Cheese fried in breading, with cranberry sauce.

29.03.2019 Grill Menu

Cheese may not only be beautiful snack to guilt, but also tasty, nutritious breakfast. In the fried form, this product is perfectly combined with a cup aromatic coffeeit can be served with white sauce as a supplement to vegetable headeror as a snack to beer. Under its crispy crust hides fragrant cheese mass. In this case, the taste of fried cheese pieces will be directly dependent on what kind of appearance you are frying and with what spices will be combined.

Such appetizing fried cheese is served hot, since in a cold form loses all its flavor attractiveness. Therefore, we recommend cooking it "at times."

Required ingredients:

  • adygei cheese
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper
  • semolina
  • eggs - 1 pc

Cooking method:

  1. cut out our cheese piece of slices, collapse them in layers: the first layer - flour, the second is a slightly whipped egg (with salt and pepper or other beloved seasonings you), the third and last manka;
  2. fry branched cheese slices on oil to appetizing golden.

Required ingredients:

Cooking method:

  1. cut cheese in small squares (thickness, approximately 0.5 cm);
  2. we mix spices with breadcrumbs. Can add sesame seedswhich are well combined with cheese taste;
  3. the egg is slightly whipped by a wedge;
  4. cheese pieces are looser in the egg, then in breadcrumbs, immediately fade once again in the egg and in breadcrumbs;
  5. then send it to a well-heated frying pan, pre-pouring vegetable oil. On medium fire, fry on each side for about two minutes.

Fried cheese with garlic and honey sauce

Prepare such aromatic fried cheese over the previous recipe, and make sauce separately.

Required ingredients:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 teeth
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • red pepper - on the tip of the knife

Cooking method:

  1. mix honey with olive oil;
  2. grind garlic and add to the sauce;
  3. pERSON, mix - spicy sauce To fried cheese is ready.

Required ingredients:

  • cheese (Dutch) - 200 g
  • bread Sukhari - 250 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • marinated cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • wheat flour in / s - 250 g
  • garlic - 1 teeth
  • mayonnaise (light) - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc

Cooking method:

  1. we cut our cheek slices with a thickness of 1.5 cm;
  2. in one bowl, we embarrass the flour, in the second - crackers and the third - whipped eggs;
  3. now we do for our cheese pieces a dense "armor", which will hold it inside the panning. To do this, we take apart every piece according to the following scheme: eggs - flour - eggs - crackers. Dry branched cheese slices on a plate and repeat the procedure;
  4. multicooker's bowl with oil, exhibit the "pilaf" mode and roast our cheese pieces on both sides to a golden color. At the same time, contact them very carefully, so that the cheese is melted in the cooking process does not output;
  5. now let's go to the sauce: grind onions, garlic and cucumbers, mix the resulting cleaner with mayonnaise, we apieve all and pepper.

Fried Cheese: Calorie

That appetizing dishAs fried cheese, it is impossible to call low-calorie - in 100 g of such yummy "live" about 300 kcal. However, if you do not exceed this stogram "dose", then you do not have to worry about your volumes. In relation to the method of its preparation, that is, the frying, it can also be quite safe for the body, if used for this refined vegetable or heated butter. In addition, toasted cheese is rich in animal proteins, so it will benefit those who want to increase the mass, but it is better to exclude it from the diet.

Fried cheese In Klyar, I first tried in Prague and literally fell in love with him from the first sample, "bite" so to speak. I literally lost rest, so I wanted to try to prepare something like that yummy.

And recently, lying alone culinary bookI came across the recipe of the cheese. True, a cheese with mold was used in the recipe, but I was not upset (I have a biased attitude to this cheese) and easily made its adjustments. Instead of cheese with mold, I used our native Suluguni and remained, very pleased with the final result.

Sweet cranberry sauce, it is impossible to better complement the taste of roasted salted cheese. This original snack can even be supplied to festive table. Your guests will eat all at once, and will ask more additives. Such a snack is remarkably combined with red or white wine.

Fried Cheese in Cranberry Sauce - Recipe With Step-by-Step Photo


  • Suluguni cheese (or any other salty cheese) 200 gr.,
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.,
  • Flour 3 tbsp,
  • Breadcrumbs 3 tbsp,
  • Refined sunflower oil 100 ml.
  • For sauce:
  • Cranberry 100 gr.,
  • Sugar 100 gr.,
  • Corn starch 1 tsp.

How to cook fried cheese in a grain with cranberry sauce:

  1. Cheese cut on not big pieces.

  2. The egg is broken into the pile, whipping the fork. Prepare flour and breadcrumbs. First, dry cheese in the egg.

  3. Then squeeze the cheese in the flour. After that, they are flooded in the egg and flour.

  4. Last but I fade cheese in breadcrumbs.

  5. In the fryer or in a deep saucepan with boiling oil, fry cheese. Fry literally 30 seconds, following the cheese, the cheese does not start to flow. Plate with a clutch. We lay the cheese on the napkin, in order to have extra fat. We give cheese to cool.

  6. We lay the cheese on the plate and decorate the parsley greenery. Now we will make the preparation of cranberry sauce.

  7. In the Pial we crush the cranberry with a tablespoon. Putting sugar.

  8. Told 200 ml boiled water And put in the microwave oven for 10 minutes.propusk the finished cranberry mass through the siter.

  9. Divorce in 50 ml boiled cold water Starch, and we introduce a glitter in cranberry syrup, stirring a flag. We put in a microwave oven for 2 minutes.

  10. We serve roasted cheese in a warm form, cranberry sauce - cold. Create thin wooden spanks to cheese. We ride a piece of fried cheese on a skewer, loyering in cranberry sauce and enjoy exquisite and unique taste This wonderful snacks.

Such cheese can be served for breakfast, dinner or a buffet table. By the way, if you have not tried, I advise you to try, very tasty!

Good cheese is in itself beautiful dishwhich will ideally complement and emphasize the taste of noble wine or champagne. As festive snacks Perfectly suitable cheese platedrawn up by your taste, and you can add it cheese fried in breading, with cranberry sauce.

To prepare cheese fried in breading, with cranberry sauce you will need:

125 cheese Brie.*;

2-3 tbsp. l. breading superstars *;

vegetable oil (for frying).

for sauce:

3 tbsp. l. Locked with sugar cranberries ***;

1 tsp. water;

½ h. L. Balsamic vinegar.

* - Instead of Cheese Brie Camembert cheese and cheese.

** - I used purchased breadcrumbs with sesame and greens.

*** - If you do not have cranberries with sugar, you can use for cooking berry sauce Fresh or frozen cranberry or lingonberry ( classic combination with cheese). Add to berries granulated sugar taste, balsamic vinegar and / or a little dry wine, bring to a boil and cook sauce for another 2-3 minutes, it should thump a little. Ready Sauce Puree with a blender, if desired ready sauce You can wipe through the sieve, so it will turn out more gentle and without pieces of berries.

In a frying pan, heales vegetable oil, fry "branched" pieces of cheese on each side before formation ruddy crust. Roasted cheese in breading lay out on paper towelTo remove excess oil.

We put the pieces of cheese fried in breading on the serving plate, and put a sauper with a cranberry sauce. A glass of champagne or wine will also be very much by the way.

Enjoy your meal! Enjoy with pleasure!