Open pie with apples shortcrust pastry. Shortcrust pastry for apple pie.

09.03.2019 Bakery products

Sand pie with apples

Open shortbread cake with apples

Simple and delicious open apple pie made from shortcrust pastry who is preparing for hastily... The filling may be different (for example, thick jam, berries, fruits, marmalade).

Cake composition

on a mold with a diameter of 28-30 cm (for 6-8 servings)

  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Eggs - 2 medium;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Flour - 300 g;

For apple filling

  • Apples - 2-3 large or 4-5 medium;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 1 slice (a little, but not necessary);

Butter or vegetable oil for greasing a baking dish. She took a low and wide form for shortcrust pastry (with wavy edges). You can do another, but then make the sides of the dough low (according to the height of the filling).

How to cook

  • Prepare shortbread dough: Combine sugar and salt with butter and heat slightly. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Let cool until room temperature... Combine with eggs and flour. Knead the dough. It must be elastic. If it sticks to your hands, add a little flour, if it crumbles into crumbs, add 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Chop apples: Core the apples and cut them into thin slices.
  • Put the cake in a mold: Grease the mold with oil. Distribute the dough over it (directly with your hands, covering it with dough, like plasticine), forming sides about 1.5 cm high. Put apples on the dough. Sprinkle them with sugar. Finely chop the butter and scatter evenly over the apples (you can do without butter). The rest of the dough can be rolled out, cut out of it small biscuits and put it on top of the apples (I cut out the dogs).
  • Bake a shortbread cake: put the pie in hot oven(preheat to 200 degrees C). Bake until a delicious baking smell appears and the sides are browned (first baked apple smells and then sweet pastries, then take out). I didn’t timed the time, but, in my opinion, it took about 20 minutes to bake.

Bon Appetit!

Open apple pie, where apples are laid out in a circle with wedges

Shortcrust pastry for a sweet cake or cookie

Cover the form with shortbread dough

Apples for the filling. It took me 2.5 apples

We spread the apple slices in a circle

Sprinkle apples with sugar

You can cut out biscuits from the dough leftovers and bake them on top of the cake.

Put the cookies, distribute the butter evenly

Dogs can be baked on a pie or separately on a pan

The cake is baked, is cooling down on the wire rack

03 January 2017 271

Shortcrust pastry pies come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and fillings. These baked goods, in all their variations, are easy to make and require no special ingredients or special skills. The article will offer several options for preparing a wonderful sweetness for tea, the taste of which many remember from childhood.

Step by step recipe

So, a lot of fruits after the harvest season and really want something tasty for tea - this is a recipe for a shortbread cake that is perfect.


  1. Apples - 800 g;
  2. Rum / cognac - 2 tbsp. l .;
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc;
  4. Juice and zest from half a lemon;
  5. Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  6. Butter - 100 g;
  7. Sugar (for filling) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  8. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  9. Flour - 250 g;
  10. Sugar - 60 g;
  11. Semolina - 1 tbsp. l.

It will take about 2-2.5 hours to cook. Calorie content - 206 kcal per 100 g.

At the very beginning, the dough is prepared, because then it needs to be cooled. The flour must be sifted into a bowl, into which melted butter, sugar, yolk and salt are then added, and then kneaded. It will turn out soft dough, which does not need to be kneaded, and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

In the meantime, the filling is being prepared - cut apples without peels and seeds into small cubes, pour over with lemon juice, add sugar, cinnamon and semolina, which will draw out excess moisture. Also add cognac / rum, grated or finely chopped lemon zest. All you need to mix - and the filling is ready.

It is better to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. When everything is ready, then a sheet of parchment is laid out on the bottom of the form and oiled with oil. The dough must be divided into two parts, chipping off about 1/3 from the piece. Roll a larger piece into a circle of 2-3 mm and slightly larger than the shape in diameter. The cake is cut to size and then transferred to the mold. The filling is laid out on it, evenly distributed.

A small part of the dough also needs to be rolled out and covered with the filling in the form, connecting with bottom cake... Pieces of dough can be used to make decorations of any shape and size - as far as imagination is enough. The form is placed in the oven for 50-60 minutes. Here is a delicious sweet cake ready.

Open shortcrust pastry tart with caramelized apples

You can cook gourmet dessert from slices of fruit in caramel on shortcrust pastry at home. The recipe is simple, and the result is beyond expectations.

For cooking you need:

  1. Flour - 200 g;
  2. Water - 75 ml;
  3. Sugar - 240 g;
  4. Butter - 200 g;
  5. Apples - 5 pcs.

It will take 1.5 hours to cook. Caloric content - 230 kcal.

To make a pie with crispy dough and caramelized apples, you first need to make the dough. In a bowl, mix flour and 100 g of butter, sliced ​​while still cold, with sugar (3 tablespoons) and a pinch of salt.

It is necessary to achieve the formation of small lumps, and then pour cold water and mix. Put the resulting dough in a bag and put in the refrigerator. Next, apples are prepared: cut and remove the middle.

Apples cut into wedges are fried in a pan with 90g butter and the remaining sugar until appearing golden crust... The baking dish is greased, the dough is laid out on it and distributed evenly over the entire bottom with small (2-3 cm) sides.

Apples are laid out on top, after which all this is baked for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Can be served with tea.

Grated shortcrust cake with fruit

Grated pies are often found and their taste is familiar to many. Classic filling- apples with pears, - is used everywhere, especially if the fruits are sour, because in baked goods they are necessarily made with sugar.


  1. Flour - 400 g;
  2. Sugar - 280 g;
  3. Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  4. Eggs - 3 pcs;
  5. Margarine - 200 g;
  6. Apples - 4 pcs;
  7. Pears - 3 pcs;
  8. Powdered sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.

It will take about 2 hours to cook. The calorie content will be 240 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare the dough, mixes soft margarine, 0.75 cups of sugar and eggs, are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which flour and baking soda are added.

The dough is kneaded and divided into two parts, and then frozen in a film.

The filling is made from grated pears and apples. If the first ones are not very dense, then you can cut small pieces, so that there is no porridge.

After that, a frozen piece of dough is taken and rubbed through the largest holes onto a preheated pan covered with baking paper, evenly scattering it over the inner surface of the mold.

Next, distribute apples and pears with sugar, then again the dough and so on in layers until the end. Next, the cake is baked at 190-200 degrees until golden brown for about 25 minutes. The cake can be served with a little powdered sugar.

Closed apple pie with cinnamon in a slow cooker

The multicooker is a universal device for preparing a wide range of dishes. There are many baked goods on this list. A shortcrust cake can also be cooked in a slow cooker and it is unlikely to be inferior in taste to the usual one made in the oven.


  1. Butter / margarine - 250 g;
  2. Yolks - 2 pcs;
  3. Powdered sugar - 200 g;
  4. Flour - 500 g;
  5. Apples - 4-5 pcs;
  6. Baking dough - 1 tsp.

The whole process takes about 1.5-2 hours. The dough freezes for 2 hours.

The energy value of the dish is 220 kcal per 100 g.

Butter is ground with half the sugar; with the second half, grind the yolks until a whipped homogeneous mass is obtained. Both resulting mixtures are combined and mixed well.

All dry ingredients are mixed with flour, and then it is mixed into a liquid base and the dough is kneaded until elastic, when it does not yet stick to your hands. The dough must be removed into the freezer, divided into two parts (like 1/3 and 2/3) and wrapped in plastic wrap.

The filling is prepared from apples, which need to be peeled, removed from the center and cut thinner.

The multicooker bowl is greased with butter. Most of the dough is rubbed onto the bottom through a coarse grater with sides so that the filling does not touch the walls. Next, cut apples are laid out on this layer of dough and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. A second piece of dough is rubbed on top and the surface is leveled with your hands. Hands need to be lubricated vegetable oil... The "Baking" mode is set for 35-40 minutes. The dish is ready.

And one more recipe with exactly the same set of ingredients and dough preparation technique, but with a different recipe for assembling a pie. Also preparing for it apple jam: thinly sliced ​​apples sprinkle lemon juice and insist a little.

In the multicooker bowl, a rolled dough cake is placed, forming bumpers on the walls. The confiture is laid out on it, leveled, and a second rolled cake is placed on top, which is fastened to the bottom so that the filling does not come into contact with the walls. The "Baking" mode is set and after 40 minutes everything is ready.

As in all cases of using the oven, you need to warm it up in advance.

If your hands are in direct contact with the dough at the stage of forming the cake, you need to grease them with vegetable oil so that it does not stick to them. It will also add a little yellowness to the crust.

You need to rub the dough on the very coarse grater, and if it melted, it should be sent to the freezer for 10 minutes.

When forming a closed shortcrust cake with apples, it is necessary to leave holes for steam to escape, otherwise the surface may burst and damage the decorative elements, or simply deprive the entire structure of the structure.

It is almost impossible to roll out shortbread dough, so it is placed on parchment directly in a baking dish and there it is spread by hand over the surface. It is important not to compromise the integrity of the dough and distribute it in the same layer.

You need to remove the cake from the mold while it is still warm and damp, until it begins to break. In the case of open thresholds, you need to be even more careful, since the damp filling makes the whole structure very fragile.

In addition to fruit fillings you can also use cottage cheese, jam, as well as various combinations of not only apples and pears, but also all kinds of berries, exotic fruits and everything that has enough imagination and courage.


Hello my dear readers! Do you have a recipe for your favorite apple pie? I have five of them. This is a tender, sour cream filling and a simple rustic apple pie made from shortcrust pastry.

The last of the list is a hit of all times and peoples. In his recipe, there are no "freaks" at all. However, for me it is one of the most delicious apple pies... He is also democratic as much as you yourself allow him. If you want less sugar - be kind, if you want less butter and more sour cream - if you intend to make shortbread dough on goose lard, and not with butter - but who will forbid you? I tried to bake it this way and that - it always succeeds, which cannot be said about its "brothers". How long do you need to babysit, for example, with Flodny? Half a day, no less. And the rustic apple pie will come out of the oven an hour after the moment you thought of contacting him.

Today is such a warm day that after the heat of the oven I opened the kitchen door and went out onto the terrace myself. Through half the sky hung a two-story (it's a pity that this is not visible in the photo) rainbow and for a moment it seemed to me that I heard the cry of cranes. It seemed to me, of course. Looks like my body really wants spring, so it "slips" me such sounds together with the real spring aromas of the awakening earth, smoke and the first flowers that rage in the insides. A neighbor's dog "leaked" through a gap in the fence.

I teach him Russian (his owner is Dutch). He already understands the words "cracklings" and "bone" perfectly. Today he was interested in apple pie, judging by the nose leading the owner straight to the kitchen.

Something I, as always, started in Kolomna, and continued in Buenos Aires. Looking ahead, I will say that the apple pie turned out this time as well, although I added flour, topped up the yolk and experimented with pork lard. We "dared" most of the pie in the evening. True, they treated the "little brother" with such a name corresponding to the pie - Earl Gray! The doggie delicately devoured a miniature piece and retired, so as not to agitate the lovely hostess with the sweet euphonious name Helintj for a long absence.

How to cook

My remarks

For the filling, choose ripe juicy apples... And they don't have to be the largest. Small and medium good quality will do quite well.

I gave back the promised recipe! I can sleep well, although not quite. The long-promised custard cakes and Napoleon is after me. Stay tuned for updates to the blog so you don't miss these recipes. And for this, please subscribe to my mailing list. Was this article helpful? Then please click on the buttons social networks so that the information gets to your friends.

I look forward to your comments - they are very important to me. Bye everyone and see you tomorrow!
Always yours Irina.
Today I have wonderful music for you. The sounds of the cello are deep, velvety, tender and sad ... Adam Hurst - Elegy

Sand pie with apples is one of those recipes that seasoned housewives love to share. “But try to make a pie according to my recipe! .. And this is our family property, even from my grandmother! .. Do you want my proprietary recipe shortbread pie with apples? You have never tried this! .. ”Sounds familiar, right?

So I have a favorite recipe, which I am introducing you with great pleasure.
Apple pie made from shortcrust pastry with sour cream filling and heavy cream easy to prepare and delicious to eat. It looks like a basket full of chopped fruit. The idea is simple and very appetizing! Yes, that's pretty high-calorie baked goods(272 kcal), but sometimes you can pamper yourself. The preparation time for a shortcrust cake is 1 hour 15 minutes. From the number of products indicated in the recipe, at least six servings of the pie are obtained. So it's enough to feast on a whole rather big family or a small department at work.

Ingredients for the recipe

To make a shortcrust cake with apples you will need:

For the test:

  • self-rising flour with baking powder - 200g
  • chilled butter- 150g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch
  • granulated sugar- 1 teaspoon
  • cold water - 2 tablespoons

For the pie filling:

  • red apples with loose flesh - 300g
  • cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • whipping cream, 33% fat - 100g
  • sour cream - 100g
  • granulated sugar - 50g

How to make apple shortbread

Shortcrust pastry for pies with fruits and berries is best prepared according to classical technology, it is precisely this that is able to perfectly retain the moisture released from the fruits during baking, while remaining crispy on the outside. Nevertheless, do not forget about the filling itself: adding a small amount of starch or flour will help to absorb the juice that stands out, but we had a chance to discuss all this in detail in the recipes. shortbread, today we will focus entirely on the test itself.

Apple pie shortcrust pastry recipe

We offer to start with the most minimalistic version. classic recipe dough, for which you only need flour, oil and a little water. This universal dough can be used not only for apple pies, but also for any other sweet or not sweet pastries.


  • flour - 235 g;
  • - 115 g;
  • water - 115 ml.


Make sure all ingredients and equipment used are as cool as possible before preparing the shortbread dough for the pie. Ideally, let the bowls, knife and food cool for 10 minutes first before starting to cook. By complying with this simple rule the dough will be crispy and will not rise when baked.

Cut the butter into small cubes and crumb it with the flour. If the pie filling is not sweet enough, add a little sugar, do not more pair tablespoons. When the fine butter crumbs are ready, pour into it ice water and gather the dough together. Wrap the finished lump with foil and leave to rest in the cold before rolling for 30 minutes, then you can start forming the cake.

Spicy shortcrust pastry for apple pie

None of the shortbread doughs are complete without adding cinnamon, ground cloves, muskata or star anise, but why not add these spices to the dough itself?


  • flour - 175 g;
  • butter - 85 g;
  • granulated sugar - 35 g;
  • egg yolks- 2 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon- 1 tsp;
  • ground star anise and cloves - pinch at a time.


If you have a blender, perfect: just toss all ingredients into the bowl and beat until crumbs are formed. For manual cooking, it is enough to first mix the flour with spices and sugar, and then chop it into crumbs with butter. Add the egg yolks to the crumb and bring the dough together. Leave the apple tart shortbread in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Shortcrust pastry recipe for sweet pie

Another dough recipe contains enough sugar to use slightly sour apple fillingperfect option for fans of green apples and their combination with seasonal berries.


  • flour - 245 g;
  • granulated sugar - 185 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 160 g.


First, prepare a dry mixture and then add ice-cold butter to it. Turn flour and butter into small crumb, mix it with eggs and wrap ready dough film. Before rolling, it should spend half an hour in the cold.

This option, although you can not call it classic, but it is she who is the best way to come in handy for those who prefer fluffy shortbread dough.



Combine all dry ingredients and then add yolks to them, soft butter and sour cream. Knead the dough, wrap it in foil and refrigerate for 20 minutes before shaping.