A step-by-step photo recipe for making apple jam for the winter at home. Apple jam with cinnamon

11.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Is a traditional French recipe. It can be cooked from almost any berry, fruit or even vegetable. Let's look at how to make apple confiture and delight your household with a delicious treat.

Apple jam recipe


  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • apples - 1 kg.


So, first we take the apples, rinse them thoroughly, cut off the peel and rub on a grater with large holes. Then carefully pour the juice into a saucepan and add the sugar. Next, put on medium heat, wait until the crystals are completely dissolved, bring the mass to a boil, while stirring constantly. After that, add grated apples to the syrup and cook over high heat for about 20 minutes. Then remove the saucepan and let the treat cool. Then we lay out the apple and cinnamon jam on clean sterilized jars, roll up the lids and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Apple jam in a slow cooker


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • pectin - 1 tsp;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • citric acid - a pinch.


Wash apples, peel, remove seeds and cut into small pieces. Then we rub them on a grater, or twist them through a meat grinder. We shift the mass together with the released juice into the multicooker bowl, fill it with sugar to taste, pour in a little water, close the lid and set the “Stew” mode and the time for 50 minutes. After that, add a little pectin and turn on the "Pilaf" program so that almost all the juice evaporates. Throw in a pinch of citric acid, mix well and transfer to a bowl. You can grind the finished jam with a blender until smooth, or you can serve it as it is - in pieces.

Apple and orange jam

In this recipe, the confiture turns out to be quite original in taste: the apple softens slightly, and the ginger slightly sets off the tart citrus taste, giving the delicacy a piquant aftertaste.


  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • mandarin - 4 pcs.;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • dry ground ginger - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.


Let's figure out how to make apple jam. So, to begin with, we thoroughly rinse and dry all the fruits. Cut the orange into slices and squeeze the juice with the pulp. Chop the tangerines together with the zest into thin slices, remove the seeds and remove the white films. Peel the apple and grind it into arbitrary small cubes-slices. Combine all components in a saucepan, add ground dry ginger and granulated sugar. Bring the fruit mass to a boil, reduce the heat to low and boil the confiture for about an hour over low heat until the syrup thickens. During this time, the mandarin slices should soften and become like soft candied fruits.

Pear and apple jam



Consider another option for how to cook apples. We wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the cores, seeds and cut everything into small pieces. We shift the crushed apples and pears into a saucepan, add sugar, add cinnamon and citric acid. We put the pan on high heat, bring the mass to a boil. Then add liquid pectin, stir and bring everything to a boil again. Boil the jam for another 1 minute and turn off the heat. We remove the foam neatly formed on the surface and pour the delicacy into the jars. Roll up the lids, sterilize in boiling water for about 5 minutes and leave to cool. That's all, a wonderful apple confiture is ready for the winter!

Today I want to offer you a simple and unpretentious way of harvesting apples. Let's prepare a spicy and very aromatic apple confiture for the winter. Such a tasty and healthy homemade preparation is a godsend for a "hot" harvest time for apples, because the preparation of jam involves short-term heat treatment, the minimum amount of sugar in the composition and the most simple cooking process.

This cooking option allows not only to preserve the rich natural aroma of apples, but also to emphasize their delicate taste. Due to the naturally high content of pectin in the apples themselves and the addition of gelling components, the consistency of the finished apple confiture is more reminiscent of marmalade or jelly. And the addition of warm, spicy spices - cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and citrus peel - allows with minimal effort to turn a handful of at first glance unremarkable fruits into a truly festive and memorable dessert. Try it!

To make applesauce for the winter, prepare the ingredients as listed.

Remove the seed pod and cut the apples into small pieces. Add the zest of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and water in such an amount that it covers the apples by about 2/3.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook, covered, for 15-20 minutes, until the apple slices are tender.

Remove the citrus zest and chop the apples until puree. You can use a blender, sieve the apples through a sieve, or even use a regular potato pusher if you don't mind the strips of apple peel in the finished jam.

I do not recommend peeling apples from the peel in advance - there is a lot of pectin in the apple peel, which, in combination with the gelling component, gives the jam the very appetizing “marmalade-jelly” texture.

Add spices and pectin to the applesauce (I have a ready-made mixture for making confiture, based on citrus pectin). Following the manufacturer's instructions, I pre-mix the pectin with 2 tablespoons. Sahara.

While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.

Add sugar. Select the amount of sugar in accordance with the instructions on the pectin package. My recommended proportions are 2: 1, i.e. for 1 kg of peeled apples, I add 500 grams of sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Place the hot jam in sterilized jars, close the lids, roll up and wrap until it cools.

Apple jam for the winter is ready! Bon Appetit!

You can make delicious jam for the winter at home from any apples. Early summer varieties are well suited, for example, "White filling" - the fruits boil very quickly, literally in 15 minutes they turn into a solid homogeneous mass. Later varieties such as "Antonovka" or "Jonathan" are also suitable for jam, although they take longer to cook, but the jam from them turns out to be more aromatic, dense and darker in color.

Today I will make apple jam according to the simplest white filling recipe. The jam will turn out to be thick and homogeneous, moderately sweet, with a pleasant, barely perceptible sourness in the aftertaste. If you wish, you can always add more sugar, and if, on the contrary, your variety is too sweet, then add a little citric acid. There is no need to add any gelling powders. Apples have enough natural pectin, which will thicken the jam to the desired consistency.

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Output: 1.5L


  • apples white filling - 1.5 kg (peeled)
  • sugar - 800 g
  • water - 200 ml

How to make apple jam (simple recipe)

Any apples for jam are suitable, and overripe, and even slightly broken. The main thing is that the fruits are not rotten! I used apples of the white filling variety, which I peeled from the skin and seed pods. Net weight was 1.5 kg. It is most convenient to work with a small knife or a special vegetable peeler. And do not rush to throw away the skins - we still need them, put them in a separate saucepan for now.

Next, the fruit pulp needs to be cut into pieces. The finer the slicing, the faster the apples will boil. Since I used white filling for the recipe, you do not need to chop them, but simply cut them into 3-4 parts, they boil well in mashed potatoes. I sprinkled the apples with sugar and jerked the container well.

The cleaning has been flooded with water - you will need 500 ml of pure spring or filtered water. Boiled over high heat for about 15 minutes, without a lid. Then she drained through a sieve and measured out exactly 200 ml of apple broth.

She poured the hot broth into a saucepan with apples and sugar. I set it to simmer over medium heat, waiting for the sugar crystals to dissolve. Brought to a boil, stirring. The slices should be completely immersed in the liquid. Foam forms on the surface - it must be removed.

Once the fruit mass has boiled, reduce the heat to minimum and cook for 20 minutes, without a lid, stirring constantly. During this time, the apples should soften and turn into a puree. It is most convenient to bring to absolute homogeneity with a submersible blender, if you do not have special equipment, then use a potato pusher or wipe through a sieve.

The applesauce was returned to the stove and continued to boil until thick - another 30 minutes. Be sure to stir to avoid burning. Readiness can be checked as follows: drip jam on a saucer and tilt, if it does not drain, then it is ready.

I poured hot jam into previously prepared sterilized (dry) jars and sealed them with clean lids. Turned it upside down and left it that way until it cools completely. From the specified number of ingredients, the yield was 1.5 liters.

When the jars are completely cooled, you can store them in a cool and dark place. Over time, the apple jam will become thicker and more dense. Shelf life is 1 year.

Apple jam is the most popular and favorite sweet treat. It is not only delicious, but also very healthy. The majority of the population does not know about many qualities of this product.

You should definitely know about the beneficial properties of apple jam. All vitamins and microelements are stored in it. There are a lot of them both in fresh apples and in the boiled version. Contains:

  • beta - carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, H, C, PP);
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium.

All of these components are fully transferred in apple jam.

The sweet dessert contributes to:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • strengthening the heart muscles;
  • lowering blood cholesterol.

In addition to the listed beneficial effects, the product is an excellent source of vitamins, trace elements, nutrients.

Interesting apple jam recipes for the winter

Any hostess loves to experiment. Each one probably has a special recipe from her grandmother. There are many interesting and simple apple jam recipes that all housewives should know about.

Before starting the process of making apple jam for the winter, it is necessary to process the fruits. They should be:

Apples do not need to be peeled. However, the jam without them turns out to be more tender and uniform.

A simple apple jam recipe

This is the traditional way of cooking. The sweets include:

  • a kilogram of apples;
  • glass of water;
  • a kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

Pour the prepared ones into the cooking container.
They can be ground or finely chopped. Add all ingredients there and put on fire. It is necessary to constantly stir so that it does not stick. After boiling, cook for about half an hour.

The jam will be thicker if cooked over high heat. For a more liquid one, you need to well reduce the strength of the fire.

Hot prepared dessert is poured into sterilized jars and closed. Store preferably in a cool place.

This is a fairly simple recipe for apple jam. It is convenient to cook it from any kind of fruit. Overripe, sweet, sour apples are also suitable. The result will certainly delight the hostess.

Recipe with the addition of cinnamon and vanillin

How to make apple jam with a special flavor? Just one minor ingredient can dramatically change the flavor of a dish. To get apple jam with a special, unusual taste, you need to add a pinch of cinnamon and vanillin to it.

For cooking, you will need components such as:

  • a kilogram of apples;
  • a kilogram of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • ground cinnamon and vanilla.

Apples must be prepared in advance as indicated above. Grind in a meat grinder. Pour the mixture into a non-stick saucepan. Pour water over the apples and put on fire. Simmer this mixture for half an hour over low heat. Stir the consistency throughout the cooking process as it gurgles and splashes on the sides.

After 30 minutes of cooking, sugar is added. Boil almost finished apple jam over low heat for another half hour. You can add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon along with sugar or 10 minutes later.

If you don't like the strong aroma of cinnamon, you can boil a stick of cinnamon with jam for 15 - 20 minutes, then get it out.

You can cook apple jam for the winter according to this recipe with the addition. It is poured along with sugar.

They use zest, cinnamon, and vanillin at the same time. The taste is extraordinary. The jam is removed from the fire and immediately rolled up.

You can add ingredients such as cinnamon, lemon, anise, cloves to apple jam. Also use cherry leaves for a special flavor.

Antonovka apple jam recipe for the winter

There is a special ingredient in the recipe for apple jam from Antonovka for the winter. This is nothing more than a whole liter of water. The peculiarity lies in the variety of the fruit itself. They contain a lot of pectin, which perfectly curls liquid. For jam you need:

  • a kilogram of ready-made apples;
  • litere of water;
  • a kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

Apples must be peeled and peeled, grated on a coarse grater. Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan at once and cook, stirring occasionally. After boiling, cook for another 40 minutes. Close hot.

The peculiarity of this recipe lies precisely in the variety of apples. Jam from them turns out like marmalade. Each small piece of the fruit is kept intact. The water turns into hard jelly.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

In addition to traditional ways of preparing a sweet dessert, there is the possibility of using a multicooker. This device will make the task of the hostess easier and make an excellent jam.

You need to take:

  • a kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

After peeling the skins from the apples, do not throw them away, but steam in the multicooker itself, pouring 200 ml of boiling water. This will remove the pectin from the rind and help the jam thicken.

The washed and peeled apples must be chopped finely and poured into a multicooker, add the juice obtained from cooking the skins. Cover everything with sugar and put on the stewing mode for 1 hour.

At the end of the mode, you need to mix everything and turn on the baking mode for 40 minutes. Stir the jam several times in the process.

Pour the finished dessert into jars and roll up. Making apple jam in a slow cooker is not difficult. It is necessary to be careful with the heating temperature of the device. Jam is boiled no higher than at 130 degrees. If there is a choice of temperature, it must be set exactly at 130 degrees.

The number of apples for making jam in a slow cooker should not exceed 1 kg. Otherwise, the dessert will pour into the multicooker and ruin both it and the jam.

If you follow the primitive rules of preparation, it will not be difficult to cook a thick, transparent apple jam of a beautiful bright shade. There is no need to think about how to make apple jam for the winter at home, it is quite simple and quick to do it.

This delicious dessert can be used both as a sweet addition to tea and for making buns and pies.

Jam is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to prepare berries and fruits for the winter. Previously, for the winter, I stocked up exclusively with jam, all other sweets - various jams, jams, jam - could always be bought in the store. Now, of course, it is also possible to buy, but the prices nowadays "bite" painfully, and homemade, whatever one may say, turns out to be tastier and healthier. And if you have your own garden, it's also more economical. We are now actively building a rich harvest of apples with the whole family, therefore today I propose to make apple jam at home. A very simple recipe. It differs from others in that it does not matter at all which variety of apples you choose - the jam will still turn out to be very thick, with the correct, jelly-like consistency. The secret is in active boiling and in the fact that when cooking, a very rich apple broth is added to the jam, made from the most pectin-rich part of apples - the peel and core. It is the pectin that gives the jam its special gloss and jelly. The recipe is classic, without any additives. For cooking, only sugar, apples and water (for broth) are used. Jam is brewed quickly - literally 30 minutes, and, despite the addition of liquid, it turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste and aroma. Ideal for baking or making sandwiches.


  • apples (I have sweet and sour) - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 500 ml.
  • Exit - 700-800 g of ready-made apple jam.

How to make a simple apple jam

Wash the apples thoroughly, dry them (I quickly wipe them with a waffle towel) and peel them: cut the peel as thin as possible, cut out the core with the seeds. We weigh the peeled apples - we need 1 kg.

Now we put all the cleanings in a saucepan and fill them with water, cold or hot - it doesn't matter, I filled it with boiling water from a kettle. We put the saucepan on the stove and boil the contents, without closing the lid, for about 15 minutes.

During this time, cut the peeled apples into medium-sized pieces. I had medium-sized apples (about 100-120 g each), when peeling, I cut them into quarters. Then I cut each quarter into three pieces lengthwise and four pieces across.

Next, put the chopped apples into a container where the jam will be cooked. We fill them with sugar and, covering them with a lid so that nothing wakes up, shake the container vigorously several times. This is necessary so that the sugar evenly covers the apple pieces.

In the meantime, our apple broth is ready. We filter it and pour it into a saucepan to the apples. I ended up with a full glass of broth, resembling cranberry jelly in color (since the apples were red), if you have more, pour everything out.

As soon as the apple broth has been poured, we put the pan on the stove and boil the jam first on high heat. The heat does not need to be turned down, even when the jam starts to gurgle very strongly. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the foam and stir frequently so that nothing burns.

The longer the jam is cooked, the softer and more transparent the apple slices become. Already after 15 minutes you will notice that the apples are almost completely boiled, and the color of the jam has become uniform. It remains only to boil it down to the desired density - and you're done! To bring the jam to the desired thickness, it is enough to boil it for 30, maximum - 40 minutes. You can check the readiness like this: put a spoonful of jam on a plate, wait 30 seconds and hold a spoon in the middle - if the strip from the spoon remains, the jam is ready. If desired, you can bring it to homogeneity with a blender. I decided to leave it so that the pieces could be felt.

About adding lemon juice (acid) or flavorings (cinnamon, vanillin, ginger, etc.) to the jam. If you like the taste of jam with additives - feel free to put it. If you are satisfied with the "pure" taste - do not add anything. I didn't even add lemon juice, for my taste, the jam was not sugary at all, the apple sourness was enough for him.

We lay out the hot jam on pre-sterilized dry jars, close with lids, check for leaks (turning the jars onto the lids) and, if nothing leaks, after cooling down, store in a cool place.