Happy Easter, friends! It's so beautiful... Picturesque ideas for decorating Easter cakes. How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands - a simple master class with step by step photos

Easter is traditionally the largest and most popular Orthodox holiday. By the end of Lent, a few days before the Easter celebrations, people begin to cook Easter cakes and colored eggs. And if everything is clear with the dough recipe for the most delicious and religiously important treat, then certain problems may arise with its decoration. How to decorate an Easter cake spectacularly, and what goodies can come in handy for this?

Decorating with glaze

To decorate Easter cakes, protein glaze is traditionally used, as well as a variety of sprinkles and sugar dragees. To prepare the protein glaze, it is necessary to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them in a mixer (it will take about 2-3 eggs). After the mass thickens, you need to add half a glass of sugar to it and continue to beat the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Separation of proteins from yolks

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained if you cover the entire cap of baking with this mass. As soon as this has happened, it is necessary to display on the surface of the glaze, until it has hardened, a variety of patterns using sprinkles, cream, marmalade figurines. What patterns of sprinkles are most common:

A person should not be afraid of experiments, because the brighter he decorates the cake, the better it will be. After applying the glaze and pattern, the baking should not be touched, as the top coating must dry completely. This usually happens within 10-15 minutes.

Now decorating by mixing sugar and protein is used everywhere for several reasons:

After decorating all the Easter cakes, you can proceed to their consecration and eating, since fresh pastries are the most delicious.

Cake decorating with chocolate

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter usually turns into a real creative experiment, since you can use a variety of components for this task. Often people replace icing sugar, which everyone has long been accustomed to, with an equally tasty component - chocolate.

To make the design seem even more interesting, you can decorate the hat with the following goodies:

  • decoratively laid out fruits (for example, you can add the letters “XB” from them);
  • colored sugar sprinkles, with which you can create the most original drawings associated with the holiday;
  • grated white chocolate can also be contrasted with Easter cake;
  • coconut can also be used to create a pattern, because in contrast it will look very interesting.

A beautiful Easter cake does not have to be traditional with white icing. Using chocolate, a person will get a much brighter and more unusual pattern.

For those who love to experiment, the double use of chocolate and icing for decoration is suitable. It will be possible to cover one side of the cake with dark melted chocolate, and the other side with white icing, and the result will be a very original and bright design. On the dark side, you can draw an image of a cross with coconut chips, and on the white side, use sprinkles to create the face of an angel.

This decoration option is original, interesting and fully fits into the concept of the celebration. Plus, the chocolate-covered cookies are incredibly delicious! Chocolate fudge made from cocoa powder is no less sweet and fragrant.

Chocolate icing for cocoa cake - video

Decorating with powdered sugar and coconut flakes

You can find a variety of ideas for decorating Easter cakes on the Internet. Inspired by such diversity, many housewives refuse to use the standard glaze of proteins and sugar. Now you can fully show your imagination, while not making much effort when decorating.

If not
time for a long decoration and preparation of glaze, you can safely use powdered sugar. With its help, you can generously cover the Easter cake cap, complementing the design with a few drops of jam, applied on both sides in the form of a cross.

So that the cake, decorated with powdered sugar, does not seem boring and uninteresting, it can be decorated with a special lace stand, as well as with a usually contrasting color ribbon. These inedible details will not make the cake tastier, but they can significantly transform it, adding originality to the most popular Easter dessert.

Beautiful Easter cakes for Easter can be prepared using coconut flakes in a variety of ways. So, for example, with its help you can create interesting patterns on chocolate icing.

With coconut chips, you can create an original glaze. To do this, it is enough to add this component to proteins and sugar in the process of preparing the glaze.

As a result, the glaze itself will acquire a more original, unforgettable taste, and even a new form. It will seem more voluminous, and therefore more attractive. You can decorate such a cake with a variety of details, from colored sugar sprinkles to marmalade.

The multi-colored coconut flakes look especially impressive. If there is one in the arsenal of the hostess, then with its help you can create a fancy design.

To do this, cover the top of the cake so that the protein glaze covers the top with a thick layer. It is she who needs to be abundantly strewn with colored coconut flakes (now you can find both green and red). As a result, the design of the Easter treat will not seem overly flashy, but at the same time it will turn out to be extremely original and memorable.

Original Easter decorations

Easter cake decoration is the very thing in which you can fully show your imagination. If a person wants to make the main festive dish truly original, then he should forget about traditional icing and multi-colored sprinkles.

What unusual decoration elements can be used to decorate Easter cakes:

An interesting decoration option that will appeal to all lovers of beautiful Easter cakes is decorating them with flowers. The hat of the Easter cake itself can be covered with either melted chocolate or protein glaze, after which it is necessary to plant purchased flowers made from wafers or chocolate on it. Some housewives go further, using fresh flowers, such as chamomile, for decoration, but nothing good comes of this, if only because these decorations fade very quickly.

The hostess can make her Easter cakes unique by adding as many decorative elements as possible to them. Sometimes culinary masters go further and create decorations for Easter cakes not with fruits and chocolate, but using a confectionery syringe and a regular protein cream. In this way, you can create absolutely any drawings.

Those who know how to use such a device can display images of an angel on the Easter cake or even redraw some icon with the help of cream. This work is laborious, but the result is simply amazing.

Showing imagination when decorating, you can not only make each cake unique in appearance, but also give it a unique taste.

Decorating Easter cakes with inedible elements

You can decorate the cake in an original way not only with the help of chocolate and fruits, but also using inedible elements. So, for example, various images of angels or churches, made in miniature, which can be planted on top of the Easter cake, can come in handy. In this case, the festive food will look extremely attractive, emphasizing the grandeur of the celebration.

A variety of decorative figurines are now on sale, including those with the image of a cross or small yellow chickens. All this can be on Easter cake, making it even more attractive.

Options for decorating Easter cake using inedible elements almost always involve the use of a variety of decorative paper ribbons. They wrap around the bottom of the holiday treat, complementing the original design. If it seems that this decor is not enough, you can use a variety of ribbons and bows with which to tie the Easter cake.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it, using different methods of decoration, otherwise the Easter cake will not look original, but ridiculous. It is also important not to lose the religious value of this pastry behind the decorative elements.

It is wonderful if, after decorating, a person takes the Easter cake to the church along with the decorated eggs. There they will be consecrated, making food not only tasty, but also sacred.

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands? This question is already worrying those who are going to bake Easter cakes. After all, the holiday is getting closer, and very soon we will be captured by a whirlwind of pre-holiday excitement. Have you noticed how every year, 2-3 weeks before Easter, different Easter-themed products appear on supermarket shelves? But already a week before the holiday, the choice of Easter decor is not at all so great, since thrifty housewives are preparing in advance. And what to do when you didn’t have time to prepare, and the design of Easter cakes is definitely included in your plans? A great way out is to make decorations for Easter cakes with your own hands!

I talked about how to bake Easter cake at home in. I really hope that it was useful, and you were inspired by the idea to try cooking Easter cakes according to old recipes. Let's share our impressions and results in the comments and our culinary groups.

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands using edible decor elements

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained from those who are willing to spend not so much money as time and imagination. In general, the basis of almost all edible Easter decor is sugar and dyes. An exception is the decor of dried fruits, nuts and chocolate. Consider how to decorate Easter cake for Easter using the simplest and most affordable ingredients.

Pastry decoration

Experienced housewives make exquisite decorations from Easter cake dough. For example, my grandmother always decorates Easter cakes with small curly crosses. Such decorations are prepared from the same dough as the Easter cakes themselves. You can make braids, spirals, letters and flowers, leaves and petals. Dyes are also sometimes added to the dough for decorations.

In order for your decorations to look beautiful even after baking, you need to proceed as follows:

  • let the cake rise
  • cut out decorations and attach them to the top of the cake with protein
  • grease the cake already with the decorations with a beaten egg or butter
  • pour ready-made and still hot cakes with syrup

You can also bake pastry decor separately from Easter cake, and then attach it to the finished cake. So you can be sure of the result, because in any case, decorations made from yeast dough will rise during baking.

Easter cake decoration with icing

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter is also traditionally done with white icing. It would seem that it could be simpler than a mixture of proteins and sugar. However, not everyone makes a good frosting. You can often see Easter cakes from which the icing is just glass, leaving sloppy drips and excess moisture. This result is obtained if too much moisture is added to the glaze. Also, the icing, which is simply smeared on Easter cake, does not look very nice. This option is usually found on purchased mass-produced Easter cakes.

A plentifully watered Easter cake looks much neater and more appetizing, the icing on which has had time to harden well and not spread too much. The most important thing in preparing the glaze is to keep the proportions of the ingredients in such a way that the glaze must be frozen. I will describe in detail how exactly such a fondant is prepared for Easter cake, and I will also present to your attention several useful recipes.

Sugar icing for Easter cakes

Mix one cup of fine powdered sugar with 4 tablespoons of boiled water, add coloring and flavoring to taste. For example, I really like additives with the aroma of rum and almonds. The mixture must be mixed well and heated to about 40 degrees. The proportions of water and powder are approximate. If it's too thin, add more icing sugar; if it's too thick, add more water. You can also add lemon juice, which will make the glaze taste richer. Apply sugar icing on Easter cakes immediately after preparation.

Sugar-protein glaze for Easter cakes

The recipe for sugar-protein icing for Easter cakes is no less popular. It is only important to make sure the quality of chicken eggs so that the delicacy turns out to be safe for health. To prepare, take 1 protein and beat it with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Then gradually introduce 1 cup of finely ground powdered sugar into the protein. The density of the glaze can be adjusted with the amount of lemon juice and powdered sugar. It is imperative to use such a glaze immediately so that it does not have time to harden.

Fruit glaze for Easter cakes

Fruit glaze is prepared using fruit and berry juices, which makes it possible to play with its color and taste. Egg white (1 pc.) Should be whipped into a strong foam, add about 1 cup of finely ground powdered sugar, and then about 3 tablespoons of fruit or berry juice. The density of such a glaze is also regulated by juice and powdered sugar.

Easter cake decoration with mastic

Decorating Easter cakes with mastic is a more difficult task, but it also opens up more opportunities for creativity. You can treat mastic like plasticine, sculpting and cutting out figures, flowers, leaves, as well as traditional decorations for Easter cakes. Having experimented plenty with a variety of types of mastic, I can recommend you the simplest and most proven recipe. It's easier to just buy ready-made mastic in the store!

Milk mastic

My favorite mastic is made from condensed milk. It has a wonderful milky taste and is very easy to work with. Mix 160 g of powdered milk with 160 g of powdered sugar and sift. Make a well in this dry mixture and gradually add 200 g of condensed milk and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Knead the mastic until smooth and wrap in a film. It can be painted with gel dyes in any color, and then covered with rolled mastic Easter cake, and also make decorations.

Do-it-yourself traditional decorations for Easter cakes

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter is the stage of preparation for the holiday that children love so much. And if the preparation of glaze or mastic is too complicated and troublesome for a child, then laying out patterns from edible colored sprinkles, marmalade and sweets is perfect for kids. Open a bag of sprinkles, cut the marmalade, spread the cake with icing or honey and show your child how to decorate the Easter cake with their own hands. As a result, all of them will be decorated with touching children's patterns.

The most traditional way to decorate Easter cake is to lay out the letters X and B on its top, which means "Christ is Risen!" Letters can be applied with colored sugar sprinkles, raisins, other dried fruits, nuts, as well as sugar pencils and chocolate. You can also draw any pattern or pattern on white glaze using special food-grade paints.

How to decorate Easter cake with inedible decor elements

When thinking about how to decorate an Easter cake, do not forget about the huge selection of decor options using ribbons, lace, paper and themed figurines. The easiest way is to buy an Easter cake decoration, but you can very easily make an Easter cake decoration with your own hands. The modern decoration of Easter cakes is generally distinguished by a creative approach, as well as the use of the most unexpected combinations and materials. A stylish Easter cake decoration can be made from crumpled paper, ribbons and colored twine.

New ideas for decorating Easter cake

Easter cake is a special holiday product, but still it remains a pastry. But there are a lot of ideas for decorating baking. So you can arm yourself with a variety of ways to decorate pastries and confectionery, and apply all this for Easter cake. So, here are some new ideas for decorating Easter cakes that I will offer you this year:

Meringues. Prepare a strong meringue and dip the still hot cake in it. You can let this snow-white pointed hat dry, or you can bake it or brown it with a burner. Peaks and roses applied with a pastry bag with nozzles will look beautiful. Their edges can also be browned in the oven or with a burner.

Lacy border made of chocolate and voluminous chocolate figurines. After making a small hole in a bag of chocolate, apply lace patterns on a dense film. The width and length of the lace border should be suitable for Easter cake. Make a drawing with chocolate, let it harden a little (the chocolate should remain plastic, but not drain). Coat the cake with honey and wrap it in a film with chocolate lace, lightly pressing the chocolate to the sides of the cake. Let the chocolate lace harden in the refrigerator and carefully remove the film.

Caramel jewelry. Liquid caramel is an excellent material for creating any decorative elements. Draw an Easter-themed drawing (XB, a dove, or a church dome) on parchment, make caramel and trace around the drawing using a simple teaspoon.

Colored coconut. From white coconut flakes with the help of dyes, you can make a sprinkle of any color. Just dissolve the dye in a little water and dampen the shavings, let it dry completely, and decorate Easter cakes on top of the icing.

Walnut goats. From nuts and caramel, you can easily prepare kozinaki, with pieces of which you can beautifully decorate the sides and top of the cake.

Rice balls and nuts in chocolate. In combination with other decorative elements and icing, balls can perfectly decorate Easter cake. Exactly how is creativity.

Candied citrus slices. They are quite beautiful on their own and, in combination with ribbons, chocolate, spices, will decorate your pastries.

But also decorate it as elegantly as possible. And if earlier the decor of Easter cakes was limited only to sugar or confectionery sprinkles, now there are many more options for how to decorate Easter. Even today you can find a lot.

Decorating Easter cakes is like a special kind of art, the housewives swung so widely in Easter creativity. If you are also thinking about how to decorate Easter in an original way, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most beautiful options for decorating Easter cakes. And yes, it is not only beautiful, but also insanely delicious.

How to decorate an Easter cake: 11 great decor options

Icing for Easter cake: protein or sugar

Protein or sugar icing is a classic decoration option. It plays an important role, because it is not only the decoration of Easter baking, but also the most delicious part of it.

And white icing is an excellent basis for further decoration of Easter cake. Of course, you can just cover Easter with sweet icing and leave it like that. Or you can decorate the icing itself - the choice is yours.

Easter chocolate decoration

Chocolate icing for Easter cake or chocolate decorations will give the Easter cake an incredible taste and make it look like a cake. It is better to pour the chocolate icing on the cake when it has cooled slightly and leave until the chocolate has completely solidified. Sweet tooth will appreciate.

Candied fruits and nuts to decorate the cake

Candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are another great option for decorating Easter cakes. First, cover the cake with icing, sugar fondant or syrup, and put dried fruits or nuts on top. So they will stay on the cap of the Easter cake and will not crumble during cutting or transportation.

Confectionery topping for Easter decor

Another well-known way to decorate with your own hands is to sprinkle it with confectionery sprinkles. This decor is not limited to multi-colored sprinkles. Now you can find sugar balls, and confectionery beads, and edible pearls. Kulich, decorated in this way, will become real.

Easter cake decorations from mastic

If you know how to work with mastic or marzipan, you can try decorating Easter with figures from this confectionery material. And you can also involve children in such a process - they will be happy to help fashion figures from sweet "plasticine".

Decorative painting of Easter cakes

You can also use sugar pencils - these are tubes with colored sugar syrup, which are used to draw any patterns on Easter cakes. Thematic drawings or inscriptions on top of the Easter cake for Easter will look very elegant.

Decoration of Easter cakes with fresh flowers, ribbons and lace

An easy, incredibly beautiful and delicate way to decorate Easter cakes is to decorate them on top with fresh flowers and tie them with a ribbon or lace. Looks amazing.

Dough decorations for Easter cakes

Figures baked from dough will also be a good decoration for Easter cake. Such an Easter decor will look very harmonious and holistic. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar on top and enjoy the beauty.

Zephyr and meringue for decorating Easter cakes

If you decorate Easter cakes with marshmallows, meringue or meringue flowers, it will be non-standard, but very tasty and festive. This option is for those who are not afraid to experiment and surprise.

Easter decoration with fruits and berries

Fresh or canned fruits and berries are also suitable for Easter decoration. It will turn out insanely tasty, useful and original.

Marmalade for decorating Easter cakes

Easter cake decorated with marmalade is an unusual and bright solution for your Easter design. Please your loved ones with an original and delicious baking decor.

Now you know the many options for decorating Easter cakes with your own hands. Choose the decor method that you like the most and bring it to life.

And if you have your own ideas on how to decorate Easter at home, share with us in the comments.

Easter cake - like a big birthday cake! This is the main and long-awaited dessert. And the point is not only in its sweet dough, but also in the festive decoration. Traditional white glaze symbolizes cleansing and the beginning of a new life. All other decoration options - colored or chocolate fudge, inscriptions, sprinkles - appeared much later and also have the right to exist due to their aesthetic and taste qualities. So let's start getting acquainted with all kinds of recipes and decorate Easter cakes for the holiday.

Delicious, simple and quick decor option

Let's start our acquaintance with culinary delights with the simplest recipes. They will be useful to those who take their first steps in the confectionery business, as well as to all hostesses who love to cook goodies in a hurry.

Option number 1 - powdered sugar. What could be easier than decorating Easter cake with ready-made powder or sugar crushed in a coffee grinder? Here, the traditional white color is observed, and the delicacy will turn out - just lick your fingers!

Option number 2 - proteins whipped with sugar. You will need a blender, mixer or whisk. Sugar - half a cup for each protein (usually a couple of pieces are enough). If you baked Easter cakes on your own, then the yolks went to the dough, and the remaining proteins will be very useful for icing. Whipped thick foam is applied to the tops of the Easter cakes and allowed to dry in the oven. It turned out to be an economical recipe of our grandmothers.

Easy way number 3 - ready-made Easter icing. It can be purchased on holiday days at any grocery supermarket. The contents of a small sachet include powdered sugar with additives (starch and citric acid). Starch in the composition is necessary for a faster thickening of the mass, a few minutes will be enough.

The recipe is usually written on the package: beat the powder with proteins in the indicated proportions and then grease the tops of the cakes with a spoon or a pastry brush.

Glaze secrets

There are secrets in preparing the glaze that is ideal in terms of consistency and taste. Let's remember them once and for all, so that later we can be proud of our confectionery masterpieces:

How to make protein glaze - video

Use decorative sprinkles

Ready-made confectionery topping is a real miracle for decorating Easter cakes. One nuance is important: exactly when to sprinkle it on pastries. You need to catch the moment when the glaze is slightly frozen, but not completely dry. If you add the sprinkles too early, into the liquid protein mass, then these multi-colored particles will simply melt. If it is too late, then the sugar decorations will not stick to the surface of the cake. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

You can choose in the store toppings of any colors and shapes and decorate pastries as you like.

You can combine different types of decor to decorate Easter cakes, create unique combinations of colors and shapes. For even more variety, the topping can be replaced with no less beautiful, tasty and fragrant ingredients, namely:

  • coconut flakes;
  • shavings of black, milk and white chocolate;
  • candied fruit.

Instead of protein glaze, you can take home-made chocolate or melted tiles. Then use this option to decorate the Easter cake: pour white chips on the dark chocolate coating, and vice versa, on white icing - dark chocolate.

For lovers of homemade milk chocolate, there is a proven delicious recipe. You will need the following components:

  • 100 g of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


  1. We heat milk on the stove.
  2. We fall asleep in a saucepan with cocoa milk and sugar.
  3. Separately, heat the butter in a water bath and pour it into the milk mixture.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil, then cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  5. We immediately apply the prepared chocolate to the baking, as it solidifies quickly enough.

Sweet letters and inscriptions

There are several interesting ways to make a sweet congratulatory inscription on Easter cake.

Original decor ideas

In addition to the considered popular options, there are many more ways to decorate Easter cake in an original way. Roughly speaking, everything sweet, small and beautiful can be poured onto the icing. For example:

Easter cakes come out very beautiful if you stick thawed berries on the icing. A pair of cherries in the center of round sweet bread is cute, bright and appetizing!

The pinnacle of confectionery craftsmanship is a beautiful Easter cake with figures made of sugar mastic or marzipan. They are bought or molded independently, as if from plasticine. So get the kids involved in making sweet figurines of bunnies, flowers, chickens, doves, willow branches, miniature Easter eggs, angels and more.

For children, you can cook mini-cakes and use the following decoration methods: draw funny smiling faces, bright stars and wonderful hearts with any confectionery.

But glue marshmallows or meringues to the largest Easter cake. Raw protein works great as a cooking glue.

Easter cake decorating ideas don't end there! Options:

Final touches before serving

Now you know almost everything about how to decorate an Easter cake. There are still a few culinary and decorating subtleties left.

  • For a beautiful presentation of the finished Easter cake, it is tied with one ribbon or several multi-colored, openwork, with embroidery. Be sure to tie a magnificent bow, as on a gift. And on the ribbon you can attach a stem with a spring flower, live or artificial. Lay wheat ears and painted eggs side by side.
  • Special culinary paper for wrapping Easter cakes (painted in floral and other motifs) is also for sale.
  • Easter pastries look no less presentable on round white knitted napkins. A towel with an embroidered national ornament is also a good backdrop for Easter dishes. If you like traditional plates, opt for a neutral white one or one that matches the color of your baking decorations.

And most importantly: Easter cakes should be decorated only in a great mood and with great love for the cooking process and for those people for whom the gifts are baked. Only then will the result be real works of confectionery art, pleasant in appearance and taste. Let's connect our spiritual strength and rich imagination to make Easter one of the best holidays of the year!

Icing for Easter cake without eggs - video

The bright, kind, historically significant Easter holiday simply cannot be ignored. Every Christian family in all corners of the globe is preparing for this day with trepidation. It is necessary to prepare not only delicious treats, but also decorate the house and prepare gifts for relatives and loved ones. This is exactly what we are going to talk about today.

How to decorate Easter with your own hands

Strawberry wedges lined at the base, a little sprinkling at the very top, and a delicate mint leaf - a small set of decorations that can work wonders.

For a laconic design, ordinary culinary beads are suitable. You can decide on the color yourself, exactly like with the picture. This can be a chaotic arrangement of curved lines or simple XB letters, as in the photo below.

For decoration, candied fruits, fresh fruits and even thinly sliced ​​almonds are suitable. Spread any fruit that contrasts in color with at the base, stick a mint leaf on top, and decorate the sides of the curd mass with almonds. Simple and original. A mint leaf can be replaced with decorative butterflies that you can easily find on store shelves.

You can not be limited only to the appearance of Easter, go further and think about the filling. A slice of mango placed in the center of the curd form will look very original in the section. From above, you can pour a small amount of melted chocolate and make shavings from almonds. Particularly creative people can decorate the dish itself, on which Easter will be located. This is very unusual and, most importantly, appetizing!

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands

Decorating an Easter cake is a delicate matter that requires a creative approach. The main thing here is to observe the fine line between luxury and frivolity. If until today you have not noticed a note of creative impulses behind you, then it is better to stick to the minimalist style or follow our recommendations.

Don't have enough time for decorations? Then you can go to any culinary store that sells sprinkles, dyes and pastry syringes. Having acquired everything you need that the eye liked, just pour the cake with icing, collect the letters ХВ (which means Christ is Risen) with edible beads and ... that's it. the cake is ready!

However, if you have enough time to decorate the Easter cake, you can set off on a fabulous creative flight here. Mastic alone is worth something, that they just don’t make it. Here are the beautiful chickens grazing on the grass, made by skillful hands from the same edible plasticine.

Another example of a non-standard approach to decorating Easter cakes. Delicate blue cream with silver sprinkling and flowers. A laconic approach, which in this case played a positive role.

Even the simplest Easter cake, covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with crushed nuts, looks unusual and appetizing.
And what about the peaks from the well-known meringue? It is done very quickly, but how airy and original!

Fun, joy, spring - all these thoughts are evoked by just a glance at the Easter cake, decorated with candied fruit and dressed in a bright ribbon.

How to make frosting

classic glaze

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 250 g of powdered sugar;
  • some salt.
  1. Beat pre-chilled proteins with salt at high speed.
  2. With the mixer running, start gradually adding the powdered sugar.
  3. Once all the ingredients are in the bowl, continue beating for about four more minutes.
  4. Spread the stable mass over slightly cooled Easter cakes.

Icing without proteins

  • powdered sugar;
  • lemon juice.
  1. Gradually pour in the lemon juice into the powdered sugar.
  2. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass until no lumps remain.

The mass seizes very quickly, so when applying it to Easter cakes, you can not hesitate.

Glaze with chocolate

  • 100 g chocolate (white or dark - optional);
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • a teaspoon of potato starch;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 7 spoons of milk.
  1. Combine the powder with milk and bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Without removing the mass from the stove, add the chocolate slices and butter (for convenience, chocolate can be grated on a fine grater).
  3. Wait until the chocolate is completely melted while stirring.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and stir until there are no lumps.
  5. As soon as the composition has cooled slightly, apply it to the finished cakes.

Glaze is applicable not only to Easter cakes, but also to cottage cheese Easter.

How to make sprinkles for Easter

You can buy the topping at your local supermarket, or you can make your own, especially since it is quite easy to make.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 450 g of powder;
  • 7 drops of lemon juice;
  • food coloring.
  1. Separate the whites and yolks. For work, only the first will be required.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine the proteins, powder and lemon juice.
  3. Beat at low speed for 10 minutes. The composition should be dense, but with falling peaks after lifting the whisk.
  4. Divide the mass into portions depending on how many colors of sprinkles you will be making. Those. if the color consists of 5 colors, then you need 5 servings.
  5. Add your dye to each of the masses and mix thoroughly.
  6. Using a small cornet, squeeze long, thin colored strips onto a board pre-covered with polyethylene.
  7. Let the strips dry completely.
  8. After that, roll up the polyethylene and crumble the dried strips with your hands.

Voila! The dressing is ready! You can start decorating cooked dishes.

How to decorate a house and a plot for Easter with your own hands

Let's start with the door. After all, it is through it that guests will pass, which means it will be the first thing to pay attention to. An excellent choice would be a homemade wreath made from fresh flowers. It is better not to use artificial ones, since these are “dead” things, and Easter is life.

To prepare the yard for Easter, just hang beautifully decorated eggs on the trees. Looks original and elegant.

The general atmosphere in the house should be filled with bright colors, light and symbols dedicated to the holiday. It can be rabbits, live spring flowers, chickens, etc.

How to decorate a room for Easter with your own hands

Decorating a room is no different than decorating a house. The same rules apply as for other places. Arrange homemade souvenirs harmoniously, you can hang a small flower wreath on the door. Burning candles will be an excellent addition, which will give comfort and romance in the evening. In addition, it will help burn bad energy in the room. Fresh flowers in vases are also welcome.

How to decorate a fireplace for Easter

The fireplace can be hung with various Easter decorations, which are either made independently or bought. Put massive candles inside that can be lit in the evenings. Wicker baskets standing on the fireplace, in which knitted hens with eggs and chickens sit, look original. Ribbons, bows and other bright decor elements in a harmonious combination will delight your guests and create a cozy holiday atmosphere.

How to decorate the table for Easter

The Zubyanka plant, sown in a small pot, can serve as an Easter table decoration. The latter can also be decorated.

In general, the table should be given special attention, since it is at it that the whole family will gather to break the fast. To beautifully decorate the table for Easter, ordinary flowers and symbols of the holiday are enough. The original serving of dishes also does not hurt. Here are some great ideas for preparing a festive table.

How to make a candy bunny for Easter

Homemade candy bunnies can be an original decoration and a gift. Needless to say, the kids will be especially happy with such a present.

  • Glue the sides of the souvenir, fixing them with glue. First, do not forget to secure the “stuffing” more securely.

Everything, the Easter Bunny is ready.

How to make cookies for Easter

The ingredients are for 25 cookies.

  • 25 canned apricot halves
  • 100 g butter
  • 250 g flour
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 180 g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 spoon of milk
  • 3 spoons of lemon juice
  1. Beat softened butter with sugar with a mixer.
  2. With the mixer running, add the egg and milk.
  3. Add the sifted flour and knead into a soft soft dough.
  4. Sprinkle the table with a little flour and roll out the dough so that its thickness is 5 mm.
  5. With a glass, “cut” circles from the dough, with a diameter of 6 cm.
  6. Bake cookies on parchment at 180° for about 10 minutes.

While the cookies are cooling, prepare the frosting and decoration.

  1. Spread the apricot halves on a paper towel so that all the liquid is gone.
  2. Rub powdered sugar with lemon juice.
  3. When the cookies are slightly warm, grease them with the prepared icing, and lay the half of the apricot evenly in the center, pressing it lightly.

As soon as the mass on the cookies hardens - the treat is ready!

How to decorate a basket for Easter with your own hands

Before putting Easter eggs in a basket, the latter needs to be festively decorated.

  • An excellent option for decorating a basket is flowers. They will enliven the image, make it light and airy.

  • A beautiful ornament laid out on a piece of fabric and made using branches and eggs looks quite original.

  • In general, the basket can be decorated as you wish. Get creative. Even the most ordinary ribbon can serve as a wonderful decoration for an Easter basket, the main thing is to tie it correctly.

How to make a DIY Easter card

A simple postcard for Easter, which is done in a couple of minutes. A detailed master class that does not require comments.

What will be required:

  • tracing paper;
  • colored adhesive tape;
  • thick paper for postcards;
  • piece of paper;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • scissors and a couple of minutes of free time.

Finally, a video that presents interesting ideas for Easter souvenirs. Watch, be inspired, create!