Master class on painting gingerbread with icing and dough for them. Christmas gingerbread with icing

Step by step recipe with photo and video

For making icing gingerbread for Christmas, use these products.

Sift wheat flour into a deep bowl. Add cocoa, baking powder, salt, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg. Mix with a hand whisk.

Add chunks of softened butter. Rub with a spoon or hands until crumbs form. If there food processor with dough kneading function, use it.

Separately, beat the egg with sugar until the color changes and the volume increases.

Add egg mixture to flour mixture.

knead soft dough. Gather into a ball and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Remove from the cold, roll into a layer 5-7 mm high between two sheets of parchment.

Use different cookie cutters: little men, snowflakes, stars, hearts. Cut out the desired shapes.

Lay on a parchment-lined baking sheet at a small distance from each other. Send the gingerbread cookies to the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Cool the finished gingerbread well.

While we prepare the frosting. Whisk the egg white with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Sprinkle in the sifted icing sugar gradually. Depending on the weight of the protein, powdered sugar can take 130-170g. white icing to cover the gingerbread should be more liquid. If you need to draw a pattern, take the right amount of white icing in a separate bowl, add a couple of drops of dye and add powdered sugar to the desired density so that the pattern does not spread at the time of application.

Cover the cooled gingerbread cookies with white icing using a brush and let dry.

Draw the desired patterns with colored glaze. Let dry a little.

Christmas gingerbread with icing is ready. Happy tea!

Gingerbread products are distinguished by a variety of types, shapes and sizes. At the same time, each country is able to boast of its own type of gingerbread, the recipe for which is distinguished by its national flavor. But no matter what state you are in, you will definitely find curly gingerbread on the shelves and windows of shops and shops. This is a common name for baking, which speaks for itself. Cockerels, Christmas trees, horses, angels, hearts - the variety of curly delicacies knows no bounds!

Baking curly gingerbread

Traditionally figured gingerbread was baked for the holidays. In European countries, such products are prepared mainly for Christmas. Gingerbread figures are a great gift and fun for children, as well as decoration for the Christmas tree.

Like any confectionery, such figures have their own cooking characteristics. They are prepared from gingerbread dough, while the composition of the ingredients for each hostess is different. To get the desired figure, the dough is rolled into a layer, after which various elements are cut out using molds or stencils:

The necessary figures are obtained not only from flat dough. They are considered a separate type, the preparation process of which involves obtaining an imprint on the dough using special gingerbread boards.

Decoration of gingerbread figures

Special attention in the process of making curly gingerbread deserves the process of decorating them - painting. With the help of icing, ready-made baking silhouettes acquire an attractive look. It can be patterns or whole images that give the product completeness.

Company "Bogorodsky gingerbread" invites all lovers original delicacies try traditional gingerbread old recipes. In our catalogs you will find honey gingerbread, souvenirs, and also, by which not a single sweet lover will pass by!

Christmas is a holiday that you want to celebrate in a special way. It is thought that to festive table our recipes work too.

Figured Christmas gingerbread

What's Christmas without gingerbread! We offer you not simple gingerbread, but curly ones: "Kvasnik", "Teremok", "Lamb", "Goat", "Grapes", "Ear", "Ship", "Herringbone", "Cockerel", "Chicken", " Cow", "Goby", "Nightingale", "Horse", "Lyra", "Book".

We offer gingerbread patterns. First of all, you need to print the pattern, transfer it to tracing paper, cut it out along the contour. The shaded areas on the patterns must be cut out, the same should be done on the gingerbread.


figured gingerbread"Kvasnik" Figured gingerbread "Teremok" Figured gingerbread "Lamb" Figured gingerbread "Goat"
Figured gingerbread "Grapes" Figured gingerbread "Spike" Figured gingerbread "Ship" Figured gingerbread "Herringbone"
Figured gingerbread "Cockerel" Figured gingerbread "Chicken" Figured gingerbread "Cow" Figured gingerbread "Bull"
Figured gingerbread "Nightingale" Figured gingerbread "Horse" Figured gingerbread "Lira" Figured gingerbread "Book"

And then everything is simple. The dough prepared for gingerbread must be rolled out on a board into a thin layer, put a pattern on top and cut out a figure. After baking, cool the gingerbread cookies and paint with a thin brush with patterns of white or chocolate icing.

Gingerbread recipes

Gingerbread (first option)

Required: 100 g sugar, 400 g honey, 400 g flour, 1 tsp. soda, 100 g butter, 4 yolks, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 3 tsp. spices (cinnamon, cloves), 30 g of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Boil honey several times, cool. Grind the yolks with sugar, put honey, spices, sour cream and flour in them, which must first be mixed with soda. Mix everything well. Roll out the layer and put it on a greased vegetable oil baking sheet. oven in hot oven 20-25 minutes. Cool the cake, cut out gingerbread figures from it according to the pattern and paint with icing.

Gingerbread (second option)

Required: 100 g sugar, 300 g honey, 4 eggs, 300 g flour, 1 tsp. soda, 3 tsp. spices, 30 g of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Boil honey with spices, grind the yolks with sugar until white. Then put boiled honey in them, continuing to grind, add whipped proteins to the dough, mix. Mix soda with flour, also put in a mass and mix well again. Roll out the dough into a layer no thicker than 2 cm and put on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake in the oven for no more than 20 minutes. Finished cake cool, cut out the gingerbread pattern and paint with glaze.

CHOCOLATE GLAZE (first option)

Required: 100 g chocolate, 2 proteins, 300 g sugar or better powdered sugar, lemon juice.

Cooking: Grind sugar with proteins and, continuing to grind, add melted chocolate and lemon juice. Once again, rub everything well and paint the products.

CHOCOLATE GLAZE (second option)

Required: 100 g chocolate, 25 g butter, 250 g sugar, half a glass of water, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Cooking: Boil sugar with water until thick syrup, put lemon juice and put in the cold to freeze the syrup. Then grind it well, add butter, melted chocolate and grind again, and you can paint the products.


Required: 200 g powdered sugar, 1 protein, lemon juice.

Cooking: Rub the protein with powdered sugar until fluffy, add lemon juice. Paint the products and dry a little in the oven.


Required: 400 g sugar, half a glass of water.

Cooking: Boil sugar with water in a saucepan until a thick syrup is obtained, put lemon juice and put in the cold so that the syrup freezes.

Source: "The Big Book of Holidays for Kids" N.V. Grishechkina

Today, I will show my favorite recipe for gingerbread for painting with icing, which are very tasty, fragrant, and at the same time easy to prepare. For it, you can use your favorite spices - ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, and you can also add citrus zest to it. I will show basic recipe, which, in my opinion, is the simplest and at the same time, successful and tasty. You can make both cookies and gingerbread from it, simply by changing the size of the product and their thickness. If you do painted gingerbread to order, then this recipe will be really optimal for you, as well as for me, although I have already tried quite a few options.

Gingerbread handmade- This is a beautiful and cute gift that is nice to receive at any age. And what is not unimportant is that they are easy to make with your own hands. If your child loves some kind of cartoon, then he will definitely be delighted with gingerbread with the characters of this cartoon. Even if you do not have special molds for squeezing them out of the dough, this is not a problem, as I will show you how to do everything without them. I made these gingerbread cookies for a child in a kindergarten for an autumn fair, but according to the same recipe I cook them to order, so I will be happy to share with you various subtleties this case.

These honey gingerbread with icing remain soft even after a few days, and in the package they can be stored for about a month. I know that there are people who keep them for more than a year, simply because it is a pity to eat such beauty. But still, I advise you to keep them for a short time, and then still enjoy them with tea or coffee.

I will also show you perfect recipe colored icing for gingerbread from powdered sugar and protein, which can be made of different consistency, both contour and aspic, and how to adjust the density, I will also show in practice. With the help of different food colors, it is so easy and simple to make it colorful. And to decorate them even more beautifully, I advise you to do it. So I advise you to bake these gingerbread with icing, step by step recipe made with detailed photos to make it easier to repeat everything.


  • Wheat flour - 280 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Ground ginger - 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Nutmeg - a pinch


  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g
  • Starch - 0.5 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp


  • colored sugar
  • confectionery sprinkles

How to bake gingerbread at home

The recipe for gingerbread at home is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and everything will turn out perfectly, as in the photo. The oil must first be taken out of the refrigerator so that it becomes room temperature. Then I sift the flour and add soda, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg to it.

Next, mix with a whisk or spatula until smooth. To give the cake a darker color, I advise you to add another teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Pour sugar into the mixer bowl and add softened butter. At first I just mix them, and then I start to beat for about 2 minutes, until the mass becomes a little lighter.

I add 1 egg to the lush mass and continue to beat everything. This will take another 2-3 minutes. Then add honey and mix well.

Then I begin to add flour with spices, you can do this by adding 1 - 2 tablespoons and mixing, or pour half of it at a time the right amount and stir.

The dough will still be sticky, so I spread it on the surface sprinkled with flour, which is still left and continue to knead it.

It is very important not to fill it with flour so that the products remain soft. long time and not stale. after you have entered everything required amount the dough will still be soft and may even be a little sticky. Maximum amount added flour 300 grams, minimum 250 grams.

After kneading, I transfer it to a bag or wrap it cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and preferably at night, so that it ripens well. After the refrigerator, it will be more solid, and it will be very convenient to work with it.

Now I am preparing the molds, and if there are no necessary ones, they can be easily made by drawing a picture on a piece of paper and cutting it out. Thanks to these blanks, I will do desired drawings. I have these gingerbread maple leaf, carrot, mushrooms and pumpkin, on an autumn theme. I also make them in the form of ice cream and cakes.

I sprinkle the working surface with flour, spread a piece of dough on it, which has become very dense and no longer sticky.

As I showed earlier, you need either two planks of the same width or two books of the same thickness in order to roll out the dough evenly. To do this, I put them on both sides of it and start rolling. In the process, it is better to sprinkle the surface with flour a couple more times so that our products do not stick in the future.

As a result, an even layer was obtained, from all sides. Next, I apply paper blanks to it, at a small distance from each other, so that it is more convenient to cut them out.

I also dust the knife with flour and carefully cut out the dough around the shapes, getting the necessary shapes.

I cover the baking sheet with parchment or you can bake on the film from the baking sleeve. Some people like a silicone mat for this, so you choose the method you prefer. And I transfer the figures to a baking sheet, but very carefully so as not to deform. They should be at a small distance from each other.

Then I put them to bake in the oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees, for 6 - 7 minutes, until light golden. It is important not to overdry them, otherwise they will become crispy. Immediately after that, I take them out of the oven and transfer them to a flat surface to cool.

Now I'll show you how to do it right. icing for gingerbread at home. To do this, I drive one into a bowl egg white and add powdered sugar and starch. I mix them with a whisk, and then start whipping. First I beat everything for a couple of minutes, then I add more lemon juice and continue to beat the same amount. As a result, it turns out very white and air glaze, a slightly thick consistency, which is more suitable for contours and small drawings.

Next, I divide the glaze into as many parts as you need colors for the pattern. And I add to it food colorings, it can be either liquid or dry. And the glaze, which is not yet needed, is transferred to a plastic container or jar and closed with a lid. It can be stored for several days in this way, but only in the refrigerator.

I make glaze of one consistency, adding a couple of drops of water to it and mixing until I get the desired result. Such a glaze is considered medium, because it is not thick and not liquid.

Now I transfer it to a pastry bag and tie it, and on the other hand I cut off a small hole with which I will draw. You can also use special nozzles. To get a drawing, with a needle I carefully mark all the lines of the drawing on the gingerbread, that is, the contours. To do this, I apply a leaf to the product and pierce the contours with a needle. First, I draw the outline of the desired part with glaze, and then fill in the middle.

Please note that two adjacent parts cannot be poured at the same time, the first part must first dry for at least 15 minutes, and then draw the second. As you can see, the master class (MK) for painting gingerbread with icing for beginners, since there is nothing complicated in this. To make the drawing lie flat, just shake the gingerbread cookies from side to side with sharp movements. Do not forget to help yourself with a toothpick, aligning the pattern.

When the bottom drawing has dried up, at least an hour, you can draw the top lines, which are already being done more thick glaze. If you plan to decorate these lines with colored sugar, then you need to sprinkle them with it, immediately, when all the contours are still wet and the sugar will stick.

The rest I draw on the same principle. Now you also know how to make gingerbread with icing at home, so that it turns out both tasty and beautiful. I painted the dots on the mushrooms wet, that is, I filled in the red cap of the mushroom and immediately put white dots, then they are evenly distributed. I decorated cakes and ice cream with confectionery topping, it must also be poured on wet glaze so that it sticks. Now I leave them to dry completely, this one will take about 6 hours.

like this great recipe I made gingerbread for painting with icing. This is my autumn mood, I advise you to do such an exciting thing. And you can also call the kids for help, believe me, they definitely will not refuse to draw their own masterpiece. Good luck in the kitchen!

Sugar, honey, spices, butter send to water bath and melt until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Remove the mass from the water bath and add one egg at a time, beating thoroughly each time.

Separately mix flour, cocoa and soda.

Add dry ingredients to honey mass and knead to a smooth dough. The dough is very soft and pliable. During kneading, I advise you not to add flour, then the gingerbread cookies will turn out more tender.

Send the dough to rest overnight or for a day in the refrigerator, wrapped in a bag. Then the dough will become more fragrant and our pastries will be more tasty and rich. Ready dough roll out into a layer 5 mm thick and cut out the desired figures with the help of molds.
Put on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake in a preheated oven for 5-8 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. You can line a baking sheet with parchment or bake directly on a baking sheet.

Decorate the finished gingerbread as you wish or simply sprinkle with powder. I prefer frosting. To do this, beat the egg white with powdered sugar and add a couple of drops lemon juice. Via pastry bag I paint gingerbread cookies to my taste. First I draw the outline and leave it to harden. Then I paint the gingerbread inside with the main color and, if necessary, after hardening, I make a pattern on top of the main color. For the contour and pattern, I use the glaze indicated in the recipe. For the main color and filling empty spaces in the glaze indicated in the recipe, I add 1 teaspoon of water so that our mass becomes more liquid and evenly fills the desired space. Here are some beautiful, delicious Christmas gingerbread cookies you can cook at home.