How to cook pickled mushrooms. How to salt volnushki mushrooms in hot and cold ways

08.05.2019 Buffet table


Cold-salted volnushki- a wonderful snack dish of Russian cuisine. True, a feature of the waves is that they are somewhat bitter, but this problem can be dealt with with the help of ordinary soaking. Gradually, the milky juice from the mushrooms will come out, and they will stop being bitter. Yes, and soaked waves are much easier to clean.

We will salt the mushrooms in a cold way, that is, without boiling, in order to keep the maximum in them useful substances and vitamins. After all, waves are very useful mushroom. Them beneficial effect, primarily affects cardiovascular system, since the microelements contained in the waves strengthen blood vessels and prevent the deposition of cholesterol. So treat yourself to these wonderful mushrooms not only tasty, but also good for the body.

Ours will help you prepare cold-salted waves at home. step by step recipe with photo. The dish is prepared easily, but for a long time, because in order to to salt well, mushrooms need at least a month. But then you can fully enjoy a wonderful snack. By the way, if you decide to pickle mushrooms, milk mushrooms, and serushki in the same way, it will turn out no worse.


  • (250 g)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1-2 stems)

  • (1-2 cloves)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (2 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    Soak the waves in cold water for 12 hours. We change the water every 2 hours so that the pollution and the milky juice that gives the mushrooms bitterness are gone.

    Now that the mushrooms have been cleaned, we put on the table all the ingredients necessary for salting them.

    We cut off the legs of the mushrooms right up to the hat itself.

    Slice the cloves/cloves of garlic.

    We take a container for salting (even an ordinary glass jar will do), sprinkle its bottom with coarse salt and lay out some of the leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, as well as dill stalks. Place half of the mushrooms on top. Salt and pepper to taste, add garlic and Bay leaf. Then - the remaining mushrooms and spices.

    At the very top, we cover everything with currant, cherry, horseradish, dill leaves.

    After that, we put the mushroom salting under oppression. In this capacity, we use a glass jar of water, but you can take something of your own, but just don’t take the metal, because under the action of the brine it will oxidize and ruin everything for you.

    After two or three days, the waves will release juice and settle. After that, they should be sent to the refrigerator for a month (preferably with oppression). If mold appears on top during salting, do not worry and do not remove it, because the leaves on top of the mushrooms are an excellent protection.

    In a month, cold-salted waves will be completely ready. They have a dense texture, but at the same time they literally melt in your mouth.

    Bon Appetit!

Mushrooms are an amazing creation of nature. Scientists still cannot say whether they are plants or animals. But all researchers unambiguously speak about their benefits.

Mushrooms contain a sufficient amount of: proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Because of this, they are the most valuable nutritional product. But you need to keep in mind that mushrooms are a heavy food. That is why people with stomach ulcers, as well as small children, they are contraindicated. Healthy people can eat no more than a hundred grams a day.

Naturally, this will depend on the method. Let's consider in more detail how to pickle the waves different ways. The fact is that this mushroom is conditionally edible, so you need to be very careful about the cooking process.

How hot way?

Mushrooms are cleaned of earth and grass, washed several times and cut into pieces. Next, boil them by putting them in a large amount of water, adding spices and salt to it. The most optimal would be to put dill umbrellas, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves and cinnamon. Salt should be at least half big spoon per liter of water.

After the mushrooms sink to the bottom, they need to be pulled out with a colander and transferred to a large bowl. Next, you need to let the waves cool down, spread them over clean banks and pour in the brine. To prepare it, you need a large spoon with the top of salt per liter of water. If you want to cook more salty waves, then two tablespoons of salt can be added. Bring the brine to a boil, pour it into jars and cover with horseradish leaves on top. We seal the containers and send them to a cool place. You need to serve the workpiece on the table by adding vinegar, crushed cloves of garlic to it and pouring it with oil.

How to pickle volnushki in a cold way in a saucepan?

At the bottom put a small amount of various spices. You need to proceed from the following ratio: for ten kilograms of mushrooms you will need a pack of peppercorns, two bay leaves, sprigs of dill and black currant, a little horseradish, pepper and cloves.

For salting, you need to select strong and whole mushrooms, which must be thoroughly cleaned and processed. Put them on the spices with hats down. Each layer must be at least eight centimeters. Next, you need to sprinkle it with salt, based on the ratio of sixty grams per kilogram of mushrooms. The container filled with mushrooms should be sprinkled with a variety of spices, closed with a napkin, then put a circle and press down with a load. Put the saucepan in the refrigerator. After a while, the mushrooms will gradually settle. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly replenish the container with a fresh layer, adding necessarily spices and salt. Salty volnushki will be ready only in forty days, before they are forbidden to use.

But there are often situations when you really want to. Therefore, let's dwell on how to pickle the "Fast" waves. To do this, sort the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Send to cold water all night long. Rinse in the morning and boil for an hour. Then we throw the waves into a colander so that the glass is excess liquid, rinse them cold water. We put the mushrooms in layers in the prepared dishes, sprinkling each with salt and fragrant seasonings. With this method, salty waves will be ready in three days. It is recommended to store them in glass or ceramic dishes.

It turns out very tasty dish, which can be served as a unique snack and addition to any side dish, especially potatoes.

Bon Appetit!

I love volnushki very much, I collect them deliberately for conservation for the winter. I like pickled mushrooms less than salted ones, however, flakes are more suitable for the latter method of preservation.

Like waves for them great taste(there are some nuances in cooking). But in general, I love to collect them in the forest - small pink heels, almost always not rotten, neat, grow in clearings, it is very pleasant and convenient to collect them. This weekend I had such a pleasure, deliberately collecting flakes, so that later I could cook them for the winter. There are 2 ways to preserve the waves: hot (which I will write about now) and cold.
Here it is my bucket of waves, literally from the forest.
First of all, we disassemble the mushrooms, clean them of dirt and leaves. This is not a difficult task if the mushrooms are dry - everything is very simple. I collect waves to medium size, I don’t take large ones, fragile ones.
The most important moment in salting the waves is soaking. They must be soaked overnight so that they do not become bitter later in the workpiece. Do not forget and do not be lazy - otherwise all the work will be in vain, then it is difficult to appease the bitter taste. So we clean from dirt, soak, then wash. I wash every wave under the water taps - a painstaking task, but I like everything to be clean.

After that, we throw the waves into boiling slightly salted water for cooking for 10-15 minutes. We remove the foam.

After 10-15 boiling, throw the waves into a colander, rinse with cold running water, let drain.

We put it in a bowl, pour water in such a way that it covers the waves by 2-3 cm. Add 1 kg of waves (for the weight of fresh mushrooms):
- 2 bay leaves;
- 30 grams of dill (umbrellas);
- 15 grams of chopped garlic;
-10 sheets of blackcurrant (I didn’t have so many - I put 5 pieces);
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt (I put 2 tablespoons, in any case, try the brine, it should be salty);
- peppercorns - to taste, you can not put.

Cook for another 15 minutes. We do not put vinegar! We remove the foam, if it forms, I sometimes stirred it so that the brine turned out to be homogeneous.

We transfer the finished mushrooms to clean, sterilized jars, pour in brine (in which the mushrooms were cooked), cork, wrap in a newspaper and under a fur coat. Keep in it until the jars cool down.

I leave it overnight, after cooling the jars I take them to the cellar, or if there is room in the refrigerator, I put them there.

Bon Appetit!

Volnushki (volzhanka, volnyanka, volvenki) - conditionally edible mushrooms, but with proper cooking they become a delicacy, overshadowing foreign pickles by festive table. And if you are lucky enough to pick up a bucket of these pink mushrooms with shaggy hats in early autumn in a birch copse, be sure to salt them in a cold way, providing yourself with an excellent snack.

How to salt the waves in a cold way - preparation

Harvesting volnushki at home is quite simple, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

  • Sort the mushrooms, clearing them of twigs, sand, debris.
  • Rinse each in running water and clean with a toothbrush or nylon washcloth.
  • In a dousing pan or basin, fold clean volnyanka and fill with cold water, taking 0.5 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. salt. The solution should cover the mushrooms from the head.

Soak volzhanki for two days, changing the water every six hours. After the time has passed, rinse the mushrooms from mucus under the tap one by one.

How to salt volnushki in a cold way in a barrel

It is better to salt the mushrooms in small oak tubs or barrels, since tannin, a natural antibacterial substance contained in oak, will prevent mold from forming. Steam a barrel with juniper twigs for an hour - and you can salt. This option is suitable for a village house, when the blanks are stored in the cellar.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need - 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt. Spices - 10 peas of black pepper, dill, oak leaves, cherries, currants - a handful.

  • Lay the waves with their hats down in the tub in layers. Sprinkle each layer with spices and salt. Do this to the top of the container.
  • After salting, cover the mushrooms with horseradish leaves, then with a piece of linen cloth, tucking it tightly along the walls of the tub. Place the wooden circle and the weight. As oppression, take a washed-up stone-pebble or a three-liter jar of water. Cover this structure with gauze from above and place in a cool place.
  • After two days, check - the mushrooms should give juice and settle. Remove the load. To avoid mold, remove, rinse in water, re-lay a rag and put oppression.

After a month and a half, the pickle is ready. Submit it to meat dishes, boiled pasta, use as a filling for dumplings and potato casseroles.

How to salt volnushki in a cold way in jars

If you live in the city, then pickle the soaked volzhanki in a saucepan, and then preserve them in jars and store them on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

You need: a saucepan of salty waves, half-liter clean, dry jars, spices, iron lids.

  • In each jar filled with volvenki, put three pieces of allspice.
  • Boil the pickle from the mushrooms, and fill them with waves, add 0.5 tsp. vinegar.
  • cover the jars metal lids, put in a container of water, sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Then remove, cork, turn over and leave to cool.

These mushrooms are delicious in soup. beef broth, vegetable salad, solyanka or simply fried in vegetable oil.

How to salt the waves in a cold way - an alternative

Volnushki are very tasty in salted and pickled form, but after undergoing such processing, they become gray. Add carrots to mushrooms when canning, bell pepper, red onion, and these bright blotches will give delicious mushrooms appetizing color.

For 1 kg of waves - 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt. Carrots, onions, peppers - one each. Seasonings - cloves, pepper, garlic - to taste. We will make a reservation right away that we are preparing soaked volzhanki.

Pour water into the pan, add salt, spices, boil for three minutes. Put chopped vegetables and flakes. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat, pour in the vinegar. Remove, spread the mushrooms along with the liquid in jars on the shoulders, close tightly. Take a sample after 30 days.

Prepare the waves for the winter - and unexpected guests are not afraid of you, you just have to open a jar of mushrooms, put them in a bright bowl, pour oil - and the appetizer is ready.

Salty volnushki is a great treat for your guests. These mushrooms are widely used for cooking a variety of traditional dishes Russian cuisine. The recipe for hot pickling of volnushki is used in the absence of suitable conditions for soaking, hot weather, and also, if desired, to speed up their processing. Mushrooms prepared in this way lose their bitterness faster and gain elasticity.

How is hot salting of the waves carried out? Step-by-step instruction:

Salting volnushek in a hot way - recipe number 1

  1. Washed and peeled volnushki mushrooms in order to salt in a hot way, boil in lightly salted water. If you need to cook mushrooms in several portions, you should not cook the flakes in the same saline solution, at the same time they will begin to darken and the bitterness will not be completely removed from them.
  2. Volnushki in order to salt in a hot way, boil for 20-30 minutes, rinse in cold water, recline on a sieve.
  3. Next, we put the pickles for salting, in a container, pouring salt: for 1 kg of mushrooms, 40-50 g of salt. Season with onion, garlic, dill, horseradish, tarragon. I put a load on top. We store in the cold (refrigerator, cellar). Volnushki mushrooms are ready in 6-8 days and it is recommended to use them cold.

Salting volnushek in a hot way - recipe number 2

  1. The method of salting volushki in a hot way is suitable for salting a large number mushrooms. Hot pickling flasks are immersed in stainless steel mesh blanching containers, or in willow baskets stripped of bark and boiled for 15-20 minutes in salted (2-3% salt) water.
  2. Volnushki blanched for 5-8 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to remove the foam. After blanching, the volushki mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve to drain water in order to pickle them in a hot way.
  3. Following this, the mushrooms are salted in the same way as with the cold method, adding 6% salt from the total weight of the prepared mushrooms. Salty volnushki in barrels are kept for at least a month, so that they can go through the process of lactic acid fermentation.
  4. Consumption per 10 kg of salted mushrooms: salt - 650g, black peppercorns - 1g, bay leaf - and 2g, dill - 50g, cloves - 20-30 pieces, black currant leaves - 25-30 pieces.

Preparation of semi-finished products from mushrooms

You can also prepare a semi-finished product from the waves for later use.

Porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, oak trees, mossiness mushrooms, mushrooms, butter mushrooms are best suited for preparing a semi-finished product. Boil the mushrooms for 10-20 minutes until cooked (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 45-60 g of salt and 1 glass of water), put in pre-sterilized jars, pour hot boiled vegetable oil wrap in paper and store in the refrigerator. In the future, these mushrooms can not only be salted, but also fried or used for pickling mushrooms, as well as for fillings, soups.

Salted mushrooms are extraordinarily tasty and therefore deservedly enjoy great respect on the festive table. But, before you start salting the waves, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the basic recipes for salting mushrooms. There are two main ways of salting mushrooms: hot and cold. We invite you to learn more about how the salting of the waves is carried out in a cold way.

Salting volnushek in a cold way - recipe number 1

  1. Cold canning is longer than hot canning: 1.5-2 months; in this case, the waves turn out to be hard, and when chewed, they crunch pleasantly; they keep for quite a long time. You can remove bitterness from mushrooms by soaking in clean water while changing it several times. Waves should be soaked in a cool place. Volnushki are soaked from 5 hours to a day.
  2. Cold salting of the waves can be carried out in a glass and enameled container with such a wide “throat” that a circle with a load can be placed in it. But ideal option for salting the waves, there will be the use of barrels or tubs made of spruce or hardwood trees.
  3. The barrels in which the flakes were salted in a cold way are washed in warm water using brushes, then soaked for 10-15 days in cold clean water, changing the water every 3 days, and then steamed with juniper or soda ash (50 g per 10 l of water).
  4. To remove bitterness during cold salting, the waves are soaked. To do this, pre-prepared waves are placed in barrels with a hole for draining water and a double slatted bottom. The waves are poured in to salt in a cold way and with cold water, covered with a clean towel and pressed down with a wooden circle so that they do not float up. As oppression, you can use washed stones from very strong flint rocks that will not dissolve in juice salted mushrooms. Then the barrels with waves are placed in a cool place and the water is changed at least 2-3 times a day. When the mushroom caps bend and do not break, the soaking is stopped: the mushrooms are ready for salting.
  5. Soaked volnushki, in order to salt in a cold way, lay them down with hats in layers of 5-6 cm, each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with spices and salt (salt - 50 g per kilo of mushrooms, spices to taste). at the bottom of the vessel and upper layer waves pour a large layer of salt (do not be afraid to oversalt). From above, the filled barrel is covered with a wooden circle, on which oppression is laid. After 2-3 days, a new batch of waves is added, and this operation is repeated until the mass subsidence stops and the container is filled as much as possible. Then it is topped up with 6% brine and sealed.

Salting volnushek in a cold way - recipe number 2

Another recipe for cold salted volnushki.

Volnushki mushrooms in order to salt in a cold way, you need to hold for 5-6 hours in cold water. After that, the waves are placed in rows in a glass or enameled container with the hats down. Pre-pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the dishes, put cherry leaves, blackcurrant, horseradish leaves, dill stalks. Sprinkle all layers of mushrooms to taste with spices (pepper, garlic, bay leaf) and salt.

For 1 kg of waves - 40-50g of salt. After salting, the waves are covered with cherry leaves, black currant, dill stalks, a clean linen is placed, a wooden circle and oppression is put on it. After 1-2 days, the waves will give juice and settle. If there is not enough brine, increase the load. If mold suddenly appears, then the canvas needs to be changed and the load washed. Salting volnushek will be ready in 30-40 days. Cold-salted volnushki should be stored in a cold place.

Everyone knows that in summer and autumn a lot of people like to go to the forest for mushrooms. Volnushki are mushrooms that are especially popular among mushroom pickers. Volnushki are pink and white, they belong to the genus Mlechnik, the russula family.

In Russia, unlike Western countries, volnushki are considered edible mushrooms and they are collected with pleasure for conservation and salting. It is known that these mushrooms cannot be consumed in any other form, since they contain the so-called “milky” juice, which, if the mushrooms are not properly processed, can cause serious poisoning. However, if you know the recipe for how to salt volnushki in jars, then all health risks, as well as the burning taste of volnushki, will disappear after salting and conservation.

Salted mushrooms are already ready snack, and can also be widely used in fillings, soups, salads, etc. Before use, they are washed or soaked. If the waves are well soaked, they can even be fried. We invite you to learn how to salt the waves for the winter, and then a wonderful snack will flaunt on your table.

  1. In order to salt volnushki in jars with subsequent preservation, you should choose fresh, not wormy, not overripe, strong, not wrinkled, mushrooms of approximately the same size. Volnushki in order to salt in jars, put in a colander and wash, lowering it into cool water, while not leaving it in the water for a long time. Then let the water drain. Next, they begin to clean the mushrooms: carefully remove the adhering remains of foliage and other contaminants and be sure to cut off the lower part of the leg.
  2. Then prepared volnushki, in order to salt in jars, are dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes. Spices must be added to the water (as a rule, it is a currant leaf, cloves, allspice). This method of processing wafers is called blanching (for wafers, replacement of blanching by soaking is not applicable). After blanching, the flakes are poured back into a colander and washed under cold running water.
  3. Now you need to know that there are two ways to preserve mushrooms: hot and cold. And if preliminary stage described above is the same for the two options, then further methods differ.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in a hot way

Salting traps for the winter can be done in two ways - hot and cold. Let's look at these methods in more detail.

First of all, we will learn how to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in a hot way. To prepare a couple of jars tasty preparation we will need: volnushki mushrooms - 0.7 kilograms; blackcurrant leaves - two leaves; cloves - 3 buds; garlic - two cloves; bay leaf - 3 leaves; spices, salt - to taste.

  1. The Right Recipe how to salt the waves for the winter in a hot way is as follows:
  2. We wash the mushrooms and clean them. We lower them into boiling water, into which we add currant leaves, pepper, cloves and boil for about 15 minutes.
  3. In order to salt the waves for the winter, salt excess water with the help of a colander and shift the waves separate dishes. To them we add finely chopped garlic, bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt and pour all this with the brine in which our mushrooms were cooked. We put a press on them and leave them in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, we put the waves in sterilized jars and roll them up.
  4. The calorie content of such waves is 18 kcal / 100 g.
  5. But still, the most popular among most hostesses is the recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter in a cold way.
  6. Such salting of volushki mushrooms for the winter implies the presence of such ingredients as: volushki mushrooms - 1 kilogram; water - 1 liter; citric acid - 2 grams; salt - 50 grams; spices and seasoning - to taste.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 1

  1. In a saucepan, in order to salt the waves in jars, they shift the mushrooms, pour the brine in which they were boiled and add black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt (1/2 tablespoon per 1 liter of liquid) and chopped garlic. Now we need to create oppression. This can be done by placing a convenient weight on a plate immersed in the pan. Wavelets should be covered with brine.
  2. Then the pan with oppression must be put in the refrigerator. After cooling, they should be laid out in pre-sterilized jars, poured with brine, rolled up. The lack of brine (it should cover the mushrooms in the jar) can be replaced with salt water by adding a tablespoon of salt per liter.
  3. A distinctive moment of the hot method of salting the waves is after preparatory phase described above, the mushrooms are boiled in water with salt.
  4. As in the cold method, flakes for salting in jars are laid out in a saucepan and poured with prepared brine. Brine: for 1 liter of water 20g. salt for 5 kg of mushrooms. Then put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir the mushrooms periodically so that they do not burn to the walls of the container.
  5. As soon as the brine with mushrooms boils, the flakes for salting in jars are laid out in hot jars, which are sterilized at that moment in boiling water, and leave them in this state for 15-20 minutes (for jars with a capacity of ½ liter and liter, respectively). Next, add seasonings to the jar and roll up.
  6. The amount of brine should be about a quarter of the mass of mushrooms. In case it is not enough, you can top it up with salt water with the same amount of salt as for the cold method.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 2

There are many options on how to cook volushki mushrooms deliciously. They can be marinated, fried, and dried for cooking. various soups. Today we will talk about how to pickle volnushki mushrooms. Very simple.

In order to pickle the mushrooms you will need:

  • wave mushrooms;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • salting container.
  1. In order to salt, we take the mushrooms, put them in a large plastic basin, wash them very well, and carefully sort them out.
  2. Prepared to be salted, volnushki mushrooms need to be soaked in cold tap water for three days, during these days it is necessary to change the water often, about 3-4 per day, but at least twice, or your mushrooms will turn sour.
  3. Soaked volnushki mushrooms in order to salt, you can start salting:
  4. In a wide plastic container, in order to salt the mushrooms, we put a layer of mushrooms, and then sprinkle it generously with a continuous layer of salt, do not worry about oversalting.
  5. On the first layer of fungus mushrooms with salt, lay the next layer of mushrooms and also cover with salt. On the salt of the second layer, lay out clean horseradish leaves in one layer. Next, repeat the layers as the first and second. We complete the filling of the container with a layer of horseradish leaves.
  6. We put a load (oppression) of about 3-5 kilograms on the prepared mushrooms.
  7. Mushrooms in this form, the mushrooms are aged for three days, after which they can be tightly decomposed into glass jars together with horseradish leaves and brine, then close the jars with plastic or glass lids.
  8. Further, the volnushki mushrooms laid out in jars and stored in a cold place - a refrigerator or a cellar, however, avoid freezing.
  9. Mushrooms can be eaten in 30-40 days. Before serving the mushrooms, we advise you to rinse them in cold running water in order to get rid of excess salt.
  10. With sour cream, such mushrooms are simply an unforgettable delicacy.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 3

  1. It lies in the fact that: in order to salt in a cold way, the flakes should be soaked in salt water, with the addition of citric acid.
  2. Next, the waves should be placed in a barrel with their hats down, generously sprinkling each layer with spices and salt.
  3. We put a heavy weight on top of the barrel. After 2-3 days, the mushrooms should release enough juice and thicken.
  4. As soon as this happens, you should add more waves and sprinkle them with salt again. Then you should take the waves to a cold place and leave there to salt until fully prepared. On average, it takes about 1.5 months.

The calorie content of waves prepared in this way will be 16 kcal / 100 g.


It is impossible at any stage, when you salt the mushrooms, to use metal utensils and even enameled ones. Because oxidation will occur.

Remember mushrooms are a difficult product to digest, so you should not abuse them.

In the forests and forest plantations of the middle belt, the waves grow from the beginning of summer to October. The main harvest occurs at the end of summer - the first days of autumn, when the mushroom is gaining strength and is distinguished by special palatability. Volnushki can be distinguished by a special hat - the hat is shaggy and woolly along the edges. Those who prefer “quiet hunting” know that such a mushroom is conditionally edible, and before using the twigs, they must be well thermally processed. Many housewives prefer to salt the waves. So, how to salt the waves? There is nothing complicated in this, just follow the recommendations and you will succeed.

In order to properly pickle the waves, you will need:

  1. one bucket of waves;
  2. two hundred grams of salt coarse grinding;
  3. one cabbage leaf;
  4. spices for waves to taste (dill, allspice, cherry, bay leaf, black currant and others).
  1. Select in order to properly salt, young flakes with a cap diameter of up to four centimeters. Mushrooms should be strong, with edges wrapped inward ("curls"). Please note that white and pink species must be prepared separately.
  2. After collecting or buying the waves, be sure to clean them dry with a brush with stiff bristles and a knife edge; leave the 13th part from the legs. Volnushki, and even more so young ones, are very rarely affected by worms, but still carefully look at them. Throw away the affected waves.
  3. Pour raw waves cool water and leave to soak for 48 hours. Every 4-5 hours you need to change the water - then the waves will not turn sour, and excess bitterness will come out of them. After the waves are soaked, drain the water and once again brush the waves well with a brush, and then dry on a sieve.
  4. Shift layers of waves 5-7 centimeters each with dry branches or tops of dill with seeds.
  5. While laying the waves in layers, sprinkle them, and dill table salt at the rate of 200 grams per 5 liters of mushrooms.
  6. Next, in order to properly salt the waves, pour a salt layer 1.5-2 centimeters thick into the container, cover with a clean and dried cabbage leaf and put in a cool dark place for 40-50 days.
  7. Before serving the waves on the table, it is better to soak them in cold water throughout the day. You can season the waves either with vegetable oil or with some kind of sauce (to your taste).

Mushrooms - traditional product for Slavic peoples which we all love very much. What could be better than salted mushrooms in winter? It is difficult to stay in such an abundance of mushroom species, among which there are, of course, waves. The principle of salting them is not too different from others, but the specifics never hurt. Therefore, let's get acquainted with several ways to salt the waves.

Volnushka pink or volnyanka is one of the most common mushrooms in middle lane Russia. prepare it in large quantities very convenient way of salting. Then you can store them all through the long winter. How to salt the waves, the recipe is divided into two main categories: cold and hot way s.

How to salt volnushki for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 1

The first way is how to salt the waves. Since volushki are conditionally edible mushrooms, it is advisable to soak them before cooking. For this we need:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • salt - 50 g
  • cumin, dill
  • garlic
  1. To soak the waves, they need to be put in cold water with salt and left alone for 24-48 hours. Salt to salt the waves can be replaced citric acid. Its quantity is calculated as follows: 2g per liter of water. It is very important to change the water at least two or three times a day. After the mushrooms are soaked, they must be washed under running water and dried.
  2. We take a container in order to salt the waves, and pour salt on the bottom. Spread the mushrooms on top, the layer should be approximately 7 cm. Do not forget that the mushrooms need to be laid out with their hats down. Sprinkle the top with salt and spices. So we alternate the mushrooms and salt until the container is full (or the mushrooms run out).
  3. We cover the waves with a clean cloth or gauze, and on top - a wooden circle. It is also necessary to put a small load. After 1.5-2 months, the waves will be ready.

How to salt volnushki for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 2

  1. Since, mushrooms are conditionally edible, using cold way to salt them according to the recipe, you must soak them in advance. To do this, put the sorted and washed mushrooms on the bottom of a plastic bowl and fill it with ordinary running water. Soaking will last for three days, during all this time it is necessary to change the water at least 3 times a day so that souring does not begin.
  2. In order to salt the volnushki according to the recipe in a cold way, in plastic barrel or wooden tub put a layer of mushrooms on the bottom. Sprinkle generously with salt. We spread the next layer of mushrooms on a layer of salt and sprinkle with salt again, but now we put another layer of washed horseradish leaves on top of the salt. And so we repeat the laying of mushrooms in layers until the barrel is completely filled. We finish the laying with a layer of horseradish leaves.
  3. In order to salt the volnushki according to the recipe in a cold way, we put oppression weighing from 3 to 5 kilograms. If you do not have a suitable load, then three-liter jar with water.
  4. We withstand the waves under the yoke for three days.
  5. Mushrooms are laid out in jars along with horseradish leaves and poured with brine. We close the lids made of glass or polyethylene lids.

How to salt volnushki for the winter in a hot way - recipe number 1

This method of salting does not require soaking the waves, they need to be boiled. If you decide to cook mushrooms in a hot way, you will need:

  • mushrooms - 700 g
  • allspice - 4-5 peas
  • cloves - 4
  • bay leaf - 4
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.
  1. In order to salt the waves, first sort, clean and wash the mushrooms under running water.
  2. Boil salted water and put flakes in it. Put all the spices there and cook for about a quarter of an hour. When the waves are boiled, rinse them under cold running water.
  3. Put the waves in a bowl in which they will be salted. Add bay leaf and pour out the brine in which the mushrooms were boiled. Salt. Calculate the amount of salt like this: 1.5 tbsp. l. per 1 liter water.
  4. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices, add to the waves.
  5. Cover the top of the waves with a cloth and put a wooden circle, press down with a load. It is very important to ensure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms.
  6. When the waves have cooled, move them to the refrigerator. A day later, the waves are ready for the winter and it's time to put them in banks.

How to salt volnushki for the winter in a hot way - recipe number 2

  1. Using the hot salting method according to the recipe, the flakes must first be boiled. Put the mushrooms prepared for pickling in enamelware, pour salted water and put on the stove. It is impossible to stir the waves until they boil, otherwise you can break them. Wait for the water to boil, then carefully remove the foam and stir in the mushrooms.
  2. Then the waves are blanched (boiled) - the waves for 6-8 minutes.
  3. After boiling, the mushrooms are thrown into a sieve or colander, allowed to drain, then placed with caps down in layers about 5-6 cm thick in a clean barrel or enamel pan, sprinkling each layer with salt based on 1 kg of mushrooms 25-30 g of salt.
  4. Spices are placed on top and on the bottom of dishes and flasks to salt according to the recipe: bay leaf, currant leaves, garlic, dill, cloves and others, cover the mushrooms with a clean cloth, put a wooden circle on top, and oppress it.

How to salt volnushki: recipe and tips

Before salting the volnushki according to the recipe, you should thoroughly wash them in cold clean running water in tubs, vats, low wide okaryats, bathtubs. In case of severe contamination, mushrooms must be soaked for 3-4 hours in a 2-3% saline solution.

Large specimens of volnushki in order to salt for the winter according to the recipe are cut in diameter into pieces so that the maximum length of each piece does not exceed 4-6 cm. The most favorable temperature for storing salty waves is from 0 to 4 degrees. The recommended amount of salt is from 3.5-4.5% by weight of mushrooms. Further processing of salted mushrooms into pickled ones is also possible.