Where to find jerky in the game eleksnet. Homemade jerky

15.04.2019 Grill menu

Peace games a type of meaningful unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself ELEX is full of varied and tasty food... One dish food, prepared food with several ingredients you can get it after you kill a wild animal in the forest, but you can cook another one yourself at the stake. By the way, food also restores health. How finer dish- the more, however, there are such rare delicacies rare, tasty dish, delicacy that cannot be obtained by hunting or cooking. It is to them that jerky meat belongs.

You will have to inspect every corner in which there may be food, or you will have to find a merchant who can provide you with this delicacy. Considering that your inventory is not limited, you can carry as much as you need with you. If, of course, you find it in large quantities.

The favorite pastime of survivors in the post-apocalyptic world is, of course, checking housing and various hidden places for the presence of food, weapons and other things. During such outings, you may well find jerky meat skeletal striated musculature of an animal with adjoining adipose and connective tissues, as well as adjacent bone tissue(meat on bones) or without (boneless meat) and fill their pockets. Pay special attention to the kitchens, as well as places Place - location, location, location, state, point, and so on around bonfire lignified parts of the stems of spinning plants (flax, hemp, kenaf, etc.), obtained from their primary processing(softening, scutching) (see Decortication (mechanical))... With a high degree of probability, there is something to profit from.

Be careful not to miss anything important, you can use sunscreen glasses the most common of optical devices, designed to correct human vision with optical imperfections of the eye or to protect the eyes from various harmful effects ... How to find them and what they give we told you in guide about glasses in Elex.

Another source original origin mining minerals - the process of extracting solid, liquid and gaseous minerals from the bowels of the Earth using technical means meat traders are.

Central Abesse has village rural settlement with several dozen houses, under title verbal designation, the name of someone or something The source, which is located east of the Dome City. There you can establish your "base", and after talking with Annie, you can even make improvements. One of them will be the merchant, from whom you can buy jerky.

Travel to the Tavar Region, an outcast hideout on east side of the world in the direction of which the earth rotates from Edan. There, in the center, is dealer branch of the economy and type of economic activity aimed at the implementation of the sale and purchase of goods, exchange of goods, as well as related processes: direct customer service,... To get to it, you have to pass the guarded gate. You can bribe the guards to let you in, promise double pay after a diplomatic representative of the highest rank of his state in a foreign state (in several states concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative or just fight them.

Simulator of becoming a Chosen One. For some reason, this nickname was not assigned to the Gothic series and the line of its descendants, but it is this nickname that most succinctly and succinctly describes their essence. You start out as a simple guy in rags and penniless, but gradually you earn fame, join one of three groups and decide the fate of the state, and maybe the whole world.

The new creation of the German studio piously follows this canon, but still strikingly differs from its predecessors. How and what this ultimately led to, we will find out in our ELEX review.

- You see only one possibility - to destroy. And I see another one - to manage.
Ghost, Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Chronicles of a non-existent genre

The guys from them resemble the heroes of their games - they twice lost their rights to what they had been accumulating over the years, but they always found the strength to get up and start everything from scratch, to create another adventure. This is a sign of constancy, which is certainly good: they were able to occupy a niche, do what they like, delighting an army of loyal fans, and people are not averse to eating the same dish from time to time, but with a different sauce.

In this situation, any change is fraught with great risk. It is worth listening to a handful of dissatisfied people and abolishing the endless somersaults, as everything else breaks down, and those who were previously satisfied with everything will join the ranks of "resistance". But working on mistakes and striving to grow on oneself is a commendable occupation, which is why I do not want to scold ELEX at all. I don’t want to, but it’s my duty.
The main character was taught to think aloud. But in battle, he is now mute, like Freeman. Even a cry in the spirit of "Zar-r-r-times!" do not wait.

How to explain to an ignorant reader what "Gothic" is? That's the problem. Hmm, imagine your room. It is small, but cozy, all the things in it are in their places, the environment is familiar and familiar. Inside, you feel light and at ease, because every detail is tailored to your taste and habits.

But ELEX is comparable to a shopping center. Its creator did not seek to reproduce the home environment there, the interior decoration is understandable and practical, because the goal is one - to sell you goods. And you can wander for hours between the orderly rows of filled shelves, meet all sorts of curiosities, but not find what you came here for. Because the hall is huge, and when no one is there, it is also empty.
Finally, there are no ugly female faces in Piranha Bytes. True, the models here are like in the first "Witcher", about five for the whole game.

The developers claimed to have created the largest seamless world in their practice. Well done, they didn't lie. But what is the use of spacious green hills, snow-capped mountain ranges and sand dunes, where nothing happens? We collect herbs, kill creatures, periodically stumble upon various trash, which is almost worthless - and that's all. Finding something of value at this scale is almost impossible.

With settlements, things are even stranger. Come to the berserker community, look - well, a village is a village! But this dozen huts are so scattered across the terrain, and even with huge elevation differences, that without pointers, spend an entire evening studying them, and still miss a couple of people eager to give you a task. Other "cities" have exactly the same trouble, the only difference is in the scenery.

Constantly descending and ascending to great heights is probably more annoying about ELEX than anything else.

The beauty of the Risen 3 is the compactness of the gaming space. The world there consisted of several islands, and each could be almost completely cleaned out, wandering aimlessly around the area. This will not work right away: you will simply get confused about which places you have already examined, and where you have not yet been - there are very few landmarks around. There are unique items, but this is akin to finding ticks on the body of a porcupine.

In such conditions, all exploration of the world comes down to jogging through residential areas and taking an armful of errands. Get ready to run a lot and often: either from one point on the map to another, or from monsters that you cannot kill yet. No transport, even though its absence is not due to anything - everything is on our own two feet. Only teleporters save, so it's better to quickly learn the skill that reveals their location.

Despite being far from modern appearance, the game can surprise you with pleasant views. Especially in the desert.

Maybe the world is boring, but at least alive? Well, if you stumbled upon a video where the beast is fighting among themselves or attacking a merchant, then this is an almost unprecedented case for ELEX. Most often, the most motley companies of living creatures attack you, the soldiers are indifferent to the troll sleeping a couple of steps from their outpost, and patrols and clashes between warring factions ... come on, there is nothing like that.

The fauna amazes with an abundance of flashy names, from biters to rippers with nochers, but in fact we meet lizards, chickens, wild boars, giants and others. Many creatures here look the same, but have different names, differing only in strength and vitality. This often leads to embarrassment, because until you enter the battle, you do not know who is against you - a weak variety of an animal or one that kills with two pokes.

Some of the artists are definitely fond of Slavic mythology.

But the world of the game is full of dangers even without wild animals. There are mutants who have lost their minds, but not the ability to fight. There are robbers whose evil intentions do not recognize until you come close to them. There is also an environment in the form of hot, icy, poisonous and radioactive zones, where a fleeting stay affects the health reserve. I am completely silent about not accidentally falling from a two-meter height to death.

If the situation is deplorable, but not hopeless, a jetpack will save the hero from almost all troubles. It is easier to go down a steep mountain with it and avoid sharp fangs. Local enemies are more vindictive than in the third "Witcher", do not mind chasing us endlessly, so The best way get rid of the chase - cut through the hills and prairies, since our jumping device does not consume fuel.

Need more minerals

The homeworld of people was destroyed again. This time, not the Earth, but, for a change, a certain Magalan. The comet became the cause of the disaster, but it not only incinerated the surface of the planet, throwing away the few survivors of the Stone Age, but also brought with it a mysterious mineral - Elex. Risen from the ashes of the catastrophe, the society was divided into groups and immediately began to extract unusual minerals.

The new resource had unprecedented power, but everyone used it for different purposes. Berserkers feared strange gifts, turned them into mana and sought to restore old world, clerics used them to create weapons and technologies, and for outcasts, they are just raw materials for powerful drugs. The Albs stand apart - they began to take Elex, lost their emotions, but gained great power. And they became enemies to everyone.
Gloomy snow-covered forests are the harshest places on Magalan. Deadly creatures and formidable Albs live in these parts.

The main character, alb Jax, flew on a mission, but was shot down. This is a failure, and this is not forgiven by the Directive. And how fortunate that a punitive detachment led by our brother was near the crash site. A shot in the stomach, a fall, and now the former commander of the formidable warriors of the north is lying in the mud in the backyards of the world, without armor and funds. But who knocked him down? Why was he set up? This remains to be seen.

This is where the familiar "Gothic" begins. You have lost everything, thirst for answers and revenge, but first you need to get hold of at least some equipment, find friends, enlist the support of strong allies. The story is simple, but not devoid of intrigue: in the course of the adventure, we will find out who actually betrayed us, what are the true motives of the lord of the Albs, Hybrid, is everything so simple with this bluish mineral.
Boss battles are also present here. But there are only two mandatory ones.

If in Risen 3 the Nameless One fought for his soul and humanity, then for Jax the "sore subject" is emotions. The answers in the dialogues determine the degree of coldness of the character, and we often choose between sensitivity and indifference, and not the usual kindness and rudeness. This is not just a sculpting of a psychological portrait - a bias towards one of the poles will affect the (in) availability of some endings.

Other people also care about how the main character behaves. The game kindly suggests that the character approves or simply "remembers" your decision, or whose death will affect the development of the plot. True, there are almost no long-term consequences from this system: if anyone grabs a weapon, it will be because of a specific misconduct, and not because they refused several times, and this case was the last straw.

When the hero enters a dialogue, the monsters abruptly lose interest in him. This is not Andromeda, where you could have been eaten during the cutscene.

The assignments made a double impression. On the one hand, there are wonderful companion assignments, some with unexpected climaxes and moral choices at the end. On the other hand, the essence of quests rarely goes beyond the usual “bring the item” and “kill the enemies”. All goals are marked on the map, you just run and perform, you don't even have to think about the meaning, what and why you are doing.

But the lack of nonlinearity is more confusing. Often there is only one decision and sometimes it comes to the point that you feel like they want to throw you, but you can’t do anything: all you have to do is either put your foot in a trap and move on, or skip this task altogether, let him hang out in the magazine forever. Sometimes forks happen, but there are very few of them - ELEX is far from being a full-fledged role-playing game.

Handing over a thief or, on the contrary, shielding him is a rare example of variability. But even here you cannot talk to the target and shake something off of it for silence.

The main choice is made closer to the middle of the game, when you decide who to go to serve. Berserkers - Old Believers, live in huts, prefer bows and edged weapons. They are the most "correct" here - they green the planet, growing the hearts of the world, but strictly follow the laws. Outcasts are the usual bandits from "Mad Max": they settled in a huge dump in the desert, collect garbage, value money, freedom and drugs.

If you have always sympathized with the Brotherhood of Steel, take a closer look at the clerics. These are the local technomages: located in a stronghold surrounded by rivers of lava, relying on advanced technology, energy weapons and war robots. They practice a not entirely humane method of suggestion, thereby recruiting volunteers, because they always lack manpower. The hero also has the right to rebuild his own settlement, but it will not work to vote "against all" - anyway, sooner or later, he will have to join someone.

Food safety
In this case, meat processing technology has several goals:

  1. kill pathogenic bacteria that can cause serious harm to health;
  2. create in the future during storage finished product environment unsuitable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
The first goal is achieved different methods pre- or post-processing of meat. The second goal is achieved, first of all, by the drying itself, i.e. removing water from the meat. With an insufficient amount of it, bacteria and fungi practically do not multiply. Secondly, with the components of the marinade.

Basically, there are two types of bacteria to be wary of in meat:

  • E. coli Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157: H7;
  • Salmonella Salmonella;

Jerky made from minced meat is the most dangerous because bacteria from the surface whole pieces meat are redistributed throughout the volume during grinding.

When slicing raw meat it is recommended to use plastic disposable gloves. Chopping board and the knife should be washed with detergent and disinfect in chlorine solution (1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach for 4 liters of water at room temperature). After disinfection, the board and knife should dry naturally. To transfer processed meat to the dryer, it is recommended to use tongs, previously disinfected in the same way. If you are crazy about hardcore, then I also suggest that the sifu from the surface does not spread the cut pieces over the entire area.

Methods for killing pathogenic bacteria and their effect on taste

The main method of struggle is killing by fire, i.e. heating. At 71 ° C, the above two types of bacteria die, so the task is to heat the entire piece of meat to this temperature. The meat is dried in an electric dryer at an ambient temperature of about 70 ° C, but the meat itself, if no special measures are taken, remains colder than the air for quite a long time (2-6 hours), heating up gradually. For a considerable time, its temperature is in the range favorable for the growth of bacteria. The authors distinguish several methods of processing meat that minimize the number of bacteria in the finished product:

  1. Post-heating dried meat. Dried meat is laid out on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 135 ° C for 10 minutes. Everything is killed perfectly. You can hardly process the meat before drying and keep the original taste of the meat. Features - you need to take into account that the meat will lie for as much as 10 minutes in the oven. And at this temperature, it is very dofig, and if the meat has been well dried, it can burn or turn into pieces of wood during this time. It should be slightly underdried.
  2. Preheating uncooked sliced ​​meat in hot brine... A strong solution of salt (18-20%) is brought to a boil, then chopped pieces of meat are dipped into it, which are previously kept in dry spices in the refrigerator for a day. The meat is in the hot brine for a few minutes, until the temperature inside the pieces rises to 71 ° C (74 ° C in the case of poultry). Immediately from the brine, the pieces are transferred to the dryer. Thus, the meat enters the dryer disinfected and immediately heated to a safe temperature. You can guess that the taste of meat cooked in this way becomes more "boiled", and this method is not very suitable for making minced jerky. But the drying time is reduced.
  3. Preheating raw meat in a hot marinade... It is not recommended to soak meat in marinade and then heat them together! During the soaking process, the marinade turns into a pool of bacteria. And if you also warm it up, then it will not turn out well at all. :) Instead, it's better to take freshly cut raw pieces meat and place them in a freshly made marinade brought to a boil. Then wait until the temperature inside the pieces of meat rises to 71 ° C (74 ° C in the case of poultry), and immediately transfer to the dryer. This method differs from the previous method more rich taste meat, which is given by short-term contact with the marinade marinade, at the same time, the taste is also less "boiled". And, it seems, a more tender in terms of consistency, the finished product is promised.
  4. Preheating raw meat in the oven. The raw meat, cut into pieces, is sprinkled with spices and placed in an oven preheated to 165 ° C. The meat is kept in the oven until the temperature inside the pieces reaches 71 ° C for beef, rabbit, bear meat, etc., 74 ° C for poultry. If you are going to dry the fish, the temperature inside the pieces should be kept at 71 ° C for one and a half minutes. Then, from the oven, the pieces are immediately placed in the dryer. Obviously, this method minimizes the time it takes to heat the pieces of meat to a safe temperature - much faster in the oven than in the dryer. At the same time, the meat lacks a "boiled" flavor.
  5. Pre-soaking in vinegar raw meat. For 10 minutes, raw chopped meat is soaked in a 5% (or stronger) solution acetic acid... Then the meat is taken out and transferred to the marinade - it gives flavor and further stabilizes the storage of the finished product. In the marinade, the meat is kept in the refrigerator for 1 to 24 hours. Since the meat was previously disinfected and still contains a certain amount of vinegar, many bacteria will not have time to develop in the marinade. From the marinade, the meat is sent directly to the dryer. The combination of acetic acid followed by heating in a dryer kills all the dangerous sifu. But, obviously, steeping cannot pass without a trace for the taste of meat. The case is slightly straightened by the marinade.

Normalization of moisture in cooked meat

After drying, the cuts of meat will inevitably have a different moisture content. Some will be dry, others damp. Therefore, before long-term storage, the pieces dried meat must be kept so that moisture is evenly redistributed. Dry adsorb moisture from raw materials. To do this, put the pieces cooled to room temperature in a container. The container should be 2/3 full. Close the lid tightly and leave the container at 20-22 ° C for 2-4 days. Shake container daily. Before storing pieces for long-term storage, check them for readiness. If necessary, dry again in the dryer, then repeat the exposure. If condensation appears on the container lid or walls during aging, all pieces of meat must be sent back to the dryer.

Packaging and storage

Container for packing when long-term storage should contain as little air as possible. Too much air - odors and rancidity will appear. The storage space should be dry, dark and cool.

At room temperature homemade dried meat can be stored for 2 weeks. In the refrigerator for 3-6 months. In the freezer - 1 year. If stored in the refrigerator and at room temperature, it should be checked periodically for mold. If it does, then throw everything out right away. In general, the approach is as follows: by lowering the storage temperature by 10-12 degrees, you extend the shelf life by a couple of months.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Every practical housewife is faced with situations of discrepancy between price and quality when choosing meat and sausages... Cured meat good quality usually not cheap. I offer you a completely safe and proven recipe for cooking meat at home. To complete this recipe, I highly recommend using nitrite salt or pexol, purchased in a factory package from a trusted manufacturer. Such jerky at home turns out to be very tasty and you will be sure that everything is fine with it. See how to cook.

You will need:

- pork - 500 grams,
- pexol - 12.5 grams,
- cardamom - 5 pieces,
- juniper - 1 teaspoon,
- allspice- 1 teaspoon
- barberry - 1 teaspoon,
- cayenne pepper - 1 teaspoon
- garlic - 4 cloves,
- fenugreek - 2 tablespoons,
- thyme - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Peel, wash, dry the meat. Make punctures for even salting.

Put the pork on a plate, sprinkle salt on top of the meat and wipe it all over the piece with massage movements. Leave the meat at room temperature for 20 minutes.

Put cardamom, juniper, allspice, barberry in a coffee grinder and finely grind the spices.

Apply spices to pork and grind all over the piece.

Place the meat in a plastic or glass dish, cover and refrigerate for 3 days until maturing.

Prepare a spicy coating. Squeeze the garlic into a bowl, add the cayenne pepper and thyme.

Grind the fenugreek finely in a coffee grinder.

Pour boiling water over the fenugreek so that it is not a thick porridge.

Coat the meat with this porridge and dry slightly.

Make a hole with a knitting needle, stepping back 2 cm from the edge, and thread the twine for hanging.

Spread the fenugreek over the meat and roll in the garlic mixture.

Dry meat in a ventilated shaded area until weight loss of 25 - 30 percent.
In the cut, the finished pork turns out to be pink with white streaks of bacon.

When cutting, the fenugreek rind falls off; it does not need to be specially removed. Cut the finished meat into thin slices. Serve with red pepper.
Store meat in the refrigerator in paper. I present to your attention.
The meat turns out to be pleasant meaty taste, which is highlighted with spices and herbs. Strong alcoholic drinks are suitable for such a snack.

While we are here storing and preserving supplies for the winter, the peasants are somehow sad.

So let's seduce them today with titties :)
Puritans and moralists raised their eyebrows, but don't be nervous, gentlemen, the boobs will be just chicken. Because with real men, he already knows what to do. FOOD website
Possessing a wonderful unit in the form Ezidri dryers for vegetables and fruits, it's a sin not to try to wither meat in it. Everything is done easily and simply, so let's get started.
We will need:

Chicken breast - 4 pcs. (about 1 kg)

For the marinade:

- 1/3 cup soy sauce(70-80 ml)
- 0.5 tsp Sahara
- an incomplete tablespoon of salt (if you like saltier, if not, add less)
- 1 tbsp. mustard seeds (I have pitiful leftovers)
- 1 tsp balsamic vinegar(can be used grape vinegar or lemon juice)
- 2 tsp spices that you like
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Separate the "hanging" part from the chicken breast, it is superfluous here. Guys love everything to be beautiful and elastic, but we are trying for them :) You also need to clean everything from excess films and cartilages, if any. As a result, it should look like this:

It doesn't look very appetizing yet. But after carrying out the necessary manipulations, there will be a completely different look.
For this, we will prepare the marinade. Combine all the ingredients together and mix them until more or less homogeneous.

Then we will carry out simple SPA procedures, having bathed each piece in the marinade.

Now the meat needs to be given time to rest in the refrigerator. Hours 10-12 will be enough.
As soon as the meat is marinated, we take it out, let it move away from the cold, while we prepare the dryer. In the first tray, I inserted a marshmallow tray, in case the marinade drips. If you don't have one, you can cut a sheet of parchment to size instead.

I inserted a flexible mesh insert into the second tray. But it is quite possible to do without it. It just prevents the meat from sticking, and it is much easier to wash the tray later.

Now we lay out the meat on the dryer, lightly pressing, as if spreading the pieces.

We close the lid.

We set the mode to 60 C, I have High (high).

Turn the meat after 3 hours.

And start the withering process for another 2.5 - 3 hours. This time is quite enough for the meat to cook, but not dry and tough.
This is how it looks after 5.5 hours.

I cut one piece to check if it is ready.

The meat is plastic, it smells drop dead, You can remove and cut.

Now I can call my husband, let him take a sample and appreciate my efforts.

Such meat goes well with beer, in various salads or for sandwiches. Well, this time we used it with cognac.
Nice thing, I must tell you! Salt, spices, pungency - just in moderation. My husband really liked it.
And you help yourself!

Now the next step is - beef jerky and experiments with mackerel.

Enjoy your culinary discoveries!