There is milk chocolate in a dream. Chocolate: what is the dream about

05.04.2019 Lenten dishes

We use many different metaphors in life, even unconsciously.

V different cases life metaphors and allegories come different, but when everything is very good, we say that everything is "in chocolate".

Chocolate cannot have bad or unpleasant associations. Because everyone adores him - children, old people, lovely ladies, and strong men. Chocolate is the best acknowledgment of sympathy, gratitude or apology, a present for a child or congratulations on the holiday.

It is eaten with pleasure by the rich and simple people, from it is made great amount gourmet treats... Sweet, aromatic, delicious chocolate- what can he mean by appearing in a sweet dream?

Curious about what chocolate is dreaming of - is it worth waiting for good news after such a dream, or should you be on your guard? Wealth or great love, easy life or gifts of fate - what to expect? The dream book will help you deal with this.

The most important thing is to know that “chocolate” dreams do not carry alarming signs and cannot bode well. Seeing in dreams, eating or buying, giving or receiving as a gift yourself - the meaning of those dreams that we dream at night depends on this.

So before asking what chocolate is dreaming of, be sure to remember what it was like, what did you do, and what happened in general? For example:

  • You chocolate candies, bars or tiles.
  • You are dreaming about white chocolate bars.
  • You see a lot of chocolate goodies in your dreams.
  • We had a dream in which chocolate is on the counter or in the display case.
  • You dream of other people eating it.
  • Dreaming of stale chocolate.
  • Seeing chocolates in a dream.
  • There is sweet in a dream milk chocolate.
  • Or bitter, black.
  • In a dream, you choose chocolate, think about which one to buy.
  • Cook in your sleep chocolate cream, glaze, cook hot chocolate etc.
  • Drink hot chocolate.
  • Burned by it.
  • You have received a chocolate or candy as a gift.
  • Give it to someone.

Such "chocolate" dreams are almost always pleasant and sweet, and what is the dream of chocolate, the interpreter will tell us.

See - but don't take!

Did you see chocolate in your dream? What was he like? Remember in detail and accurately, because from this the meaning of dreams changes very much.

1. As the dream book will say, if you dream of a chocolate bar, you just had to see it from the outside, which means that you can provide someone who depends on you. And moreover, it will definitely bring you complete satisfaction and great genuine joy.

2. White chocolate seen in a dream can portend a beautiful and sweet life, sophistication and luxury... You will enjoy life in style and allow yourself a lot.

3. Seeing a lot of chocolate in a dream - know that your dreams will come true very soon. Dream boldly, believe in dreams - fate favors you, and miracles will begin soon!

4. Such a dream, in which sweets, bars or other chocolate goodies are on the shelves of the store, or displayed in the window, speaks directly to the fact that you are now striving for better life.

But these aspirations are still in your plans, you see in your imagination how to achieve more sweet life, but it's time to get active! Otherwise, plans may remain plans.

5. If you had chocolate in a dream not for you personally, but for someone else, and you are watching this - this is a hint of your envy. The dream book indicates that you should take care of your own success, and not watch how something turns out from other people.

6. Not fresh delicacy warns of the possibility of getting sick. So you take care of your health, do not treat it negligently, so as not to be treated later.

7. Beautiful chocolates seen in dreams promise you the appearance of very good, rare and reliable partners in business, business, colleagues, assistants. Trust them, open up, and your business will sharply go to success and prosperity.

So sweet!

There is chocolate sweets- pleasure. And if in a dream?

It is curious why the dream of chocolate, which you had a chance to feast on, and not only. You could give someone a sweet, buy, or even cook. So what exactly did you do with him in sweet dreams?

1. As the dream book points out, the sweet, milk chocolate that you ate in a dream portends a carefree, easy and pleasant life. But remember that it will not be like this forever - so do not forget about your important affairs and obligations!

2. Bitter, dark chocolate, which you were treated to, hints at carnal pleasures, sensual pleasures and pleasures. You will have an adventure that will bring a lot of enjoyable!

3. If in your dreams you chose chocolate treats on the counter, thought what to buy, this directly indicates a crossroads in your life.

You should make your choice, and it may not be so easy, for example, because all the options are good. But the choice is worth making!

4. If you made chocolate frosting or cream, made cocoa or hot chocolate, did any other chocolate dish Is a good dream. You yourself build your life, and you do it skillfully. Go on, build your happiness!

5. Drinking fragrant hot chocolate in a sweet dream means that in reality you will soon meet your love! And no less! So get ready.

6. But if you not only drank, but also burned yourself with a hot drink in a dream, this means that your partner will surprise you. You will be amazed by his temperament, ardor and tenderness. The surprise must be extremely pleasant for you! So don't underestimate your partner.

7. As the dream book says, the chocolate that you received as a gift from someone in a dream indicates the likelihood of receiving courtship from a gentle and sensual person. You will be surrounded by passionate attention and beautiful romance, enjoy it!

8. And if in a dream you yourself treated someone with chocolate or sweets, soon you yourself will give your partner tenderness, endless affection.

Your chosen one will greatly appreciate your skills, be proud of them, and consider you a very exceptional lover (or mistress). So, if you underestimated yourself in this area, it’s in vain!

Everyone wants a "chocolate" life, no doubt about it. But everyone should build their own happiness - and sometimes it seems like a daunting task.

To take life easier, to be able to relax, enjoy life, enjoy small pleasures - this is the art that makes life happy.

Dream Interpretation Chocolate, what is the dream of Chocolate in a dream to see

Autumn dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Summer dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to receive gratitude, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide for the people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Chocolate Dreams:

Chocolate - Treating someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take all the failures in sex at your own expense. It is possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burning yourself with hot chocolate - you will have a meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Spring Dream Book Why Chocolate Dreams From a Dream Book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chocolate is a passing joy.

Big Dream Book Why Chocolate Dreams:

Chocolate - Good ideas will come to you.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream book: To see chocolate in a dream

What is dreaming about Chocolate - To pleasant

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why Chocolate in a Dream:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will very well provide those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Chocolate in a dream:

Chocolate - Drink in dream chocolate any loss and violence, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Solves the dream book: Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles

Dream interpretation of the white magician Y. Longo Dream interpretation: Chocolate

Dream Interpretation Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you strive for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not getting the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you like to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings. To some extent, this stimulates you and makes you feel the acuteness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be guessed and you will fail. If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The likelihood of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate - Good health.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Chocolate - Getting, buying to bad health, weakness. Eat and drink for a lingering illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Dreaming Chocolate

What is the dream of Chocolate in a dream - Good health

What is the dream of Chocolate, dream book Chocolate to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Chocolate - Chocolate in any storyline indicates high income, prosperity and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this is a sign of a very good deal or a very promising business proposal. If there are chocolates in your dream, this is a sign of the financial reliability of your partners, as the predictor of the dream book says.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

Seeing Chocolate in a dream means - Chocolate - financial assistance to someone to the detriment of their interests. Chocolates are worthy partners. Stale or dirty chocolate - to illness, disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - a short period of failure will be replaced by good luck, prosperity, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's dream book

What is the dream of Chocolate in the dream book?

To see Chocolate in a dream - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person. Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex. You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures. However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the fault of the partner: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in Everyday life... If you burn yourself with hot chocolate in a dream, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

Seeing Chocolate in a dream what does it mean?

According to the dream book Chocolate - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, then in reality this is another confirmation that you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means that this can be attributed to the number of your merits Drinking hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you very often take at your own expense all the failures in sexual relationships. Pay attention to such things: your partner's bad mood, anxiety about problems at work, etc. You cannot relax, and as a result, your partner does not feel full return Burning yourself with hot chocolate in a dream is evidence that you have to meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy. You will have the pleasure you could only dream of

Summer dream book

Why does Chocolate dream:

Chocolate - Eat chocolate - get gratitude.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Chocolate, what is it for:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Chocolate - There is chocolate - to carnal pleasures, desired and pleasant

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate, which means sleep:

Dreaming Chocolate - Having seen chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you. Dream chocolates promise you excellent business partners. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events. We drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps, lately, not everything is going well in your personal life. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burned with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate:

Chocolate - there is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream interpretation: why is chocolate dreaming

Perhaps, it is rare to find a person who is truly indifferent to such a product as chocolate. There are also those who see chocolate even in their dreams. We decided to figure out what such dreams symbolize.

Why is chocolate dreaming: dream book from A to Z

This source claims that buying chocolate in a dream threatens you with financial losses in real life. If you dream of chocolate with nuts, then perhaps in a love relationship you feel satiated and subconsciously ready to reject your old partner and start looking for a new one. Eating chocolate in a dream is a warning of some deterioration in health in the coming days. If in a dream you are presented with a lot of chocolates, then most likely your dreams are not destined to come true. Melted chocolate predicts tears and remorse.

Why is chocolate dreaming: dream book of a white magician

Eating chocolate in your sleep symbolizes your desire for an easier life. You think that you work too much, and in the end you receive less remuneration than you deserve, and the people around you do not appreciate you at all. Cooking chocolate in a dream is a reflection of your actions aimed at performing some extraordinary and unusual deeds, which can often cause both admiration and envy among others. If you dream that you are treating someone with chocolate, then in reality you should try to appease a person who can help in making your plans come true.

Why is chocolate dreaming: big dream book

The chocolate seen in a dream is a sign that you will always provide excellent support for the people who depend on you. If you dream of chocolate sweets, then you will be lucky with business partners or work colleagues. If you dreamed about stale and inedible chocolate, then pay attention to your own health, as illness or injury is possible. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then after a short series of troubles, prosperity and success in business and endeavors will finally await you.

Why is chocolate dreaming: hints received in a dream

This source interprets the dreamed chocolate as a reflection of the lack of positive emotions in your life. Think about it and try to bring new colors and joys into your life.

Why does chocolate dream: Freud's dream book

As you know, this dream book interprets most of the objects of dreams from a sexual point of view. Chocolate, which is a symbol of passion, was no exception. If in a dream you treat someone with this sweetness, then you are a great lover who causes admiration and awe in sexual partners. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then possible failures in sex, you shouldn't take it personally. After all, such oversights can also be associated with your partner's bad mood in connection with problems at work or troubles in other aspects of life. If in a dream you were burnt with hot chocolate, then expect a meeting with a person who will literally amaze you with his irrepressible energy and stormy temperament.

Chocolates according to the dream book

Chocolates in a dream are a symbol of positive emotions, pleasant pastime and inspiration. To figure out why chocolate sweets are dreaming, you need to recall in detail your dream, the plot, the emotions you feel and see these meanings in the dream book. Each person should interpret their own vision individually, tracing a meaningful associative chain from a dream to real events, sensations and thoughts in real life.

The gift box of chocolates symbolizes material success and the opportunity to double your financial well-being. This period is favorable for profitable investment of personal capital, creating a deposit, drawing up and signing a large project. To give a box of goodies, the dream book decodes as unfulfilled dreams and empty hopes. For girls, such an image indicates false beliefs and deceit of the chosen one.

In order to correctly interpret why you dream of eating chocolates in a dream, you need to pay attention to their taste and quality. In most cases, such a picture is interpreted as a visit to inspiration, muse, the emergence of new, unusual and creative ideas... Delicious and fresh sweets suggest the appearance on the horizon of new projects and opportunities for realizing your own ambitions. Bitter, tasteless or stale, in real life, promise grief or deterioration in physical condition.

A dream in which I had to buy chocolates in a dream promises an imminent arrival of distant relatives, which at first will somewhat surprise and confuse the dreamer, but then make him happy.

Improving financial and material well-being, through a lot of work and without any outside help, this is what you dream of preparing (boiling) chocolates.

Other interpreters of visions

Some dream books interpret in two ways what chocolate sweets dream about. Freud's dream book indicates upcoming love adventures. To treat with chocolate - to unbridled sexual energy, capable of warming up anyone, even a very demanding and unapproachable person.

Gives negative meaning esoteric dream book a dream in which I happened to see chocolate sweets in a dream and interprets it as impending health and well-being problems. Eating chocolate portends a protracted, intractable disease, on which a lot of money will be spent.

Miller's dream book interprets chocolate sweets as a physical opportunity to provide loved ones with everything they need. For businessmen, seeing chocolates in a dream is a very favorable sign that promises reliable partners you can rely on. Stale sweets portend illness and disappointment, fresh sweets - small joys in life, sunny mood and success in the love field.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician interprets chocolate in a dream as a person's subconscious desire for a beautiful and easy life; in reality, the dreamer feels like a complete slave of circumstances, shackled by obligations and debts. Treating someone with chocolates in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is trying in reality to "manipulate" the facts, to appease someone, so that later they can use it profitably.

In a dream, they presented a large chocolate bar. For what?


Daddy "s Princess

Good value
Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted for our time. If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate (prepare it, that you want to drink chocolate), you will soon meet your love. To make love true, cut a heart out of paper, write your name on it and cover it with tobacco in a dark place.
Bad value
If you dreamed about a bar of chocolate (you bite off from it, break it, buy it), then in the near future you will have to do a heavy repair, which will probably drag on. So that this repair does not become a burden for you, bury a bar of chocolate near your house.

Dream interpretation:
Why dream of Chocolate dream book

If in a dream you eat chocolate, it means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to try to brighten up your life in some way.
See also Candy.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream, you can be firmly sure that you can provide well for those who depend on you.
Dream chocolates promise you excellent business partners.
Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Eating or drinking chocolate - you will soon survive the illness, although not a serious one.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will very well provide those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in your work.
If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Treating someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means that you have something to be proud of.
Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take all the failures in sex at your own expense. It is possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.
Burning yourself with hot chocolate - you will have a meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

The dream in which you see chocolate means that you are able to provide prosperity to those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a sign of good business partners and successful work. If the chocolate tastes unpleasant, then sickness and disappointment will follow this dream. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then fate has prepared a lot of joys for you after the end of the current period of troubles and hardships.

Dream interpretation:
Why dream of Chocolate dream book

To receive, to buy - to poor health, weakness;
Eating, drinking - to a protracted illness.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not getting the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you like to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings. To some extent, this stimulates you and makes you feel the acuteness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be guessed and you will fail. If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The likelihood of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream interpretation:
Chocolate dream book

Good health.


Good, of course!

Vadim Markosyan

It doesn't have to be something. Perhaps you want chocolate, or your body needs it.

n, k,

you will get the opportunity to achieve something good,

why dreamed that I tried a lot of chocolates? different to taste?



to romantic hobbies, pleasure, but everything is not serious and temporary

Masha Nasha

To the sweet life

Isabella Marie

Eastern dream book

There is chocolate - for carnal pleasures, desired and pleasant.
Culinary dream book

Drinking chocolate in a dream - to any loss and violence.
New dream book 1918

Chocolate - Good ideas will come to you.
Family dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream - you can be firmly sure that you can provide well for those who depend on you.

Chocolates dreamed of in a dream promise you excellent business partners.

Stale chocolate - dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.
Modern dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will provide prosperity and prosperity to those who depend on you.

Seeing chocolates predicts pleasant companions and good work.

If chocolate tastes unpleasant, this dream will be followed by illness and disappointment.

Drinking chocolate in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity after a short period of trouble and hardship.
Dream interpretation 2012

Chocolate is a reflection of addiction to something that feels good.
Dream interpretation of Azar

There is chocolate - to the pleasant.
Dream interpretation of the White magician

Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you strive for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not getting the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate in a dream - you like to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings. To some extent, this stimulates you and makes you feel the acuteness of life.

Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be guessed and you will fail.

If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The likelihood of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.
Dream interpretation for bitches

Chocolate bar - your loved ones will not know any need.

Chocolates - rapport with work colleagues.

Drinking and giving someone hot chocolate - all problems and troubles come to an end, success and profitable pursuits lie ahead.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

If in a dream you eat chocolate, this means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to try in some way to brighten up your life.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

There is chocolate - for a love affair.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Eat chocolate - get gratitude.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Eating chocolate is a pleasant pastime.
Dream interpretation of love relationships

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Hot chocolate - symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex. You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures. However, intimate relationships may not go well through the fault of the partner: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life.

Chocolate is a good health condition.
Miller's dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will very well provide those who depend on you.

Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work.

If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments.
Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.
Dream interpretation of a modern woman
Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide people who depend on you.
Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business.

Stale chocolate - portends illness or disappointment.

Lots of chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate - to the pleasant.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate is a good health condition.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Drinking chocolate in a dream - to any loss and violence.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate is a pleasant pastime.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eat chocolate - get gratitude.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Competitors take advantage of your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit.

Imagine that you are giving chocolate to some stranger, passer-by or neighbor.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

If you eat chocolate: this means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to try to brighten up your life in some way.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eating or drinking chocolate - you will soon survive the illness, although not a serious one.

In an article on the topic: "a dream book of chocolates to see a lot" - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

Lots of chocolate

Dream interpretation a lot of chocolate dreamed why in a dream a lot of chocolate? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of chocolate in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

seeing chocolates are suitable work partners;

stale chocolate - illness, disappointment;

drinking hot chocolate is prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

House of dreams

what does every dream mean

Why dream of a lot of chocolate

What did the chocolate dream about?

We use many different metaphors in life, even unconsciously.

In different cases of life, metaphors and allegories come up different, but when everything is very good, we say that everything is “in chocolate”.

Chocolate cannot have bad or unpleasant associations. Because everyone adores him - children, old people, lovely ladies, and strong men. Chocolate is the best acknowledgment of sympathy, gratitude or apology, a present for a child or congratulations on the holiday.

It is eaten with pleasure by the rich and ordinary people, a huge number of delicious treats are made from it. Sweet, aromatic, delicious chocolate - what can it mean when it appears in a sweet dream?

Curious about what chocolate is dreaming of - is it worth waiting for good news after such a dream, or should you be on your guard? Wealth or great love, easy life or gifts of fate - what to expect? The dream book will help you deal with this.

The most important thing is to know that “chocolate” dreams do not carry alarming signs and cannot bode well. Seeing in dreams, eating or buying, giving or receiving as a gift yourself - the meaning of those dreams that we dream at night depends on this.

So before asking what chocolate is dreaming of, be sure to remember what it was like, what did you do, and what happened in general? For example:

  • You are chocolates, bars or bars.
  • You are dreaming about white chocolate bars.
  • You see a lot of chocolate goodies in your dreams.
  • We had a dream in which chocolate is on the counter or in the display case.
  • You dream of other people eating it.
  • Dreaming of stale chocolate.
  • Seeing chocolates in a dream.
  • There is sweet, milk chocolate in a dream.
  • Or bitter, black.
  • In a dream, you choose chocolate, think about which one to buy.
  • In a dream, cook chocolate cream, frosting, hot chocolate, and so on.
  • Drink hot chocolate.
  • Burned by it.
  • You have received a chocolate or candy as a gift.
  • Give it to someone.

Such "chocolate" dreams are almost always pleasant and sweet, and what is the dream of chocolate, the interpreter will tell us.

See - but don't take!

Did you see chocolate in your dream? What was he like? Remember in detail and accurately, because from this the meaning of dreams changes very much.

1. As the dream book will say, if you dream of a chocolate bar, you just had to see it from the outside, which means that you can provide someone who depends on you. And moreover, it will definitely bring you complete satisfaction and great genuine joy.

2. White chocolate seen in a dream can portend a beautiful and sweet life, sophistication and luxury.... You will enjoy life in style and allow yourself a lot.

3. Seeing a lot of chocolate in a dream - know that your dreams will come true very soon. Dream boldly, believe in dreams - fate favors you, and miracles will begin soon!

4. Such a dream, in which sweets, bars or other chocolate goodies are on the shelves of the store, or displayed in the window, speaks directly to the fact that you are now striving for a better life.

But these aspirations are still in your plans, you see in your imagination how to achieve a sweeter life, but it's time to start taking active action! Otherwise, plans may remain plans.

5. If you had chocolate in a dream not for you personally, but for someone else, and you are watching this - this is a hint of your envy. The dream book indicates that you should take care of your own success, and not watch how something turns out from other people.

6. A stale delicacy warns of the possibility of getting sick. So you take care of your health, do not treat it negligently, so as not to be treated later.

7. Beautiful chocolates seen in dreams promise you the appearance of very good, rare and reliable partners in business, business, colleagues, assistants. Trust them, open up, and your business will sharply go to success and prosperity.

So sweet!

Eating chocolate sweets is a pleasure. And if in a dream?

It is curious why the dream of chocolate, which you had a chance to feast on, and not only. You could give someone a sweet, buy, or even cook. So what exactly did you do with him in sweet dreams?

1. As the dream book points out, the sweet, milk chocolate that you ate in a dream portends a carefree, easy and pleasant life. But remember that it will not be like this forever - so do not forget about your important affairs and obligations!

2. Bitter, dark chocolate, which you were treated to, hints at carnal pleasures, sensual pleasures and pleasures. You will have an adventure that will bring a lot of enjoyable!

3. If in your dreams you chose chocolate treats on the counter, thought what to buy, this directly indicates a crossroads in your life.

You should make your choice, and it may not be so easy, for example, because all the options are good. But the choice is worth making!

4. If you have made chocolate icing or cream, made cocoa or hot chocolate, made any other chocolate dish, this is a good dream. You yourself build your life, and you do it skillfully. Go on, build your happiness!

5. Drinking fragrant hot chocolate in a sweet dream means that in reality you will soon meet your love! And no less! So get ready.

6. But if you not only drank, but also burned yourself with a hot drink in a dream, this means that your partner will surprise you. You will be amazed by his temperament, ardor and tenderness. The surprise must be extremely pleasant for you! So don't underestimate your partner.

7. As the dream book says, the chocolate that you received as a gift from someone in a dream indicates the likelihood of receiving courtship from a gentle and sensual person. You will be surrounded by passionate attention and beautiful romance, enjoy it!

8. And if in a dream you yourself treated someone with chocolate or sweets, soon you yourself will give your partner tenderness, endless affection.

Your chosen one will greatly appreciate your skills, be proud of them, and consider you a very exceptional lover (or mistress). So, if you underestimated yourself in this area, it’s in vain!

Everyone wants a "chocolate" life, no doubt about it. But everyone should build their own happiness - and sometimes it seems like a daunting task.

To take life easier, to be able to relax, enjoy life, enjoy small pleasures - this is the art that makes life happy.

Dream Interpretation Chocolate, what is the dream of Chocolate in a dream to see

Autumn dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Summer dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to receive gratitude, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide for the people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Chocolate Dreams:

Chocolate - Treating someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take all the failures in sex at your own expense. It is possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burning yourself with hot chocolate - you will have a meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Spring Dream Book Why Chocolate Dreams From a Dream Book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chocolate is a passing joy.

Big Dream Book Why Chocolate Dreams:

Chocolate - Good ideas will come to you.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream book: To see chocolate in a dream

What is dreaming about Chocolate - To pleasant

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why Chocolate in a Dream:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will very well provide those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Chocolate in a dream:

Chocolate - Drinking chocolate in a dream is a sign of some loss and violence, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Solves the dream book: Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles

Dream interpretation of the white magician Y. Longo Dream interpretation: Chocolate

Dream Interpretation Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you strive for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not getting the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you like to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings. To some extent, this stimulates you and makes you feel the acuteness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be guessed and you will fail. If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The likelihood of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate - Good health.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Chocolate - Getting, buying to bad health, weakness. Eat and drink for a lingering illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Dreaming Chocolate

What is the dream of Chocolate in a dream - Good health

What is the dream of Chocolate, dream book Chocolate to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Chocolate - Chocolate in any storyline indicates high income, prosperity and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this is a sign of a very good deal or a very promising business proposal. If there are chocolates in your dream, this is a sign of the financial reliability of your partners, as the predictor of the dream book says.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

Seeing Chocolate in a dream means - Chocolate - financial assistance to someone to the detriment of their interests. Chocolates are worthy partners. Stale or dirty chocolate - to illness, disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - a short period of failure will be replaced by good luck, prosperity, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's dream book

What is the dream of Chocolate in the dream book?

To see Chocolate in a dream - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person. Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex. You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures. However, intimate relationships may not go well through the fault of the partner: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life. If you burn yourself with hot chocolate in a dream, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

Seeing Chocolate in a dream what does it mean?

According to the dream book Chocolate - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, then in reality this is another confirmation that you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means that this can be attributed to the number of your merits Drinking hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you very often take at your own expense all the failures in sexual relationships. Pay attention to such things: your partner's bad mood, anxiety about problems at work, etc. You cannot relax, and as a result, your partner does not feel full return Burning yourself with hot chocolate in a dream is evidence that you have to meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy. You will have the pleasure you could only dream of

Summer dream book

Why does Chocolate dream:

Chocolate - Eat chocolate - get gratitude.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Chocolate, what is it for:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Chocolate - There is chocolate - to carnal pleasures, desired and pleasant

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate, which means sleep:

Dreaming Chocolate - Having seen chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you. Dream chocolates promise you excellent business partners. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events. We drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps, lately, not everything is going well in your personal life. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burned with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate:

Chocolate - there is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream interpretation: why is chocolate dreaming

Perhaps, it is rare to find a person who is truly indifferent to such a product as chocolate. There are also those who see chocolate even in their dreams. We decided to figure out what such dreams symbolize.

This source claims that buying chocolate in a dream threatens you with financial losses in real life. If you dream of chocolate with nuts, then perhaps in a love relationship you feel satiated and subconsciously ready to reject your old partner and start looking for a new one. Eating chocolate in a dream is a warning of some deterioration in health in the coming days. If in a dream you are presented with a lot of chocolates, then most likely your dreams are not destined to come true. Melted chocolate predicts tears and remorse.

Eating chocolate in your sleep symbolizes your desire for an easier life. You think that you work too much, and in the end you receive less remuneration than you deserve, and the people around you do not appreciate you at all. Cooking chocolate in a dream is a reflection of your actions aimed at performing some extraordinary and unusual deeds, which can often cause both admiration and envy among others. If you dream that you are treating someone with chocolate, then in reality you should try to appease a person who can help in making your plans come true.

The chocolate seen in a dream is a sign that you will always provide excellent support for the people who depend on you. If you dream of chocolate sweets, then you will be lucky with business partners or work colleagues. If you dreamed about stale and inedible chocolate, then pay attention to your own health, as illness or injury is possible. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then after a short series of troubles, prosperity and success in business and endeavors will finally await you.

Why is chocolate dreaming: hints received in a dream

This source interprets the dreamed chocolate as a reflection of the lack of positive emotions in your life. Think about it and try to bring new colors and joys into your life.

Why does chocolate dream: Freud's dream book

As you know, this dream book interprets most of the objects of dreams from a sexual point of view. Chocolate, which is a symbol of passion, was no exception. If in a dream you treat someone with this sweetness, then you are a great lover who causes admiration and awe in sexual partners. If in a dream you drink hot chocolate, then you should not take possible failures in sex at your own expense. After all, such oversights can also be associated with your partner's bad mood in connection with problems at work or troubles in other aspects of life. If in a dream you were burnt with hot chocolate, then expect a meeting with a person who will literally amaze you with his irrepressible energy and stormy temperament.

Chocolates according to the dream book

Chocolates in a dream are a symbol of positive emotions, pleasant pastime and inspiration. To figure out why chocolate sweets are dreaming, you need to recall in detail your dream, the plot, the emotions you feel and see these meanings in the dream book. Each person should interpret their own vision individually, tracing a meaningful associative chain from a dream to real events, sensations and thoughts in real life.

The gift box of chocolates symbolizes material success and the opportunity to double your financial well-being. This period is favorable for profitable investment of personal capital, creating a deposit, drawing up and signing a large project. To give a box of goodies, the dream book decodes as unfulfilled dreams and empty hopes. For girls, such an image indicates false beliefs and deceit of the chosen one.

In order to correctly interpret why you dream of eating chocolates in a dream, you need to pay attention to their taste and quality. In most cases, such a picture is interpreted as a visit to inspiration, muse, the emergence of new, unusual and creative ideas. Delicious and fresh sweets suggest the appearance on the horizon of new projects and opportunities for realizing your own ambitions. Bitter, tasteless or stale, in real life, promise grief or deterioration in physical condition.

A dream in which I had to buy chocolates in a dream promises an imminent arrival of distant relatives, which at first will somewhat surprise and confuse the dreamer, but then make him happy.

Improving financial and material well-being, through a lot of work and without any outside help, this is what you dream of preparing (boiling) chocolates.

Other interpreters of visions

Some dream books interpret in two ways what chocolate sweets dream about. Freud's dream book indicates upcoming love adventures. Treating with chocolate is a sign of unbridled sexual energy that can warm up anyone, even a very demanding and unapproachable person.

The esoteric dream book gives a negative meaning to a dream in which it happened to see chocolate sweets in a dream and interprets it as future health and well-being problems. Eating chocolate portends a protracted, intractable disease, on which a lot of money will be spent.

Miller's dream book interprets chocolate sweets as a physical opportunity to provide loved ones with everything they need. For businessmen, seeing chocolates in a dream is a very favorable sign that promises reliable partners you can rely on. Stale sweets portend illness and disappointment, fresh sweets - small joys in life, sunny mood and success in love.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician interprets chocolate in a dream as a person's subconscious desire for a beautiful and easy life; in reality, the dreamer feels like a complete slave of circumstances, shackled by obligations and debts. Treating someone with chocolates in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is trying in reality to "manipulate" the facts, to appease someone, so that later they can use it profitably.

In a dream, they presented a large chocolate bar. For what?

Daddy's Princess

Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted for our time. If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate (prepare it, that you want to drink chocolate), you will soon meet your love. To make love true, cut a heart out of paper, write your name on it and cover it with tobacco in a dark place.

If you dreamed about a bar of chocolate (you bite off from it, break it, buy it), then in the near future you will have to do a heavy repair, which will probably drag on. So that this repair does not become a burden for you, bury a bar of chocolate near your house.

Why dream of Chocolate dream book

See also “Candy”.

Dream chocolates promise you excellent business partners.

Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take all the failures in sex at your own expense. It is possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burning yourself with hot chocolate - you will have a meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Why dream of Chocolate dream book

Eating, drinking - to a protracted illness.

Good, of course!

Vadim Markosyan

It doesn't have to be something. Perhaps you want chocolate, or your body needs it.

you will get the opportunity to achieve something good,

why dreamed that I tried a lot of chocolates? different to taste?


to romantic hobbies, pleasure, but everything is not serious and temporary

To the sweet life

Isabella Marie

New dream book 1918

Dream interpretation of the White magician

Dream interpretation for bitches

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dream interpretation of love relationships

Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide people who depend on you.

Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business.

Lots of chocolate

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate - to the pleasant.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate is a good health condition.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Drinking chocolate in a dream - to any loss and violence.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate is a pleasant pastime.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eat chocolate - get gratitude.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Competitors take advantage of your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

If you eat chocolate: this means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to try to brighten up your life in some way.

Dream interpretation - Chocolate

Eating or drinking chocolate - you will soon survive the illness, although not a serious one.

The first chocolate appeared a long time ago - even the South American Indian tribes came up with the idea of ​​mixing cocoa powder with, even the name "chocolate" is a word from the language of the ancient Aztecs. This dessert quickly became popular and continues to this day. Few people will refuse a piece of this delicacy in reality.

But it is quite interesting when it happens in the world of dreams. On this page you will find out why you dream of eating chocolate and other details related to this dessert.

What was he like?

Try to remember the details of what the chocolate you ate looked like and how it tasted.

  • Black bitter- a symbol of the depth of your feelings.
  • Porous- a symbol of the future and luxury.
  • Hot chocolate, cocoa- expect a romantic date.
  • Stuffed- you are literally obsessed with love and romance, and are constantly looking for love affairs.
  • Milk chocolate- an omen of the onset of a favorable life period, when luck itself will turn to the dreamer, and desires will begin to come true by themselves.
  • White chocolate- a dream with a meaning similar to the previous one, but meaning that luck will rise to a level where even the most daring and unrealistic dreams will come true.

Seeing a high-quality and tasty chocolate bar in a wrapper - you can be congratulated: enrichment, business success and good profit are guaranteed to you. Eating chocolate presented to you is a sign that in reality someone is preparing a secret, but very pleasant, surprise for you. If its taste literally drove you crazy, soon you will have a stunningly bright intimate intimacy.

Buy, sell, steal

According to best books dreams, not only eating chocolate in a dream, but also other related actions are of great importance.

Chocolate with nuts

Dreams about chocolate with nuts are ambiguous signs. Their interpretation depends on many details:

  • Did you dream gourmet chocolate with large and beautiful nuts, but at the same time sugary and not causing pleasure - such a dream means that you are fed up with your current relationship, and your soul requires something new. Dreams like these also mean that you are polygamous by nature, and it is unbearable for you to stay in the same relationship for a long time, as you quickly get fed up.
  • If chocolate was expensive, the nuts were large, and the dessert itself was a pleasure, such a dream portends a very favorable life period for you. Wealth, a happy personal life, reliable friends and interesting opportunities - all this will become your constant companion.
  • If the chocolate was tasteless, ugly and old, and the nuts were small and rancid, alas, great disappointments, adversity and constant difficulties await you.

A lot of sweets

A huge amount of chocolate or chocolate products are interpreted unambiguously - the dreamer expects a rich and luxurious life, full of joy, prosperity and happiness.

You yourself, your family and all the people dear to you will be healthy, well-fed and satisfied. It is especially good if in a dream you not only saw a lot of chocolate, but ate it together with people dear to you.

Seeing a lot of chocolate that is given to you - a sign that your business partners are reliable and honest with you, cooperation with them will bring you not only profit, but also simple pleasure.

There is a lot of chocolate in a dream with your soul mate - a harbinger of a new stage in your relationship, which will bring a lot of vivid emotions and make you even closer.

For the most part, dreams about chocolate and chocolate products are auspicious. If such a dream was revealed to you in a dream, you can be congratulated - at the moment, luck is unusually favorable to you... If the dream you saw at night is considered a bad sign, do not panic - take into account the wishes of the best dream books and change yours for the better, because you are its owner.

Why dream of eating chocolate? The dream interpretation calls such a vision in a dream a good omen. Ahead is pleasant leisure, unforgettable love pleasures, auspicious period and happy events. But sometimes disappointment or temptation is possible.

Are you tired - take a rest, do not give in to temptations

A dreamed vision warns of severe fatigue and discontent. You should arrange for yourself a rest, because due to overwork you start to apathy.

Seeing a lot of chocolate in a dream means: soon circumstances will turn out so that it will be difficult for the sleeping person not to be seduced. Moreover, such a temptation applies not only to the sphere of love sexual pleasures - the dream book specifies.

Joint leisure, love adventure

Eating a lot of chocolates portends: the dreamer will be able to provide wealth to his loved ones who depend on him.

Why dream of eating chocolate with your beloved? Joint leisure awaits you, which will bring only positive emotions.

Did you have a dream to eat chocolate and ice cream? Pleasant love joys, erotic relationships that will bring great pleasure are coming.

Beware of rash acts, do not flatter yourself

The dream book also gives another interpretation of sleep: eating chocolate and ice cream means: there is forbidden love or even passion in your life. Perhaps you are about to seduce married man(married woman), or yourself, being married, want to have an affair on the side. But before deciding on such actions, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to exchange for fleeting romances.

If chocolate treat in a dream it turned out to be stale - disappointments are coming.

I dreamed of trying marshmallows in chocolate glaze? In reality, you will hear affectionate speeches in which there will be no truth, so do not flatter yourself.

Profitable work, favorable period

Seeing and eating marshmallows in chocolate in a dream also promises, according to the dream book: get a good profitable job, thanks to which your financial situation will change for the better.

Why dream of eating chocolate for a person in crisis or trouble? An easier period will begin soon, when luck will appear, and desires will begin to come true.

Had a dream about trying white? The dream interpretation tells: there are happy events ahead. You can achieve a lot, and even fulfill your innermost dream.

Dream details

Remember the details of the vision:

  • bitter - symbolizes deep feelings;
  • milk - pleasure, love;
  • white - auspicious stage;
  • porous white - a symbol of wealth, luxury;
  • hot - romantic meeting;
  • with nuts - you are too loving, looking for romantic adventures;
  • sweets are reliable business partners.

Miller's dream book: a busy time ahead

Why dream of seeing or eating chocolate with nuts? A tense time awaits when the dreamer will need a lot of strength and energy.

Chocolate - favorite treat of many people. It lifts the mood and saturates the body with energies.

Therefore, when people see chocolate in a dream, it does not scare them, but even makes them happy, because this delicacy is associated exclusively with positive emotions.

But even in this case, it is worth figuring out what chocolate means, what it predicts or what it warns about. The interpretation of a dream must be learned in order to protect yourself from bad and negative events.

To understand the full picture of the meaning of sleep, it is worth recalling all the events and actions performed in night dreams:

Interpretation of the types of chocolate

The variety of delicacies also plays an important role.

Therefore, it is worth remembering what kind of chocolate you dreamed about:

  1. White... Such a dream prophesies good luck, joy and auspicious events. This is a sign of the end of failures and a "black line" in life.
  2. Black... The vision predicts the appearance of jealousy in the dreamer for a partner.
  3. Lactic... The sweetness of this variety represents family harmony. Often the meaning of such a dream depends on the field of activity of the guardian of the dream:

    Milk chocolates or chocolates boast good harvests for people who farm.
    For businessmen, this is a sign of profit and income.

    If a girl saw sweet products, then she should expect an imminent marriage.

  4. Chocolate tile with nuts... This vision personifies the dreamer's love. The vision indicates that a person cannot stop at one and change partners all the time.

    This sign indicates that it is worth changing the way of life. If this is not done, then the dreamer may not have a serious and long-term relationship.

  5. Hot chocolate... Drinking a similar drink to the early emergence of a passionate relationship with the opposite sex. If the dreamer already has a soul mate, then it is worth remembering the taste of the drink:

    bitter the drink predicts the breakup of the relationship and the breakup of the couple. Nothing can keep the pair from breaking.
    Sweet the drink symbolizes love pleasure and good luck.

Meaning according to different dream books

Dream interpretation Interpretation
Miller According to this dream book appearance and the taste of chocolate in a dream plays an important role:

A tasty, fresh delicacy prophesies an improvement in business and favorable moments in life.
Stale, unpleasant-tasting chocolate symbolizes the occurrence of troubles, obstacles and disappointments.

Mayan The chocolate bar symbolizes changes in everyday life. A person will have a desire to change his own house, make repairs, acquire other furniture, etc.
The second interpretation says that such a vision portends a move to another apartment or house.
Freud If the sweetness caused pain or trouble to the dreamer, then this is a sign of problems in the intimate sphere.
Esoteric The treat portends health problems. The vision indicates that you should be more careful about your well-being. Neglecting or over-worrying will result in a dangerous illness. This is a sign that you should take care of your health.
Longo If a girl dreamed that she was eating chocolate in her nightly dreams, then the dream personifies her desire for a better life. A woman wants to achieve high results in life, successfully marry, build a career and gain respect and authority in society. Sleep is an indicator of her high bar for achievements and aspirations.
Autumn Expect love affairs.
Summer Expect to receive thanks.
Female Seeing a stale bar of chocolate is a disease.
Culinary The dreamer will lose a valuable thing.
Modern Expect troubles, quarrels and conflicts in the family.
Canaanita This is a sign of wellness.
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