Coffee plantations in Italy. History and culture of coffee in Italy

02.04.2019 Egg dishes

About Italian coffee a lot has already been said and written, and those who have already visited Italy know that drinking coffee in this country is very important. national tradition without which it is difficult to imagine.

And it is this Italian tradition served as an inspiration for the creator of the Starbucks coffee shop, whose branches today can be found in any major city of our globe.

The first coffee house in Italy opened in the 17th century in the city. Subsequently, they spread to others. For Italian coffee predominantly use coffee beans Arabica, which is known great taste and low in caffeine. However, there are Italian coffee brands that blend Robusta and Arabica coffee beans for a stronger flavor. This coffee is popular in southern Italy. Well, it all depends on personal taste preferences each and choice the best coffee shop and Italian coffee brands in your hands.

In my opinion the best brand is Kimbo. But many prefer the Lavazza brand and a huge number other coffee brands.

Roasting coffee beans is a very time-consuming process that requires experience and caution. Italian coffee must be Brown it is lighter in taste, unlike the French one, which, on the contrary, is very dark, more bitter and full-bodied. .

Ideally, Italian coffee should be ground just before brewing. But this is not always possible, therefore, today manufacturers have found a way out and all ground coffee is sold in vacuum packaging. .

Cooking Italian coffee at home

To prepare Italian coffee at home, Italians use a special teapot "Caffettiera" or "Moka". The coffee prepared with Moka is very strong and rich, when water boils, the steam passes through the coffee and settles in a special reservoir.

Another cooking method is Napoletana, which is not as popular as the one I mentioned above, only in this case, when boiling, the teapots need to be turned over, the water should seep through the filter and coffee. This method is somewhat similar to the principle of operation of electric coffee makers.


In cafes in Italy, as a rule, they use special machines - Espresso, which are designed to make coffee preparation as easy as possible. And they succeed, at the touch of a button you get a masterpiece - Italian coffee.

Every self-respecting Italian must drink a cup of this wonderful drink for breakfast. Most of them do it quickly at the cafe at the bar. Ordering a cappuccino and other coffees with milk added during the day or in the evening can cause bewilderment on the face of the bartender. Because, in Italy, drinking a cappuccino after, say, 11.00 is considered "bad taste." They are strange.

Types of Italian coffee

  • Espresso is strong coffee served in a coffee cup.
  • Doppio is a double espresso.
  • Ristretto is more concentrated than espresso.
  • Lungo - more diluted with water than espresso (also called Americano)
  • Macchiato - espresso diluted with a little milk, served in a coffee cup.
  • Corretto - espresso with the addition of cognac, liquor and others alcoholic beverages.
  • Cappuccino - frothed milk and coffee in equal proportions.
  • A cappuccino scuro is a little stronger than usual.
  • A cappuccino chiaro is a little weaker than usual, but not weaker than a cafe latte.
  • Caffe latte - with less foam than cappuccino.
  • Latte macchiato is milk with a little espresso.

Italy is a country of true coffee lovers, which is why a record number of world coffee brands are concentrated on its territory. How does the national drink of Italy differ from others, which brands offer the best and why do they offer real espresso here?

History of Italian coffee

In Italy, coffee does not grow, there are no favorable conditions for this shrub, but the process of conquering Europe invigorating drink began precisely with this country, or rather, with its independent republic - Venice. Italian coffee beans - this product was one of the goods that wealthy Venetians traded, buying it from the Turks and reselling it to Europeans. But this happened much later.

The first coffee beans were brought to Milan from Africa as a material for study in 1500, and the mass purchase of coffee began 125 years later, the supplier was Yemen. In Venice, coffee houses began to appear for the first time from European regions, the number of which in several decades reached 2 hundred. Here one could not only taste delicious and flavored drink, but also to chat, as at a social event. Coffeehouses were a favorite gathering place for intellectual youth, the elite, famous artists and politicians.

Florian - the oldest and most famous coffee house in Venice

The Italians are the developers of several roasting technologies, the strongest of which is called dark or Italian. They are able to organically blend varieties of coffee beans, carefully select raw materials, surprisingly feel the most subtle facets of taste and aroma, which is why they are considered the best in the field of beverage production and preparation.

Types of Italian coffee

When talking about Italian coffee, everyone will imagine a tiny portion of strong and aromatic espresso and will not be mistaken. This drink is at the top of the list. national drinks. But there is no limit to perfection. In this country, there is a double and triple espresso, which are respectively called Doppio and Trippio espresso.

This is part of the most famous Italian species coffee drinks

  • Macchiato is a classic strong espresso with a small amount of warm frothed milk.
  • Espresso Romano - Roman coffee lemon zest.
  • Ristretto is the strongest of all types, its volume is only 25 ml.
  • Frappuccino is a drink that is served chilled, the list of ingredients includes milk, whipped cream and caramel syrup.
  • Cappuccino - espresso with milk and milk foam.
  • Bicherin - delicious drink from coffee, cream and chocolate.
  • Moreta Fanez - coffee with a mixture of alcoholic beverages: rum, anise liqueur and brandy. Warms up great.
  • Glace - a drink with creamy ice cream.

Italian coffee sometimes strikes with a combination of ingredients, but it cannot be tasteless and non-aromatic. This country even has special rules ordering this drink.

Yes, morning is the best time for espresso, latte and macchiato. Moreover, if you ask to add a little liquor, syrup or other ingredients to the cup, the barista will immediately understand that he has a guest from another country in front of him.

The most famous brands

concentrated in Italy a large number of coffee roasting and packaging companies. Most famous brands Italian coffee is Lavazza, Kimbo, Trombetta, Illy.

Illy is a brand operating in the premium segment of the market. Offers the best blends of high quality Arabica from around the world. The brand is well known in Europe, but in Russia it is just beginning to gain popularity. The brand's products always have a deep and rich aroma, medium caffeine content and a unique aftertaste. Illy offers ground, grain and portioned coffee. It is the brand's technologists who are credited with developing the first coffee machine.

Lavazza is the largest and most popular Italian brand, well established in Europe. Works with different varieties of coffee beans from all over the world - from Brazil and Colombia to Vietnam and Indonesia. This brand offers a variety of coffee blends of different roasts. The range of the brand includes ground and coffee beans, as well as the product in capsules and pods.

If you ask 4 Italians what kind of coffee they prefer, then 3 out of 4 will point to Lavazza as the best and real. The photo above shows the range of the brand, available in all European countries.

Kimbo (Kimbo) - a brand that operates at an average price of the market segment, sells its products in 60 countries around the world. Offers blends from different varieties Arabica and Robusta. Kimbo coffee can be bought in beans and ground. hallmark production technology at the factories of the brand is roasting with hot air, thanks to which the maximum aroma is preserved in the grains and an invariable constancy of taste is achieved.

Coffee in Italy is not just a drink, but a real religion. This country gave the world espresso and cappuccino, and some coffee brands have been operating since the end of the 19th century to this day. Many of the famous brands of Italian coffee are available all over the world, including in Russia. We present you 17 names that you can focus on when choosing quality beans or ground coffee from Italy.


Bristot is a coffee brand founded in 1919 in Belluno. This is one of the oldest coffee companies in Italy, so its activities have largely influenced the "face" and taste of modern Italian coffee.


The Costadoro brand was founded in Turin in 1890. Today it is not just one of the leaders in the field, it is one of the largest companies in northern Italy. 35% of the coffee produced by Costadoro is exported.


The company was founded by Alfredo Danesi in Rome in 1905. Today, under the Danesi brand, original blends are produced, including coffee beans from a dozen and a half plantations around the world.


The Diemme brand was founded in Padua, near Venice, in 1927. Currently, the brand produces coffee blends from high-quality 100% Arabica coffee from the best plantations in the world.


A premium brand founded in Trieste in 1933 by Francesco Illi, an Italian of Hungarian origin. For the production of coffee, the company uses Arabica varieties grown in different corners world, including Africa, America, India.


A coffee brand from Florence founded in 1953. It is considered one of the best coffees for making classic Italian espresso.


Kimbo is the #2 brand for making the best espresso. Its history began after the founding in 1963 of the company Cafè do Brasil, which produces coffee of this brand. If you have heard that Neapolitan is best coffee in Italy, then you should also know that Kimbo is a brand from Naples, the city with the most developed coffee culture in the country.


The history of the brand began in 1966 in Trieste, after Dioniso Bazzara founded the company La Brasiliana-Industria Triestina del Caffè. Today, Brasiliana produces Arabica and Robusta coffees using a slow roasting process.


The Manaresi brand has existed since 1898 and is based in Florence. Today, Manaresi masters follow roasting traditions that were developed back in the century before last.


The name of this coffee brand is associated with the name of Demetrio Mauro. In 1936, he came from his native province of Reggio Calabria to Africa, where he opened a travel agency. After the war, he had a new passion - coffee, which he devoted his whole life to, founding the Mauro brand in 1949.


The family business Mokaflor has been operating in Florence since 1950. The Mokaflor roasting shop receives beans from the plantations of Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, India, Ethiopia, Java, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the Hawaiian Islands and other parts of the world.


The undisputed number one among Italian coffees in terms of its mass popularity throughout the world. The brand was founded in 1895? And its history began from the moment when Luigi Lavazza opened the Lavazza store in Turin. Today the company's headquarters is located in Piedmont.


Sicilian coffee brand founded in Modica in 1967.


Coffee brand from Milan, founded in 1950.


Pellini coffee is a family business: the brand was founded by the Pellini brothers in Verona in 1922. Today it is one of top brands Italian coffee thanks to a long history, during which the production process has been constantly improved, and the strictest control technologies. Pellini supplies coffee to the best restaurants and hotels, retails coffee beans, grounds and capsules worldwide.

Segafredo Zanetti Espresso

The company was founded in Bologna in 1973. Segafredo Zanetti Espresso sells coffee for home preparation and supplies products for professional use - hotels, coffee houses, restaurants, its franchises operate all over the world.

Caffé Vergnano 1882

Another old one coffee company, founded in 1882 in Chieri, near Turin. To date, the brand has grown not just into a major coffee producer. Throughout Italy, mainly in the North, there are Caffè Vergnano 1882 coffee houses, the brand offers wide range of coffee, including capsules, coffee machines and even tea.

The modern world seems impossible without daily use coffee, and love for it unites coffee lovers from all over the world! And how much do you know about real Italian coffee: about its types, names, "rules" for its use and how to order coffee in an Italian bar?

In this article, we will tell you all the most interesting things about Italian coffee. Get ready to immerse yourself in its fragrant world: we promise you will love it!

The main types of Italian coffee and coffee drinks

Flat white, latte with sweet syrups, coffee in avocado or activated charcoal... Forget about all these fashion-inspired types of coffee drinks, because real Italian coffee is served in only a few variations of different strengths:

1. Caffe(caffe " ) - this is what we all used to call "espresso", namely, an invigorating coffee that has rich taste. Served in tiny cups;

2. Caffe ristretto(caffe "ristre é tto, or caffè corto ) - literally translated as "shortened coffee": this is "espresso", which is prepared with less water, due to which the taste becomes even more intense. Served with a glass of water for drinking at the end;

3. Caffe doppio(caffe "dò ppyo) - double portion coffee;

4. Caffe lungo(caffe " lungo) - translates as "long coffee": it is espresso, which is prepared with a double portion of water. Therefore, the taste is a little softer;

5. Caffe decaffeinato(caffe " decaffeinato) - espresso without caffeine;

6.Сaff è con panna(caffe "kon panna) – espresso with a “cap” of sweet whipped cream on top;

7.Caff è macchiato(caffe" macchiato) - literally - "soiled coffee", but in fact - espresso, to which a drop of milk is added for a more delicate taste;

8. Latte macchiato(la tte macchiato) - this is what in Russia is usually called simply "là te" ( with stress on the first syllable ) . Only here in Italian latte " means "milk". So if you go to a local bar and order " latte, then don't be surprised when they serve you a glass regular milk:) But "là tte macchiato" is a drink prepared on the basis of foamed hot milk, to which a small portion of espresso is added;

9. Cappuccino(cappuccino) - everyone's favorite coffee drink, which is prepared on the basis of espresso, milk and milk foam. In Italy, cappuccino, like all coffee drinks with the addition of milk, is taken for breakfast;

10.Caff è latte(caffe latte) is just coffee with milk. Here the amount of coffee and hot milk is in 1:1 proportions.

What about the popular americano? You will learn about this a little later!

What else is worth trying?

    Caffe di orzo(caffe " di orzo) - this type of "coffee" is prepared on the basis of barley and is much easier to digest;

    Caffe al ginseng (jinseng) is another alternative to classic coffee. Ginseng prepared on the basis of ginseng root, cream and sugar;

    During the hot season, trycaffe shakerato(“caffe "shakerato”) is coffee mixed with ice cubes and sugar. Or another similar treat:(granita di caffe") - it is fragmented small crumbs ice mixed with coffee and sugar syrup. Such a dessert will help you not only refresh, but also cheer up!

By the way! If you are lactose intolerant or allergic, you can ask for a coffee drink made with basal lactose milks (lactose-free, soy, coconut, etc.).

How to drink Italian coffee

There are several unwritten rules regarding the use of coffee, which Italians try to adhere to in everyday life:

    Drink coffee drinks with the addition of milk only until noon. Many have heard about this “rule”, but not everyone knows what exactly it is connected with. In fact, reducing the consumption of milk in the afternoon is explained by the fact that in the evening it is poorly absorbed by the body and slows down the metabolism. And here is a cup strong coffee on the contrary, it helps to stimulate it, so in Italy it is customary to drink espresso (caffè) after a meal in order to digest what has been eaten;

    In Italy, there is no fashion for prolonged drinking of coffee drinks, to which we are so accustomed. Here it looks more like: popped into a bar, drank coffee, "exchanged" a couple of words with the barista and left;

    Drink coffee at the bar. This is done in order not to overpay for the “service” of the table, which is automatically included in the bill if you decide to sit down and drink coffee slowly (+ 1-3 euros);

    While you are in Italy, forget about the popular "coffee americano": according to the Italians, this is just (we quote): "...poor and unfortunate coffee espresso, impossibly heavily diluted with water to the state of ... incomprehensible slurry!

    And one more thing: drinking cappuccino and any other coffee drinks during lunch or dinner (simultaneously with the main dishes) is considered a real savagery :)

A minute of Italian: how to order coffee at a bar

gift idea from italy

Do you want to bring original gift from Italy? Then buy a few bags of Italian ground coffee (we recommend brands Trombetta and Illy ) and, most importantly, the famous Italian geyser coffee maker (it. "moka, caffettiera") of the Bialetti brand: It is in it that you can prepare real delicious Italian coffee at home!


    Pour water into the lower compartment to the level of the “screw”, put the funnel-shaped container in place and carefully pour coffee into it to the very edge;

    We connect the upper part with the lower one and tightly twist the moka. We bet on slow fire. In the process of heating and boiling, the water from the bottom of the coffee maker will gradually rise through the "geyser" system through a funnel with ground coffee, leaving at the end a ready-made coffee drink in its upper part;

    Wait until the finished coffee begins to actively boil, and only then remove the moka from the heat and pour the aromatic drink into your favorite coffee cup. Your enjoyment is guaranteed!

On a note:

Never clean your moka with detergents after use: just rinse it with water. In addition, the taste ready drink will become more saturated and fragrant with each subsequent use of the coffee maker. Therefore, the first 3 cups of coffee in a new moka are usually brewed “to throw away” in order to get a truly tasty and invigorating drink next time!

What type of coffee is your favorite?

Write your comments and stay with us! website - this is the most interesting thing about the life of Italy!

Italy is a country of true coffee lovers, which is why a record number of world coffee brands are concentrated on its territory. How does the national drink of Italy differ from others, which brands offer the best and why do they offer real espresso here?

History of Italian coffee

In Italy, coffee does not grow, there are no favorable conditions for this shrub, but the process of conquering Europe with an invigorating drink began precisely from this country, or rather, from its independent republic - Venice. Italian - this product was one of the goods that the wealthy Venetians traded, buying it from the Turks and reselling it to Europeans. But this happened much later.

The first coffee beans were brought to Milan from Africa as a material for study in 1500, and the mass purchase of coffee began 125 years later, the supplier was Yemen. In Venice, coffee houses began to appear for the first time from European regions, the number of which in several decades reached 2 hundred. Here it was possible not only to taste a delicious and fragrant drink, but also to chat, as if at a social event. Coffeehouses were a favorite gathering place for intellectual youth, the elite, famous artists and politicians.

Florian - the oldest and most famous coffee house in Venice

The Italians are the developers of several roasting technologies, the strongest of which is called dark or Italian. They are able to organically blend varieties of coffee beans, carefully select raw materials, surprisingly feel the most subtle facets of taste and aroma, which is why they are considered the best in the field of beverage production and preparation.

Types of Italian coffee

When talking about Italian coffee, everyone will imagine a tiny portion of strong and aromatic espresso and will not be mistaken. This drink is the first in the list of national drinks. But there is no limit to perfection. In this country, there is a double and triple espresso, which are respectively called Doppio and Trippio espresso.

It is part of the most famous Italian types of coffee drinks.

  • Macchiato is a classic strong espresso with a small amount of warm frothed milk.
  • Espresso Romano - Roman coffee with lemon zest.
  • Ristretto is the strongest of all types, its volume is only 25 ml.
  • Frappuccino is a drink that is served chilled, the list of ingredients includes milk, whipped cream and caramel syrup.
  • Cappuccino - espresso with milk and milk foam.
  • Bicherin is a delicious drink made from coffee, cream and chocolate.
  • Moreta Fanez - coffee with a mixture of alcoholic beverages: rum, anise liqueur and brandy. Warms up great.
  • Glace - a drink with creamy ice cream.

Italian coffee sometimes strikes with a combination of ingredients, but it cannot be tasteless and non-aromatic. This country even has special rules for ordering this drink.

So, morning is the best time for espresso, latte and macchiato. Moreover, if you ask to add a little liquor, syrup or other ingredients to the cup, the barista will immediately understand that he has a guest from another country in front of him.

The most famous brands

In Italy, a large number of enterprises involved in roasting and packaging coffee are concentrated. The most famous brands of Italian coffee are Lavazza, Kimbo, Trombetta, Illy.

Illy is a brand operating in the premium segment of the market. Offers the best blends of high quality Arabica from around the world. The brand is well known in Europe, but in Russia it is just beginning to gain popularity. The brand's products always have a deep and rich aroma, medium caffeine content and a unique aftertaste. Illy offers ground, bean and portioned coffees. It is the brand's technologists who are credited with developing the first coffee machine.

Lavazza is the largest and most popular Italian brand, well established in Europe. Works with different varieties of coffee beans from all over the world - from Brazil and Colombia to Vietnam and Indonesia. This brand offers a variety of coffee blends of different roasts. The range of the brand includes ground and grain coffee, as well as the product in capsules and pods.

If you ask 4 Italians what kind of coffee they prefer, then 3 out of 4 will point to Lavazza as the best and real. The photo above shows the range of the brand, available in all European countries.

Kimbo (Kimbo) - a brand that operates at an average price of the market segment, sells its products in 60 countries around the world. Offers blends from different varieties of Arabica and Robusta. Kimbo coffee can be bought in beans and ground. A distinctive feature of the production technology at the factories of the brand is roasting with hot air, thanks to which the maximum aroma is preserved in the grains and an invariable constancy of taste is achieved.