The acidity of olive oil what means. What is the acidity of olive oil? Application of different types of olive oil

The taste of the final product containing olive oil depends on the characteristics of the oil. What olive oil is better and how to choose it?


First of all, pay attention to its color. It should be beautiful, golden with different shades. But not gray (technical marriage). The shade of olive oil depends on the type of olives and leaves that got there during the processing of raw materials. But if the oil is too yellow, then this is a sign that it stands for a long time.

Oil class

Now we start learning the label. One of the main criteria for choosing - the inscription "Extra-Virgin Olive Oil" should be thrown into the eyes - not filtered extra-class oil without the use of chemical cleaning, cold spin - First Cold Press.

Then try to explore where the oil was produced and where it was poured. It is better that it was in one place.

Olive oil acidity

After that, we definitely pay attention to the acidity of olive oil (the percentage of free fatty acids, translated on the oleic acid content). Acidness increases with oil decomposition. Therefore, the lower the acidity, the better oil. For example, a very good oil can be considered an acidity oil with an acidity of 0.2 - 06% (very tasty but expensive oil). Also delicious oil is olive oil with an acidity of 0.8 - 1%. Oil with acidity of more than 2% will be bitter, and, for example, oil with acidity of 4% is already considered to be technical.

Storage of olive oil

The olive oil must be stored no more than a year. Moreover, it is not necessary to store it not in the refrigerator so that flakes (sediment) do not fall out, and at room temperature in a dark place. But it is best to use oil for six months

Application of different types of olive oil

Various types of olive oil are used in different dishes. So for the pesto sauce, we will use Ligurian oil, for meat or fish - Emilia-Romagna (with a pronounced hasty taste), for vegetables - Sicilian, for refueling rice, porridge - elite Greek oil of Kalamata, having a sweet taste.

But walnut oils (almond, cedar, pumpkin, walnut oil, etc.) use only for refueling salads.

Palm and coconut vegetable oils are considered harmful to the body, because Their melting temperature above body temperature. In the gastrointestinal tract, such oil is a thin film covers the mucous membrane, preventing the suction of nutrients. However, these oils are used in the food industry to reduce the cost of production. I always carefully read the labels before you buy products containing oils.

Acidity olive oil - This is a digit that indicates the percentage of oleic acid per 100 grams of the product. And one more criterion for which attention should be paid when choosing an oil.

On average, this indicator is 1% for every 100 grams of the product, but it can vary depending on the variety of oil.

To obtain olive oil with minimal acidity, up to 0.8%, manufacturers have to collect olive fruit only one variety and manually, while their final processing should be no later than 24 hours. Those it becomes clear why such an oil is assigned the highest quality assessment. It is the most natural as possible, but to mean and useful for the human body. The price of such an oil is usually large and in countries of manufacturers - Greece, Italy and Spain - such an oil is considered healing and is realized exclusively through pharmacies.

To tell that butter from low level acidity It has some kind of special taste, it is impossible, but it should be noted that it is much softer to taste and at the same time it is sufficiently rich, so it is so high to grant the gourmets from all over the world.

But the fact is that all people have different tastes, and their taste receptors are generally working individually. Therefore, it is impossible to say complete confidence that butter from reduced content olein acidThat is, with reduced acidity, everyone will have to taste. And for the beginning, experts recommend, nevertheless, acquire olive oil with different acidity indicators, in order to find that it is "its" oil.

If the acidity level exceeds 1.5%, then we are talking about lower quality oil or as it is also called - cake. Such oil is much lower in price and is excellent for the preparation of products using thermal processing. Get it by pressing the cake from the highest quality oil and mixing it with refined oil.

The ideal is the indicator of 0.75% acidity per 100 grams of the product. It is this oil that is also suitable for heat treatment and for use in salads. And it is, as a rule, it is chosen by the majority of the population due to its balanced taste.

In any case, pay level acidity oil When purchasing it is worth it and it should not exceed 2%.

It should be remembered that the longer the oil is stored, the higher the level of acidity becomes, as oxidative processes are gaining momentum. Olive oil with acidity level of more than 2% will be noticeably bitter to taste. And if the level is more than 4%, then such oil is generally considered to be technical and it is impossible to eat it, it is used to refuel the lamp.

GOST R 51410-99
(ISO 729-88)

Group C19.

State Standard of the Russian Federation

Oilseed seeds

Determination of oil acidity

Oilseeds. Determination Of Acidity of Oils

OX 67.200.20
OKSTA 9709.

Date of introduction 2001-03-01


1 Developed by the State Research Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and Products of His Processing" (GNU VNIZ)

Made by the Technical Committee on Standardization of TC 2 "Grain, Products of His Processing and Mastery"

2 adopted and put into effect by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 29, 1999 N 564-ST

3 This standard is an authentic ISO text 729: 1988 * "Seeds of oilseeds. Determination of oil acidity", except sections 2, 5, 6
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and then in the text, you can get by clicking on the link to the site - Note database manufacturer.

4 introduced for the first time

5 reprint. June 2010

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes a method for determining the content of free fatty acids in oilseeds. The content of free fatty acids is expressed or in the form of an acidic number of oil, or as an acidity calculated by the traditional method (in percentage terms).

Acidness is allowed to be determined both in oil obtained from oilseeds (seeds with oil adhesive) and (if necessary) in oil obtained separately from the seeds, and separately from the oilseed impurity.

The method does not apply to cotton seeds with an adjacent depressing, as well as for oil derived from palm and olive tree fruits.

This standard is used in export-import operations and research work.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses links to the following standards:

GOST 4328-77 sodium hydroxide. Technical conditions

GOST 4919.1-77 reagents and especially clean substances. Methods of preparation of solutions of indicators

GOST 5789-78 Toluene. Technical conditions

GOST 6709-72 Water distilled. Technical conditions

GOST 17299-78 Ethyl technical alcohol. Technical conditions

GOST 24363-80 potassium hydroxide. Technical conditions

GOST 29142-91 (ISO 542-90) seeds of oilseeds. Sample selection

GOST 29251-91 (ISO 385-1-84) glassware laboratory glass. Burettes. Part 1. Common Requirements

3 Terms and Definitions

This standard uses the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 acid Number of Oil: Number, mg, potassium hydroxide required to neutralize free fatty acids contained in 1 g of oil.

3.2 acidity: The content of free fatty acids in percentage terms (traditional expression).

In accordance with the view of the analyzed fat or oil, acidity can be expressed as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - the molar mass of acids adopted to express the acidity of oil

Type of fat or oil

View of an acid

Molar mass, g / mol

Coconut oil from Kopra, Palmoyadron oil, as well as similar oils with a high content of lauric acid


All other fats and oils


If the result of the analysis is expressed as "acidity", without further definition, it meant the acidity expressed in the form of oleic acid.

4 Essence of the method

The method consists in dissolving oil extracted from seeds in a mixture of ethyl alcohol diethyl ether, followed by titration of free fatty acids with alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide.

5 reagents

All used reagents must be qualified clean for analysis (Ch.D.A.). Use distilled water according to GOST 6709 or water equivalent purity.

5.1 Diethyl ether / ethyl alcohol 95% according to GOST 17299, 1: 1 (by volume).

A warning. The diethyl ether is a flammable substance and can form explosive peroxide. Care.

This mixture is neutralized immediately before using the addition of alcohol solution of potassium hydroxide (5.2) in the presence of 0.3 cm of the indicator (5.3) by 100 cm of this mixture.

Note - If there is no possibility to use diethyl ether, the use of a mixture of ethyl alcohol and toluene according to GOST 5789 is allowed. If necessary, ethyl alcohol is allowed to be replaced with propanol-2.

5.2 Potassium hydroxide according to GOST 24363, standard solution in 95% (by volume) ethyl alcohol, concentration \u003d 0.1 mol / dm, or, if necessary, \u003d 0.5 mol / dm (note 2 to 8.3).

Immediately before use, it is necessary to accurately determine the concentration of the solution. Use a solution prepared no earlier than 5 days before analyzing, transfused into a glass bottle, firmly closed with rubber plug. The solution should be either colorless or straw yellow.

Note - a colorless stable solution of potassium hydroxide can be prepared as follows. In the reflux vessel, 1000 cm of ethyl alcohol with 8 g of potassium hydroxide and 0.5 g of aluminum chips boil 1000 cm. Then the resulting mixture is immediately distilled. In distillate dissolve the required amount of potassium hydroxide. The solution is upset for several days, then the transparent liquid is drained, freeing it from the potassium carbonate sediment.

The solution can be prepared without distillation as follows. 4 cm of aluminum butylate is added to 1000 cm of ethyl alcohol and defend the mixture for several days. Sandy fluid should be drained and dissolved in it the required amount of potassium hydroxide. The solution is ready for use.

5.3 Phenolphthalein according to GOST 4919.1. The solution of the indicator: 10 g / dm phenolphthalein is dissolved in 95% (by volume) by ethyl alcohol or an alkali blue 6b indicator solution for GOST 4919.1 (for highly colored oils), 20 g / dm in 95% ethyl alcohol.

6 equipment

Apply the following laboratory equipment:

6.1 Installation for oil extraction in accordance with.

6.2 Burette, with a capacity of 10 cm, separated by 0.05 cm according to GOST 29251.

6.3 Laboratory laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error ± 0.01

7 Sampling

Sampling - according to GOST 29142.

8 Analysis

8.1 Extraction

Extraction of the analyzed sample is carried out immediately after preparing the sample in accordance with the method described in.

8.2 Taking jacket

It takes the entire extract obtained from the solvent, and weigh it with an accuracy of a milligram. Immediately after weighing, proceed to the analysis according to 8.3.

8.3 Definition of acidity

The sample (8.2) is dissolved in a 50-150 cm mixture of ethyl alcohol diethyl alcohol (5.1), pre-neutralized by alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide concentrations 0.1 mol / dm (5.2) in the presence of phenolphthalein or alkali blue 6b (to weakly pink color in case of phenolphthalein or reddish color in the case of alkaline blue 6B).

The solution is then titrated with stirring with alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide concentrations 0.1 mol / dm (5.2), until the indicator changes its color (pink in the case of phenolphthalene or red in the case of alkaline blue 6B for at least 10 seconds).


1 It is allowed to replace the alcohol solution of potassium hydroxide (5.2) to its aqueous solution or to a solution of sodium hydroxide according to GOST 4328, if the amount of water has not caused the phase separation.

2 If the volume used on the titration of 0.1-molar solution of potassium hydroxide exceeds 10 cm, a solution of 0.5 mol / DM concentration should be applied.

3 If the solution is closed in titration, the required amount of a mixture of diethyl ethyl alcohol is added to clarify it.

8.4 Number of definitions

Conduct two definitions on the same sample.

9 Processing results

9.1 Methods of calculation

9.1.1 Calculation of acid number of oil

It is recommended to express the results of the analysis in the form of an acidic oil number (3.1).

Acid number of oil, mg, calculated by the formula

where is the volume of a standard solution of potassium hydroxide, consumed for titration, cm;

- accurate concentration of standard potassium hydroxide solution, mol / dm;

- weight of the hitch, g (8.2);

56.1 - molecular weight of potassium hydroxide, g / mol.

The results are expressed with an accuracy of 0.01 mg.

9.1.2 Oil Acidness Calculation

Oil acidity can be calculated from the results obtained during the determination of an acidic number of oil.

Acidness,% (by mass), calculate by the formula

where - the molar mass of acids adopted to express the results of the analysis, g / mol (Table 1);

and - have the same meanings as at 9.1.1.

For the final result, the average-polymetic value of two definitions is taken (8.4).

The results are expressed with an accuracy of 0.01%.

9.1.3 Calculation of acidity of oil extracted from seeds with impurity or without it

When determining the acidity of oil extracted from the impurity, if possible, take to extract 10 g of impurities.

The acidic number of oil, mg, and the acidity of the total amount of oil extracted from seeds,,% (by weight), is calculated by formulas:

where is an acidic number of oil extracted from seeds without impurities, mg;

- acidic number of oil extracted from impurities, mg;

- oil content extracted from seeds without impurities,% (by mass);

- the content of oil extracted from the impurity,% (by mass);

- the acidity of oil extracted from seeds without impurities,% (by mass);

- the acidity of oil extracted from impurities,% (by mass);

- the content of seeds in the obtained sample,% (by mass);

- The content of the mellow and oilseed impurity in the obtained sample,% (by mass).

When calculating the acidity of oil in earthwoods:

- the content of oil in the total number of meal (muffles from seeds and from oilseed impurities) and oilseed impurities,% (by mass);

- the content of seeds (without a metle),% (by mass);

- The content of the total number of meal and oilseed impurities,% (by mass).

9.2 Permissible Analysis Error

Two international interlaboratory tests were conducted, in which 14 laboratories were involved, each of which conducted two definitions (N 1), and 18 laboratories, each of which conducted three definitions (N 2). The statistical results obtained in accordance with are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Statistical results of estimating interlaboratory tests to determine the acid number of oils



Interlaboratory test

Interlaboratory test

Interlaboratory test

Number of laboratories left after removing abnormal test values

The average size of the acid number of oil, mg

RMS Deviation of convergence, mg

Coefficient of variation of convergence,%

Convergence (2.83), mg

Radant reproduction deviation, mg

Reproducibility variation coefficient,%

Reproducibility (2.83), mg

10 Analysis Report

The analysis report should be presented to the used analysis method and the results obtained with a clear indication of the method of expressing the results and the relationship of them to the oil extracted from the seeds in the resulting sample without oilseeds, or from seeds with oil sneakers. The report should also reflect all the details of the analysis that are not submitted in this standard, or discussed arbitrary, as well as the details of various cases that can affect the results of the analysis to one degree or another.

Analysis report includes information necessary to complete sample identification.

Appendix A (Reference). Bibliography

Appendix A.

ISO 659-88 Seeds of oilseeds. Determination of the content of hexane extract (petroleum ether extract), called "oil content"

ISO 660-96 oils and fats Animals and vegetable. Determination of acidic fat and acidity

ISO 5725 parts 1-6: 1994: 1996 Accuracy (correctness and precision) methods and measurement results

UDC 651. 006.354 OX 67.200.20 C19 OKSTA 9709

Keywords: agricultural products, oilseeds, chemical analysis, determination of content, acidic number of oil, acidity

Electronic document text
prepared Codex JSC and drilled by:
official edition
Seeds of oilseeds: Sat. Gostov. -
M.: Starotinform, 2010

Each time, coming to the store to buy olive oil, I'm slightly falling into a stupor, looking at all these a variety of bottles and tin jars and not knowing what to choose. I think that I am not alone faced with this problem.

AIF.RU Agreed to advise on this issue the famous taster and owner of olive groves Senor Massey Giovanni.

1. Hierarchy of olive oils

Mr. Massey: First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it should be not just "olive oil", but before adding Extra Virgin. In Italy, if you come to the store and say simply "olive oil", then you will bring oil for a sewing machine (laughs).

Extra Virgin means oil that was obtained using olive spin (without the use of chemical and biochemical additives). This is the highest quality oil and, as a rule, is added already in finished dishes. Olive oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil - The most natural category of olive oil with perfect aroma and taste. Acidity does not exceed 0.8%.

International Olive Oil Council, in addition to Extra Virgin, divides the oil into the following categories:

FINE VIRGIN OLIVE OIL - Cold spin oil with impeccable taste and aroma and maximum acidity. Acidity from 0.8 to 1.5%. Semi-Fine Virgin Olive Oil - Cold spin oil with a pleasant taste and aroma. Acidity from 1.5 to 3%. Olive oil from immature olives - Oil of the first harvest, produced in a limited amount of fruits collected from the best olive.

Olive oil - It consists exclusively of oil obtained from olive fruits. Olio Vergine. - manufactured by pressing olives mechanically and Olio di Sansa di Oliva - It is done from the residues of the pulp and fragments of the bones, and then mixed with Vergine. Due to the fact that such olive oil is practically devoid of a characteristic smell, it is best used for frying. Purified Olive Oil (Refined Olive Oil) - Wirgin oil (Virgin), past cleaning - refining.

The percentage of natural juice of olives (Virgin Olive Oil (Virgin)) is small in it, the inscription on the "Olive Oil" package should not be misleading you. Aromatized olive oil - Used in almost all national kitchens in the world. It gives a pleasant flavor dishes.

To the last two categories that are just bringing you for a sewing machine include a lamp olive oil category. vergine (Olio Vergine Lampante) and refined Olive Oil (Olio Di Oliva Raffinato) . These two categories are not suitable for eating due to organoleptic defects and are intended for refining or for industrial use.

2. Mysterious letters

AIF.RU: Senor Giovanni, what do DOP / IGP / PDO abbreviations, which can be seen on bottles with olive oil?

Mr. Massey:As for the abbreviation, they denote oil with a protected name of origin / indicating the geographical location of production. There is another third category - biological olive oil obtained by the method of "biological" (environmentally friendly) production, which is also confirmed by the corresponding certificate. To this category, for example, the olive oil "Diavolocane", where it is written on the bottle. All these gradations apply only to cold spin oil.

AIF.RU: Tell me, and how to understand whether the quality of quality is good, and whether the cases of its fakes occur, as, for example, with alcohol?

Mr. Massey: In Italy, for this kind of fake, criminal punishment is provided, so no. In addition, the DOP / IGP / PDO and the name "biological" olive oil are a guarantee of fake. Oil can be poor quality only in two cases: due to weather conditions, which led to a bad harvest or, if it was not assembled on time. In this case, in olives, there are few pulp and bones give bitterness. Unlike other fruits, there is no clear ripening time with olives: this year the harvest can shoot in mid-September, and in the next - two weeks before or later, and it is very important not to miss this moment.

3. We have a road everywhere

AIF.RU: Continuing the topic of wine, can I say about olive oil, that the bottle of this year is better not to take?

Mr. Massey: In this sense, olive oil from wine is different. The rule "the older, the more tastier" here should be read "than the younger, the more useful." One of the most important things when buying olive oil is the production date and shelf life, so read the label carefully. Combating manufacturers always put a date. The shelf life of the oil from the date of production should not exceed 18 months, so you look for more "young" oil.

4. Storage rules

AIF.RU: Are there any rules how to store olive oil.

Mr. Massey: Olive oil should not be put next to the stove or in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dry dark place at a temperature of from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. It also does not like light. If you look, all the bottles are made of dark glass. In Italy, olive oil is often stored in the same compartment as the garbage bin (laughs). And in Russia the same?

AIF.RU: No, in Russia to olive oil are respectful: it is not so cheap to keep it in such a non-super-fair place.

Mr. Massey: And one more rule: olive oil can not be held long open, so that when connecting with air it does not oxidize. Open the bottle, pour the required amount of oil and immediately close it with a lid.

To make sure the authenticity of the oil, look for a special holographic printing label on the back and ask ...

What varieties of olive oil can be found on our counters?

In Russia, most often we can meet three main types of oil:

  • olive oil of the first press of Extra Virgin (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • olive oil (Olive Oil)
  • olive pressing oil will be forced (Olive Oil Romasa).

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This oil can be called "Frash from Olives". It is obtained by pressing olives exclusively mechanically, without the use of chemical and biochemical additives.

In the production process, the olives are not subjected to any processing other than washing. And they collect and process them within 24 hours!

That is why oil of this type has such a high nutritional value and does not lose it for at least 18 months.

Extra Virgin Oil Acidity must be up to 0.8%. Be sure to check the acidity value on the oil pack.

If the bottle does not indicate the acidity, it is a reason to alert,does oil correspond to the EXTRA VIRGIN type in it.

Thanks to the excellent qualities of the product obtained, modern doctors recommend Extra Virgin olive oil and adults, and children from 6 months.

The taste EXTRA VIRGIN depends on the variety of olives, but at the same time it is definitely Must. If it is young, then bitterness is brighter expressed if he is more than six months old, it is weaker. Actually this bitterness is very useful..

Extra Virgin olive oil also happens with designations DOP and IGP.

Olive oil Extra Virgin DOP and IGP

The first (DOP) indicates That both olives and oil production of them were carried out in a particular geographical location, on a certain territory, which is included in the European Register under a specific register.

More stringent requirements apply to this oil.

The climatic conditions, the production of production, the varieties of olive inherent in this place, eliminates its copying by other manufacturers. And therefore it is very expensive.

Such an oil in all countries of the Mediterranean produced very little.

And almost everything it remains in Spain, Italy, Greece for its own consumption and is almost never exported.

Allowed to buy such oil can only be very secured people. And only professionals and experienced cooks can appreciate it.

This oil can be found in the elite stores of the Gourmet class around the world, and the assessment of its qualities is made on the same system that a weathered elite wine.

In fact, its beneficial properties are not at all better than the simple serial olive oil Extra Virgin. It differs only by a bouquet of taste and smell.

IgP also meansoil affiliation to a specific region, which is included in the European register of agricultural products and food products.

At the same time, in the specified area, one or more phases of the production process (the collection of raw materials, processing and classification of olive, oil production on special technology inherent in this region historically) can be protected.

This is a strict set of rules, the observance of which is strictly controlled by the Special Independent Commission of the European Union.

Such an oil is also very expensive, it is not enough and is present in the Gourme class stores.

Biological or environmentally friendly olive oil (Bío, ECO)it is made in compliance with the EU Regulations 834/07, which certifies and controls all phases of production of this food product.

With their implementation, the use of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms is prohibited.

Also, the processing of the soil and olive trees themselves are carried out only with the use of organic substances and natural natural materials.

This also follows the special independent commission of experts.

Such an oil is also very rare, it is also very expensive and you can find it all in the same Gourme class stores.

In Russia, you can meet fakes of olive oil with the mark "Bío" more often than DOP and IGP olive oil.Since the manufacturers do not bear any responsibility for applying the words "bio".

To make sure the authenticity of the oil,look for a special holographic printing on the back of the label and ask a certificate of origin. And of course, extra Virgin oil can not cost cheaply.

Olive oil (Olive Oil)

This is a mixture Refined Olive Oil and Extra Virgin in a ratio of 85% / 15%.

Maximum acidity It is allowed to 1% in terms of oleic acid.

This is an oil of excellent quality, which is also used in any dish.

It is perfect for fryingSince the presence of more stable fatty acids is greater than in other vegetable oils, which makes the temperature of smoke formation significantly above the temperature for normal food frying.

This oil can also be used to refuel salads, cooking sauces, it does not care at all,if you are not used to bitterness.

At the same time, your dish will be useful, but without the fragrance of olive oil EXTRA VIRGIN, which gives any dish a unique taste.

Feed (Romas Olive Oil)

This is the second press olive oil.

The process is identical to obtaining any other vegetable oil, organic solvents and high temperature are used during it.

After extraction, the resulting oil is mixed with EXTRA VIRGIN to reduce acidity and improve the quality of the final product.

Therefore, the definition on the oil label "POMACE" as "olive oil" simply contradicts the law.

This oil does not have such a nutritional value as the other two types of olive oils, but it has all those vitamins and minerals that are present in natural oil, only in smaller quantities.

You can use it in any recipe. It is great for frying, where a large amount of oil is required (for fryer), as it is much cheaper than the rest.

In what package it is better to buy olive oil and why?

Olive oil is better to buy in glass or tin tire.

The container in which the oil is bottled, should be hermetically closed and not to skip the sunlight.

Glass bottles must be made necessarily from dark glass.

Sunlight speeds up the oxidation process, in which the oil gradually loses its beneficial properties. The quality and taste of olive oil becomes worse.

In plastic bottles on sale you can find Pomace and a mixture of olive oil with vegetable. But even such a type of oil must be in darkplastic.

What conditions for storing olive oil should be observed at home so that it does not deteriorate before the term?

Oil must be stored in a closed container in a dark cool place with a tightly clogged lid, because When light and in the air it is oxidized and loses its useful properties.

Oil freezes at -8 ° C, forming white flakes.

After thawing, it acquires its natural look.

All useful properties, taste and fragrance are saved.

It is necessary to observe the shelf life indicated on the package, because Over time, the oil is oxidized.

In the bottled deposited, this process is faster.

How long can I use oil after opening a bottle?

The shelf life of oil is specified on the package.

It is necessary to choose for yourself the optimal volume of containers depending on the frequency of use to use the oil until the expiration date.

Oil does not make sense to acquire the future, because It is oxidized.

In the refrigerator in a closed form, the oil can be stored and more shelf life indicated on the label. published.

If you have any questions, ask them

Tatyana Amelkin

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.