How to bake cakes in paper. How to bake Easter cake: my family recipe with detailed pictures

11.07.2020 Snacks

As promised, today I will describe my recipe for Easter cake and how I prepared it. I did it myself for the first time, so the cooking process was preceded by a daily "theory course" in front of the computer.

After reviewing more than a dozen top articles and reading about a thousand comments, I chose the most common option and sketched out an action plan for myself. But, as usual (how many people - so many recipes), I had to adjust it a little.

Below I will describe and show everything in detail. As a result, I got the following set of products:

  • 1400 g flour;
  • 400 ml of milk (2 glasses of 200 ml);
  • 50 g of fresh yeast (dry, I think 14 grams);
  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 2 cups of sugar (glass 200 ml);
  • 300 g raisins;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar (10g);
  • a tablespoon of brandy;

For glaze:

  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • one protein;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Easter cake recipe, preparation

Of course, it was scary for the first time to take on such a responsible business, I was tormented by doubts: whether the lush, soft airy cakes would turn out as we would like. But until you do it, you won't know, so I tuned in to the right “wave”, kicked everyone out of the kitchen, locked the parrot, slammed the window and doors and started.

First of all, I lit a small light in the gas oven, closed the door - let it heat up and heat the kitchen. The surface of the stove will also become warm from the oven, I will put dough and dough on it. I immediately put the oil on the stove - it will gradually heat up and soften well.

I measured 400 ml of milk and put it right in a bowl to warm up on the fire.

I warm it until, having tasted it with my finger, I feel a good warmth, but so that it is not hot. Crumbled yeast into milk. I recommend Lviv yeast to the residents of Ukraine - I constantly use it, everything works out great.

Then I realized in time that I took a small bowl and quickly poured the whole mixture into the cauldron, where I usually cook pilaf.

I add two tablespoons of sugar, stir so that it slightly dissolves and sift four glasses (200 ml each) of flour through a fine sieve.

Stir it well with a spoon, it turned out this is a slightly viscous dough-dough.

I cover the cauldron with a towel and put it on the stove (it is already warm).

While the dough is coming up, prepare the baking. I separate the yolks from the whites: I pour the yolk back and forth from shell to shell - the protein separates itself.

Add the remaining sugar, vanilla sugar to the yolks and grind until the mixture turns slightly white.

Beat the whites with a pinch of salt with a mixer into a stable foam.

In the meantime, the dough came up (more than doubled) and slightly settled - it means it is ready. It took about 30-40 minutes.

I add yolks to it and mix.

pour in a spoonful of alcohol (cognac, rum), stir again.

Now it's the turn of the proteins. Once again, gently and thoroughly mix with a spoon from top to bottom.

I add flour. Initially, the recipe for Easter cake included only a kilogram of flour. I faithfully weighed this kilogram on the scales. But, when I sifted the remaining amount of flour into the dough and kneaded the dough, it turned out to be too liquid, you can't knead it with your hands. I had to rely on my intuition.

I added another 200 g of flour, after kneading it turned out to be a dough with which you can already work with your hands. For sprinkling the table and subsequent dusting, another 200 g of flour was used. In the end, I weighed what was left of the 2kg bag - about 600g.

Perhaps I have such flour, and you will get a different amount.

I put the dough on a floured table and begin to knead with my hands.

The goal was this: to make the dough not cool, tender. As soon as I felt that if I added a little more flour, the dough would stop sticking to my hands, I stopped adding flour. Let it be sticky, it doesn't matter, you need to periodically lubricate the table and hands with vegetable oil - and there will be order, but the Easter cake will turn out to be airy. I continue to knead with my hands - for a total of about half an hour.

The dough is well saturated with oxygen. And here's what I noticed at the end of a sign of readiness: with a sharp pressure, the dough resists, springs like a rubber ball, although at the same time it is very soft and does not hold the shape of a ball on the table, slowly spreading.

I grease a clean cauldron with vegetable oil, put a ball of dough in it, also grease it with oil and leave it on the stove for lifting, wrapped in towels.

In the meantime, sorting through raisins, there are enough tails and just garbage in it.

I pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

I strain the water, sprinkle the raisins on a towel, cover them with the edges so that all the moisture is absorbed, and the raisins are as dry as possible.

If desired, candied fruits, nuts, dried apricots can be added to the Easter cake recipe. I considered it overkill.

After an hour, the dough came up very well.

He dumped it on a table dusty with flour, kneaded it with his hands into a cake and sprinkled half the raisins in a thin layer.

Folded the edges in an envelope

again kneaded into a cake with his hands and scattered the remaining raisins. I fold it again in an envelope and knead it a little with my hands.

The second time I put the dough into the cauldron for lifting.

While it is "growing", prepare the baking dish. For small Easter cakes, I bought special paper molds, and for a large Easter cake I took a teflon detachable one.

You can bake in any metal dish: in mugs, saucepans. People use tall cans with labels and plastic covers removed.

For ease of extraction, the walls and bottom of such dishes are lined with oiled parchment paper. Cylinders are also rolled up from the paper itself, the bottom is slapped with a stapler and baked. In general - there would be a desire, but what to bake - you can think of.

I smeared all the forms from the inside with a brush with melted butter. I'm not overjoyed with the test - an hour later it rose again remarkably.

I kneaded it a little on the table, tear off the necessary pieces, roll it into balls and lay it out so that the forms fill about one third of the volume.

I place the forms immediately on the baking sheet so as not to touch them anymore, cover it with a towel, let it stand until the dough rises almost to the edges (20-30 minutes).

I increase the temperature in the oven (about 180 degrees), put a baking sheet with water on the bottom (I did the same when baking bread). I also sprayed the oven with water from a pulverizer and, finally, set the cakes to bake. Do not open the door for the first 10 minutes.

Some Easter cakes stood close to the walls so that they baked evenly, I periodically turned them. After half an hour, I sprayed the oven with water again.

Smaller Easter cakes began to brown later than large ones (they are lower, and the heat from the ceiling reaches them less). And the largest one almost rested against the ceiling and soon began to burn from the top sheet of metal.

I even had to cover it with a circle of parchment dipped in water. As a result, all the cakes were baked at the same time - in about an hour. When pierced with a wooden toothpick, no dough remained on it - a sure sign of readiness.

The fact that the aroma of baking was unimaginable, I do not even mention, my wife even woke up. But Easter cakes cannot be eaten right away, they must be skillfully cooled and allowed to ripen. They are immediately very delicate, ready to break into pieces and deform with strong pressure.

Therefore, it is best to put them on something soft, on a barrel, cover with a towel and periodically turn, this is especially true for large cakes - they can deform under their own weight.

When they become lukewarm, the cakes can be removed from metal molds, you can leave them in paper molds and start decorating. To do this, I beat one protein into a foam, without ceasing to beat, gradually added a glass of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice. The result is such a glaze.

He covered the cakes with it, decorated with sprinkles and decorative flowers.

In total, there were nine Easter cakes: two with a diameter of 7 cm:

two - with a diameter of 11 cm:

four with a diameter of 9 cm, and the main Easter cake - 13 cm.

I started at 5 pm and went to bed at 3 am. I took 220 photos! If you do not take into account the time for photographing, you can manage it in 6-8 hours.

Tired - no words, but what a pleasure, friends! The pleasure from the process and the result, from the consciousness that I did it myself, at such moments the soul sings and even fatigue is pleasant (probably, I am a workaholic). And it turned out the way I wanted - the pastries are lush, airy, soft ... and incredibly tasty (I learned this in the morning).

The next day, on the landing, my grandmother, a neighbor, caught me: “Seryozha, the neighbors say you do some tests at night - everything is blinking in the kitchen. Can't you blow up the apartment by chance? " I laughed and reassured her that the flash would blink when taking pictures. I thought to myself: "Who has an urge to watch my windows at 2 am?" The neighbor, in turn, froze with her mouth open (what can be photographed in the kitchen from the evening until two in the morning?). On that and parted.

For you, dear readers, I have everything for today, too, share your impressions, if anyone writes their own easter cake recipe - I will be glad. My parents bake cakes in a bread machine, my health does not allow kneading the dough with my hands, you can familiarize yourself with the recipe. Also recently I made cottage cheese Easter, I was also pleased, here is the recipe.

Happy Palm Sunday and the upcoming Easter! Good luck!

Best regards, Sergey Samoilov.

Traditionally, Easter cakes were baked in tall and round forms, so the cake was made in the form of a tall cylinder. The cake of this shape resembles bread.

During my childhood, my mother and grandmother baked cakes (we then called them - paski), in tin cans. Father used pliers to press the sharp edges of the jar so as not to get hurt and to pull out the finished cake. We also used pots, glasses, cups. Once a year, all this stuff was taken from distant cabinets, washed and prepared for baking. Then cleaned up to the next Easter.

All this is quietly becoming a thing of the past, someone even now bakes Easter cakes like that, and does not want to change their habits. But thanks to the appearance of paper forms for cakes, I decided on such a complex baking (for me).

Paper forms for Easter cakes are of different widths, heights, colors. The cake turns out well baked, tall and beautiful.

This cake will be a pleasant gift for Happy Easter relatives and friends.

I have forms 3 sizes - small, medium and larger, I don't buy very large ones.

Small forms - 7*6 see, children will like it - who in Easter cakes are more fond of not dough, but beautiful sweet icing.

Price from 6 rub.

The weight ready-made cake - 70-90 gr

Medium form - 9*9 cm

Price from 9 rub.

The weight ready-made cake - 230 g

Large form - 11*8 cm

Pricefrom 12 rub.

The weight ready-made cake - 320 g

The bottom of the form is made of corrugated cardboard with holes.

The walls of the mold are made of special dense heat-resistant and grease-resistant paper with fine notches - so that the dough is better baked and the finished cake "breathes".

Air cakes recipe


  • 2,5 glasses of milk
  • 1,5 glasses of sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 a packet of vanillin
  • 11 gdry fast-acting yeast
  • 1.3-1.5 kg flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 200 g raisins or candied fruits
  • 0.5 tsp... salt

for protein glaze:

  • 2 squirrel
  • 0,5 glasses of powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


Heat the milk slightly and dilute the yeast in it. Add 3.5 cups flour and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix. The dough should be slightly thicker than for the pancakes. Cover the bowl with dough with a towel or cling film and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

While the dough is coming up, separate the whites from the yolks. For the glaze, we need two proteins, so we will have extra yolks, they can also be added to the dough.

Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla. Beat the whites with salt until fluffy.

Add soft butter to the matched brew. Mix.

Then add the crushed yolks with sugar. Stir again.

Add whipped egg whites.

And gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a soft dough (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour).

We remove the bowl with the dough in a warm place, covering it with a kitchen towel or cling film. We give the dough time to rise (it took me exactly 1 hour 13 minutes)

While the dough is coming up, soak the raisins in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water, dry the raisins on a napkin. Candied fruits can be simply cut.

Add raisins or candied fruits to the matched dough, mix them into the dough and put them back in a warm place, not forgetting to cover with a towel.

Let the dough rise a second time, this time it took me exactly 45 minutes.

While the dough comes up a second time, we begin to prepare the molds. Lubricate the molds with any oil, it is advisable to line the bottom of each mold with baking paper.

Tear off a piece from the dough that comes up, form a small ball and fill our forms to 1/3 of the height.

We turn on the oven for heating, put a baking sheet with cakes on top of the stove, give them time to rise already in shape. Cover the cakes with a towel so that the dough does not wither.

We bake Easter cakes in the oven over medium heat until golden brown. The baking time depends on the size of the cakes. To check the readiness of the cake, pierce it with a wooden stick; if it is dry, the cake is ready. In a conventional gas oven, the cakes were baked for about 35 minutes.

Carefully remove the finished cakes from the molds. We spread them on a pillow covered with a clean towel.

For the protein glaze, beat the whites with the sugar until the desired consistency is achieved.

Grease the finished cakes with icing and decorate with confectionery sprinkles.

Before baking, the mold should be greased with vegetable oil, using a brush with a small layer, the first time I did not do this and the sides of my cakes stuck to the walls of the paper mold.

Form on 1/3 fill with dough.

Let the dough rise.

And bake in the oven over medium heat until tender, which we determine with a wooden stick.

It is better to bake cakes one by one, in the same-sized forms, then they will be baked at the same time and there will be no need to open the oven again.

Put the finished cakes sideways on a kitchen towel and let cool, turning them a couple of times so that the sides do not crumple. Small ones can be put simply on the bottom, but always on a thick towel.

Today we will tell you how to properly bake cakes in paper tins using one of the recipes for Easter baking as an example, and also dwell in more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of this modern invention.

Easter cakes in paper tins - recipe


  • whole milk - 500 ml;
  • - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 620 g;
  • sifted wheat flour of the highest grade - 2-2.2 kg;
  • large chicken eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • peasant butter - 260 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • pressed fresh yeast - 95 g;
  • vanillin;
  • pitted - 320 g;
  • table salt - 10 g.


We begin baking cakes in paper tins, as a matter of course, with creating a dough. To do this, pour a slightly incomplete glass of warm milk into a bowl, add all the crumbled yeast, three tablespoons of granulated sugar and flour and stir thoroughly. After fifteen minutes, three chicken eggs are processed with a mixer into a thick foam, while adding two glasses of sugar, and after dissolving all the crystals, vegetable oil without aroma and sour cream.

Now in a large bowl we combine the yeast and sour cream mixture, pour in the rest of the milk, preheating it to about fifty degrees, add about seven hundred grams of sifted flour, stir it well and place it in warmth and comfort for three hours. Every half hour during the proving of the secondary dough, mix it gently and lower it.

Over time, we make the final kneading of the dough. To do this, beat the remaining chicken eggs intensively with a mixer, leaving one protein for making the fondant. In the process of beating, add the remaining granulated sugar and process the mixture until all sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Add vanillin, very soft butter and prepared eggs beaten with sugar to the dough. We mix everything thoroughly and, adding a little sifted flour, we achieve not sticky, but very soft texture of the cake dough. We leave it warm to rise. After the first rise, we simply mix, and after the second, we mix in the raisins, washed in advance, dried and sprinkled with flour. When the dough rises for the third time, we lay it out on paper tins, filling them with a little more than a third of the total volume, and leave it to at least double in volume for a while. Now we carefully move the blanks of cakes in paper forms into the hot oven. Its temperature must be maintained at 180 degrees throughout the entire baking process. The residence time of products in the oven directly depends on their size and can vary on average from twenty to forty minutes. But to be sure, it is better to check the readiness of the cakes on a dry wooden skewer.

How to bake cakes in paper tins correctly?

As can be seen from the description of the recipe proposed above, paper cakes for cakes are used just like any other forms, with the exception that they do not need to be oiled and sprinkled with additional flour or semolina. In addition, after baking, the products can be left in paper tins without removing, and this will not adversely affect the appearance or taste of the finished cakes. They will not get wet, but on the contrary will retain moisture and will not become dry. Another advantage of such forms is that they do not need to be washed. And their only drawback is that they are disposable, but against the general background of their advantages, it is absolutely not significant.

Now you know how to bake Easter cakes in paper tins. The dough for this can be prepared according to any other recipe that you prefer, the result will please you in any case.

We bake Easter cake correctly (baker's advice)

Traditional Russian Easter cake (recipe)

Doll with Easter cake from Svetlana Kulibaba

Little tricks for baking cakes correctly

There are many recipes for cakes. But it's not enough to knead and bake, you need to know the subtleties.

When baking cakes, you must remember basic Rules, the observance of which largely depends on how the cake will turn out.

The main and indispensable decoration of the Easter table is cakes, which are baked from rich yeast dough, but high and round in shape.
According to legend, the shroud of Christ, buried according to Jewish customs, was round.
This explains the traditional round shape of the Easter cake.
And it should be high because in the spring time of Easter everything in nature comes to life and stretches upward.

The quality of the cake mainly depends on the quality of the products used. Flour is finely ground and slightly warmed up before use (it is recommended to sprinkle it in a thin layer on a napkin and dry for 2 days). The yeast should only be fresh. Egg yolks, if they are separated and kneaded separately, in more tender pastries, rub through a sieve. The butter is boiled until it is cleansed and cooled to the warmth of fresh milk before mixing.

Preparation of the dough begins with thorough kneading of the dough (half of the entire norm of flour is taken for it), and when it rises and increases in volume by about 2-3 times, the rest of the flour, baking, salt is mixed into it, without allowing it to settle, and they begin to knead and beat for an hour, and for a more rich dough - up to 2 hours. Spices are added along with baking, and almonds, raisins, candied fruits and the like are added to the ready-made dough. Then they are placed in a form greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs half its height, allowed to rise (a well-worked dough can rise several times higher than it should be in the form), and so that the top of the cake does not deform, a paper cup is inserted into the form.

The cake is baked for 1.5-2 hours. They are taken out and placed sideways on a pillow to maintain their shape. If after baking the cake is covered with glaze, then it is not greased with an egg. Saffron gives baked goods a very beautiful color (pour 1 tablespoon with rum or water, leave for 4 hours and strain), but not everyone likes its taste.

The dough should not be liquid, because the cakes will spread and be flat, and should not be thick - the cakes will be too heavy and tasteless, they will quickly become stale. The dough should be of such density that it can be cut with a knife and it does not stick to it, so that when dividing the cakes it would not be necessary to add flour. Use a knife to cut the kneaded dough. The density is just right, if it does not reach for the knife, does not stick to it. Can be laid out in forms.

You need to knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly. According to old legends, you need to hit it 300 times, so that later the guests would praise the Easter cake 300 times. Knead the dough for as long as possible to keep it out of the hands, dishes or table.

The dough should be suitable three times: the first time - when it is dissolved; the second time - when it will be kneaded, the third - when it has already been divided and placed in molds or on a baking sheet.

Kulichny dough does not like drafts, but loves warmth, so cakes should be suitable in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees. In the room where the cake is prepared, the temperature must be at least 25 °.

If the dough is opal - it's not scary. Will rise again.

But here's a little advice - if you have already laid out the dough in molds and it has risen well, but when you try to put it in the oven, the top seemed to blow away and become flat - do not expect it to rise again in the oven and become round. Better to wait with baking and wait for the dough to grow again. Otherwise, the cake may end up with a flat top. if the cake is not allowed to come up completely, it will turn out to be dense and juicy. Dried fruits must be pre-soaked, they will give moisture to the dough after baking. Dried fruits, raisins, candied fruits after drying and before laying in the dough, must be rolled in flour, and then sieved (remove excess flour)

I kneaded the dough for cakes with my hands (the consistency of the dough turned out like for pies), but you can make a lighter dough by adding less flour - in this case, the dough should be kneaded with a mixer, since it should be thicker in consistency than for pancakes and more liquid than on pies and it is easy to lag behind the walls of the bowl - you cannot knead such a dough with your hands, but only with a spoon or a mixer until bubbles appear - this means that the dough is sufficiently enriched with oxygen

In Russia, a lot of dough was usually prepared for Easter cakes, since in large volumes it is fermented better

Easter cakes are baked in thin tin forms with a movable (removable) bottom.

This form must be laid out with paper oiled with butter or ghee, and not just greased with butter

It is advisable to cover the form from the inside with baking paper, then the cake can be easily removed from it.

Lubricate your hands with oil too. Gather and tear off pieces of dough with your hands and put in a mold.

Before planting the cake in it, the oven must be preheated well, because only in this case it will maintain a uniform temperature during baking, which is very important

Determine the readiness of the cake for baking by volume: the dough should rise almost to the edges of the mold.

In order for such a cake to rise evenly, a wooden stick is stuck in the middle of it before planting in the oven. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready

The cake ready for baking is greased with an egg, beaten from 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, and butter, sprinkle with chopped nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs

The capricious Easter baking “does not like” when it is disturbed during baking, so try not to open the oven door unnecessarily, otherwise the lush dough will fall off from the sudden temperature drop. And if you notice that the top of the cake is burning, and it itself is not baked yet, cover it on top with damp parchment paper.

A cake is baked in a humidified oven, for this, a container with hot water is placed on its bottom; temperature 200-240 ° C. (Average temperature for baking cakes 210 °, moderate temperature in the oven 160 ° -180 °).

In large forms, Easter cakes are also baked well, just so that the top does not burn, after 10-15 minutes, reduce the heat by 20 degrees and tighten the top of the cake with foil.

The duration of the cake baking depends on its size. Kulich weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, 1 kg - 45 minutes, 1.5 kg - 1 hour, 2 kg - 1.5 hours. If the cake burns on top, it is covered with dry paper.

The finished cake is removed from the oven, placed on the side surface and kept in this position until the bottom cools down.

Ready-made cakes can be glazed and decorated with candied fruits.

Professional Pastry Chef Tortyzhka

At bakeries and bakeries there are "combi ovens" - e-mail. ovens in which there is convection (forced mixing of hot air with a fan) and steam humidification, that is, steam supply to the chamber.

In the technological instructions for baking products from yeast dough (any) they write as follows:
so many minutes - steam supply 100% temperature such and such,
so many minutes -50% the temperature is such and such,
so many minutes without steam. the temperature is like that.

Convection is desirable so that the product is baked evenly from all sides.
In a home oven, this issue is not as relevant as in a bakery.

But steam ... We need it! Then, at the beginning of baking, a crust on the dough will not form (and then burst when the inner layers of the dough heat up and expand).

With steam, we must not allow the formation of a "shell" Therefore, for baking LARGE PRODUCTS from yeast dough (loaves, cakes, large closed pies), we use the general principle:

At the beginning of baking, we spray it in any available way (preferably a finely dispersed sprinkler or from the mouth), and put it in the oven at a low temperature (about 25-30% to the main one).

In the process, gently open the oven a little several times and quickly spray it again with warm water until the surface of the dough is completely moistened.

Then raise the temperature a little and spray it again or 2. Then the temperature is normal, baking without steam, that is, we have created such conditions so that the entire mass of dough can expand without being limited to caked crusts.

Slow heating ensures that the entire thickness of the dough is baked, not black on the outside, but damp on the inside.

And finally, when the dough has "taken out" all the power of lifting, we no longer spray. and let it bake and brown.

This is the technology. I will make a reservation right away that the paper forms will not become limp, the dough will not get damp and the heating elements will not burst

Traditional Russian cake.

1 kg. flour,
1.5 cups of milk
6 eggs,
300 gr. butter or margarine,
1.5 - 2 cups granulated sugar
40-50 gr. yeast,
0.5 teaspoon of salt
150 gr. raisins,
50 gr. candied fruits,
50 gr. almonds,
0.5 bags of vanilla sugar or 5-6 powdered cardamom seeds.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add half the flour, stir so that there are no lumps, cover the dishes with a towel and put the dough in a warm place. When the volume of the dough doubles, add salt, egg yolks, whipped with sugar and vanilla, and whipped butter to it. Mix all this, add the egg whites whipped into the foam and the rest of the flour. The dough should not be very thick, but well kneaded and easily lag behind the walls of the dish. Cover the dough again and place in a warm place. When it has doubled in size, add the raisins (washed and dried, sprinkled with flour), candied fruits, diced, and almonds, peeled and finely chopped. Mix all this with the dough and fold into molds.

To obtain a more lush cake, fill the form by 1/3 of the height, for a denser one - by 1/2 of the height. Prepare the mold: cover the bottom with a circle of oiled baking paper, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with flour or ground breadcrumbs, or you can put baking paper inside the mold height.

Place the filled dough in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough rises to the height of the mold, grease the top with a beaten egg and place the mold in a not very hot oven for 50-60 minutes. While baking, gently turn the cake pan, but do not shake. To prevent the top of the cake from burning, after it is browned, cover it with a paper circle moistened with water.

The readiness of the cake is determined by sticking a thin splinter into it: if it is dry, the cake is ready, if there is dough on it, the cake is still raw.

After cooling, the cake can be covered with glaze and decorated with candied fruits, jam berries, marmalade, chocolate figurines, etc.


Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Easter cakes in paper tins are easy to bake, but first, you need to prepare everything correctly. So, we send cats, children, men out of the kitchen. Calming the senses, you should be calm and peaceful. Prayer before starting any business is a great help.
Easter cakes in paper forms - a step by step recipe with a photo
We put products for making Easter cake on a clean table:
- milk - 220 ml,
- live yeast packaging, you will need about 1/3 of a rectangle of compressed yeast ~ 30 g. Or take dry yeast - for the amount ~ 15 g, see the instructions on the package.
- granulated sugar - 100-150 g. I took sucrose - 70 g - a glass,
- butter - about 70-100 grams,
- premium flour - 0.5 kg - 0.7 kg,
- vanilla sugar,
- cinnamon ½ teaspoon,
- icing sugar - bag (for icing),
- dried fruits - a handful, a piece of chocolate if desired,
- raisins,
- small marmalade, dried apricots,
- salt - a whisper,
- table eggs С0 or С1 - 2-3 pcs. Add the yolks to the dough, and leave the whites for the glaze.

How to cook from a photo step by step

We close the vents. We turn on the oven to an average heat of ~ 150 degrees, open the oven door, let the heat fill the kitchen.
Pour milk into a ladle, add sugar, salt. Stir and put on fire. Warm up to 36 degrees, stirring occasionally. Then add yeast to warm milk. Pre-put a piece of yeast in your palm, crush it with the other hand, you can hold your palms for a minute by the oven, so the live yeast will warm up better.
Stir the future dough with a wooden spoon.

Dissolve yeast, then add 150-200 grams of flour. Stir gently until almost uniform. Remember, the dough must be liquid.
We cover the container with gauze folded in several layers. And we send it to heat or to the radiator, or put it on the open oven door (or on a stool next to the oven). It should be warm and quiet.
As the dough rises, we quietly pour it into a convenient saucepan in which the dough will be prepared. You can initially dilute the dough in a working pan.

We pass to the main culinary action - we prepare the dough for.
Pour the pre-sifted flour into the dough. Next, add warm butter and eggs. We knead. The dough will turn out sticky, make a bun out of it, sprinkle with flour.

Cover with a cloth and put in a warm place to rise. We do not open the vents, we do not clatter the dishes.
It will take about 2.5-3 hours.
When ready, sprinkle flour on the table and put the dough on the table, sprinkling flour on it a little.

Knead a dough that is slightly elastic, but not tight. It should be airy, easy to cut with a knife. When you knead the dough with flour, add vanilla sugar with cinnamon, dried fruits prepared in advance. They must be washed, scalded with boiling water, dried and sprinkled with flour.

Or add other goodies to the dough. Alternatively: you can divide the dough into 2 parts and make Easter cakes with different fillings.
For example: by making a depression with your finger, you can add small pieces of chocolate (a couple of squares), and then gently season, press with dough.
How to bake cakes in paper tins? Divide the dough into pieces. Take paper forms, grease the inside with vegetable oil slightly, then add the dough to a height of half the mold.

Place the paper molds with the dough in a warm place - closer to the oven. Let the dough rise again. As the dough rises, it is fashionable to coat the top with sweet water or diluted orange or lemon juice.
So that the cake dough in the oven evenly rises in paper tins and bakes, you can put wooden knitting needles in the middle of the dough.
If you are not sure about your oven, cover the top of the mold with oiled baking paper so that the top of the cake does not burn.
Now we heat the oven to 180 degrees, put an iron mold with water under the baking sheet. We put our Easter baked goods in paper tins on a baking sheet.

And we leave to bake. It will take about 30 minutes to bake cakes in paper tins. At the end, you can turn down the heat.
We take it out of the oven, put it on its side on a terry towel, cover it with a cloth, let it rest.

Then we decorate the top of the cake with protein glaze or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pour multi-colored jewelry on top of the white top.

This is how homemade Easter cake is prepared in paper tins - simple and tasty.