Sale of beaver meat in yekaterinburg. This exotic beaver meat: what are its benefits and harms? Interesting news about beaver meat, its benefits and harms to the body

Introduction ………………………………………… 3

  1. 1. Theoretical substantiation of the topic …………… 5

1.1. About the beaver ………………………………………… 6

1.2. Beaver hunting ………………………………7

1.3. The influence of beavers on nature ……………… 8

1.4. Conclusions ……………………………………… 9

  1. 2. Description of the study ………………… ... 9

2.1. Beavers in our area ………… .9

2.2. Beavers are a pet ... ... ... 9

2.3. Conclusions per chapter …………………… .9

Conclusion …………………………………… .10

References …………………………… .11

Appendices ……………………………………… 12


As you know, beavers are kind.
The beavers are full of kindness!
To everyone who wants his own good
You just need to call a beaver!
Just think about a beaver friend -
You will be up to ears in goodness.
If you are kind without a beaver,
So you yourself are in the shower BOBR !!!


The river flows near my house. And often being there, I see traces of the vital activity of beavers: fallen and milled trees, dams and huts made of branches. Many residents of our village treat them negatively, say that they dam up the river and streams, flooding the area suitable for farming, and destroy trees. Some people think they eat fish.

And I wondered: what benefits do beavers bring?

Research hypothesis:

Beavers bring not only harm, but also benefit.


Study of the life of the river beaver, its influence on nature and human activity.


  • Study the literature on this topic.
  • Examine the beaver lifestyle.
  • Identify the reason for the rapid breeding of beavers in our area.
  • Identify the benefits and harms of beavers.
  • Make a map of the beaver habitat in our area.
  • Presentation of materials in the form of a report and presentation.

Research methods:

Study of literature and materials on the Internet;

population Survey;

Analysis and generalization of the data obtained.

Main part

  1. 1. Theoretical substantiation of the topic

1.1. About beaver

Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758 - Common beaver (River beaver) Description and dimensions. A species of the genus of beavers. The largest rodent in our fauna: body length 75-120 cm, body weight 20-30 kg.

Appearance. Fur of long coarse guard hairs and soft wavy underfur, color from light brown to black. 5 subspecies have been identified on the territory of the former USSR.

Spreading. Distributed in the boreal part of Eurasia from the Atlantic coast to the Baikal region and Mongolia (acclimatized in Primorye and Kamchatka).

Karyotype. There are 48 chromosomes in the karyotype.

Lifestyle. Inhabits the shores of small water bodies, slowly flowing rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, irrigation canals and quarries. Lives alone or in families. A complete family consists of a couple of adults and young people of the past and current years. Burrows of complex structure, entrance holes are always under water. Huts are erected on low swampy shores and shallows, which are cone-shaped heaps of brushwood, fastened with silt, erect. up to 1-3 m, diameter up to 10 m, exits from the inner cavity lead into the water. In winter, the temperature in the huts is positive. Beavers living in families build dams below the settlements to maintain the water level in the reservoir. The dams consist of pieces of tree trunks cut by beavers, branches, brushwood, fastened with clay and silt. The length of the dam is usually 20-30 m, in exceptional cases up to 600 m. In spring, in the flood, on the tops of the bushes, it builds trays made of branches and twigs with a litter of dry grass. Marks the boundaries of the occupied territory with the secret of musk glands - a beaver stream. In case of danger before diving, it loudly slaps its flat tail on the water. It feeds on bark and thin branches of trees, preferring aspen, willow, birch, aquatic and coastal herbaceous plants. Falls down trees in autumn, gnawing them at the base of the trunk, separates branches, divides the trunk into parts. Aspen with a diameter of 5-7 cm beaver knocks down for 2 minutes. He takes parts of the tree to the river, for which he digs canals hundreds of meters long, up to 0.5 m wide and up to 1 m deep. For the winter he stores branches and rhizomes, flooding them in the water near the dwelling. It is active at night, in the twilight morning and evening hours. In winter, activity decreases and shifts to daylight hours; at temperatures below -20 ° C, animals do not leave the burrow. The breeding season is from mid-January to the end of February. Pregnancy 105-107 days. Cubs are born in April - May, in a brood of 1-5 young, in 1-2 days they already swim, at 2 months they switch to feeding on leaves and soft stems of grasses. Sexual maturity occurs at 2-3 years of age. The period of population fluctuations is about 30 years. Provides valuable furs and beaver spray used in perfumery and medicine. Meat is used for food. Natural carrier of salmonellosis pathogens, not susceptible to tularemia. [ 1 ]

1.2. Beaver hunting

The beaver has been the target of intense hunting in the past due to its excellent and durable fur. In some countries, this valuable fur-bearing animal was even bred on fur farms. In our country, as a result of uncontrolled hunting, almost all beavers were exterminated at the beginning of the century. Only a few hundred animals have survived in four small areas: in the Dnieper basin - on the banks of the Berezina, Sozh, Pripyat and Teterev rivers, in the Don basin - along the Voronezh and Usman rivers, in the Trans-Urals, on the Konda and Sosva rivers. And the last place where natural populations of these animals survived is along the Azas River in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. The only thing that saved the beavers from complete destruction was that since 1922 hunting for them was banned everywhere and several reserves were created. Thus, in 1923, a nature reserve was organized along the Usman River in the Voronezh Region; in 1927 the Voronezh, Berezinsky and Kondo-Sosvensky reserves were opened. At the same time, a program for re-acclimatization of the beaver in the country began to work. Before the war, only 316 animals were resettled, but already from 1946 the work was continued by the 70s. on the territory of 52 regions of Russia, more than 12,000 beavers have regained their previously lost homeland. By that time, the range of this species corresponded in size and shape to its range in the 17th century. So we managed to save this cute, hardworking rodent. Now in Russia, its number is approaching 100,000 thousand individuals. [2]

Hunting for beavers is now allowed in the winter.

But the main thing for which the beaver is valued is its fur. Fur color from light chestnut to black. But the demand for fur has not been great lately.

Meat is used in food, as well as fat, which is credited with medicinal properties.

The amazing properties were attributed to the beaver jet, another product that was previously and is being obtained from this rodent. A beaver jet is a pair of elongated sacs located in the abdominal cavity of beavers, at the root of the tail, next to a pair of fatty glands that serve to lubricate the fur. The inner contents of the sacs contain a wax-like mass, consisting of a very complex mixture of substances. It has a strong odor reminiscent of willow bark. For the beavers themselves, the discharge of the jet serves as a kind of characteristic of an individual when communicating with fellow tribesmen. By smell, they inform about the occupation of the territory, about the readiness for breeding. Until recently, a dried stream extracted from a beaver was considered almost a panacea, a remedy for all diseases. In the form of tinctures, it was used as a sedative or, conversely, to excite the nervous system. The cost of the beaver jet was very high. In 1913, a jet from one beaver was paid three times more than for its skin.

Nowadays, the therapeutic effect of the beaver stream has been questioned. But on the other hand, her fame in perfumery was firmly established. The famous Parisian company "Coty" was the first to use the beaver jet in the production of perfumes. And now the most expensive sorts of perfumes are largely due to the persistence and originality of the smell of the beaver stream, which is still highly valued in the markets. Previously, the jet could only be taken from a slaughtered beaver, but now there are techniques developed by the Voronezh zoologist L. S. Lavrov that allow taking this substance from live beavers and, moreover, many times. [ 4 ]

1.3. The influence of beavers on nature

As a result of the activity of beavers, special “beaver landscapes” are created with a high level of groundwater and an abundance of moisture-loving plants. This environmentally altering animal activity, like all strong environmental impacts, can be both beneficial and harmful to humans.

The harmful consequences of the craving of beavers for construction are associated with the fact that the water, the level of which is regulated by their dams, can flood large areas of the forest and destroy it. Sometimes sections of highways are flooded and inspection shows that this is often due to beaver dams. Cases of serious damage by beavers to polder dams in the Kaliningrad region were noted (polders are fertile lands reclaimed by people from the sea or lake, lying below the water level under the protection of dams).

The benefits of the activity of beavers are obvious where they settle in the upper reaches of rivers, which are dried up in the lower reaches by the peculiarities of the climate or by human economic activity. Maintaining a high water level in the upper reaches, beavers contribute to a greater water content of the entire river and a more even distribution of runoff over the seasons. Thus, they can positively influence the water regime of rather large areas. [ 4 ]

When beavers establish their settlement on the river, they often create "dams" that form a kind of reservoirs on the watercourse. The latter are well warmed up by the sun, which gives an impetus to the development of a lush life - both in the water and in the coastal zone. The waters bring nutrients here from the fertilized fields. Trees felled by beavers attract small rodents and ungulates, and after them predators. In the future, the pond is populated by waterfowl, and the constant water level and more uniform flow into the streams improve the living and spawning conditions of fish. Slow flow through the pond promotes the deposition of small particles of humus, silt and sand, that is, the renewal and formation of floodplain soils, which leads to an increase in the "biological capacity" of the territory. Thus, as a result of the activity of these rodents, stable water-coastal complexes are formed, where various species of animals and fish live.

The long-existing cascade of beaver dams on the river traps melt and storm water, and this reduces the likelihood of floods during high water, reduces bottom and coastal erosion, shortens the period of summer low water, contributes to the renewal of the system of springs and streams destroyed as a result of human activity. Thanks to this, the forest inhabited by beavers becomes less arid, which means that it is much less susceptible to the threat of fires.

In addition, the beaver pond also acts as a wastewater treatment plant. Beavers prevent the so-called "eutrophication" of the reservoir - the accumulation of nutrients in the water. Eutorphication worsens the living conditions of fish and other aquatic animals due to the massive development of microscopic algae and other microorganisms, decomposition of dead organisms and the toxicity of many products of their decay. [3]

1.4. conclusions



  • Beavers flood an area suitable for human economic activity.
  • Beavers maintain and regulate the water level in rivers;
  • beaver dams create conditions for the life of many species of animals: birds, fish, etc .;
  • promote the development of floodplain meadows and tree growth;
  • beavers - pond cleaners;
  • beavers prevent fires;
  • beavers are a source of meat and fat;
  • valuable beaver fur;
  • beaver jet is a raw material used in medicine and perfumery.

The myth that beavers are predators was also dispelled.

  1. 2. Study description

2.1. Beavers in our area

According to fellow villagers, beavers appeared in our area in the 90s, which is associated with a massive departure of the population from their native village. We found confirmation of these data in the research work "Prospects for the demography of the village of Durovka" conducted in our school in 2010 (Appendix 1). From the graph (Graph 1) and the diagram (Graph 1), it can be seen that the number of the village was decreasing at a rapid pace, primarily of the able-bodied population.

Beavers multiplied very quickly and settled not only along the main river, but also along numerous streams. Over the past couple of years, several beaver families have settled in Olshanka. To study the life of beavers, we went on an excursion, according to the results of which and on the basis of data obtained from local hunters, a map of the distribution of beavers in our area was compiled. (Appendix 2)

It was also found that beavers are hunted mostly for meat. Hunters use traps, strangleholds and shoot them with a gun.

2.2. Beavers are pets

To some extent, they tried to breed beavers back in Kievan Rus. In the "Russian Pravda" of the Yaroslavichs, a set of laws in force during the 11th - 13th centuries, it was envisaged "... for the theft of a breeding beaver from a burrow, a fine is 12". There are indications that in the XIII century in Poland near Pultusk there were beaver farms, where the selection of pairs by color was practiced.

Beaver breeding was finally formed into an independent industry only in our century. At first, individual beaver families began to be kept on farms, which were mainly engaged in breeding predatory fur-bearing animals. There were about a dozen such mixed farms in the United States in 1921-1925. In the 1920s, they also tried to breed beavers in Canada and Germany. [3]

2.3. Chapter Conclusions

As a result of our research, we found out:

ü beavers are really widespread in our area;

ü beavers settle mainly in those places where a person does not carry out active economic activities;

ü hunters hunt beavers mainly as meat.


Summing up the results of our research, we can draw the following conclusions:

ü beavers are very useful animals;

ü it is necessary to protect and control their numbers;

The hypothesis put forward at the beginning of our research has been confirmed: beavers not only benefit nature, but are also a source of meat and valuable raw materials.

In our opinion, it would be interesting to consider the issue of creating a beaver farm, and perhaps this issue will be of interest to the entrepreneurs of our region.

The research can be useful and interesting for school students, as well as for everyone who is interested in the life of their native land.

The results of the study made us think that there is nothing useless in nature, and a person should try to take care of nature.



  1. 1. The site of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after A.N. Severtsova (IPEE RAS)
  2. 2. G.N. Tikhonov. Meet the beavers
    1. 3. Beavers are the rescuers of our forests


  1. 4. V. V. Khlebovich "Not home yet" - Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1987 - p. 160


  1. 5. Prospects for the demography of the village of Durovka


Annex 1

The population of the village of Durovka

Schedule 1

Diagram 1

Among which can be distinguished not only pork, beef, lamb and poultry. Gourmets have long tried venison, horse meat, elk meat and even beaver!

Why is beaver meat all the same useful, how edible is it or not, and how often is it worth eating? The fact is that the natural habitat, plant food and an active lifestyle make the meat of the animal juicy and tender, pierced through with the finest fatty veins, and that is why it is so highly valued, especially when it comes to young beavers under five years old and weighing less than 15 kg.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Consumer interest in a non-standard source of animal protein prompted a closer look at the product. Nutritionists have established that beaver fibers contain:

The meat has a high content selenium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin C. According to the amino acid composition of bobryatin, it includes 7 essential acids and 3 conditionally irreplaceable.

The nutritional value beaver meat per 100 g of product:

The product has the following impact:

  • antioxidants found in meat have a rejuvenating effect on the body, preventing its premature aging;
  • restores cellular respiration;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • provides effective support to the body from the inside in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis;
  • is an excellent prevention of kidney disease and helps to normalize their functions;
  • thanks to the fatty layers, it helps to improve the condition in case of diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • prevents the occurrence of kidney and gall bladder stones;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • strengthens the nervous system, normalizing the work of the heart muscle and heart rate;
  • improves blood circulation and brain activity;
  • prevents the occurrence of eye diseases and restores visual acuity;
  • strengthens bones, teeth and joints, restores coordination of movements;
  • helps to improve the process of hematopoiesis, the formation of enzymes and hormones;
  • prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body and reduces swelling.
Nutritionists pay attention to the fact that avoiding meat can lead to loss of strength, apathy and drowsiness, often these phenomena are accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations and general malaise. According to some studies, a deficiency of amino acids can lead to the development of a depressive state.

Harm and contraindications of beaver meat

Eating meat every day can be harmful to the body, as it will be difficult for the intestines to cope with a large amount of protein breakdown.

  • chronic diseases of the renal system;
  • severe diseases of the heart muscle.

With extreme caution, you should eat food for which there is no hygienic certification and documents confirming safety. In addition, due to the presence of its own enzymes in the product, the use of fresh meat within a few hours after slaughter undesirable.

Beaver meat consumption rates

Doctors have established that the norm of proteins in the human diet is no more than 45 g for women and maximum 50 g for men. For children, the recommended amount of the protein component varies. from 50 to 100 g depending on the age of the child. On average, this is a piece of meat equal to 100 g for women and about 150 g for men. Pediatricians advise against giving children whole pieces due to insufficiently formed teeth. The best way is to twist the boiled product until it is mushy. At the same time, it is important to combine heavy meat food with lighter vegetable - herbs and vegetable side dishes.

How and with what is better to cook beaver meat

Since ancient times, boron meat has been the most valuable delicacy- it was served on the table for kings and the highest nobility. It has not only the most delicate taste, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively removing toxins and toxins and stimulating intestinal peristalsis. And also by normalizing metabolism, it improves the processes of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates and food fats. In addition, the mineral complex helps to improve the production of its own digestive enzymes and regulates bile secretion.

Beaver meat has specific flavor, mainly associated with the plant diet of the animal and its habitat. Among recipes beaver meat preparations include the first and second courses: shish kebab, roast, cutlets, meatballs and chops. A special delicacy is beaver's tail stew... Properly cooked meat is tender and juicy, it goes well with many:

How to soak and cook beaver meat?

It is not recommended to eat together protein components and. It will also be superfluous to add cooking oil or cooking oil during cooking, since the beaver lard, which is melted from the meat, prevents the dish from burning. Beaver meat can be marinated before cooking, while avoiding a large amount of salt and vinegar, and be sure to remove all films. Animal meat rich in biologically active elements and, if consumed within reasonable limits, is completely digested without clogging the intestines and helping to normalize weight.

Product selection features

It is believed that old beavers are tougher and drier, and the most delicious meat is from young females... In the summer season, the carcasses of animals are more fatty, and the fat layers are evenly distributed between the fibers. Good meat, dark red in color, with thin hollow bones.

When purchasing a product in a retail network, it will be useful to inquire about the availability of a quality certificate and hygienic certificates.

Storage conditions

Meat products are not recommended to be kept at room temperature for longer. 3-4 hours... Short-term storage of beaver meat in a refrigerator is allowed from 0 to 4 ° С within two days. In the freezer, meat can be stored in small pieces in separate bags for up to three months.

The beaver benefits not only in the palaces of the forest, but, being an outlandish food product, can significantly improve the functioning of the body and many of its organs. The special structure of the muscle fiber makes the cooking process easy and fast, while not requiring high temperatures.

Beaver meat is now very popular and can be used to make many delicious dishes. Today you will find out what its benefits and advantages are, as well as how much it costs.

Is beaver meat eaten?

Agree that many have not even heard of such a product. Of course, the question arises, is it edible? Yes, it can be consumed, it contains several dozen useful substances. Therefore, if you are a gourmet and love everything unusual, be sure to try this product.

You will love our publication How to cut meat - we will reveal all the secrets to you!

The benefits and harms of beaver meat

If earlier this product was not in great demand, now it is being prepared more and more often. In fact, it was used for cooking several centuries ago. It was allowed to be consumed even while fasting, since beaver meat is similar in structure and composition to fish. In the Slavic countries, the product is not so expensive, but in the West it is considered a delicacy.

What is special about this meat? First of all, it is its taste, it is very delicate and soft, it does not need to be processed for a long time. It can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, it all depends on your imagination.

As for the composition, 100 grams of beaver meat contains 24 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of beaver meat is only 140-150 calories, this is quite a bit, so it can be used by diabetics and those who are losing weight.

Useful properties of beaver meat:

    It is rich in B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the immune system and muscle tissue.

    Unsaturated fatty acids - have a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, reduce the amount of cholesterol

    Several types of amino acids (arginine, isoleucine, serine, tyrosine, etc.). It is amino acids that prevent aging and rejuvenate, they also prevent cancer.

How to cook beaver meat

In order to use it for cooking, you need to properly prepare it. First, rinse it several times under running water and cut it into medium-sized pieces with a sharp knife. Be sure to remove all grease and streaks. You need to cut the meat across the fibers. In order for it to become as soft and tender as possible, we advise you to soak it for several hours in water, put the container in the refrigerator. At the same time, keep in mind that you will have to change the water every 1-2 hours.

How Do I Pick Good Meat?

We are used to the fact that red indicates that the product is too tough. With beaver meat, the opposite is true - a red tint indicates that it is soft, it is such a product that you need to choose. Also, toughness depends on age, the most delicious meat is in three-year-old beavers.

Beaver Stew Recipe


    500 grams of meat

    4 tablespoons fresh herbs

    5 tbsp tomato

    2 tomatoes

    2 pieces of onions

    Salt and black pepper


    Rinse the meat several times, pat dry and cut into medium pieces. Pour water into a plate, add ½ tsp. citric acid, a little salt and pepper, put the meat in it and let it soak for at least 8-12 hours. Change the water every 2 hours.

    Pour vegetable oil into the skillet and place the pieces of meat. Saute them until golden brown over low heat, then add the onions and cook for another 5 minutes.

    Pour 150 ml of water with tomato, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Now add the peeled and finely chopped tomatoes, a little water and simmer for another 10 minutes under a closed lid.

    Pour the herbs into the pan and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add potatoes if desired.

Beaver meat: price

As for the cost of this valuable product, it is quite affordable for everyone - from 500 to 800 rubles. Be sure to ask the seller to show the authorization to sell the product and the certificate of its quality.


A person eats a lot of types of meat. These are not only the usual poultry, pork, beef and lamb. Gourmets actively try horse meat, venison, elk and even beaver.

The latter can be attributed to a real exotic, but those who have tried it claim that it is very juicy, tender, especially when it comes to young beavers.

But you need to understand in more detail what the benefits and harms of beaver meat are for humans, whether it is worth using it and how to do it correctly.

First, a little about the choice. Better to buy beaver meat in summer... At this time, it is more fatty, and the fat is evenly distributed between the fibers.

High-quality beaver has a wine color, but darker than that of beef, and the bones are thin, hollow. Unpleasant odors or foreign inclusions are not allowed.

The most tender meat of female beavers... Do not use it from old animals, as it is dry, tough.

By purchasing a product, check the veterinary certificate and quality certificate.

High-quality gourmet meat will not be cheap.

Composition and calorie content

The interest in this source of animal proteins is due to its rich composition. Beaver fiber contains vitamins A, C, E, K, group B.

Serve with garlic, sour cream, spice and crushed apple sauce to add a savory flavor to the dish.

Beaver cannot be combined with legumes and other protein products..

Please note that at room temperature, the meat product deteriorates in 3.5 hours. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

For longer storage, you can divide the carcass into small pieces, put in plastic bags and close in the freezer. The frozen product retains its properties for three months.

Cooking applications

There are many ways to cook beaver meat: bake, boil, fry, stew. All parts can be consumed, even the tails.

Although the bean meat is dietary, the fat in it is evenly distributed throughout the carcass. Therefore, when cooking, it becomes tender, with a pleasant taste.

The liver also lends itself easily to heat treatment. that does not need to be soaked or supplemented with other ingredients. Broth can be cooked on skinless tails.

Before you cook the meat, during the day you need to soak it in cold water... 3-4 times you need to drain it, pouring a new one.

Do not add oil when baking or frying the beaver meat. The fat melted from it will act as fat.

She has a special structure of muscle fibers, so too do not cook for a long time - usually 40 minutes is enough... Can be cooked with vegetables. The dish will absorb their aroma and become even more piquant.

To improve the taste of the dish, you can pre-marinate the meat using seasonings and vinegar or lemon and salt. It is worth removing the films: in pure form, bobryat is easily digested without lingering in the intestines.

We offer a couple of recipes for its preparation.

Bobryatina in the oven

You will need: one carcass, 100 g of lard, three onions, three, a lemon, eight potatoes, 50 g of oil, a head of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. For the sauce: a spoonful of fat sour cream, a bunch.

Preparation: Meat should be soaked overnight in water with lemon and salt. Then it is chopped with bacon and garlic, laid out on a baking sheet. Drizzle with melted butter with a couple of tablespoons of salt and half a spoonful of pepper.

Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven and bake for an hour. After 20 minutes, add a glass of cold water.

Ten minutes before cooking, take out the meat, put the vegetables cut into large pieces around it. For the remaining time, water them with the resulting juice.

So that the tails do not disappear, you can make a delicious, hearty soup from them.

Tail soup

Ingredients: four tails without skin, two tablespoons of salt, a large onion, a spoonful of ground pepper, a cup of rice cereal, 4 liters of water.

Preparation: Pre-clean the tails from the skin, cut them into pieces, soak in vinegar solution, placing in an enamel container, pour a cup of vinegar and water so that it completely covers the pieces.

Leave to marinate overnight. Then the tails are taken out, rinsed with cold water. Then place them in a saucepan, pour water, let it boil. Add rice, salt, spices, chopped onion and cook for 30 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add tomato sauce, parsley, to the soup.


Roast beaver meat, video recipe:


Low-fat, rich in protein and virtually free of carbohydrates, it is meat is a wonderful dietary product... Don't be afraid to include it in your diet while losing weight.

Beaver meat is often compared in taste to pork or young rabbit meat. However, in terms of its valuable properties for the human body, bobryatina is ahead of these species. Young beaver up to 5 years old and weighing up to 15 kg is especially tasty, tender and healthy. Why is this natural product so highly valued?


Beaver eats only plant-based foods, so it has a low percentage of fat, which is evenly distributed throughout the carcass. The calorie content of the product is also low: 100 g contains 152 kcal. Proteins account for a larger percentage: 24.1 g per 100 g of meat. Fats and carbohydrates are minimal, and they are perfectly absorbed by the body. For these reasons, nutritionists advise everyone who wants to lose weight to choose a diet based on beaver meat. This method of losing weight will allow you to safely reduce weight precisely due to fatty deposits, while the body will not lack vitamins and minerals.

Beaver meat has many beneficial properties. The value of this product lies in the following:

  • is a good source of protein, without which it is impossible to build cells;
  • contains a large amount of antioxidants, which allows you to prolong the youthfulness of all body tissues;
  • rich in iron, which prevents anemia from developing, takes part in the creation of nerve impulses, supports the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • contains a lot of potassium, which has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of water balance in the tissues;
  • due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in the composition, it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vascular walls, and also improves the activity of the heart;
  • contains a rare element selenium, which significantly reduces the risk of cancer, protects cells from DNA damage, helps fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed more easily, saves tissues from premature aging;
  • phosphorus is present in meat, which accelerates metabolism, maintains acid-base balance within normal limits, prevents tooth decay from caries;
  • has in its composition important amino acids, which are indispensable for strengthening the immune system and freeing the body from toxic substances;
  • with regular use, it allows to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve mental activity, the ability to remember, concentration of attention;
  • due to the high content of other vitamins, macro- and microelements, it helps to put in order the skin, nail plates, hair, teeth.


Bobryatina cannot be consumed every day and in large quantities: the digestive organs will not be able to cope with the increased amount of protein breakdown products. Very fresh meat (up to 8 hours after slaughter) can cause harm to the body, since it still contains active own enzymes.

In the Office of Rospotrebnadzor, cases of death from botulism, the most severe toxic-infectious food poisoning, have been recorded. The episode is associated with the consumption of independently caught and cooked beaver - a potential carrier and vector of this disease. It is necessary to refuse to use beaver meat for which a quality certificate and other documents confirming the safety of the product have not been received.


Beaver meat has a minimum of contraindications. You should not include it in the menu when:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • serious heart disease;
  • acute stages of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Nutritionists recommend including beaver meat in the menu of a pregnant and lactating woman, but you should not abuse this product. Moderate consumption of beaver meat will saturate the growing body of the fetus and the baby feeding on mother's milk with the necessary elements. In addition, this type of meat is recognized by experts as anti-allergenic.

This product has become indispensable for pregnant women due to the sufficient content of selenium. This element helps to protect the developing child from congenital pathologies and diseases that arise in the newborn age, and also protects the woman from the development of diseases of the genital area.


How to cook

All parts of the beaver are eaten, including the tails. Despite the fact that bean meat is considered a dietary meat, fat is present throughout the carcass. Thanks to this, the meat in the cooking process turns out to be tender and acquires a pleasant aftertaste. The liver lends itself easily to heat treatment, which does not require additional ingredients and soaking. Broth is prepared on beaver tails (without skin).

Before cooking, the beaver meat must be soaked in cold water for a day, pouring out and pouring a new one 3-4 times. Also, you should first carefully cut out the musky gland, which contains an odorous oily liquid, with which beavers mark the territory. If this is not done, the meat will acquire bitterness, an unpleasant odor and be tough.

When baking or frying, you do not need to add oil: the fat that is melted from the meat will serve as fat. Bobryatina has a special structure of muscle fiber, so it does not require prolonged heat treatment (40 minutes is enough). It is recommended to cook the beaver with vegetables: onions, carrots, celery. The meat will absorb their aroma and the dish will turn out to be even more piquant.

To improve the taste of the dish, the product can be pre-marinated using a minimum amount of seasonings, vinegar or lemon and salt. It is important to remove all films: pure beaver meat is easily digested without lingering in the intestines.


In room conditions, bobryatina can deteriorate in 3.5 hours. The meat can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To preserve the food longer, it should be cut into small pieces, placed in plastic bags and closed in the freezer. In this form, the meat will retain its valuable and taste properties for 3 months.

How to choose

Beaver meat is best purchased in the summer. In this season, it is more fatty, while the fat is evenly distributed among the muscle fibers. High-quality bean meat has a wine color (darker than beef) and thin hollow bones. The meat should not have an unpleasant odor and foreign inclusions.

Young female beavers have the most tender meat. It is better to refuse the use of old individuals: they will turn out to be dry and tough. When purchasing beaver meat in a store, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the quality certificate and veterinary certificate. Suspicion should be caused by the low price of the product: gourmet meat cannot be cheap.

What is combined with

Beaver meat goes well with many ingredients:

  • onions, garlic;
  • other raw and stewed vegetables;
  • lemon;
  • sour apples;
  • spices;
  • greens;
  • cereal products (especially buckwheat);
  • potatoes.

To add an original flavor to the dish, beaver meat should be served with garlic, low-fat sour cream, crushed apple and thyme sauce. You can not combine beaver with legumes and other protein products.

Beaver meat, the benefits and harms of which are not equivalent, is not in vain preferred by many gourmets, as well as people who care about their health and appearance. In addition to its excellent taste, bobryatina has a lot of valuable properties for the body, allows you to maintain normal weight and prevents the development of certain diseases. At the same time, the product has a minimum of contraindications.