Everything you need to know about layers in Photoshop. Lazy herring under a fur coat

29.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

In a previous article, I talked about layers: what they are and where they are. In this article it will be on how to work with layers in Photoshop.

There are different layers in Photoshop. They all have their own special meaning. To make the work in the program more convenient, you need to learn all the subtleties. To do this, let's get acquainted with the types of layers that Photoshop creates in the process.

Most often, users work with image layers. These layers contain images in raster form (pixel representation of images). There are a lot of such layers, they all have the same type.

Text layers are a separate category. Each time you add a new caption to the image, a new text layer is created. You can make it a layer of an image, but after that you will no longer be able to edit the text. Many different effects can be applied to this layer in its original form.

Vector shape layers do not work with pixels. This is a completely separate image format that can be enlarged without loss of quality.

For example, you can change the color of a shape with one click. Such layers appear separately in the program when you use the shape tool. The shapes are selected in the corresponding item of the toolbar.

A fill layer is created whenever you want to fill the entire object. Such a layer very conveniently adjusts the image below it using transparency and a gradient. To activate this layer, you need to select the corresponding control at the bottom of the layers palette.

Layer for making adjustments

This layer allows you to change the display of the document that is below it. This makes the changes to this adjustment layer and leaves the original intact. Such layers are used to change the color palette of the image and its illumination.

A good example of how this layer works can be done by creating an adjustment layer that will apply a black and white mask. As a result, the entire image will be black and white, but if this layer is turned off, the picture will be colored as before.

These layers do not contain pixels, instructions for the program are stored here, which are executed after analysis.

The standard controls have a button to create an adjustment layer or a fill layer. It's called "New Adjustment Layer". Also, the function of creating these layers is available in the standard palette of layers for adjustment. The display of the palette is enabled using the drop-down menu Window - Adjustments.

Working in Photoshop with smart objects, which are always placed on separate layers, is somewhat less common. Smart Objects handle some files that weren't created in Photoshop. It can be a Raw document. Putting Smart Objects on a new layer enables basic work with elements from foreign files.

To create a smart object in Photoshop, you need to right-click to the right of the layer icon and select the appropriate item in the menu that opens.

Well, and the last type of layer for real professionals who work with 3D graphics and video files in Photoshop. Users of Photoshop Extended have such an opportunity, where they can import all these objects and make some adjustments, for example, change the color of an element in the video. All this can only be done in these layers.

That's all. Thanks for attention.

Best regards, Ul Sartakov

It would be quite reasonable to start learning Photoshop from the very basic - from the concept of layers and their interaction, since this is what became at the time business card Photoshop and is still an indispensable feature of the program. Without a full-fledged ability to use layers and their ability, it makes no sense to move on in development.

Let's open a custom image editor and practice. At the top of the program window we see a menu of tabs, so far we are only interested in "Layers". (fig. 1)

As we can see create a new layer can be done not only from the drop-down menu, but also using the Shift + Ctrl + N key combination. In order to make the work even more comfortable and fast, the developers have provided the ability to create a new layer in one click (Fig. 2)

When this button is pressed, the layer will be created automatically and placed above the selected one in the list of layers. (fig. 3)

Add anything to a new layer you can use the command "place" (Fig. 4)

Rename you can simply double-click on the layer name.

Above the list of layers there are buttons for controlling layer modes and styles, as well as layer filters (Fig. 5)

You can apply the following actions to a layer.:

Change the style of its overlay (fig. 6)

Change its transparency and color fill strength (Fig. 7-8)

Additional functions (fig. 9)

You can also apply filters to the list of layers for more convenience in working with them (Fig. 10)

For example, in order to make a duplicate layer without opening the menu, with one click - just click on the desired layer with the left mouse button and without releasing drag it to the "new layer" button - its copy will appear. Or using the combination Ctrl + J (Fig. 11)

Delete layer can be done either from the drop-down menu or simply by pressing the Del key. Or drag it to the trash can icon at the bottom.

To select multiple layers, it is necessary to click on the required layers with the left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key. In order to combine them - just press the combination Ctrl + E. For combining all layers into one - Alt + Ctrl + Shift + E, but you need to remember - the selected should be the most upper layer and it must be active. The activity of a layer is switched with an eye to the left of its (layer) thumbnail. (fig. 12)

Let's place an arbitrary object in our empty layer and do a few actions with it.

For example, to move layer just drag it without releasing the left button up or down the list, and to lower it below the background layer, you need to unlock the background layer by double-clicking the left button. As you can see, the layer has been moved behind the background, it is active, but due to its position in the list it is not visible (Fig. 13)

Undo any action you can press this combination - Ctrl + Alt + Z. To scroll forward canceled events - Ctrl + Shift + Z.

Create a new empty layer and fill it with color. To fill with the foreground color, just press Alt + Backspace (Fig. 14). To fill with background color - Ctrl + Backspace. You can also use the bottom buttons, then the selected function will be presented on a separate layer.

To preserve the ability to work with the order of layers and edit their contents, with a large number of them, it is sometimes convenient not to link them into one, but group... (fig. 15)

This is achieved in this way - you need to select all the layers that you want to group and press Ctrl + G. You can, of course, from the "Layers" drop-down menu using the appropriate tabs. They are ungrouped in this way - you just need to drag the required layer up or down in the list so that it goes beyond the boundaries marked by the group. The group itself can also be turned into a smart object, or rasterized. You can also apply blending functions to a group of layers, change the degree of transparency and fill, as with individual layers.

The layer along with the content can be transform... To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + T. You can directly change the size and shape of an object by simply moving the mouse pointer to one of the corners. In order not to lose proportionality, this, for example, is important for a photo, when stretching the image, you must simultaneously hold down the Shift button. (fig. 16)

To give an arbitrary shape, you need to drag the edges of the object with the Ctrl key pressed. (fig. 17)

You can also deform an object, distort, distort in perspective, etc. After pressing Ctrl + T, right-click on it and select what we need (Fig. 18)

In addition to mixing modes, there are huge possibilities for editing and creating different effects. Layer style". Call either from the "Layers" drop-down menu or by double-clicking on a layer in the list (Fig. 19)

This menu is so extensive that we will not dwell on it separately for now.

Layer mask.Its essence lies in hiding an object or its parts without removing them. Many people mistakenly believe that using a layer mask is inconvenient - on the contrary! It is a great tool to re-edit or change processing at any time. What will not allow you to do the tool "eraser" for example. (fig. 20)

To hide part of the object, paint with a black brush using a white mask and vice versa (fig. 21)

Clipping mask... It makes it possible to cut off parts of one object relative to the border of another. It is done as follows: while holding down the ALT button, move the mouse cursor to the border of the layers between them. Release after the corresponding icon appears. (fig. 22-23)

The arrow indicates that the layer is clipped.

Selecting the content.To do this, simply click on the layer thumbnail while holding down Ctrl (Fig. 24).

To the question How do the layers go in a hamburger? given by the author Marie smth red the best answer is salad on a bun, then a cutlet, cheese, tomatoes, eggs, like that))
usually put 2 together))
i wanted to write cutlets)))

Answer from Nastya Lanovskaya[newbie]
- beef (chopped) - 400g
- salt, black pepper (ground) - to taste
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
- buns.

Serves 4. It is recommended to mince the beef for hamburgers 2 times. This will make them more juicy. If you grill hamburgers, they will have a typical striped pattern and will also save you fat.
Chopped beef put in a bowl and season. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and mix. Roll the minced meat between two layers of transparent film into a 1 cm thick flat cake and cut with a cup or special form base for hamburgers.
Heat a spoonful of oil in a frying pan and fry the meat in it for 3 minutes on each side. Place burgers with a few lettuce leaves between two bun halves.

Answer from ReSpecT78Region[guru]
cheese under the cutlet, the rest for the cutlet. I would do so, although what's the difference in the stomach will mix

Answer from Nikolay Bogatyryov[newbie]
two meat cutlets grill, special sauce, cheese, cucumbers, lettuce and onions, all for sesame buns, that's the only big mac 😉

just remember this song :) :) :)

Answer from Vladislava ***[guru]
mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese, cutlet, herbs

Answer from Rich[guru]
there is no cheese in the burger ... there is only a cutlet ... but in a cheeseburger there is
Bun then ketchup, onion, pickled cucumber, cutlet and bun again

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
You can't make a hamburger out of cutlets. In cutlets, up to 40% fat, and in a hamburger, no more than 15%. Ordinary cutlets are made from cuttings such as rump and rump, and cool meat is used for a hamburger. Therefore, I still venture to give a hamburger recipe, which I often do at home - do not be offended, just ignore it. This recipe cost me a lot. After Lee Iacocchi's book "I'm a Manager" I wanted to try it.

McDonald "s Hamburgers

Make minced meat by scrolling it twice through a fine wire rack. Divide it into equal sized balls of 40 g each. On wax paper, form each ball into patties about 10 cm in diameter and 6 mm thick. Then refrigerate the patties for at least an hour. This will prevent them from sticking together when baking.

Place frozen patties on a hot pan... After 20 seconds, press down with a spatula for 2 seconds, then sprinkle with salt, pepper and MSG. One minute after baking the cutlets, turn them over. Add a teaspoon of finely chopped onion on top. Cut a bun and place 5 pencil-diameter mustard drops on the base, spreading them in half. Then between them 5 drops of ketchup the size of a fingernail. A pick is placed in the middle.

By the time you do this (about a minute), the meat is done. Remove the meat and, tilting it, let the excess fat drain off while holding the onion with your free hand. Place the hamburger on the bottom of the bun and cover with the top.

400 g of beef (edge \u200b\u200bor shoulder), 200 g of onion, 50 g of fat, 10 rolls with sprinkles, 10 pickles, mustard, ketchup

It would be quite reasonable to start learning the Photoshop program from the most basic - from the concept of layers and their interaction, since this is what at one time became the hallmark of Photoshop and is still an indispensable feature of the program. Without a full-fledged ability to use layers and their ability, it makes no sense to move on in development.

Let's open a custom image editor and practice. At the top of the program window we see a menu of tabs, so far we are only interested in "Layers".

As we can see create a new layer can be done not only from the drop-down menu, but also using the Shift + Ctrl + N key combination. In order to make work even more comfortable and fast, the developers have provided the ability to create a new layer in one click.

When this button is pressed, the layer will be created automatically and will be placed above the selected one in the list of layers.

Add anything to a new layer you can use the command "place"

Rename you can simply double-click on the layer name.

Above the list of layers are buttons for controlling layer modes and styles, as well as layer filters

You can apply the following actions to a layer.:

Change its overlay style

Change its transparency and color fill strength

Additional functions

You can also apply filters to the list of layers for more convenience in working with them.

For example, in order to make a duplicate layer without opening the menu, with one click - just click on the desired layer with the left mouse button and without releasing drag it to the "new layer" button - its copy will appear. Or using the combination Ctrl + J

Delete layer can be done either from the drop-down menu or simply by pressing the Del key. Or drag it to the trash can icon at the bottom.

To select multiple layers, you need to click on the required layers with the left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key. In order to combine them - just press the combination Ctrl + E. For combining all layers into one - Alt + Ctrl + Shift + E, but you need to remember - the topmost layer must be selected and it must be active. The activity of a layer is switched with an eye to the left of its (layer) thumbnail.

Let's place an arbitrary object in our empty layer and do a few actions with it.

For example, to move layer just drag it without releasing the left button up or down the list, and to lower it below the background layer, you need to unlock the background layer by double-clicking the left button. As you can see, the layer has been moved behind the background, it is active, but due to its position in the list it is not visible

Undo any action you can press this combination - Ctrl + Alt + Z. To scroll forward canceled events - Ctrl + Shift + Z.

Create a new empty layer and fill it with color. To fill with the main color, just press Alt + Backspace

To fill with background color - Ctrl + Backspace. You can also use the bottom buttons, then the selected function will be presented on a separate layer.

To preserve the ability to work with the order of layers and edit their contents, with a large number of them, it is sometimes convenient not to link them into one, butgroup.

This is achieved in this way - you need to select all the layers that you want to group and press Ctrl + G. You can, of course, from the "Layers" drop-down menu using the appropriate tabs. They are ungrouped in this way - you just need to drag the required layer up or down in the list so that it goes beyond the boundaries marked by the group. The group itself can also be turned into a smart object, or rasterized. You can also apply blending functions to a group of layers, change the degree of transparency and fill, as with individual layers.

The layer along with the content can betransform... To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + T. You can directly change the size and shape of an object by simply moving the mouse pointer to one of the corners. In order not to lose proportionality, this is, for example, important for a photo; when stretching the image, you must simultaneously hold down the Shift button.

To give an arbitrary shape, you need to drag the edges of the object with the Ctrl key pressed.

All work in Photoshop takes place on layers. How to work with layers, what it is, what layers are - we will consider in this article.

Layers in Photoshop have the same function as layers in the physical world. Imagine a bunch of photographs or stationery files. Sheets with images, inscriptions, geometric shapes can be folded in a pile and swapped, thrown away, reported new.

Working with layers in Photoshop

If you run the program, you won't be able to start working in it until a new layer is created or any image is opened. Layers are placed on the layers palette, in the picture below it is indicated in red. The layers are also managed there.

Elements of the layers palette:

  • 1. Filters for selection in the list of layers by attribute.
  • 2. List for selecting the layer blending mode.
  • 3. Layer transparency control.
  • 4. Layer settings that preserve the colors or transparency of pixels fix the layer in a certain place.
  • 5. Controls the density of the layer's fill.
  • 6. List of working layers. Icon "Eye" allows you to hide or show the visibility of the layer.
  • 7. Pictograms:
links layers
layer styles (stroke, shadow, etc.)
layer "Mask"
list of adjustment layers
allows you to combine layers into a group
create a new layer
remove layer
  • 8. Bookmarks. Here you can work with the list of layers, or with the color channels of a separate layer.

What can you do with layers?

You can create layers, change the blending mode, change layer styles (make a layer stroke or shadow), make more transparent, copy, duplicate, transform, combine layers into a group, drag above or below other layers, make visible or hide, pin layers to each other after another (in this case, the layer effects will be applied only to the attached layer), merge (in this case, all layers will be merged into one image). Further we will consider everything in more detail.

How do I change the name of a layer?

Any image in Photoshop is a layer. If you have opened a photo, then its name will become the name of the layer. The new layer will be named "layer 0" by default. In each subsequent layer, the numerical part of the name will change in ascending order. To change the name of a layer, double-click the name itself, highlighting it in blue. Then enter the new name using the keyboard. This is often necessary for multi-layered collages, retouching and other works to avoid confusion. It is better if the name of the layer is targeted, reflecting the task that this layer performs in your work.

You can create a new layer in Photoshop using the keys Shift + Ctrl + N or by clicking on the icon in the lower panel of the layers palette, as described in the table above. To delete a layer, you need to select it (just move the cursor and select the layer with a single click), then click Delete on your keyboard or the icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

For image processing, it is best to work with a duplicate layer, leaving the original layer intact. If something goes wrong in your work, you can quickly restore the image from the original layer. You can duplicate the layer by clicking Ctrl + J.

You can copy a layer in Photoshop or a part of it by selecting the layer image with any selection tool. For instance, Rectangle Select Tool... Then press Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (insert).

Layers can interact with each other. For example, by changing the blending mode of layers, you can achieve interesting effects.

If you create a white or black layer above the picture and change the blending mode from Normal on Overlay, the picture will be lightened / darkened.

Another example of layer interaction is changing the opacity of the top layer.

Place the second one above the first layer - it's good if the pictures are different. By shifting Opacity of the upper layer to the smaller side, you will make the image more transparent and you will see one image overlaying another.

To trace the outline of a layer in Photoshop, you need to go to Blending Options (bottom panel in the layers palette).

There select an item Stroke.

In the window that opens, select the desired parameters and get a frame around the layer. In the picture, the stroke is applied to the layer to which we copied a portion of the image.

You can just as easily create a shadow or glow around the layer.

To resize a layer in Photoshop, just place the cursor on it and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Tthereby highlighting it. You will see a box with nodes. By dragging these nodes, you can shrink or enlarge the layer. In order not to distort the image, you need to transform it by holding down the key Shift... After completing the transformation, click Enter... In addition to increasing and decreasing, such transformations are provided as Distort and Warp / Warp... They allow you to change the perspective and shape of the image. You can call them after pressing Ctrl + Tby clicking the right mouse button in the context menu. Control is carried out by moving the grid nodes.

Layers can be combined into one image. To merge layers in photoshop, you need to select the desired layers on the layers palette while holding Shift. Then right-click and select from the list Merge Down... If you need to merge all layers, then select Merge Visible.

Adjustment layers

This kind of layers allows you to process an image without making any changes to it. All actions take place on the adjustment layer, but the effect is visible in the processed image. The adjustment layers are called in the lower panel of the layers palette by clicking on the thumbnail.

There are many methods for retouching and color correcting images using adjustment layers. Several of these layers can be applied to one image at once. Below is an example of an adjustment layer overlay. Hue / Saturation.

To make the layer invisible, just click on the icon "Eye" opposite the layer.

When composing collages from multiple images, you can only apply an adjustment layer to one of them. Although, as a rule, this layer affects all the images below it. So that it only applies to one by holding Alt, click between the adjustment layer and the image layer. An arrow will appear on the adjustment layer, pointing to the layer to which the adjustment is attached.

To avoid confusion, the list provides a function for grouping layers. To group layers, you need to select them in the list while holding Shift... Then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + G... A group of layers can be hidden in the same way as a normal layer. To do this, click on the image "Eye" opposite a group of layers or one layer. Layer grouping is useful when composing collages. Below is an example. Children, wall, background, road, shadow - different images used for one collage. The light is painted on separate layers arranged in one group.

To move a layer down the list, grab it and drag while holding the left mouse button.

Actions with layers are the principle of Photoshop, and the sooner you master them, the easier it will be for you to work in the program. Working with layers in Photoshop is very easy. Practice what you have learned more often, and soon you will be amazed at your own work.