The most popular business in Europe. Possible reasons for failures in the implementation of a business idea

06.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a lucrative business idea. Most often, they are guided by the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always justified, so some newcomers take the business ideas of 2018 from the USA as a basis. In this article, we have collected some of the best projects that can bring good income in our country.

Business features in American style

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For the inhabitants of this country, entrepreneurship is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the United States will seem unusual and even outlandish to you. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, one must take into account the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the United States can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture is made up of the traditions of different peoples. Thanks to this, in the United States, you can open a business associated with a variety of areas of human activity. But there are also models that can only work overseas. They are unacceptable in our country.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully implement American business ideas that are not in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, there is a certain level of competition in every area. This is how the modern business world works. Basically, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the USA with a complete lack of competition. In this case, you will become a real discoverer. Of course, competitors will appear sooner or later, but by that time you will have time to make good money.


These interesting business ideas from the USA are great for pet lovers. The first option is a taxi for pets. Such a service is usually used by wealthy people who are very busy with their own affairs. Your task is to accompany pets to the veterinary clinic. For work, you will need a roomy car and special comfortable cages. It is most profitable to open such a business in large cities.

Another small business idea growing in the US is a pet hotel where you will house and care for your pets. Such a business brings good income, both in the United States and in European countries. In Russia, hotels for animals are also not uncommon. Their services are used by people who travel on business trips or on vacation and do not have the opportunity to take their pets with them. While the owners are on the road, the hotel staff look after the unusual guests, providing them with proper care and nutrition.

Personal consultations

This idea of \u200b\u200ba small business in the United States appeared relatively recently. Only specialists with extensive experience and the necessary knowledge in a particular area are involved in providing individual consultations in America.

In our country, many citizens need outside help and practical advice. If you are a good economist, lawyer, or psychologist, try acting as a personal advisor. This is one of the easiest American business ideas without investment. All you need to get started is knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet. At first, you can provide such a service for free in order to attract the attention of customers to your business.

Rubber paving slabs

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bring good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens up broad prospects for newcomers. There is no high level of competition in this market segment. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tiles have many advantages. First of all, it is a long service life. It has retained its original appearance and shape for over 20 years. In addition, such tiles do not slip, crack or fade in direct sunlight.

Such products are made from crumb rubber, which, in turn, is obtained from old car tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of its production, color and fraction. If we talk about equipment, to implement such a promising business idea in the United States, you will need:

  • Volcanic Press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make colorful tiles, you can use different dyes.

Quiet activities

Hosting parties, trainings and other noisy events with wireless headphones is one of the coolest small business ideas from Europe and the US. This line of business opens up incredible prospects for aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you are attracted by the organization of various events, try to implement such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on the purchase of special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned as soon as possible. Since this new business idea from America and Europe has not yet become widespread, there is practically no competition in this market segment.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if a product is sold without packaging, it should be much cheaper. In some cases, this does not work, since there are some products that are difficult to sell without packaging. But most of the time, this trick grabs the attention of consumers.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try to sell by weight various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, and more. To correctly form the assortment, ask the specialists. In difficult economic conditions, people are trying to buy inexpensive food, so you need to focus on budget goods. It can be pasta in the middle price segment, cereals, inexpensive loose tea, coffee, and more. Selling goods by weight is a great idea for small businesses in Europe and the United States, which will significantly increase sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like shopping, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torment for them. This activity is unnerving and time-consuming. To make life easier for men, special stores are opening in the United States. First, they only sell men's jeans. Secondly, they are not stacked on the shelves, but hung out facing customers. Most often, models of the same size hang on the racks.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile application to your phone, scan the model code and specify the size. After a certain time, information comes to your smartphone in which fitting room the jeans are selected for you. If the item fits, you go with it to the checkout. Jeans that you don't like should be thrown into a special hole provided in the fitting room.

Customers believe that shopping at a store like this is sheer pleasure. Such an American business idea increases the profitability of a commercial enterprise by 10 times.

Shopping at the airport

Another new American small business idea is the delivery of food to the airport. Every person who leaves his home for a certain time removes all perishable food from the refrigerator. When he returns home, he has to stop by the supermarket after an exhausting flight to replenish stocks of groceries. According to experts, the delivery of goods to the airport is unique. The client places an order through a mobile application, and upon arrival at the airport, a courier with purchases will be waiting for him.

Calorie-counting restaurant

In some European and American restaurants, the fat and calorie content of each dish is indicated on the menu next to each dish. This America and Europe business idea of \u200b\u200b2018 can be easily developed and made more attractive. For example, a person who ate the most high-calorie dish may receive a glass of wine as a gift.

Luggage storage on the freeway

The creators of such a business in America receive a huge income, since many citizens enjoy using this service. Storage rooms are installed on the highway, in which you can leave any valuables for a certain period. This is very convenient for people traveling to another city. On the way back, a person picks up his things and pays for the service. Anyone can implement this American business idea from scratch, since it does not require large financial investments or any special knowledge.

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Travel kits

If you can't think of it, try selling special camping travel kits. In shops for tourists, you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons and more. It would seem that it is impossible to offer something new in this segment. But one American, nevertheless, figured out how to make money on such products. He designed a special portable travel kit consisting of a kitchenette, bed, shower, table and chairs. That is, it provides everything that is necessary for a good outdoor recreation. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this line of business.

Used goods trade

In Western countries, the trade in used things is considered quite common. If you are attracted by this line of activity, take an interest,

Wise businessmen with vast experience and understanding of the essence of the laws of market development advise not to start your business path from areas with high competition. They recommend looking for innovative products and services, occupying free niches in which only a few are working.

You don't have to go to the market with your own start-up. You can use new ideas that have begun to be implemented in the United States or European countries. Many of them are already enjoying success and are in demand abroad, but they are not yet available to the Russian consumer.

Processing of fruits and vegetables that have lost their presentation

The relative abundance and marketing policies of grocery stores provide shoppers with a choice of fruits and vegetables. This picture looks especially vivid in supermarkets, where customers line up in long lines and inspect each apple or orange for a long time, trying to buy the most beautiful and ripe fruits. The remaining products are quite usable, but look unsightly. The shelf life of products, especially fresh ones, is short-lived. The supermarket management will have to throw away the leftovers.

But you can use this resource wisely and launch a line for processing illiquid assets and producing various food products from it: juices, jams and purees, fruit and vegetable salads, soups and cereals. We are not talking about rotten vegetables and fruits, but about those that have simply lost their presentation. Make an agreement with the management of several supermarkets and buy raw materials from them at a low price. Finished products can be sold in the same supermarkets.


This is a very fashionable and promising direction. Rest in the outback, living in a rural house or in a tent, hiking along picturesque and non-trivial routes attract the wealthy and tired of the city bustle of the inhabitants of megalopolises. Eco-tourism is a great alternative to the rather boring luxury resorts and idle reclining on the beach.

The organization of such tours requires a minimum of costs and is not particularly difficult, but it brings high profits. Eco-tourists do not expect comfortable conditions, they are looking for new, sometimes thrill, they want to test their endurance and get closer to nature at least for a short while. But you still need to ensure the safety of your customers.

Selling liquid that repels water

A profitable business can be created by selling innovative products. One of them is Ultra Ever Dry. It is a revolutionary substance that has the ability to repel any liquid. The surface treated with Ultra Ever Dry does not get wet, is not contaminated with liquid concrete mixtures, oils, liquid dirt. This product can be used in everyday life, in construction and repair work, in production.

The advantage of selling innovative products is favorable conditions for cooperation from manufacturers and the opportunity to occupy a free niche.

Outsourced call center

More and more sales and service companies feel the need to keep in touch with their customers. The most effective way to inform about new offers, conduct surveys and provide full service is by telephone.

Only very large and successful companies have the ability to create and maintain their own call center at the proper level. Most enter into contracts with firms that provide this service on an outsourced basis. To create such a center, you need a room, computer equipment, a single number, multi-channel communication with free incoming calls and special software. This service is in high demand.

Exclusive fragrances for every company

Researchers have learned about a person's ability to perceive various smells at a subconscious level and remember them for a long time. Until recently, active work with the organs of smell was carried out in the cosmetology and food industry. But now a new, very interesting direction is developing in the USA and European countries. A unique scent is created for each company, which is sprayed in all offices and points that work with clients. It turned out that this is a very strong marketing technique - it makes visitors feel good and allows them to remember each company by smell.

In Russia, this direction is in the development stage. There is no competition. A business that will create exclusive fragrances for customers and offer services in the form of installation of nebulizers and fillings with fragrances is doomed to great success and high profits.

Sale of door handles with a disinfecting effect

A lot of people visit public institutions and transport, medical institutions, retail outlets and banks throughout the day. The fact that a huge number of microbes accumulate on the door handles and handrails in the buildings of these establishments, many of which are quite dangerous, is known to everyone.

The British company Altitude Medical has proposed a chic and effective way to combat infection - the innovative Pullclean door handles. A dispenser with a disinfectant is installed inside these products. Everyone who touches this handle and opens the door receives a small portion of the substance and reliable protection against infectious and bacterial diseases.

The innovative doorknob will go on sale at the end of the year. The manufacturer has set the cost of each item at $ 200. Those who start offering these doorknobs to their customers will see significant profits as the innovation has generated tremendous interest. This is just the first of the products in a completely new direction. Soon, new products will begin to appear on the market that will protect people from various viruses. For entrepreneurs, this direction promises very optimistic prospects.

Rolls sale terminals

This idea is very popular in European countries. Manufacturers of special vending machines for drinks, rusks, sweets and chips have proposed a new model. These machines are specialized for selling rolls.

Until that time, the dish could only be ordered in some restaurants and sushi bars. The technology for their preparation is simple, but requires precise proportions. A huge increase in the demand for rolls has been noticed in all countries. Now the dish can be bought in a regular terminal. Those who have already purchased special machines speak of significant profits that have exceeded the most optimistic forecasts. If you are already in the terminal-based service industry or are planning to enter the business, purchasing such a vending machine is a great investment. The initial cost of the device is 150,000 rubles.

Advertising + weather forecast

A French company came up with the idea to combine clothing advertisements with current weather information. Special software and a weather sensor are installed in the billboard. Images of girls in outfits change depending on temperature and humidity. If it is raining, the model is dressed in a raincoat and holds an umbrella in her hands, in hot weather a girl in a light dress, it is colder - in a warm coat or fur coat.

This technique has significantly increased the sales of clothing stores, but can also be used in the restaurant business. For example, billboards can show dishes that are appropriate for a specific time of day or recommended for consumption under specific weather conditions.

Custom houses

The wide range of mortgage loan offers, the emergence of new building materials and smart technologies have increased the chances of every family to acquire their own home. Cottage villages are growing like mushrooms after rain. Home owners compete with each other in the size and beauty of the cottages, the originality of the design of the personal plot, install energy saving systems and other novelties that allow you to get maximum comfort at a bargain price.

But many want a unique home. The demand for custom projects is extremely high. Whether you are in the design and construction industry or are just planning to enter the business, occupy the niche of creating quirky homes. It is still free here, and the number of those wishing to get unique housing or office space is growing at an incredible pace.

Temporary personal chauffeur

This service was offered by one of the European taxi services. In big cities, many clients order a car every working day in order to take their children to school and get to work. In the evening, the situation repeats itself - you need to call and wait for a taxi for a while to get home, drop in for shopping. During the working day, for many entrepreneurs and office workers, travel to a business meeting or other company business is also associated with the need to use transport.

The essence of the new service is the conclusion of a contract with a taxi service for a certain period of time. The travel schedule and possible changes are discussed in advance. After that, the client gets a personal taxi, gets rid of the need to call a car and wait for its arrival. At the specified time, a personal driver with a car will be waiting for him at the entrance.

Business ideas from Europe are bold startups that will help you to increase your fortune in a short time. Western projects are the best suited for implementation in Russia, if only for the reason that they are new, interesting and still underdeveloped in our country, which means that entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a relatively free niche. Below we take a look at the most popular new business in Europe with a small investment.

Creating a group on social networks

Progress does not stand still. In the capitalist world, advertising drives sales. According to many experts, the "era of television" is coming to an end. An increasing amount of advertising goes to the Internet. In Europe, advertising through social networks is widespread, while in Russia this marketing method is only gaining popularity. Advertisements are placed in communities (publics). You can create such a site at no special cost.

All that is required is to come up with an original concept for a public in one of the social networks ("Vkontakte", "Facebook", "Instagram", etc.). For example, dedicate a group to beautiful nature photography. Next, you need to unwind it. This is where the start-up capital will go.

To promote a group, you must follow the following points:

  • fill the community with content (fill it with interesting informational material);
  • wind up subscribers using special services (it costs up to three thousand rubles);
  • launch advertising in other communities (negotiable price, in large groups - from 15 thousand rubles);
  • post content regularly.

Advertising needs to be given special attention. It should be designed for the target audience. If the community is dedicated to nature, then the advertisement should be in public pages with the appropriate theme - this way it will be seen by a large number of potential subscribers.

European business ideas, which are not in Russia, are associated with an independent search for advertising buyers. When you get more than 60 thousand subscribers, advertisers will contact you. You can find them yourself based on the interests of your community members. For example, a public about nature can successfully advertise an online store of goods for outdoor activities.

The cost of advertising on social networks is calculated by special services, it is from this amount that customers will start. Such services work according to the following principle: they determine the number of subscribers, the so-called likes and comments. Therefore, try to post content that encourages commenting.

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In the West, there is a growing trend towards the demand for bold and creative startups. One of them: opening your own time-cafe (or anti-cafe). Small business in Europe is increasingly turning into the creation of entertainment establishments with a small selection of gastronomic products. Antikafe is an institution with a specific theme. Food and drinks are also sold there, but in much smaller quantities than in a regular cafe.

A business that does not exist in Russia is the creation of establishments for fans of TV series. Check out which TV shows have the highest ratings so far. Then announce the evening viewing of the new episode in your anti-cafe. It is enough to advertise in the community dedicated to the series, in social networks and there will be no free places. After that, in the fan environment, fame will grow exponentially.

Online trading

Small business in Europe has changed dramatically over the past five years. More and more people are realizing that the most profitable sales channel is the Internet. Instead of maintaining stores (and this is a lot of inquiries, rent, staff salaries, and much more), entrepreneurs prefer online sales platforms.

The most popular business in Europe is still underdeveloped in Russia. Therefore, those who manage to occupy a market niche now will be able to avoid fierce competition in the future.

What can you not save on? On advertising. Marketing comes to the fore when it comes to the internet. Even if you have an establishment in the city center, open an online store anyway. With the proper promotion of a site (or a group on a social network), you may close your store for unnecessary use and turn it into a warehouse.

Business without leaving home

Another trend has become the production of goods at home, it is in this segment that small businesses in Europe go. Ideas for this type of production can be found anywhere. From T-shirts with prints from the famous football club to clay figurines for video game lovers. An interesting idea that is gaining popularity is the production of figures of people with its help (the figurine outwardly repeats the image of the customer).

Many of these products require inexpensive and compact equipment that can be placed in your home or garage (find out how to choose). Thus, you do not need to rent a separate room. Sales channel - online store and social networks with a link to it. For 15-20 thousand rubles, you can promote the channel within a month.

What home business is able to bring profit to entrepreneurs from villages and villages, you will find out at this address:. Topical business ideas for the countryside.

What determines the success of European business

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Fast and high income with minimal investment can only be provided by a bold idea and non-standard solutions. When choosing a startup, you should pay attention to the growing popularity of online sales.

And the main thing. One Indian energetic, worth 30 cents, works on the body better than the world famous Red Bull. Because it contains berries from the Parvati Valley. Red Bull does not have berries from the Parvati Valley, but it has an image that generates billions of dollars in income. All interesting business ideas from Europe are based on the right marketing strategy. Therefore, always remember that advertising is a sales engine. Consider also

What are interesting for us business ideas from Europe? They attract our enterprising compatriots mainly by their novelty, creativity and uniqueness of the solution.

Of course, they need to be adjusted to our conditions - to adapt. A businessman who managed to implement European ideas for entrepreneurship, you can be awarded the title of pioneer.

Let's look at those that will take root or have already taken root and adapted to our mentality, geographic and economic conditions.

Protective liquid for surfaces Ultra Ever Dry ... The essence of the action; water-repellent and stain-proof function. Before starting to use the surface, it is covered with this agent. After use, they are removed, and the object or thing remains dry and clean. A very useful thing. Useful on the robot and at home.

This is not a common case in our country. The niche is almost free - occupy and do whoever is interested.

"Bicycle rental on the machine" ... The innovation was introduced by the company in Amsterdam. To improve the bike rental service and the speed of the operation itself, which takes only 15 seconds, they installed rental machines. Where you take a drive for a couple of euros, and you can return it there or to another similar rental point.

This type of activity is called vending. There are almost no competitors in our country. The field for collecting fruits is wide and few will interfere.

- The next innovation is use of snow for advertising purposes ... Curb, a well-known advertising agency in London, has always distinguished itself by using natural materials in its activities.

For the first time, Curb has used winter wealth in an advertising campaign for Extreme TV. About two thousand logos of the TV company were created in the snow. The inhabitants immediately noticed this innovation. An original approach to advertising, brought its results.

As a result, our winters will not be lost. The main thing is imagery of thinking, imagination and of course clients.

- Another topical winter type of earnings, hire of New Year's costumes. Quite a profitable business, though not widespread due to its inconstancy. You will not make money on this business all year round. But those who ventured to do it do not complain and are satisfied.

- In Europe, they became widespread cafe with menu constructor ... Having come to the restaurant to eat, the client does not choose from the existing menu. And he is provided with a wide range of food products, where he selects the ingredients and makes a dish for himself. He can even take part in its preparation. Quite interesting, and not common with us. Many customers would use this service.

Now consider business ideas from America, which have taken root in the territory of the post-Soviet countries.

Car wash - the thing is not new. But our highways always pay off. Because, we do not have them and having driven through them even in dry weather, you may not recognize your four-wheeled friend.

Blinded from dust and dirt, he already asks to be washed.

- Employment agencies - took root in the CIS countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union, due to the onslaught of continuous unemployment.

The essence of earning is the search for specialists for employers interested in them. The income will come from the number of contracts concluded by the employer and the client.

To do this, you need to open your office, equip it. Create a customer base.

Vending machine business , not new, also came to us from America. There are vending machines selling coffee, cigarettes, drinks, rolls, etc. You need to purchase one or more of these mechanisms. Rent space for them and install. Install in crowded places.

They will pay for themselves in a month, it is checked.

- Another thing that came to us from America is cleaning and restoration of pillows. Over time, the feathers in them are stuffed with dust, stretch with moisture, and foreign objects also get there. The feather coat also wears out and needs to be replaced. So this type of earnings will always be relevant.

not only are born in the USA, but also in a number of other countries of the American continents. Something interesting came up in Mexico and Argentina:

- On the Mexican island of Cozumel created a unique underwater, oxygen bar Clear Lounge. It is located on a busy parallelepiped street. Before diving, people undergo safety training. Wearing special helmets, to which special oxygen hoses are attached, they begin the dive.

Through an oxygen hose, ordinary air is supplied at the choice of the visitor, air of improved quality, concentrated oxygen with various aromatic additives.

The price of a visit is $ 38, the time spent in the bar is from 20 to 30 minutes, the water temperature is always maintained at 31 0 Celsius. This is the only establishment of this type in the world. And also the whole technology is patent patent.

- Mexican Javier Lopez Ancona in 1999 made his dream "Kinzania" a reality. it a park for children with adult life and developed infrastructure. Children investigate, extinguish fires, conduct financial transactions, trade and much more. The park features about 80 types of professions. There is its own currency "kidzo", which is issued by the customs officer at the entrance, that is, the ticket collector. And in order to replenish your wallet with local currency, the child needs to work hard. For this, tools are issued, a form corresponding to a particular profession. Entrance is allowed for children from 2 to 15 years old. The profit from such an attraction can be said to be "awesome", up to 35 million dollars.

- In Argentina, the Eterna Cadencia publishing company has found a solution to stimulate readers to read books and buy new ones, the so-called "Disappearing book". It is printed with a special ink that disappears from the pages under the influence of light after 2 months. From the publisher, the publication is published in a sealed package.

Pay attention to new business ideas in America, which can be implemented with us:

- Providing pet care services ... Many people keep animals at home. And by the nature of their activity, they have no time to look after their favorites. To do this, they use special services for transportation, walking and caring for animals, while paying very decent money.

Hotels for the same pets. Everyone knows what a business trip is, and it sometimes drags on from one day to several. A person who keeps a dog or a cat at home can safely hand over their pet for "storage" in this institution and leave for their own business. A taxi service for pets is also provided. The cost of these services is considerable. You can do this in our big cities too.

Mobile hotel is a van, a bus, converted into a hotel room with all the amenities; bedroom, bathroom, toilet, shower, kitchen, etc. Designed for people who value their time and money. A hotel on wheels is always at hand, whether you are relaxing on the beach by the sea in your home country or abroad. The profit from such a business is approximately 60% of the investment.

"Smell to order" creation of perfumes for individual orders. Every person has a different sense of smell and smells are perceived differently. This approach to the customer was proposed by the company « Tijon ".Activities in this direction will be profitable and popular especially among women.

- Now it is probably difficult to find people who do not have at least a simple mobile phone, let alone tablets, smartphones.

All these technical gadgets have firmly entered our life, and have the ability to discharge at the wrong moment. This problem was first solved in New York in 2015 by starting to install rack for charging gadgets on the streets.

It is necessary to install racks in crowded places; shopping centers, shops, cafes, cinemas, public transport stops, restaurants, eateries, etc., having previously agreed with the owners or management of institutions for the right to install.

For us, this problem is very urgent. And for those who put this business into practice, it will be profitable, since there are practically no competitors in this direction.

- And in Canada they came to help for housewives ... As we know, every year new and improved kitchen appliances appear. Moreover, they are smart, with the performance of several functions simultaneously, or sequentially without human intervention.

Someone has the opportunity to buy them, and clutters the kitchen that there is nowhere to turn around. Others have nothing, but another time it would be useful. And Toronto found a solution to these two problems by organizing "Kitchen library". Now any housewife will allow herself to enjoy herself in the kitchen. The library bank contains not only amateur devices, but also professional ones. The cost of a subscription for a year is $ 50. Also, fines are withdrawn for inaccurate behavior with equipment and bringing it to an inoperative state. Mechanics are given for use for 5 days, and electronics for 3 days. Such a "library" would have quickly taken root in our country and paid off quite well.

- The original idea was brought to life by two Canadians, creating a service « Flatter Me » ... The essence of the service is to offer laudatory odes to a person over the phone. The service justified itself, being quite in demand.

Its task is to remove the "ordered individual" from despondency, raising the mood. Companies use this service to motivate employees, activate their performance at a certain time.

All calls are made by the creators themselves, without any call-centers there. The cost of one call is $ 5, lasting from 30 seconds to a minute. You can order 4 per month for $ 10.

The implementation of such a service in our conditions is more relevant today than ever. There would be enough clients for several years to come.

formed on the basis of the multinationality of the population. On their culture, centuries-old traditions, the specifics of life and religious views and beliefs. As a result of this symbiosis, interesting, sometimes extravagant ideas are born.

Let's start getting to know them:

- It is known that the population of the United States is the first most obese in the world. The reason for this is their great love for fast voodoo.

And to deal with the large weight of employees, many corporations, companies began to attract their employees to sports at work, without leaving the place of work . The bottom line is that you are hired as an individual trainer, you enter into an agreement with a company to provide fitness services. Each such contract brings a good profit. The plus is that there is no need to rent a training room. This does not bring in a bad economy of their hard earned money.

Nice idea was implemented in the USA. it packing things people who move, but want to save themselves the boring pleasure of packing and unpacking boxes and bags of things.

Some businessmen in the united states have made a good fortune on tourist trips to famous film locations and serials.

- The people of the states are panicky afraid of all secrets and classified information, not without the participation of special services, while still distrustful. But there were enterprising people who managed to make money on this. So called "Destroyers of secrets", they come to the frightened holder of the classified documents and send them to junk using a paper-cutting tool. The cost of such pleasure is approximately from 10 to 100 American rubles.

- Due to the crisis, not only in the world, but also in the United States, many small construction companies have gone bankrupt. Against this background appeared "Independent foremen" with specialized education . They control the construction process, carry out complex calculations, control the purchase of materials, and also monitor the quality of the work performed.

In principle, with us, this type of entrepreneurship has long been implemented. Only there are those who have not really learned how to build, but they are the best at stealing.

- Very interesting organization production of women's jewelry for babies ... In this decision, two birds with one stone were killed at once - babies in which teeth are being cut can calmly gnaw them, and mothers do not worry that they will get hurt or choke.

It is quite promising in our conditions.

- Denim pants that can charge mobile devices ... For the United States, the topic is quite real and popular. But for the inhabitants of the CIS countries it is doubtful; a tiny fraction of the population will be able to dump a few hundred bucks for such a gadget.

They fascinate with their novelty and extravagance. The French are not lagging behind in their new solutions:

- The French company "Pixglass", offered a unique approach to selfies, created photographing mirror ... For those who like to photograph themselves, this is probably the best gift for selfies.

The mirror has a built-in camera, Wi-Fi module for transferring files between devices.

According to the creators, their brainchild will not be in demand for individual use, but also in fitting rooms of clothing stores, ateliers, dance halls. But one problem is the protection and privacy of shoppers and visitors.

- A project of a unique hotel was implemented in Paris "Hotel of the seven deadly sins" (Vice Versa Hotel). The hotel is seven storey. Each floor corresponds to its interior design, to each sin. Clients are unobtrusively assigned to numbers in accordance with their status, financial capabilities, and their interests and psychological inclinations.

Now let's turn our attention to Italy. Italians have always been distinguished by their practicality, energy and consider their new items in the field of business:

- Office supplies company "Favini" proposed new technology for the production of paper from various organic waste ; fruit, grain, nut, seed waste, due to their pressing. This mixture for the production of paper is 30% organic, which has reduced the consumption of wood.

Quite a practical innovation for implementation in the CIS countries, which is what, but there is enough such waste.

- In Italy, there is strong competition among cities in the tourism sector. To attract tourists that just do not come up with. So the small town of Volterra did not stand aside, organizing a restaurant in the prison. The prison itself is housed in the Fortezza Medicea fortress with five hundred years of history.

You need to book a table in advance, upon arrival for dinner, your passport will be checked, and you will also be asked to leave your bags and mobile phones at the entrance and conduct a personal search. You will eat from plastic dishes for safety reasons, except for the chefs.

The cost of such a dinner will be 25 euros. Now the prison supports itself.

In this section of the article, we will provide a general overview of which small business ideas in Europe popular. A person with a really good entrepreneurial acumen always pays attention to the current ways of starting a business;

ICT technology - if you are well versed in computer technology, know how to create software. You can implement your startup in this direction.

Online sales via the Internet ... To do this, you need to open an online store. But before that, decide what category of goods you will sell, also create a long-term development plan. Find potential customers whom you can eventually turn into regular customers.

- Professional builders have always been appreciated. If you feel like a professional in construction industry, means you come here. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to cheat.

Eco - business includes recycling of waste as well as recycling the same paper plastic. This area brings pretty good money.

Furniture manufacturing a worthy niche to start a business. The main thing is to be professionally versed in this field, and the design has always been distinguished by novelty and creativity. Plus, the products were always of high quality.

At the end of the article, we examined five areas that are very popular in Europe today. Choose one of these niches for yourself and move on to success. But, and if you have your own interesting and original idea and are confident in it, start the implementation of your brainchild. And finally, "Forward to the stars."