcohol, including wine and beer. If a person continues (even occasionally and little by little) to drink, liver cells, unable to withstand chronic alcohol intoxication, die. cirrhosis of the liver develops. The place of dead cells is occupied by connective tissue, the liver is covered with scars.

Connective tissue strands deform the hepatic lobules, as a result, the architectonics of the vascular bed changes, and the throughput of the liver decreases. Blood begins to stagnate in the blood vessels of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, pancreas; prerequisites are created for rupture of the walls of blood vessels and internal bleeding.

The liver affected by cirrhosis ceases to be “the most faithful guardian of the body” (as the great Russian physiologist IP Pavlov called the liver). Its functional potential drops sharply, which leads to various pathological changes in metabolism, digestion, blood circulation, because these most complex processes of the body's vital activity are directly dependent on the activity of the liver.

Studies show that when the liver is damaged by cirrhosis, protein metabolism is disturbed, which most adversely affects the composition of the blood. This reduces the body's defenses and increases its susceptibility to various diseases.

Carbohydrate metabolism also suffers, in connection with which the level of sugar in the blood rises, less glycogen is formed in the liver, and the absorption of carbohydrates by body tissues is difficult.

It is known that the liver plays an important role in the regulation of blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems. In alcoholics, the imbalance of these systems is expressed in different ways: some people bleed easily, others have blood clots, which leads to blockage of blood vessels.

Recent studies allow us to trace a direct link between light, but systematic drinking and liver damage. Numerous data testify: fatty degeneration of the liver breaks down on average after 5-10 years of alcohol abuse, cirrhosis - after 15-20 years. This is worth thinking about.

Alcohol begins to enter the bloodstream one to five minutes after its ingestion and circulates through the bloodstream until complete disintegration of five to seven hours. And all this time the heart works in extremely unfavorable conditions.

As a result of the action of alcohol on the autonomic nervous system, the pulse quickens: instead of 70-80 beats per minute, as is usually the case, it reaches 100. At the same time, the strength and speed of contraction of the heart muscle (myocardium) decrease, since alcohol is a cardiac depressant - a substance that suppresses and depressing the activity of the body. The duration of each contraction (systole) increases due to the rest phase (diastole). And as you know, the moment of relaxation is extremely important: it is during this time that the energy necessary for the next heartbeat is accumulated. In this case, this does not happen: without having time to rest and accumulate energy, the myocardium is forced to start working again.

Practically healthy people after a single intake of a strong alcoholic drink, the content of adrenaline and noradrenaline significantly increases in the blood. It is well known that increased release into the bloodstream of these biologically active substances characteristic of stressful situations, mental experiences. Under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine, the consumption of oxygen by the heart muscle increases sharply, nutrients. If the coronary vessels are able to provide increased blood flow to the myocardium, then there is no disturbance in the activity of the heart. However, the matter takes a different turn when the capacity of the arteries of the heart is limited by a disease (for example, atherosclerosis) and it cannot be delivered through them. required quantity blood: there is a danger of acute coronary insufficiency. To provoke her, sometimes it is enough not even a large number alcohol, and this should always be remembered by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

(in moderation, of course) although, as a rule, it does not end in disaster, it does not pass without a trace either. In an animal experiment, it was found that acute alcohol intoxication grossly distorts metabolic processes in the elements of the cell nucleus - mitochondria. When intoxication is repeated repeatedly, pathological changes in metabolism become stable and spread to other elements of the cell; the exchange of calcium, which is very important for muscle contraction, is disturbed, the permeability of cell membranes increases. Fats begin to accumulate in the heart muscle, protein reserves are depleted. Myocardial cells die, as a result, the integrity of muscle fibers is violated. For example, in monkeys that were regularly injected with alcohol, degenerative changes in muscle fibers were detected as early as three months. And in place of the dead active fibers, connective tissue grows, which is not capable of contraction, which significantly reduces the functionality of the heart.

True, for some time, despite serious shifts in metabolic energy processes and muscle structure, the heart continues to work due to compensatory capabilities without a noticeable violation of its basic functions. However, its reserves are not unlimited, if alcohol abuse continues, the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Statistics show; in people who abuse alcohol, certain diseases of the cardiovascular system are observed 2.5 times more often than in non-drinkers. The most common of them is alcoholic cardiomyopathy, characterized by pain in the region of the heart, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat. A person quickly gets tired, his performance decreases. Painful phenomena increase gradually. cope with increased stress: fast walking, running, climbing stairs cause shortness of breath.Then shortness of breath occurs with calm walking and, finally, at rest.So, heart failure gradually develops, heart rhythm disorders occur, including such formidable ones as fibrillation and atrial flutter, the conduction of impulses that call for myocardial contraction is disturbed.

It has been proven that diseases of the cardiovascular system in people who abuse alcohol are much more severe than in non-drinkers. First of all, this applies to coronary heart disease. A heart attack is often preceded by the use of alcoholic beverages. In addition, in people who abuse alcohol, myocardial infarctions differ in depth and breadth.

An epidemiological survey conducted over the years of several thousand people in the Chicago area has shown an association between alcohol consumption and the development of hypertension. Heavy drinkers had systolic blood pressure 8.5 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 4.7 mm above average. All-cause mortality among these individuals was 4 times higher than among moderate drinkers. and significantly higher - from cardiovascular diseases.

Alcohol also affects the cerebral vessels, as well as those mechanisms that regulate their tone, their adaptation to the various needs of the body. The results of many statistical studies indicate that damage to the cerebral vessels is observed in those who abuse alcohol 4-5 times more often than in non-drinkers.

Atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels develops earlier than in healthy people, and it proceeds more severely, malignantly, with gross mental disorders.

There is now no doubt that alcohol is now considered to be a risk factor for stroke. This, in particular, is evidenced by the results of so-called epidemiological studies, when the largest possible group of the population is taken under observation, in which, by the beginning of the observation, there are no patients with vascular diseases of the brain. And then for several years (5-10-20) each case of a cerebral stroke is taken into account. By the end of the observation period, the frequency of diseases is compared in those who have had exposure to the studied risk factor (alcohol), and in those who have not had them. These comparisons are then statistically processed to determine the validity of the resulting differences.

Similar studies, in particular those conducted by Japanese scientists, have confirmed that there is an undoubted link between alcohol abuse and the development of a stroke caused by cerebral hemorrhage. This dependence is confirmed by the study of stroke patients treated in hospitals. The number of patients who abused alcohol, among all patients treated in neurological departments for stroke, ranges from 20 to 80 percent.

Most often, in alcoholics, this disease develops either during the period of intoxication, or in the first hours and days after it. According to statistics, in 2/3 of patients, stroke symptoms appeared on the second day after acute intoxication. Such a frequency of occurrence of a stroke immediately after drinking alcohol is explained by the effect of alcohol and its decay products on the mechanisms of regulation of cerebral circulation.

Drunkards are more likely than non-drinkers to have cerebral hemorrhages and recurrent strokes.

Alcohol dramatically increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, which increases the risk of developing cerebral edema; increases blood clotting, has a toxic effect on red blood cells, disrupting their participation in gas exchange. In addition, the intake of salty foods after alcohol, hot snacks provokes the development of a hypertensive crisis.

Alcohol is especially detrimental to the body of children and adolescents. Its destructive power primarily affects the activity of the nervous system. Even small doses of alcohol disrupt the metabolism in the nervous tissue, pathologically accelerate the process of excitation, and moderate doses make it difficult. At the same time, the work of the cerebral vessels is disrupted, they expand, their permeability increases, which in the future can lead to a stroke.

The nervous system of a young person is easily excitable. His brain vessels are relatively wide, which is necessary for enhanced nutrition of growing cells. Alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and its effect on the developing brain is especially detrimental.

The presence of alcohol in the brain can be detected even 20 days after drinking.

Repeated or frequent use of vodka or wine literally devastates the psyche of a teenager. At the same time, not only the development of higher forms of thinking, the development of ethical and moral categories and aesthetic concepts are delayed, but already developed abilities are also lost. A teenager, as they say, "gets dumb" intellectually, emotionally, and morally.

Alcohol has many "targets" in the body. Among them - the liver, the epithelium that lines the esophagus, stomach. When alcohol is taken, the secretion and composition of gastric juice is disturbed, which, in turn, changes the digestive capacity of the stomach, causing various unpleasant phenomena.

Not indifferent to alcohol and lungs. About 10 percent of the alcoholic beverages taken are removed from the body through them. It reacts very sensitively to alcohol and the heart of a growing person: its rhythm and frequency of contraction change unfavorably, and metabolic processes in the heart muscle are also disturbed. Finally, the toxic effect of alcohol affects the blood: the activity of leukocytes, which play an important role in protecting the body, decreases, the movement of red blood cells that carry oxygen to tissues slows down, and the function of platelets, which are of great importance for blood clotting, changes pathologically.

Thus, alcohol is extremely detrimental to the human body during adolescence. It weakens, slows down and inhibits the proper development and maturation of organs and systems, and often completely suppresses the development of certain functions.

Chronic alcohol abuse leads to bone changes similar to those seen in older people with osteoporosis. These processes proceed more intensively, the more alcohol is consumed.

The fact that alcohol, inciting passion, reduces male potency, Shakespeare wrote. Ethyl alcohol acts directly on the male testicles, disrupting the production of testosterone: more or less strong intoxication is enough to noticeably reduce its amount. True, at first we are talking only about a temporary symptom: a day later everything returns to normal. However, in the case of further alcohol consumption of this kind, the violation becomes irreversible.

Numerous studies carried out by scientists in different countries, show that on average every third male alcoholic develops sexual weakness, the number of biologically defective and immobile spermatozoa sharply increases (according to scientists, up to 70 percent). In the seminal glands exposed to chronic alcohol poisoning, painful changes occur, which over time can lead to a complete cessation of sperm production, to impotence.

The optic nerve is the most important part of our eye. It transmits light stimuli from the peripheral parts of the visual apparatus to its central sections. The fibers of this nerve are extremely sensitive to intoxication, lack of oxygen, etc. Under the influence of harmful factors, they atrophy, die and, most dangerously, are not capable of recovery - regeneration in the future.

A frequent cause of severe changes in the optic nerve is systematic drunkenness. Most often this happens when using alcohol substitutes - surrogates: methyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, moonshine, polish, etc.

Methyl alcohol is especially toxic. Once in the body, it is not completely oxidized, which is why an intermediate product, formic acid, is formed in the blood. Its accumulation in the body leads to violations of oxidative and metabolic processes in the central nervous system, retina and other organs.

Sensitivity to methyl alcohol is not the same for everyone. In some people, poisoning with this surrogate occurs after taking small doses (half a teaspoon) or even as a result of inhaling its vapors.

What are the signs of methyl alcohol poisoning In mild cases, headache, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal dysfunction, drowsiness appear, in more severe cases, unconsciousness and even death occur.

Visual disturbances either occur immediately against the background of general poisoning methyl alcohol, or appear after a while - from several hours to one or two days. In this case, there is a sharp, rapidly progressive decrease in vision.

The further course of the disease is different. In mild cases, which are quite rare, vision improves within a month. More often, it steadily decreases or is completely lost.

Similar changes on the part of the organ of vision are also noted after the use of denatured alcohol, varnish, shoe varnish: after all, they also contain methyl alcohol.

Moonshine and vodka made "home-made" are very dangerous for the optic nerve. And this concept of moonshine contains a large amount of poisonous fusel oils, and in “homemade” vodka, significant amounts of methyl alcohol are often found that have a detrimental effect on the body, in particular on the optic nerve.

Atrophy of the optic nerve, a sharp decrease in vision Or blindness - this is the tragic ending of alcohol poisoning.

The abuse of vodka, especially in combination with smoking, leads to the so-called alcohol and tobacco intoxication. Moreover, as a rule, these factors act simultaneously. Their manifestations are generally the same: both eyes are always affected. The disease begins with blurred vision, more noticeable during the day. In the future, color perception is disturbed, sometimes accommodation disorders occur - the ability to see from different distances, and the decline in vision progresses due to the development of optic nerve atrophy.

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It is known that most holidays are currently not complete without the intake of alcoholic beverages, which have already become a symbol of any celebration. Many joyful and sad events in life are accompanied by the intake of this intoxicating product. Today, alcohol is taken by a large number of people, and 2/3 of them believe that it does not harm health at all. However, it is not.

Since many are accustomed to alcoholic products and cannot imagine celebrating any event without it, this greatly undermines a person’s condition, and also negatively affects his health. Doctors say that alcohol is a poison, which, although slowly but steadily, aggravates human health. It is worth noting that alcohol has a powerful negative effect on all systems and organs of people, so it is recommended to take it in a small dosage and no more than 3 times a week. Otherwise, addiction will develop, in which you will want to drink more and more.

As described in GOST, ethanol, present in every alcoholic beverage, belongs to the group of potent narcotic drugs that first cause the production of the hormone of happiness, and also increase the body's excitation, and then. It is important to note that any alcoholic product, regardless of its strength and method of manufacture, contains ethanol in its composition, therefore, taking alcohol, it can be argued that a person is addicted.

What effects does alcohol have on the body?

Alcohol is known to be poisonous to the body. First of all, his negative property interaction with lipids, which are part of the cells that make up each human organ, is considered. Getting into the cells, it violates their insight, which ultimately does not give useful components, penetrating the gastrointestinal tract with food, is normally absorbed (zinc, calcium, iron). As a result, a person suffers from a lack of vitamins and microelements, which negatively affects the functioning of cells, and hence the organ itself.

Also, alcohol-containing drinks increase the penetration of other barriers, which leads to the ingress of harmful substances not only into the bloodstream, but also into organs. For example, it can be a brain, on which alcohol, toxic components and other substances have a detrimental effect. Therefore, with the constant intake of alcohol, an alcoholic develops dementia, memory loss and other problems with the brain.

With the action of ethanol on amino acids, with the help of which the body produces the "construction" of the protein, this composition forms esters that are unnecessary for humans, blocking the production of this necessary element. Alcohol poison in this case has a strong destructive property, in which the body loses some of its beneficial components.

Due to their own structure, alcohols are able to interact with water, namely, to take it away from organs and tissues. This causes a number of violations, namely:

  • dehydration;
  • aggravation of metabolism;
  • severe thirst and dry mouth;
  • prostration;
  • violation of the work of some organs related to the urinary system.

In this case, alcohol poison causes not only symptoms hangover syndrome, but also more dangerous signs that indicate failures in the state of health of a drunkard.

Another negative property on the body caused by alcoholic beverages - intoxicating. It appears due to the fact that during the breakdown of ethanol in the liver, a toxic element is formed, called acetaldehyde. Immediately after it enters the bloodstream, an alcoholic produces psychotropic components, which appears with the active action of acetaldehyde with hormones. Psychotropic (or, in other words, hallucinogenic) hormones lead the human body into a state of intoxication, satisfaction or euphoria. As a result, this state leads to:

  • the appearance of delirium;
  • psychosis;
  • stress and depression.

Therefore, such an alcoholic poison for human health should not be taken in large quantities, because the appearance of the above signs leads to the development of health-threatening diseases associated with the state of the brain.

It is important to note that the onset of poisoning begins at the moment when the alcoholic takes a dose of alcohol. After half an hour, most of the ethanol will already be in the blood of a person, his tissues and organs. It should be noted that most ethanol accumulates in the brain, slightly less in the lungs and liver, and very little in the kidneys and spleen. In "safety and soundness" no more than 10% leaves the body - the rest of the ethanol is excreted through urine, sweat or breath, while causing significant harm to the health of the alcoholic.

The effect of alcohol as a poison on the organs

Immediately after entering the body, ethanol has a negative effect on all tissues and organs. Most this component affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and heart, brain, as well as the central nervous system. This is explained as follows: once in the gastrointestinal tract, ethanol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, after which it enters the heart and brain. That is why other organs are affected to a lesser extent, since the concentration of alcohol in them is somewhat lower.

The effect of alcohol on the digestive tract

Alcoholic poison, when absorbed by the stomach, does not require the production of gastric juice, since it enters the blood stream unchanged. At the same time, a small part of it enters the liver.

Important: the speed of a person's intoxication depends on how quickly ethanol penetrates into the blood.

It is worth noting that alcohol is absorbed somewhat longer in the stomach than in the intestines. However, if a person takes alcohol on an empty stomach, then ethanol will enter the bloodstream even faster. Taking strong drinks on a full stomach leads to the fact that alcoholic products will stay longer in the body, while having a negative effect on the health of the drinker.

Frequent use alcoholic products leads to the appearance of edema on the mucous membrane, which causes the development of a mass of diseases. For example, these could be:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • duodenitis;
  • mucosal atrophy;
  • diarrhea.

The penetration of ethanol into the pancreas leads to the development of such an unpleasant pathology as pancreatitis. Violation of the work of this body leads to disruption of insulin production, which threatens the development of diseases of the endocrine system.

Important: in the liver, alcohol turns into a poison that is dangerous to health, so long-term use of alcohol can greatly "undermine" health.

The effect of alcohol on the heart and blood vessels

Penetrating into the bloodstream, the toxic component, first of all, negatively affects the blood cells, which leads to aggregation of red blood cells. This, in turn, leads to impaired hematopoiesis, resulting in hypoxia (impaired oxygen supply).

Constant binge drinking causes the following dysfunctions:

  • decrease in the production of leukocytes;
  • slow reaction of body systems to the production of new antibodies;
  • low mobility of granulocytes.

This causes a sharp change in the composition of the blood flow, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the whole organism.

As ethanol penetrates into the heart muscle, it significantly reduces its contractility, and also lowers blood pressure and reduces the pulse. This leads to an increased need of the heart for oxygen, which cannot be fully carried by the blood.

Regular drinking of beer or other alcoholic beverages leads to the development of hypertension, heart failure, impaired blood circulation in the brain cavity, as well as the formation of blood clots, which pose a serious danger to human health.

The effect of alcohol on other organs

Alcohol has a particularly strong negative effect on the cells of the central nervous system, which leads to their rapid excitation. With frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, poisoning occurs, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the cerebral cortex (spinal, medulla and brain), as well as breathing problems.

Getting into the genitals of a man, alcohol disrupts the production of spermatozoa, which significantly increases the chance of having a child with pathologies and deformities. When penetrating into the mammary glands, alcohol causes defects in the growth and development of the child who eats breast milk. Also strong drinks have a negative effect on female sex cells, which adversely affects conception.

but the greatest harm alcohol poison carries to health when the DNA of cells is damaged, which causes the rapid formation cancerous tumors. It is important to note that the appearance of neoplasms is also possible with a daily intake of a small dose of alcohol - no more than 30 ml.

Each person must remember that alcohol is a poison that slowly but effectively destroys a person, and also causes the development of a large number of diseases. To avoid this, you should take alcohol in optimal dose and no more than 3 times a week.

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There are ardent fans and opponents of alcoholic beverages around the world, with each side arguing for its own point of view. However, alcohol is neurotoxic poison which has long been proven by world medicine.

Frequent use of alcoholic beverages leads to significant disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Despite the fact that a lot is said about the dangers of drunkenness, the annual increase in alcoholics in most countries of the world is steadily increasing every year.

Just like hard drugs, alcohol collects its deadly tribute around the world. Let's talk seriously about the effect of alcohol on the internal organs of a person.

Don't try to "cure" depression with alcohol. They improve mood only for a short moment. After sobering up, you will experience an even deeper decline into depression.

The insidious destructive property of alcohol is that many health problems in a drinking person, they do not occur immediately. Their gradual increase lasts for several decades. Therefore, alcoholics begin to realize that they are dealing with real problems only when control over the situation is hopelessly lost.

Previously, they had a good chance to rethink the origins of their habits, admit your illness and do everything to stop in time and overcome the destructive passion, but no one clearly explained that one or two glasses to relieve stress after work is the beginning of a big trouble.

“In general, today we are seeing a very unpleasant trend in reducing the age threshold for alcoholism, as a disease that was previously only characteristic of mature people.

An interesting fact is that the more early age and the larger volumes a person begins to drink, the faster he develops dependence, as well as the irreversibility of disturbances in the functioning of the psycho-emotional and physiological systems of life.

Therefore, modern doctors are not surprised when twenty-year-old drug addicts and alcoholics come to see them, and thirty-year-old men are diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

This has become such a serious problem that it’s time for us to talk about developing truly effective measures.”– Ivo Klar, a doctor of psychology from the Medicon clinic in Prague, expressed deep concern in the Czech media.

But before long drinking man has time to accumulate in his body a whole list of unpleasant health problems, he first becomes the subject of relational and social problems, and this is not surprising.

Regularly drinking a person shows increased aggressiveness and impulsiveness. As an inevitable consequence of mental disorders, depression and anxiety.

“It is an absolute mistake to consider alcohol a cure for depression. Unfortunately, this is a very popular misconception. Attempts, moreover, quite frequent, to get rid of a depressed state with the help of alcoholic beverages are just a delay.

A temporary, illusory, improvement in mood is a brake on real recovery. After sobering up, a deeper immersion into depression is sure to follow. This is an endless spin in the wheel, when nothing is decided for decades. adds psychiatrist Ivo Klar.

Damage to internal organs and alcoholic beverages


Before us is a depressing picture. Brain cells that systematically take the blows from the "green serpent" are damaged so much that they can no longer be restored.

In chronic alcoholics, there is a gradual loss of brain tissue. In fact, this is an atrophy with catastrophic consequences for the whole organism.

One of these consequences is severe, alcoholic, mental disorders, among which the first place is occupied by the so-called delirium (decrease in the ability to concentrate memory).

Other pathological disorders:

  • Prolonged alcoholic memory disorder;
  • Korsakov's psychosis (violation of short-term memory, disorientation, violation of experience and professional habits, gaps in memory, delirium);
  • Wernicke's disease (a disorder of coordination associated with loss of muscle impulses, tingling of the limbs, erratic speech and swallowing of sounds);
  • Disorders associated with damage to the peripheral nerve and cerebellar function, which are reflected in movement disorders and hand tremors;
  • alcoholic epilepsy;
  • On the final stage disease, alcoholic dementia occurs, which is preceded by characteristic personality changes - familiar to all who have contacts with alcoholics in their family or among the population.

We described in more detail the effects of alcohol on the brain in another article -


The liver is the organ that takes the most active part in the processing of alcohol. During chemical reactions, the liver removes substances that are toxic to the body in order to produce less harmful compounds.

Alcohol abuse is very often the cause of fatty liver (steatosis). This pathology is characterized by the possibility of a reversible process only when a person completely stops drinking or, at least, significantly reduces alcohol consumption.

If a drinking person, for various reasons, is not able to make a choice in favor of a sober lifestyle, he risks getting cirrhosis of the liver. This is a kind of wrinkling and compaction of the tissue of the internal organ, designed to be a cleansing channel for metabolic processes. The liver becomes bumpy and rough, increases in size, or, conversely, decreases.

Stomach and intestines

The use of alcohol, in particular from concentrates, is a serious factor in the negative impact on the gastric environment and the intestinal mucosa, which can lead to significant internal damage (,).

Scientists do not consider alcohol itself to be poisonous to the human stomach, but its decomposition products - acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by chronic inflammation with the possible development of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Physicians have proven that overuse alcohol leads to an increase in cholesterol levels, as well as colon cancer.

Heart and blood vessels

Alcohol abuse is also a constant provocation of an increase blood pressure which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Doctors observe heart attacks and ruptures of cerebral vessels (stroke) in alcoholics much more often than in teetotalers. Especially dangerous in this regard is the so-called beer alcoholism.

Beer in large quantities significantly burdens the work of the heart and the vascular system as a whole, contributes to the development of obesity and diabetes.

Other organs

Alcoholism is characterized huge amount various comorbidities. One of them is pulmonary edema and breathing problems. When combined with smoking, alcohol significantly increases the risk of lung cancer.

In addition to the above problems, it is necessary to mention functional disorders in the genitourinary system.

Alcoholics console themselves with the fact that their frequent visits to the toilet are "kidney disinfection for health." Don't be fooled by a primitive myth made up for your comfort.

We remind you that for men alcoholic drinks pose a serious threat also in the sexual sphere, in particular, in the ability to normal fertilization.

Male genital organs significantly reduce sperm production due to impaired metabolic processes. There is no need to talk about the quality of sperm.

One of the main causes of deformities in babies is their parents' addiction to alcohol. No less terrible consequences are caused by drunkenness in women. These are potency disorders, hormonal disorders, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, accelerated menopause.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol is a scourge of immeasurable proportions in the field of population growth. Children in the womb of their mothers suffer the most from alcoholism, continuing to abuse the destructive habit during pregnancy.

Physicians are well aware of the negative effects of alcohol consumption by alcoholic mothers on their children. For example, the so-called alcohol syndrome fetus.

According to statistics, more than 40% of children who are unlucky with their mothers suffer from this pathology. Moreover, scientists consider a small dose to be a critical threshold for serious harm to an unborn child. It is only 60 g of alcohol per day.

These babies are very often born prematurely and with low birth weight. But this is not the worst. Children suffer from deformities such as facial deformities, skeletal defects, heart problems, genital problems, mental disorders, intellectual disabilities and behavioral disorders.

Women are more vulnerable to alcohol

Women tend to be more susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol than men. This is primarily due to the abnormal ability to ferment female body and some genetic factors, as well as low weight.

Clinical studies on this issue suggest that men develop cirrhosis of the liver after 10 to 20 years of systematic abuse at a daily dose of 130 g of alcohol per day. At the same time, only 5 years are enough for women to develop cirrhosis, with daily dose approximately 50 grams of alcohol.

In addition, mortality statistics published after observing 6,500 alcoholics in Canada indicate more high mortality in younger age groups than in older ones. In the 30-44 age group, there are 2.2 times more male alcoholics than in the general population. At the same time, the rate among young women is even higher. Alcoholic women in this age group are 7.3 times more than women who do not drink at all.

Two female risk groups

To the first group include women who became addicted to alcohol at a young age, at the very beginning of adulthood, sometimes even in adolescence.

These are women prone to demonstrative sexual promiscuity and committing crimes of varying severity. They often drink alcoholic beverages, enhancing their effects with other psychotropic drugs. It is not uncommon for such women to show signs of physical damage and mutilation.

However, if a woman in this group agrees to treatment at a relatively young age, then she has a chance of being cured.

To the second group physicians included women from 30 to 40 years old. This age group is characterized by specific problems associated with stress, loneliness, and the onset of menopause. In the initial phase of the disease, their addiction to alcohol looks like relaxation in the context of social activities, but very soon changes in their behavior become noticeable to the environment.

Passion for alcoholic beverages long time it is impossible to hide. However, relatives may not know anything for some time, and this unfortunate fact postpones the moment of the best opportunity for effective treatment.

Women of the second group often develop body disorders associated with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. In particular, immunity decreases, and hormonal changes occur.

Alcoholism. Take action on time

Alcohol addiction is a constant, long-term and essentially unchanged phenomenon. Those who have fallen into the web of addiction, with a few exceptions that only confirm general rule will never be able to regain control of their desire on their own.

Important! An alcoholic is not able to drink in moderation!

“However, the prospects of a person who is addicted to alcohol are not nearly as hopeless as they seem.

Even if you have serious health problems as a result of prolonged and excessive alcohol abuse, there are quite effective methods for withdrawing from binge and giving up alcohol altogether. We are not talking here about such very serious and severe stages of the disease as dementia, cerebral atrophy, liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver, although in these cases there are certain chances to turn back the clock.

Of course, it is better to seek help from specialists before the formation of a whole list of deadly sores. But not everyone is ready, even in the face of the threat of a final loss of health, to give up alcohol. says Dr. med. Ivo Klar

“We know many stories when people, even with deadly sores and many damaged organs, managed to eliminate the danger and establish a new life with one steady desire. It is very important that the patient wants healing like air.

We will never be able to cure an alcoholic without his direct participation, which, unfortunately, is not always possible.

Many people who have suffered from years of drunkenness, despite all the medical warnings and recommendations, cannot control themselves and continue to drink, significantly reducing the chances of a cure and their life on earth.”

Note. Alcoholics have a life expectancy that is 10 to 15 years lower than non-drinkers, with suicide being the most common cause of death.

We try to provide the most up-to-date and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the website.

Alcohol is a poison to the body in any dose. If it seems to a person that nothing will happen from one glass of vodka or a glass of beer, then he is deeply mistaken. Even a small amount of alcohol has an impact on the health of the drinker. Within one hour, the poison spreads throughout the body. Ethanol and its breakdown products primarily affect the liver, heart, and brain. Frequent consumption of a small dose of alcohol causes a dangerous addiction and causes irreparable harm to health. This leads to the emergence of many ailments that require expensive treatment.

Why is alcohol so popular in the world

Alcoholic beverages can be classified as narcotic drugs. And one of the most dangerous. Manufacturers offer a huge variety of hot elixirs.

They differ in:

  • alcohol content;
  • endurance;
  • composition;
  • mind;
  • name;
  • color and smell.

Everyone has a preference for their favorite drink. But no matter how different they are, they still do harm.

The popularity of alcohol can be explained by its ability to relax and divert pressing problems into the background. This is very convenient for people who do not know how to solve serious issues.

Many people use it because they have nothing to do. In other words, out of boredom. So much for popularization in various advertisements of how alcoholic drinks liberate and make life easy, relaxed. Drink a can of beer and become "cool". Such influence on the masses and "brainwashing" leads to the development of alcoholism. Quite a common problem among young people.

How alcohol affects the human body

But internal changes already starting to happen:

  1. Brain. There is a destruction of neurons and their connections. Simply put, brain cells are washed out with urine.
  2. Vessels. They become clogged, losing their elasticity - blood clots form.
  3. A heart. It increases, its work and the flow of blood to the organs and to the brain are disrupted.
  4. Liver. A large amount of poison hinders the activity of this organ. As a result, the liver generally ceases to perform the functions assigned to it.
  5. Stomach. Ethanol is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, violating their integrity and functionality.
  6. Cells. Their permeability deteriorates, membranes are destroyed.

If you drink often large doses, the destruction of the human body occurs in the shortest possible time. Changes affect internal organs and systems, appearance, memory and reaction speed, character traits. The onset of alcoholism is very difficult to stop. Even poor health does not slow down such people. As soon as they feel better, everything starts all over again.

Changes in personal qualities from taking strong drinks

The most interesting thing is that alcohol affects not only internal organs and systems. The poison destroys the human personality. When the withdrawal begins, all his thoughts are directed to only one thing - to get what he wants. At this moment, nothing else exists. Just me and alcohol.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the degradation of personality:

  1. There is only one interest. How to get a bottle of hot liquid.
  2. Ready for everything. For the sake of getting what he wants, the alcoholic will go to deceit, even crime.
  3. Renunciation of the family. Under the influence of the poison, the name of which is ethanol, a person forgets about his relatives and friends.
  4. Asocial personality. People who drink do not go to work, they are no longer perceived in society and no one takes them into account.
  5. Suicidal tendencies. Under the influence of alcohol, a person dissatisfied with his life is able to "lay hands on himself."

Alcoholism is a very terrible disease. Nobody is immune from this. Anyone can be in the place of an unshaven man sleeping at a bus stop with a bottle of vodka.

Such people should be pitiful. After all, they have lost their place in a normal society. Therefore, before tipping another glass of alcohol, you should think carefully about what it can bring, except for trouble.

Negative effects of drinking alcohol

A poison such as alcohol, consumed daily, leads to negative consequences. The changes that occur in the body are initially invisible. Functionality is disturbed, immunity declines and at this moment negative consequences begin to appear.

The main ones include:

  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • an increase in the heart muscle;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • poor circulation;
  • memory loss;
  • persecution mania;
  • wilting of the skin;
  • forgetfulness, inattention and aggressiveness.

Will there be consequences from drinking a glass of wine once a month? Of course not. "Even poison is useful in small amounts." But if you drink a lot and often, then everything is simple.

Negative elements accumulate without having time to be displayed. Gradually developing various ailments- Deviation of physical health and mental disorders. Sooner or later, the poison will do its job and death will occur.

What is alcoholism

Alcoholism is an addiction to alcoholic beverages. When you use it, you get a narcotic effect. With an increase in the frequency of reception, the dependence grows. Incoming poison poisons the body. The person becomes powerless. Alcohol enslaves him, preventing him from thinking clearly.

Alcoholism is a disease that has several stages:

  1. First step. A person begins to experience cravings for alcohol. Not getting what you want, attraction disappears for a while. In the case of the use of strong drinks, the dose becomes uncontrollable. There is irritability, aggressiveness. And in some cases even memory loss. They begin to justify their rash actions.
  2. Second stage. Alcohol is consumed in unmeasured doses. A person takes it absolutely calmly. There is a physical addiction. There is dizziness, nausea, heart problems, trembling of the hands or the whole body.
  3. Third stage. In which people experience an irresistible craving for alcohol. They only need small dose to get drunk. There is a complete degradation of personality. Mental disorders destroy a person.

With alcoholism, the poison in the body is in high concentration. Only timely seeking help can help overcome drug psychosis.

How not to cross the line

Alcohol is a fast-acting harmful poison that has a narcotic effect. Before you have time to look back, how you are in his dependence. But the poison completely poisons human body. Each organ is negatively affected, collapsing and falling into decay.

To avoid the “death” of your mind and body, you need to be careful and always think soberly. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.

Therefore, it is very important to remember a few basic rules:

  • do not drink more than at least once a month;
  • drink alcohol in small doses;
  • give preference to proven drinks;
  • do not be influenced by others;
  • do not perceive alcohol as a harmless "pill" from a bad mood;
  • seek help at the first sign of addiction.

Much depends on the nature of the person and his physiology. There are people who are chemically addicted. They only have to sniff ethanol vapors and a signal is triggered in the brain. Therefore, if you don’t have the strength to give up alcohol, it’s better to avoid situations that lead to drinking strong drinks altogether. Since the ethanol contained in alcohol is a poison of poisonous and destructive action. You should learn to deal with your addictions and not succumb to their influence.

Almost no celebration, not only in Russia, but throughout the world, is complete without the use of alcohol. Toasts with wishes of good health to the hero of the occasion or to all members of the feast are in some contradiction with the nature of alcohol. But nonetheless, festive mood, joy and happiness in our country are strongly associated with a drinking cup. And it is the psychological attitude and traditional influence that makes alcohol, inherently dangerous, a welcome guest of every holiday.

Alcohol is a poison, or why it is called a slow poison

In official documents, ethyl alcohol is called a potent psychoactive substance, which contributes to the occurrence of excessive excitation of the nervous system and can cause paralysis.

It is precisely the possibility of alcohol that has an exciting effect on the nervous system, and drinking alcohol is caused.

The effect of alcohol

The effect of alcohol as a poison on the body is general toxic. When ethanol molecules get on the membranes of body cells, their permeability changes. The change in the lipid factor does not allow potassium and magnesium ions to properly interact with the nutrients and water entering the cells, causing a general metabolic disorder. Deficiency of nutrients and water has a negative effect on the activity of organ cells, which can cause a general disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

Alcohol molecules cause an increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. This allows the toxins that arise from the breakdown of alcohol to penetrate the membranes of brain cells and disrupt their work. These substances include not only the decomposition products of alcohols, but also fusel oils, sugars, dyes and flavors. In addition, it does not penetrate into brain cells into the right amount water, which causes a violation of the water-salt balance and causes a severe headache the next day. General dehydration of the body cannot be eliminated even in the case of increased consumption of water along with alcohol.

Interacting with the amino acids necessary for the construction of new body cells, ethyl alcohol releases esters and blocks protein synthesis.

In the liver cells, ethyl alcohol is converted into a highly toxic substance - acetaldehyde. The interaction of this substance with adrenaline and dopamine receptors in the brain can cause mental disorders. The person may experience behavioral changes and hallucinations. This phenomenon, leading in the initial stages of intoxication to a feeling of pleasure and euphoria, can subsequently lead to a disorder of consciousness, delirium or psychotic deviations.

Alcohol begins to poison the body the moment it enters the body. Its complete entry into cells and tissues occurs one hour after ingestion. Alcohol reaches its highest concentration in brain cells. Even with very strong intoxication, only 10-15% can be excreted unchanged from the body. The rest of the ethyl alcohol will participate in metabolic processes destroying the body.

The most vulnerable, along with the nervous tissue and the brain, are the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver and kidneys.

When it enters the stomach, alcohol does not go through the stage of digestion and is not dissolved by digestive juices. It is absorbed directly by the wall of the stomach, causing irritation and burns. The speed of intoxication depends on the metabolic rate, that is, the absorption of alcohol by the wall of the stomach. That part, which nevertheless underwent dissolution by the gastric nipple, enters the small intestine, also irritating its wall. There, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver with the bloodstream.

The rate of penetration of alcohol through the wall of the stomach is faster than through the small intestine. This is due to the rapid intoxication after alcohol taken on an empty stomach. But no tricks will be able to pass alcohol through the body without the fact that a significant part of it would not be perceived by the body.

Video about the problem of "Alcoholism" from Oleg Boldyrev

Treatment of alcoholism. Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist - Boldyrev Oleg, about whether it is possible to cure forever drug addicts and people suffering from alcoholism or not.

Is there an alcoholic in your family? Our experts will tell you what to do!

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Regular intake of alcohol can cause irritation and swelling of the stomach wall. This can be the cause of chronic gastritis and the occurrence of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Drinking alcohol can disrupt intestinal motility, which can cause diarrhea.

Alcohol adversely affects the pancreas. She is very sensitive to ethyl alcohol. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to a violation of the production of enzymes and chronic pancreatitis. This disease is one of the first in a series of significantly reducing human life expectancy. Alcoholism can cause diabetes.

Ethyl alcohol has a huge effect on liver function. The elimination of alcohol breakdown products from the blood carries an additional excessive burden on this organ. Detoxification of alcohol causes impaired glucose production, which can lead to hypoglycemia and coma. In addition, there is a decrease in oxidation fatty acids. This causes the degeneration of liver cells according to the fatty type and provokes fatty degeneration of the liver. Permanent injury, which causes the neutralization of a large amount of acetaldehyde, leads to the formation of scar tissue, cirrhosis.

The penetration of alcohol into the blood causes agglutination of blood cells, as a result of agglutination of red blood cells, the blood forms blood clots, its ability to carry oxygen is reduced, which causes hypoxia of all organs and tissues. This is especially true for the myocardium. Ischemic heart disease is a characteristic phenomenon for all alcoholics. A decrease in myocardial contractility leads to a decrease in pressure, which leads to an increase in heart rate. oxygen starvation along with increased load carries the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Regular alcohol intake leads to a decrease in the production of leukocytes and granulocytes with low mobility. This is a strong blow to the immune system.

With excessive alcohol intake, the excitation of the central nervous system turns into inhibition of the cells of the nervous tissue, which can serve as an oppression of the cerebral cortex and the respiratory center. This can lead to death.

Drinking alcohol is a Russian tradition

It cannot be argued that drunkenness is a Russian tradition. At all times, alcohol intake on holidays was moderate. In some cases, it has been completely banned. The general alcoholization of the population occurred in Russia mainly as a result of government reforms. We can recall two bright periods of alcoholization of the population - during the reforms of Peter I and during the post-war rule of the Communist Party of the USSR. The last outbreak of alcoholization of the population is associated with economic difficulties in the 90s. The impoverishment of the population and the lack of confidence in the future served as a significant rejuvenation of alcoholism. Recently, this wave has been on the decline. There is a change in the amount of alcohol consumed depending on the region. In the Northern regions of Russia, traditionally, alcohol is consumed a little more than in the Southern regions or regions populated predominantly by Muslims. Recently, regions where the Muslim population predominates have practically caught up with the rest of Russia in terms of alcohol consumption.

Is alcohol worse than drugs?

Alcohol dependence, like drug addiction, is a serious disease that has social roots. Any psychoactive substances are caused by persistent physical and mental dependence and require systematic targeted treatment. It cannot be argued that alcohol is more harmful than drugs. All these substances cause destruction of the body, harm the human psyche, and also lead to the emergence of a large number of crimes that arise as a result of the search for funds for the purchase of psychoactive substances or as a result of their intake.

Alcohol and drugs simplify the human psyche and serve to degrade the personality. The criminalization of communities leading the use of certain psychoactive substances is at the highest level.

From the point of view of physiology, alcohol destroys internal organs faster, but HIV, hepatitis and other deadly diseases are more common among drug addicts.