Beautiful flowers and coffee. Good morning! A cup of coffee? (4 photos)

01.04.2019 Buffet table

Monday morning is a small feat, when you so desperately want to sleep - well, just a little more, well, just a minute .. and only the tickling aroma of freshly brewed coffee nostrils evokes a kind of smile on the sleepy physiognomy, forcing one to open his eyes. to orient yourself in the direction of the cherished steaming cup.
So, friends, we wake up, we cook, we brew, we fall asleep, in short - we will make our favorite morning drink, add our recipes, smile and plow-)

I like oriental coffee more. The recipes are honestly lapped up in the vastness of the network.

Turkish coffee is one of the world's most famous recipes for making an invigorating drink. Of course, his homeland is Turkey, or rather, the Ottoman Empire, in which coffee beans first appeared in 1543. Already in 1544, the first coffee house was opened here, which offered its guests a fragrant invigorating drink... Since then, many traditional rituals associated with coffee have appeared in Turkey, and the preparation of the drink itself has turned into a whole ritual.

Today coffee in Turkey is national drink Moreover, it was the Turks who made a huge contribution to the development of "technologies" for making coffee - in Turkey, a cezve was invented for brewing a drink, and coffee itself soon became a symbol of interesting communication, which it is still not only in Turkey, but all over the world.

It is believed that in order to cook real coffee in Turkish, you need to know exactly how many people will be treated to them. In accordance with the number of guests, a Turk of a certain size is selected - this moment is very important, because if you brew coffee for three in a Turk, designed to make four servings, the taste and aroma of the drink will be far from perfect.

One serving of coffee requires one teaspoon of ground coffee. The powder is placed in a Turk and filled with water (by volume - one coffee cup). It is important that the coffee is simmered. The mixture of coffee and water is warmed up until a crema starts to rise. At this moment, the Turk must be removed from the heat, and the foam must be carefully collected and placed in cups. After that, the Turk returns to the fire and the coffee is warmed up again. It is necessary to remove it from the heat before it starts to boil - this nuance is very important in order to preserve the taste and aroma of the drink.

If you need to get sweet coffee, then it is better to put sugar in the cezve in advance - the finished coffee should not be sweetened so as not to damage the foam. The same applies to spices - they are finely ground and added to the ground coffee before it goes to the fire.

The Turkish coffee recipe seems quite simple, but in fact, the preparation of this drink requires special care and considerable experience - it is necessary to remove the Turkish coffee from the fire at strictly defined moments, otherwise it will turn out to be either not strong enough or overheated, devoid of a bright aroma and taste. It is also important which ingredients will be used in the cooking process. In particular, special attention should be paid to the choice of water - ideally it should be spring water, pure water, soft enough and never boiled.

Finally, the coffee cups need to be warmed up well before brewing. To do this, you can pour into each of them hot water and letting them stand for just a minute is enough to warm them up. Pouring coffee into cold cups is not recommended - this will negatively affect the qualities of the drink itself.

Arabic coffee

The debate about which way of preparing coffee in Arabic is the right one has been going on for many decades and centuries. Many argue that Arabic coffee can be "real" only if certain spices are added to the drink, others believe that the essence of this drink is the right choice the ground coffee itself. There are many options for recipes, but all of them can be reduced to a certain common denominator.

So, in order to make coffee in Arabic, you need to take a teaspoon of sugar, pour it into a small Turk and put it on slow fire... When the sugar melts and begins to darken a little, pour into the Turk ¾ coffee cup water. At the moment when the water begins to boil, it is necessary to fall asleep finely with ground coffee(1-1.5 teaspoon per cup), after which the drink is stirred with a spoon and heated until the foam rises. Then another ¼ cup of water is poured into the coffee. The coffee is once again heated until frothy, but not brought to a boil - this point is very important.

To receive you need to good coffee in Arabic, you need to take purified (but not boiled) water. It is advisable that the coffee is ground just before the preparation of the drink. If desired, you can add cinnamon or any other spices to the coffee. You need to drink this coffee hot.

Coffee with cinnamon is quite an amateur, but sometimes I really like it.

Many people know that spices and spices are often used in the preparation of coffee. A well-chosen seasoning can brighten the aroma of coffee, give it new shades, and make the taste of the drink more expressive.

So, when cinnamon is added to coffee, the taste of the drink is made warmer, the cinnamon note perfectly complements coffee taste and aroma. To make a cup of cinnamon coffee, you need to take 1 teaspoon of coffee, a third of a spoonful of sugar and a third of a spoonful of cinnamon. According to one of the recipes, you need to pour ground coffee into the Turk, hold it a little over the fire to warm up the powder. After that, add sugar and cinnamon and add required amount water. When the mixture comes to a boil, a little of the coffee is poured into a cup, after which the coffee is reheated over the fire. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times, after which the drink is ready.

You can add some more sugar or whipped cream to the finished coffee, if desired.

Picture a cup of cappuccino

Photo of a girl's hands with a cup of coffee

Cup of coffee and flowers photo

Cup of aromatic coffee photo

History of coffee

A huge number of the inhabitants of our planet start their morning with coffee. This drink has long been known to man. The first mentions of coffee date back to the 9th century BC. and comes from Ethiopia. According to local legend, the Ethiopian shepherd Kaldim noticed the strange behavior of the goats. The goats ate the leaves of the coffee tree, became more alert and began to gallop intensively. The shepherd told about this in a local monastery, whose abbot ventured to taste the leaves and fruits of the tree himself. He experienced an invigorating and tonic effect coffee drink and found it useful to the monks. Drinking coffee became a tradition of the monastery, in addition, the monks gave the drink to pilgrims and travelers. At first, coffee was a decoction of millet leaves, then people began to make wine from coffee berries, coffee beans were also ground and added to food. Finally, coffee has taken on a modern look.

In the 12th century. there was an emergence and distribution coffee culture coffee quickly spread across Arab countries and gained popularity. This drink got to Europe thanks to the Venetian traders. Coffee began to cause controversy among Catholic priests, however, after trying the drink, the Pope considered it a blessing for Christians. In 1720, the Cafe Florian was opened, and it still operates in Venice today. Coffee in those days was often used as a cure for intestinal diseases and nervous disorders... The Venetians were the first to introduce the tradition of drinking coffee in the morning, as well as inviting guests for a cup of coffee.

To America a coffee tree was introduced by the Dutch in the 18th century. Europeans have organized plantations in Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad, Guadeloupe. The Portuguese started coffee production in Brazil. In 1774, coffee was declared the national drink of the United States, and Boston was home to the world's largest coffee exchange. At the beginning of the 20th century. chemist George Constant Washington discovered instant coffee and set up its mass production. In Russia, the drink became popular thanks to Peter I, who in every possible way introduced the tradition of drinking coffee at assemblies.

Brazil is currently the leader in coffee production, accounting for 32 percent of all world production. Humanity produces and consumes great amount of this wonderful drink... In world trade, in terms of the volume of transactions on the stock exchange, coffee ranks second after oil.

Espresso: the intricacies of cooking at home

The drink gives the necessary strength, inspires and helps to tune in to overcome the difficulties of the new day. Currently available wide range of coffee. Every year around the world, people drink several million cups of this invigorating drink.

It was previously consumed raw in Ethiopia. Only a few centuries later, they began to cook from coffee beans aromatic drink... Ethiopian traditions migrated to Arabs and Turks. In Turkey, the drink gained unprecedented popularity and continued to conquer the world. Italy, France and Britain also could not resist the great scent and divine taste coffee.

With time true gourmets from all over the world appreciated beneficial features fragrant grains. Today there are different varieties coffee, as well as a huge number of recipes to enjoy unique taste... However, every experienced barista knows all the secrets of making an excellent drink.

According to statistics, modern coffee lovers prefer espresso. Although this type of coffee is quite difficult to prepare. Some people like other varieties of espresso, of which latte, cappuccino and ristretto are the most popular. Fortunately, these coffees only take a few minutes to prepare. The coffee machine will help to cope with this task.

To properly prepare your espresso at home, it is important to grind your coffee beans appropriately. The grind size determines the quality of the coffee. Coarse grinding of grains makes the drink watery and weak, small - gives a bitter and burnt taste. The crushed coffee beans should be tamped correctly in the filter of the coffee machine, without noticeable distortions and until they feel firm. The brewing time is approximately 25 seconds.

When freshly brewed espresso flows from the coffee machine into the cup, the drink has a dark chocolate color, which gradually lightens. At this time, it is recommended to turn off the water supply. With an increase in the extraction time, the drink acquires bitterness and contains a lot of caffeine. It is generally accepted that a perfectly prepared espresso flows into a cup like heated honey and has a fluffy froth.

Espresso can be combined with milk, syrup and cream, allowing you to enjoy different shades of your favorite drink. Just a couple of sips - and the world becomes brighter. Truly coffee is a gourmet drink.

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What could be the best way waking up early in the morning than the aroma of freshly ground beans? What drink can invigorate, cheer up and give us strength more than a mug of coffee? A wonderful tradition with which millions start their day.

She is an indispensable assistant during working days, during important negotiations, meetings, and is no less important for a pleasant friendly conversation and meeting of a couple in love. Many consider her an elixir, an advisor in search of inspiration, a friend in difficult matters.

Do not worry if a cup of coffee is missing right now, a photo with its image can cheer you up just as well. Of course, he will not be able to quickly and effectively invigorate the body, but with the task to please and direct in the right direction, it will cope instantly.

The pictures are beautiful, so realistic that it seems that it is enough to touch them and a hot fragrant cup will be in your hands. And due to the fact that coffee beans are neatly scattered nearby, the photo helps us, as if in reality, to feel our beloved and incredibly alluring scent.

Coffee in a photo or on a poster will help to make the darkest, cloudy morning fresh, clear and kind. His image gives incredible aesthetic pleasure. If you download pictures of coffee on your desktop, you can completely forget about fatigue, depression and melancholy for a long time. They will help to distract, relax, and give a lot of positive emotions.

A separate topic is occupied by the artists of espresso coffee and cappuccino coffee, whose photos amaze with their creative design. After all, creating drawings in steaming foam is a whole art, at one glance at which you involuntarily smile with all your soul.

They look so delicious and amazing that you don't even want to have a cup. Asterisks, hearts, funny emoticons - what the masters will not create in this little mug.

It has long been known that this vigor drink warms, brings people together and unites. The image, harmoniously combining two cups of coffee, reminds us of the pleasant time we spend alone with our loved ones. This is a moment where there are only two, its aroma and a pleasant heartfelt conversation. Maybe in life there is something more pleasant and brighter than such moments?

Arabica good way for easy awakening. Her delicate aroma makes you open your eyes, and calls you to quickly jump out of bed to enjoy a sip of strong, slightly bitter, but incredible have a nice drink... You can congratulate loved ones and loved ones in a very original way with the image of a cup coffee with Good morning .

By sending it by phone or e-mail, you will definitely charge them with positive emotions for the whole day, give a smile, and in return you will receive words of gratitude. Giving joy is so easy and pleasant! And the morning coffee in the photo will become excellent option confessions if there is currently no opportunity to bring your loved ones coffee to bed.

Installed on your desktop, coffee in a cup as a screensaver or coffee beans in pictures on your phone will always remind you that it's time to get away from routine and urgent matters, take a break and enjoy your favorite drink taste. There should be more pleasant moments in life, from which wings grow behind your back.

And if croissants, coffee and chocolate in the photo and in reality are exactly what can increase the level of the hormone of happiness in your body, then there is simply no point in giving them up. Take a break, brew a fragrant drink and admire with us a selection of wonderful pictures.