How to revive a green salad. How to refresh wilted greens

09.04.2019 Dishes for children

Greens are the richest source of vitamins. Eating greens in our diet, as in fresh, and when cooking varied dishes, is very useful for health. Greens boost immunity and prevent development various diseases... In fresh greenery a large number of useful and necessary for the human body substances.

But the greens, to our great regret, cannot be kept fresh for a long time, and they wither pretty soon, losing at the same time most of their useful properties... There is little tricks, with which you can refresh greens and give them a more attractive look.

How can you refresh withered parsley, celery, dill?

Parsley, dill and celery are the most common types of greens that are used in food, but when stored for a long time, they are quickly capable of losing their juiciness and elasticity. How to refresh wilted greens? To do this, add 9% vinegar to cold water (for 100 grams of water - 1 teaspoon of vinegar). Soak herbs in diluted water for 1 hour. Thus, it will become fresh again, but it will lose some of the nutrients and vitamins.

In summer, in hot weather, it is preferable to store parsley and dill in a dry, clean, tightly closed jar. You can also store it in a dry saucepan with the lid tightly covered. Greens for such storage should be dried, without moisture, and stored in the refrigerator. Before eating, it is better to rinse the parsley in warm water. After that, it will be much more fragrant.

If the wilted parsley, cilantro, dill were stored in the refrigerator, then it needs to be thoroughly rinsed. But it is better to soak the herbs in water for 15 minutes. After that, get out, shake off the water, and spread the leaves on a paper towel, at a short distance from each other, for better drying. Greens of vegetables that have withered can be perfectly refreshed. To do this, you need to lower it first in hot and then in cold water.

Storage of lettuce leaves.

In order to keep lettuce leaves as long as possible, they must first be thoroughly washed and soaked in water. It is recommended to rinse it again before eating it. For salad, it is better to chop the greens in large pieces, but it is preferable to tear it into pieces by hand, without using a knife. If the salad greens are withered, you can freshen them up. To do this, soak it in warm water or rinse it for 15 minutes.

It is advisable to refresh any greens the day before using them for food. After refreshing, its leaves will become juicier and more aromatic, and when proper storage it can be stored for quite a long time. For this, it is preferable to store it in the refrigerator.

Once upon a time there was a Goat, she loved to chew all kinds of grass, especially green salad. He used to buy salad for future use, and he does not have time to chew. Here the salad is lying quietly in the refrigerator, and it is lying late. It’s like that, well, naturally - a rag. and do not break it normally and do not crunch. Well, in general, the trouble.

Perhaps with good housewives this does not happen, because they know how to store correctly, or they simply do not have a long storage period ...
and this is not uncommon with this Goat. Goat - what to take from it?

In one of the first cases of such a misfortune, the Toad came to the Goat and said: - "I'll strangle you now" - grabbed you by the throat and began to choke, - "Is this the case? Transfer of food and money. And not in favor, but in a bucket garbage. You are not the mistress, Goat! You are not the mistress! "

Well, Goat, of course, didn’t like it, it became insulting. "Not my soul, Toad. Eat all the salad and wrinkled, and not crispy, and tasteless. Come tomorrow, you will be convinced." ...

She poured water into a bowl, plucked the leaves that had withered, washed, rinsed.

She shook off the excess water, dried it a little on a napkin.

Without waiting until completely dry began to eat in order to be in time until tomorrow. Yes, I could not eat everything - it did not fit. "Okay," he thinks, "we'll eat it tomorrow so Toad doesn't come ..."

She took it and put the leaves, still a little wet, in a magic cellophane bag. and put it in the refrigerator.

Next day, sees the Goat, the Toad goes to her, she rushed to finish her salad, looks, but the leaves are not so flabby... And as if they had refreshed ... He thinks "Let them lie down still, see what happens?"

The Goat waited for faithfulness another day, takes out his magic bag. Look, and the leaves in it are completely fresh, strong, juicy, crunchy!

The goat was happy to make fresh salads with vegetables, sandwiches and sandwiches, called the guests to the feast, and did not forget about the Toad. We drank honey, beer, crunched salads, cracked behind our ears ...

Since then, the Toad has not choked a Goat for a salad ...

Total: if green salad turned into a rag, then:
0. if there are such leaves that are spreading in our hands - we go to the devil's grandmother.
1.we wash all the other leaves, keep a little in cold water
2. get out of the water, shake it off, put it on a napkin, drain it a little, but not dry completely.
3.Wet (as if in dew) leaves are sent in a bag and in the refrigerator for 1 -1.5 days.
4.we take it out again fresh salad, and send our toad to strangle someone else))))

Today, rarely what summer dish prepared without using fresh herbs. It is included in many recipes, it is used to decorate dishes, or simply put on dinner table- for gourmets.

One trouble is kept fresh herbs not for long, in addition, after a couple of days, starting to lose its presentation - a few days, and she becomes lethargic and unappetizing.

And every time the housewives have the problem of storing greens, in particular green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel.

To always have really fresh greens on the table, use the following tips:

Secrets long-term storage greenery

It should be remembered that the main enemy of vitamins contained in greens is light and warmth. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin C is lost faster in greenery - a few hours are enough for this.

Therefore, store green vegetables only in the refrigerator, best of all in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways of storing greens, choose any.

Advice 1. The easiest way. Rinse greens cold water... It is advisable to wash not under running water, but to collect water in a deep saucepan and immerse the herbs in water. And then completely rinse under the tap.
Then we spread the greens washed and shaken off from the water on paper kitchen towels... We need to dry the greens as best we can. Blot large drops of water and spread the herbs on the table, let them dry for about fifteen minutes.
Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (a vacuum is even better).

If there is no container, then we take a clean, dry liter jar, put greens in it and close the jar with clean plastic cover... That's all.
Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens calmly stand for a month and do not deteriorate or even turn yellow.

Tip 2. In order to keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, they should be carefully sorted out (discarded spoiled), rinse, drain and place in plastic bag. Then open wide so that there is enough maximum amount air, and tie tightly. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3... Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks if rinsed well before storing, drain off water, pat dry with a towel, wrap in paper (not waxed). Kraft paper or thick paper works well for this method. paper towel, the main thing is that the paper does not creep out from moisture. Wrap the pure herb in a towel completely. Spray on paper with water from a flower spray bottle or soak under the tap. Place the package in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

Don't use newsprint - ink is harmful to your body.

Tip 4. For long-term storage of greens, it should be sorted out, but not washed. Then fold in a plastic bag with 1-2 onions, peeled and cut into quarters, and tie. Store in a cool place. Take out everything every 4-5 days, wipe the bag dry and put greens in it again, replacing onion to fresh.

Tip 5... If there is no time, then you can simply wrap fresh herbs immediately after purchase. waffle towel, and put in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.Green onions, celery, head salad, spinach, parsley, dill can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if they are dry. Before laying, such greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to sort it out, dry it on paper and put it in a plastic bag, making several holes in it for ventilation with a fork. Celery greens in a plastic bag can stay fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, head lettuce, cut with the stump, - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7. Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers by placing them in a glass of water: cut the roots of fresh greens, lower the bunch of greens with stems into a jar or glass of water, cover the green leaves with a bag of polyethylene on top (or wrap the leaves with wet gauze or another clean cloth), change the water once every two days

Tip 8. Lettuce leaves Stay crisp and crisp throughout the week if placed on a plate, paper towel top, and covered with plastic wrap.

Tip 9. Green onions can be kept fresh for two to three weeks if it is sorted out, the roots are moistened with cold water and the feathers are left dry. Then wrap the roots with a bulb with a wet rag, and wrap the roots with a bulb over the rag with paper, which is tied at the base of the feathers with twine, put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

Freezing greens as a storage method

For longer storage of greens, it should be frozen.

  • To do this, rinse the fresh greens, wait until they dry from moisture, cut off the stems from it, and discard the rotten parts. Then the green leaves in bags or in airtight containers are placed in freezer refrigerator.
  • To rinse the greens correctly in a large amount of water, it is recommended not to drain the water after washing the greens, but to get the greens out of it, so that the sand remains at the bottom of the dishes, and not on the greens itself.
  • Classic. Chop the herbs, put them in a plastic bag and put in the freezer

  • Parsley, sage and thyme it is recommended to cut, and it is better to freeze in tightly closed plastic containers
  • Dill, mint it is recommended to freeze in small portions wrapped in foil: divide the dill and mint greens into portions. Wrap each piece in cling foil and place in the freezer.

Previously, each type of greenery can be signed with a marker on the foil (for example, mint - m, dill - y), for a faster and more convenient search in the freezer. This method is quite effective in terms of storing greens. all year round and you can freeze a fairly large amount of greens.

  • Basil and rosemary leaves it is recommended to sprinkle with salt on top and freeze also in tightly closed plastic containers, remove the salt before use.
  • Store cut green onions in the freezer in plastic bottles... Just make sure the onions are completely dry before putting them in the bottle.
  • And one more, in my opinion, interesting way freezing fresh spicy herbs : A mixture of herbs (anything: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.), wash, dry with a towel and put on a layer of plastic wrap in the form of a thick sausage. Wrap the "sausage" very tightly and, to be sure, tie it along the entire length with a thread (you can use a bank elastic band).

Don't use salt! Place in the freezer. In the freezer, I have a place on the side with such a piece of greens. I do not sign, you can also sign using masking tape. If necessary, remove, peel back the polyethylene and cut with a knife as much as needed directly into the bowl of soup. Or remove the film and cut - the greens cut very well and do not lose their flavor !

  • There is one more original way - freezing fresh herbs in ice cubes. To do this, finely chop the leaves of fresh herbs and place them in the ice molds supplied with the refrigerator, pour the molds with herbs with water and place them in the freezer. Store the finished cubes in a bag or box in the freezer. It is very convenient to throw such a cube into a pot of soup (or other dish) when the soup is already cooked.
  • Alternatively, greens can be frozen in this way: Fill the ice molds with greens, top with olive or melted butter - and into the freezer. Then it will be possible to add to salads or to potatoes!

These simple advice will help you to keep fresh herbs collected from the garden or bought on the market fresh for a certain period of time and keep them in it as much as possible useful material and vitamins.

Do not neglect the tips, even if they seem too simple to you to be effective: o) Thanks to them, greens are stored for a very long time, and you can safely buy it for a week in advance.
Based on materials from,

PS. How to refresh withered greens

  • If the greens have withered, then to restore their freshness, it is enough to hold them for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar (1 teaspoon for half a glass of water).
  • If you rinse the parsley not in cold, but in warm water, it will become more fragrant.
  • Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened up by rinsing them or soaking them in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Withered greens of vegetables will become fresh again if you dip them first in hot, then in cold water.

Today, rarely a summer meal is prepared without the use of fresh herbs. It is included in many recipes, it is used to decorate dishes, or it is simply placed on the dinner table for gourmets.

One trouble, fresh greens are stored for a short time, in addition, after a couple of days they begin to lose their presentation - a few days, and they become lethargic and unappetizing.

However, every time housewives have the problem of storing greens, in particular green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel.

So that there is always really fresh greens on the table,

use the following tips:

Secrets of long-term storage of greens

It should be remembered that the main enemy of vitamins contained in greens is light and warmth. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin C is lost faster in greenery - a few hours are enough for this.

Therefore, store green vegetables only in the refrigerator, best of all in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways of storing greens, choose any.

Advice 1. The easiest way. Rinse greens with cold water. It is advisable to wash not under running water, but to collect water in a deep saucepan and immerse the herbs in water. And then completely rinse under the tap.
Then we spread the washed greens shaken off from the water on paper kitchen towels. We need to dry the greens as best we can. Blot large drops of water and spread the herbs on the table, let them dry for about fifteen minutes.
Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (a vacuum is even better).

If there is no container, then we take a clean, dry liter jar, put greens in it and close the jar with a clean plastic lid. That's all.
Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens calmly stand for a month and do not deteriorate or even turn yellow.

Tip 2. In order to keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, they should be carefully sorted out (discarded spoiled), rinse, drain and place in a plastic bag. Then open it wide so that the maximum amount of air is collected in it, and tie tightly. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3... Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks if rinsed well before storing, drain off water, pat dry with a towel, wrap in paper (not waxed). For this method, kraft paper or a thick paper towel is well suited, as long as the paper does not creep out from moisture. Wrap the pure herb in a towel completely. Spray on paper with water from a flower spray bottle or soak under the tap. Place the package in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

Don't use newsprint - ink is harmful to your body.

Tip 4. For long-term storage of greens, it should be sorted out, but not washed. Then fold in a plastic bag along with 1-2 onions, unpeeled and cut into four parts, and tie. Store in a cool place. Take everything out every 4–5 days, wipe the bag dry and put the greens in it again, replacing the onions with fresh ones.

Tip 5... If there is no time, then you can simply wrap fresh herbs immediately after purchase. waffle towel, and put in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.Green onions, celery, head lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if they are dry. Before laying, such greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to sort it out, dry it on paper and put it in a plastic bag, making several holes in it for ventilation with a fork. Celery greens in a plastic bag can stay fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, head lettuce, cut with the stump, - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7. Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers by placing them in a glass of water: cut the roots of fresh greens, lower the bunch of greens with stems into a jar or glass of water, cover the green leaves with a bag of polyethylene on top (or wrap the leaves with wet gauze or another clean cloth), change the water once every two days

Tip 8. Lettuce leaves stay crisp and crisp throughout the week when placed on a plate, paper towel top, and covered with plastic wrap.

Tip 9. Green onions can be kept fresh for two to three weeks if it is sorted out, the roots are moistened with cold water and the feathers are left dry. Then wrap the roots with a bulb with a wet rag, and wrap the roots with a bulb over the rag with paper, which is tied at the base of the feathers with twine, put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

Freezing greens as a storage method

For longer storage of greens, it should be frozen.

  • To do this, rinse the fresh greens, wait until they dry from moisture, cut off the stems from it, and discard the rotten parts. Then place the green leaves in bags or in airtight containers in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • To rinse the greens correctly in a large amount of water, it is recommended not to drain the water after washing the greens, but to get the greens out of it, so that the sand remains at the bottom of the dishes, and not on the greens itself.

Classic. Chop the herbs, put them in a plastic bag and put in the freezer

  • Dill, mint it is recommended to freeze in small portions wrapped in foil: divide the dill and mint greens into portions. Wrap each piece in cling foil and place in the freezer.

Previously, each type of greenery can be signed with a marker on the foil (for example, mint - m, dill - y), for a faster and more convenient search in the freezer. This method is quite effective in terms of storing greens all year round and you can freeze a large amount of greens.

  • Basil and rosemary leaves it is recommended to sprinkle with salt on top and freeze also in tightly closed plastic containers, remove the salt before use.
  • Store chopped green onions in the freezer in plastic bottles. Just make sure the onions are completely dry before putting them in the bottle.
  • And one more, in my opinion, an interesting way freezing fresh herbs: A mixture of herbs (anything: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.), wash, dry with a towel and put on a layer of plastic wrap in the form of a thick sausage. Wrap the "sausage" very tightly and, to be sure, tie it along the entire length with a thread (you can use a bank elastic band).

Don't use salt! Place in the freezer. In the freezer, I have a place on the side with such a piece of greens. I do not sign, you can also sign using masking tape. If necessary, remove, peel back the polyethylene and cut with a knife as much as needed directly into the bowl of soup. Or remove the film and cut - the greens cut very well and do not lose their flavor!

  • There is one more original way - freezing fresh herbs in ice cubes. To do this, finely chop the leaves of fresh herbs and place them in the ice molds supplied with the refrigerator, pour the molds with herbs with water and place them in the freezer. Store the finished cubes in a bag or box in the freezer. It is very convenient to throw such a cube into a pot of soup (or other dish) when the soup is already cooked.
  • Alternatively, greens can be frozen in this way: Fill the ice molds with greens, top with olive or melted butter- and into the freezer. Then it will be possible to add to salads or to potatoes!

These simple tips will help you keep fresh herbs collected from the garden or bought on the market fresh for a certain period of time and preserve nutrients and vitamins in it as much as possible.

Do not neglect the tips, even if they seem too simple to you to be effective: o) Thanks to them, greens are stored for a very long time, and you can safely buy it for a week in advance.

PS. How to refresh wilted greens

  • If the greens have withered, then to restore their freshness, it is enough to hold them for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar (1 teaspoon for half a glass of water).
  • If you rinse the parsley not in cold, but in warm water, it will become more aromatic.
  • Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened up by rinsing them or soaking them in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Withered greens of vegetables will become fresh again if you dip them first in hot, then in cold water.

How to refresh wilted greens - parsley, dill, lettuce. Helpful hints on how to add freshness and scent to wilted greens.

  • Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened up by rinsing them in warm water.
  • Withered dill, parsley, and celery can be freshened up by placing them in cold water seasoned with vinegar (1 teaspoon for half a glass of water) for an hour.
  • Dill and parsley must be stored in a large and dry saucepan, tightly covered with a lid, then it will retain its freshness for a long time.
  • If you rinse the parsley not in cold water, but in warm water, it will become more aromatic.
  • For long-term storage, lettuce leaves must be rinsed well, put in water, and rinsed again before use. It is recommended to tear lettuce leaves by hand, and not cut with a knife.
  • Withered greens of vegetables will become fresh again if they are dipped first in hot and then in cold water.
  • You can keep your greens fresh longer by submerging the stems in water. Store herbs in the refrigerator.
  • When buying greens, remember that they quickly lose freshness and wither, therefore, when buying greens, try to use them as soon as possible. If greens are plentiful, prepare them for the winter.

How to prepare greens for the winter

Greens can be prepared for future use by salting. Chop parsley, celery, onions or leeks washed in cold water. Mix with salt, spread separately over glass jars(for 1 kg of greens, 300 g of salt). Store this mixture at room temperature during a year.

You can chop fresh herbs (dill and parsley), put in bags and freeze.

Drying is the most convenient way. Each type of greens is dried separately in the oven for 2.5 hours on average at a temperature of 40 degrees, put the dried greens in jars, glass or tin. Store in a dry place.

You can dry greens and fresh air but not in the sun. Tie in bunches, hang in the shade, dry in the oven.