Recipes with poppy seeds. Homemade poppy seed

How good it is to live in the modern world! I remember those times when grandmother spent half a day to prepare poppy filling - steamed it, and then rubbed poppy seeds by hand with a special mortar. The taste of her pies will forever remain in my memory. Mom steamed the poppy and twisted it several times in a meat grinder. I use a blender - steamed it, mixed with sugar and interrupted. By the way, a blender crushes poppy seeds into molecules in a matter of minutes. But I always want to simplify the cooking process and I'm looking for alternatives.

Once I came across a ready-made poppy seed with candied fruits.

I was extremely interested in it, since I am a fan of baking with poppy seeds. I bought 3 cans at once for testing and, looking ahead, did not regret it. Now, to prepare a delicious juicy filling, just pull the ring and voila, the filling is ready.

Poppy seed with candied fruits

Manufacturer Poland. A beautiful tin can weighing 850 grams, its contents are ready-made poppy seed with candied fruits, raisins and artificial honey. Contains no preservatives! But it contains modified starch and flavorings.

The mass looks dark brown in color (due to the abundance of orange peel and raisins), has a pleasant aroma. The taste of orange dominates over the taste of poppy and I consider this to be the main drawback.

I tried the filling in pies, pancakes, dumplings ... Yeast rolls are the most delicious, candied fruits there in the subject.

I try to make poppy seed filling in the old fashioned way, but I always have a couple of cans in stock - suddenly the guests will come!

The cost of such a can is $ 1.5-2.

If you like baked goods with poppy filling, but don't like to tinker with them, you should definitely try to cook with Helio poppy seed mass. I use it myself and recommend it to you.

A. Seleznev's cakes - a holiday at school without hassle!

Homemade poppy seed is simply incomparable in taste, besides without preservatives, in contrast to the store, which nowadays can be bought without any problems. Therefore, you should try to make it yourself!
The recipe contains poppy seed without proteins. If you bake shortbread rolls with poppy seeds, or baked goods that require a thin layer of poppy seed mass, you can use it as is, right away. And if you bake yeast pastries or, closed or open, pies with poppy seeds, then it is better to add whipped proteins to the mass. For this amount of ingredients, you need 3 proteins, whipped into a strong foam. Proteins bind everything together, making the mass more tender, fluffy and less knocked down. But in order for the shelf life to be long and even more important, so that air bubbles do not come out of the proteins before baking, they must be added at the very end.
You can add a little more dried fruit or nuts if desired. But the main thing is to know when to stop so as not to make the mass heavy. Instead of orange zest, you can use lemon zest, or moderately sweet. If you are baking pastries with unsweetened dough, then increase the amount of sugar in the dough by half.

I use the same mass for cooking


  • 250 grams of poppy seeds
  • 500 ml of water (boiling water)
  • 3 squirrels
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • 30 grams nuts (I have almonds), chop
  • 1 tbsp honey, preferably buckwheat
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 8 grams vanilla sugar
  • 50 ml rum or cognac
  • 90 grams of caster sugar
Soak poppies and raisins: 45 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Total cooking time: 1 hour

1) Place the poppy in a deep bowl and pour 500 ml of boiling water, stir, cover the bowl and leave to cool.

2) Place the raisins in a small bowl and also pour boiling water over the entire surface of the raisins.

Drain the water from the raisins after 10 minutes and immediately pour 50 ml of rum.

3) When the poppy is cold, drain the excess water and rub it well in a mortar, or so I, intensively beat with a blender for 5-6 minutes. The poppy should take on a gray tint.

4) Strain the raisins, you can drink rum :-). Put the poppy seeds in a large bowl (more than you think you will need :-)), add the raisins, chopped nuts and zest, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, butter and honey.

Small fragrant poppy seeds are one of the simplest and most delicious fillings used in baked goods. It is traditionally used in the cuisines of the Slavic peoples to fill buns, pies, rolls and pancakes. Poppy seeds are sprinkled with biscuits and bagels, but the soft filling still enjoys the greatest love of the sweet tooth. The sight and smell of this thick, velvety black mass makes the mouth fill with saliva in anticipation of the characteristic rich taste. Even poppy's drug fame pales in comparison to the pleasure it has given gourmets for centuries.

Today, you can buy a poppy seed bun in the bread section of any supermarket, but even the most elaborate industrial confectionery cannot be compared to homemade cakes. After all, a real poppy filling is the pride of any hostess, evidence of her care and attention to households and guests. From time immemorial, this skill has been passed down from generation to generation from grandmothers and mothers to daughters who began to manage in their own kitchen. But if for some reason your family does not have a recipe for poppy filling, we will be happy to share with you the intricacies of its preparation.

Ingredients for poppy seed filling
Poppy seeds can be bought by weight at the grocery market or packaged at the grocery store. It is more difficult to examine the contents of a colorful package, but still try to find seeds that are equally large, whole, not damaged by dampness, mold and pests. In any case, before preparing it for the filling, dry raw poppy seeds should be rinsed in cold water.

Some housewives do not wash, but they grind dry poppy in a coffee grinder or food processor. This facilitates the preparation of a homogeneous, pasty filling. This poppy seed powder can be stored in a sealed jar or bag until you are ready to use it in baked goods. Another option is to scald the poppy seeds with boiling water and grind in a mortar until a homogeneous gruel is formed. But most often the poppy is poured with hot water and left to infuse and swell, or even brought to a boil and filtered through the smallest sieve.

In addition to the poppy itself, you may need sugar, honey, milk, butter, raisins, candied fruits and nuts (walnuts, almonds or peanuts) for the confectionery filling. These additional components enrich the filling, make it more juicy and flavorful. For example, dried fruits and nuts are commonly used in poppy seed filling for Christmas decorations and pies. But for a basic poppy filling recipe, grains, sugar and / or honey are enough. Use all other fillers to taste and desire.

Poppy filling recipes
It is necessary to prepare the poppy filling immediately before use in order to maintain all its softness and plasticity. Choose the recipe that seems to you the most delicious, and strictly adhere to the specified technology:
Poppy filling is used not only for baked goods, but also for cakes and pastries. Sometimes poppy seeds are added directly to the dough when baking cakes, and in Asian countries, poppy paste is prepared as an independent dish. This addiction is easy to understand, knowing the taste and aroma of the sweet poppy seed, which you can now always cook at home.

For someone like, but for me pies with poppy seeds are the most beloved and delicious. I love pies, and strudli, and buns with poppy filling, in general, everything that is cooked with poppy seeds. Not many people know how to properly prepare poppy seeds for filling pies and today's post is dedicated to poppy filling, which can be successfully used both for baking and for kutya, dumplings and any other dish

It is clear that today in confectionery and grocery stores you can easily buy ready-made poppy filling. But the one that is made with your own hands, using the highest quality products, has an amazing aroma and taste.
Much depends on the quality of the poppy. It is possible to buy it both by weight and in the form of prepackaged packages, in the market or in a store. It is preferable to take a product by weight, since in this case it will be possible to consider the presence of mold, damp lumps or insects in the seeds. Be that as it may, immediately before cooking, the future filling must be washed in cold and purified water.

It also happens that housewives use exclusively dried poppy seeds, ground in a coffee grinder, to make rolls and other baked goods. In this case, you can achieve a pasty and homogeneous filling. The finished powder is stored for a long time in a tightly sealed glass container. Make sure you have all the other ingredients before making your own poppy filling. Here they can be very different: honey, a variety of whole and ground nuts, high-quality butter, sugar, milk, dried fruits and much more. All of these components are capable of making the filling of baked goods more intense and aromatic, but are not considered necessary. The classic recipe involves the presence of only the grains themselves, honey and / or sweet sand.

How to make poppy seed filling

The most important thing in the filling is that the poppy seeds are well grated and let the juice look like milk, then the poppy seeds become more aromatic and tasty. In addition, whole poppy seeds are simply not absorbed by our body. Dry, not grated, poppy seeds are used only for dusting on top, in order to get a juicy poppy filling, the poppy must be literally rubbed white. How best to do this we will consider further. The finished poppy filling should be be used immediately after preparation, otherwise it will quickly lose its plasticity and softness.

How to steam poppy seeds?

To prepare poppy seeds for filling or adding to the dough, rinse the grains and cover with boiling water, or better with boiling milk (1 cup per 100 grams of poppy seeds). Place a lid on top to steam the poppy. Pour boiling water a centimeter above the poppy, leave, let it cool. The poppy must completely absorb water or milk. But that's not all, now the poppy needs to be ground.

How to quickly grind poppy seeds?

In a blender

Someone in order to grind the poppy uses a coffee grinder, someone rubs the grandmother's method - with a rolling pin in a mortar, but all ingenious is simple! You can easily and quickly grind poppy seeds in a regular blender! Just before that, the poppy needs to be steamed: pour the required amount of poppy with boiling water or hot milk and cook for a couple of minutes over low heat. Drain the water, pour the poppy seeds into a blender bowl and beat until the masa turns light gray.

In a meat grinder

The steaming algorithm is the same as for a blender, only after boiling, the mass must be well drained and only then the poppy must be rotated twice in a meat grinder.

In a mortar

The method of our grandmothers. Long, but effective.

In makitre

The most effective method is to grind with sugar in makitra makogon.

Poppy filling recipes

Poppy filling for roll and buns


  • 1 cup dry poppy seeds
  • 250-300 ml of condensed milk
  • raisins and finely chopped nuts


Rinse the poppy thoroughly using a fine sieve. Strain it and transfer to a medium-sized saucepan. Pour 3 cups of water here, turn on medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Repeat the same thing again, leave again for half an hour. Drain excess liquid through a strainer or simply place cheesecloth over the pan and remove the water. Grind the poppy seeds in a meat grinder or coffee grinder, as you wish. If you do not have such a technique at home, you will have to crush the poppy in small batches using the above methods.

Add raisins and chopped walnuts as desired, do not forget to pour in condensed milk. The result is a sweet and soft filling for your favorite baked goods! Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Useful tips for cooking: Condensed milk can be replaced with honey, such a filling will be much more useful In some recipes it is advised to cook poppy seeds, we do not recommend doing this, it loses its properties To prevent the poppy from being too cloying, add a little lemon juice Roll with poppy filling: video -recipe

The easiest poppy seed mixture recipe

Take dry poppy seeds, boil it in milk with added sugar. You can use honey instead of granulated sugar. Scroll in a meat grinder or blender. This filling can be used as an independent dish.

Poppy filling with honey


  • Poppy - 150 g
  • Honey - 4-5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 125 ml
  • Chicken egg protein - 1 PC.


Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds, leave covered for 10 minutes. Gently drain the water, pour boiling water over the poppy again, leave for 10 minutes. For the third time, drain the water and steam the poppy again with boiling water. Drain off the water after 10 minutes. Boil milk and pour poppy seeds over it.

Put the dishes on the stove, let the milk and poppy seeds boil and simmer for about 1 minute. Remove from heat and leave on the table under the lid until it cools completely.

Place the poppy seeds on a sieve, drain the milk and dry completely. Crush the poppy seeds in portions in a coffee grinder or blender with a powdered sugar knife. Poppy seeds should "open up", the mass acquire a gray-blue tint. Add honey to the poppy seed and mix. Lightly beat the white of one egg with a whisk or fork. Add the whipped protein to the poppy-honey mass and stir.

Recipe for poppy filling on eggs with milk


  • poppy seeds 450 grams;
  • low fat milk (individual preferences) - 1 full glass;
  • butter about 130 grams;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • honey - 1 spoon;
  • lemon;
  • salt to taste.


Boil the milk and add the poppy seeds for 40 minutes. in a water bath. Add sugar, butter and stir to dissolve the sugar. Beat the eggs until they are slightly frothy and add slowly to the milk. The mass should be smaller after ten minutes. Add lemon zest, honey, salt and stir for 3-4 minutes. Cool the filling and use.

Grind the poppy seeds previously steamed with water in a coffee grinder or pass through a meat grinder a couple of times. Beat the eggs lightly in a bowl, set aside. Add milk, margarine, salt, sugar in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring often, until sugar dissolves. Pour hot milk into the eggs in a bowl in a thin stream, beat with a whisk or fork to prevent the eggs from curdling. Return everything to the saucepan. Continue cooking over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens. At the end add the poppy seeds, stir and cool. The filling can be prepared in advance, refrigerated, and used up to 5 days.

Poppy filling with milk


  • a glass of poppy;
  • two tablespoons of butter margarine;
  • one glass of milk;
  • honey, raisins, nuts - all to taste;
  • half a glass of sugar.


Pour boiling water over the grains and let stand in this water to swell slightly. So that the mixture does not crumble, but looks like a paste, the grains must be scrolled through a meat grinder. This will be sufficient processing and giving the poppy the desired consistency. Next, the grains are combined with milk and boiled. Sugar or honey is added to the milk. Adding nuts, raisins, lemon is already an individual preference for everyone.

Poppy seed filling recipe with breadcrumbs


  • incomplete glass of sugar
  • the same amount of poppy
  • half a glass of milk,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of crackers (crushed)
  • vanillin,
  • slightly less than half a pack of butter - about 100 grams.


Wash the poppy seeds in cold water. Transfer to a small saucepan and cover with boiling water. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for a couple of hours. After a while, drain the water. Rub the poppy seeds through a sieve. Mix milk, crackers, poppy seeds and sugar. Put on fire, stir until thickened. When the mass becomes thicker, remove from heat, allow to cool and add butter to the pan. If the filling isn't sweet enough, you can add raisins.

Poppy filling with semolina


  • 350ml milk
  • 120g sugar
  • 1p vanillin
  • 200g poppy
  • 50g semolina


Mix milk, sugar and vanillin, bring to a boil, add poppy seeds and semolina,
boil for 2-3 minutes, cool and the filling is ready!

Almond-scented poppy filling


  • 500g poppy seeds
  • 250g (or less) sugar
  • 100 grams of raisins
  • 50g walnuts
  • 1 spoonful of honey (or more, but then there is less sugar)
  • almond aroma, cinnamon to taste
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soft margarine
  • 1 egg white (I took 3, you can take all 5 proteins, it will be softer)
  • dry orange peel


Steam the poppy with hot water, let it cool in this water, drain and grind twice. Then add the remaining components of the filling, at the very end, stir in the whipped protein (in recipe 1, but I add 2-3).

The most delicious whipped egg whites filling


  • 200g poppy seeds,
  • 200ml drinking water,
  • 50g cane sugar
  • 50g natural honey,
  • 50 g sweet almonds
  • 50g raisins,
  • 35g candied orange fruits,
  • 2 egg whites
  • 0.5 vanilla pod


In cold water we wash the poppy seeds from dust and possible debris. Put the poppy seeds on a sieve so that the glass is cloudy. After that we transfer the poppy seeds to a dish of a suitable size, fill with cold water and put on the stove over medium heat.

Bring to a boil - no need to cook. Add a pinch of vanilla or a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Half a pod is enough for natural vanilla - cut it lengthwise and scrape the black seeds with a knife. Add to poppy seeds, mix.Cover the saucepan with the steamed poppy seeds and leave it alone right on the table for minutes on the Almonds fry in a dry frying pan. Instead of almonds, you can use walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts.

Chop the nuts in a food processor or simply chop them with a knife. Wash the raisins and dry them. If you come across a dry one, steam it with boiling water, then dry it. Orangepour candied fruits with hot water or aromatic alcohol and let stand until soft. If there are no such candied fruits, just use the zest from one large orange.

Mac m it can be scrolled through a meat grinder a couple of times or grind in a blender to milk.Then add natural honey, brown sugar or white, chopped nuts, raisins and candied fruits. Mix everything. Beat the cooled proteins in a dry, clean and fat-free dish until they become hard peaks, then simply transfer the proteins to the poppy mass and gently but thoroughly mix everything just before baking so that they do not settle and become liquid.

Lemon-poppy filling

It is used for open baking. You will need half a glass of poppy seeds, milk and sugar and 1 ripe lemon with a thin skin. Remove the zest from the lemon and chop it, and bring the milk to a boil with sugar. Place poppy seeds and zest in hot sweet milk and stir constantly until the filling thickens to a suitable consistency. Add raisins or nuts.

Poppy-apple filling

This filling is the juiciest, but also the most difficult to prepare. Take a glass of poppy seeds and milk, 2 tablespoons of natural honey and soft butter each, a quarter of a glass of raisins and sugar, half a glass of chopped almonds or other nuts to taste, 1 ripe sour apple, 1 medium lemon zest. Put all the ingredients, except the apple, in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat immediately and leave to cool. Meanwhile, peel and finely grate the apple, add to the cooled filling and mix thoroughly.