Peanuts are carbohydrates per 100 grams. Canapes with cheese and peanuts

Peanuts are one of the most affordable types of nuts. Moreover, its calorie content is much lower than that of cashews, Brazil nuts and others. However, many believe that peanuts are a harmful snack, representing a product fried in oil, flavored with salt. However, this nut is no less useful than the others.

Useful properties of peanuts

Peanuts are called "peanuts" because they are legumes and ripen underground. By the way, fried nuts are considered useful.They retain 100% of vitamin E.

  • Peanuts are rich in protein, so they are very useful for those who are gaining mass.
  • Walnut without salt lowers cholesterola, improves blood circulation.
  • Peanuts improve cerebral blood flow
  • Only 30 grams of nuts every day solves problems with gastrointestinal path.
  • A serving of nuts will improve hormonal levels.
  • Peanuts are also useful for men: it improves potency.
  • This nut helps keep the skin and the whole body youthful.
  • It increases blood clotting, therefore it is useful for those who suffer from hemophilia.

Calorie content of peanuts

However, despite such an extensive list of useful properties of peanuts, they should not be abused. The calorie content of the nut is high -about 550 kcal. The healthiest option fried in a dry pan or oven contains about 625 kcal.

The optimal portion is considered30 grams.It contains about 60 small nuts.

By the way, to get the most out of the nuts, skip the store-bought options. Packaged peanuts as a beer snack are most often fried in oil and a fair amount of flavor enhancers and salt are added. The best option is to buy a raw nut and fry it along with the husk in a dry frying pan or in the oven at a low temperature. If you wish, you can add a little salt to the finished product. Although it is better to give up salted nuts altogether.

Dessert peanuts

In addition to the classic salted nuts, you can find sweet options in stores. Caramelized peanuts, fried in sugar, nuts in chocolate or in coconut milk. The calorie content of such desserts is very high. However, taking into account the benefits of peanuts, you can allow yourself to tea or coffee instead of 15 grams (15 pieces) of sweet nuts.


Despite the benefits, peanuts are not neutral. Its high protein and fat content makes it allergenic.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Obesity or overweight.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Arthrosis or arthritis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Gout.
  • Diabetes.

Peanuts are a product that pleases both adults and children. Many people mistakenly believe that this is one of the varieties of nuts. In fact, peanuts are legumes. Of course, the fruit is significantly different from its relatives. Peanuts ripen in a cocoon underground. There are also other names for the plant. It is often called the ground acorn or ground almond.

Where peanuts were first discovered

a component of many dishes. Today there are more than 60 varieties of peanuts. It has become a valuable crop and is grown in America, Italy, France, South Asia and Africa.

For the first time, everyone's favorite nuts were discovered in Peru (in ancient burials). In the CIS countries, the product appeared only at the end of the 18th century. Since then, it has become widespread and began to be used in the confectionery and food industries. Salted peanuts are especially popular, as well as glazed peanuts. The calorie content of the product is so high that it allows you to satisfy your hunger for several hours.

Fresh peanuts. Calorie content and composition

Despite the fact that the product belongs to the legume genus, its composition is very similar to that of nuts. The product contains almost 50% oil and over 20% protein.

Cashew nuts have an identical composition. Moreover, in most legumes, the fat content does not exceed 3%. The chemical composition of peanuts is precisely what determines its beneficial properties.

The product contains many vitamins and minerals. These are vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. And the calorie content of raw peanuts is 551 kcal. The energy value of the product is really high. It is no coincidence that it is included in many diets for athletes, as well as for people who suffer from excessive thinness.

How to store peanuts correctly

The product is not perishable. But you still need to follow the storage technology of the product. The standard shelf life of a nut that has undergone special processing is a year. Special containers are prepared, into which pre-peeled peanuts are subsequently stacked. The calorie content of the product does not change during storage.

It should be remembered that the nut does not tolerate dampness. Peanuts should be kept in a dry area that is always well ventilated. The ideal option would be dry containers that close tightly.

Useful properties of peanuts

The product not only allows you to satisfy your hunger as quickly as possible, but is also useful as

prevention of many serious diseases. It will be especially necessary for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, the product prevents the formation of cancer cells and slows down the aging process. Walnut has a positive effect on eyesight and hearing, improves blood circulation. The product is recommended for patients who suffer from varicose veins.

Peanuts have a wonderful effect on men's health - they improve the function of the reproductive system. Guys and girls who care about their figure should also include peanuts in their daily diet. The calorie content of the product is quite high. This allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and not overeat.

Peanuts are rich in protein. It is no coincidence that the product is consumed in large quantities by men who spend a third of their lives in the gym. The nut allows you to have a great snack and build muscle as quickly as possible.

Who should be wary of peanuts

As in the case of benefits, the harm of a product is also determined by its properties. The reason

gaining excess weight in many women and men can be precisely peanuts. The calorie content of the product is more than 500 kcal per 100 grams. This should not be forgotten by people who are prone to obesity.

Another danger of the product can be a fairly strong allergic reaction. This is especially true for peeled nuts. Therefore, the product is best consumed in a processed form. So, roasted peanuts, the calorie content of which is slightly higher than raw peanuts, will have an excellent taste and are not dangerous for allergy sufferers.

An interesting fact is that peanuts can also cause allergies in those people who do not have such a tendency. Therefore, it is not advisable to abuse the product. Do not give nuts to children under one year old either.

Why is it better to eat roasted peanuts

The calorie content of the nut increases slightly during processing. The amount of antioxidants in the product increases during frying. In addition, under the influence of high temperature, a shell is formed that protects vitamin E, which is contained in a small amount of the nut.

Nutritionists recommend roasting nuts in a small amount of vegetable oil without spices. Children are advised not to consume salted peanuts. Its calorie content is very high, and salt does not benefit the child. But the kid can eat a nut slightly dried in a frying pan.

Dried peanuts can also improve sleep. It should be included in the menu for people who suffer from insomnia. But it is still undesirable to abuse it. Otherwise, one problem will be replaced by another.

Special product for allergy sufferers

Peanuts are a useful product that can solve many problems with

health. But what about people who are prone to allergic reactions? Scientists have worked on this issue and have developed a special variety of peanuts that allergy sufferers can safely use. A traditional product contains three ingredients that contribute to the appearance of skin rashes and other troubles. Breeders have crossed several types of fruit that have the least amount of allergic components.

A new variety of peanuts was developed relatively recently. Despite this, scientists believe that it will soon appear in widespread use. Allergy sufferers can easily include peanut butter or peanuts in coconut glaze in their daily diet. The calorie content of these foods is really high.

How to choose quality peanuts

The product appeared in wide use only in the middle of the last century. Today there is a huge range of peanuts in every grocery store. But

it is impossible to know for sure whether the fruits were stored correctly, and what properties they have. Therefore, everyone should know how to choose the right peanuts.

It is better to give preference to large supermarkets that have all the necessary certificates of conformity. They purchase all products at wholesale warehouses, where all storage technologies are followed.

Markets often sell peanuts that are already infected with mold or mildew. The use of such a product can be life threatening. It is also not advisable to purchase spiced and decorated fruits that are offered by weight. It can be peanuts in coconut glaze, the calorie content of which is quite high, or a nut in chocolate. With the help of dyes and various glazes, unscrupulous manufacturers try to hide spoiled fruits. Those who want to buy peanuts in glaze should give preference to packaged products.

Raw peanuts should be completely dry, have an even structure, uniform color and a pleasant aroma. If you need to purchase a raw nut, it is better to give preference to the fruit in the shell.

Everyone is accustomed to considering peanuts as walnuts, and due to the peculiarities of their growth, they are often called "earthen". Yet it is a leguminous plant, herbaceous and perennial. Only unlike other species of this family, its fruits develop underground. There are several quite logical reasons why peanuts are also popularly referred to as nuts: nutritional value (quite high, as, for example, in almonds and hazelnuts), tough shells of peanut beans, similar to a nutshell. Its net pattern resembles a spider's web, and the name "peanut" is probably derived from the Greek word "arachne", which means spider.

About the plant

It is customary to call South America the homeland of the legume plant. Archaeological excavations allow us to conclude that peanuts were cultivated by the Indians in the 1st millennium BC. e. It was brought to Europe and China much later - in the 16th century. The plant is thermophilic, so its cultivation is successful in countries with a suitable climate.

Peanuts (nutritional value, chemical composition, useful properties - hereinafter referred to in the text) have very specific features of the structure of the flower and the process of fruit formation. Almost all of them are self-pollinated. The fruits develop from the lowest flowers. After fertilization occurs, the ovary begins to grow and forms a long rod (gynophore), which goes into the ground to a depth of 8-10 cm. It is there that the beans of a characteristic cylindrical shape with interceptions ripen. This is a kind of plant adaptation to a hot climate. At depth, its fruits are reliably sheltered from the scorching heat and dry air.

Peanuts: chemical composition and nutritional value

Peanut seeds contain 40-60% oil and 20-37% protein. This fact determines its high calorie content. About 80% of the oil in peanuts is the use of which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. The proteins in this product are optimally balanced in terms of the composition of amino acids, and therefore they are well absorbed by the human body. The proportion of carbohydrates, dietary fiber and water in 100 g of nuts is 9.9 g, 8.1 g, 7.9 g, respectively.

In addition, peanuts contain vitamins A, E, D, PP, B 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, biotin, polyphenols (antioxidants), linoleic and folic acids. The latter, in particular, promotes cell renewal and growth. The composition explains the usefulness that peanuts have. Nutritional value: 100 gr. depending on the variety, it can contain from 550 to 590 kcal.

Of the macronutrients, the highest percentage of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as magnesium and sodium. Trace elements are represented by iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium.

How are peanuts good for the body?

In addition to their excellent nutty flavor, peanuts are characterized by exceptional health benefits. Eating only 20-25 seeds per day helps to normalize the function of blood-forming organs and smooth out fine wrinkles. As an adjuvant, the fruits are recommended to be consumed with an increased content of cholesterol in the blood, insomnia, overwork and, paradoxically, peanuts, the nutritional value of which is 550-590 kcal, are advised to be eaten with obesity.

Do not forget about the large amount of antioxidants contained in nuts. Everyone knows that these substances protect our cells from the harmful effects of dangerous free radicals. In addition, peanuts will help you replenish the protein deficiency in the body, soothe in case of increased nervous excitability and tone up with a decline in vital energy.

Roasted or Raw: Which Peanuts Are Better to Eat?

We are used to eating peanut seeds raw or roasted. In the same form, it is added to baked goods, desserts, salads and meat dishes. The nutritional value of roasted peanuts is 602 kcal per 100 g, which is slightly higher than raw peanuts. At the same time, the level of protein fluctuates around 40%, and fat - 67%. Note that dried or roasted peanuts are preferable, since in this form it is easier to peel them from thin skin, rich in coarse dietary fiber, which inhibits the breakdown of proteins and starch.

The benefits of boiled peanuts

Not so long ago, American scientists found that boiled peanuts are the most useful. Raw seeds contain many antioxidants, isoflavones, which prevent the development of cancer, heart ischemia and diabetes. Their share increases in boiled peanuts 4 times compared to the amount contained in the raw product.

It sounds very unusual, but think about it. Peanuts are a bean, like beans, peas or chickpeas, and we cook and stew them with pleasure.

The Peanut Diet: What Is It?

It is believed that in the fight against obesity, many Hollywood stars use peanuts. Nutritional value (100 g contains from 550 to 590 kcal) casts serious doubt on this information. How can you lose weight by eating a food that is half oil?

The thing is that with a peanut diet, plant seeds are eaten, but not much. In fact, this type of diet requires supplementation in the form of vegetables, grain bread, lean boiled chicken and fish in limited quantities. The peanuts play a distracting role. In order to pamper the person who is losing weight and not let him “break away” from hunger and the desire to eat something sweet, he is offered, for example, 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter for breakfast with a cup of tea. Even in small amounts, "peanut" gives a feeling of satiety. Thus, by eating peanuts in small quantities, the nutritional value of which is very high, a person gets only 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, which is not so much in terms of the entire daily diet.

What is made from peanuts?

Peanuts are an oilseed plant. A ton of its seeds makes it possible to obtain from 225 to 320 kg of oil, the quality of which is comparable to that of olive. Its main area of \u200b\u200bapplication is the margarine, confectionery and canning industry. A small amount of peanut butter goes to the pharmaceutical industry, and the worst varieties go to soap making. In America, the lion's share of the beans grown is processed into the famous peanut butter.

Squeezing any oil always produces a by-product - cake, in this case rich in protein and fat. It is actively used in the food industry, making halva, adding it to cakes, sweets and cheap varieties of chocolate. The cake is often mixed into flour, thus enriching it with protein.

Peanuts are a strong allergen

So, the fact that the excessive use of "peanuts" can be detrimental to the figure, we have already understood. The reason lies in the fact that the nutritional value of raw, dried or roasted peanuts is very high. However, this is not the worst thing that can happen.

Many people have severe peanut allergies. For them, the use of this product, even in a scanty amount, can lead to death from anaphylactic shock or coma. Scientists have identified about thirty allergenic proteins that are found in peanuts. It is possible that some processes that enhance the aroma of the nut, its taste and shelf life (ripening, roasting, processing), contribute to the enhancement of allergenic properties.

Some doctors see the reason for such a reaction of the body in baby food. Often peanuts are used in some quantity in the manufacturing process. The body of young children cannot cope with the breakdown of all the components of the nut and cannot digest them. In the future, this may most likely cause the development of an allergy to the product.

The well-known name for peanuts is ground or Chinese walnut. It belongs to the legume family. There are about 70 species of this plant. Peanuts are native to South America.

Today it is a valuable food crop. Peanuts are grown in many countries with a warm climate. These include the countries of South America, USA, Italy, Spain, France. It is also grown in most countries in Africa and South Asia.

The use and beneficial properties of Chinese walnut

Peanuts are widely used in the confectionery and food industries. Chinese walnuts are eaten raw and fried. In addition, it is added to most confectionery products. Various food creams and pastes are produced on its basis.

The highest grades of peanut butter are used to make margarine, as well as confectionery and bakery products. They are also used in the manufacture of canned fish and some medical products.

Peanuts are rich in antioxidants. They are represented by polyphenols, which are used as prophylactic agents for diseases of the cardiovascular system and early aging of the body.

It also has a choleretic effect. It has a beneficial effect on gastritis, stomach and colon ulcers, on the genitourinary system and malignant cancers.

The high concentration of calories in peanuts helps many people to build muscle. It is their use in such cases that is the most reliable and effective method.

Peanut harm

It is important to remember that peanuts can cause allergic reactions. They manifest as abdominal pain, nausea, and swelling in the mouth. Anaphylactic shock can be a dangerous manifestation of allergy. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required.

Peanuts and calories affect weight gain. Therefore, many nutritionists advise against overusing them.

Peanuts are high in calories. This makes it a very nutritious food. Biologically, it does not belong to nuts, but to legumes. Beans make peanut butter (a type of dessert), starch flour, add to margarines, chocolate. Due to the high calorie content of peanuts, they make an emulsion, which is the basis of parenteral nutrition. It is administered intravenously bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and is used for patients unable to feed on their own. Nuts are an ingredient in many culinary dishes, as well as an independent product that adults and children love to feast on. For weight watchers, it is important to know how many calories are in peanuts.

In contact with

To find out how many calories are in peanuts, refer to the reference tables or package directions. In tables, it is common to place peanuts in the "Nuts" section rather than "Legumes". They give the calorie content of peanuts per 100 grams. The energy value of a product depends on the form in which it is used. So, raw, fried, roasted peanuts with salt have a different calorie content per 100 grams.

Raw nuts

The easiest way to find out how many calories are in a particular raw peanut is by looking at the packaging. This will be accurate information. Nutritional tables give a range of calorie content for peanuts per 100 g from 440 to 630 kcal. It depends on the variety and storage conditions. The most common indicator for the calorie content of raw peanuts is 551 kcal. Sometimes the tables give two indicators - peanuts (551 kcal) and dried peanuts (611 kcal).

If we compare the product with other nuts, it turns out that it is inferior to pecans (861 kcal), hazelnuts (703-707 kcal), American nuts (703 kcal), hazelnuts (656 kcal), almonds (640-694 kcal). Since peanuts are not the most high-calorie type of nuts, they are chosen for weight loss.


Those who love a rich taste, but care about excess weight, are interested in how many calories are in roasted peanuts. Raw peanuts taste like beans, so roasted nuts are much more popular. They do not lose many useful qualities when frying, and some gain. For example, the amount of antioxidants and polyphenols increases. The latter improve vascular tone, prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Roasted peanuts with salt

The difficulty of comparing the calorie content of roasted and raw peanuts is the significant difference in values \u200b\u200bin different reference books. It would be correct to compare data from one source. For example, if the table indicates 551 kcal for raw peanuts, then for blanched peanuts, the value rises to 580 kcal. When analyzing different sources, an increase in energy value can be noted by about 3-5%. Knowing how many calories are in raw peanuts, you can calculate the calorie content. It should be borne in mind that when frying in oil, the calorie content depends on its quantity and variety. It can reach 630 kcal. For weight loss, it is better to choose raw or roasted peanuts in the oven.

In a salty product

Lovers of bright taste prefer nuts roasted with salt. This dish is especially popular with beer. Reference data on the calorie content of salted peanuts report 580 kcal. According to other sources, the energy value reaches 611 kcal. Salted nuts are prepared by roasting on a baking sheet with salt or frying in salted oil. In the second case, the calorie content is higher.

BJU: nutritional value

BJU peanuts means a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nuts contain up to 50% oil, i.e. fat. It is composed of fatty acid glycerates. Beans contain up to 35% protein. Raw foodists and vegetarians use peanuts to replenish their body needs. Proteins are well absorbed and provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. The high protein content makes peanuts undesirable for people with protein allergies.

BJU in 100 g of product:

  • fat - 45-50 g;
  • proteins - 26-29 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9-19 g.

The scatter of data is indicated by different sources. The composition of nuts is balanced, which allows them to be included in a healthy diet in moderation. , and.

Can I eat while losing weight?

Diet lovers are wondering if it is possible to eat peanuts while losing weight. On the one hand, this is a high-calorie product, which means that it contributes to weight gain. On the other hand, nuts contain rich proteins and fats, so a small handful of them will leave you feeling full for a long time. Such a portion can weigh 30-40 grams, which means that its calorie content does not exceed 200 kcal.

Fiber, which is part of the beans, contributes to the normal evacuation of feces. This factor also makes peanuts attractive for weight loss diets. The product contains vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, therefore, with a small dose, the body receives the necessary set of components. It is better to eat nuts raw or roasted in the oven. Peanuts in glaze and chocolate, as well as fried salted - do not need to be used for weight loss.

Reviews on use with a diet

Women who practice diets have given good reviews of the use of peanuts for weight loss. Replacing meals with a handful of nuts and juices throughout the day can help you lose 3 kg in 3 days. You should not practice it longer, because peanuts contain allergens and are difficult for the liver. Enough 200 g of nuts per day and 2-3 liters of juice. Raw beans are less tasty. Many women choose red-hot fruits, but without salt, because salt retains water. The diet is easily tolerated, because provides a feeling of fullness and vigor. Girls with anemia noted an increase in hemoglobin in the blood after such a diet. Some women do not completely exclude breakfast and lunch, but between meals, snacks are replaced with a handful of nuts.

According to Dr. Shatalova, you should not eat raw peanuts, although they contain fewer calories. It contains protease inhibitors and makes digestion difficult. It can be eaten only after heat treatment and in small doses.

It is important that the product is fresh and free of mold. It is not visible to the eye, so some women wash the peanuts with water with light pink potassium permanganate and then ignite them.

Fans of the peanut diet recommend peeling off the husk and not washing down the eaten nuts. It is better to drink after 3 hours. To keep within the daily calorie intake, diet proponents determine how many calories are in peanuts from look-up tables and keep a food diary.

When is the best time to consume - morning or evening?

When asked whether it is possible to eat peanuts in the evening while losing weight, you can answer that it is all about quantity. A few can be eaten without any problem. A large amount of high-calorie food before bed will be deposited in body fat. High-energy food requires subsequent activity and exercise. There are enough carbohydrates and fats in peanuts, which will be deposited in the depot in excess.

Benefits and harms for women

The peculiarity of the effect of nuts on the body for women is that they contribute to the production of sex hormones, therefore they are useful for infertility and during menopause. Biotin in the composition of the product prolongs youth, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss.

Peanuts are one of the leaders among products in terms of tryptophan content (after caviar and cheese). It produces the "happiness hormone" serotonin. It helps to cope with depression, sleep disorders, feelings of fear and tension, and helps to reduce premenstrual syndrome.

Since peanuts are highly allergenic, they should not be abused during pregnancy, as this can make the baby prone to allergies. For the same reason, it should be avoided during breastfeeding. The product tends to thicken the blood, therefore, with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, women should limit the amount of nuts they eat.

The benefits and harms of losing weight from peanuts for women are discussed above. If there are no contraindications and allergies, then you can lose weight with peanuts without overusing the amount of the product and the duration of the diet.

What is included?

Peanuts, in addition to high calorie content and balanced BJU, have a composition rich in vitamins and microelements. So, for example, it is rich in Ca, Na, Zn, Mg, K, Fe, vitamins C, PP, E, B-groups. It is especially rich in folic acid (B9). Studies have confirmed that fruits are rich in antioxidants that inhibit aging, and there is no cholesterol at all.

The fatty component of the product contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega- (3, 6 and 9), glycerates of a large range of acids. It also contains a large proportion of starch, sugars and fiber.

Useful video

Calorie comparison of peanuts with other foods:


  1. Having considered the question of whether peanuts are high in calories, one can conclude that they are high in calories, but less than some other types of nuts.
  2. Due to the high concentration of proteins, the product is capable of providing a feeling of fullness for a long time in a small dose, giving a feeling of vigor and good mood. This fact makes it a component of the peanut diet, but it should not be applied for a long time, and it is advisable to limit the daily intake due to peanut calories.
  3. This natural pantry is rich in vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, and other useful components. Due to the presence of substances that make digestion worse, it is preferable to eat nuts after heat treatment.
  4. People prone to protein allergies should refuse the product.