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During the feeding period, young mothers have a number of questions related to breast care so that the lactation period passes without unnecessary problems. This article on our site is designed to help young mothers and answer how to care for their breasts, especially in the early stages of breastfeeding.

Breast care before childbirth, during pregnancy

Doctors advise starting breast care during pregnancy so that your breasts are ready for milk supply. This requires that the skin of the breast is more elastic than usual. Among the most common methods are breast massage and washing with a sharp change in water temperature (contrasting). However, in no case wash your chest with too hot water, almost boiling water and then ice cold. So you can finish badly and burns, which is not at all pleasant. It is better to choose the temperature of the water not with such a difference, for example, just warm water and water at room temperature.

There are also special exercises to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding. Such exercises will help you avoid stretching in the future. However, do not forget that all recommendations for breast care before feeding are individual and depend specifically on your condition and the course of pregnancy, so be sure to consult your doctor. In general, such procedures will help make your breasts more elastic and prepare for lactation.

Breast hygiene during feeding

How to care for a breastfeeding breast? Hygiene comes first as always. With proper nursing care, you can avoid many problems. It is recommended to wash your breasts three times a day. Especially before feeding the baby, this way you will also protect the baby from getting infections. You can wash your breasts, for example, with chamomile steamed in advance. But it is worth remembering that during breastfeeding, a special moisturizing secret is released, so you do not need to use soap when washing the nipples, this will lead to dryness and discomfort. As an addition, after washing, you can easily massage your breasts with a soft towel.

Preventive methods to avoid cracks

How do I care for my breast while breastfeeding? A common and very unpleasant problem for nursing mothers is cracks. How can you avoid this? Doctors recommend massaging the nipples in order to restore proper blood circulation after feeding. Also teach your baby to breastfeed correctly so that it is not traumatic for your breast. After feeding, you can drop a drop of your own milk on the nipple. If, nevertheless, cracks have already appeared, in such cases there are special ointments that will help eliminate unpleasant sensations and at the same time will be harmless for the baby. However, check with your supervising physician which ointment is best for you. They will also help to maintain the tone of the pectoral muscles.

The right clothes for nursing mothers

Pregnancy and the first time after childbirth impose special requirements for Both during pregnancy and during lactation - clothes should be especially comfortable. Particular attention should be paid to lingerie - choose the simplest bras that do not restrict movement and without lace, with a special cup supporting the chest and wide shoulder straps. Make sure that you have a bra larger than what you already have, because your breasts will surely increase in size. Also, good supportive underwear will help maintain the shape of your breasts and prevent stretch marks and deformities. All the same principles apply to pregnant women. However, if you go to any specialized store for pregnant women, they will tell you what kind of lingerie you need.

What to do if your breast milk is leaking

Leaking milk is a common problem for nursing mothers. What to do? There are some tips for avoiding milk leaks:

  • Breastfeed your baby on demand, not on schedule.
  • If you have so much milk that even on demand the baby does not suck everything out, then expressing with the help of breast massage or with the use of a special breast pump will help.
  • If the leakage is not too profuse, regular lactation pads will help. However, you should be responsible when choosing a manufacturer so that the products are of high quality and do not irritate the skin.

It is very important not to ignore the problem of leaking milk, because if you do not express the milk in full, stagnation can occur, which will lead to inflammation of the breast. If, nevertheless, milk stagnation in the breast has occurred, then here are some tips on what to do:

Stagnant milk

What to do if there is already a problem of stagnant breast milk:

  • To solve the problem, you accordingly need to reduce the amount of milk in the breast, for this, restrictions on food and drink will help first of all.
  • Warm compresses will also help to relieve tension from the chest. Apply such compresses to keep up to 10 minutes, no more.
  • After relieving tension with compresses - lubricate the breast with special oil, massage and express milk.

In the worst case, if milk stagnation and breast edema are accompanied by fever - immediately contact your doctor, delaying the solution to the problem will cause problems not only for you, but also for your baby.

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After childbirth, breastfeeding is simple and does not require special skills - hygiene, massage, proper attachment of the baby to the breast, a comfortable bra - these measures will help you avoid trouble with the breast during the nursing period. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Latch the baby correctly to the breast

In the first days, a newborn baby still does not really know how to even suck (the sucking reflex is poorly developed in the first days), and even more so he does not know how to take mother's breast correctly. Your goal is to help your baby. It is easier to immediately teach a child to correctly breastfeed than to retrain later. This will help prevent many breast problems. Try to put the nipple in the baby's mouth at an upward slope during the first feeding so that it reaches the baby's palate. The baby's mouth should also capture the areola. In this position, the delicate skin of the nipple will not be injured when feeding.

Of course, even with proper attachment to the breast, cracks may appear on the nipples, because the skin of the nipples is very delicate. If a woman did not prepare them for future feeding before childbirth, then frequent attachment will inevitably lead to nipple injuries.

Breast care for cracked nipples

Are there any cracks on the nipple? Do not be alarmed, everything is fixable.

  • Carefully wash your breasts after each feeding with warm water (do not use soap or other detergents), dry with a soft towel and lubricate with a special cream (cream helps Bepanten). You can wash the cracks with your milk, it has the properties of destroying bacteria.
  • After feeding, use an air bath for the breast. Their benefits are enormous, they allow the skin to rest, "breathe". The duration of the procedure is 10 - 20 minutes.
  • Are the nipples severely sore, is the pain when feeding difficult to endure? Use special silicone. They are soft and the baby suckles without difficulty. It is important to choose the right size. It should fit the size of your nipple. Otherwise, the baby will refuse to take the breast with the pad.

We read about breast problems:

Hygiene of the mammary glands

After giving birth, a woman's breasts swell greatly from the rush of milk. They need support. It is important to choose a quality bra. It should be comfortable, elastic, made of natural fabric, without "bones", with wide straps. Such a bra will help to avoid stretch marks, protect the breasts from injuries, provide optimal blood circulation, milk flow, and relieve unnecessary stress on the spine. It is advisable to have several bras (at least two) in order to change them daily. If milk flows out of the breasts, you can put special liners in the bra cups or make them yourself from a sterile bandage laid in 8-10 layers.

Improving blood circulation in the mammary glands, avoiding stretch marks will help daily and taking a contrast shower. Massage your breasts with water jets in a clockwise direction with warm and cool water alternately. After showering, wipe your breasts with a towel from nipple to armpit. Wear supportive tops at night.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

To keep your breasts in shape, do breast strengthening exercises. Here are some exercises. Repeat each at least 20 times.

  1. Close your hands in front of your chest, palms together, as in supplication. Squeeze your palms firmly for a few seconds, then loosen.
  2. Stand up straight with your hands on your belt. Rising on toes, pull your elbows back as far as possible.
  3. Take an expander or a tight, wide elastic band about 50 cm long. Raise your arms above your head, stretch the elastic band, hold it taut for ten seconds.
  4. Push-ups (from the floor or chair) also help strengthen the muscles that support the chest.

What to do if the chest is very swollen and painful?

On the third - fourth day after childbirth, milk "comes" into the mammary glands. To avoid sudden flushes of milk and severe breast swelling, limit drinking and liquid food during this time. A lot of milk came, the breasts are hard, do they hurt? Feed your baby often (). The baby will suck off the excess milk. You can gently stretch your breasts with your hands and pump out excess milk until the breasts are soft. Is it difficult to do it yourself? Ask a husband or relative to help you pump.

Proper breast care will help a woman avoid a significant deterioration in the condition of her breasts after lactation. It is necessary to follow the rules for attaching the baby to the breast, monitor the hygiene of the mammary glands and then it will be possible to avoid problem situations that often overtake women after childbirth.

According to research by specialists, the lactation process does not affect the appearance of the mammary glands in any way.

Why does breast condition deteriorate after giving birth

  • The woman has no health problems.
  • All the rules for breast care after childbirth are followed.

After the birth of a child, the state of the breast does not change for the better due to the fact that fluctuations in body weight occur.

The breasts begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy. The mammary glands enlarge most after childbirth, when milk begins to be produced. Because of this, the skin cannot withstand and becomes less elastic.

If during pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman gains excess weight, the skin is stretched even more. After losing weight, the skin will not be the same and stretch marks will appear.

Owners of a small bust after the termination of lactation usually think that the size has become even smaller. This is due to the fact that the shape of the mammary glands changes.

The only thing that will help to keep the breast in its previous state is careful control of your weight during the period of gestation and after childbirth.

Features of breast care

The mammary glands begin to rebuild under the influence of hormones. Some people think that breasts need to be prepared for lactation before the baby is born. It is recommended to rub the nipples with a terry towel to make them less sensitive, pour cold water over them and carry out other not very pleasant manipulations. In fact, all of these actions have nothing to do with breastfeeding.

After childbirth, milk begins to be produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin. Its amount depends on how often the child eats.

To avoid trouble, after the birth of a baby, you must:

  • Limit fluid intake. The permissible rate is not more than half a liter. This amount also includes first courses, tea, juices. If you do not adhere to this rule, then too much milk will begin to be produced, the baby will not have time to suck it out and lactostasis will occur. This problem occurs in many young mothers. Seals appear in the mammary glands, pain occurs, and the temperature may rise. In the stagnant milk, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, which can lead to mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands. This is a rather dangerous pathology and requires urgent help from a specialist.

  • Apply the baby to the breast correctly. If the child does not completely capture the nipple and areola, then it means that it is applied incorrectly. Such feeding can cause cracked nipples. Cracks make the mammary glands vulnerable to infections. To avoid this, you need to monitor your feelings during feeding. If this process causes even the slightest discomfort, it is necessary to change the breastfeeding technique.In addition to applying, the treatment of the nipple with preparations containing alcohol and frequent washing of the breast with soap can cause cracks. If cracks appear, you need to treat them with bepanten or other drugs after each feeding. Also, after each feeding, it is necessary to rinse the glands with warm water.
  • It is correct to take away the breast from the baby. You can injure the nipple if it is wrong to pick up the breast when the baby has already eaten. If you pull it out sharply when the gums are tightly compressed, then the skin of the nipple is injured. To prevent cracks from appearing, you can squeeze out a little milk after each feeding and lubricate the nipple with it.

Caring for the mammary glands after childbirth also requires special hygiene measures, which consist of:

  1. Selection of suitable linen. Breastfeeding mothers need a special bra that provides good breast support and does not cause discomfort. You need to purchase a special nursing bra. It has wide straps, is made from natural materials, stretches as the bust increases, and is pitted.

Correctly selected underwear will protect the mammary glands from injury, will not disrupt blood circulation and milk flow, and will also reduce the load on the spine.

  1. Daily change of linen. You may need several bras at once, which need to be changed every day. It is also recommended to use special breast pads if milk is leaking from the nipples.
  2. Regular breast washing. This should not be done too often to avoid cracked nipples. It is recommended to take a shower in the morning and in the evening. The mammary glands should be washed without detergents.
  3. Contrast shower and massage. These procedures are recommended in order to avoid stretch marks. It is necessary to massage the mammary glands with a shower, first with cold water, then with hot water. Wipe them well with a towel after the procedure.
  4. Air baths. The mammary glands need to be given rest. To do this, every evening you need to take off your bra and be without it for a while. It is advisable to sleep in a slimming top.

It is also advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the chest. It is not useful in any case, and even more so during pregnancy and lactation. Otherwise, pigmentation spots may develop.

It is useful to walk with an open chest. But doing it is better at home, and not on the beach in the sun.

To achieve the desired result, you must do it regularly, perform each exercise at least twenty repetitions:

  1. You need to fold your hands in front of your chest, palm to each other and press with one hand on the other, showing resistance.
  2. They help to strengthen the pectoral muscles of stretching the expander.
  3. The most effective exercise is push-ups. It is advisable to do push-ups from the floor on straight legs. If it's too hard in this position, you can do push-ups on your knees.

Several ways to get your breasts back in shape

It will not be possible to completely restore the original volume and elasticity of the bust on your own. But modern medicine does not stand still, and plastic surgeons can help a woman in this matter.

There are several popular treatments:

  1. Lipofilling. During the procedure, fat is injected from one part of the body to another. This operation helps women to regain their previous appearance after giving birth. Fat is usually injected under the skin or into muscles without affecting the glandular tissue.
  2. Mastopexy This is a breast lift. The procedure is performed when the chest sags. Part of the sagging skin is removed, the breasts are fixed at the desired level and the natural volume is formed.

Mammoplasty. Breast augmentation with implants

Silicone breasts and lactation. Those with silicone breasts are very worried about how the implant can affect breastfeeding. In fact, there is no problem in this, if the operation was carried out efficiently and the nipple was not affected.

There are two horror stories for women with silicone breasts:

  1. They can damage the nerve endings, due to which milk will not be produced or this process will be very difficult. Such an outcome is possible. But modern medicine is developing quite quickly and if you turn to an experienced surgeon, then such consequences can be avoided.
  2. The implant may break and the silicone will enter the milk and poison the baby. This statement has no substantiation. Silicone is a material that does not dissolve in water, so it cannot get into milk. But even if the silicone gets into milk, there is no danger in this. Breast implants are made from the kind of silicone that is used for pacifiers and nipples and is even added to baby medicines for gas and colic.

In order not to worry about whether it will be possible to feed the baby after breast augmentation, it is better to choose the type of surgery in which the implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle. It is necessary to avoid procedures in which the nipples can be affected, otherwise it will negate the entire ability to lactate. In other cases, the baby can be fed with silicone breast.

  1. Eat a special diet that promotes good milk production.
  2. Choose comfortable feeding positions.
  3. Don't panic if you run into problems. Lactation does not always go smoothly in women with natural breasts.

Therefore, women who want to enlarge their breasts can be reassured. Silicone implants are not a barrier to lactation, but only if the procedure is performed correctly. It is necessary to care for such a breast as well as for a natural one. The only thing that cannot be done is to enlarge the breasts during pregnancy. Such a procedure can have dire consequences for the health of women and children.

After giving birth, a woman has many new responsibilities and problems. Breastfeeding requires special attention. After all, it is this process that can provide a child with normal growth and development. Lactation does not affect the condition of the mammary glands in the best way. But if you follow the rules of hygiene, correctly apply the baby to the breast, monitor your weight and perform special exercises, you can keep the breast in good condition.

It is no secret that during pregnancy, changes occur not only inside the female body, but also outside. The first sign of an "interesting" position is breast augmentation. Every day of pregnancy, the mammary glands become more beautiful, elastic and, which is especially pleasing, - larger. Such positive metamorphoses cannot but rejoice the fair sex, because at last the breast meets all the criteria of beauty and seductive size. After the birth of a child, the female breast performs the most important task - it provides the baby with useful and nutritious mother's milk.

Very often, after such tests, the appearance of the bust loses its former attractiveness and beauty, and instead of a magnificent breast, a woman has a sagging likeness of it. That is why it is so important to think about her leaving even while carrying crumbs.

The right bra

Breast care begins with the right underwear, that is, a bra. This item of women's wardrobe helps prevent the appearance of unwanted stretch marks, protect the breasts from injury during pregnancy, and also relieve the load on the spine when the tummy begins to actively grow.

Fortunately, today the choice of underwear is unlimited and surprises with its quantity and variety, which makes it possible for every woman in a position to purchase a product for every taste and color. However, do not forget that you need to choose focusing not on beauty and attractiveness, but on comfort and practicality. Stop your choice on a bra made of natural "breathable" fabric. It is also important that the underwear is pitted so as not to impede blood circulation in the mammary glands. With each day of pregnancy, the breasts will increase, so it is important that the bra subsequently has wide straps and tiered fasteners. Remember, wearing the right underwear provides support for your pectoral muscles and skin to help prevent stretch marks.

When buying, make sure that there are no internal seams in the bra, which can cause irritation, because during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases. Also choose comfortable cups that fit your breast size and shape. The straps should be soft and elastic, with a mandatory length adjustment. If you feel uncomfortable while trying on or wearing, then try another option.

Oh, those stretch marks!

This problem often occurs in women after giving birth and feeding a baby. And this trouble occurs due to ruptures of elastic tissues in connection with breast augmentation, which are subsequently healed with the help of connective tissue. It is possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the main thing is to make every effort to this. The following recommendations can help with this:

  1. Proper nutrition is our everything!The following foods should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman: vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, vegetable oils. It is these products that contain vitamin E and polyunsaturated fats, which help maintain the elasticity of the skin of the breast.
  2. Follow your drinking regimen.This will help keep your breasts firm and smooth. Drink at least two liters of liquid (drinks, broths, etc.) per day.
  3. Take a contrast shower.Finish your daily water activities with alternating cold and warm water. However, remember to increase the temperature difference gradually.
  4. Massage your breasts. Massage the breasts from the bottom up with light and smooth movements. On average, the procedure should last from 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Try cryomassage.The essence of the event is to regularly rub the mammary glands with ice cubes from herbal infusion (chamomile, sage). It should be noted that cryomassage is useful not only for the chest, but also for the skin of the face.
  6. Take sun and air baths. If you have the opportunity to walk around at home without underwear, then be sure to do it. The duration of the baths is 15 minutes. This time will be quite enough so as not to freeze and not experience discomfort.
  7. Use special creams for breast care. Such products contain in their composition substances that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The combination of these proteins creates a kind of framework that allows us to keep our skin supple and elastic.

Exercises for the chest

They should be performed slowly, gradually increasing the load. However, do not overdo it so as not to harm your health and the unborn child.

So, here are some effective exercises for strengthening breasts during pregnancy:

  1. Raise your arms to the level of your chest and bend them at the elbows so that your palms are pressed against each other with your fingers up. Squeeze your palms alternately, while trying to hold the tension for a couple of seconds.
  2. Place your hands on your shoulders and make several circular movements forward and then back. Exercise at a slow, calm pace.
  3. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Crossing the upper limbs, try to gradually raise them to a higher level, but not above the head.

These simple yet effective exercises will help you keep your breasts in top condition even after breastfeeding. However, be careful, as physical activity is prohibited in case of toxicosis, bleeding, feeling unwell (headache, cold, etc.), and also if there is a threat of miscarriage. If during training you feel unwell, stop immediately.

Summing up the results!

Taking care of your breasts during pregnancy is not only beneficial, but also pleasant. After all, every woman strives to look perfect always, regardless of the circumstances. You will spend a minimum of time and effort to carry out all the above activities, however, believe me, the result is worth it.

While feeding a baby, a woman may encounter certain problems related to the condition of the mammary glands. Breastfeeding is a difficult process for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, it is important to establish it in a timely manner in order to avoid the development of pathological processes. Consider what undesirable conditions can appear in the breast during lactation and what to do in such cases.

Breast problems during lactation

In the first day after giving birth, many women have breast swelling and pain, which is explained by the beginning of milk production. If the breast is hard and painful, this means that milk stagnation is forming in it, and it must be eliminated immediately. Best of all, an infant will cope with this task. The more often you apply the baby to the breast, the less chance of stagnation. Over time, breastfeeding improves, and milk is most intensely produced just before feeding.

However, in some cases, there is an unpleasant breast condition during lactation, which is called lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary gland). It is due to the fact that the glandular tissue near the duct swells and presses on it. As a result, a lump can be found in the breast, the skin over which becomes red and sensitive. The best solution to this problem is to suck off milk, preferably by the baby. If feeding your baby is very painful, you can try to improve the condition by using a breast pump.

Sometimes mothers confuse lactostasis with mastitis - an inflammatory process in the mammary gland, which often leads to its suppuration. Breast mastitis during lactation is a very dangerous pathology, which, fortunately, is quite rare. In this condition, painful seals appear in the gland, the skin over which becomes hot. In most cases, mastitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, sometimes up to 38.5 ºС and higher, chills, fatigue and headache. If you do not seek medical help in time, prolonged stagnation of milk becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the onset of suppuration. Experts advise not to stop feeding your baby with mastitis. Usually the doctor prescribes a woman's treatment with drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take antibacterial agents.

Lactostasis and mastitis are undoubtedly the cause of breast pain during lactation. However, during the period of feeding the child, soreness of the mammary glands of a more harmless origin is possible. Most new mothers experience slight pain and discomfort in the breast during milk flow. Hot flashes are triggered by the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates breast cells. A slight pain in this case is observed at the beginning of each feeding and disappears after a few minutes.

In the first three months of breastfeeding, some women experience severe breast pain during lactation due to too much milk. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply the newborn to the breast more often.

Another cause of breast pain during lactation is thrush (candidiasis). This is a fungal infection that can affect the mother's nipples and the baby's mouth. Pain with thrush accompanies the entire feeding process and often does not subside after it stops. Usually, in the case of candidiasis, the doctor prescribes special treatment for both the woman and the baby.

Sometimes new moms suffer from cracked nipples during lactation. This painful condition causes great discomfort when feeding. Its main reason is improper attachment of the baby to the breast. It is necessary to ensure that the child captures not only the nipple, but also the areola (areola). In addition, do not keep your baby at your breast for a long time or let him sleep with her in your mouth. You can also injure your nipples while using a breast pump. The already mentioned thrush can also cause cracked nipples during lactation. In some cases, painful cracks are simply the result of excessive drying of the skin, which can be corrected with proper breast care. So, between feedings, it is recommended to carry out air baths for the breast and lubricate the nipples with baby oil.

Breast after lactation

The condition of the breast after the cessation of lactation largely depends on how this process was completed. It is advisable to end breastfeeding gradually, reducing the number of feedings per day. Usually, it takes 2-3 weeks to complete lactation. During the first weeks, the breasts may be very swollen and sore between feedings; in such cases, milk needs to be expressed a little (but not completely). You can reduce swelling by applying cabbage leaves to the sore spot. Lactation is reduced by infusions of herbs such as mint and sage.

Many women worry that their breasts will become ugly after lactation. Of course, the size and shape of the breasts will change slightly. However, with the help of certain methods and procedures, it is possible to restore beauty and firmness to the breasts.

First of all, you need to choose a new bra that will support the heavier breasts well. Do not forget about special breast care after the cessation of lactation. You can buy and regularly use a special milk or cream for this area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is designed specifically for the postpartum period. 4.8 out of 5 (4 votes)