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Easter 2017: what date is Orthodox Easter

Traditionally, this bright holiday ends, which this year takes place from February 27 to April 15, and during which the Orthodox adhere to strict food restrictions, try to cleanse themselves of sins, rethink their spiritual life.

The holiday itself Happy Easter invariably accompanied by aromas rich pastries, elegant Easter cakes, colored eggs, symbolic figurines of rabbits and lambs, solemn church all-night services, traditions of visiting each other and christening with the words "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!"

Easter 2017: how the date of the holiday is calculated


Surely you have been interested in the question more than once: why Easter is celebrated in different time and what determines what date is Easter in 2017? After all, the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord always falls on different dates every year. For example, last year it was already celebrated in warm May, Easter in 2017 falls on April 16, and in 2018 this day is very early - April 8.

It turns out that the date of Easter depends on the state of the heavenly bodies, namely the Moon and the Sun. Easter Day was chosen the first Sunday after the first full moon, which comes after. It follows from this that Easter 2017, like in other years, is a moving church holiday and is not tied to the traditional calendar, and therefore is celebrated at different times. And the range of celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in different years may be from April 4th to May 8th.

On the date of Orthodox Easter in 2017, all other passing church holidays in the year depend: Lazarus Saturday, the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost. After all, they are calculated depending on the date of Easter 2017. Therefore, in order to better navigate the dates, not to miss important days and great events, it is advisable to have the Orthodox Church calendar for 2017 at hand.


Date of Catholic and Orthodox Easter 2017

It is noteworthy that Orthodox and Catholic Easter is usually celebrated on different days. The reason is that these churches produce reckoning according to different calendars. Orthodox Christians - in Julian, and Catholics - in Gregorian. But Easter 2017 - Orthodox and Catholic - coincides and is celebrated this year on the same day, April 16.


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Every year, all Orthodox people look forward to the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter is one of the most important, bright and kind church holidays. On this day, it is customary to arrange folk festivals, cook delicious treats and greet everyone you meet with the phrase "Christ is risen." Even those of us who do not attend church feel special joy and good mood. When will Easter 2017 come, what date will we celebrate this holiday in the coming year?

We all know that on this day we celebrate an event that has become a turning point in the history of mankind. The ascension of Jesus Christ marked the victory over betrayal and malice, over darkness and death. Special symbols of the holiday are the blessed fire, holy water, Easter cakes and painted eggs, which must be consecrated in the church and treated to all your relatives and friends.

Where does Easter begin? Already on the eve of the holiday in churches, you can see thousands of people lining up in huge queues waiting for the night service. It is the night before Easter that the real holiday begins. The church is especially beautiful on this day. Elegant decorations, festive robes of priests and hundreds of candles give a special atmosphere.

Everyone on this night feels the grace that descends on everyone present in the temple.

According to legend, the blessed fire on this night, from which every candle is lit, is able to heal physical and mental ailments, and holy water becomes miraculous. Consecrated foods also have miraculous properties. People believe that they can cure even a seriously ill person.

Orthodox Easter is a celebration of the continuation of life, even after death.

When is celebrated

The Orthodox feast of the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated every year on different dates. However, there is one rule - the holiday always comes on Sunday. The date of Orthodox Easter is calculated according to the solar-lunar calendar and comes immediately after the Passion Saturday of Great Lent. Orthodox Easter in 2017 will come on April 16. On this day, Orthodox people will finish fasting and celebrate one of the greatest and most revered Orthodox holidays.

What date is Easter celebrated in 2017? The Catholic calendar of church holidays usually does not coincide with the Orthodox. This is due to the fact that Catholics use a different calendar system to calculate church dates. However, Easter in 2017 for Catholics falls on the same date as for the Orthodox. This is truly a wonderful day. This phenomenon is very rare, and therefore especially revered by representatives of both faiths.

Rites and traditions

So, the church calendar says that Easter in 2017 will come on Sunday, April 16th. For many centuries, Orthodox believers have formed special traditions associated with the celebration of Easter. One of our favorites is the mandatory attendance at Easter table colored eggs, which symbolize life.

It is the painted eggs that you need to taste first of all, sitting down at the festive table. After the eggs, you need to eat Easter cake, and only then you can taste the rest of the dishes. This date is especially joyful for those who held Great Lent before Easter.

Children and adults on this day arrange real battles with colored eggs. Of course, it is not customary for them to throw each other, the essence of the battle lies elsewhere. Two wrestlers pick up one colored egg each. One opponent knocks his egg into the cue ball of another fighter. The winner is the one whose egg survived, he must also take the broken treat for himself. Some people manage to win dozens of eggs at Easter, which are then customarily distributed to everyone they meet.

Residents of Russia especially love the tradition of kissing on Easter. According to this rite, all people meeting each other must kiss three times and say "Christ is risen" - "Truly risen."

Also for the inhabitants of Russia, and sometimes even for those who consider themselves an atheist, the tradition that forbids working on Easter is very important. On this day, you rarely see someone at work, because folk wisdom says that even household chores should be postponed until the next day.

Calendar of folk signs

Easter is not complete without folk signs who came to us from time immemorial and accompany us to this day.

How to attract money for Easter? Very simple! There is a belief that if on this great Orthodox holiday you put it in a bowl of water and easter egg(necessarily consecrated) your gold jewelry, you will have money throughout the year.

Also, Easter in 2017 can be an excellent occasion to protect your children from the evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to take an egg brought from the church and roll it over the baby's face. This amulet was often used by witches in villages to protect children from evil people.

And to attract good luck in business, folk calendar will accept says that you need to be the first to enter the house after visiting the church. It is to the first one who enters the door that fortune will smile all year, and any undertakings will be successful and profitable.

Easter bans

Many people, unknowingly Easter traditions on this great day they go to cemeteries, to remember the dead relatives and friends. According to the church, it is absolutely impossible to do this. To visit the deceased relatives in the church calendar, a special day is determined, this date comes immediately when Easter ends. In the people this day is called Parental.

For example, if you work in shifts, and your shift falls just on Easter, it's okay, you don't need to redo the working calendar, especially when you benefit people and society with your work.

You can not get married or get married on Easter. The Orthodox Church explains this prohibition by the fact that Easter is a holiday of purification of the soul and body, and not a day of carnal pleasures. Weddings are prohibited in Great Lent before Easter, weddings in the church resume after Parents' Day.

What you need to know before going to the temple

Many, going to church for the first time on Easter, regard this trip as an excursion. However, the laws of the church are somewhat strict and do not allow certain liberties. Of course, today the church is more loyal than before. However, when going to the temple, you need to know the basic rules, without which you can offend the feelings of other believers. So, women need to cover their heads with a scarf. You can not go to the temple in defiant and open clothes. Shoulders and arms should be covered.

You can not go to church in a state of intoxication or drink alcohol during the service. You can not make noise and behave defiantly. If you have been reprimanded, there is no need to quarrel; on this day, you cannot swear and use foul language.

All of us, buying a calendar on New Year, look at once holiday dates. Easter in the coming year will be in the month of April, on the 16th. In order to celebrate this date, it is not necessary to be a believer and live according to church laws. You can just enjoy life, give each other a good mood and believe in the best. And for those who have never celebrated Easter according to the church calendar, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the great centuries-old Orthodox traditions.

    Every year, Holy Sunday of Christ is celebrated out of the number. This means that this holiday is more tied to the day of the week (Sunday) closest to the calculated date. Orthodox Easter is usually celebrated a week after the celebration of Catholic Easter.

    Orthodox Easter will be celebrated -

    • May 1, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • in 2018 April 8,
    • April 28, 2019.

    Catholic Easter will be celebrated -

    • March 27, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • April 1, 2018
    • April 21, 2019.
  • The holiday, of course, is very bright, and especially it stumbles from an early age, because children absorb all the kindness and all the pleasant events that happen, and when they grow up they will do even more good deeds.

    The date of Easter in 2016 falls on May 1st, and before that, Great Lent will take place from March 14th to April 30th.

    Since Easter, both Catholic and Orthodox, does not have a fixed calendar date, the annual dates happy holiday Easter is changing.

    Easter is a movable Orthodox holiday and is celebrated on a different day each year.

    Here you can watch all the moving Orthodox holidays until 2099.

    To determine the date of the celebration of Easter and other transitional Orthodox holidays, the so-called Paschal, i.e. calculation system. Taking into account the fact that Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, Easter, according to these calculations, falls between April 4 and May 8 according to the new style (old style from March 22 to April 25). Specifically, by year and by new style, we get the following dates for the next 5 years:

    I am not a theologian and I somehow do not understand why it is impossible to establish a specific date for the Resurrection of Christ. After all, there is an exact date for Christmas. Although it’s even interesting. For me personally, Easter is a favorite church holiday from childhood to this day. I remember how in the 50s, where our family lived, it was impossible to celebrate Easter. So mom secretly painted eggs, and colored The shells were wrapped in newspaper before being thrown away so that no one would see.

    According to the lunisolar calendar, Bright Sunday is celebrated every year according to rolling numbers, and the main celebration falls in April. 2016 is an exception, Orthodox Bright Sunday will be a late holiday - May 1. In 2017, the Catholic and Orthodox Church will celebrate Easter on the 16th. In the next two years, the Catholic Church will celebrate Easter a week earlier than the Orthodox - 2018 - April 1 and 2019 - April 21.

    Orthodox Easter happens on different dates every year.

    Orthodox Easter is preceded by 7 weeks of Lent.

Holy Easter Day - the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the Orthodox calendar - in 2017 is celebrated on April 16 The main holiday of Orthodox Christians is Svetloe Christ's Resurrection, Easter - is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon - between April 4 (March 22, old style) and May 8 (April 25, old style.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 16. Easter Day commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion on the cross. Easter - the crown of Great Lent Easter is celebrated immediately after Great Lent, the last week (week) of which is the strictest, Passionate. © Sputnik / Igor RussakLent 2017: when and how to observe Easter is celebrated for seven days, all week. Each day of the week is called Holy. On Bright Week, divine services are performed daily with the Royal Doors of the iconostasis open (which are closed at the usual liturgy) as a sign that Jesus Christ has forever opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven to people. The entire period until the Feast of the Ascension, which is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter, is considered Easter, and the Orthodox greet each other with the greeting "Christ is Risen!" and the answer "Truly Risen!". Colored eggs, Easter cake and Curd Easter It has long been accepted that the first meal after Lent should be consecrated colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. An explanation of the custom of painting eggs red for Easter can be found in early Christian literature, which is not included in the biblical canon. These sources tell about the conversion of the Roman emperor Tiberius to the Christian faith. Wishing to stop the preaching of St. Mary Magdalene, Tiberius declared that he was rather ready to believe in the transformation white egg in red than in the possibility of reviving the dead. The egg turned red, and this was the last argument in the controversy, which ended with the baptism of the Roman king.

The custom of exchanging colored eggs has firmly entered the life of the church. The red color of the egg symbolizes the all-conquering Divine Love.

Easter cake in its shape resembles artos. The Easter artos is a symbol of Jesus Christ himself. In the cake, transferred to the festive table, there are muffins, sweetness, raisins and nuts. Properly cooked Easter cake is fragrant and beautiful, it does not get stale for weeks and can stand without spoiling for all 40 days of Easter. kulich on holiday table symbolizes God's presence in the world and in human life. Sweetness, sweetness, beauty Easter cake express the care of the Lord for every human being, his compassion and mercy to people.

Curd sweet easter is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. Her "milk and honey" is an image of endless joy, the bliss of the saints, the sweetness of heavenly life, blessed Eternity. The form of Easter in the form of a mountain symbolizes the foundation of the new heavenly Jerusalem - a city in which there is no temple, but, according to the Apocalypse, "The Lord God Almighty Himself is his temple and the Lamb." Divine Liturgy and Procession Ever since apostolic times, the church has celebrated the Paschal Divine Liturgy at night. Like the ancient chosen people, who were awake on the night of their deliverance from Egyptian slavery, Christians are awake on the sacred and pre-holiday night of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Shortly before midnight on Great Saturday, the Midnight Office is served, at which the priest and deacon approach the Shroud (a canvas depicting the position of the body of Jesus Christ in the tomb) and take it to the altar. The shroud is placed on the throne, where it must remain for 40 days until the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

The priests put on festive vestments. Before midnight, the solemn bell ringing - the blagovest - announces the approach of the Resurrection of Christ.

The procession means the procession of the church towards the resurrected Savior. Having gone around the temple, the procession stops in front of its closed doors, as if at the entrance to the Holy Sepulcher. Then the priest, holding a cross and a three-candlestick in his hands, makes the sign of the cross with them at the closed doors of the temple, they open, and everyone, rejoicing, enters the church, where all the lamps and lamps are lit, and sing: “Christ is risen from the dead!”. The subsequent Divine Liturgy of Paschal Matins consists of the singing of the canon composed by St. John of Damascus. Between the songs of the Paschal Canon, priests with a cross and a censer go around the whole church and greet the parishioners with the words: “Christ is risen!”, To which the faithful answer: “Truly, He is risen!”. At the end of Matins, after the end of the Paschal canon, the priest reads the "Word of St. John Chrysostom", which describes the celebration and significance of Pascha. After the service, all those praying in the church christen with each other, congratulating on the great holiday. Immediately after matins, the Easter Liturgy (service) is served, where the beginning of the Gospel of John is read. On Easter, all those who pray, if possible, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Before the end of the liturgy, it is consecrated Easter bread- artos.

After the end of the festive service, Orthodox Christians usually break their fast with consecrated painted eggs and Easter cakes at the temple or at home. The history of the celebration of Easter The word "Passover" originates from the name of the Old Testament holiday of Passover, which was named so from the Hebrew word "passover" ("passes by") - in remembrance of the ancient event of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and from Egyptian slavery, when an angel who struck Egyptian firstborn, at the sight of the blood of the Passover lamb on the doors of Jewish dwellings, passed by, leaving them untouched. Another ancient interpretation of the holiday connects it with the consonant Greek word "I suffer." In the Christian Church, the name "Easter" received a special meaning and began to denote the transition from death to eternal life with the Savior - from earth to heaven. This ancient feast of the Christian Church was established and celebrated in apostolic times. The ancient church, under the name of Easter, combined two memories - about the suffering and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - and devoted it to the celebration of the days preceding and following the Resurrection. To designate both parts of the holiday, special names were used - Easter of suffering, or Easter of the Cross, and Easter of the Resurrection. © Sputnik / Vitaly BelousovChurch of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem The resurrection of Jesus Christ testifies that he "was resurrected like God." It revealed the glory of His Divinity, hidden until then under the cover of humiliation, shameful for that time, death on the cross, like the criminals and robbers who were executed with him.

Having risen from the dead, the Savior sanctified, blessed and confirmed the general resurrection of all people who, according to Christian doctrine, will also rise from the dead on the universal day of resurrection, as an ear grows from a seed. In the first centuries of Christianity, Easter was celebrated in different churches at different times. In the East, in the churches of Asia Minor, it was celebrated on the 14th day of Nisan (March-April), no matter what day of the week this number falls on. The Western Church celebrated Easter on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. An attempt to establish agreement between the churches on this issue was made under St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, in the middle of the 2nd century. The First Ecumenical Council of 325 decided to celebrate Easter everywhere at the same time. This continued until the 16th century, when the unity of Western and Eastern Christians in the celebration of Holy Pascha and other holidays was broken by the calendar reform of Pope Gregory XIII.

Easter (Holy Resurrection of Christ) - the greatest holiday Orthodoxy .
Holiday of all holidays. The celebration of all celebrations.
The longed-for and saving feast of Easter is a day of great joy.

On this Sunday, Orthodox Christians celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the gift of life and eternal bliss.
By the death of Christ on the Cross, human redemption was accomplished; by the Resurrection of Jesus, eternal life was granted to us.
Easter customs are increasingly taking root in the life of society. This is not only the procession to the Easter bells, the consecration of Easter and Easter cakes, the Christening (congratulations to each other on the holiday, triple kissing and “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly Risen”, exchange of colored eggs).

How to calculate the date of Easter

date Orthodox Easter determined according to the church Julian calendar, taking into account the calculated lunar calendar and the seven day week.
The time of Easter is regulated by church canonical rules: Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon in spring, while it is forbidden to celebrate Easter with the Jews.
In accordance with these rules and, assuming the accuracy of the nineteen-year "Metonic" cycle of recurrence lunar phases in the Julian calendar, Easter tables (Paschalia) were compiled, according to which the time of the celebration of Easter is determined. The dates of Easter are cyclically repeated every 532 years (Great Indiction).
In accordance with canonical rules, Orthodox Easter will always be on Sunday from April 4 to May 8 (March 22 to April 25, old style).

Unless otherwise noted, dates are given in the new style.

Holy Week in 2019

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem precedes Passion Week. In 2019, Palm Sunday will be April 21st.
Holy Week (Great Week) is the last week of Great Lent before Easter.
Holy Monday is the first day of Holy Week. In 2019 it is April 22nd.
Maundy Tuesday - April 23.
Great Wednesday - April 24th.
Clean Thursday (Maundy Thursday) - April 25.
Good Friday (Good Friday) - April 26, 2019.
Descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem (Holy Saturday) - April 27.
Bright Resurrection of Christ (Easter Holiday) - April 28 . Great Lent ends.

What date is Easter in Russia in 2019

In 2019, Orthodox Easter (Holy Resurrection of Christ) is celebrated on April 28 .

Orthodox Easter according to the old style in 2019

April 15 - the date of Orthodox Easter 2019 according to the old style (April 15 from Adam 7527 years).

What date is Catholic Easter in 2019

Catholic Easter is celebrated on April 21, 2019.
In 2019, Catholic Easter will be a week before Orthodox Easter.
Note that Catholic Easter is always earlier than Orthodox Easter, except when the dates of Easter of both Christian religions coincide.

What date is Krasnaya Gorka in 2019

On the Monday after Easter, Bright Week (Easter Week) begins.
On Easter Sunday, Red Hill is celebrated (on the first Sunday after Easter).
In 2019 Krasnaya Gorka will be on Sunday May 5th.
This Sunday, after the weeks of Great Lent and Easter week, the blessing of marriage is renewed.
Tuesday after Easter week (9th day after Easter) is the all-church day of commemoration of the dead (Radonitsa).
In 2019, Radonitsa will be May 7.

What date is the Trinity in 2019

On the fortieth day after Easter, the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated.
In 2019 Ascension will be Thursday June 6th.
Pentecost (Trinity) is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter (on the fiftieth day after Easter).
In 2019 Holy Trinity Day will be June 16
Trinity Saturday (Universal Parental Saturday) in 2019 - June 15.
This is followed by Trinity (Russian) week.
Monday 17 June 2019 is the Day of the Holy Spirit (Spirits Day).
Tuesday 18 June 2019 - water day(Seeing the spring, the expulsion of the mermaid, Kostroma).
Sunday is All Saints Day (All Saints Week). In 2019, it will be June 23rd. Also, this day, preceding Peter's Fast, is called the Petrovsky conspiracy.