Corporate ethics rules. Features and structure of corporate ethics

20.04.2019 Buffet table

I.P. Wunder

Corporate ethics organization

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of \u200b\u200bhuman communication. Corporate ethics is a system of moral principles, norms of moral behavior that have a regulatory impact on relations within one organization and on interaction with other organizations.Corporate ethics is part of a regulatory framework such as corporate culture.

The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship between representatives of various professions, united by a common work collective, working in one organization.

Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but due to the internal consistency of the goals and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and values \u200b\u200bof its members is becoming the most harmonious and dynamic form of the corporate community.

Corporate ethics can be thought of as a system with two subsystems. First, these are the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bof the organization and its development priorities. Secondly, these are the norms and rules of conduct for employees of the organization in formal and informal situations.

Corporate ethics is based on a number of principles1 .

  • The absence of clearly formulated rules of corporate ethics inevitably leads to a lack of a certain loyalty to one's team, which negatively affects the work of a particular employee (employees) and the entire enterprise as a whole. And only the introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of a team, almost a member of a family.
  • Corporate ethics stipulates collective principles of conduct. For example: caring for the general interests of the organization and each employee individually, ensuring the growth of the organization's values, adhering to the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and an impeccable reputation, supporting the overall strategy and priorities of the organization, not using the organization's image to the detriment of it for personal purposes, confidentiality information received.
  • Corporate ethics stipulates the ethical principles of service relationships. For example, employees of an organization must treat all people with respect, they must keep their promises, be tolerant of other people's opinions, be courteous and correct.
  • Above the rules that are established by the corporate code for employees are the rules established for the organization itself. For example: building relationships with clients and partners solely on a legal basis, full responsibility for fulfilling contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers of services, recognizing employees' labor merits and providing them with fair remuneration, providing social guarantees for employees.

Corporate ethics is a system of values2 regulating ethical relations in this organization. It is due to the characteristics of the activities and goals of this organization, as well as the prevailing stereotypes of behavior in this organization. Corporate ethics is a key element that unites people - participants in the process into a single social organism (human community).

Values \u200b\u200bcan be positive, orienting people to such behaviors that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals, but they can also be negative, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Values \u200b\u200bcan also be divided into individualand organizational, however, they largely coincide, but there are those that relate exclusively to either one group or another. For example, such as "well-being", "initiative", "quality", "independence" can refer to both groups, while such as "family", "predictability", "work", "authority" refer to individuals, and "interchangeability "," flexibility "," change "are related to the organization.

The fundamental values \u200b\u200bon the basis of which corporate ethics is formed are usually:

  • Competence and professionalism. The subjects of corporate ethics must: have a high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make balanced and responsible decisions; strive to improve their professional level; have initiative and activity in execution job duties, responsibility and discipline.
  • Honesty and impartiality. This is the foundation of the organization's activities, its business reputation. The organization does not allow a conflict between personal interests and professional activities.
  • Responsibility. Responsibility is a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities.
  • Respect for the human person. Employees of the organization have the right to be treated fairly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and cultural affiliation.
  • Patriotism. The employee must be a patriot of his organization. He should contribute to the development of the organization.
  • Well-being. Aiming at material well-being, as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives.
  • Interchangeability. Allows an organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in environment and abnormal situations in the organization itself.
  • Flexibility. Focus on flexibility and encouragement of employees to effective interaction, joint search for the optimal solution to the problem, ways to achieve the goals, timely response to environmental changes.

In addition to values, corporate culture also includes beliefs, rituals, symbols that are its elements. To form a single corporate culture, first of all, it is necessary to develop internal communications (both between the organizations themselves and within the organizations). The openness of information related to various aspects of the organization's activities, corporate publications, and the creation of the Internet contribute to easy access of company employees to internal information. The method of rotation of personnel from the management company also serves effective way improving corporate communications and accelerating the process of forming a single corporate culture.

It is necessary to list the moral qualities on which corporate ethics is based: responsiveness; attentiveness; benevolence; the ability to take criticism; devotion; decency, honesty; modesty; openness.

There are several types of corporate ethics.

  • Traditional corporate ethics is an old-fashioned approach to the corporate environment. It is based on clearly defined roles and relationships among employees. Traditionally, a simple chain of commands works. Orders are given from above and are executed by subordinates without discussion or disagreement. And while this kind of ethics is outdated, it still exists. Most often, such ethics are used in companies with long-established management methods and for them it is most effective.
  • Highly qualified corporate ethics is not called that because other types of ethics do not imply high qualifications of personnel. The basic principle of this type of corporate ethics is the selection of talented senior people who will influence the lower level employees.
  • Innovative corporate ethics is in many ways the opposite of traditional ethics. In this case, creative initiative is supported among ordinary employees. There is always a certain risk in companies with this type of corporate ethics.
  • Public corporate ethics draws its strength from joint efforts, teamwork and healthy relationships of trust between company employees. Often this kind of corporate ethics focuses on caring for their employees.

To create positive corporate ethics, you should:

  • Establish specific goals for the organization. This will enable employees to be informed about what responsibility they bear, what role they play in the implementation of the organization's activities. Recruit talented employees who have both specialized skills and the ability to work with people.
  • Creating an atmosphere in the organization that fosters creativity and learning.
  • Introduction of incentive programs in the organization to motivate employees and make them focus on work, the use of cash bonuses and all kinds of incentives.

Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but due to the internal consistency of the goals and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and values \u200b\u200bof its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of community.

Practically all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to moral and ethical standards of conduct in a broad sense. In addition, without exception, all directions business ethics are based on the fundamental norms of ethics. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, understanding the interests and motives of others' behavior, social responsibility for their psychological protection, etc.

The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the norms of behavior of participants in business relations.

Corporate ethics is based on moral standards that allow everyone to feel like a person. First of all, they are associated with the basic (material) needs of the employee:

  • remuneration for skilled labor should not be lower than the income of the middle strata of the population;
  • the organization assumes responsibility for a certain stability of employment, and in case of forced dismissal - payment of appropriate compensation;
  • prevention of an unjustified gap in the income levels of owners, managers and ordinary workers.

The employee's relationship with the organization is largely determined by higher ethical standards, not least such as:

  • respect for human dignity, regardless of the social status occupied in the hierarchical ladder of the enterprise;
  • guarantees of professional development and professional advancement;
  • free expression of judgments about the activities of the organization;
  • participation in the preparation and adoption of decisions affecting the interests of employees;
  • harsh condemnation of such phenomena in the system of labor relations as denunciations, opposition of some groups of workers to others;
  • transparency of the organization's financial activities, excluding any form of shadow transactions.

Of course, in corporate ethics, a certain community of corporate interests cannot eliminate the specific interests of various groups of people. Enterprise conflicts can arise. However, corporate ethics allows you to manage a conflict situation, to give it a functional rather than destructive character, i.e. to use it as the first signal of the appearance of a problem that needs to be solved within the framework of the social partnership system.

Completed by student 3
course, groups 14z10
Sokolova S. Yu.


Relevance of this topic
justified by the fact that ethics is not
only studies moral
phenomena and processes, but also sets
human value
activities, determining what
it should be directed to
what makes her perfect -
Ethics is a philosophical science,
object of study, which,
is morality.
Morality is one of the main
ways of normative
human behavior in society;
a special form of public
consciousness and type of public


The research object of this work is
professional ethics in the field of tourism.
The subject of this study is the concept
corporate and professional ethics.
The purpose of the work is
research on corporate
and professional morality.
For achievement
the set goal
need to decide
the following tasks:
theoretical basis
studying corporate and
professional ethics;
study the code
professional ethics for
workers in the field of tourism;


Professional ethics represent
a set of moral norms, rules, principles,
which regulate the attitude of a person in their
professional duties, as well
the relationship of people in work.


Corporate ethics is a system of moral
principles, norms of moral behavior, which
regulate the impact on relationships within
one organization and interaction with others


Codes for tourism workers

Codes of ethics are a set of norms for good behavior,
which is considered acceptable for a person of the profession,
to which this code applies.
Professional codes of ethics serve society as a guarantee
quality and conclude information on standards and restrictions
activities of employees in the area for which
these codes (rules) have been developed.

The main ones are those
principles by which
guided by
professional building
relationships with clients,
colleagues, how does he feel
to society as a whole and
nature, which
surrounds. Main
principle is respect
the other side.


Summing up the result, it is necessary
highlight that professional
ethics is an integral part of business
human relationships. At present
time all large branched
organizations have already realized
intra-organizational ethical
regulation. In this way,
knowledge of the norms of professional
ethics enables a person
successfully and effectively perform
your work and at the same time keep
their human dignity and
personal characteristics, and besides
additionally exclude conflicting
situations in a particular area.

Features of professional and corporate morality

English РусскийRules

Corporate ethics

Modern business is a complex system with many parameters, and all of them affect final result, which provides for profit and development of the company. Any business owner invests time, energy, money, effort into its development. Some of the components that significantly affect the development of the company are corporate culture and corporate ethics. In fact, it is an important management tool that affects the development of the company and its value.

Compliance with business ethics and corporate ethics alone promises an increase in the company's income, practically without any other financial investments. Taking into account the financial and economic crisis, the possibility of such simple receipt additional profit without significant investment is particularly attractive.

Corporate ethics concept

The corporate ethics of the company is a stable system of collective values, traditions, beliefs, and norms of employee behavior. The rules of corporate ethics of business are expressed in the symbolic, spiritual and material environment of people working in a particular organization.

The fundamentals of corporate ethics include the following attributes:

  1. Common values \u200b\u200bthat employees value in their life, work - their positions, career opportunities, the job itself.
  2. Belief in leadership, success, self-strength, mutual help and justice.
  3. The communication system in the team, the language of communication, the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, gestures, etc.
  4. Awareness of time, attitude towards it, its correct use, compliance with the daily routine, work schedule.
  5. Relationships between people, which differ depending on age, status, position, level of knowledge. This also includes the ways and methods of resolving conflict situations.
  6. The process of employee development, conducting training procedures, trainings, training new employees, the process of transferring experience, skills and knowledge.
  7. Work ethics, methods of incentives to achieve. Distribution of responsibilities, performance evaluation, remuneration, career paths.
  8. The appearance of employees, business dress code, behavior.

All these characteristics, taken together, are the formation of corporate ethics. This process is mutual - people working in the organization form the corporate ethics of the organization, and at the same time culture influences their behavior.

Features of corporate ethics

Corporate ethics and etiquette are manifested in material and spiritual things: appearance employees, office space decoration, symbols, corporate identity, forms of incentives and awards. The culture of the organization is general characteristics the entire organization.

It is worth noting that the principles of corporate ethics are also limitations, a process of discussing standards, norms and values \u200b\u200bthat never stops. As soon as a company introduces a document regulating corporate ethics and measures to suppress its violations, it is forced to develop a communication network specifically for it. If this does not happen, problems of corporate ethics appear - information access to management is blocked, negativity accumulates, and middle managers play a destructive role. Violations of corporate ethics must be punished - financially and administratively.

All successful companies have developed a clear list of special measures and methods aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. To successfully realize the core business goal, business leaders must work to create value such as corporate ethics.

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The concept of "ethics" was coined by the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. Ethics helps to clarify what should and should not be done. In our time, ethical attitudes and moral norms are an integral part of life. In a professional environment, there are also written and unwritten rules that determine the appearance of employees, work style, relationships with partners, and document flow rules. All this together constitutes corporate ethics. And in order to observe it (in any aspect), you need such qualities as responsiveness, attentiveness, benevolence, the ability to perceive criticism, decency.

System and principles of corporate ethics

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of \u200b\u200bhuman communication. Corporate ethics are the rules of conduct that are established by a particular company and ensure the normal operation of both individual employees and the entire organization as a whole.
Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two main elements, where the first is the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bof the organization and its development priorities, and the second is the norms of employee behavior in formal and informal situations. In the system of relationships, the subjects of corporate ethics are the owners, managers and employees of the organization. The introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of the team.
The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed by society and determining the norms of behavior of participants in business relations. Let's list these principles.
Specificity. The lack of clearly formulated rules inevitably leads to a lack of loyalty to the enterprise, which negatively affects the work of employees, and therefore, on the bottom line.
Unity. For example, taking care of the general interests of the organization and each employee individually, adhering to the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and an impeccable reputation of the organization, maintaining the confidentiality of information.
Respect and tolerance. Employees of the organization must respect those with whom they interact, show tolerance for the opinions of others, politeness, and be correct.
Reciprocity. The rules for the organization as a whole are at a level higher than the rules that are established by the corporate code for personnel: responsibility for the quality of its products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees, providing them with decent remuneration , social guarantees.

Values \u200b\u200band types of corporate ethics

The core of corporate ethics is values, that is, common beliefs that define what is right and what is wrong. Values \u200b\u200bcan be positive, orienting people to behaviors that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Such values \u200b\u200bare characterized by statements such as "The interests of the consumer are above all", "The success of the company is my success." Values \u200b\u200bcan also be negative, that is, negatively affecting the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. They are represented by relevant statements, for example: "You are the boss - I am a fool, I am a boss - you are a fool", "All the work cannot be redone."
Depending on the history, attitude towards the personnel in the company and the clientele, corporate ethics will be characterized as traditional, highly qualified, innovative or social.
Traditional. Characterized by standard relationships with clearly defined roles. Decrees come from above and are carried out by subordinates without discussion. Most often, this type of ethics is found in companies with long-established management and business practices, where it is most effective.
Highly skilled. The main principle is the selection of talented senior people who can influence the lower-level employees. This is often the case in companies where risky transactions such as financial games on the stock exchange are the norm.
Innovative corporate ethics are in many ways the opposite of traditional ones. Initiative and creative ideas are welcomed at all stages of a career in the company. There is also some risk.
Public corporate ethics is characteristic of organizations in which goals are achieved through joint efforts, teamwork based on trust. Often the emphasis is on caring for employees. In such companies, employees are often paid a little more than usual, there is a system of incentives, rewards for achievements.
The main norms of corporate behavior began to form in the countries with the most developed capital markets: England, the USA and Canada. Corporate codes were created to regulate corporate behavior, the interests of shareholders, the scope of authority of directors and company management.
The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship of employees within a single team and is formed on the basis of generally accepted human values:
1) competence and professionalism. The presence of the subjects of corporate ethics of high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make decisions, the desire to improve their professional level;
2) honesty and impartiality.

An important aspect in the activities of the organization, in preserving its business reputation and eliminating conflicts between personal interests and professional activities;
3) responsibility as a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities;
4) respect for the person's personality. Everyone has the right to honest and fair treatment of himself, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture;
5) patriotism. The employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization, which contributes to the development of both the organization and the state;
6) safety, which is characterized by the desire to preserve trade secrets and the provision of harmless and non-hazardous working conditions;
7) focus on material well-being as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, community, within which he lives;
8) interchangeability of employees - allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in external conditions and emergency situations;
9) flexibility. It involves encouraging employees to effective interaction, joint search for optimal solutions to problems.

Code of Conduct

In foreign management practice, a number of special measures and methods have been developed aimed at forming a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. Among them, the ethics cards are distinguished - a set of rules and recommendations that concretize the corporate ethical code for each employee of the company. Ethics committees are created to develop the ethical policy of the organization and to address specific ethical issues that arise in the course of day-to-day practice. Ethical behavior training for employees and managers is carried out through seminars and short courses.
However, the corporate code is central to the implementation and development of corporate ethics. It can be defined as a set of public and private rules that formulate the basic principles of the organization's activities and ensure the observance of moral norms. This code regulates the behavior of employees in situations that are not spelled out in job descriptions and legal regulations, for example at a corporate event. As a rule, each organization has its own individual code, but each of them is based on generally accepted moral values \u200b\u200band laws.
Pros of having a corporate code:
- determines the procedure for resolving conflict or unregulated situations;
- makes uniform the norms of behavior and morality in the company;
- regulates the procedure for making decisions in difficult economic situations;
- forms a positive image of the company in the business environment;
- allows you to address issues such as discussing the payment of remuneration or promotion of individual employees.
Thus, the code of corporate ethics is an effective tool for managing the workforce.


The moral and ethical climate at the enterprise for solving economic problems can play no less important role than competently organized management. The lack of corporate ethics in the company leads to the fact that the staff does not feel loyalty to it, in turn, this affects the work, and therefore the profit of the company as a whole. The moral cohesion of the team, the awareness of responsibility to each other for the results of labor are able to preserve the enterprise even under strong pressure from the external environment and ensure stable development.
Corporate ethics is a key element that brings people together. It includes both restricting and encouraging certain behaviors in the organization. When personnel follow corporate ethics, activities are organized not only on the basis of orders, but also due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. This gives everyone the opportunity to feel like a full member of the community, which ultimately increases the company's competitiveness and labor productivity.

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The emergence of corporate ethics refers to a rather distant period of time when it became necessary to regulate the interaction of individuals within a large team and outside it. At the same time, the concept of communicative culture arose, including a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, thanks to which it is possible to establish psychological contact, mutual understanding and the absence of problems with perception in the team.

Thanks to all this, it becomes possible to achieve the desired result. In the modern world, all of the above ceases to be tacit and is consolidated in various codes and rules.

What it is?

Corporate ethics is based on a number of provisions that define its essence:

  • Employees must have some values \u200b\u200bthat are important both for everyday life and for work. For example, it can be career growth, the job itself, material values, and so on.
  • Employees must believe in the success of their superiors and assist them in everything, maintaining the presence of mutual help, help and support in the team.
  • Corporate ethics implies the use by the team of a peculiar language of communication, non-verbal communications, gestures.
  • Each employee and the entire team as a whole must correctly understand and use time, treat it with due responsibility, observe the schedule and work schedule.
  • It is necessary to observe etiquette when interacting with persons of different age, status, positions, educational level, etc. The need to be able to avoid or quickly resolve conflict situations should also be added.

  • Employees must constantly develop, undergo training, trainings, transfer experience, skills, knowledge to new employees.
  • Compliance with ethics should motivate employees to achieve any goals. This is also done through the distribution of duties according to qualifications, the payment of bonuses, as well as through promotion.
  • Business ethics means maintaining a business style in dress and behavior, as well as a conformity of appearance with the place of work.

It is taking into account the above in the organization that the peculiarities of corporate ethics are formed, and in the process of its formation, employees and ethical standards mutually influence each other. There must certainly be justice in relation to each other.


The concept of corporate communication implies the relationship and interaction of employees in the exchange of categories such as experience, information and performance. At the same time, specific goals and objectives of such communication are determined. That is, the category is multifaceted, which determines the presence of classifications.

Thus, several classifications are distinguished for various reasons. Usually the concept of business communication coincides with official (while working at workplaces), although the former concept is definitely broader than the latter. This is due to the fact that business communication also takes place outside of work, for example, at corporate events... That is, business and office communication can be distinguished as subspecies of corporate communication.

By the way of interaction, there are direct and indirect contacts. The first case is clear, does not require disclosure, in the second the partners are distanced from each other, that is, they are at some distance. It also implies the presence of a certain period of time between sending information to the addressee and receiving a response.

They also distinguish verbal and non-verbal contacts. The first involves the use of speech, words, phrases in communication. The second is poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, looks, and so on.

The importance of moral standards in the enterprise

The presence of moral standards in any enterprise is certainly important. By observing ethical standards, it is possible to preserve the culture of communication, as well as mutual understanding. Thanks to this behavior, colleagues will relate better to each other. Of course, it is also important to comply with such norms when communicating between subordinates and superiors.

A supportive workplace environment cannot be maintained if the employee is unable to build good relationships with colleagues. In addition, knowing and observing corporate ethics, an employee can solve or avoid a number of problems that may arise in connection with the work of the latter. This is the difference between high-quality communication within the team.

It should be remembered that the working conditions at each of the enterprises are specific. Therefore, corporate ethics in different organizations will differ. Although the basis will always be based on laws and generally recognized moral values. Thanks to their presence, the organization's rating rises, and it becomes more in demand, since a high rating and popularity usually testifies to the reliability of the organization. And already from this follows quality, a good level of internal cohesion and discipline.

Because of the importance of the role that corporate ethics plays in an enterprise, such rules are shaped by management. The relationship between the manager and the subordinate within the company should be only official. Intra-corporate speech communication should be strict. Etiquette should be applied and ideas of respectful attitude should be followed

Summing up the above, it must be said that the role of the code of corporate ethics at the enterprise is to regulate the resolution of conflicts, create norms of behavior, disseminate moral values, resolve difficult situations, increasing the rating of the enterprise. Thus, adherence to etiquette in an organization is the key to its success.

Rules of etiquette

The rules of etiquette at most enterprises include:

  • Characteristics of competence - employees should be professionals in their field with the proper level of relevant education, experienced, capable of making decisions, able to show initiative, responsible and disciplined.
  • Having honesty and impartiality- the most important characteristics on which the business reputation of the enterprise depends. In accordance with them, the organization should not have a conflict of interest.

  • Responsible approach to businessgood quality works, services, goods.
  • Respect for a person as a bearer of rights and freedoms, as a person. Employees undoubtedly have rights and responsibilities that are inalienable. Discrimination on any grounds is not permissible.
  • The characteristic of patriotism is the desire to work for the good of the enterprise and the state as a whole.
  • Security guarantee - confidential information should not be disseminated, the activities of each employee should be aimed at the development and safety of the enterprise. The organization must ensure that workers work in the safest possible conditions.
  • Concern for well-being - focus on obtaining material benefits, meeting needs.
  • Flexibility - the world around is constantly changing, so it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to such changes, adapt and be able to improvise, if necessary. It is worth noting here the ability to work in a team on solving unexpected problems so that common goals are still achieved.
  • Harmony and balance - even the many-sided aspects must be in balance with each other, ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Thanks to this, the work in the organization will not stop even in emergency situations.

You need a creative approach and an educational component.

In addition to the outlined basics, the rules of etiquette also include moral qualities and principles that serve as the basis for corporate ethics. These include:

  • responsiveness;
  • benevolence;
  • decency;
  • modesty;
  • openness;
  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • the ability to adequately respond to criticism.

The basic concepts of managerial behavior are individual for each boss. This is a fairly complex science, and there is no universal line of behavior. The definition of corporateness is vague.

Corporate ethics and rules of etiquette generally express material and spiritual things. This, for example, is the appearance of employees, the interior and design in offices, the presence of symbols, attributes and corporate identity, as well as the specificity of the forms of employee incentives. All this constitutes the culture of the enterprise and characterizes it as a whole.

It should be remembered that adhering to corporate ethics means adhering to established restrictions and norms, remembering what standards and values \u200b\u200bare adopted in the organization. All this must be done by each of the employees immediately after the adoption and entry into force of the relevant documents, which will enshrine the norms of corporate ethics, as well as sanctions.

Modern business is a complex system with many parameters, and all of them affect the final result, which provides for profit and development of the company. Any business owner invests time, energy, money, effort into its development. Some of the components that significantly affect the development of the company are corporate culture and corporate ethics. In fact, it is an important management tool that affects the development of the company and its value.

Compliance with business ethics and corporate ethics alone promises an increase in the company's income, practically without any other financial investments. Taking into account the financial and economic crisis, the possibility of such a simple receipt of additional profit without significant investments is especially attractive.

Corporate ethics concept

The corporate ethics of the company is a stable system of collective values, traditions, beliefs, and norms of employee behavior. The corporate rules are expressed in the symbolic, spiritual and material environment of people working in a particular organization.

The fundamentals of corporate ethics include the following attributes:

  1. Common values \u200b\u200bthat employees value in their life, work - their positions, career opportunities, the job itself.
  2. Belief in leadership, success, self-strength, mutual help and justice.
  3. The communication system in the team, the language of communication, the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, gestures, etc.
  4. Awareness of time, attitude towards it, its correct use, adherence to the daily routine, work schedule.
  5. Relationships between people, which differ depending on age, status, position, level of knowledge. This also includes the ways and methods of resolving conflict situations.
  6. The process of employee development, conducting training procedures, trainings, training new employees, the process of transferring experience, skills and knowledge.
  7. Work ethics, methods of incentives to achieve. Distribution of responsibilities, performance evaluation, remuneration, career paths.
  8. The appearance of employees, business dress code, behavior.

All these characteristics, taken together, are the formation of corporate ethics. This process is mutual - people working in the organization form the corporate ethics of the organization, and at the same time culture influences their behavior.

Features of corporate ethics

Corporate ethics and etiquette are manifested in material and spiritual things: the appearance of employees, the design of office space, symbols, corporate identity, forms of incentives and awards. The culture of an organization is a common characteristic of the entire organization.

It is worth noting that the principles of corporate ethics are also limitations, a process of discussing standards, norms and values \u200b\u200bthat never stops. As soon as a company introduces a document regulating corporate ethics and measures to suppress its violations, it is forced to develop a communication network specifically for it. If this does not happen, problems of corporate ethics appear - information access to management is blocked, negativity accumulates, and middle managers play a destructive role. Violations of corporate ethics must be punished - financially and administratively.

All successful companies have developed a clear list of special measures and methods aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. To successfully realize the core business goal, business leaders must work to create value such as corporate ethics.

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Corporate ethics


Modern society can develop and function normally only as a result of the continuous production of material and spiritual values. Therefore, the well-being of society and the individual subject of social relations will depend on the moral content of the relations of people who are involved in this process.

Very often, in the process of professional activity, various ethical problems arise between its participants. To avoid them, it is necessary to be guided by corporate ethics in order to best follow both your interests and the interests of the enterprise (company). Therefore, the topic of corporate ethics is quite relevant in modern world, since successful interaction of people in the service sphere and, as a consequence, the achievement of the set goals depends on it.

The object of research in this work is ethical standards in the business sphere.

The subject of research is corporate ethics, its types and characteristics.

The purpose of the abstract: to consider the concept of corporate ethics, its structure and types, as well as corporate codes.

Descriptive and comparative research methods are used in the abstract.

Corporateethics: concepts and characteristics

The mood or atmosphere that prevails in a given work collective is called corporate ethics in the business world. It has a lot to do with the collective attitudes, rules and beliefs that prevail among employees, from top to bottom and in any kind of business. Corporate ethics are developed by the employees themselves and the relationships between them, influenced by the main goals, orientations and content of the business.

Corporate ethics is a fairly new phenomenon and now it is firmly entering our lives. Its emergence is associated, first of all, with the emergence of large network companies, transnational corporations, etc. Consider the main definitions of corporate ethics.

Corporate ethics is a system of moral principles, norms of moral behavior that have a regulating effect on relations within one organization and on interaction with other organizations.

"Corporate ethics is the key element that brings people together - participants production process at the enterprise - into a single social organism (human community) ".

According to Yevchenko O.S. corporate ethics it is a stable set of moral values \u200b\u200band norms adopted by the organization, as well as mechanisms for translating these values \u200b\u200binto real relationships. These principles have an impact on attitudes both within one organization and on interaction with others.

Sometimes the terms "professional ethics" and "corporate ethics" are used interchangeably. But, according to A.A. Skvortsov, this is not entirely correct: “Of course, the community of professionals can, if desired, be regarded as a corporation. But the meaning and difficulties of corporate regulation are that its subject is not a college of specialists, but a community of like-minded people in which people of different professions work, statuses and interests ".

Corporate ethics acts as a form of public consciousness inherent in both entrepreneurs and employees, who are united by the common goals of their professional activities.

"Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but due to the internal consistency of the goals and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and value attitudes of its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of the production community."

The purpose of corporate ethics it is considered to be the search and systematization of individual and general ethical norms and rules, elements of culture, as well as the degree of connection between these norms and their influence on the activities of the organization.

TO fromobjects corporate ethics include: owners, managersand employees of the organization.

The purpose of corporate ethics - regulation of the relationship between representatives of various professions, united by a common workforce, working in one organization.

Features and structure of corporate ethics

The main feature of corporate ethics is that it is not a separate and independent type of ethics, which are, for example, the ethics of a teacher, journalist, etc. corporate ethics includes the constituent elements of each type of professional ethics.

Corporate ethics can be thought of as a system with two subsystems. First, these are the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bof the organization and its development priorities. Secondly, these are the norms and rules of conduct for employees of the organization in formal and informal situations.

Values \u200b\u200bare relatively general beliefs that determine what is right and wrong and establish general preferences for people.

"Values \u200b\u200bcan be positive, orienting people to such behaviors that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals, but they can also be negative. , which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. "

The main values \u200b\u200bon the basis of which corporate ethics is formed are:

1. Competence and professionalism... The subjects of corporate ethics must: have a high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make informed and responsible decisions, strive to improve their professional level, be distinguished by responsibility and discipline.

2. Honesty and impartiality... This is the foundation of an organization's business reputation. Conflict between personal interests and professional activities is not allowed.

3. Respect for the Human Person.

4. Patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization.

5. Discipline - focuses on compliance with the norms governing the behavior of employees in the organization, contributes to the achievement of the goals of the organization, a clear organization of the work process, the consistency of the activities of various departments.

6. Legality - the lack of an orientation towards legality, both on the part of managers and on the part of subordinates, puts them in a dependent, vulnerable position, complicates relations, makes the situation more uncertain.

7. Initiativesa - the introduction of this value forms an active life position of the employee, contributes to the development of the organization

8. Career - given value promotes the desire to improve qualifications, to show initiative.

9. Team how the value characterizes the employee's commitment to this team, the willingness to do a lot for the well-being of the team.

10. Flexibility - focus on flexibility encourages employees to effective interaction, joint search for the optimal solution to the problem.

Viewscorporate ethics

There are several types of corporate ethics. It is a traditional, highly skilled, innovative and social ethic.

1. Traditional corporate ethics is an old-fashioned approach to the corporate environment. It is based on clearly defined roles and relationships between employees. Traditionally, a simple chain of commands works. Orders are given from above and executed by subordinates without discussion or disagreement. And although this kind of ethics is already outdated, it still exists. Most often, such ethics are used in companies with long-established methods of management and business conduct, and for them it is the most effective.

2. Highly qualified corporate ethicsso called not because other types of ethics do not imply high qualifications of personnel. The main principle of this type of corporate ethics is the selection of talented senior people who will influence the lower level employees. This is typical for companies where risky transactions are the norm, for example, financial games on the stock exchange.

3. Innovative corporate ethics is in many ways the opposite of traditional ethics. In this case, creative initiative is supported among ordinary employees. There is always a certain risk in companies with this type of corporate ethics.

4. Public corporate ethics draws its strength from joint efforts, teamwork and healthy trusting relationships between company employees. Often this type of corporate ethics focuses on caring for its employees. In this case, the company adheres to the principle that employees need to be paid a little more than usual, and people should also be encouraged and rewarded for achievements.

Types of corporate communication

Corporate communication is a process of interconnection and interaction, during which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience. The purpose of corporate communication - setting certain goals and specific tasks.

Corporate communication can be divided into direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal.

V.P. Tretyakov, in his article "Corporate culture of business communication" identified 3 main styles of corporate communication: ritual, manipulative and humanistic.

? Ritual style, in accordance with which the main task of partners is to maintain communication with society, to reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200boneself as a member of society. In ritual communication, a partner is only a necessary attribute, his individual characteristics are insignificant, in contrast to following a role - social, professional, personal.

? Manipulative style, in which the partner is treated as a means of achieving external goals in relation to him. Great amount professional tasks involves precisely manipulative communication. In fact, any training, persuasion, management always involves manipulative communication.

? Humanistic style, which is aimed at jointly changing the ideas of both partners, presupposes the satisfaction of such a human need as the need for understanding, sympathy, empathy.

He also identified the following forms of corporate communication: business conversation, business negotiations, dispute, discussion, polemics, business meeting, public speaking.

Business conversation - transmission or exchange of information and opinions on certain issues or problems.

Business meeting - the main means of coordinated decision-making in the process of communication between stakeholders. Business negotiations always have a specific goal and are aimed at concluding agreements, transactions, contracts.

Dispute. It is implemented in the form of a dispute, polemics, discussion, etc.

Business meeting - a way of open collective discussion of problems by a group of specialists.

Public speaking - the transmission by one speaker of information of various levels to a wide audience in compliance with the rules and principles of constructing speech and oratory.

Business correspondence - the generalized name of documents of different content, allocated in connection with in a special way transfer of text.

Code of Conduct... Corporate codes.

Norms are requirements for the behavior of the owner of a role, a person occupying a certain step in the structure of an organization.

The rules and regulations of corporate ethics are contained in corporate codes. ethical corporate competence

Corporate codes are central to corporate ethics. They are a set of principles and rules of business conduct.

The first corporate codes of ethics appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, these were short statements of the main ideas, as well as lists of some rules for dealing with customers and competitors.

Typically, the code of conduct is divided into the following sections:

I. Introduction. (Why was the code created? What is the code? What are the main values \u200b\u200bof the code? The norms and priorities of the organization's activities established by the code, the tasks solved by the code.)

II. The history of the organization's activities and development.

III. Mission of the organization.

IV. Basic principles of the organization

V. Standards of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct can serve 3 main functions:

I. Reputational

II. Managerial

III. Development of corporate culture.

The reputation function of the code is to build trust in the company from external reference groups.

The managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Improving the efficiency of employees is carried out by regulating priorities in interaction with significant external groups, determining the procedure for making decisions in difficult ethical situations, pointing out unacceptable forms of behavior.

The code of corporate ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey company values \u200b\u200bto all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

The formed Code will help to protect the company from employees who do not share the values \u200b\u200bof the company and beliefs of the staff at the stage of selection. The Code will help you choose the most suitable one in terms of outlook on life, beliefs and values \u200b\u200bfrom worthy applicants, thereby minimizing the costs of its adaptation in the company and the team.


So, in the abstract, the concepts of corporate ethics, its essence and types were considered. Thus, the purpose of the abstract is achieved through the study of literature on this topic.

Summing up, it should be noted that corporate ethics is an integral part of a person's business relations. Today, all large branched organizations have already realized the need for intra-organizational ethical regulation. The diversity of values \u200b\u200baround us today compels individual businesses to show their own ethical initiative. Ethical norms are acquiring a very specific, strictly regulated character. At the level of individual enterprises, the practice of adopting corporate codes is becoming more common. The success and material well-being of an organization directly depends on the presence and level of development of ethical standards.

Thus, knowledge of the norms of corporate ethics will allow a person to successfully and efficiently carry out their work and at the same time maintain their human dignity and personal characteristics, as well as regulate relations between employees occupying different positions on the career ladder.

FROMlist of used literature

1. Dubinina Maria Vasilievna. Corporate ethics in the management system of labor relations at the enterprise (Theoretical and methodological aspects): Dissertation of the candidate of economic sciences: 08.00.05: Moscow, 2003.

2. Kibanov, A. Ya. Ethics of business relations: textbook / D.K. Zakharov V.G. Konovalov; ed. AND I. Kibanova; M .: INFRA-M, 2002.

3. A.A. Skvortsov. Ethics: textbook / edited by A.A. Huseynova - M .: Yurayt Publishing House 2011.

4. Steklova O.E. Organizational culture: tutorial... Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2007.

5. V.P. Tretyakov. Corporate culture of business communication // Scientific article.

6.P. Coombs, M. Watson, K. Campos, R. Newell, G. Wilson. The cost of corporate governance. McKinsey Newsletter. No. 1 (3). 2003.

7. Evchenko, O.S. Corporate ethics: basic approaches and problems [Electronic resource]; M., 2012.-13 p. Access mode:

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