Cooking basics: Mousse and Bavarian cream. Cake with Bavarian cream: recipe

15.03.2020 healthy eating

Experienced chefs believe that almost any confectionery or dessert is ideally combined with a delicate Bavarian cream. It can be a pie, cake, roll, donuts, mousse, jelly or just a handful of fresh berries. True, the preparation of such dishes takes a lot of time, but the end result is worth it.

Cake with bananas and low-fat cream

As you know, a cake is a product with a high calorie content. Especially if it is prepared with Bavarian cream. To reduce this figure, you can use low-fat milk and a minimum amount of cream for work. To prepare such a delicacy, you will need the following components.

For a sponge cake: 2 eggs, a glass of sugar, 6 grams of soda, 2 cups of flour, 5 bananas, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and baking powder, 0.5 cups of sour cream (low fat), 5 grams of salt, a third cup of vegetable oil.

For cream: 50 grams of sugar, ¾ cup of milk (low fat), half a cup of whipped cream, 5 grams of gelatin and ½ teaspoon of vanilla.

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to do the biscuit. To do this, beat eggs with sugar and butter in a deep bowl. Then add vanilla, sour cream and mashed bananas. Add the remaining dry ingredients and knead the dough. Bake 2 cakes in the oven (25 minutes) and leave them on the table to cool.
  2. To prepare the cream, you need to pour milk into a saucepan, and then pour gelatin into it and let the mixture stand for a couple of minutes. Add sugar. Put the saucepan on the stove and heat over medium heat until the gelatin dissolves. After that, add vanillin and let the mixture cool with constant stirring. This will take approximately 45 minutes. Then you should introduce the cream, beat the resulting mass well and send it to the refrigerator for one hour.
  3. Now you can start assembling the cake. To do this, first you need to put 1 cake on the dish. Top it with half of the prepared cream. Evenly distribute circles of banana pulp on it. Repeat the procedure using the remaining products.

The finished cake with bananas and Bavarian cream must be sent to the refrigerator for several hours.

Appetizing roll

To save time and simplify the task, you can cook a tender roll. For him, the filling of fresh strawberries with Bavarian cream is ideal. First you need to prepare all the necessary components.

For the dough: 3 eggs, 18 grams of water, 90 grams of flour, 4 grams of baking powder, a teaspoon of vanilla essence, 100 grams of powdered sugar, 20 grams of corn starch and 35 grams of honey.

For cream: 75 grams of sugar, a glass of milk and heavy cream, 1 egg yolk, 10 grams of gelatin and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.

For decoration: powdered sugar, fresh strawberries and mint leaves.

The cooking method is somewhat similar to the previous version:

  1. First, you need to make a cream from the prepared products, and then cover the container with food film and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. For the biscuit, first you need to take the whites and beat them with vanilla and powdered sugar. After that, gradually introduce the yolks into a stable foam with constant stirring.
  3. Add all dry ingredients (flour, starch, baking powder) and mix well.
  4. Add honey diluted with water to the finished dough.
  5. Pour the mass onto a baking sheet covered with parchment, with a layer 5-6 millimeters thick. Bake for 12 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  6. Roll the finished cake into a tube together with parchment and cool it by placing it on a clean towel in this position. Paper is removed very poorly from a hot product.
  7. Unfold the warm cake and remove pieces of parchment from it.
  8. Lubricate the workpiece with a cooled cream, distribute fresh berries on it, and then twist it in the form of a roll. In order for the filling to be evenly distributed, the product needs to be rolled a little on the table.

The finished roll will look more appetizing if it is sprinkled with powder, and then decorated with berries and mint leaves.

Recipe secret

As you know, custard is called Bavarian, in which gelatin is used instead of starch or flour. This allows you to make the consistency of the finished product more dense and stable. Given this replacement, you can easily prepare a variety of creams for cakes at home. For example, for biscuit cakes, an option that uses the following products is ideal: for 150 milliliters of milk - the same amount of cream (fat content - no more than 15 percent), 50 grams of sugar, 5 egg yolks, 15 grams of gelatin, a pinch of salt, 40 grams of vanilla sugar and half a liter of heavy cream (33-35 percent).

It is easy to prepare such a cream:

  1. First, heavy cream must be whipped with a dense foam and put in the refrigerator.
  2. Soak gelatin in water.
  3. Rub the yolks with sugar.
  4. Pour milk with low-fat cream into a saucepan, add salt and vanilla and put it on the stove. As soon as the mass boils, it is necessary to remove the container from the fire. Add yolks and mix thoroughly. After that, the pan must be sent back to the stove and continue heating until it boils again.
  5. Heat the prepared gelatin in a water bath, add it to the still hot cream and set aside.
  6. Separately whip the cream, and then combine them with the already cooled mass.

Now the finished cream can be used for its intended purpose.

The simplest basis

Experienced housewives always try to experiment in order to prepare delicious creams for cakes at home. Sometimes your own recipe even surpasses the standard options. Take, for example, Bavarian cream. In fact, it consists of two parts: custard base and whipped cream. After mixing, a dense aromatic mass is obtained from them, which is then used to impregnate and coat the workpieces. According to the classic recipe for making custard, you need: for 2 glasses of milk - a glass of sugar, 2 eggs and 75 grams of flour.

The technology for preparing such a product is as follows:

  1. One glass of milk must be combined with flour and eggs. The products must be mixed well.
  2. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and add sugar to it. Put the container on the fire and slowly bring to a boil with constant stirring.
  3. Connect both masses.
  4. Put the saucepan back on the fire and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil.

After that, the cream must be cooled. At this time, the mass will gradually thicken. If after that you introduce whipped cream, you get an analogue of the famous cream.

Standard Recipe

How do you really need to prepare a Bavarian cream? The recipe for this product, firstly, provides for the presence of certain components. For work you need to have: 8 egg yolks, 0.5 liters of milk prepared in a special way, 15 grams of dry gelatin, 70 grams of water and 450 milliliters of double cream.

The whole procedure takes several hours:

  1. The first step is to prepare a liquid cream. To do this, beat the yolks with sugar until white. They should practically drip off the spoon. Then you should heat the milk in a saucepan and gradually introduce the yolk mixture into it, stirring constantly. As soon as signs of boiling appear, the pan must be immediately placed in ice water. So the cream stops cooking and does not curdle. In this position, while stirring, it must be held for literally 5 minutes. It can be filtered beforehand. So the mass will be as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Next, you need to whip the cream until they begin to smoothly settle in the form of lumps.
  3. Separately, pour gelatin in a bowl with hot water. As soon as it dissolves, pour it into the prepared cream. The mass will gradually thicken.
  4. Add whipped cream and mix thoroughly.

After that, the cream should spend about 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Bavarua coffee

The famous French chef Marie-Antoine Karem created the famous cream on gelatin. It was first prepared in Bavaria as a gourmet dish. This is where the product got its name from. In French, it sounds like Bavarois. The Italians call it affectionately Bavarese. If desired, nuts, fruit puree, coffee or chocolate can be added to the main recipe. The cooked product will have a completely new taste. For example, you can make Bavarian coffee cream for a cake. To do this, you will need: 200 milliliters of milk and heavy cream, 5 grams of gelatin, 70 grams of sugar, 3 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of coffee beans and Baileys liquor.

To prepare such a bavarua, you need:

  1. Boil milk together with coffee beans. After that, it must be filtered and add liquor.
  2. Soak gelatin in cold water.
  3. Grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar.
  4. Prepare a water bath.
  5. Pour milk into the yolks with sugar in a thin stream. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat with constant stirring (do not boil). This will take approximately 20 minutes.
  6. Heat gelatin to 60 degrees and add it to the cream.
  7. Add separately whipped cream and send to the refrigerator to cool.

The cooled mass can then be easily applied to the cakes. Sometimes figurines are made from it and used as decoration.

cream cake

Bavarian custard can also act as a cake itself. If desired, it can be decorated with fresh fruits, peeled nuts, or simply poured with fragrant syrup. To prepare an original cake, you may need: 400 milliliters of milk, 150 grams of sugar, 250 milliliters of cream, 14 grams of gelatin, 2 eggs and a packet of vanilla sugar.

For coating (optional): 100 ml milk and 12 biscuit cookies.

For decoration: pieces of fresh (or canned) fruit, chocolate syrup and half a glass of nuts.

To work, you need a form (it can be made of foil), lined with parchment. Next you need:

  1. Mix milk with gelatin and heat it over low heat with stirring until boiling, and then cool.
  2. Grind the yolks with vanilla sugar and a third of the usual. Slowly add the resulting mass to the milk.
  3. Whisk egg whites with 1/3 of sugar until stiff. In several stages, add them to the milk-yolk mixture.
  4. Whip the cream with the remaining sugar and add them to the total mass.
  5. Pour some of the cream into the mold and smooth it out gently.
  6. If you need a biscuit layer, then you need to put cookies on top, after dipping them in milk.
  7. Pour everything with the remaining cream, cover the form with foil and send it to the refrigerator for 4 hours.

The finished cake will only have to be sprinkled with nuts, poured with syrup and decorated with berries. In principle, you can choose one of these.

Chocolate "Bavaria"

The original cream on gelatin is sometimes used as an independent dessert. In addition, its taste can be brightened up by adding, for example, regular chocolate. To make the dish really turn out, you need to know how to cook such a Bavarian cream step by step. First you need to decide on the main products. For such a dish you will need: 150 milliliters of milk, 20 grams of chocolate, 80 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, 5 yolks, 15 grams of gelatin, 5 grams of vanilla sugar and 650 milliliters of heavy cream.

The process must be carried out in steps:

  1. Soak gelatin in water.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a water bath.
  3. Grind the yolks with sugar (40 grams).
  4. Pour 150 milliliters of milk and cream into a deep saucepan, add salt, the remaining sugar (40 grams) and bring it all slowly to a boil.
  5. Pour the still hot mass into the yolk mixture, and then transfer it all to the pan and heat again, without boiling.
  6. Remove the container from the heat and add vanilla sugar to its contents.
  7. Mix the resulting mass with chocolate.
  8. Introduce separately whipped cream.

The prepared cream will only need to be cooled, poured into bowls or glasses, and then served to the table, decorating the dish at your discretion.

And also about life without TV. It so happened that our TV broke down. To be honest, it broke down a long time ago - a couple of months ago, so all my conclusions from this unfortunate (happy?) event are felt and, one might say, suffered ... When I hear what they say, I don’t watch TV at all, it seems to me that people slightly cunning - all the same, someone in the house uses it, and inadvertently, passing by ... But so that completely - to be sure ... At first, of course, there was relief. Wow! How much free time! Incredible! Then summer arrived, bicycles were purchased and, in general, life began to improve. Hamster again:) But soon, as it usually happens, "breaking" began. Hmm.. Free evenings. Uh - what to do? But you won't believe it. A broken TV hangs on the wall as an entourage and no one carries it for repair. And he's not going to... Why? But look. What exactly is a TV set for? News? There is internet and radio in the car. Films? My friends! We started going to the movies! Hehe - we haven't been there for a hundred years! Cartoons/something to keep a child busy... Fresh air and board games are useful for a child - imagine, even he already believed in it)). Yes. And most importantly, we have books. In the evenings everyone (!) reads books. This is absolutely incredible. I was sure that it happened so massively only twice a year at the institute - before the winter and summer sessions, respectively ... So it seems to me that if someone still decides to fix this piece of furniture at the moment, it something will definitely break again ... for sure ...

After all, when else would I decide to cook, say, Bavaria- for me, this dessert has always been the pinnacle of confectionery art. And then - a couple of free evenings, a few books on the topic ... Believe me - absolutely nothing complicated!

You may be surprised now, but we have all cooked Bavarua sometime, even, for sure, without knowing it ... Just remember - tn " no bake cheesecake"- when we mixed cottage cheese with cream and added gelatin. Or, chocolate muss- when we added the same cream to melted chocolate and again thickened it with gelatin ... In fact bavarian(this is a French term), and in the English culinary school - bavarian cream- this is not one kind of recipe, but rather a method - when whipped cream is added to the mixture, whether it be English cream (classic), fruit puree, cottage cheese, chocolate, etc. (thus making the dessert incredibly airy), and thickened with gelatin.

Of course there are classics. The classic in this case is Vanilla Bavarian Cream. It consists of three ingredients - regular English cream (usually made with whole eggs), gelatin and whipped cream. If flavors are added to the cream - all the same chocolate, fruit purees, then this is done before adding gelatin. Bavarian cream is very often an independent dessert (remember, for example, the favorite cake of all current pastry shops - "Three Chocolates" - this is nothing more than a classic Bavarois), or it can serve as a layer for cakes. Bavarua is also the basis for cold charlottes (I think 40 percent understood me now, for the rest it is a dessert, which is a Bavarian cream, lined with Savoiardi cookies around the edges - the one used in tiramisu and is usually tied with an elegant ribbon You can google it if you're interested).

Look, this is a classic. But of course, each chef has his own vision and, in principle, now everything that is possible is added to Bavarois. Firstly, English cream is often made only on yolks; whipped whites are added to ready-made bavarois - instead of or along with cream. Some do not use English as a base, but confectionery cream. And all this will be called bavarua ...

So, for starters - as always, the basic recipe and method. I cooked for an incredible "effect" classic bavarois with two additions - white chocolate and strawberry puree. Just using his example, I will tell you the whole technology.

For 6 portioned Bavarian creams (as in the picture) you will need:

  • 20 g gelatin. You can use powder or sheets.
  • If using powder, you need another 150 ml of water.

For the English cream:
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 g sugar
  • 500 ml milk
  • vanilla extract (optional)

  • 500 ml whipping cream
  • 125 g white chocolate
  • 125 g strawberry puree.

1. The first thing to do is prepare an English cream. I wrote about it in great detail.
Briefly: Mix half of the sugar with milk and bring to a boil, mix the other half with eggs. Add vanilla. Temper the eggs with milk and cook in a water bath until the sauce thickens and begins to envelop the spoon.

2. Now it's time for the additions. Stick to this proportion - for an English cream made from 500 ml of milk, take 250 g of additives. I took 125 g of white chocolate and strawberry puree. You can not melt the chocolate, but add it immediately to the hot English cream.

3. The next step is gelatin. Don't be afraid to use gelatin. I know it's a bit intimidating at first. Here it is important to understand the principle of working with it. You can have gelatin either in powder or sheets. If you were not specifically looking for sheet gelatin, then most likely you have powdered. Sheet gelatin is very popular in professional kitchens because it is added to the mixture without additional liquid. And the rest - no difference.

If you have leaf gelatin. Soak it in cold (!) water for 15 minutes - it will soften and become like a bag ... When the English sauce is ready, squeeze the gelatin from excess moisture and put it in hot (!) sauce - it will quickly dissolve there.
Sheet gelatin must be weighed. Do not believe if you are told, as I once was, that a sheet of gelatin weighs 2.5 g. Mine weighs all 5! In fact, it depends on its type (it can be silver, gold and bronze) - but this is wilds, and it is absolutely not necessary to know them.

If you have powdered gelatin(which is most likely) - then do so. Pour the powder into water (remember 150 ml in the recipe) and wait 5-15 minutes. The powder should swell. Then heat the liquid with gelatin until it is completely dissolved (but in no case boil - when boiling, gelatin ceases to be gelatin!), And add the mixture to the hot English cream.

Now our almost already bavarois needs to be cooled - so that it starts to "grab" slightly, but does not thicken completely - about half an hour.

4. This is just enough time to whip the cream. Remember that the cream, as well as the bowl and whisk, must be cold so that the cream whips well. Add them to the cooled cream.

5. Pour the mixture into portion molds - they can be absolutely any. The only thing I used was an ordinary biscuit cake as a base. Leave to cool in the refrigerator for at least four hours. Better at night.

In the forms, the Bavarian cream will last for several days in the refrigerator. And it also freezes beautifully. To remove the dessert from the mold, hold it in hot water.

This was the basic recipe, and now - options.

  • First of all - fruit bavarois. They are made without English cream at all. That is, warm fruit puree is thickened with gelatin, and when it begins to thicken, whipped cream is introduced. Pour into molds and cool. There can be only one problem with fruits, and it concerns mainly tropical fruits. The fact is that almost all tropical fruits contain certain substances that block the action of gelatin. This can be avoided - just heat the puree almost to a boil, and then cool slightly.
  • Another option - instead of fruit puree cottage cheese or curd cheese(as in cheesecake). The principle is the same. Use the proportions of gelatin and cream from the main recipe.

And finally, I must say that Bavarian cream- this is a typical example of the fact that the length of the post does not affect the complexity of the recipe in any way)) Long is because it is detailed, and not because it is difficult)

Good luck to you!
La Patissiere

Bavarian cream

Bavarian cream

Bavarian cream - a dessert made from custard and whipped cream, to which various fruits, chocolate, coffee or liquor are added. Its name is probably due to the fact that many French chefs worked at the Bavarian court during the reign of the Wittelsbach dynasty.

Bavarian cream with vanilla

Milk 1/2 l::: cream 250 g::: egg (yolk) 6 pcs. :::vanillin pinch:::sugar 250g:::gelatin 25g:::water 3 tbsp. l.

Boil milk with sugar. Crack the eggs and separate the yolks. Beat the yolks with a whisk, adding. little by little hot milk. Put everything in a water bath, stirring constantly so that the mixture does not thicken, do not bring to a boil. Pour the cream into the mixer and beat well. Beat flour, milk, yolks and sugar well with a whisk until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Let it boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Introduce gelatin soaked in cold water into the cream, strain and let cool. Whip the cream and fold it into the cream, which has thickened but not yet turned into jelly. Pour into a greased pan and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Dictionary of culinary terms. 2012 .

See what "Bavarian cream" is in other dictionaries:

    cream bavaroise- * crème bavaroise. Type of cake. Toliverdov House. table 336. Crème bavaroise pancakes with Bavarian cream. This cream was very popular. Originally called fromage bavariose Bavarian cheese and prepared from fresh cream with the addition of .. glue. AT… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Bavarian cream is one of the variants of mousse and it is better to say technology. This is a gelatin-stabilized custard mixed with whipped cream. And then, according to your taste, you can give the cream different flavors: coffee, natural vanilla, berry or fruit puree, aromatic additives. The only thing that remains unchanged is its custard base and whipped cream. Bavarian custard can serve as an independent dish or as an addition to pastries, cakes or other desserts.

  1. Whip the cream and leave it in the refrigerator until it is combined with the custard. This is very important as cooling prevents the milk fat from melting and the cream from falling off.
  2. Mix custard with melted gelatin. The cream should not be very cold - no colder than room temperature. If you mix heated gelatin with cold cream, the gelatin will harden and form lumps. It is best to add a couple of tablespoons of cream to the gelatinous mass, mix and after that add the rest of the cream.
  3. Flavor the custard - add flavoring ingredients. These can be fruit purees, melted chocolate, liqueurs, strong coffee, vanilla extract, and so on. The cream should be slightly oversaturated with taste, since the cream, when mixed, will take on some of the taste and dilute it, making it more neutral.
  4. Add cream to cream and mix gently. This is done in the same way as during the preparation of mousse. Alternatively, you can use a whisk, but they need to be stirred very carefully and gently.

Bavarian cream recipe:

  • Milk 150 ml.
  • Cream 150 ml.
  • 5 yolks
  • Sugar 40-50 grams
  • flavorings (vanilla pod, vanillin, coffee, fruit syrup and so on)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 500 ml. heavy cream for whipping 33-35%
  • 10-15 grams of sheet gelatin (10 grams of cream will be stable, 15 grams of a dense consistency)

How to cook:

  1. For Bavaria cream, soak 15 grams of gelatin in water.
  2. Separate 5 yolks into a bowl, add 40 grams of sugar, mix. In a saucepan, pour 150 milliliters of milk and 150 milliliters of cream, add a pinch of salt, 40 grams of vanilla sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Stir the egg-sugar mixture all the time, gradually pour the boiled cream with milk into it. Return to the saucepan, put on the fire, cook, stirring all the time, over medium heat until boiling.
  4. Readiness can be checked by drawing a groove on the back of the spoon - if the groove does not converge, then the vanilla sauce is ready. Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar, stir.
  5. Melt the soaked gelatin in a water bath. Add the gelatin to the vanilla sauce, stir and cool to about 30 degrees Celsius. 500 milliliters of cream, with a fat content of at least 30%, beat until a dense foam is obtained.
  6. In two additions, add the cream to the sauce, gently fold in one direction. Bavarian cream is ready. Use the cream for making cakes and pastries, or arrange in bowls, cool in the refrigerator and serve as an independent dessert.

We continue the culinary educational program, aimed at ensuring that you, having a basic recipe in your hands, can endlessly fantasize and experiment on its theme. After all, when you understand the essence of the process, it is much easier to do it.

Today we will talk about two delicate creamy desserts - mousse and Bavarian cream. On the one hand, they are similar, but on the other, they are still different. Let's see what the point is.


The name of this dessert comes directly from the French language and very specifically describes its essence (fr. Mousse - foam).

The essence of making mousses is that an airy ingredient (it can be egg white, whipped cream or meringue) is mixed with a flavor base, which can be fruit puree, custard, pudding, curd, sabayon, "pate a bombe" ( yolks whipped with sugar syrup according to the principle of Italian meringue). The base should be homogeneous and as soft as possible so that the air ingredient mixes with it with minimal loss of air.

A stabilizer in the form of gelatin (and sometimes agar-agar) can either be used in different doses (like, for example), or not used at all (like). If you're making gelatin mousse, be prepared for it to set pretty quickly. Therefore, prepare in advance bowls, glasses or glasses in which you will lay out your mousse.

If the issue of heat treatment of eggs is acute for you, choose those recipes in which the mousse is prepared for. Or pasteurize the eggs you cook them (how to do this was described).


  1. We prepare the base. If it was cooked with heating - cool to room temperature.
  2. Beat the air ingredient.
  3. Add the air ingredient to the base and mix until there are no inclusions of protein, cream or meringue in the mass.
  4. We put the mousse in bowls, glasses or glasses and set to cool.


  • It is better to mix cream or proteins with the base in several stages: first add about a third of the whipped ingredient and stir gently to make the base softer. Then add the remaining two-thirds - better in stages, this will save the maximum amount of mass and squeeze out less air.
  • It is best to stir with something flat - like a silicone or rubber pastry spatula or, in extreme cases, a wooden spatula
  • You need to mix with gentle circular movements in the direction from the bottom to the top, turning the bowl in the process.
  • If two or more different airy ingredients are used, the least stable one should intervene last. For example, if whipped cream and protein are involved in the mousse (as, for example,), then first add and mix the protein, and then the cream.


In fact, the Bavarian cream is a special case of mousse. It is a gelatin-stabilized custard blended with whipped cream. Custard can be finished with different flavoring ingredients - from coffee to small portions of berry or fruit puree. But the custard base and cream remain unchanged.

Like mousse, Bavarian cream can act as an independent dessert or be used in the preparation of cakes and pastries.


  1. Whip the cream and leave it in the refrigerator until it is mixed with the custard. This moment is very important, because. Cooling prevents the milk fat from melting and the cream to fall off.
  2. Mix custard with melted gelatin. The cream should not be very cold - not colder than room temperature. If you mix heated gelatin with cold cream, the gelatin will harden unevenly and form lumps. It is best to add a couple of tablespoons of cream to the gelatin mass, mix and then add the rest of the cream.
  3. We separate the custard - add flavoring ingredients. It can be fruit puree, melted chocolate, liqueurs, strong coffee, etc. The cream should be a little oversaturated with flavor, because. the cream, when mixed, will pull some of the taste onto itself and dilute it, making it more neutral.
  4. Add the cream to the cream and mix gently. This can be done in the same way as in the case of mousse. Alternatively, you can use a whisk, but they need to be stirred very carefully.
  5. We lay out the finished Bavarian cream in molds (kremanka, etc.) or use it as a filling for cakes and cakes.