Quince jam - recipes for an amazing autumn delicacy. The most delicious recipes for making quince jam for the winter, in slices and whole

30.09.2019 Dishes for children

Cooking time: for peeling and slicing quince - 30 minutes, for all cooking stages - about 1 day.

Output - 1.5 kg

Pamper your loved ones - make delicious quince jam. This healthy fruit is not very impressive raw, but it tastes great when cooked. You can easily prepare a fragrant and retained maximum vitamins quince jam, the recipe with a photo will explain you all the subtleties and nuances step by step.

How to make quince jam in slices

Wash the quince covered with fluff thoroughly. It is washed off easily, just rub it with a sponge. Remove the core with seeds and damaged areas, if any, from the quince. Chop the quince wedges into slices 2-4 mm wide.

Please note: peeling fruit from the core will slightly reduce the original weight of the product. Use 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of peeled fruit.

Put the cut slices in parts in a cooking bowl and immediately sprinkle with sugar. This is done in order to avoid darkening of the quince in the air.

Leave the cut slices covered with granulated sugar for several hours, during which time the juice should stand out. To make it stand out more actively, you can stir the sugar-fruit mixture a couple of times. Ideally, the naturally produced syrup should cover almost all of the wedges. If the quince is not very juicy and will not give its juice well, add a little water.

Put the future quince jam on a low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. If foam forms, remove it with a spoon. Now the delicacy must be allowed to cool. This procedure will need to be repeated two more times. By the end of the third cooking, the quince slices will become transparent, and the jam itself will become a beautiful reddish hue.

Before placing the container on the fire for the third time, wash and sterilize the jars with lids. Spread the hot jam into ready-made containers, close the lids and cover with a "fur coat".

You will definitely fall in love with this sweetness and, perhaps, next time you will want to cook it with lemon or orange, with vanilla or nuts, with the addition of pumpkin or apples. Perhaps wonder how to cook quince jam in a slow cooker or even in a bread maker, because all these recipes exist.

A step-by-step recipe for quince jam is ready. Good appetite!


Culinary Sketch 08.10.2018

The jam season is drawing to a close. Its finale is marked by the preparation of a triumphant delicacy, amazing in taste and aroma. It is made from quince, a fruit that is almost impossible to eat fresh. But once you cook it, a miracle happens. Let's make quince jam today.

Irina Rybchanskaya, the constant host of our delicious column, brought us her proven recipes for making quince jam at home. Irina will continue the story.

Hello, dear readers of Ira Zaitseva's blog! In the courtyard of the house where I was born, there was a very old quince. Its gnarled branches resembled the hands of an old grandmother. From year to year, she presented us with a generous harvest of fragrant, stone-hard fruits.

First, shaggy, fancy-shaped fruits were put in small boxes in one layer so that they "reached" the desired condition. When my grandmother decided that they were quite yellow and ripe, the actual process of making the jam began.

I'll start with exactly that grandmother's recipe. And she got it from the neighbors - the Armenians, who cooked quince like that in their homeland, in Kars. The process takes quite a long time, but there is not much active cooking time. But the jam is fabulous! Take the time to cook it while there are quince in the markets. You will be greatly rewarded for your patience and diligence.

Quince jam in slices - the most delicious recipe

For the preparation of such a jam, the hard quince growing in the Caucasus and Uzbekistan is best suited. It is much more aromatic and tastier than the softer Turkish one. And don't be intimidated by its pristine rigidity. In the jam, the quince slices will become softer, slightly elastic, completely pliable for the teeth and very tasty.

Jam according to this recipe in our family is called "soft". Unlike "solid", the recipe for which I will give below.


  • Three kilos of quince;
  • three kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

How to cook

  1. We sort out the fruits, rinse, cut in half, remove the hard centers with seeds.
  2. Cut into thin slices.
  3. Boil water in a large saucepan, throw pieces into it.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, quickly take out the pieces, put them on large trays, and cool.
  5. Put granulated sugar in boiling water, stir. Cook over low heat for about an hour and a half.
  6. Put the chilled fruit into another spacious container, fill it with syrup.
  7. Cook with a not too vigorous boil for ten minutes. Turn off the fire.
  8. We calmly go about our business for the next ten to twelve hours.
  9. Reheat after standing, boil for ten minutes and again leave to "rest".
  10. The third time we boil for five to ten minutes, put it in sterile jars, roll it up, send it for storage.
  11. This is how the finished quince jam looks like.

My remarks

  1. Take my word for it: this quince jam recipe is really the tastiest. Here is a delicious syrup that looks like jelly and delicious, incredibly tasty slices!
  2. Be sure to place the quince petals on trays after boiling, otherwise they will be overcooked. Act quickly, all inventory must be prepared in advance.

Quince jam - a step by step recipe with a photo

Pieces of fruit in this jam are much more elastic than in the previous one. I recommend the recipe for candied fruit lovers - fruits in finished products resemble this particular delicacy.

The step-by-step recipe is as simple as two or two. Even a novice caring hostess will cope with its implementation.


  • The same amount of quince (net) and sugar.

How to cook

Wipe the fluff from the quince, wash, cut, remove the middle with seeds.

Cut into rather large pieces, about one and a half centimeters thick.

Fold the prepared pieces into a spacious container, add half of the recipe sugar. Leave this way until the fruit is juiced. Stir after the juice appears.

After about a day, add the remaining sugar, wait for the juice to release, stir. Leave on for another twenty-four hours.

The decisive moment has come - the beginning of the brewing process. We put the container on the fire, wait for the boil, reduce the flame to the minimum. Cook on a quiet flame - the surface of the jam should only slightly stir and be covered with tiny bubbles.

An hour later, we make a test on the ball. If it does not spread on a cold surface, then it is time to stop cooking the jam. In the photo - ready-made jam.

This is what a wonderful jam came out of our homemade quince. Amber, intense color. Subtle, captivating with its tenderness aroma. I generally keep quiet about the taste.

Ideal quince jam at home

I invite you, dear readers, to watch an excellent video. It is especially pleasant that the perfect recipe for quince jam at home is presented to us by a man.

Quince jam with walnuts - recipe

I really love the combination of jam with any nuts. most often I cook with the kernels of the seeds of the apricots themselves or with almonds. And quince - with hazelnuts and walnuts.

Our hazelnut harvest is still too low due to the youthfulness of the bushes. But we collect several large sacks of our walnuts every year.


  • Quince;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • walnuts.

How to cook

  1. The number of ingredients will be different for each. You just need to keep the proportions. To begin with, prepare the quince in the usual way - wash, cut, remove the seeds, cut into pieces or small petals.
  2. Let's prepare the walnuts. Take 100 to 300 grams of nuts per kilogram of fruit. Dry them in a skillet. Then rub in the palms of your hands to remove the skin.
  3. Fill the fruits with water. It doesn't even have to cover the pieces. Cook for two to three minutes and take out the quince on a tray.
  4. We measure the amount of water. Put sugar in it in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 (by weight). One kilogram of water is one and a half kilograms of sugar. Boil the syrup, put the quince, nuts in it. We stop heating after five minutes of boiling.
  5. We are waiting for our future jam to cool completely. We repeat heating and boiling for five minutes. We make three such "visits".
  6. After the last cooking, we pack the jam into sterile jars and close the lids. I think that it is no longer necessary to remind us that our jars and lids are always sterilized.

Ripe quince jam is self-sufficient and does not require additional flavors or taste regulators. If for any reason you have to process not quite ripe quince, then it is best to cook it with lemon and ginger.

With these additives, green quince jam acquires a special piquancy and expressive taste.


  • A kilogram of quince;
  • one medium lemon;
  • a small plump ginger root, the size of a little finger;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water.

How to do

  1. Washed quince, freed from seed pods, cut into arbitrary thick slices.
  2. Blanch in water for five minutes, cool in cold water.
  3. Wash the lemon in hot water with soda, wipe it, twist it in a meat grinder along with the skin.
  4. Wash ginger, peel, rub on a medium grater.
  5. We measure out 300 ml of water, in which the slices were blanched, pour sugar into it, cook the syrup.
  6. We immerse the fruit, twisted lemon, grated ginger in it.
  7. Heat over medium flame, boil for five minutes, let rest for half a day.
  8. We repeat the operation three more times. The last cooking lasts until the jam is ready.
  9. We pour it into jars, roll it up, send it to the shelf of the pantry.

Japanese quince jam for the winter - the most delicious recipe

From Japanese quince (it is also sometimes called Chinese), you can make jam according to any of the above recipes. But there is one in my piggy bank, which is rightfully considered the best. Judge for yourself - even the list of ingredients is already impressive.

For cooking, we need red currant juice, the season of which has long passed. But I'm sure many of you have some in store.


  • 800 g of Japanese quince;
  • 300 g pumpkin (preferably of the varieties Butternut, Honey Princess, Gribovskaya, Spanish guitar);
  • 150 g cranberries or lingonberries;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • 25 g of ginger root;
  • 350 ml of red currant juice.

How to cook

  1. Work the thawed red currants in a blender, strain the resulting puree through a sieve to obtain juice.
  2. Mix the juice with sugar, boil the syrup over low heat.
  3. While the syrup is boiling, you can peel the pumpkin, cut it into small cubes. If you do not find the specified varieties, then use any that you like the most in taste.
  4. Wash the quince, remove the seed pods, cut into small pieces together with the skin.
  5. Sort out cranberries or lingonberries, wash, let the water drain. Dry.
  6. Peel the ginger, coarsely grater or cut into thin slices.
  7. Dip prepared Japanese quince, pumpkin cubes, cranberries into boiling syrup.
  8. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook on very low flame for an hour.
  9. Pour into small jars. I most often use 200 ml jars for these purposes.

My remarks

  • Unusually delicious jam! The sweet taste of pumpkin balances the sourness of Japanese quince. And cranberries with red currant juice add completeness and nobility to the ensemble.

That's all for today. I tried to find for you, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog, the best recipes for quince jam, which I have been using myself for many years. I hope that many of you have saved up for the soulful winter teas, the recipe for which I gave you just recently.

For all questions, please contact me in the comments. I will gladly and gladly answer everyone!

With wishes of health, peace, kindness and a cozy autumn mood Rybchanskaya Irina author of the blog Culinary Dilettante Essay.

Dear readers, if you are interested in other culinary recipes, I invite you to our section "Culinary etude". You can go to the heading by clicking on the button

Those hostesses who appreciate the gifts of nature can make a work of culinary art out of everything. So it is with quince. At first glance, this is an unremarkable fruit that you just can't eat. Although there are many varieties of quince, many are still not suitable for eating raw. Tart, sweet and sour fruits do not cause exuberant delight in everyone. Quince jam is another matter.

Making quince jam in slices is a whole science. In order to end up with delicious and incredible aromatic jam of a beautiful amber color, you will have to spend more than one day. Although, in fact, the cooking process takes 40-50 minutes. But they need to be stretched over several days.

A few tips before we start cooking.

Choose ripe fruits that are bright yellow without greenery. Such fruits are the most fragrant.

When cooking jam in slices, do not cut the skin, remove only the seed pods.

The longer the slices are in the syrup (do not cook), the softer and tastier they will be.

Cooking time - 1 hour

Servings - 8

Per 100 g

Cal - 219

Proteins - 0.3

Fats - 0.25

Carbohydrates - 54.75


Peeled quince - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg


Sort out the quince and wash with a sponge, removing the "fluff". Then cut each fruit into 4 pieces and remove the seed box. To keep the quince from darkening, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Cut each slice into pieces. Place the quince in the pot or large bowl in which you are making the jam. By the way, such jam can also be cooked in a slow cooker.

Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours.

As you can see in this photo, the quince gave a lot of juice. If after 8 hours there is still little juice, then you will have to add a little water - 70 ml for 1 kg will be enough. There is sugar at the bottom of the pot. Before cooking the jam, you need to stir it so that it does not burn.

We put the pan on the stove with maximum fire. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and leave it ideally overnight, or at least 3 hours. During this time, the quince slices will be soaked in syrup and will not boil.

The next day we repeat the procedure - bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Set aside again to cool the jam.

The third time the jam didn't change much color, but the slices tasted like marmalade. At the same time, the syrup is not very thick. But when the jam cools, it will be thicker.

We put the finished jam in sterile dry jars. How to sterilize? The easiest way to ignite cans in the oven is to put wet cans in a cold oven and set the temperature to 100 degrees. The jars are ready in 7 minutes. Take them out of the oven, let them cool slightly so they don't burst, and spill the jam. Boil the lids for jars for 5 minutes on the stove.

Quince jam will delight you in winter.

To prepare delicious jam from ripe quince fruits for the winter, you should not forget that the ripening season of these fruits is August-October. Quince tastes like apple and pear at the same time. This is one of those fruits that requires heat treatment, since a lot of culinary delights can be prepared from quince. Especially from it, jam is excellent.

The first thing that comes to mind when there are several buckets of fresh quince at home is to cook delicious jam from it for the winter. The sweetest and most delicious variety of this fruit is Portuguese. This fruit, brought into the home, requires almost instant heat treatment.

If the quince is caught with a dense skin and fluff, then it must be cut off before cooking. It is also worth using a sharp knife, as the quince fruits are quite hard. The peel can be used to make syrup, which must be sent to the peeled fruit and thrown away.

It is worth knowing: seeds need to be removed from quince - they contain toxic substances.

How to choose a quince for jam

In addition to the sweet Portuguese variety, there are Japanese, Chinese and Bengal quince, it is rare in the Russian Federation. On the market or on your own, you need to choose the most saturated bright color. The fruit should be free from dents, spots and other defects.

In terms of hardness, the fruits should not be stone, but moderately dense. Ripe quince exudes a pleasant aroma. If the unripe fruits are kept in the refrigerator for a while, they will ripen and become softer.

How to cook quince jam with lemon?

If you make quince jam with lemon in accordance with all the rules and recommendations, then its taste will be truly tempting. For a delicious jam, you will need 6 kilograms of quince fruits, the same amount of granulated sugar, 4 lemons, half a liter of water. It is also worth noting that the jam will take 4 days to cook.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled fruits without skin and grains first into quarters, and then into pieces 1 centimeter wide.
  2. Pour water into a copper basin and put it on fire. Gradually add sugar to boiling water until it is completely dissolved. The liquid must be stirred all the time until it turns into syrup. Now you can pour quince slices into it and mix thoroughly. Cover the sugar-coated fruit with a lid or towel. Put in a cool dark place for a day.
  3. Remove the fruit slices from the bowl, and put the syrup on the fire. Follow the same procedure as last time and leave them for a day.
  4. The next day, you need to cut the lemons into slices, removing the seeds from them, 1 centimeter each.
  5. Remove the quince again from the syrup, which must be brought to a boil. Then add slices and citruses to it again. Stir, place in a dark place for 24 hours.
  6. The next day, put the jam on low heat and boil. The boiling process should take half an hour.
  7. Pour the jam into jars and roll up with iron lids. You can also flip the jars and wrap them in a blanket.

Quince jam recipe with slices

A simple and quick recipe for making quince jam is suitable for those who do not have free time for a 4-day option. You will need a ripe aromatic quince - about one kilogram, the same amount of sugar and one glass of clean water.

  1. Quince, cut into slices, should be blanched with water for half an hour.
  2. Pour the broth from the fruit into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Gradually add sugar to it and stir until the liquid turns into syrup.
  3. Place quince slices in syrup. It is recommended to put the jam for 24 hours in a dark, cool place, and then boil for half an hour and roll up in jars. You can also not wait, but boil immediately and close.

In a multicooker

Quince, cooked in a slow cooker, will become an excellent jam for the winter, if you adhere to this simple and uncomplicated recipe:

  1. Peel a kilogram of quince from seeds and skins, cut into slices. Put the pieces in a saucepan and cover with 1 kg of sugar. Stir and place in a cool place for 12 hours, until the fruit juices.
  2. Transfer the slices with juice to a slow cooker. To speed up the cooking process, you can set the "baking" mode for 30-40 minutes. When the jam is ready, you can boil it again for 20 minutes.
  3. Ready jam should be rolled up in jars or immediately served as a dessert.

With walnuts

An unusual culinary recipe that friends and family will surely appreciate. This jam has a pleasant nut-quince aroma, which is difficult to resist. The recipe will require 1 kilogram of fruit, 800 grams of granulated sugar, 1 glass of water, 60 grams of walnuts, a bag of vanillin.


  1. When the fruit is cut into slices, and the syrup is already prepared, they must be mixed together and boiled for 20 minutes. Put the jam for 12 hours to brew. Then boil again.
  2. The walnut needs to be cut into small pieces. Add it to quince jam along with a packet of vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly and boil for 15 minutes. Distribute the jam into jars, roll up.

With orange

Quince goes well with citrus fruits. The recipe for quince jam with oranges will cheer you up even on the gloomiest autumn or winter day. You will need 2 kilograms of quince, 1 ripe large orange, a kilogram of sugar, 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon.

  1. Combine the quince cut into slices with an orange minced through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the fruits, stir and put them in a cool dark place for 2-3 hours so that the juice stands out.
  2. Transfer fruits with juice to a saucepan and put on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes. Add cinnamon to the jam and boil for another 10 minutes.
  3. Distribute the jam in sterile jars, roll up the lids.

With apples

Quince and apple are perfectly combined in taste. The jam from these fruits turns out to be not only unforgettably aromatic, but also amazingly tasty. To prepare such a dessert, you will need: 1 kilogram of ripe quince, 500 grams of apples, 1 glass of water, a kilogram of sugar.

Quinces are closed for the winter in different ways: they cook, pickle, make and, of course, jam. To make quince jam, you need to know a few important things. The taste of the jam depends on how ripe and ripe the quince will be. A very aromatic and tasty jam comes out of a ripe yellow quince. It is fragrant and alluring, attracts not only with its rich yellow color, but also with a magnificent honey smell. Well, the most delicious recipe for quince jam, of course, with lemon. Citrus notes make the jam just magical! And don't be afraid that the dessert will be sour, just add enough sugar and you will be fine. Any acid will be mastered by granulated sugar. The jam will turn out to be caramel and simply charming.

- 1 kg of ripe yellow quince,
- 1 small lemon,
- 250 grams of water,
- 850 grams of granulated sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

I wash the quince well, it has a characteristic gray bloom, it needs to be washed off. Then we cut the quince into cubes as thin as possible, cut off the middle, cut out the seeds as well. Quince can be harsh, but after heat treatment it will look like jelly.

Wash the lemon, then cut it into pieces together with the peel. It is not necessary to squeeze out the juice, it will stand out during the cooking process.

Pour sugar into boiling water and cook syrup.

Put pieces of quince and lemon in boiling syrup. We simmer the jam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and let the mass cool completely. This way the quince will absorb the syrup and become soft. after cooling, boil again for 15 minutes and cool again. We repeat the cooking and cooling procedure again.

When we boil the jam for the last time, put it in sterile washed jars. We fill the cans to the top, then roll up the lids, cover with a warm cloth and let cool in this form. Turning the jars over, we check for leaks so that the syrup does not leak out of the jam, which means the lids are tightly sealed.

At any time, especially in winter, quince jam with lemon will be a fabulous dessert for you. Bon Appetite!
It turns out very tasty and