October notes. "September smells like an apple..." Competitive game program

1 led. Good evening, Dear friends!

2 led. We are glad to welcome you to our traditional autumn evening!

1 led. “A wonderful time, eyes of charm ...” Autumn is a generous and efficient mistress, it ripens everywhere: in the field, in the forest, and in the garden.

2 led. But today we would like to invite you to the autumn garden. Autumn is the time for apples. It is not for nothing that people say: "September smells like an apple, October - like cabbage."

Music sounds.

No prejudice, festive and complete
A month by the village in sight...
September again ... Apples obediently
Falling and falling in the garden.
Their tired apple trees drop,
Reduce heaviness on the shoulders
And as if the shoulders straighten,
Exhaling in relief, "Ah!"

Time ripe apples,
Starfall time -
And in the dead of midnight
I'll breathe out into the garden.
Silence in the universe
Coolness in the air
I pick apples
From a branch at random.
Hot in the head
light whirl,
And far and near
Falling stars sparkle,
Maybe it's just
Reflection in the sky
golden apples,
Falling up.

1 led. There is nothing more beautiful than an autumn garden. There are just no apples here! The bright blush of some alternates with the golden attire of others.

2 led. All shades of red, yellow, burgundy are pleasing to the eye, as if small suns glow among the foliage. You just admire how beautiful they are!

Look at the apple. It
Full of ripe juice
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy golden
Like honey poured!
You can see through the seeds!

2 led. The branches, studded with heavy fruits, bent low, in places to the very ground. The apple tree seems to bow to the Earth-nurse for a rich harvest.

The autumn is clear
Apples ripened in the orchards,
They hang on apple trees
Ruddy and sweet
They shine in the sun
Transparent thin skin.
So many fruits
That the branches are leaning to the bottom.
We are ruddy apples
We remove from the branches carefully,
I put it in the grass under the apple tree,
Fragrant and fresh.

1 led. As you may have guessed, today we want to devote our entire evening to one topic - apples.

2 led. Do you think we have nothing to talk about? You are wrong. An ordinary-looking apple, so well known to all of us since childhood, is fraught with many surprising and interesting things.

1 led. So we decided to find out today what interesting things you know about apples, what new things we can tell about them. And so let's split into three teams and start our competitive program.

2 led. To evaluate competitions and homework, we need to choose a jury. We offer ____________________________________, ___________________________, ______________________________ to its composition. And we will show your results on a kind of scoreboard: three apple trees (no apples yet). Each of your points is one apple.

1 led. And now our first question to the teams. Where and when was the first garden apple tree planted on Earth?

2 led. Do not know? We don't know either. To answer this and other difficult questions, we invited two researchers from the Institute of Horticulture, well-known apple scientists and apple lovers, to our evening. Meet our guests!

Two professors enter.

Prof. Mily. Hello, friends! Allow me to introduce myself, Professor Mily.

1 led. Mily?!

Prof. Mily. Yes, that's my scientific pseudonym. The Greek name Milia means apple tree, from the apple tree. This pseudonym reflects my scientific interests.

D. Yabl. And I'm Professor Apple.

2 led. Apple grower?!

D. Yabl. Yes, that is also my scientific pseudonym. I am an expert on apples. But in general, everyone calls me in a simple way, Grandfather Yablokoved. There is Santa Claus, and I am Santa Claus.

1 led. Weird alias...

D. Yabl. What is strange here. A. S. Pushkin once tasted rustic pie with apples from his neighbors in Prigorsky, began to sign in letters to them: "Your apple pie." And I'm just - Apple.

2 led. Dear professors, we are interested in the question, who planted the first cultivated apple tree and where?

Prof. Mily. Well, there is nothing simpler (opens his book and reads) “The birthplace of the apple tree is the Caucasus, Central Asia and China, where many wild species are still found. Who planted the first apple tree on Earth, unfortunately, no one knows, it was too long ago. When is also not entirely clear. It is known that in the 1st century BC. the Roman writer and agronomist Columella - the author of 12 books "On Agriculture" - said that the apple tree appeared 3 thousand years ago, since another 2 thousand years have passed since then, we can assume that the garden apple tree lives on Earth 5 thousand years."

D. Yabl. In Russia, the apple tree has also been known since time immemorial. Orthodox people time the autumn picking of apples to coincide with the religious holiday, which is called the Apple Savior. Everyone in Russia liked to eat apples: a simple peasant and a grand duke. And apples, and liqueurs, and tinctures from them. And the soaked apples? It's just a fairy tale! I. S. Turgenev wrote so directly: “It is known: our good fathers loved apples and cucumbers.” But in general, I believe that the first apple tree was planted by the Lord God himself in his Garden of Eden. The Bible says so: “Many different trees grew in paradise, caressing the eye and useful with their sweet fruits. In the very center of paradise stood the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” According to many scientists, these trees were the first apple trees.

2 led. Thank you very much for the interesting information. We also believe that it was apple trees that grew in paradise. But what happened to them next, we now learn from the homework of the 6 “A” class. (The dramatized scene “Expulsion from Paradise of Adam and Eve.”)

Prof. Mily. The apple can indeed be considered a symbol of knowledge. There is no such science that would do without an apple.

D. Yabl. Well, you've already overwhelmed that. Okay, I agree: botany, geography, even history with literature - you can talk about apples there. What about physics, mathematics? There are no apples.

Prof. Mily. How is it not? And what would your physics do if at one time Newton had not been hit on the head with an apple, and he had not discovered his famous law of universal gravitation? As for mathematics, we all learned to count on apples. Why, in science, we even have a Yabloko faction in the Russian government, which assures that it knows more than anyone else. That's it!

1 led. There is nothing to argue, our dear guests, we also agree that the apple is a symbol of knowledge. But it's time for us to find out the knowledge of our teams about this symbol.

2 led. So, the contest “Winged words about apples”. There are six yellow apples hanging on our tree. Each team will come up in turn and take two apples. On the back of the apples are expressions about apples that the teams will need to explain.

Competition: "Winged words and expressions about apples":

  1. Apple of discord
  2. Eyeball
  3. Hit the bullseye
  4. The apple never falls far from the tree
  5. The apple has nowhere to fall
  6. Apples of the Hesperides

1 led. Many thanks to all the teams, and now it's time to watch the staging of the 6 "B" class "Apple of Discord".

Prof. Mily. I believe that Paris was a bad mathematician, he did not know how to divide. Much easier - he divided the apple into 3 parts, gave each goddess a piece and no Trojan War.

D. Yabl. And I think that in general it was necessary to give each goddess an apple and write on it whatever she wants and that's it.

2 led. And this is what our next competition will be connected with. Please come up with a representative from each team. I have an apple with matches in my hands. You will now take turns pulling out matches and saying the words that, in your opinion, could be written on golden apples so that the goddesses would like them.

Competition: "Apple with matches".

1 led. Many thanks to all participants. And now I immediately announce our next competition, a musical one.

2 led. Apple Dance Announced!

The dancers stand opposite each other in pairs, with an apple between their foreheads. They begin to dance at first cautiously, slowly, and then faster and faster. Which pair can hold the apple longer and not drop it, that one will become the winner.

Prof. Mily. Tell me, dear ones, is the following statement true: “Orange, tomato, pineapple, potatoes are also apples”?

D. Yabl. Well, this is completely absurd. What kind of apples are they?

Prof. Mily. And yet, dear Professor Apple, they are all apples to some extent. The point is that used to be an apple called any fruit at all. Well, for example, orange (Dutch) - “Chinese apple”, “apel” - apple + “sina” - China.

A tomato, like an apple, is translated into Russian from two languages ​​​​at once: from Italian "tomato" - Golden Apple, from the French “pomd'amour” - the apple of love. Pineapple in English “pinell” - a pine apple, potatoes in French “pom do terre” - an earthen apple.

D. Yabl. And, well, they would say that we are talking about names. About this and we understand, tea is not born with a bast. In Russia, oranges were also called orange apples in the old days, and we know about potatoes. When our father, Emperor Peter I, personally sent a bag of potatoes to Russia from Holland in 1700 and ordered them to be bred, our peasants rebelled terribly, nicknamed the potato “a damned, hellish apple.”

Prof. Mily. Apple is a very valuable and healthy product. It can also be considered a symbol of life. If you remember, in paradise apples grew not only on the tree of knowledge, but also on the tree of life.

D. Yabl. Russian folk tales tell about rejuvenating apples. An old, sick person will eat such a thing and become young, strong and healthy again.

Prof. Mily. By the way, in India and South America there are still religious sects that worship the apple as a symbol of life.

D. Yabl. In a word, if you want to live longer - chew more apples. Bite to your health.

1 led. This is what we're going to do now. So, competition. We invite here a representative from each team. Best of all, boys. Let's improve their health!

Contest: "Who will eat the apple faster."

2 led. Pay attention, they ate only one apple, and how younger, flushed, cheered up!

D. Yabl. Have fun! We should cry, not laugh! How they ate, how they ate! Shame! There is no culture of behavior, they don’t have our father, Peter I. Now he would have fun with them! He was strict but fair. I personally wrote a little book for the education of young youths “An Honest Mirror of Youth”. Just listen: “... when you happen to sit at the table with others, keep yourself in order according to this rule: Wash your hands and sit decently, sit up straight and don’t grab the first, don’t sniff when you eat, don’t wipe your lips with your hand, don’t lick fingers and do not gnaw on bones. Do not munch on food like a pig, and do not scratch your head. Without swallowing a piece, do not speak. Do not make a fence of bones, bread crusts, cores, and other things near your plate…”. And you? You can't really eat an apple!

1 led. But really, guys, how many of you know how to eat an apple at the table according to all the rules of etiquette? Well, let's turn to Professor Mily.

Prof. Mily. I'm always happy to help you! (Reads:) “An apple is placed on a fruit dessert plate (200mm in diameter), which differs from a snack bar in that it has fruits, flowers, or berries on it. To the left of the plate is a fruit fork, to the right is a fruit knife. The apple is cut into 4 or 8 pieces. Then they peel it off the skin, remove the core and bring it to the mouth with a dessert fork, bite off a piece. That's all. What could be easier?

2 led. Our next competition will be that now we will try to eat an apple according to all the rules of etiquette. Who is not faster, but better. I'll ask here for one representative from the team.

Competition "How to eat an apple."

1 led. Well, eat, now you can work. Let's go back to history. In the story with apples, not only funny, but also dramatic events happened, as, for example, in the scene that 6B class will now show us.

Scene "William Tell".

2 led. We have learned about the history of the origin of another catchphrase “hit the bull's-eye”. By the way, the shooters call the center of the target a bullseye, and everyone wants to hit it.

1 led. Well, now our last contest. And it won't be target shooting. We want to end our holiday on a cheerful and joyful note. Let's talk about the beautiful - about fairy tales.

2 led. Each team prepared fragments from fairy tales containing some information about apples for the rivals. It is necessary to guess the fairy tale, the main character and, if any, the author of the fairy tale.

Fairy Tales Competition.

The teams present excerpts from Russian folk tales (“Havroshechka”, “Geese Swans”, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”), as well as “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (A. Tolstoy), “ Magic School” (Yu.Druzhkov), “Mrs. Metelitsa” (Brothers Grimm), “Moroz Ivanovich” (V.Odoevsky), “Gulliver's Journey” (D.Swift).

1 led. This is the end of our last contest. We will ask the jury to sum up the final results and announce them. In the meantime, we would like to thank our guests. Thank you very much, you helped us a lot, told us a lot of interesting things.

P.M. Thank you for the invitation. We were very pleased to meet you!

D.Ya. Goodbye guys! See you soon! (leave)

The word of the jury, summing up, rewarding.

2 led. And in parting, we would like to tell you that a person in his life must build a house, raise a child and plant at least one tree.

1 led. So let this tree be an apple tree. Then the whole Earth will turn into one big blooming garden. And, perhaps, then it will become a little easier and happier for all of us to live in the world!

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    Help children!

    Articles of the day

    Natalia Murashova 7.09.2015

    Natalia Murashova 7.09.2015

    September smells of apples, October - of cabbage.

    The beginning of autumn is the most generous time. Before withering, nature gives us its fruits, the markets are full of different fruits and vegetables. The sweetest tomatoes and the most delicious eggplant. Pears, plums, grapes, peaches, watermelons, melons - all in abundance. Beautiful pumpkins ripen in the beds. Yes and ordinary potatoes with carrots at this time is much tastier. And apples, how many apples this year! In this issue I propose to talk about their benefits and harms.

    We eat fresh.

    The value of apples lies in their composition. Almost 80% of apples are water. The remaining percentages fall on fiber, organic acids, carbohydrates. Special mention should be made of the benefits and harms of apples on an empty stomach. Eating apples in the morning will help with constipation and help the body get ready for work. However, the use of these fruits on an empty stomach is unacceptable for gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers, and cholelithiasis. The benefits of apples on an empty stomach for weight loss are also controversial. On the one hand, the apple has a rich complex nutrients, which can replace a meal. On the other hand, for many people, an apple causes appetite, as it irritates the walls of the stomach with acids. Eating an apple on an empty stomach or as a snack during a diet is possible only for those who do not have such a feature of the body. Speaking about the benefits and harms of apples, it is impossible not to touch calories this fruit. This indicator will depend on what kind of apple, and in what conditions it was grown. On average, a red apple has a calorie content of 47 units, and a green apple has about 35 units. Exactly green apple recommended to use during diets.

    We bake.

    Those who are bored of nibbling fresh fruits are thinking about what to cook from them, saving useful composition fruits. Baked apples are especially popular. Their benefits and harms are discussed by nutritionists. This dish is tasty and healthy. The potassium contained in it helps to strengthen the muscles of the myocardium. However, its excess can cause spasm. If you are a food lover like baked apples, the harm and benefit they cause to the body will depend only on your moderation. In addition, in this form, these fruits no longer have a high content of fruit acids. This means that they can be used by people with gastritis different acidities, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach. For those who are afraid to gain weight, baked apples are also useful. They give a feeling of satiety. The benefits of apples are undeniable, because they are also low in calories.

    We stock up for the winter.

    Of course, apples can be stored all winter and this is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right variety, carefully remove them from the tree, and most importantly, create suitable storage conditions. To keep apples well, it is recommended to wipe each of them with a cloth moistened with glycerin or wrap it in thin paper. The best storage container is a box or cardboard box. The fruits must be carefully laid and sprinkled with sawdust, sand, peat chips or shavings. When storing apples in winter, you need to follow the rules: do not store apples with strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic; humidity in the room should be about 85-90%; The temperature during storage of apples should be around 0%.


    Everyone, young and old, of course, knows that charlotte is incredibly tasty and, no doubt, healthy pie from apples, the taste of which is well known since childhood. Even despite the relative simplicity of the recipe, it is hearty pie even a child can cook, he has unsurpassed palatability and, of course, contains great amount vitamins. Charlotte is a very popular, and one might even say "folk" dish. Initially, charlotte was called a completely different pie, more like a pudding or casserole. This bread and fruit pudding, believed to have been invented in England, consisted of layers of sugared apples and stale wheat bread soaked in milk-egg mixture. This pudding was served with whipped cream, ice cream or English cream. The dessert quickly became popular all over the world among diligent housewives, because it allowed the use of leftover products. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a famous chef named Marie-Antoine Karem invented a dessert that became known as Russian charlotte. This cold dish has little in common with the traditional apple pie: it consists of a biscuit with bavarian cream and whipped cream. The origin of the name of this dish is not exactly clear. According to one version, the word charlotte comes from the Old English charlyt and refers to a dish for the preparation of which beaten eggs, sugar and milk were used. According to another version, Charlotte owes its name to Queen Charlotte, who was engaged in the cultivation of apple orchards. Finally, some believe that the name of the dessert was given by a certain chef in love with a lady named Charlotte.

    I propose to bake charlotte from childhood. I love this cake for it delicate taste, and even more for the fact that it is prepared quickly and the recipe is very simple.

    4 apples, 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 5 eggs, 100 gr. butter, vegetable oil, vanillin, soda and salt on the tip of a knife.

    Beat sugar with eggs, add vanillin, soda, salt, carefully add flour, without ceasing to beat. If you want a lighter and air dough, add a teaspoon of cognac to it. We cut the apples into neat slices, put them in a greased form vegetable oil, pour dough, planed on top butter and bake in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes (depending on the oven). Ready meal sprinkle powdered sugar. Have a nice tea party!

    As for every month of the year, there are many different signs among the people for October. Folk signs are a kind of “weather forecast” of our ancestors. So, according to the weather of October, they judge the coming winter, they learn suitable days for business affairs. And, I must say, not infrequently signs about the weather turn out to be much more accurate and correct than the forecasts of modern meteorologists.

    Folk omens for October

    In October, more clearly than in the previous month, signs of the approaching winter appear and sometimes severe cold sets in. October is very fickle. But for the peasants, this is a well-fed, wild month, a time of relative rest from summer labors, a transition from autumn to winter, for livestock - the same transition from pasture to winter.

    In nature, there is a gradual reign of winter, with the freezing of rivers, with the fall of snow, with the establishment of a winter path, but at the same time, sometimes the heat returns later. This winter is not real yet, but only its threshold, and among the people there are many signs that characterize its onset.

    Folk omens for October

    In Russia, October was called “leaf fall” - from the autumn fall of leaves, “leaf fall”, “golden autumn”, “winter”, “winter”, “pazdernik” - from the word “pazder” - a bonfire, since this month they began to crush flax and hemp. This month is also called Octovrium, because among the Romans it was the eighth in a row (octo - eight).

    Now, ordinary people call the month of October in their own way - "dirty", from the autumn rains that cause bad weather and dirt, or "wedding" - from weddings that are actively celebrated at this time.

    People say that in the October bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, circles, stirs, roars, pours from above, sweeps from below.

    • October is fickle: it cries, it laughs.
    • In October, the earth will cover where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
    • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
    • October, that March, is fickle.
    • Mne and trample the flax from half of the dirt.
    • If in October a leaf from a birch and oak falls uncleanly, wait for a harsh winter, and if it is clean, for an easy year.
    • The rain sows finely, but it drags on for a long time - a red day will also glimpse.
    • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
    • If a leaf, falling from a tree, lies face up - to a crop failure for another year, and lies on the wrong side - to the harvest.
    • In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
    • In October, there is a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but there is no ergot (in work).
    • Thunder in October - snowless winter.
    • The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.
    • October is the time of weddings, wedding sittings are straight.
    • The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
    • In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
    • In October, a man lives with an eye.
    • October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
    • In October, the black grouse went crazy (changed color).
    • Know autumn in October through mud.
    • October crowns White snow with great mud.
    • October completes preparations for winter.
    • October - chest, on the roads there are piles of frozen mud.
    • October is the month of full pantries (burrows, hollows, nests).
    • October often cries into the scarf of the red dawn.
    • October is crying with cold tears.
    • After October, there is no smell of summer.
    • September smells like apples, October - cabbages.
    • October will fill the roof with snowy hops.

    Signs and traditions for every day of October

    October 1. The people called this day the first winter, or the flight of cranes. It was noted that if cranes and geese are in no hurry to leave their native places, the cold will not come soon, and the winter will be mild and short.

    • Cranes will fly - in two weeks you have to wait for the first frost: if they are not visible on the Arina - winter will come in a month, not a single frost will hit before November 2.
    • On Arina (October 1) there is the first winter (the first snow and frost).
    • The day is also called Arina-rosehip: they begin to collect rose hips and dry them.
    • If the weeds have grown very high, there will be a lot of snow.

    2 October. By this time, bee sittings begin: the bees stop flying out of the hives for nectar, close up the entrances with wax - they hide for the winter. Hence one of the names of this day is “bee nine”, which means a commemoration for bees, which will not be seen until next spring.

    • Thicker pours a leaf - orders the beehive to be removed from the apiary.
    • In nine days of bee nine days in a row, a beggar will eat a spoonful of honey.
    • Put the hive in the cellar - the holiday of honey is right

    October 3rd. Day of Astafiya. From that day strong winds began to blow, and on the same day the millers' holiday was celebrated - the only people capable of curbing the terrible whirlwinds and making them turn the mill wings.

    • Northern Astafyevsk winds - to the cold, southern - to heat, western - to sputum (rain), eastern - to the bucket.
    • If it is foggy and warm, and a long white cobweb flies along the alleys, the autumn will be favorable and the snow will not fall soon.
    • If there is a wind from the south on Eustace - to a good harvest of winter bread.
    • On Astafya, the northerner (northern wind) will catch a cold.
    • Not all bad weather is not Astafya - a clear day will also glimpse.
    • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
    • In October, the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.
    • After October, the summer does not smell.
    • September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbages.

    • What is the weather like on Kondrat with Ignatius, it will stay like that for the whole month.
    • It is clear on Kondrat with a sharp northeast wind - for a cold winter.
    • If the cold has intensified - say goodbye to good weather.
    • This day's weather will remain unchanged for another four weeks.
    • If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
    • If it gets cooler during the day and warmer at night, there will be bad weather.
    • The cold drove all people to the stove, and all the heat went to the sky (at this time it becomes really cold).
    • If a leaf has not fallen from a birch, the snow will fall late.
    • It was impossible to eat fish on Jonah: they remember the stay of the prophet Jonah in the belly of a whale.
    • With a crop failure for cedar cones, spruce and pine, winter is not fierce.
    • Ferrets and martens change their summer fur for winter fur ahead of time - by early winter.
    • Many acorns on oak warm winter and fertile (bread) summer.
    • Zarevnitsy raspberries (painted red) glass huts.
    • Thunder on this day portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
    • If in October the sun rises quickly and shines brightly, the weather will change.

    • If by this day the birch leaf has not fallen, the snow will fall late.
    • Wind from the north cold winter, from the south - to warm, from the west - to snowy.
    • If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a severe winter.
    • The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - for good weather.
    • The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain or snow.
    • Clouds float in October from north to south - to sunny weather, from south to north - to inclement weather.
    • They love an apple tree for apples, a bee for honey.

    October 11. Khariton's day. According to popular beliefs, this day was considered very dangerous - they could jinx it, cause damage, and in order not to bring trouble on themselves and the economy, they were supposed to stay at home and do homework. In no case was it possible to sweep the rubbish out of the hut, because the garbage thrown out could bring trouble into the house.

    • Khariton - damage in the hut.
    • Feofan threw a caftan on the sun.
    • There are many stars on Feofan - by a dry autumn.
    • If fog appears late in the evening or at night, there will be no frost.
    • If a late fungus appears, there will be a late snowball.
    • The first frost will come late - to mild winter with changeable weather.
    • If the snow falls, winter will not come soon.
    • The cranes have already flown away - for an early and cold winter.
    • If the squirrel has shed cleanly, the winter will be good.
    • The first dry snow promises a good summer.

    • From where the wind comes to Pokrov, from there the cold will come.
    • The Pokrov did not cover, and Christmas will not cover (the winter will be little snowy).
    • Rainy Cover brings grace to bees.
    • On Pokrov before lunch - autumn, after lunch - mother winter!
    • Clear skies to frost.
    • Low dark clouds portend cold, and possibly snowfall.
    • Jackdaws gather in flocks and shout - the weather will be clear.
    • Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - expect bad weather.
    • If mice dig holes on the south side, the winter will be cold.
    • From Yerofey the cold is stronger
    • No matter how angry the peasant Erofey is, and winter puts on a fur coat from Erofei
    • On Erofeev's day, one "Erofeich" warms the blood!

    • If the snow does not fall, winter will not come soon.
    • Leaves remain on birches and oaks - by a harsh winter.
    • The clicking and crackling of trees in autumn is a sign of good weather.
    • The fog that disappears after sunrise portends good weather.
    • Birds fly away together to the south - to the harsh winter.
    • Autumn snow is useful for rye, if it falls on the damp ground.
    • Denis Pozimsky came
    • Put on a warm dress with Thomas
    • Foma-aches bins, take everything for nothing
    • Foma - big feed
    • In the wilderness and Thomas the nobleman
    • They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma. Foma was beaten for Yeremin's guilt
    • The first dry snow promises a good summer.
    • On this day, they first feed the cattle and only after that they have breakfast themselves.
    • The furnace is kindled by the youngest member of the family, then in winter the house will not be chilly.
    • Women wear new headscarves on this day. There is a sign: whoever covers his head with a new scarf on Sergius, his head will not hurt all year.
    • Pregnant women prayed to God not to give birth on Sergius Day, because childbirth on this day can be difficult.
    • If snow falls before the trees have shed their leaves, it will soon melt.
    • Sergius beats the grass with frost, but Matryona (November 22) does not allow winter to turn.
    • If the weather is good, then stand for three weeks (until November 10).

    • Prepare a fur coat - winter will wander
    • Trifon mends a fur coat, Pelageya sews sheep's mittens
    • Cold and need - there are none worse
    • White snow on Jacob is a blessing.
    • The first snow falls - forty days before winter.
    • Prepare warm clothes - winter wanders.
    • From Yakov icy, the cold flaps its wings.
    • Not the snow that sweeps, but the one that comes from above.
    • If the first snow falls on Jacob, then there are still forty days before winter.
    • Evlampy splits off the torch, blows the fire, frightens the darkness.
    • Last days of cumulus clouds.
    • The moon on Philip in a dim haze - to bad weather (snowfall).
    • A clear moon is a harbinger of frost.
    • The wind blew from the north side - to the great cold.
    • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.

    Folk signs say that on this day you can’t wash, whiten, knock out feather beds, put kvass, buy church candles for the house, quarrel with people, kick animals, guess on the cards.

    • Whoever was born on this day will sip a lot of grief.
    • Do not offend anyone on Provo - there will be no happiness yourself. This sounds like advice: do not quarrel, do not take revenge, so that nothing bad happens to you either.
    • On this day, they don’t ask “Who is there?” at the knock on the door, so that illness and trouble do not come into the house.

    The rooster crowed before nine o'clock in the evening - for the rain.

    By popular belief, a pregnant woman could not comb her hair that day, for fear of angering the saint and losing her help during childbirth.

    • Rainy autumn - rainy spring.
    • Paraskeva-Friday - woman's intercessor, protector of peasant women.
    • Paraskeva-Friday is the patroness of women's winter work.
    • If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, do not expect good weather.
    • Good weather will continue if the sky is clear, pure blue.
    • If the moon on Longinus is cloudy and pale, frost and snow are possible.
    • The sun wanders in the clouds, as in a fog - to bad weather.
    • Osius the dirty: neither the wheel nor the runner loves, and yet
    • On the prophet Hosea, the wheel says goodbye to the axle - they put the cart in the barn, pull the sleigh into the light - winter is coming!
    • By the creak of the cart wheels on the day of Hosea, they guessed about the harvest.
    • The cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree - to frost.

    Until the cherry leaf falls cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, everything will melt.

    GBOU Kindergarten Combined type No. 1547

    Summary of the Health Day.

    "September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage."

    Compiled and conducted

    Egorova L.D.

    Moscow 2013

    Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, where they grow, how they are harvested, how they are eaten, about the benefits, stimulate mental and speech activity. To instill in children a love and respect for work.

    Material: Caps of vegetables, a basket with dummies of vegetables, a distributing board, a bowl, a plastic knife, an apron, a scarf.

    The course of the health day

    Children enter the group after they solve the riddle about vegetables. Here they are met by Petrushka.

    Hello guys, I came to your holiday of vegetables, but I don’t know how to do anything, I don’t know anything about vegetables. I have come to you for help. Help me figure out where which vegetables are and what they are for.

    Children take turns putting on vegetable hats and identifying themselves;

    We all go to the garden

    Harvest there

    We check the beds

    We are walking like a snake.

    Carrying out morning exercises:

    We have a garden

    Carrot grows there

    Here is such a height

    This is the width

    Here is the dinner

    You are a carrot, hurry up

    Dance with us together.

    Parsley praises the children and asks them to show what can be cooked from vegetables.

    Game staging of Y. Tuvim's poem "Vegetables".

    The hostess brought home from the market:

    Hostess - She takes out vegetables from the basket, puts them on a tray, saying:

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, ohhhh!

    What is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

    Potato - I'm more important here than potatoes!

    You can't cook cabbage soup without me

    Don't eat okroshka.

    Cabbage - No, I'm more important!

    You know riddles about me:

    I put on a hundred clothes.

    In the garden in them I sit in the garden,

    You can't cook cabbage soup and borscht without me.

    Tomato - The most important signor here,

    It's me, the tomato!

    Bow-No, All you need is a bow,

    I am an old man.

    But I'm very useful, that's the thing,

    There is no remedy for a cold better than onions!

    Carrot - I am a carrot, or a carrot,

    Make a salad out of me!

    Put in borscht and soup

    From peas and from cereals.

    Peas - Dissolved mustache peas

    Walked in a pod commotion

    A whole bunch of peas

    They don't look like each other.

    And with this knife she began to chop;

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets.

    (The hostess performs the action cuts vegetables).

    Children stand around the table (This is a pan).

    (Children dance to cheerful music) potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, Ohhhh!

    Children in chorus: And the vegetable soup turned out well.

    Without us, no soup, no vinaigrette

    The harvest brought us

    Thank you together

    In winter, we will eat everything!

    Parsley - Thanks guys! Today I learned a lot of interesting things and learned a lot:

    I became a chef today

    I can cook delicious cabbage soup

    And vegetable cutlets

    My friends will be happy


    Svetlana Kolyvanova
    Integrated lesson "September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage." preparatory group

    Integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group

    « September smells like apples, a october cabbage»

    Goals: to give children an idea of ​​the characteristic october natural phenomena, folk customs and holidays (Sergius Day, continue acquaintance with household items - a wooden trough, cut; through songs, games, chants, introduce children to folklore; cultivate curiosity, continue introducing children to Russian national culture.

    Material: cut, trough, fork cabbage, dough, tables, boards, water, napkins.

    preliminary work: introducing children to the traditions of the holiday "Sergius Day", learning the game "Pegs" and "Curling cabbages» , proverbs about autumn, familiarity with the technique of modeling dough cabbage.

    Lesson progress:

    Muses. Ruk. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

    If birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring down,

    This season is called autumn.

    Children. Autumn, autumn, autumn,

    Please eight weeks.

    With strong thunders

    With heavy rains.

    Lei - kA, rain, from the sky -

    There will be more bread!

    Muses. Ruk. And what is the autumn month now? What is it called?

    Children: October.

    Muses. Ruk. What is the name of this month? Why?

    Children: October is dirty, because in October often rains, cold and dirty.

    Muses. Ruk. Correctly. « October - muddy no wheel, does not like snakes ". What proverbs do you know about autumn?

    Children: "Crying october cold tears» , « September smells like apples, a october cabbage».

    Muses. Ruk. AT October month celebrate Sergius Day. What does it mean? Earlier in Russia, it was customary to salt on this day cabbage for the winter. The girls would get together, go from house to house and chop cabbage. So they helped each other. Children also took part in this. There are even sayings about cabbage“Why fence the garden, if do not plant cabbage» . You love cabbage?

    Children: Yes, we love.

    Muses. Ruk. I also love cabbage besides that it is very useful. I also decided to prepare for winter. Now I will salt cabbage. And for work I need a cut and a trough. Here is a trough, it is wooden, but this is a cut, it is made of metal.

    Show the children a cut and a trough.

    This cut is chopped cabbage. The cut is very sharp, so it must be handled with care. See how I will do it.

    The music director shows.

    And why are you sitting idle? Help me.

    Finger game "Solim cabbage» .

    We chop the cabbage, chop.

    We three carrots, three.

    We salt cabbage, salt,

    We we press the cabbage, click.

    Muses. Rk. Now let's mix it up and try it. Show facial expressions, delicious cabbage or salted and I guess. Well done! Nobody overdid it cabbage?

    On the Kapustinsky gatherings always led a round dance "Curling cabbages» . And now the girls and I will show you how we did it.

    A game "Curling cabbages» .

    (The girls stand in a row, hold hands. The tallest girl is Stump. The girls curl around her and sing: I twist, I twist cabbage, curl, forks - kocheshok. When the dance wraps tightly around Kocheryzhka, she stamps her foot and everyone raises their hands with collars. The stump goes out under the arms, leading the chain of players behind it, which should not break)

    All (sing) Vue, I Vue cabbage,

    Curl, forks - koshochka,

    Vue, I Vue cabbage,

    Don't get married, dear little groom.

    If you marry, you will repent

    Break up with me girl...

    Well done, thanks girls. And who knows the riddles about cabbage?

    Children: not a book, but with leaves. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

    Muses. Ruk. Certainly. At many cabbage leaves, which all sit on the same stalk. Look here. And now we will go with you to harvest.

    (The teacher invites the children to the tables, where children sculpt forks from dough to Russian folk music cabbage the teacher helps the children).

    Muses. Ruk. What good fellows you are. Thank you very much. Good harvest. Business time, fun hour! After work started cabbage evenings with fun games and jokes. I propose to play a Russian folk game "Pegs".

    First you need to choose a driver - the buyer.

    Choose a buyer by counting. Boys - "pegs", squat face down in a circle. Girls - buyers - behind them.

    Buyer godfather, godfather, sell the peg.

    Mistress. Buy.

    Buyer. And what is it worth.

    Mistress. head of cabbage cabbage and broom, yes, a ruble of money.

    Buyer. Here's a head for you cabbage, yes a broom, yes a ruble of money.

    Mistress. Well, on hands and in the bath.

    (They hit their hands and run around the pegs towards each other. Whoever runs to the lone peg first is its owner. The latecomer leads, trades another peg).

    Muses. Ruk. "Without cabbage soup does not live» that's what the people said. We will have thick cabbage soup, there will be, and what to pickle, there will be something for the kids to feast on. I want to treat you with pies with juicy and sweet white cabbage cabbage.

    He serves pies. Children leave the hall to the music.