Peach puffs: recipes and cooking features. Rustic layer cake with peaches

I then convulsively realized that the summer will soon end. Unexpected, really. After all, we were just happy that the flowers had finally blossomed and it began to brighten as early as 5 in the morning, and here August had already reached the middle ... It's a shame! Still, the fastest time in terms of duration is summer. As always. Winter seems endless, but summer .. flies by too quickly. But this year my summer succeeded. I was in Greece, returned home, did a couple of interesting projects, cooked a lot and told you a lot about it. In general, in terms of implementing various ideas, everything almost turned out. I would like to complete something else, but so far it is not possible for me.

Today we have the last (sort of) peach recipe for the lazy :) I watched the blog the other day and realized that I still have quite a few recipes for puff pastry. And this is good, because many people are not very happy to cook global cakes and cupcakes, and someone is completely uninterested in hanging around in the kitchen for three hours, like me, choosing which cream to make for a cupcake.

For such people they came up with puff pastry, with which you can do a huge variety of different tasty operations. Today I will tell you about a very simple rustic pie, which I just composed on the go, and which you can somehow change, modernize or even come up with something of your own based on it.

Moreover, I will break down this simple pie for you into even simpler components. Lately I've become interested in shooting something in the course of cooking, but not on the camera, but on the iPhone. I think such photos, on the contrary, give some comfort and allow you to consider the cooking process in more detail.

First, let's take a few large and juicy peaches. Divide them in half and remove the pit. Peaches can be replaced with nectarines. What is there. Peaches can generally be replaced with whatever you want.

What do we need next .. We need good puff pastry and at least half a kilogram. You can take more dough and your cake will turn out even more beautiful, I assure you. My cake came out with a diameter of about 22-23 cm. This is the best puff pastry you and I will simply defrost when room temperature, roll it into a layer and cut out a circle, attaching the shape of the required diameter from above.

Leave the circle on the baking sheet, but do not throw away what you cut off. We need those leftovers. Of these, you need to cut strips of different lengths. Ultimately, they will serve as our pie lattice.

Did you cut strips and roll out the dough? Fine. Now let's mix our peaches with the rest of the ingredients. There is everything here so that the juice does not stand out too abundantly from the peaches, and so that our dough does not get wet from it. Mix everything together according to the recipe in one large bowl.

And then leave this mixture for 10-15 minutes so that the starch is absorbed and the fruit takes on the proper form for the pie. After this time, put the fruit on the dough, rolled into a circle and then spread the strips on top of the peaches, forming a lattice.

As you can see, the cake before baking will be something like this:

Well, then we just send it to the oven and wait for the result. During this time, of course, the dough will begin to delaminate. Layers will give juice, because, as you know, there is a lot of butter in puff pastry. Plus, we have peaches, which will also release some kind of juice anyway. The pie will be amazing!

By the way, I sprinkle the top of the pie with vanilla sugar, and grease the pie itself thick sour cream or beaten yolks. So it will be ruddy and even more appetizing and tasty. Many grease pies heavy cream, and someone lays out slices of butter on the surface of the pie. Every hostess has her own loophole, as they say. Use all the tricks that you once learned, so your products will have their own zest :)

The cake bakes pretty quickly. But before serving, I recommend that you still completely cool it, otherwise the fruit, along with the juice, will run from all sides and end up outside the piece. Serve, by the way, with a scoop of ice cream, and with whipped cream, and with some kind of cream. The cake is very simple, so here you can add something that would decorate it. Although my tasters noted that he was good on his own.

Well, about the name. I don’t know, for some reason I wanted to call it village :) You know, in the village many grandmothers bake such pies :) Well, in general, this is a good alternative to complex pastries if you are suddenly in the village or in the country. Usually, there are no conditions for the preparation of large-scale products, but something simple for tea can always be made in a country setting.

If suddenly there was no ricotta in a nearby store, replace it with a homogeneous cottage cheese. Only sugar in this case will need a little more. Taste the filling before putting it on the dough and adjust it to your liking. These puffs can be made with peaches and nectarines - it will be delicious in any case.

Add sugar to the ricotta vanilla sugar, to stir thoroughly.

Peel peaches (nectarines), cut into halves and cut each half into thin slices.

Roll out the dough to about 3-4mm thick. I have this long layer, which I rolled into a rectangle. Cut the dough into squares. I got 6 squares about 12cm each. The pieces on the right came in handy for simple "triangles" with cheese.

Cut each square in an L-shape (without cutting through the dough to the end in the upper left corner and lower right).

We form a puff. To do this, the lower left corner is bent up.

And the upper right corner is bent down.

It turns out here is such a preparation.

We lay out all our blanks on a lined baking sheet. baking paper, with a silicone mat, or, in the absence of either, on a baking sheet with a "French shirt". A French shirt is made like this: a form or baking sheet is greased with oil, sprinkled with flour, the excess flour is shaken off. We grease the edges of our blanks with milk.

We pierce the middles with a fork and also grease with milk.

We spread ricotta in each blank.

Place peach slices or nectarine on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. If your fruits are sour, sprinkle additional sugar on top.

Homemade baked goods are always much tastier than store-bought ones. To please your loved ones with fragrant, lush and delicate dessert, you can use custard, yeast, butter, shortbread, biscuit or puff pastry. One is perfect for pies and buns, the other is good for making pies and pies. From custard and biscuit dough bake cakes and pastries. Among all this diversity, not the last place is occupied by pastries made from puff base. Recipes and photos of peach puffs are presented below.

Puffs with peach filling

For the test you will need:

  • Flour - half a kilo.
  • Water - two hundred and fifty milliliters.
  • Butter - four hundred grams.
  • A pinch of salt.

Practical part

When preparing dough for puffs with peaches, water should be taken chilled. Be sure to sift the flour work surface, salt and put a small, fifty grams, piece of softened butter. Mix flour with butter. Then gradually add water and knead the dough. Knead the dough for peach puffs until soft and smooth, which will not stick to your hands.

From the resulting dough, it is necessary to roll out the layer in the shape of a rectangle. Place melted in the center butter and spread over the entire dough, not reaching the edge of about a centimeter and a half. Fold the dough with butter in the form of an envelope and sprinkle with flour. Then carefully start rolling it out. When the oil has dispersed and absorbed, the dough must be rolled out so that it becomes twice as large.

Fold the thinly rolled layer into an envelope again, put it in a bag and place in the refrigerator for forty minutes. Repeat four or more times. It directly depends on how fluffy and airy the puff pastry puffs will be. The base is ready.

How to cook puffs?

They will need the following ingredients:

  • A pound of cooked puff pastry.
  • Five peaches.
  • Two yolks.
  • Four tablespoons of sugar.

Making puffs

First you need to prepare the peaches. They must be washed, peeled, pitted and cut into slices. The prepared puff pastry should be rolled out and cut into squares. Pour a little sugar on each of these squares, and put a few on top. peach slices. Then you need to connect the edges of the squares well and grease with egg yolk.

Place peach puffs on a greased baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees. Place a baking sheet in it for twenty-five minutes. After baking, put the puffs on a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Lush and crispy pastries will delight your loved ones with their taste and aroma.

Simple puff pastry for puff pastry with peach and cheese

The preparation of classic puff pastry takes quite a lot of time, and the process itself requires certain knowledge and skills. If you don't have either, then a simple puff pastry recipe is just what you need.

We will need components such as:

  • Flour - four glasses.
  • Olive oil - one glass.
  • Water - one glass.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.

Preparing a simple puff pastry

In the bowl where the dough will be kneaded, pour a glass of water and a glass of olive oil. Stir, salt and, stirring constantly, gradually add the sifted flour. First you can stir with a spoon, and then with your hands. Knead well into a soft, non-sticky dough. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for about thirty minutes.

Lay the dough out on a work surface. In this recipe for puffs with peaches from simple test Lots of butter, so flour is not needed when rolling. Roll out the dough thinly olive oil and fold into an envelope. Roll out the envelope again and brush with oil again. Repeat this process four to five times. In the end, the dough turns out no worse than cooked according to the classic recipe.

Making puffs

For the filling you will need:

  • Peaches - half a kilo.
  • Goat cheese - two hundred and fifty grams.
  • Honey - six tablespoons.
  • Pepper.

Roll out about five hundred grams of simple puff pastry into a thin layer. Cut into equal-sized squares with a side of about ten centimeters. Next, you need to take a baking sheet, grease it with oil, cover it with baking paper and put the cut squares of dough on it. Pierce each square with a fork and place on it in a thin layer. goat cheese, one centimeter short of the edge. Put the peach slices on top of the cheese and pepper. Place a baking sheet in a preheated oven to two hundred and ten degrees and bake for half an hour. When serving, you can sprinkle with honey.

Frozen puff pastry is a lifesaver for housewives who, without having much time, want to have delicious pastries in the house. From this test, many recipes for pies have been invented. One of them is fragrant and sweet puff pies with peaches, which have juicy stuffing in crispy dough.

We offer to bake puff pastries with peaches from purchased frozen puff pastry without yeast.

You will need:
- puff pastry, packing 500 g - 1 pc.
- vegetable oil for a baking sheet - 2 tbsp. spoons
- egg for greasing pies - 1 pc.
- sugar for sprinkling pies - 2 teaspoons

For filling:
- peaches - 2-3 pcs.
- sugar - 2 teaspoons
- brown sugar - 2 teaspoons
- salt - a pinch
- corn starch - 2 teaspoons
- lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
- ground cinnamon - ½ teaspoon

Cooking puff pies with peaches

1. Remove the package of dough from the freezer to defrost.

2. For the filling, mix finely chopped peaches with sugar, brown sugar, starch, salt, cinnamon and lemon juice. Leave for 10 minutes.

3. Unroll the thawed dough and roll out thinner. Cut a thin layer of dough into squares.

4. Put a little peach filling on each square of dough, wrap diagonally and blind triangular patty squeezing out excess air. Press the pinched edges of the patties with a fork so that they do not separate during baking.

5. Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil and line with baking paper. Put the pies on the prepared baking sheet, grease them with an egg, sprinkle with sugar and make 3 cuts with a sharp knife.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 60 min

I love to spoil my children delicious pastries. They absorb it with some incredible cosmic speed, and this is the gratitude that every mother is waiting for. But sometimes there is simply not enough time for confectionery delights, and then a ready-made one comes to the rescue, stocked just for such cases and a can of canned fruit. Today it will be puff pastry puffs with delicate taste whipped proteins. The cake is obtained in the form of a crown (all the petals look up), and the squirrels with powder resemble an airy snow feather bed that you want to eat immediately.
So, it will take about 30 minutes to cook + time to defrost the dough (about 30-40 minutes). The recipe makes 8 pcs.


- puff pastry - 2 sheets (8 squares slightly larger than the peach itself);
- canned peaches- 1 bank (8 pieces);
- egg (protein) - 1 pc;
- sugar - 4 tablespoons (2 for proteins, 2 for powder for sprinkling);
- lemon - 1 tsp;
- salt - ¼ tsp

Recipe with photo step by step:

First you need to beat the egg whites. To do this, take a deep container in which it will be convenient to beat. Separate the protein from the yolk, add a little salt.

Take a mixer and beat until foamy.
A few secrets to whip egg whites faster:
- it is better to choose glassware, copper, metal dishes (in no case aluminum: when any acid is added to the protein, it reacts with the metal and the protein darkens);
- the dishes in which we beat must be absolutely dry and clean (fat-free), as well as the beaters on the mixer;
- the egg must be at room temperature;
- it is necessary to beat at a minimum speed gradually including more and more;
- it is recommended to add instead of sugar powdered sugar which can be done with a regular coffee grinder.

In order for the whipped proteins to become stable, add a little lemon juice, which can be replaced with vinegar.

As soon as the proteins have acquired the form of soft peaks, without stopping whipping, add sugar (powdered sugar). After a few minutes, we get the desired smooth, dense and stable consistency.

We take defrosted puff pastry, cut out squares (they should be larger in area than peaches) and make cuts in the corners with a knife.

We lay out the protein mass in the middle of the puff square (we make a kind of pillow for a peach).

pour out of the jar on a sieve and let the syrup drain as much as possible. Lay the peach on the egg white with the inside down.

We lift the outer corners and pinch in the center of the puff, forming a flower.

Next, the remaining corners are also pinched with each other.

So pinch all the corners.

Take a baking dish and moisten it with water. Put the peaches in puff pastry in the form. Via confectionery syringe pour quite a bit of whipped protein into the open petals, but so that it does not come out (when baking, the protein will rise and may burn, so you definitely shouldn’t overdo it).
We preheat the oven and send the puffs with peaches to bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Baking temperature 200ºС.

Peaches in puff pastry with whipped egg whites - ready!
We brew fragrant tea or coffee, sprinkle the puff with powder and enjoy a sweet dish.

Bon appetit!

The recipe was prepared by Tatyana Volodina.